Exemplo n.º 1
void TSShapeLoader::generateNodeTransform(AppNode* node, F32 t, bool blend, F32 referenceTime,
                                          QuatF& rot, Point3F& trans, QuatF& srot, Point3F& scale)
   MatrixF m1 = getLocalNodeMatrix(node, t);
   if (blend)
      MatrixF m0 = getLocalNodeMatrix(node, referenceTime);
      m1 = m0.inverse() * m1;

   trans = m1.getPosition();
   srot.identity();        //@todo: srot not supported yet
   scale = m1.getScale();
void fxShapeReplicator::CreateShapes(void)
   F32				HypX, HypY;
   F32				Angle;
   U32				RelocationRetry;
   Point3F			ShapePosition;
   Point3F			ShapeStart;
   Point3F			ShapeEnd;
   Point3F			ShapeScale;
   EulerF			ShapeRotation;
   QuatF			QRotation;
   bool			CollisionResult;
   RayInfo			RayEvent;
   TSShape*		pShape;

   // Don't create shapes if we are hiding replications.
   if (mFieldData.mHideReplications) return;

   // Cannot continue without shapes!
   if (dStrcmp(mFieldData.mShapeFile, "") == 0) return;

   // Check that we can position somewhere!
   if (!(	mFieldData.mAllowOnTerrain ||
      mFieldData.mAllowStatics ||
      // Problem ...
      Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "[%s] - Could not place object, All alloweds are off!", getName());

      // Return here.

   // Check Shapes.
   AssertFatal(mCurrentShapeCount==0,"Shapes already present, this should not be possible!")

      // Check that we have a shape...
      if (!mFieldData.mShapeFile) return;

   // Set Seed.

   // Set shape vector.

   // Add shapes.
   for (U32 idx = 0; idx < mFieldData.mShapeCount; idx++)
      fxShapeReplicatedStatic*	fxStatic;

      // Create our static shape.
      fxStatic = new fxShapeReplicatedStatic();

      // Set the 'shapeName' field.
      fxStatic->setField("shapeName", mFieldData.mShapeFile);

      // Is this Replicator on the Server?
      if (isServerObject())
         // Yes, so stop it from Ghosting. (Hack, Hack, Hack!)
         fxStatic->touchNetFlags(Ghostable, false);
         // No, so flag as ghost object. (Another damn Hack!)
         fxStatic->touchNetFlags(IsGhost, true);

      // Register the Object.
      if (!fxStatic->registerObject())
         // Problem ...
         Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "[%s] - Could not load shape file '%s'!", getName(), mFieldData.mShapeFile);

         // Destroy Shape.
         delete fxStatic;

         // Destroy existing hapes.

         // Quit.

      // Get Allocated Shape.
      pShape = fxStatic->getShape();

      // Reset Relocation Retry.
      RelocationRetry = mFieldData.mShapeRetries;

      // Find it a home ...
         // Get the Replicator Position.
         ShapePosition = getPosition();

         // Calculate a random offset
         HypX	= RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mInnerRadiusX, mFieldData.mOuterRadiusX);
         HypY	= RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mInnerRadiusY, mFieldData.mOuterRadiusY);
         Angle	= RandomGen.randF(0, (F32)M_2PI);

         // Calcualte the new position.
         ShapePosition.x += HypX * mCos(Angle);
         ShapePosition.y += HypY * mSin(Angle);

         // Initialise RayCast Search Start/End Positions.
         ShapeStart = ShapeEnd = ShapePosition;
         ShapeStart.z = 2000.f;
         ShapeEnd.z= -2000.f;

         // Is this the Server?
         if (isServerObject())
            // Perform Ray Cast Collision on Server Terrain.
            CollisionResult = gServerContainer.castRay(ShapeStart, ShapeEnd, FXREPLICATOR_COLLISION_MASK, &RayEvent);
            // Perform Ray Cast Collision on Client Terrain.
            CollisionResult = gClientContainer.castRay(	ShapeStart, ShapeEnd, FXREPLICATOR_COLLISION_MASK, &RayEvent);

