Пример #1
void TextFileStorage::saveToSingleFile()

	string str = this->getLocation() + this->getFileName();

	ofstream file( str.c_str(), ios::app);
  // Get the initial position of the internal iterator of the Datahandler.
  int pos = this->getInput()->getPosition();

  if( file.is_open() )
  	ObjectData* objectData = NULL;
  	if( onlyCurrent )
  		// Get the current data object.
  		objectData = getInput()->getCurrentObject();
  		// Get the first data object.
  		objectData = getInput()->getFirstObjectCompleted();  
    // Declare actual field data object.
    FieldData* data; 

		// Loop through all objectData elements in the Datahandler which are finched.
    while( objectData != NULL )

			// Start with a new object.
			file << "\n# BEGIN OF OBJECT\n";
			// Loop through all fieldData elements in an objectData object.
			for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
				data = objectData->getDataAt(j);

				switch( data->getType() )
					case typeFieldDataInt:
						file << data->getInt() << "\n";
					case typeFieldDataFloat:
						file << data->getFloat() << "\n";
					case typeFieldDataDouble:  
						file << data->getDouble() << "\n";
					case typeFieldDataString:
						file << data->getString() << "\n";
					case typeFieldDataBool:
						if( data->getBool() )
							file << "true\n";
							file << "false\n";
			// The end of the object
			file << "# END OF OBJECT\n";
			if( onlyCurrent )
				// Stop the loop if only the current object is to be executed.
				objectData = NULL;
				// Get the next data object.
				objectData = getInput()->getNextObjectCompleted(); 

	  // Resore the initial position of the internal Datahandler iterator. This is not as it is seposed to be. TODO alter the datahandler internal iterator.
	  getInput()->getObjectAt( pos );
    // Close the file.

		//TODO throw

  // Resore the initial position of the internal Datahandler iterator. This is not as it is seposed to be. TODO alter the datahandler internal iterator.
  (this->getInput())->getObjectAt( pos );

	// Set the output to the full file name.
	this->setOutput( this->getLocation() + this->getFileName() );

Пример #2
void TextFileStorage::saveToIndividualFile()

	string str;
	ofstream file;

  // Declare actual field data object.
  FieldData* data; 

  // Get the initial position of the internal iterator of the Datahandler.
  int pos = this->getInput()->getPosition();

	ObjectData* objectData = NULL;
	if( onlyCurrent )
		// Get the current data object.
		objectData = getInput()->getCurrentObject();
		// Get the first data object.
		objectData = getInput()->getFirstObjectCompleted();  

	// Loop over all elements in the datahandler
	while( objectData != NULL)

		// Create the file name.
		stringstream integerConvertor;
		integerConvertor << fileNumber++;
		str = this->getLocation() + this->getFileName() + integerConvertor.str();

		// Open the file;
		file.open( str.c_str() );
		if( file.is_open() )
			// Loop through all fieldData elements in an objectData object.
			for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
				data = objectData->getDataAt(j);
				switch( data->getType() )
					case typeFieldDataInt:
						file << data->getInt() << endl;
					case typeFieldDataFloat:
						file << data->getFloat() << endl;
					case typeFieldDataDouble:
						file << data->getDouble() << endl;
					case typeFieldDataString:
						file << data->getString() << endl;
					case typeFieldDataBool:
						if( data->getBool() )
							file << "true" << endl;
							file << "false" << endl;
			//TODO throw
		if( onlyCurrent )
			// Stop the loop if only the current object is to be executed.
			objectData = NULL;
			// Get the next data object.
			objectData = getInput()->getNextObjectCompleted(); 

  // Resore the initial position of the internal Datahandler iterator. This is not as it is seposed to be. TODO alter the datahandler internal iterator.
  (this->getInput())->getObjectAt( pos );

	// Set the output to the location of the files.
	this->setOutput( this->getLocation() );

Пример #3
int main (int argc, const char* argv[] )
	// Lets start of by defining a Category

	// A vector for the combo field
	vector<string> comboOptions;
	comboOptions.push_back("option 1");
	comboOptions.push_back("option 2");
	comboOptions.push_back("option 3");

	TextField fieldA( "text_A", true, true );
	CheckField fieldB( "check_B", false, true );
	CheckField fieldC( "check_C", false, true );
  ComboField fieldD( "combo_D", true, false, &comboOptions, ComboRadio);
	TextField fieldE( "text_E", false, false );	
	CheckField fieldF( "check_F", false, true );
	double min = -2;
	double max = 6;
	SpinField  fieldG( "spin_G", false, false, NULL, &max, 0.01, true, 3, true );	

	Category category_test;


	// Lets load a second Category from a definition file.
	Category category_GPL;
	// Generate data for these categories and add them to a Datahandler.
	Datahandler dataHandler;
	string location = ""; URIobject uri(location);
	ObjectData* objectData;
	FieldData* fieldData;
	// Data for the first category
	for( int i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )
		dataHandler.addNewObject( &category_test, &uri );
		objectData = dataHandler.getCurrentObject();
		(objectData->getDataAt( 0 ))->set( (string)"First string" );	
		(objectData->getDataAt( 1 ))->set( true );	
		(objectData->getDataAt( 2 ))->set( false );	
		(objectData->getDataAt( 3 ))->set( (string)"Second string" );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 4 ))->set( (string)"Third string" );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 5 ))->set( true );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 6 ))->set( i );
		//for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ ) cout << "Type: " << (objectData->getDataAt( j ))->getType() << "\n"; //TODO remove debug line
		//cout << "\n"; //TODO remove debug line
	// Data for the second category
	bool   read[] = {true, true, false};
	string name[] = {"Bart", "Albert", "Zelda"};
	string sirName[] = { "Employ", "Boss", "Cat"};
	string gender[] = { "Male", "Male", "Male" };
	string birthplace[] = { "Here", "There", "Japan" };
	double birthYear[] = { 1880, 1870, 1990 };
	string birthMonth[] = { "April", "May", "June" };
	double birthDay[] =	{ 1, 2, 3 };
	for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		dataHandler.addNewObject( &category_GPL, &uri );
		objectData = dataHandler.getCurrentObject();
		(objectData->getDataAt( 0 ))->set( read[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 1 ))->set( name[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 2 ))->set( sirName[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 3 ))->set( gender[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 4 ))->set( birthplace[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 5 ))->set( birthYear[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 6 ))->set( birthMonth[i] );
		(objectData->getDataAt( 7 ))->set( birthDay[i] );

	// Display the data
	objectData = dataHandler.getFirstObject();
	for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
		cout << "\n";
		for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
			fieldData = objectData->getDataAt(j);
			printData( fieldData );
		objectData = dataHandler.getNextObject();

	// Test of the getObjectAt function, mainly the shortets route calculation.

	// Get the 2e data object
	objectData = dataHandler.getObjectAt( 2 );
	cout << "\nNumber 2:\n";
	for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
		fieldData = objectData->getDataAt(j);
		printData( fieldData );

	// Get the 7e data object
	objectData = dataHandler.getObjectAt( 7 );
	cout << "\nNumber 7:\n";
	for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
		fieldData = objectData->getDataAt(j);
		printData( fieldData );

	// Get the 4e data object
	objectData = dataHandler.getObjectAt( 4 );
	cout << "\nNumber 4:\n";
	for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
		fieldData = objectData->getDataAt(j);
		printData( fieldData );
	// Get the 5e data object
	objectData = dataHandler.getObjectAt( 5 );
	cout << "\nNumber 5:\n";
	for( int j = 0; j < objectData->getSize(); j++ )
		fieldData = objectData->getDataAt(j);
		printData( fieldData );
