bool WriteGromos96(ostream &ofs,OBMol &mol,double fac) { char type_name[10]; char res_name[10],padded_name[10]; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; int res_num; sprintf(buffer,"#GENERATED BY OPEN BABEL %s",BABEL_VERSION); ofs << buffer << endl; /* GROMOS wants a TITLE block, so let's write one*/ sprintf(buffer,"TITLE\n%s\nEND",mol.GetTitle()); ofs << buffer << endl; ofs << "POSITION" << endl; OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; vector<OBNodeBase*>::iterator i; for(atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { if (res = atom->GetResidue()) { strcpy(res_name,(char*)res->GetName().c_str()); strcpy(type_name,(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str()); res_num = res->GetNum(); } else { strcpy(type_name,etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum())); strcpy(res_name,"UNK"); sprintf(padded_name,"%2s",type_name); strcpy(type_name,padded_name); res_num = 1; } sprintf(buffer,"%5d %5s %5s %6d %15.5f %15.5f %15.5f", res_num,res_name,type_name,atom->GetIdx(), atom->x()*fac,atom->y()*fac,atom->z()*fac); ofs << buffer << endl; if (!(atom->GetIdx()%10)) { sprintf(buffer,"# %d",atom->GetIdx()); ofs << buffer << endl; } } ofs << "END" << endl; return(true); }
bool MOL2Format::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; bool ligandsOnly = pConv->IsOption("l", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS)!=NULL; //The old code follows.... string str,str1; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE],label[BUFF_SIZE]; char rnum[BUFF_SIZE],rlabel[BUFF_SIZE]; ofs << "@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE" << endl; str = mol.GetTitle(); if (str.empty()) ofs << "*****" << endl; else ofs << str << endl; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE," %d %d 0 0 0", mol.NumAtoms(),mol.NumBonds()); ofs << buffer << endl; ofs << "SMALL" << endl; OBPairData *dp = (OBPairData*)mol.GetData("PartialCharges"); if (dp != NULL) { // Tripos spec says: // NO_CHARGES, DEL_RE, GASTEIGER, GAST_HUCK, HUCKEL, PULLMAN, // GAUSS80_CHARGES, AMPAC_CHARGES, MULLIKEN_CHARGES, DICT_ CHARGES, // MMFF94_CHARGES, USER_CHARGES if (dp->GetValue() == "Mulliken") ofs << "MULLIKEN_CHARGES" << endl; else // should pick from the Tripos types ofs << "GASTEIGER" << endl; } else { // No idea what these charges are... all our code sets "PartialCharges" ofs << "GASTEIGER" << endl; } ofs << "Energy = " << mol.GetEnergy() << endl; if (mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::CommentData)) { OBCommentData *cd = (OBCommentData*)mol.GetData(OBGenericDataType::CommentData); ofs << cd->GetData(); } ofs << endl; ofs << "@<TRIPOS>ATOM" << endl; OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; vector<int> labelcount; labelcount.resize( etab.GetNumberOfElements() ); ttab.SetFromType("INT"); ttab.SetToType("SYB"); for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { // // Use sequentially numbered atom names if no residues // snprintf(label,BUFF_SIZE, "%s%d", etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), ++labelcount[atom->GetAtomicNum()]); strcpy(rlabel,"<1>"); strcpy(rnum,"1"); str = atom->GetType(); ttab.Translate(str1,str); // // Use original atom names if there are residues // if (!ligandsOnly && (res = atom->GetResidue()) ) { // use original atom names defined by residue snprintf(label,BUFF_SIZE,"%s",(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str()); // make sure that residue name includes its number snprintf(rlabel,BUFF_SIZE,"%s%d",res->GetName().c_str(), res->GetNum()); snprintf(rnum,BUFF_SIZE,"%d",res->GetNum()); } snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,"%7d%1s%-6s%12.4f%10.4f%10.4f%1s%-5s%4s%1s %-8s%10.4f", atom->GetIdx(),"",label, atom->GetX(),atom->GetY(),atom->GetZ(), "",str1.c_str(), rnum,"",rlabel, atom->GetPartialCharge()); ofs << buffer << endl; } ofs << "@<TRIPOS>BOND" << endl; OBBond *bond; vector<OBBond*>::iterator