Пример #1
void OgreNewtonDebugger::ShowDebugInformation()
	m_lru ++;
	for (dNewtonBody* body = m_world->GetFirstBody(); body; body = m_world->GetNextBody(body)) {
		BodyDebugDataMap::iterator item (m_cachemap.find(body));
		if (item == m_cachemap.end()) {
			std::pair<BodyDebugDataMap::iterator, bool> pair (m_cachemap.insert(std::make_pair (body, BodyDebugData())));
			item = pair.first;
			BodyDebugData& data = item->second;
			data.Init(this, body);
		BodyDebugData& data = item->second;
		if (data.m_lru < (m_lru - 1)) {
			m_cachemap.erase (item);
		} else {
			data.m_lru = m_lru;

			Matrix4 matrix;
			body->GetMatrix (matrix[0]);
			matrix = matrix.transpose();
			data.m_node->setPosition (matrix.getTrans());
			data.m_node->setOrientation (matrix.extractQuaternion());
	void CWeaponController::setTransformBone(const Matrix4 &transform)
		_weaponTransform = transform;
		Vector3 pos = _weaponTransform.getTrans();
		Quaternion q = _weaponTransform.extractQuaternion();

		Matrix4 playerTransform = CServer::getSingletonPtr()->getPlayer()->getTransform();
		//Vector3 playerScale = Vector3::ZERO;
		Quaternion playerOrientation = playerTransform.extractQuaternion();

		q = playerOrientation * q ;

		Vector3 newDir = q * _dirFromOrigin;

		_pivot = pos + newDir;

		Matrix3 ori;

		_pivotTransform = ori;

		//if(!_componenteFisico)//si no tenemos componente físico de arma, seteamos nostros la transformada de la entidad
		//	_entity->setTransform(_pivotTransform);
		//en caso contrario preparamos a la física para que lo haga ella

		///Al final de todo el proceso, seteo el nodo de escena asociado al pivote en su sitio
Пример #3
static void MakeStaticRamp(SceneManager* const sceneMgr, OgreNewtonWorld* const world, const Vector3& location, int rampMaterialID)
    Vector3 blockBoxSize (20.0f, 0.25f, 40.0f);
    dNewtonCollisionBox shape (world, blockBoxSize.x, blockBoxSize.y, blockBoxSize.z, m_all);

    // create a texture for using with this material
    Ogre::TexturePtr texture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load("sand1b.jpg", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);

    // make a material to use with this mesh
    MaterialPtr renderMaterial = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("ramp", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
    renderMaterial->setAmbient(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);

    OgreNewtonMesh boxMesh (&shape);
    int materialId = boxMesh.AddMaterial(renderMaterial);
    boxMesh.ApplyBoxMapping (materialId, materialId, materialId);

    // create a manual object for rendering
    ManualObject* const object = boxMesh.CreateEntity(MakeName ("ramp"));
    MeshPtr mesh (object->convertToMesh (MakeName ("ramp")));

    //Matrix4 matrix (Matrix4::IDENTITY);
    Matrix4 matrix (Quaternion (Degree(-30.0f), Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
    matrix.setTrans (Vector3 (location.x, location.y, location.z));

    Entity* const ent = sceneMgr->createEntity(MakeName ("ramp"), mesh);
    SceneNode* const node = CreateNode (sceneMgr, ent, matrix.getTrans(), matrix.extractQuaternion());

    shape.SetMaterialId (rampMaterialID);
    new OgreNewtonDynamicBody (world, 0.0f, &shape, node, matrix);

    delete object;
void TrackingSystem::convertPoseToOgreCoordinate() 
	const ARToolKitPlus::ARMultiMarkerInfoT* config = mTracker->getMultiMarkerConfig();	
	Matrix4 invTrans = convert(config->trans).inverseAffine();

