Пример #1
// Purpose : Given an .mdl file with gibs and the number of gibs in the file
//			 spawns them in pVictim's bounding box
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CGib::SpawnSpecificGibs(	CBaseEntity*	pVictim, 
								int				nNumGibs, 
								float			vMinVelocity, 
								float			vMaxVelocity, 
								const char*		cModelName,
								float			flLifetime)
	for ( int i = 0; i < nNumGibs; i++ )
		CGib *pGib = CREATE_ENTITY( CGib, "gib" );
		pGib->Spawn( cModelName, flLifetime );
		pGib->m_nBody = i;
		pGib->InitGib( pVictim, vMinVelocity, vMaxVelocity );
		pGib->m_lifeTime = flLifetime;
		if ( pVictim != NULL )
			pGib->SetOwnerEntity( pVictim );
		//If pVictim is on fire, ignite pVictim's gibs as well.
		if ( pVictim->GetFlags() & FL_ONFIRE )
			pGib->Ignite( ( flLifetime - 1 ), false );
// Pow!
void CPropAPC2::ExplodeAndThrowChunk( const Vector &vecExplosionPos )
	ExplosionCreate( vecExplosionPos, vec3_angle, this, 1000, 500.0f, 
	UTIL_ScreenShake( vecExplosionPos, 25.0, 150.0, 1.0, 750.0f, SHAKE_START );

	// Drop a flaming, smoking chunk.
	CGib *pChunk = CREATE_ENTITY( CGib, "gib" );
	pChunk->Spawn( "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl" );
	pChunk->SetBloodColor( DONT_BLEED );

	QAngle vecSpawnAngles;
	vecSpawnAngles.Random( -90, 90 );
	pChunk->SetAbsOrigin( vecExplosionPos );
	pChunk->SetAbsAngles( vecSpawnAngles );

	int nGib = random->RandomInt( 0, APC_MAX_CHUNKS - 1 );
	pChunk->Spawn( s_pChunkModelName[nGib] );
	pChunk->SetOwnerEntity( this );
	pChunk->m_lifeTime = random->RandomFloat( 6.0f, 8.0f );
	pChunk->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS );
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pChunk->VPhysicsInitNormal( SOLID_VPHYSICS, pChunk->GetSolidFlags(), false );
	// Set the velocity
	if ( pPhysicsObject )
		pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( true );
		Vector vecVelocity;

		QAngle angles;
		angles.x = random->RandomFloat( -40, 0 );
		angles.y = random->RandomFloat( 0, 360 );
		angles.z = 0.0f;
		AngleVectors( angles, &vecVelocity );
		vecVelocity *= random->RandomFloat( 300, 900 );
		vecVelocity += GetAbsVelocity();

		AngularImpulse angImpulse;
		angImpulse = RandomAngularImpulse( -180, 180 );

		pChunk->SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );
		pPhysicsObject->SetVelocity(&vecVelocity, &angImpulse );

	CEntityFlame *pFlame = CEntityFlame::Create( pChunk, false );
	if ( pFlame != NULL )
		pFlame->SetLifetime( pChunk->m_lifeTime );
	pChunk->Dissolve( NULL, gpGlobals->curtime, false, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL );
Пример #3
// Purpose : Given an .mdl file with gibs and the number of gibs in the file
//			 spawns them in pVictim's bounding box
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CGib::SpawnSpecificGibs(	CBaseEntity*	pVictim, 
								int				nNumGibs, 
								float			vMinVelocity, 
								float			vMaxVelocity, 
								const char*		cModelName,
								float			flLifetime)
	for (int i=0;i<nNumGibs;i++)
		CGib *pGib = CREATE_ENTITY( CGib, "gib" );
		pGib->Spawn( cModelName );
		pGib->m_nBody = i;
		pGib->InitGib( pVictim, vMinVelocity, vMaxVelocity );
		pGib->m_lifeTime = flLifetime;
		if ( pVictim != NULL )
			pGib->SetOwnerEntity( pVictim );
Пример #4
// Purpose: 
void CPropAPC::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	m_OnDeath.FireOutput( info.GetAttacker(), this );

	Vector vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs;
	CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vecAbsMins, &vecAbsMaxs );

	Vector vecNormalizedMins, vecNormalizedMaxs;
	CollisionProp()->WorldToNormalizedSpace( vecAbsMins, &vecNormalizedMins );
	CollisionProp()->WorldToNormalizedSpace( vecAbsMaxs, &vecNormalizedMaxs );

	Vector vecAbsPoint;
	CPASFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() );
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		CollisionProp()->RandomPointInBounds( vecNormalizedMins, vecNormalizedMaxs, &vecAbsPoint );
		te->Explosion( filter, random->RandomFloat( 0.0, 1.0 ),	&vecAbsPoint, 
			g_sModelIndexFireball, random->RandomInt( 4, 10 ), 
			random->RandomInt( 8, 15 ), 
			100, 0 );

	// TODO: make the gibs spawn in sync with the delayed explosions
	int nGibs = random->RandomInt( 1, 4 );
	for ( int i = 0; i < nGibs; i++)
		// Throw a flaming, smoking chunk.
		CGib *pChunk = CREATE_ENTITY( CGib, "gib" );
		pChunk->Spawn( "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl" );
		pChunk->SetBloodColor( DONT_BLEED );

		QAngle vecSpawnAngles;
		vecSpawnAngles.Random( -90, 90 );
		pChunk->SetAbsOrigin( vecAbsPoint );
		pChunk->SetAbsAngles( vecSpawnAngles );

		int nGib = random->RandomInt( 0, APC_MAX_CHUNKS - 1 );
		pChunk->Spawn( s_pChunkModelName[nGib] );
		pChunk->SetOwnerEntity( this );
		pChunk->m_lifeTime = random->RandomFloat( 6.0f, 8.0f );
		pChunk->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS );
		IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pChunk->VPhysicsInitNormal( SOLID_VPHYSICS, pChunk->GetSolidFlags(), false );
		// Set the velocity
		if ( pPhysicsObject )
			pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( true );
			Vector vecVelocity;

			QAngle angles;
			angles.x = random->RandomFloat( -20, 20 );
			angles.y = random->RandomFloat( 0, 360 );
			angles.z = 0.0f;
			AngleVectors( angles, &vecVelocity );
			vecVelocity *= random->RandomFloat( 300, 900 );
			vecVelocity += GetAbsVelocity();

			AngularImpulse angImpulse;
			angImpulse = RandomAngularImpulse( -180, 180 );

			pChunk->SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );
			pPhysicsObject->SetVelocity(&vecVelocity, &angImpulse );

		CEntityFlame *pFlame = CEntityFlame::Create( pChunk, false );
		if ( pFlame != NULL )
			pFlame->SetLifetime( pChunk->m_lifeTime );

	UTIL_ScreenShake( vecAbsPoint, 25.0, 150.0, 1.0, 750.0f, SHAKE_START );

	if( hl2_episodic.GetBool() )
		// EP1 perf hit
		Ignite( 6, false );
		Ignite( 60, false );

	m_lifeState = LIFE_DYING;

	// Spawn a lesser amount if the player is close
	m_flRocketTime = gpGlobals->curtime;