bool WriteGromos96(ostream &ofs,OBMol &mol,double fac) { char type_name[10]; char res_name[10],padded_name[10]; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; int res_num; sprintf(buffer,"#GENERATED BY OPEN BABEL %s",BABEL_VERSION); ofs << buffer << endl; /* GROMOS wants a TITLE block, so let's write one*/ sprintf(buffer,"TITLE\n%s\nEND",mol.GetTitle()); ofs << buffer << endl; ofs << "POSITION" << endl; OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; vector<OBNodeBase*>::iterator i; for(atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { if (res = atom->GetResidue()) { strcpy(res_name,(char*)res->GetName().c_str()); strcpy(type_name,(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str()); res_num = res->GetNum(); } else { strcpy(type_name,etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum())); strcpy(res_name,"UNK"); sprintf(padded_name,"%2s",type_name); strcpy(type_name,padded_name); res_num = 1; } sprintf(buffer,"%5d %5s %5s %6d %15.5f %15.5f %15.5f", res_num,res_name,type_name,atom->GetIdx(), atom->x()*fac,atom->y()*fac,atom->z()*fac); ofs << buffer << endl; if (!(atom->GetIdx()%10)) { sprintf(buffer,"# %d",atom->GetIdx()); ofs << buffer << endl; } } ofs << "END" << endl; return(true); }
void CSRFormat::WriteCSRCoords(ostream &ofs,OBMol &mol) { int the_size,jconf; double x,y,z,energy; char title[100]; char *tag; the_size = sizeof(int) + sizeof(double) + (80 * sizeof(char)); jconf = 1; energy = -2.584565; snprintf(title, 80, "%s:%d",mol.GetTitle(),MolCount); tag = PadString(title,80); WriteSize(the_size,ofs); ofs.write((char*)&jconf,sizeof(int)); ofs.write((char*)&energy,sizeof(double)); ofs.write(tag,80*sizeof(char)); WriteSize(the_size,ofs); WriteSize(mol.NumAtoms()*sizeof(double),ofs); OBAtom *atom; vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { x = atom->x(); ofs.write((char*)&x,sizeof(double)); } WriteSize(mol.NumAtoms()*sizeof(double),ofs); WriteSize(mol.NumAtoms()*sizeof(double),ofs); for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { y = atom->y(); ofs.write((char*)&y,sizeof(double)); } WriteSize(mol.NumAtoms()*sizeof(double),ofs); WriteSize(mol.NumAtoms()*sizeof(double),ofs); for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { z = atom->z(); ofs.write((char*)&z,sizeof(double)); } WriteSize(mol.NumAtoms()*sizeof(double),ofs); delete [] tag; }
bool CacaoFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; OBAtom *atom; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%s\n",mol.GetTitle()); ofs << buffer; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%3d DIST 0 0 0\n",mol.NumAtoms()); ofs << buffer; if (!mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell)) ofs << "CELL 1.,1.,1.,90.,90.,90.\n"; else { OBUnitCell *uc = (OBUnitCell*)mol.GetData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell); snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "CELL %f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", uc->GetA(), uc->GetB(), uc->GetC(), uc->GetAlpha(), uc->GetBeta(), uc->GetGamma()); ofs << buffer; } for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,"%2s %7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f\n", etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z()); ofs << buffer; } return(true); }
bool WriteFeat(ostream &ofs,OBMol &mol) { char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; ofs << mol.NumAtoms() << endl; ofs << mol.GetTitle() << endl; OBAtom *atom; vector<OBNodeBase*>::iterator i; for(atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { sprintf(buffer,"%-3s %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f ", etab.GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z()); ofs << buffer << endl; } return(true); }
//copy data needed to write out pmol from obmol void PMolCreator::copyFrom(OBMol& mol, bool deleteH) { static OBIsotopeTable isotable; name = mol.GetTitle(); //first construct atoms int typeindex[256]; //position in atoms vector of an atom type, indexed by atomic number int tmpatomindex[mol.NumAtoms()]; //position within the atom type vector memset(typeindex, -1, sizeof(typeindex)); memset(tmpatomindex, -1, sizeof(tmpatomindex)); for (OBAtomIterator aitr = mol.BeginAtoms(); aitr != mol.EndAtoms(); ++aitr) { OBAtom *atom = *aitr; unsigned int idx = atom->GetIdx(); unsigned anum = atom->GetAtomicNum(); assert(anum < 256); if(deleteH && anum == 1) continue; int pos = typeindex[anum]; if (pos < 0) // no vector for this type yet { pos = typeindex[anum] = atoms.size(); atoms.push_back(AtomGroup(anum)); } tmpatomindex[idx] = atoms[pos].coords.size(); atoms[pos].coords.push_back(FloatCoord(atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z())); } //create mapping to actual atom index numAtoms = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(AtomGroup& ag, atoms) { ag.startIndex = numAtoms; numAtoms += ag.coords.size(); }