	Vector3 invTransPosition = invTrans.getTrans();
	Quaternion invTransOrientation = invTrans.extractQuaternion();	
	invTransOrientation = invTransOrientation * mRot180Z;	
	mTranslation = invTransPosition;
	mOrientation = invTransOrientation;	
Пример #5
// called synchronous from ogre update loop after of updating updating all sceneNodes controlled by a physic body  
void DemoApplication::OnRenderUpdateEnd(dFloat updateParam)
	// set the camera interpolated matrix
	Matrix4 matrix;
	Vector3 cameraPosit;
	Quaternion cameraRotation;
	// interpolate the camera matrix at rendering time
	m_cameraSmoothing.InterpolateMatrix (updateParam, &matrix[0][0]);
	matrix = matrix.transpose();
	mCamera->setPosition (matrix.getTrans());
	mCamera->setOrientation (matrix.extractQuaternion());

	// show statistic and help options
	m_onScreeHelp.Update (m_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_F1) ? true : false);
	if (m_onScreeHelp.m_state) {
		int row = 0;
		const RenderTarget::FrameStats& stats = mWindow->getStatistics();
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "FPS:  %05.3f", stats.lastFPS);
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "Physics time:  %05.3f ms", float (double (m_physicsWorld->GetPhysicsTimeInMicroSeconds()) * 1.0e-3f));
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "Number of rigid bodies:  %d", m_physicsWorld->GetBodyCount());
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "F1:  Hide debug help text");
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "F2:  Toggle %s simulation update", m_physicsWorld->GetConcurrentUpdateMode() ? "Asynchronous" : "Synchronous");
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "F3:  Toggle display physic debug");
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 30, "W, S, A, D:  Free camera navigation");
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "Hold CTRL and Left Mouse Key:  Show mouse cursor and pick objects from the screen");
		row = m_screen->write(20, row + 20, "ESC:  Exit application");
	} else {

	// see if debug display was activated
	m_debugTriggerKey.Update (m_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_F3) ? true : false);
	if (m_debugTriggerKey.TriggerUp()) {
	m_debugRender->SetDebugMode (m_debugTriggerKey.m_state);

	// check if the player want to run the physics concurrent of not 
	m_asyncronousUpdateKey.Update (m_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_F2) ? true : false);
	if (m_asyncronousUpdateKey.TriggerUp()) {
Пример #6
static void AddFrictionSamples(SceneManager* const sceneMgr, OgreNewtonWorld* const world, const Vector3& location, int materialStartID)
    Vector3 blockBoxSize (0.75f, 0.25f, 0.5f);
    dNewtonCollisionBox shape (world, blockBoxSize.x, blockBoxSize.y, blockBoxSize.z, m_all);

    // create a texture for using with this material
    Ogre::TexturePtr texture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load("smilli.tga", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);

    // make a material to use with this mesh
    MaterialPtr renderMaterial = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("smalli", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
    renderMaterial->setAmbient(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);

    OgreNewtonMesh boxMesh (&shape);
    int materialId = boxMesh.AddMaterial(renderMaterial);
    boxMesh.ApplyBoxMapping (materialId, materialId, materialId);

    // create a manual object for rendering
    ManualObject* const object = boxMesh.CreateEntity(MakeName ("ramp"));
    MeshPtr mesh (object->convertToMesh (MakeName ("ramp")));

    //Matrix4 matrix (Matrix4::IDENTITY);
    Matrix4 matrix (Quaternion (Degree(-30.0f), Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
    Vector3 origin (location.x - 8.0f, location.y + 5.125f, location.z + 15.0f);

    dFloat mass = 10.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
        matrix.setTrans (origin);
        origin.z -= 3.0f;
        Entity* const ent = sceneMgr->createEntity(MakeName ("ramp"), mesh);
        SceneNode* const node = CreateNode (sceneMgr, ent, matrix.getTrans(), matrix.extractQuaternion());

        shape.SetMaterialId(materialStartID + i);
        OgreNewtonDynamicBody* const body = new OgreNewtonDynamicBody (world, mass, &shape, node, matrix);

        // set the linear and angular drag do zero
        body->SetLinearDrag (0.0f);
        body->SetAngularDrag(Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

    delete object;
Пример #7
void OgreNewtonDebugger::BodyDebugData::Init(OgreNewtonDebugger* const debugger, dNewtonBody* const body)
	m_lru = debugger->m_lru;