j; OBSmartsPattern pat; string s1, s2; for (bond = mol.BeginBond(j);bond;bond = mol.NextBond(j)) { s1 = bond->GetBeginAtom()->GetType(); s2 = bond->GetEndAtom()->GetType(); if (bond->IsAromatic() || s1 == "O.co2" || s2 == "O.co2") strcpy(label,"ar"); else if (bond->IsAmide()) strcpy(label,"am"); else snprintf(label,BUFF_SIZE,"%d",bond->GetBO()); snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE,"%6d%6d%6d%3s%2s", bond->GetIdx()+1,bond->GetBeginAtomIdx(),bond->GetEndAtomIdx(), "",label); ofs << buffer << endl; } // NO trailing blank line (PR#1868929). // ofs << endl; return(true); }
bool GROMOS96Format::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; double fac = pConv->IsOption("n") ? 0.1 : 1.0; //new framework char type_name[16]; char res_name[16]; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; string res_num; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "#GENERATED BY OPEN BABEL %s\n",BABEL_VERSION); ofs << buffer; /* GROMOS wants a TITLE block, so let's write one*/ ofs << "TITLE\n" << mol.GetTitle() << "\nEND\n"; ofs << "POSITION\n"; OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; for(atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { if ( (res = atom->GetResidue()) ) { // 16 = sizeof(res_name) and sizeof(type_name) strncpy(res_name,(char*)res->GetName().c_str(), 16); res_name[15] = '\0'; strncpy(type_name,(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str(), 16); type_name[15] = '\0'; res_num = res->GetNumString(); } else { strncpy(type_name,OBElements::GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), 16); strcpy(res_name,"UNK"); res_num = "1"; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%5s %5s %5s %6d %15.5f %15.5f %15.5f\n", res_num.c_str(),res_name,type_name,atom->GetIdx(), atom->x()*fac,atom->y()*fac,atom->z()*fac); ofs << buffer; if (!(atom->GetIdx()%10)) { snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "# %d\n",atom->GetIdx()); ofs << buffer; } } ofs << "END\n"; return(true); }
bool PDBFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; unsigned int i; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; char type_name[10], padded_name[10]; char the_res[10]; char the_chain = ' '; const char *element_name; int res_num; bool het=true; int model_num = 0; if (!pConv->IsLast() || pConv->GetOutputIndex() > 1) { // More than one molecule record model_num = pConv->GetOutputIndex(); // MODEL 1-based index snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "MODEL %8d", model_num); ofs << buffer << endl; } // write back all fields (REMARKS, HELIX, SHEET, SITE, ...) bool compndWritten = false; bool authorWritten = false; std::vector<OBGenericData*> pairData = mol.GetAllData(OBGenericDataType::PairData); for (std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator data = pairData.begin(); data != pairData.end(); ++data) { OBPairData *pd = static_cast<OBPairData*>(*data); string attr = pd->GetAttribute(); // filter to make sure we are writing pdb fields only if (attr != "HEADER" && attr != "OBSLTE" && attr != "TITLE" && attr != "SPLIT" && attr != "CAVEAT" && attr != "COMPND" && attr != "SOURCE" && attr != "KEYWDS" && attr != "EXPDTA" && attr != "NUMMDL" && attr != "MDLTYP" && attr != "AUTHOR" && attr != "REVDAT" && attr != "SPRSDE" && attr != "JRNL" && attr != "REMARK" && attr != "DBREF" && attr != "DBREF1" && attr != "DBREF2" && attr != "SEQADV" && attr != "SEQRES" && attr != "MODRES" && attr != "HET" && attr != "HETNAM" && attr != "HETSYN" && attr != "FORMUL" && attr != "HELIX" && attr != "SHEET" && attr != "SSBOND" && attr != "LINK" && attr != "CISPEP" && attr != "SITE" && attr != "ORIGX1" && attr != "ORIGX2" && attr != "ORIGX3" && attr != "SCALE1" && attr != "SCALE2" && attr != "SCALE3" && attr != "MATRIX1" && attr != "MATRIX2" && attr != "MATRIX3" && attr != "MODEL") continue; if (attr == "COMPND") compndWritten = true; if (attr == "AUTHOR") authorWritten = true; // compute spacing needed. HELIX, SITE, HET, ... are trimmed when reading int nSpacing = 6 - attr.