bool GROMOS96Format::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; double fac = pConv->IsOption("n") ? 0.1 : 1.0; //new framework char type_name[16]; char res_name[16]; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; string res_num; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "#GENERATED BY OPEN BABEL %s\n",BABEL_VERSION); ofs << buffer; /* GROMOS wants a TITLE block, so let's write one*/ ofs << "TITLE\n" << mol.GetTitle() << "\nEND\n"; ofs << "POSITION\n"; OBAtom *atom; OBResidue *res; vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; for(atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { if ( (res = atom->GetResidue()) ) { // 16 = sizeof(res_name) and sizeof(type_name) strncpy(res_name,(char*)res->GetName().c_str(), 16); res_name[15] = '\0'; strncpy(type_name,(char*)res->GetAtomID(atom).c_str(), 16); type_name[15] = '\0'; res_num = res->GetNumString(); } else { strncpy(type_name,OBElements::GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum()), 16); strcpy(res_name,"UNK"); res_num = "1"; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%5s %5s %5s %6d %15.5f %15.5f %15.5f\n", res_num.c_str(),res_name,type_name,atom->GetIdx(), atom->x()*fac,atom->y()*fac,atom->z()*fac); ofs << buffer; if (!(atom->GetIdx()%10)) { snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "# %d\n",atom->GetIdx()); ofs << buffer; } } ofs << "END\n"; return(true); }
bool BoxFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; //margin hardwired in new framework. Also was in old fileformat double margin=1.0; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; vector3 vcenter,vmin,vmax,vmid,vdim; OBAtom *atom; vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; vmax.Set(-10E10,-10E10,-10E10); vmin.Set( 10E10, 10E10, 10E10); for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { vcenter += atom->GetVector(); if (atom->x() < vmin.x()) vmin.SetX(atom->x()); if (atom->y() < vmin.y()) vmin.SetY(atom->y()); if (atom->z() < vmin.z()) vmin.SetZ(atom->z()); if (atom->x() > vmax.x()) vmax.SetX(atom->x()); if (atom->y() > vmax.y()) vmax.SetY(atom->y()); if (atom->z() > vmax.z()) vmax.SetZ(atom->z()); } vcenter /= (double)mol.NumAtoms(); vector3 vmarg(margin,margin,margin); vmin -= vmarg; vmax += vmarg; vdim = vmax - vmin; vmid = vmin+vmax; vmid /= 2.0; ofs << "HEADER CORNERS OF BOX" << endl; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "REMARK CENTER (X Y Z) %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f", vmid.x(),vmid.y(),vmid.z()); ofs << buffer << endl; snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "REMARK DIMENSIONS (X Y Z) %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f", vdim.x(),vdim.y(),vdim.z()); ofs << buffer << endl; vdim /= 2.0; vector3 vtmp; int j; for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++) { switch(j) { case 1: vtmp = vmid-vdim; break; case 2: vtmp.SetX(vmid.x()+vdim.x()); break; case 3: vtmp.SetZ(vmid.z()+vdim.z()); break; case 4: vtmp.SetX(vmid.x()-vdim.x()); break; case 5: vtmp = vmid-vdim; vtmp.SetY(vmid.y()+vdim.y()); break; case 6: vtmp = vmid+vdim; vtmp.SetZ(vmid.z()-vdim.z()); break; case 7: vtmp = vmid+vdim; break; case 8: vtmp.SetX(vmid.x()-vdim.x()); break; } snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "ATOM %d DUA BOX 1 %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f", j,vtmp.x(),vtmp.y(),vtmp.z()); ofs << buffer << endl; } ofs << "CONECT 1 2 4 5" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 2 1 3 6" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 3 2 4 7" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 4 1 3 8" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 5 1 6 8" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 6 2 5 7" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 7 3 6 8" << endl; ofs << "CONECT 8 4 5 7" << endl; return(true); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { // turn off slow sync with C-style output (we don't use it anyway). std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); OBConversion conv; OBFormat *inFormat, *canFormat; OBMol mol; ifstream ifs; vector<OBMol> fragments; unsigned int fragmentCount = 0; // track how many in library -- give a running count map<string, int> index; // index of cansmi string currentCAN; unsigned int size; OBAtom *atom; OBBond *bond; bool nonRingAtoms, nonRingBonds; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; canFormat = conv.FindFormat("can"); conv.SetOutFormat(canFormat); if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: obfragment <file>" << endl; return(-1); } for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { cerr << " Reading file " << argv[i] << endl; inFormat = conv.FormatFromExt(argv[i]); if(inFormat==NULL || !conv.SetInFormat(inFormat)) { cerr << " Cannot read file format for " << argv[i] << endl; continue; // try next file }[i]); if (!ifs) { cerr << "Cannot read input file: " << argv[i] << endl; continue; } while(ifs.peek() != EOF && ifs.good()) { conv.Read(&mol, &ifs); if (!mol.Has3D()) continue; // invalid