         // Did we hit anything?
         if (CollisionResult)
            // For now, let's pretend we didn't get a collision.
            CollisionResult = false;

            // Yes, so get it's type.
            U32 CollisionType = RayEvent.object->getTypeMask();

            // Check Illegal Placements.
            if (((CollisionType & TerrainObjectType) && !mFieldData.mAllowOnTerrain)	||
               ((CollisionType & StaticShapeObjectType) && !mFieldData.mAllowStatics)	||
               ((CollisionType & WaterObjectType) && !mFieldData.mAllowOnWater) ) continue;

            // If we collided with water and are not allowing on the water surface then let's find the
            // terrain underneath and pass this on as the original collision else fail.
            // NOTE:- We need to do this on the server/client as appropriate.
            if ((CollisionType & WaterObjectType) && !mFieldData.mAllowWaterSurface)
               // Is this the Server?
               if (isServerObject())
                  // Yes, so do it on the server container.
                  if (!gServerContainer.castRay( ShapeStart, ShapeEnd, FXREPLICATOR_NOWATER_COLLISION_MASK, &RayEvent)) continue;
                  // No, so do it on the client container.
                  if (!gClientContainer.castRay( ShapeStart, ShapeEnd, FXREPLICATOR_NOWATER_COLLISION_MASK, &RayEvent)) continue;

            // We passed with flying colours so carry on.
            CollisionResult = true;

         // Invalidate if we are below Allowed Terrain Angle.
         if (RayEvent.normal.z < mSin(mDegToRad(90.0f-mFieldData.mAllowedTerrainSlope))) CollisionResult = false;

         // Wait until we get a collision.
      } while(!CollisionResult && --RelocationRetry);

      // Check for Relocation Problem.
      if (RelocationRetry > 0)
         // Adjust Impact point.
         RayEvent.point.z += mFieldData.mOffsetZ;

         // Set New Position.
         ShapePosition = RayEvent.point;
         // Warning.
         Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "[%s] - Could not find satisfactory position for shape '%s' on %s!", getName(), mFieldData.mShapeFile,isServerObject()?"Server":"Client");

         // Unregister Object.

         // Destroy Shape.
         delete fxStatic;

         // Skip to next.

      // Get Shape Transform.
      MatrixF XForm = fxStatic->getTransform();

      // Are we aligning to Terrain?
      if (mFieldData.mAlignToTerrain)
         // Yes, so set rotation to Terrain Impact Normal.
         ShapeRotation = RayEvent.normal * mFieldData.mTerrainAlignment;
         // No, so choose a new Rotation (in Radians).
         ShapeRotation.set(	mDegToRad(RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mShapeRotateMin.x, mFieldData.mShapeRotateMax.x)),
            mDegToRad(RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mShapeRotateMin.y, mFieldData.mShapeRotateMax.y)),
            mDegToRad(RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mShapeRotateMin.z, mFieldData.mShapeRotateMax.z)));

      // Set Quaternion Roation.

      // Set Transform Rotation.

      // Set Position.
      XForm.setColumn(3, ShapePosition);

      // Set Shape Position / Rotation.

      // Choose a new Scale.
      ShapeScale.set(	RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mShapeScaleMin.x, mFieldData.mShapeScaleMax.x),
         RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mShapeScaleMin.y, mFieldData.mShapeScaleMax.y),
         RandomGen.randF(mFieldData.mShapeScaleMin.z, mFieldData.mShapeScaleMax.z));

      // Set Shape Scale.

      // Lock it.

      // Store Shape in Replicated Shapes Vector.
      //mReplicatedShapes[mCurrentShapeCount++] = fxStatic;


   mCurrentShapeCount = mReplicatedShapes.size();

   // Take first Timestamp.
   mLastRenderTime = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds();