Vector3d Quaternion::directionVector(const int col) const { Matrix4 dirMat = toMatrix(); return Vector3d(dirMat.getValue(0, col), dirMat.getValue(1, col), dirMat.getValue(2, col)); }
bool XMLElement::SetMatrix4(const ea::string& name, const Matrix4& value) { return SetAttribute(name, value.ToString()); }
void Matrix4::load(const Matrix4& v) { memcpy(data,, sizeof(data)); mType = v.getType(); }
Matrix4 operator*(Matrix4 left, const Matrix4& right) { return left.Multiply(right); }
void DisCOVERay::renderRect(const vistle::Matrix4 &P, const vistle::Matrix4 &MV, const IceTInt *viewport, int width, int height, unsigned char *rgba, float *depth) { //StopWatch timer("DisCOVERay::render()"); #if 0 CERR << "IceT draw CB: vp=" << viewport[0] << ", " << viewport[1] << ", " << viewport[2] << ", " << viewport[3] << ", img: " << width << "x" << height << std::endl; #endif const int w = viewport[2]; const int h = viewport[3]; const int ts = m_tilesize; const int wt = ((w+ts-1)/ts)*ts; const int ht = ((h+ts-1)/ts)*ts; const int ntx = wt/ts; const int nty = ht/ts; //CERR << "PROJ:" << P << std::endl << std::endl; const vistle::Matrix4 MVP = P * MV; const auto inv = MVP.inverse(); const Vector4 ro4 = MV.inverse().col(3); const Vector ro = ro4.block<3,1>(0,0)/ro4[3]; const Vector4 lbn4 = inv * Vector4(-1, -1, -1, 1); Vector lbn(lbn4[0], lbn4[1], lbn4[2]); lbn /= lbn4[3]; const Vector4 lbf4 = inv * Vector4(-1, -1, 1, 1); Vector lbf(lbf4[0], lbf4[1], lbf4[2]); lbf /= lbf4[3]; const Vector4 rbn4 = inv * Vector4(1, -1, -1, 1); Vector rbn(rbn4[0], rbn4[1], rbn4[2]); rbn /= rbn4[3]; const Vector4 ltn4 = inv * Vector4(-1, 1, -1, 1); Vector ltn(ltn4[0], ltn4[1], ltn4[2]); ltn /= ltn4[3]; const Scalar tFar = (lbf-ro).norm()/(lbn-ro).norm(); const Matrix4 depthTransform = MVP; TileTask renderTile(*this, m_renderManager.viewData(m_currentView)); renderTile.rgba = rgba; renderTile.depth = depth; renderTile.depthTransform2 = depthTransform.row(2); renderTile.depthTransform3 = depthTransform.row(3); renderTile.ntx = ntx; renderTile.xoff = viewport[0]; renderTile.yoff = viewport[1]; renderTile.xlim = viewport[0] + viewport[2]; renderTile.ylim = viewport[1] + viewport[3]; renderTile.imgWidth = width; renderTile.imgHeight = height; renderTile.dx = (rbn-lbn)/renderTile.imgWidth; renderTile.dy = (ltn-lbn)/renderTile.imgHeight; renderTile.lowerBottom = lbn + 0.5*renderTile.dx + 0.5*renderTile.dy; renderTile.origin = ro; renderTile.tNear = 1.; renderTile.tFar = tFar; renderTile.modelView = MV; #ifdef USE_TBB tbb::parallel_for(0, ntx*nty, 1, renderTile); #else #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) for (int t=0; t<ntx*nty; ++t) { renderTile(t); } #endif #if 0 std::vector<std::future<void>> tiles; for (int t=0; t<ntx*nty; ++t) { TileTask renderTile(*this, t); renderTile.rgba = rgba; renderTile.depth = depth; renderTile.depthTransform = depthTransform; renderTile.ntx = ntx; renderTile.xoff = x0; renderTile.yoff = y0; renderTile.width = x1; renderTile.height = y1; renderTile.dx = (rbn-lbn)/w; renderTile.dy = (ltn-lbn)/h; renderTile.lowerBottom = lbn + 0.5*renderTile.dx + 0.5*renderTile.dy; renderTile.tNear = 1.; renderTile.tFar = zFar/zNear; tiles.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, renderTile)); } for (auto &task: tiles) { task.get(); } #endif #ifdef ICET_CALLBACK m_renderManager.updateRect(m_currentView, viewport); #endif int err = rtcGetDeviceError (m_device); if (err != 0) { CERR << "RTC error: " << err << std::endl; } }
scene::INodePtr BrushDef3Parser::parse(parser::DefTokeniser& tok) const { // Create a new brush scene::INodePtr node = GlobalBrushCreator().createBrush(); // Cast the node, this must succeed IBrushNodePtr brushNode = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IBrushNode>(node); assert(brushNode != NULL); IBrush& brush = brushNode->getIBrush(); tok.assertNextToken("{"); // Parse face tokens until a closing brace is encountered while (1) { std::string token = tok.nextToken(); // Token should be either a "(" (start of face) or "}" (end of brush) if (token == "}") { break; // end of brush } else if (token == "(") // FACE { // Construct a plane and parse its values Plane3 plane; plane.normal().x() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); plane.normal().y() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); plane.normal().z() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); plane.dist() = -string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); // negate d tok.assertNextToken(")"); // Parse TexDef Matrix4 texdef; tok.assertNextToken("("); tok.assertNextToken("("); texdef.xx() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); texdef.yx() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); texdef.tx() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); tok.assertNextToken(")"); tok.assertNextToken("("); texdef.xy() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); texdef.yy() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); texdef.ty() = string::to_float(tok.nextToken()); tok.assertNextToken(")"); tok.assertNextToken(")"); // Parse Shader std::string shader = tok.nextToken(); // Parse Flags (usually each brush has all faces detail or all faces structural) IBrush::DetailFlag flag = static_cast<IBrush::DetailFlag>( string::convert<std::size_t>(tok.nextToken(), IBrush::Structural)); brush.setDetailFlag(flag); // Ignore the other two flags tok.skipTokens(2); // Finally, add the new face to the brush /*IFace& face = */brush.addFace(plane, texdef, shader); } else { std::string text = (boost::format(_("BrushDef3Parser: invalid token '%s'")) % token).str(); throw parser::ParseException(text); } } // Final outer "}" tok.assertNextToken("}"); return node; }
void Matrix4::ApplyTranslation(Matrix4& matrix, const Vector3& translation) { matrix = matrix.Multiply(Matrix4::Translation(translation)); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback method called by GLUT when window readraw is necessary or when glutPostRedisplay() was called. void Window::displayCallback() { glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // clear color and depth buffers glColor3f(0, 0, 1); //Setting moving camera Matrix4 glmatrix; if (cam) { if (t == 99) { back = true; } if (t == 0) back = false; Vector3 upd = belzCamera.upd; belzCamera.set(points[t], Vector3(0,0,0), upd); std::cout << t << std::endl; } if (altCam) { glmatrix = belzCamera.getInverse(); } else { glmatrix = camera.getInverse(); } //Drawing Light Source Matrix4 temp; temp.makeTranslate(position[0], position[1], position[2]); setMatrix(glmatrix, temp); glColor3f(1, 1, 0); glutSolidSphere(.5, 100, 100); setMatrix(glmatrix); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, position); //glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambient); /* //Seting main objects glColor3d(1, 0, 0); setMatrix(glmatrix, object.getMatrix()); glutSolidCube(2); temp.makeTranslate(3, 1.5, 0); setMatrix(glmatrix, temp); glColor3d(1, 0, 1); glutSolidCube(3); temp.makeTranslate(0, 1.5, 3); setMatrix(glmatrix, temp); glColor3d(0, 1, 1); glutSolidCube(3); temp.makeTranslate(0, 1.5, -3); setMatrix(glmatrix, temp); glColor3d(1, 1, 0); glutSolidCube(3); temp.makeTranslate(-3, 1.5, 0); setMatrix(glmatrix, temp); glColor3d(1, 1, 1); glutSolidCube(3); //Setting Floor setMatrix(glmatrix); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glNormal3d(0, 1, 0); glColor3d(0.5, 0.6, 0.7); glVertex3d(-10, 0, -10); glVertex3d(-10, 0, 10); glVertex3d(10, 0, 10); glVertex3d(10, 0, -10); glEnd();*/ setMatrix(glmatrix); if (light) { Globals::shader->bind(); } else Globals::shader->unbind(); glutSolidTeapot(5); plane.animate(); plane.draw(); Globals::shader->unbind(); //Drawing Bezier Curve glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++) { Vector3 current = points[i]; Vector3 next = points[i + 1]; glLineWidth(2.5); glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); glVertex3d(current.getX(), current.getY(), current.getZ()); glVertex3d(next.getX(), next.getY(), next.getZ()); } glEnd(); //Drawing Head glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); temp = glmatrix; control.set(person.getMatrix()); character.draw(temp, light); //Drawing Camera setMatrix(glmatrix, cameraObject.getMatrix()); glColor3f(0, 1, 1); glutSolidSphere(.5,100,100); if (cam) { Vector3 current; current = points[t]; cameraObject.set(current.getX(), current.getY(), current.getZ()); if (automatic) { if (!back) { t++; } else { t--; } } } glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback method called by GLUT when users press specific keys on the keyboard void Window::keyboardCallback(unsigned char key, int xn, int yn) { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); Matrix4 temp; switch (key) { case'q': person.rotateY(5); temp.makeRotateY(5); ahead = temp * ahead; side = temp * side; camera.rotateDirectionY(5); break; case'Q': person.rotateY(5); break; case'e': person.rotateY(-5); temp.makeRotateY(-5); ahead = temp * ahead; side = temp * side; camera.rotateDirectionY(-5); break; case'E': person.rotateY(-5); break; case 'z': camera.moveUp(1); break; case 'Z': camera.moveDown(1); break; case 'w': walk = true; person.move(ahead.get(0), ahead.get(1), ahead.get(2)); camera.move(Vector3(ahead.get(0),ahead.get(1),ahead.get(2)),1); break; case's': walk = true; person.move(-ahead.get(0), -ahead.get(1), -ahead.get(2)); camera.move(Vector3(-ahead.get(0), -ahead.get(1), -ahead.get(2)), 1); break; case 'a': person.move(side.get(0), side.get(1), side.get(2)); camera.move(Vector3(side.get(0), side.get(1), side.get(2)), 1); break; case 'd': person.move(-side.get(0), -side.get(1), -side.get(2)); camera.move(Vector3(-side.get(0), -side.get(1), -side.get(2)), 1); break; case 'i': camera.moveForward(1); break; case'k': camera.moveBackward(1); break; case 'j': camera.moveLeft(1); break; case 'l': camera.moveRight(1); break; case 'r': t = 0; cameraObject.set(initial.get(0), initial.get(1), initial.get(2)); object.reset(); object.move(0, 1, 0); belzCamera.set(points[0], belzD, belzUp); person.reset(); camera.set(e, d, up); ahead = Vector4(0, 0, -1, 0); side = Vector4(-1, 0, 0, 0); break; case 'p': cam = !cam; break; case'o': altCam = !altCam; break; case'+': t++; if (t == 100) t = 99; break; case'-': t--; if (t == 0) t = 1; break; case'.': automatic = !automatic; break; case'/': light = !light; break; } glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }
/// test equaility of two matrices void ASSERT_MATRIX_EQ(const Matrix4& m1, const Matrix4& m2) { ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(0,0), m2.get(0,0)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(0,1), m2.get(0,1)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(0,2), m2.get(0,2)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(0,3), m2.get(0,3)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(1,0), m2.get(1,0)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(1,1), m2.get(1,1)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(1,2), m2.get(1,2)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(1,3), m2.get(1,3)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(2,0), m2.get(2,0)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(2,1), m2.get(2,1)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(2,2), m2.get(2,2)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(2,3), m2.get(2,3)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(3,0), m2.get(3,0)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(3,1), m2.get(3,1)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(3,2), m2.get(3,2)); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(m1.get(3,3), m2.get(3,3)); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback method called by GLUT when window readraw is necessary or when glutPostRedisplay() was called. void Window::displayCallback() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // clear color and depth buffers glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // make sure we're in Modelview mode // Tell OpenGL what ModelView matrix to use: Matrix4 glmatrix; glmatrix = Globals::cube.getMatrix(); glmatrix.transpose(); glLoadMatrixd(glmatrix.getPointer()); // Draw all six faces of the cube: glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // This makes the cube green; the parameters are for red, green and blue. // To change the color of the other faces you will need to repeat this call before each face is drawn. // Draw front face: glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, 5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, 5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, -5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, -5.0, 5.0); // Draw left side: glNormal3f(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, 5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, 5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, -5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, -5.0, 5.0); // Draw right side: glNormal3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, 5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, 5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, -5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, -5.0, 5.0); // Draw back face: glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, 5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, 5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, -5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, -5.0, -5.0); // Draw top side: glNormal3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, 5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, 5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, 5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, 5.0, -5.0); // Draw bottom side: glNormal3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, -5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, -5.0, -5.0); glVertex3f( 5.0, -5.0, 5.0); glVertex3f(-5.0, -5.0, 5.0); glEnd(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
// takes a projection matrix and send to the the shaders static void sendProjectionMatrix(const ShaderState& curSS, const Matrix4& projMatrix) { GLfloat glmatrix[16]; projMatrix.writeToColumnMajorMatrix(glmatrix); // send projection matrix safe_glUniformMatrix4fv(curSS.h_uProjMatrix, glmatrix); }
Intersection Triangle::intersect(Ray r) { Intersection xsect; xsect.init(); real_t min_dis = 999999.9; Vector3 e = invMat.transform_point(r.e); Vector3 d = normalize(invMat.transform_vector(r.d)); Vector3 abc = vertices[0].position - vertices[1].position; Vector3 def = vertices[0].position - vertices[2].position; Vector3 fed = Vector3(def.z, def.y, def.x); Vector3 ghi = d; Vector3 ihg = Vector3(ghi.z, ghi.y, ghi.x); Vector3 jkl = vertices[0].position - e; Vector3 det_1 = Vector3(def.y * ghi.z - ghi.y * def.z, ghi.x * def.z - def.x * ghi.z, def.x * ghi.y - def.y * ghi.x); Vector3 det_2 = Vector3(abc.x * jkl.y - jkl.x * abc.y, jkl.x * abc.z - abc.x * jkl.z, abc.y * jkl.z - jkl.y * abc.z); // barycentric weighting factors real_t M = dot(abc, det_1); real_t beta = dot(jkl, det_1) / M; real_t gamma = dot(ihg, det_2) / M; real_t theta = -1 * dot(fed, det_2) / M; if (beta < 0 || beta > 1 - gamma || gamma < 0 || gamma > 1 || theta < epsilon) return xsect; Matrix4 inv; make_transformation_matrix(&inv, position, orientation, scale); Vector3 local_pos = e + theta * d; Vector3 world_pos = inv.transform_point(local_pos); real_t dist = squared_distance(r.e, world_pos); if (dist >= min_dis * min_dis) { return xsect; } xsect.squared_dist = dist; xsect.position = world_pos; Vector3 local_norm = normalize(vertices[0].normal + vertices[1].normal + vertices[2].normal); xsect.normal = normalize(normMat * local_norm); xsect.exists = true; real_t material_mult[3] = {1 - beta - gamma, beta, gamma}; xsect.mat.black_out(); Vector2 texel = Vector2::Zero(); // Use the weighting factors to interpolate values at this point for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { xsect.mat.ambient += vertices[i].material->ambient * material_mult[i]; xsect.mat.diffuse += vertices[i].material->diffuse * material_mult[i]; xsect.mat.specular += vertices[i].material->specular * material_mult[i]; xsect.mat.refractive_index += vertices[i].material->refractive_index * material_mult[i]; texel += vertices[i].tex_coord * material_mult[i]; } texel.x -= floor(texel.x); texel.y -= floor(texel.y); int w, h; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vertices[i].material->get_texture_size(&w, &h); xsect.texel += vertices[i].material->get_texture_pixel((int)(texel.x * w), (int)(texel.y * h)) * material_mult[i]; } return xsect; }
Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix4 &m) { fromMatrix(m.getRotation()); }
void Lighting::SetWorldMatrix(const Matrix4& WorldInverse) { glUniformMatrix4fv(m_WorldMatrixLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat*)WorldInverse.Begin()); }
void Window::setMatrix(Matrix4 camera) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); Matrix4 temp = camera; temp.transpose(); glLoadMatrixd(temp.getPointer()); }
void Skeleton::loadSkeleton(const String& fileName) { OSFILE *inFile = OSBasics::open(fileName.c_str(), "rb"); if(!inFile) { return; } bonesEntity = new Entity(); bonesEntity->visible = false; addChild(bonesEntity); unsigned int numBones; float t[3],rq[4],s[3]; OSBasics::read(&numBones, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, inFile); unsigned int namelen; char buffer[1024]; Matrix4 mat; unsigned int hasParent, boneID; for(int i=0; i < numBones; i++) { OSBasics::read(&namelen, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, inFile); memset(buffer, 0, 1024); OSBasics::read(buffer, 1, namelen, inFile); Bone *newBone = new Bone(String(buffer)); OSBasics::read(&hasParent, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, inFile); if(hasParent == 1) { OSBasics::read(&boneID, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, inFile); newBone->parentBoneId = boneID; } else { newBone->parentBoneId = -1; } OSBasics::read(t, sizeof(float), 3, inFile); OSBasics::read(s, sizeof(float), 3, inFile); OSBasics::read(rq, sizeof(float), 4, inFile); bones.push_back(newBone); Quaternion bq; bq.set(rq[0], rq[1], rq[2], rq[3]); newBone->baseRotation = bq; newBone->baseScale = Vector3(s[0], s[1], s[2]); newBone->basePosition = Vector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]); newBone->setPosition(t[0], t[1], t[2]); newBone->setRotationQuat(rq[0], rq[1], rq[2], rq[3]); newBone->setScale(s[0], s[1], s[2]); newBone->rebuildTransformMatrix(); newBone->setBaseMatrix(newBone->getTransformMatrix()); newBone->setBoneMatrix(newBone->getTransformMatrix()); OSBasics::read(t, sizeof(float), 3, inFile); OSBasics::read(s, sizeof(float), 3, inFile); OSBasics::read(rq, sizeof(float), 4, inFile); Quaternion q; q.set(rq[0], rq[1], rq[2], rq[3]); Matrix4 m = q.createMatrix(); m.setPosition(t[0], t[1], t[2]); newBone->setRestMatrix(m); } Bone *parentBone; for(int i=0; i < bones.size(); i++) { if(bones[i]->parentBoneId != -1) { parentBone = bones[bones[i]->parentBoneId]; parentBone->addChildBone(bones[i]); bones[i]->setParentBone(parentBone); parentBone->addChild(bones[i]); } else { bonesEntity->addChild(bones[i]); } } OSBasics::close(inFile); }
void Window::loadCharacter() { Matrix4 temp; Matrix4 id; id.identity(); //Setting up Controller temp.makeTranslate(0, 0, 10); control = MatrixTransform(temp); //Setting up Head headCube = Cube(2); headCube.setTexture(head); headRotation = MatrixTransform(id); headScaling = MatrixTransform(id); temp.makeTranslate(0, 7, 0); headTranslation = MatrixTransform(temp); headRotation.addChild(&headCube); headScaling.addChild(&headRotation); headTranslation.addChild(&headScaling); control.addChild(&headTranslation); //Setting up body bodyCube = Cube(1); bodyCube.setTexture(body); bodyRotation = MatrixTransform(id); temp.makeScale(2, 3, 1); bodyScaling = MatrixTransform(temp); temp.makeTranslate(0, 4.5, 0); bodyTranslation = MatrixTransform(temp); bodyRotation.addChild(&bodyCube); bodyScaling.addChild(&bodyRotation); bodyTranslation.addChild(&bodyScaling); control.addChild(&bodyTranslation); //Setting up Arms armCube = Cube(1); armCube.setTexture(arm); leftArmRotation = MatrixTransform(id); rightArmRotation = MatrixTransform(id); temp.makeScale(1, 3, 1); leftArmScaling = MatrixTransform(temp); rightArmScaling = MatrixTransform(temp); temp.makeTranslate(1.5, 4.5, 0); leftArmTranslation = MatrixTransform(temp); temp.makeTranslate(-(1.5), 4.5, 0); rightArmTranslation = MatrixTransform(temp); leftArmScaling.addChild(&armCube); rightArmScaling.addChild(&armCube); leftArmRotation.addChild(&leftArmScaling); rightArmRotation.addChild(&rightArmScaling); leftArmTranslation.addChild(&leftArmRotation); rightArmTranslation.addChild(&rightArmRotation); control.addChild(&leftArmTranslation); control.addChild(&rightArmTranslation); //Setting up Legs legCube = Cube(1); legCube.setTexture(leg); leftLegRotation = MatrixTransform(id); rightLegRotation = MatrixTransform(id); temp.makeScale(1, 3, 1); leftLegScaling = MatrixTransform(temp); rightLegScaling = MatrixTransform(temp); temp.makeTranslate(.5, 1.5, 0); leftLegTranslation = MatrixTransform(temp); temp.makeTranslate(-.5, 1.5, 0); rightLegTranslation = MatrixTransform(temp); leftLegScaling.addChild(&legCube); rightLegScaling.addChild(&legCube); leftLegRotation.addChild(&leftLegScaling); rightLegRotation.addChild(&rightLegScaling); leftLegTranslation.addChild(&leftLegRotation); rightLegTranslation.addChild(&rightLegRotation); control.addChild(&leftLegTranslation); control.addChild(&rightLegTranslation); character.addChild(&control); }
GameObject* Terrain::CreateGameObject(const char* diffuseTxt_filename, const char* normalTxt_filename, const char* heightTxt_filemane) { std::vector<float2> texture_coordinate = calculateTextureCoordiate(); std::vector<float2> boundsY = CalcAllPatchBoundsY(); const int iNumVertices = m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth / 8 * (m_initInfo.HeightmapHeight) / 8 * 4; const int iNumIndices = iNumVertices; VertexTerrain* vertices = new VertexTerrain[iNumVertices]; unsigned int* indices = new unsigned int[iNumIndices]; // Translate the terrain, so that the mid-point of terrain is at (0, 0, 0) Matrix4 translate; translate.CreateTranslation(Vector3(-GetWidth() / 2.0f, 0.0f, -GetDepth() / 2.0f)); // Initialize the index to the vertex buffer. int indexCounter = 0; // Load the vertex and index array with the terrain data. for (int j = 0; j < m_initInfo.HeightmapHeight - 8; j += 8) { for (int i = 0; i < m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth - 8; i += 8) { const int index_bl = m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth * j + i; const int index_br = m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth * j + (i + 8); const int index_ul = m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth * (j + 8) + i; const int index_ur = m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth * (j + 8) + (i + 8); const float2 bl_uv( texture_coordinate[index_bl].x, texture_coordinate[index_bl].y ); const float2 br_uv( (texture_coordinate[index_br].x == 0.0f ? 1.0f : texture_coordinate[index_br].x), texture_coordinate[index_br].y ); const float2 ul_uv( texture_coordinate[index_ul].x, (texture_coordinate[index_ul].y == 1.0f ? 0.0f : texture_coordinate[index_ul].y) ); const float2 ur_uv( (texture_coordinate[index_ur].x == 0.0f ? 1.0f : texture_coordinate[index_ur].x), (texture_coordinate[index_ur].y == 1.0f ? 0.0f : texture_coordinate[index_ur].y) ); Vector3 bl(i * m_initInfo.CellSpacing, m_HeightMap[index_bl] * m_initInfo.CellSpacing, j* m_initInfo.CellSpacing); Vector3 br((i + 8)* m_initInfo.CellSpacing, m_HeightMap[index_br] * m_initInfo.CellSpacing, j* m_initInfo.CellSpacing); Vector3 ul(i* m_initInfo.CellSpacing, m_HeightMap[index_ul] * m_initInfo.CellSpacing, (j + 8)* m_initInfo.CellSpacing); Vector3 ur((i + 8)* m_initInfo.CellSpacing, m_HeightMap[index_ur] * m_initInfo.CellSpacing, (j + 8)* m_initInfo.CellSpacing); const int patch_id = j + (i / m_initInfo.CellsPerPatch); // bottom left { vertices[indexCounter].m_pos = bl; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[0] = bl_uv.x; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[1] = bl_uv.y; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[0] = boundsY[patch_id].x; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[1] = boundsY[patch_id].y; indices[indexCounter] = indexCounter; indexCounter++; } // bottom right { vertices[indexCounter].m_pos = br; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[0] = br_uv.x; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[1] = br_uv.y; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[0] = boundsY[patch_id].x; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[1] = boundsY[patch_id].y; indices[indexCounter] = indexCounter; indexCounter++; } // upper left { vertices[indexCounter].m_pos = ul; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[0] = ul_uv.x; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[1] = ul_uv.y; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[0] = boundsY[patch_id].x; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[1] = boundsY[patch_id].y; indices[indexCounter] = indexCounter; indexCounter++; } // upper right { vertices[indexCounter].m_pos = ur; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[0] = ur_uv.x; vertices[indexCounter].m_UV[1] = ur_uv.y; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[0] = boundsY[patch_id].x; vertices[indexCounter].m_boundsY[1] = boundsY[patch_id].y; indices[indexCounter] = indexCounter; indexCounter++; } } } std::string diffuseTxt_filepath = std::string("../Assets/") + diffuseTxt_filename; std::string normalTxt_filepath = std::string("../Assets/") + normalTxt_filename; std::string heightTxt_filepath = std::string("../Assets/") + heightTxt_filemane; MeshData* meshData = new MeshData(vertices, iNumVertices, indices, iNumIndices, sizeof(VertexTerrain)); meshData->SetBoundingBox(AABB(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(m_initInfo.HeightmapHeight, 0, m_initInfo.HeightmapWidth))); Handle hMeshComp(sizeof(MeshComponent)); new (hMeshComp) MeshComponent(meshData); SceneGraph::GetInstance()->AddComponent((MeshComponent*) hMeshComp.Raw()); RenderPass* renderPass = new RenderPass; renderPass->SetVertexShader("../DEngine/Shaders/VS_terrain.hlsl"); renderPass->SetHullShader("../DEngine/Shaders/HS_terrain.hlsl"); renderPass->SetDomainShader("../DEngine/Shaders/DS_terrain.hlsl"); renderPass->SetPixelShader("../DEngine/Shaders/PS_terrain.hlsl"); Handle hTexture1(sizeof(Texture)); new (hTexture1) Texture(Texture::SHADER_RESOURCES, 1, diffuseTxt_filepath.c_str()); Handle hTexture2(sizeof(Texture)); new (hTexture2) Texture(Texture::SHADER_RESOURCES, 1, normalTxt_filepath.c_str()); Handle hTexture3(sizeof(Texture)); new (hTexture3) Texture(Texture::SHADER_RESOURCES, 1, heightTxt_filepath.c_str()); renderPass->AddTexture(hTexture1); renderPass->AddTexture(hTexture2); renderPass->AddTexture(hTexture3); renderPass->SetTopology(D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_4_CONTROL_POINT_PATCHLIST); renderPass->SetBlendState(State::NULL_STATE); renderPass->SetRenderTargets(D3D11Renderer::GetInstance()->m_pRTVArray, 2); renderPass->SetDepthStencilView(D3D11Renderer::GetInstance()->m_depth->GetDSV()); renderPass->SetDepthStencilState(State::DEFAULT_DEPTH_STENCIL_DSS); renderPass->SetRasterizerState(State::CULL_BACK_RS); ((MeshComponent*) hMeshComp.Raw())->m_pMeshData->m_Material.AddPassToTechnique(renderPass); GameObject* terrain = new GameObject; terrain->AddComponent((Component*) hMeshComp.Raw()); delete[] vertices; delete[] indices; return terrain; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback method called when system is idle. void Window::idleCallback() { Matrix4 transform; Matrix4 temp; Matrix4 reverseTemp; temp = leftArmRotation.get(); reverseTemp = temp; if (walk) { if (forw) { temp.makeRotateX(degree); reverseTemp.makeRotateX(-degree); degree++; if (degree == 20) forw = !forw; } else { temp.makeRotateX(degree); reverseTemp.makeRotateX(-degree); std::cout << "ASD" << std::endl; degree--; if (degree == -20) forw = !forw; } } else { degree = 0; temp.identity(); reverseTemp.identity(); } transform.makeTranslate(0, -1.5, 0); temp = temp * transform; reverseTemp = reverseTemp * transform; transform.makeTranslate(0, 1.5, 0); temp = transform * temp; reverseTemp = transform * reverseTemp; leftArmRotation.set(temp); rightLegRotation.set(temp); rightArmRotation.set(reverseTemp); leftLegRotation.set(reverseTemp); displayCallback(); // call display routine to show the object }
void Matrix4::ApplyScaling(Matrix4& matrix, const Vector3& scaling) { matrix = matrix.Multiply(Matrix4::Scaling(scaling)); }
bool Serializer::WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4& value) { return Write(value.Data(), sizeof value) == sizeof value; }
void Matrix4::ApplyRotation(Matrix4& matrix, float angle, const Vector3& axis) { matrix = matrix.Multiply(Matrix4::Rotation(angle, axis)); }
void Camera::rotate(const int direction){ #define sqr(x) (x*x) // //r46 meg tartalmaz egy kozvetlen kepletet, matrixok nelkul, de mivel nem mukodott, lecsereltem. Gyorsitasi lehetoseg. const float eps = 0.1f; Matrix4 T; Matrix4 Rxz; Matrix4 Rxz2z; Matrix4 Rz; float d1; float d; Vector3 rotv; if(direction==ROTATE_LEFT || direction==ROTATE_RIGHT){ T = T.translate(-pos); d1 = (sqrt(sqr(up.getX()) + sqr(up.getY()) )); d = sqrt(sqr(up.getX())+sqr(up.getY())+sqr(up.getZ())); if(d1>=eps){ Rxz.set(0,up.getX()/d1); Rxz.set(1,up.getY()/d1); Rxz.set(4,-up.getY()/d1); Rxz.set(5,up.getX()/d1); } Rxz2z.set(0,up.getZ()/d); Rxz2z.set(2,-d1/d); Rxz2z.set(8,d1/d); Rxz2z.set(10,up.getZ()/d); if(direction==ROTATE_LEFT){ rotv.setZ(rotationIntensity); }else{//ROTATE_RIGHT rotv.setZ(-rotationIntensity); } Rz = Rz.rotate(rotv); lookAt = lookAt*T*Rxz*Rxz2z*Rz*Rxz2z.invert()*Rxz.invert()*T.invert(); }else if(direction==LEAN_LEFT || direction==LEAN_RIGHT){ T = T.translate(-pos); Vector3 dir(pos.getX()-lookAt.getX(), pos.getY()-lookAt.getY(), pos.getZ()-lookAt.getZ()); dir.normalize(); d1 = sqrt(sqr(dir.getX()) + sqr(dir.getY()) ); d = sqrt(sqr(dir.getX())+sqr(dir.getY())+sqr(dir.getZ())); if(d1>=eps){ Rxz.set(0,dir.getX()/d1); Rxz.set(1,dir.getY()/d1); Rxz.set(4,-dir.getY()/d1); Rxz.set(5,dir.getX()/d1); } Rxz2z.set(0,dir.getZ()/d); Rxz2z.set(2,-d1/d); Rxz2z.set(8,d1/d); Rxz2z.set(10,dir.getZ()/d); if(direction==LEAN_LEFT){ rotv.setZ(rotationIntensity); }else{//LEAN_RIGHT rotv.setZ(-rotationIntensity); } Rz = Rz.rotate(rotv); up = up*T*Rxz*Rxz2z*Rz*Rxz2z.invert()*Rxz.invert()*T.invert(); }else if(ROTATE_UP || ROTATE_DOWN){ Vector3 dir = lookAt-pos; dir.normalize(); Vector3 right = dir.crossProduct(up); T = T.translate(-pos); d1 = (sqrt(sqr(right.getX()) + sqr(right.getY()) )); d = sqrt(sqr(right.getX())+sqr(right.getY())+sqr(right.getZ())); if(d1>=eps){ Rxz.set(0,right.getX()/d1); Rxz.set(1,right.getY()/d1); Rxz.set(4,-right.getY()/d1); Rxz.set(5,right.getX()/d1); } Rxz2z.set(0,right.getZ()/d); Rxz2z.set(2,-d1/d); Rxz2z.set(8,d1/d); Rxz2z.set(10,right.getZ()/d); if(direction==ROTATE_UP){ rotv.setZ(rotationIntensity); }else{//ROTATE_DOWN rotv.setZ(-rotationIntensity); } Rz = Rz.rotate(rotv); Vector3 newLookAt = lookAt*T*Rxz*Rxz2z*Rz*Rxz2z.invert()*Rxz.invert()*T.invert(); dir = newLookAt-pos; dir.normalize(); if(dir.crossProduct(up).length()>=0.2f){ lookAt = newLookAt; } //up = up *Rxz*Rxz2z*Rz*Rxz2z.invert()*Rxz.invert(); } #undef sqr }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void HlslFixedFuncEmuShaderGenerator::HlslFixedFuncPrograms::setFixedFuncProgramsParameters( const FixedFuncProgramsParameters & params ) { _setProgramMatrix4Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "World", params.getWorldMat()); _setProgramMatrix4Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "View", params.getViewMat()); _setProgramMatrix4Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "Projection", params.getProjectionMat()); _setProgramMatrix4Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "ViewIT", params.getViewMat().inverse().transpose()); Matrix4 WorldViewIT = params.getViewMat() * params.getWorldMat(); WorldViewIT = WorldViewIT.inverse().transpose(); _setProgramMatrix4Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "WorldViewIT", WorldViewIT); _setProgramColorParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "BaseLightAmbient", params.getLightAmbient()); if (params.getLightingEnabled() && params.getLights().size() > 0) { uint pointLightCount = 0; uint directionalLightCount = 0; uint spotLightCount = 0; for(size_t i = 0 ; i < params.getLights().size() ; i++) { Light * curLight = params.getLights()[i]; String prefix; switch (curLight->getType()) { case Light::LT_POINT: prefix = "PointLight" + StringConverter::toString(pointLightCount) + "_"; pointLightCount++; break; case Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL: prefix = "DirectionalLight" + StringConverter::toString(directionalLightCount) + "_"; directionalLightCount++; break; case Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT: prefix = "SpotLight" + StringConverter::toString(spotLightCount) + "_"; spotLightCount++; break; } _setProgramColorParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Ambient", ColourValue::Black); _setProgramColorParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Diffuse", curLight->getDiffuseColour()); _setProgramColorParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Specular", curLight->getSpecularColour()); switch (curLight->getType()) { case Light::LT_POINT: { _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Position", curLight->getPosition()); _setProgramFloatParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Range", curLight->getAttenuationRange()); Vector3 attenuation; attenuation[0] = curLight->getAttenuationConstant(); attenuation[1] = curLight->getAttenuationLinear(); attenuation[2] = curLight->getAttenuationQuadric(); _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Attenuation", attenuation); } break; case Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL: _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Direction", curLight->getDirection()); break; case Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT: { _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Direction", curLight->getDirection()); _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Position", curLight->getPosition()); Vector3 attenuation; attenuation[0] = curLight->getAttenuationConstant(); attenuation[1] = curLight->getAttenuationLinear(); attenuation[2] = curLight->getAttenuationQuadric(); _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Attenuation", attenuation); Vector3 spot; spot[0] = curLight->getSpotlightInnerAngle().valueRadians() ; spot[1] = curLight->getSpotlightOuterAngle().valueRadians(); spot[2] = curLight->getSpotlightFalloff(); _setProgramVector3Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, prefix + "Spot", spot); } break; } // end of - switch (curLight->getType()) } // end of - for(size_t i = 0 ; i < params.getLights().size() ; i++) } // end of - if (params.getLightingEnabled()) switch (params.getFogMode()) { case FOG_NONE: break; case FOG_EXP: case FOG_EXP2: _setProgramFloatParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "FogDensity", params.getFogDensitiy()); break; case FOG_LINEAR: _setProgramFloatParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "FogStart", params.getFogStart()); _setProgramFloatParameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "FogEnd", params.getFogEnd()); break; } if (params.getFogMode() != FOG_NONE) { _setProgramColorParameter(GPT_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM, "FogColor", params.getFogColour()); } for(size_t i = 0 ; i < params.getTextureMatrices().size() && i < mFixedFuncState.getTextureLayerStateList().size(); i++) { if (params.isTextureStageEnabled(i)) { if (params.isTextureStageEnabled(i)) { _setProgramMatrix4Parameter(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM, "TextureMatrix" + StringConverter::toString(i), params.getTextureMatrices()[i]); } } } }
