Пример #1
NOXREF void CGib::SpawnStickyGibs(entvars_t *pevVictim, Vector vecOrigin, int cGibs)
	if (g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN)
		// no sticky gibs in germany right now!

	for (int i = 0; i < cGibs; ++i)
		CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr<CCSGib>((CGib *)NULL);

		pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0, 2);

		if (pevVictim)
			pGib->pev->origin.x = vecOrigin.x + RANDOM_FLOAT(-3, 3);
			pGib->pev->origin.y = vecOrigin.y + RANDOM_FLOAT(-3, 3);
			pGib->pev->origin.z = vecOrigin.z + RANDOM_FLOAT(-3, 3);

			// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
			pGib->pev->velocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;

			// mix in some noise
			pGib->pev->velocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT(-0.15, 0.15);
			pGib->pev->velocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT(-0.15, 0.15);
			pGib->pev->velocity.z += RANDOM_FLOAT(-0.15, 0.15);

			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 900;

			pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT(250, 400);
			pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT(250, 400);

			// copy owner's blood color
			pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();

			if (pevVictim->health > -50)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
			else if (pevVictim->health > -200)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;

			pGib->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
			pGib->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
			UTIL_SetSize(pGib->pev, Vector(0, 0,0), Vector(0, 0, 0));

Пример #2
void CGib::SpawnHeadGib(entvars_t *pevVictim)
	CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr<CCSGib>((CGib *)NULL);

	if (g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN)
		// throw one head
		pGib->pev->body = 0;
		// throw one head
		pGib->pev->body = 0;

	if (pevVictim)
		pGib->pev->origin = pevVictim->origin + pevVictim->view_ofs;

		edict_t *pentPlayer = FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS(pGib->edict());

		if (RANDOM_LONG(0, 100) <= 5 && pentPlayer != NULL)
			// 5% chance head will be thrown at player's face.
			entvars_t *pevPlayer = VARS(pentPlayer);

			pGib->pev->velocity = ((pevPlayer->origin + pevPlayer->view_ofs) - pGib->pev->origin).Normalize() * 300;
			pGib->pev->velocity.z += 100;
			// TODO: fix test demo
			pGib->pev->velocity.z = RANDOM_FLOAT(200, 300);
			pGib->pev->velocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT(-100, 100);
			pGib->pev->velocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT(-100, 100);

		pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT(100, 200);
		pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT(100, 300);

		// copy owner's blood color
		pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();

		if (pevVictim->health > -50)
			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
		else if (pevVictim->health > -200)
			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;

Пример #3
void CGib::SpawnStickyGibs( CBaseEntity *pVictim, Vector vecOrigin, int cGibs )
	int i;

	//City17: Germany Violence Fix.
	/*if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
		// no sticky gibs in germany right now!

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cGibs ; i++ )
		CGib *pGib = (CGib *)CreateEntityByName( "gib" );

		pGib->Spawn( "models/stickygib.mdl" );
		pGib->m_nBody = random->RandomInt(0,2);

		if ( pVictim )
				Vector( vecOrigin.x + random->RandomFloat( -3, 3 ),
						vecOrigin.y + random->RandomFloat( -3, 3 ),
						vecOrigin.z + random->RandomFloat( -3, 3 ) ) );

			// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
			Vector vecNewVelocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;

			// mix in some noise
			vecNewVelocity.x += random->RandomFloat ( -0.15, 0.15 );
			vecNewVelocity.y += random->RandomFloat ( -0.15, 0.15 );
			vecNewVelocity.z += random->RandomFloat ( -0.15, 0.15 );

			vecNewVelocity *= 900;

			QAngle vecAngVelocity( random->RandomFloat ( 250, 400 ), random->RandomFloat ( 250, 400 ), 0 );
			pGib->SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecAngVelocity );

			// copy owner's blood color
			pGib->SetBloodColor( pVictim->BloodColor() );
			pGib->AdjustVelocityBasedOnHealth( pVictim->m_iHealth, vecNewVelocity );
			pGib->SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
			pGib->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY );
			pGib->RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
			pGib->SetCollisionBounds( vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
			pGib->SetTouch ( &CGib::StickyGibTouch );
			pGib->SetThink (NULL);
Пример #4
void CGib::SpawnHeadGib( CBaseEntity *pVictim )
	CGib *pGib = CREATE_ENTITY( CGib, "gib" );