coordinates! mol.DeleteHydrogens(); // remove these before we do anything else do { nonRingAtoms = false; size = mol.NumAtoms(); for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) { atom = mol.GetAtom(i); if (!atom->IsInRing()) { mol.DeleteAtom(atom); nonRingAtoms = true; break; // don't know how many atoms there are } // Previously, we changed atoms to carbon here. // Now we perform this alchemy in terms of string-rewriting // once the canonical SMILES is generated } } while (nonRingAtoms); if (mol.NumAtoms() < 3) continue; if (mol.NumBonds() == 0) continue; do { nonRingBonds = false; size = mol.NumBonds(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { bond = mol.GetBond(i); if (!bond->IsInRing()) { mol.DeleteBond(bond); nonRingBonds = true; break; // don't know how many bonds there are } } } while (nonRingBonds); fragments = mol.Separate(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) { if (fragments[i].NumAtoms() < 3) // too small to care continue; currentCAN = conv.WriteString(&fragments[i], true); currentCAN = RewriteSMILES(currentCAN); // change elements to "a/A" for compression if (index.find(currentCAN) != index.end()) { // already got this index[currentCAN] += 1; // add to the count for bookkeeping continue; } index[currentCAN] = 1; // don't ever write this ring fragment again // OK, now retrieve the canonical ordering for the fragment vector<string> canonical_order; if (fragments[i].HasData("Canonical Atom Order")) { OBPairData *data = (OBPairData*)fragments[i].GetData("Canonical Atom Order"); tokenize(canonical_order, data->GetValue().c_str()); } // Write out an XYZ-style file with the CANSMI as the title cout << fragments[i].NumAtoms() << '\n'; cout << currentCAN << '\n'; // endl causes a flush vector<string>::iterator can_iter; unsigned int order; OBAtom *atom; fragments[i].Center(); fragments[i].ToInertialFrame(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < canonical_order.size(); ++index) { order = atoi(canonical_order[index].c_str()); atom = fragments[i].GetAtom(order); snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "C%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n", atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z()); cout << buffer; } } fragments.clear(); if (index.size() > fragmentCount) { fragmentCount = index.size(); cerr << " Fragments: " << fragmentCount << endl; } } // while reading molecules (in this file) ifs.close(); ifs.clear(); } // while reading files // loop through the map and output frequencies map<string, int>::const_iterator indexItr; for (indexItr = index.begin(); indexItr != index.end(); ++indexItr) { cerr << (*indexItr).second << " INDEX " << (*indexItr).first << "\n"; } return(0); }
//computes a set of solitary grid points that represent the interaction between //this ligand and the provided receptor in some way void OBAMolecule::computeInteractionGridPoints(OBAMolecule& receptor, MGrid& grid, double interactionDist, double maxClusterDist, unsigned minClusterPoints, double interactionPointRadius) { grid.clear(); //first construct a bounding box for the ligand while assembling a //vector of atomic coordinates BoundingBox ligandBox; vector<AtomPoint> points; points.reserve(mol.NumAtoms()); for (OBAtomIterator aitr = mol.BeginAtoms(); aitr != mol.EndAtoms(); ++aitr) { OBAtom* atom = *aitr; points.push_back(AtomPoint(atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z())); ligandBox.update(atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z()); } ligandBox.extend(interactionDist); //then identify all coordinates that are interacting double idistSq = interactionDist * interactionDist; OBMol& rmol = receptor.getMol(); for (OBAtomIterator aitr = rmol.BeginAtoms(); aitr != rmol.EndAtoms(); ++aitr) { OBAtom* a = *aitr; if (ligandBox.contains(a->x(), a->y(), a->z())) { for (unsigned i = 0, n = points.size(); i < n; i++) { if (points[i].distSq(a->x(), a->y(), a->z()) <= idistSq) { points[i].interactingCnt++; } } } } //prune out non-interacting poitns vector<AtomPoint> tmp; tmp.reserve(points.size()); for (unsigned i = 0, n = points.size(); i < n; i++) { if (points[i].interactingCnt > 0) tmp.push_back(points[i]); } points.swap(tmp); tmp.clear(); //cluster these coordinates vector<vector<unsigned> > clusters; clusterPoints(points, maxClusterDist, clusters); //make the cluster centers the interaction grid points for (unsigned i = 0, n = clusters.size(); i < n; i++) { double xtot = 0, ytot = 0, ztot = 0; unsigned npts = clusters[i].size(); if (npts >= minClusterPoints) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < npts; j++) { xtot += points[clusters[i][j]].x; ytot += points[clusters[i][j]].y; ztot += points[clusters[i][j]].z; } double xave = xtot / (double) npts; double yave = ytot / (double) npts; double zave = ztot / (double) npts; grid.setPoint(xave, yave, zave); if(interactionPointRadius > 0) { grid.markXYZSphere(xave,yave,zave,interactionPointRadius); } } } }