int StructureManager::getStructureFootprint(SharedObjectTemplate* objectTemplate, int angle, float& l0, float& w0, float& l1, float& w1) { SharedStructureObjectTemplate* serverTemplate = dynamic_cast<SharedStructureObjectTemplate*>(objectTemplate); if (serverTemplate == NULL) return 1; StructureFootprint* structureFootprint = serverTemplate->getStructureFootprint(); //float l = 5; //Along the x axis. //float w = 5; //Along the y axis. if (structureFootprint != NULL) { //if (structureFootprint->getRowSize() > structureFootprint->getColSize()) // angle = angle + 180; float centerX = (structureFootprint->getCenterX() * 8) + 4; float centerY = (structureFootprint->getCenterY() * 8) + 4; //info ("centerX:" + String::valueOf(centerX) + " centerY:" + String::valueOf(centerY), true); float topLeftX = -centerX; float topLeftY = (structureFootprint->getRowSize() * 8 ) - centerY; float bottomRightX = (8 * structureFootprint->getColSize() - centerX); float bottomRightY = -centerY; w0 = MIN(topLeftX, bottomRightX); l0 = MIN(topLeftY, bottomRightY); w1 = MAX(topLeftX, bottomRightX); l1 = MAX(topLeftY, bottomRightY); Matrix4 translationMatrix; translationMatrix.setTranslation(0, 0, 0); float rad = (float)(angle) * Math::DEG2RAD; float cosRad = cos(rad); float sinRad = sin(rad); Matrix3 rot; rot[0][0] = cosRad; rot[0][2] = -sinRad; rot[1][1] = 1; rot[2][0] = sinRad; rot[2][2] = cosRad; Matrix4 rotateMatrix; rotateMatrix.setRotationMatrix(rot); Matrix4 moveAndRotate = (translationMatrix * rotateMatrix); Vector3 pointBottom(w0, 0, l0); Vector3 pointTop(w1, 0, l1); Vector3 resultBottom = pointBottom * moveAndRotate; Vector3 resultTop = pointTop * moveAndRotate; w0 = MIN(resultBottom.getX(), resultTop.getX()); l0 = MIN(resultBottom.getZ(), resultTop.getZ()); w1 = MAX(resultTop.getX(), resultBottom.getX()); l1 = MAX(resultTop.getZ(), resultBottom.getZ()); //info("objectTemplate:" + objectTemplate->getFullTemplateString() + " :" + structureFootprint->toString(), true); //info("angle:" + String::valueOf(angle) + " w0:" + String::valueOf(w0) + " l0:" + String::valueOf(l0) + " w1:" + String::valueOf(w1) + " l1:" + String::valueOf(l1), true); } return 0; }
void sgRenderEffect::setUniformObject( sg_render::CurrentRenderParam *param, sgSceneObject *object ) { if(!param || !object) return ; // set model matrix Matrix4 modelMatrix = object->getFullTransform().transpose(); Matrix4 mvMatrix = modelMatrix * param->view_matrix; Matrix4 mvpMatrix = modelMatrix * param->vp_matrix; param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(ModelMatrix, (1<<1)|0, modelMatrix.arr()); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(MVMatrix, (1<<1)|0, mvMatrix.arr()); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(MVPMatrix, (1<<1)|0, mvpMatrix.arr()); // normal matrix Matrix3 normalMat3; object->getFullTransform().extract3x3Matrix(normalMat3); normalMat3 = normalMat3.inverse().transpose(); Matrix4 normalMat(normalMat3); normalMat = normalMat.transpose(); Matrix4 normalMVMatrix = normalMat * param->view_matrix; param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(NormalMatrix, (1<<1)|0, normalMat.arr()); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(NormalMVMatrix, (1<<1)|0, normalMVMatrix.arr()); sgRenderStateComponent *renderState = (sgRenderStateComponent*)(object->getComponent(sgRenderStateComponent::GetClassTypeName())); sgMaterial *material = NULL; if(renderState != NULL) { material = renderState->getMaterial(); } if(material != NULL) { param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_Ambient, 1, material->ambientColor().toGLColor().data()); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_Diffuse, 1, material->diffuseColor().toGLColor().data()); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_Specular, 1, material->specularColor().toGLColor().data()); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_Emission, 1, material->emissionColor().toGLColor().data()); Real shininess = material->shininess(); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_Shininess, 1, &shininess); Real specularAmount = material->specularAmount(); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_SpecularAmount, 1, &specularAmount); Real reflectFraction = material->reflectFraction(); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Material_ReflectFraction, 1, &reflectFraction); } // texture int textureEnabled = 0; param->textures.clear(); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture0_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture1_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture2_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture3_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); if(renderState != NULL) { textureEnabled = 1; size_t texture_num = sgMin(renderState->getTextureNum(), (size_t)Texture_Max); for(size_t i=0; i<texture_num; ++i) { sgTexture *texture = renderState->getTexture(i); if(texture == NULL || !(texture->isActive()) ) continue; param->textures.push_back(texture->getTextureId()); if(i == 0) { param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture0, 1, &i); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture0_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); } else if(i == 1) { param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture1, 1, &i); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture1_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); } else if(i == 2) { param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture2, 1, &i); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture2_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); } else if(i == 3) { param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture3, 1, &i); param->current_gpu_program->setParameter(Texture3_Enabled, 1, &textureEnabled); } } } // uniform user defined setUniformObjectExtra(param, object); }
void Lighting::SetWVP(const Matrix4& WVP) { glUniformMatrix4fv(m_WVPLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat*)WVP.Begin()); }
void OgreNewtonMesh::ParseEntity (MeshPtr mesh, const Matrix4& matrix) { //find number of sub-meshes unsigned short sub = mesh->getNumSubMeshes(); for (unsigned short cs = 0; cs < sub; cs++) { SubMesh* const sub_mesh = mesh->getSubMesh(cs); //vertex data! VertexData* v_data; if (sub_mesh->useSharedVertices) { v_data = mesh->sharedVertexData; } else { v_data = sub_mesh->vertexData; } //let's find more information about the Vertices... VertexDeclaration* const v_decl = v_data->vertexDeclaration; const VertexElement* const vertexElem = v_decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertexPtr = v_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(vertexElem->getSource()); dNewtonScopeBuffer<Vector3> points(vertexPtr->getNumVertices()); { int size = vertexPtr->getVertexSize(); int offset = vertexElem->getOffset() / sizeof (float); unsigned char* const ptr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (vertexPtr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); for (int i = 0; i < points.GetElementsCount(); i ++) { float* data; vertexElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(ptr + i * size, &data); points[i] = matrix.transformAffine (Vector3 (data[offset + 0], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2])); } vertexPtr->unlock(); } dNewtonScopeBuffer<Vector3> normals; const VertexElement* const normalElem = v_decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_NORMAL); if (normalElem) { HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr normalPtr = v_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(normalElem->getSource()); normals.Init (normalPtr->getNumVertices()); int size = normalPtr->getVertexSize(); int offset = vertexElem->getOffset() / sizeof (float); unsigned char* const ptr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (normalPtr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); for (int i = 0; i < normals.GetElementsCount(); i ++) { float* data; vertexElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(ptr + i * size, &data); normals[i] = matrix * Vector3 (data[offset + 0], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2]); normals[i] = normals[i].normalise(); } normalPtr->unlock(); } dNewtonScopeBuffer<Vector3> uvs; const VertexElement* const uvElem = v_decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES); if (uvElem) { HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr uvPtr = v_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(uvElem->getSource()); uvs.Init (uvPtr->getNumVertices()); int size = uvPtr->getVertexSize(); int offset = vertexElem->getOffset() / sizeof (float); unsigned char* const ptr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (uvPtr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); for (int i = 0; i < uvs.GetElementsCount(); i ++) { float* data; uvElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(ptr + i * size, &data); uvs[i] = Vector3 (data[offset + 0], data[offset + 1], 0.0f); } uvPtr->unlock(); } //now find more about the index!! IndexData* const i_data = sub_mesh->indexData; size_t index_count = i_data->indexCount; size_t poly_count = index_count / 3; // get pointer! HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr i_sptr = i_data->indexBuffer; // 16 or 32 bit indices? bool uses32bit = (i_sptr->getType() == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT); unsigned long* i_Longptr = NULL; unsigned short* i_Shortptr = NULL; if (uses32bit) { i_Longptr = static_cast<unsigned long*> (i_sptr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); } else { i_Shortptr = static_cast<unsigned short*> (i_sptr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); } //now loop through the indices, getting polygon info! int i_offset = 0; Real poly_verts[3][12]; memset (poly_verts, 0, sizeof (poly_verts)); for (size_t i = 0; i < poly_count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // index to first vertex! int idx = uses32bit ? i_Longptr[i_offset + j] : i_Shortptr[i_offset + j]; poly_verts[j][0] = points[idx].x; poly_verts[j][1] = points[idx].y; poly_verts[j][2] = points[idx].z; poly_verts[j][3] = 0.0f; if (normals.GetElementsCount()) { poly_verts[j][4] = normals[idx].x; poly_verts[j][5] = normals[idx].y; poly_verts[j][6] = normals[idx].z; } if (uvs.GetElementsCount()) { poly_verts[j][7] = uvs[idx].x; poly_verts[j][8] = uvs[idx].y; } } AddFace(3, &poly_verts[0][0], 12 * sizeof (Real), cs); i_offset += 3; } i_sptr->unlock(); } }
void FluidTestScene::Tap3D(const grinliz::Vector2F& view, const grinliz::Ray& world) { Vector3F at = { 0, 0, 0 }; float t = 0; int result = IntersectRayAAPlane(world.origin, world.direction, 1, 0, &at, &t); if (result == INTERSECT) { Vector2I pos2i = ToWorld2I(at); Vector2I sector = { 0, 0 }; CircuitSim* circuitSim = context.physicsSims->GetCircuitSim(sector); if (context.worldMap->Bounds().Contains(pos2i)) { bool trigger = false; if (!buildButton[BUTTON_DELETE].Down() && !buildButton[BUTTON_ROTATE].Down()) { Chit* building = context.chitBag->QueryPorch(pos2i); if (!building) { building = context.chitBag->QueryBuilding(IString(), pos2i, 0); } if (building) { if (building->GetItem()->IName() == ISC::detector) { circuitSim->TriggerDetector(pos2i); trigger = true; } else if (building->GetItem()->IName() == ISC::switchOn || building->GetItem()->IName() == ISC::switchOff) { circuitSim->TriggerSwitch(pos2i); trigger = true; } } } int id = -1; if (!trigger) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUTTONS; ++i) { if (buildButton[i].Down()) { id = i; break; } } } if (id >= 0) { Chit* chit = 0; switch (id) { case BUTTON_ROCK0: case BUTTON_ROCK1: case BUTTON_ROCK2: case BUTTON_ROCK3: context.worldMap->SetRock(pos2i.x, pos2i.y, id - BUTTON_ROCK0, false, WorldGrid::ROCK); break; case BUTTON_SWITCH_ON: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "switchOn", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_SWITCH_OFF: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "switchOff", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_TEMPLE: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "temple", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_GATE: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "gate", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_TIMED_GATE: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "timedGate", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_DETECTOR: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "detector", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_TURRET: chit = context.chitBag->NewBuilding(pos2i, "turret", TEAM_HOUSE); break; case BUTTON_DELETE: { Chit* building = context.chitBag->QueryBuilding(IString(), pos2i, 0); if (building) { building->QueueDelete(); } } break; case BUTTON_ROTATE: { Chit* building = context.chitBag->QueryBuilding(IString(), pos2i, 0); if (building) { Matrix4 m; building->Rotation().ToMatrix(&m); float r = m.CalcRotationAroundAxis(1); r = NormalizeAngleDegrees(r + 90.0f); building->SetRotation(Quaternion::MakeYRotation(r)); } } break; } if (chit) { MapSpatialComponent* msc = GET_SUB_COMPONENT(chit, SpatialComponent, MapSpatialComponent); if (msc) msc->SetNeedsCorePower(false); } } } } }