//	Vector3 pos, vel, omega;
//	Quaternion ori;
//	bod->getVisualPositionOrientation(pos, ori);

//	vel = bod->getVelocity();
//	omega = bod->getOmega();

	// ----------- create debug-text ------------
//	std::ostringstream oss_name;
//	oss_name << "__OgreNewt__Debugger__Body__" << bod << "__";
//	std::ostringstream oss_info;
//	oss_info.precision(2);
//	oss_info.setf(std::ios::fixed,std::ios::floatfield);
//	Vector3 inertia;
//	Real mass;
//	bod->getMassMatrix(mass, inertia);

//	oss_info << "[" << bod->getOgreNode()->getName() << "]" << std::endl;
//	oss_info << "Mass: " << mass << std::endl;
//	oss_info << "Position: " << pos[0] << " x " << pos[1] << " x " << pos[2] << std::endl;
//	oss_info << "Velocity: " << vel[0] << " x " << vel[1] << " x " << vel[2] << std::endl;
//	oss_info << "Omega: " << omega[0] << " x " << omega[1] << " x " << omega[2] << std::endl;
//	oss_info << "Inertia: " << inertia[0] << " x " << inertia[1] << " x " << inertia[2] << std::endl;

	// ----------- ------------------ ------------
	// look for cached data
//	BodyDebugData* data = &m_cachemap[bod];

	if( data->m_lastcol == bod->getCollision() ) // use cached data
		// set new position...
		data->m_updated = 1;
		data->m_text->setLocalTranslation(bod->getAABB().getSize().y * 1.1f * Vector3::UNIT_Y);
		data->m_lastcol = bod->getCollision();
		data->m_updated = 1;

		if( data->m_node )
			data->m_node = m_debugnode->createChildSceneNode(pos, ori);

		if( data->m_lines )
			std::ostringstream oss;
			oss << "__OgreNewt__Debugger__Lines__" << bod << "__";
			data->m_lines = new ManualObject(oss.str());

		if( data->m_text )
			data->m_text->setLocalTranslation(bod->getAABB().getMaximum().y * 1.1f * Vector3::UNIT_Y);
			data->m_text = new OgreNewt::OgreAddons::MovableText( oss_name.str(), oss_info.str(), "BlueHighway-10",0.5);
			data->m_text->setLocalTranslation(bod->getAABB().getMaximum().y / 2.0f * Vector3::UNIT_Y + Vector3::UNIT_Y * 0.1f);
			data->m_text->setTextAlignment( OgreNewt::OgreAddons::MovableText::H_LEFT, OgreNewt::OgreAddons::MovableText::V_ABOVE );


//		data->m_lines->begin("BaseWhiteNoLighting", RenderOperation::OT_LINE_LIST );
		// set color
//		if( it != m_materialcolors.end() )
//			data->m_lines->colour(it->second);
//		else
//			data->m_lines->colour(m_defaultcolor);
//		float matrix[16];
//		Converters::QuatPosToMatrix(Quaternion::IDENTITY, Vector3::ZERO, &matrix[0]);
//		NewtonCollisionForEachPolygonDo( NewtonBodyGetCollision(newtonBody), &matrix[0], newtonPerPoly, data->m_lines );
//		data->m_lines->end();

		buildDebugObjectFromCollision (data->m_lines, m_defaultcolor, *bod->getCollision());


	Matrix4 matrix;
	body->GetMatrix (matrix[0]);
	m_node = debugger->m_debugNode->createChildSceneNode (matrix.getTrans(), matrix.extractQuaternion());

	char name[256];
	sprintf (name, "__debug_collsion_shape_%d__", debugger->m_uniqueID);
	debugger->m_uniqueID ++;
	m_lines = new ManualObject(name);

	dNewtonCollision* const collision = body->GetCollision();
	OgreNewtonGetCollisionMesh getMeshFaces (collision, this);

	m_lines->begin("BaseWhiteNoLighting", RenderOperation::OT_LINE_LIST );

	Matrix4 localMatrix (Matrix4::IDENTITY);
	collision->DebugRender (localMatrix[0], &getMeshFaces);

