// run the initilized retina filter in order to perform color tone mapping, after this call all retina outputs are updated
void _runRGBToneMapping(const std::valarray<float> &RGBimageInput, std::valarray<float> &RGBimageOutput, const bool useAdaptiveFiltering)
    // multiplex the image with the color sampling method specified in the constructor

    // apply tone mapping on the multiplexed image
    _runGrayToneMapping(_colorEngine->getMultiplexedFrame(), RGBimageOutput);

    // demultiplex tone maped image
    _colorEngine->runColorDemultiplexing(RGBimageOutput, useAdaptiveFiltering, _multiuseFilter->getMaxInputValue());//_ColorEngine->getMultiplexedFrame());//_ParvoRetinaFilter->getPhotoreceptorsLPfilteringOutput());

    // rescaling result between 0 and 255

    // return the result