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nSpacing; ++i) attr += " "; std::string lines = pd->GetValue(); string::size_type last = 0; string::size_type pos = lines.find('\n'); while (last != string::npos) { string line = lines.substr(last, pos - last); if (pos == string::npos) last = string::npos; else last = pos + 1; pos = lines.find('\n', last); ofs << attr << line << endl; } } if (!compndWritten) { if (strlen(mol.GetTitle()) > 0) snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "COMPND %s ",mol.GetTitle()); else snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "COMPND UNNAMED"); ofs << buffer << endl; } if (!authorWritten) { snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "AUTHOR GENERATED BY OPEN BABEL %s",BABEL_VERSION); ofs << buffer << endl; } // Write CRYST1 record, containing unit cell parameters, space group // and Z value (supposed to be 1) if (pmol->HasData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell)) { OBUnitCell *pUC = (OBUnitCell*)pmol->GetData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell); if(pUC->GetSpaceGroup()){ string tmpHM=pUC->GetSpaceGroup()->GetHMName(); // Do we have an extended HM symbol, with origin choice as ":1" or ":2" ? If so, remove it. size_t n=tmpHM.find(":"); if(n!=string::npos) tmpHM=tmpHM.substr(0,n); snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CRYST1%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f %-11s 1", pUC->GetA(), pUC->GetB(), pUC->GetC(), pUC->GetAlpha(), pUC->GetBeta(), pUC->GetGamma(), tmpHM.c_str()); } else snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CRYST1%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f %-11s 1", pUC->GetA(), pUC->GetB(), pUC->GetC(), pUC->GetAlpha(), pUC->GetBeta(), pUC->GetGamma(), "P1"); ofs << buffer << endl; } // before we write any records, we should check to see if any coord < -1000 // which will cause errors in the formatting double minX, minY, minZ; minX = minY = minZ = -999.0f; FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(a, mol) { if (a->GetX() < minX) minX = a->GetX(); if (a->GetY() < minY) minY = a->GetY(); if (a->GetZ() < minZ) minZ = a->GetZ(); } vector3 transV = VZero; if (minX < -999.0) transV.SetX(-1.0*minX - 900.0); if (minY < -999.0) transV.SetY(-1.0*minY - 900.0); if (minZ < -999.0) transV.SetZ(-1.0*minZ - 900.0); // if minX, minY, or minZ was never changed, shift will be 0.0f // otherwise, move enough so that smallest coord is > -999.0f mol.Translate(transV); OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; for (i = 1; i <= mol.NumAtoms(); i++) { atom = mol.GetAtom(i); strncpy(type_name, etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), sizeof(type_name)); type_name[sizeof(type_name) - 1] = '\0'; //two char. elements are on position 13 and 14 one char. start at 14 if (strlen(type_name) > 1) type_name[1] = toupper(type_name[1]); else { char tmp[10]; strncpy(tmp, type_name, 9); // make sure to null-terminate tmp snprintf(type_name, sizeof(type_name), " %-3s", tmp); } if ( (res = atom->GetResidue()) != 0 ) { het = res->IsHetAtom(atom); snprintf(the_res,4,"%s",(char*)res->GetName().c_str()); the_res[4] = '\0'; snprintf(type_name,5,"%s",(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str()); the_chain = res->GetChain(); //two char. elements are on position 13 and 14 one char. start at 14 if (strlen(etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum())) == 1) { if (strlen(type_name) < 4) { char tmp[10]; strncpy(tmp, type_name, 9); // make sure to null-terminate tmp snprintf(padded_name, sizeof(padded_name), " %-3s", tmp); strncpy(type_name,padded_name,4); type_name[4] = '\0'; } else { /* type_name[4] = type_name[3]; type_name[3] = type_name[2]; type_name[2] = type_name[1]; type_name[1] = type_name[0]; type_name[0] = type_name[4]; */ type_name[4] = '\0'; } } res_num = res->GetNum(); } else { strcpy(the_res,"UNK"); the_res[3] = '\0'; snprintf(padded_name,sizeof(padded_name), "%s",type_name); strncpy(type_name,padded_name,4); type_name[4] = '\0'; res_num = 1; } element_name = etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()); int charge = atom->GetFormalCharge(); char scharge[3] = { ' ', ' ', '\0' }; if(0 != charge) { snprintf(scharge, 3, "%+d", charge); char tmp = scharge[1]; scharge[1] = scharge[0]; scharge[0] = tmp; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%s%5d %-4s %-3s %c%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f 1.00 0.00 %2s%2s\n", het?"HETATM":"ATOM ", i, type_name, the_res, the_chain, res_num, atom->GetX(), atom->GetY(), atom->GetZ(), element_name, scharge); ofs << buffer; } OBAtom *nbr; vector<OBBond*>::iterator k; for (i = 1; i <= mol.NumAtoms(); i ++) { atom = mol.GetAtom(i); if (atom->GetValence() == 0) continue; // no need to write a CONECT record -- no bonds snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CONECT%5d", i); ofs << buffer; // Write out up to 4 real bonds per line PR#1711154 int currentValence = 0; for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(k);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(k)) { snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%5d", nbr->GetIdx()); ofs << buffer; if (++currentValence % 4 == 0) { // Add the trailing space to finish this record ofs << " \n"; // write the start of a new CONECT record snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CONECT%5d", i); ofs << buffer; } } // Add trailing spaces int remainingValence = atom->GetValence() % 4; for (int count = 0; count < (4 - remainingValence); count++) { snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, " "); ofs << buffer; } ofs << " \n"; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "MASTER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "); ofs << buffer; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%4d 0 %4d 0\n",mol.NumAtoms(),mol.NumAtoms()); ofs << buffer; ofs << "END\n"; if (model_num) { ofs << "ENDMDL" << endl; } return(true); }
bool PDBFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; unsigned int i; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; char type_name[10], padded_name[10]; char the_res[10]; char the_chain = ' '; const char *element_name; int res_num; bool het=true; int model_num = 0; if (!pConv->IsLast() || pConv->GetOutputIndex() > 1) { // More than one molecule record model_num = pConv->GetOutputIndex(); // MODEL 1-based index snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "MODEL %8d", model_num); ofs << buffer << endl; } if (strlen(mol.GetTitle()) > 0) snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "COMPND %s ",mol.GetTitle()); else snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "COMPND UNNAMED"); ofs << buffer << endl; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "AUTHOR GENERATED BY OPEN BABEL %s",BABEL_VERSION); ofs << buffer << endl; // Write CRYST1 record, containing unit cell parameters, space group // and Z value (supposed to be 1) if (pmol->HasData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell)) { OBUnitCell *pUC = (OBUnitCell*)pmol->GetData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell); snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CRYST1%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f %-11s 1", pUC->GetA(), pUC->GetB(), pUC->GetC(), pUC->GetAlpha(), pUC->GetBeta(), pUC->GetGamma(), pUC->GetSpaceGroup() ? pUC->GetSpaceGroup()->GetHMName().c_str() : "P1"); ofs << buffer << endl; } // before we write any records, we should check to see if any coord < -1000 // which will cause errors in the formatting double minX, minY, minZ; minX = minY = minZ = -999.0f; FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(a, mol) { if (a->GetX() < minX) minX = a->GetX(); if (a->GetY() < minY) minY = a->GetY(); if (a->GetZ() < minZ) minZ = a->GetZ(); } vector3 transV = VZero; if (minX < -999.0) transV.SetX(-1.0*minX - 900.0); if (minY < -999.0) transV.SetY(-1.0*minY - 900.0); if (minZ < -999.0) transV.SetZ(-1.0*minZ - 900.0); // if minX, minY, or minZ was never changed, shift will be 0.0f // otherwise, move enough so that smallest coord is > -999.0f mol.Translate(transV); OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; for (i = 1; i <= mol.NumAtoms(); i++) { atom = mol.GetAtom(i); strncpy(type_name, etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), sizeof(type_name)); type_name[sizeof(type_name) - 1] = '\0'; //two char. elements are on position 13 and 14 one char. start at 14 if (strlen(type_name) > 1) type_name[1] = toupper(type_name[1]); else { char tmp[10]; strncpy(tmp, type_name, 10); snprintf(type_name, sizeof(type_name), " %-3s", tmp); } if ( (res = atom->GetResidue()) != 0 ) { het = res->IsHetAtom(atom); snprintf(the_res,4,"%s",(char*)res->GetName().c_str()); snprintf(type_name,5,"%s",(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str()); the_chain = res->GetChain(); //two char. elements are on position 13 and 14 one char. start at 14 if (strlen(etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum())) == 1) { if (strlen(type_name) < 4) { char tmp[16]; strncpy(tmp, type_name, 16); snprintf(padded_name, sizeof(padded_name), " %-3s", tmp); strncpy(type_name,padded_name,4); type_name[4] = '\0'; } else { /* type_name[4] = type_name[3]; type_name[3] = type_name[2]; type_name[2] = type_name[1]; type_name[1] = type_name[0]; type_name[0] = type_name[4]; */ type_name[4] = '\0'; } } res_num = res->GetNum(); } else { strcpy(the_res,"UNK"); snprintf(padded_name,sizeof(padded_name), "%s",type_name); strncpy(type_name,padded_name,4); type_name[4] = '\0'; res_num = 1; } element_name = etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()); int charge = atom->GetFormalCharge(); char scharge[3] = { ' ', ' ', '\0' }; if(0 != charge) { snprintf(scharge, 3, "%+d", charge); char tmp = scharge[1]; scharge[1] = scharge[0]; scharge[0] = tmp; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%s%5d %-4s %-3s %c%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f 1.00 0.00 %2s%2s\n", het?"HETATM":"ATOM ", i, type_name, the_res, the_chain, res_num, atom->GetX(), atom->GetY(), atom->GetZ(), element_name, scharge); ofs << buffer; } OBAtom *nbr; vector<OBBond*>::iterator k; for (i = 1; i <= mol.NumAtoms(); i ++) { atom = mol.GetAtom(i); if (atom->GetValence() == 0) continue; // no need to write a CONECT record -- no bonds snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CONECT%5d", i); ofs << buffer; // Write out up to 4 real bonds per line PR#1711154 unsigned int currentValence = 0; for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(k);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(k)) { unsigned int order = mol.GetBond(atom, nbr)->GetBondOrder(); unsigned int it_order = 0; for( it_order = 0; it_order < order; it_order++ ) { if (0 != currentValence && 0 == currentValence % 4) { // Add the trailing space to finish this record ofs << " \n"; // write the start of a new CONECT record snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CONECT%5d", i); ofs << buffer; } currentValence++; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%5d", nbr->GetIdx()); ofs << buffer; } } // Add trailing spaces unsigned int remainingValence = currentValence % 4; if( 0 < remainingValence ) { for (int count = 0; count < (4 - remainingValence); count++) { snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, " "); ofs << buffer; } } ofs << " \n"; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "MASTER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "); ofs << buffer; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%4d 0 %4d 0\n",mol.NumAtoms(),mol.NumAtoms()); ofs << buffer; ofs << "END\n"; if (model_num) { ofs << "ENDMDL" << endl; } return(true); }