MmParticle ParticleSystemEmitterPlane::newParticle(int rangeIndex,AnimationTime *pTime)
    MmParticle p;
    // TODO: maybe evaluate these outside the spawn function, since they will be common for a given frame?
    float w = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->areal.getFrame(rangeIndex,pTime) * 0.5f;
    float l = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->areaw.getFrame(rangeIndex,pTime) * 0.5f;
    float spd = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->speed.getFrame(rangeIndex,pTime);
    float var = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->variation.getFrame(rangeIndex,pTime);

    Bone *pBone = m_pParticleSystem->m_pBone;
    if( pBone && m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->attach2Bone != 0 )
        p.m_vPos = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->pos + Vector3(Math::RangeRandom(-l,l),0,Math::RangeRandom(-w,w));
        p.m_vPos = p.m_vPos + pBone->getPivot();
        p.m_vDown = Vector3(0,-1,0);
        p.m_vSpeed = xs::Vector3::UNIT_Y * spd * (1.0f + Math::RangeRandom(-var,var));
        p.m_vPos = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->pos + Vector3(Math::RangeRandom(-l,l),0,Math::RangeRandom(-w,w));
            p.m_vPos = pBone->getFullTransform() *( pBone->getPivot() + p.m_vPos);
            const Matrix4& mtx = m_pParticleSystem->m_pNode->getFullTransform();
            p.m_vPos = mtx * p.m_vPos;

        Vector3 dir = Vector3(0,1,0);
            dir = pBone->getFullRotation() * dir;
            Matrix4 mtx = m_pParticleSystem->m_pNode->getFullTransform();
            Quaternion q = mtx.extractQuaternion();
            dir = q * dir;
        p.m_vDown = -1 * dir;
        p.m_vSpeed = dir * spd * (1.0f + Math::RangeRandom(-var,var));

    p.m_fLife = 0;
    p.m_fMaxLife = m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->lifespan.getFrame(rangeIndex,pTime);
    p.m_vOrigin = p.m_vPos;
    // 随机选择分割的纹理 [5/18/2011 zgz]
    if (0 == m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->iteratorArea[0] && 0 == m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->iteratorArea[1])
        p.m_i32Tile = Math::RangeRandom(0,m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->rows * m_pParticleSystem->m_pData->cols - 1);

    return p;
Пример #9
void LThing::setUpBodyInfo(PonykartParsers::ThingDefinition* def)
	// set up our collision shapes
	btCollisionShape* shape = LKernel::getG<CollisionShapeManager>()->createAndRegisterShape(this, def);

	// get the physics type and set up the mass of the body
	ThingEnum physicsType = def->getEnumProperty("physics");
	float mass = physicsType & ThingEnum::Static ? 0 : def->getFloatProperty("mass", 1);

	// create our construction info thingy
	btVector3 inertia;
	shape->calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia);

	// if it's static and doesn't have a sound, we don't need a mogre motion state because we'll be disposing of the root node afterwards
	if (def->getBoolProperty("Static", false) && !soundComponents.size())
		motionState = new btDefaultMotionState;
		motionState = getInitializationMotionState();

	info = new btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, motionState, shape, inertia);

	// physics material stuff from a .physmat file
	string physmat = def->getStringProperty("PhysicsMaterial", "Default");
	LKernel::getG<PhysicsMaterialFactory>()->applyMaterial(info, physmat);

	// we can override some of them in the .thing file
	auto ftoks = def->getFloatTokens();
	if (ftoks.find("bounciness") != ftoks.end())
		info->m_restitution = def->getFloatProperty("bounciness", PhysicsMaterial::DEFAULT_BOUNCINESS);
	if (ftoks.find("friction") != ftoks.end())
		info->m_friction = def->getFloatProperty("friction", PhysicsMaterial::DEFAULT_FRICTION);
	if (ftoks.find("angulardamping") != ftoks.end())
		info->m_angularDamping = def->getFloatProperty("angulardamping", PhysicsMaterial::DEFAULT_ANGULAR_DAMPING);
	if (ftoks.find("lineardamping") != ftoks.end())
		info->m_linearDamping = def->getFloatProperty("lineardamping", PhysicsMaterial::DEFAULT_LINEAR_DAMPING);

