Exemplo n.º 1
void UAnimPreviewInstance::SetKeyImplementation(const FCompactPose& PreControllerInLocalSpace, const FCompactPose& PostControllerInLocalSpace)
	// evaluate the curve data first
	UAnimSequence* CurrentSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(CurrentAsset);
	UDebugSkelMeshComponent* Component = Cast<UDebugSkelMeshComponent> (GetSkelMeshComponent());

	if(CurrentSequence && CurrentSkeleton && Component && Component->SkeletalMesh)
		FScopedTransaction ScopedTransaction(LOCTEXT("SetKey", "Set Key"));

		TArray<FName> BonesToModify;
		// need to get component transform first. Depending on when this gets called, the transform is not up-to-date. 
		// first look at the bonecontrollers, and convert each bone controller to transform curve key
		// and add new curvebonecontrollers with additive data type
		// clear bone controller data
		for(auto& SingleBoneController : BoneControllers)
			// find bone name, and just get transform of the bone in local space
			// and get the additive data
			// find if this already exists, then just add curve data only
			FName BoneName = SingleBoneController.BoneToModify.BoneName;
			// now convert data
			const FMeshPoseBoneIndex MeshBoneIndex(Component->GetBoneIndex(BoneName));
			const FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex = RequiredBones.MakeCompactPoseIndex(MeshBoneIndex);
			FTransform  LocalTransform = PostControllerInLocalSpace[BoneIndex];

			// now we have LocalTransform and get additive data
			FTransform AdditiveTransform = LocalTransform.GetRelativeTransform(PreControllerInLocalSpace[BoneIndex]);
			AddKeyToSequence(CurrentSequence, CurrentTime, BoneName, AdditiveTransform);


		// see if the bone is selected right now and if that is added - if bone is selected, we should add identity key to it. 
		if ( Component->BonesOfInterest.Num() > 0 )
			// if they're selected, we should add to the modifyBone list even if they're not modified, so that they can key that point. 
			// first make sure those are added 
			// if not added, make sure to set the key for them
			for (const auto& BoneIndex : Component->BonesOfInterest)
				FName BoneName = Component->GetBoneName(BoneIndex);
				// if it's not on BonesToModify, add identity here. 
				if (!BonesToModify.Contains(BoneName))
					AddKeyToSequence(CurrentSequence, CurrentTime, BoneName, FTransform::Identity);