	//City17: Germany Violence Fix.
	/*if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
		pGib->Spawn( "models/germangibs.mdl" );// throw one head
		pGib->m_nBody = 0;
		pGib->Spawn( "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl" );// throw one head
		pGib->m_nBody = 0;

	if ( pVictim )
		Vector vecNewVelocity = pGib->GetAbsVelocity();

		pGib->SetLocalOrigin( pVictim->EyePosition() );
		edict_t *pentPlayer = UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pGib->edict() );
		if ( random->RandomInt ( 0, 100 ) <= 5 && pentPlayer )
			// 5% chance head will be thrown at player's face.
			CBasePlayer *player = (CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pentPlayer );
			if ( player )
				vecNewVelocity = ( player->EyePosition() ) - pGib->GetAbsOrigin();
				vecNewVelocity *= 300;
				vecNewVelocity.z += 100;
			vecNewVelocity = Vector (random->RandomFloat(-100,100), random->RandomFloat(-100,100), random->RandomFloat(200,300));

		QAngle vecNewAngularVelocity = pGib->GetLocalAngularVelocity();
		vecNewAngularVelocity.x = random->RandomFloat ( 100, 200 );
		vecNewAngularVelocity.y = random->RandomFloat ( 100, 300 );
		pGib->SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecNewAngularVelocity );

		// copy owner's blood color
		pGib->SetBloodColor( pVictim->BloodColor() );
		pGib->AdjustVelocityBasedOnHealth( pVictim->m_iHealth, vecNewVelocity );
		pGib->SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
Пример #5
void CGib :: SpawnHeadGib( entvars_t *pevVictim, const char* szGibModel )
	CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );

	pGib->Spawn( szGibModel );// throw one head
	pGib->pev->body = 0;

	if ( pevVictim )
		pGib->pev->origin = pevVictim->origin + pevVictim->view_ofs;
		edict_t		*pentPlayer = FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS( pGib->edict() );
		if ( RANDOM_LONG ( 0, 100 ) <= 5 && pentPlayer )
			// 5% chance head will be thrown at player's face.
			entvars_t	*pevPlayer;

			pevPlayer = VARS( pentPlayer );
			pGib->pev->velocity = ( ( pevPlayer->origin + pevPlayer->view_ofs ) - pGib->pev->origin ).Normalize() * 300;
			pGib->pev->velocity.z += 100;
			pGib->pev->velocity = Vector (RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(200,300));

		pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 200 );
		pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 300 );

		// copy owner's blood color
		pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();
		if ( pevVictim->health > -50)
			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
		else if ( pevVictim->health > -200)
			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;
Пример #6
void CGib :: SpawnHeadGib( entvars_t *pevVictim )
	CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );

	if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
		pGib->Spawn( "models/germangibs.mdl" );// throw one head
		pGib->pev->body = 0;
		pGib->Spawn( "models/head.mdl" );// throw one head

	if ( pevVictim )
		pGib->pev->origin = pevVictim->origin + pevVictim->view_ofs;
		edict_t		*pentPlayer = FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS( pGib->edict() );

		pGib->pev->velocity = Vector (RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(300,400));

		pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 200 );
		pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 300 );

		// copy owner's blood color
		pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();

		// Set its groupinfo to the player's
		pGib->pev->groupinfo = pevVictim->groupinfo;
		// Since this only ever happens when a player is hit by a frozen decapitator disc, make the gibs glow
		pGib->pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell;
		pGib->pev->rendercolor = Vector( 100,100, 250 );
		pGib->pev->renderamt = 25;
Пример #7
void CGib :: SpawnRandomGibs( entvars_t *pevVictim, int cGibs, int human )
	int cSplat;

	for ( cSplat = 0 ; cSplat < cGibs ; cSplat++ )
		CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );

		if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
			pGib->Spawn( "models/germangibs.mdl" );
			pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0,GERMAN_GIB_COUNT-1);
			if ( human )
				// human pieces
				pGib->Spawn( "models/hgibs.mdl" );
				pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(1,HUMAN_GIB_COUNT-1);// start at one to avoid throwing random amounts of skulls (0th gib)
				// aliens
				pGib->Spawn( "models/agibs.mdl" );
				pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0,ALIEN_GIB_COUNT-1);

		if ( pevVictim )
			// spawn the gib somewhere in the monster's bounding volume
			pGib->pev->origin.x = pevVictim->absmin.x + pevVictim->size.x * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
			pGib->pev->origin.y = pevVictim->absmin.y + pevVictim->size.y * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
			pGib->pev->origin.z = pevVictim->absmin.z + pevVictim->size.z * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) ) + 1;	// absmin.z is in the floor because the engine subtracts 1 to enlarge the box

			// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
			pGib->pev->velocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;

			// mix in some noise
			pGib->pev->velocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
			pGib->pev->velocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
			pGib->pev->velocity.z += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );

			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * RANDOM_FLOAT ( 600, 700 );

			pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 200 );
			pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 300 );

			// copy owner's blood color
			pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();
			if ( pevVictim->health > -50)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
			else if ( pevVictim->health > -200)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;

			pGib->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
			UTIL_SetSize ( pGib->pev, Vector( 0 , 0 , 0 ), Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ) );

			// Set its groupinfo to the player's
			pGib->pev->groupinfo = pevVictim->groupinfo;
			// Since this only ever happens when a player is hit by a frozen decapitator disc, make the gibs glow
			pGib->pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell;
			pGib->pev->rendercolor = Vector( 150,150,250 );
			pGib->pev->renderamt = 100;
Пример #8
//LRC - changed signature, to support custom gib models
void CGib :: SpawnRandomGibs( entvars_t *pevVictim, int cGibs, int notfirst, const char *szGibModel )
	if (cGibs == 0) return; // spawn nothing!

	CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );
	pGib->Spawn( szGibModel );

	//LRC - check the model itself to find out how many gibs are available
	studiohdr_t *pstudiohdr = (studiohdr_t *)(GET_MODEL_PTR( ENT(pGib->pev) ));
	if (! pstudiohdr)

	mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart = (mstudiobodyparts_t *)((byte *)pstudiohdr + pstudiohdr->bodypartindex);
	//ALERT(at_console, "read %d bodyparts, canonical is %d\n", pbodypart->nummodels, HUMAN_GIB_COUNT);

	for (int cSplat = 0 ; cSplat < cGibs ; cSplat++ )
		if (pGib == NULL) // first time through, we set pGib before the loop started
			pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );
			pGib->Spawn( szGibModel );

		if (notfirst)
			pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(1, pbodypart->nummodels - 1);// start at one to avoid throwing random amounts of skulls (0th gib)
			pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0, pbodypart->nummodels - 1);

		if ( pevVictim )
			// spawn the gib somewhere in the monster's bounding volume
			pGib->pev->origin.x = pevVictim->absmin.x + pevVictim->size.x * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
			pGib->pev->origin.y = pevVictim->absmin.y + pevVictim->size.y * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
			pGib->pev->origin.z = pevVictim->absmin.z + pevVictim->size.z * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) ) + 1;	// absmin.z is in the floor because the engine subtracts 1 to enlarge the box

			// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
			pGib->pev->velocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;

			// mix in some noise
			pGib->pev->velocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
			pGib->pev->velocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
			pGib->pev->velocity.z += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );

			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * RANDOM_FLOAT ( 300, 400 );

			pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 200 );
			pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 300 );

			// copy owner's blood color
			pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();
			if ( pevVictim->health > -50)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
			else if ( pevVictim->health > -200)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;

			pGib->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
			UTIL_SetSize ( pGib->pev, Vector( 0 , 0 , 0 ), Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
		pGib = NULL; //LRC
Пример #9
void CGib::SpawnRandomGibs(entvars_t *pevVictim, int cGibs, int human)
	int cSplat;
	for (cSplat = 0; cSplat < cGibs; ++cSplat)
		CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr<CCSGib>((CGib *)NULL);

		if (g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN)
			pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0, GERMAN_GIB_COUNT - 1);
			if (human)
				// human pieces
				// start at one to avoid throwing random amounts of skulls (0th gib)
				pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(1, HUMAN_GIB_COUNT - 1);
				// aliens
				pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0, ALIEN_GIB_COUNT - 1);

		if (pevVictim)
			// spawn the gib somewhere in the monster's bounding volume
			pGib->pev->origin.x = pevVictim->absmin.x + pevVictim->size.x * (RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 1));
			pGib->pev->origin.y = pevVictim->absmin.y + pevVictim->size.y * (RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 1));
			// absmin.z is in the floor because the engine subtracts 1 to enlarge the box
			pGib->pev->origin.z = pevVictim->absmin.z + pevVictim->size.z * (RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 1)) + 1;

			// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
			pGib->pev->velocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;

			// mix in some noise
			pGib->pev->velocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT(-0.25, 0.25);
			pGib->pev->velocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT(-0.25, 0.25);
			pGib->pev->velocity.z += RANDOM_FLOAT(-0.25, 0.25);

			pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * RANDOM_FLOAT(300, 400);

			pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT(100, 200);
			pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT(100, 300);

			// copy owner's blood color
			pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();

			if (pevVictim->health > -50)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;

			else if (pevVictim->health > -200)
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
				pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;

			pGib->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
			UTIL_SetSize(pGib->pev, Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0));