	// choose which group to use for a default
	ThingEnum defaultGroup;
	if (physicsType & ThingEnum::Dynamic)
		defaultGroup = ThingEnum::Default;
	else if (physicsType & ThingEnum::Static)
		defaultGroup = ThingEnum::Environment;
	else // kinematic
		defaultGroup = ThingEnum::Default;

	// collision group
	ThingEnum teCollisionGroup = def->getEnumProperty("CollisionGroup", defaultGroup);
	int pcg=0;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::All) {pcg=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::All; goto enumPCGConversionDone;}
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::Default) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::Default;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::Environment) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::Environment;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::Affectors) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::Affectors;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::Road) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::Road;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::Triggers) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::Triggers;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::Karts) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::Karts;
	if (teCollisionGroup&ThingEnum::InvisibleWalls) pcg|=(int)PonykartCollisionGroups::InvisibleWalls;
	if (pcg!=(int)teCollisionGroup)
		throw string("Invalid collision group!");
	collisionGroup = (PonykartCollisionGroups)pcg;

	// collides-with group
	ThingEnum teCollidesWith = def->getEnumProperty("CollidesWith", defaultGroup);
	int pcwg=0;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::All) {pcwg=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::All; goto enumPCWGConversionDone;}
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::Default) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::Default;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::Environment) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::Environment;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::Affectors) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::Affectors;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::Road) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::Road;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::Triggers) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::Triggers;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::Karts) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::Karts;
	if (teCollidesWith&ThingEnum::InvisibleWalls) pcwg|=(int)PonykartCollidesWithGroups::InvisibleWalls;
	if (pcwg!=(int)teCollidesWith)
		throw string("Invalid collides-with group!");
	collidesWith = (PonykartCollidesWithGroups)pcwg;

	// update the transforms
	Matrix4 trans;
	trans.makeTransform(spawnPosition, spawnScale, spawnOrientation);
	btTransform btTrans{toBtQuaternion(trans.extractQuaternion()), toBtVector3(trans.getTrans())};
	info->m_startWorldTransform = btTrans;
Пример #10
	void PbsMaterial::updateUniforms(const Pass* pass, const AutoParamDataSource* source, const LightList* pLightList)
		// Vertex program
		GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr vertexParams = pass->getVertexProgramParameters();

		vertexParams->setNamedAutoConstant("mvpMat", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLDVIEWPROJ_MATRIX);
		vertexParams->setNamedAutoConstant("mvMat", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLDVIEW_MATRIX);

		// Fragment program
		GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr fragmentParams = pass->getFragmentProgramParameters();
		fragmentParams->setNamedAutoConstant("ivMat", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_INVERSE_VIEW_MATRIX);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_albedo", mAlbedo);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_f0", mF0);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_roughness", mRoughness);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_light_roughness_offset", mLightRoughnessOffset);

		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_offset_main", mMainOffset);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_scale_main", mMainScale);

		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_offset_d1", mD1Offset);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_scale_d1", mD1Scale);

		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_offset_d2", mD2Offset);
		fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("in_scale_d2", mD2Scale);

		// Set light uniforms
		unsigned int count = std::min(mDirectionalLightCount + mPointLightCount + mSpotLightCount, maxLightCount);
		if (count)
			Matrix4 viewMatrix = source->getViewMatrix();
			Quaternion viewMatrixQuat = viewMatrix.extractQuaternion();

			int directionalLightIndex = 0;
			int pointLightLightIndex = 0;
			int spotLightIndex = 0;

			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				Light* light = (*pLightList)[i];

				int index;
				if (light->getType() == Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL)
					index = directionalLightIndex;
				else if (light->getType() == Light::LT_POINT)
					index = mDirectionalLightCount + pointLightLightIndex;
					index = mDirectionalLightCount + mPointLightCount + spotLightIndex;

				Vector3 pos = viewMatrix * light->getDerivedPosition();
				mLightPositions_es[index * 4 + 0] = pos.x;
				mLightPositions_es[index * 4 + 1] = pos.y;
				mLightPositions_es[index * 4 + 2] = pos.z;

