Exemplo n.º 1
void UAnimMontage::EvaluateCurveData(class UAnimInstance* Instance, float CurrentTime, float BlendWeight ) const
	Super::EvaluateCurveData(Instance, CurrentTime, BlendWeight);

	// I also need to evaluate curve of the animation
	// for now we only get the first slot
	// in the future, we'll need to do based on highest weight?
	// first get all the montage instance weight this slot node has
	if ( SlotAnimTracks.Num() > 0 )
		const FAnimTrack& Track = SlotAnimTracks[0].AnimTrack;
		for (int32 I=0; I<Track.AnimSegments.Num(); ++I)
			const FAnimSegment& AnimSegment = Track.AnimSegments[I];

			float PositionInAnim = 0.f;
			float Weight = 0.f;
			UAnimSequenceBase* AnimRef = AnimSegment.GetAnimationData(CurrentTime, PositionInAnim, Weight);
			// make this to be 1 function
			if ( AnimRef && Weight > ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH )
				// todo anim: hack - until we fix animcomposite
				UAnimSequence * Sequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(AnimRef);
				if ( Sequence )
					Sequence->EvaluateCurveData(Instance, PositionInAnim, BlendWeight*Weight);