				Vector3 dir = -(viewMatrixQuat * light->getDerivedDirection()).normalisedCopy();
				mLightDirections_es[index * 4 + 0] = dir.x;
				mLightDirections_es[index * 4 + 1] = dir.y;
				mLightDirections_es[index * 4 + 2] = dir.z;

				ColourValue color = light->getDiffuseColour();
				mLightColors[index * 4 + 0] = color.r;
				mLightColors[index* 4 + 1] = color.g;
				mLightColors[index* 4 + 2] = color.b;

				mLightParameters[index * 4 + 0] = light->getAttenuationRange();
				mLightParameters[index * 4 + 1] = Math::Cos(light->getSpotlightOuterAngle() / 2.0);
				mLightParameters[index * 4 + 2] = light->getSpotlightFalloff();

			fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("lightPositions_es", &(mLightPositions_es[0]), count);
			fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("lightDirections_es", &(mLightDirections_es[0]), count);
			fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("lightColors", &(mLightColors[0]), count);
			fragmentParams->setNamedConstant("lightParameters", &(mLightParameters[0]), count);

		// update the textures
		if (_hasSamplerChanged)
			for (int i = 0; i < ST_COUNT; i++)
				SamplerContainer& s = _samplers[i];
				if (s.status == SS_UPDATED)
					updateTexturUnits(s.textureUnitState, fragmentParams, s, i);
					s.status = SS_ACTIVE;

			_hasSamplerChanged = false;
Пример #11
	void CPlayerInterpolator::onFixedTick(unsigned int msecs) {
		if( !_transformBuffer.empty() && !_connecting ) {
			// Posicionamos el grafico y el controlador fisico donde nos indique
			// el buffer de posiciones interpolado
			_extrapolatedTicks = 0;

			Matrix4 newTransform = _transformBuffer.front();
			Vector3 newPosition = newTransform.getTrans();
			_extrapolatedMotion = (newPosition - _entity->getPosition())*0.5f;

			_controller->setPhysicPosition( newPosition );
			_entity->setOrientation( newTransform.extractQuaternion() );

			if( !_animationBuffer.empty() ) {
				if( _animationBuffer.front().tick == _tickCounter ) {
					// Reproducir animacion
					AnimInfo info = _animationBuffer.front();

					// Emitimos el mensaje de animación
					if(info.stop) {
						// Mandar animación de stop
						shared_ptr<CMessageStopAnimation> stopAnimMsg = make_shared<CMessageStopAnimation>();

					else {
						// Mandar set animation
						shared_ptr<CMessageSetAnimation> setAnimMsg = make_shared<CMessageSetAnimation>();

			if( !_audioBuffer.empty() ) {
				if( _audioBuffer.front().tick == _tickCounter ) {
					AudioInfo info = _audioBuffer.front();

					shared_ptr<CMessageAudio> audioMsg = make_shared<CMessageAudio>();


			if ( !_weaponBuffer.empty() && _weaponBuffer.front().tick == _tickCounter ) {
				WeaponInfo info = _weaponBuffer.front();
				shared_ptr<CMessageChangeWeaponGraphics> weaponMsg = make_shared<CMessageChangeWeaponGraphics>();

			_tickCounter = (_tickCounter + 1) % _ticksPerBuffer;
		else {
			// Estamos ejecutando ticks con el buffer vacio
			// tendremos que descartar estos ticks del siguiente buffer
			// recibido
			if(!_connecting) {
				if( _extrapolatedTicks < _ticksPerBuffer ) {
					std::cout << "perdiendo ticks"+ _lostTicks << std::endl;
					Vector3 newPosition = _entity->getPosition() + _extrapolatedMotion * 0.5f;
					Physics::CapsuleGeometry controllerGeometry = Physics::CapsuleGeometry( _controller->getCapsuleRadius(), _controller->getCapsuleHeight() / 2.0f );

					if( !Physics::CServer::getSingletonPtr()->overlapAny( controllerGeometry, newPosition ) ) {
						_controller->setPhysicPosition( newPosition );
						if( ++_extrapolatedTicks == 2 )
							_extrapolatedMotion = Vector3::ZERO;