Пример #1
int main(){
	//find way to optimize the initial move vector
	const int maxNumberOfPersons = 50;

	ofstream myFile;
	point lowerLeftCornerOfHat; // point with two variables to connect the lower point of the image with the Red Line (head)
	int widthOfHat; // Red Line (real distance of the head)

	VideoCapture camera1;

	//VideoCapture testVideo1;

	Picture currentPicture; 
	Picture BG; // 
	Picture tmpPicture;
	Picture hat;

	tmpPicture.initialize(camera1); //This tmpPicture is used to temporarrily store the picture at different moments
	tmpPicture.makeBlack(); // function to avoid colored pixels on the sisdes of the transformed image.
	currentPicture.minPixelToBeAPerson = 50;
	currentPicture.radiusForMorfology = 5;
	currentPicture.numberOfPersons = 0;
	currentPicture.initialMoveVector = 0.1f;

	hat.output("Window for control");

	setupP(maxNumberOfPersons, currentPicture.p);
	currentPicture.personCount = 0;
	currentPicture.maxAmountToMove = (int) (currentPicture.width*0.4f);

	currentPicture.newInitialMoveVectorProduct = 0;
	int lroi = currentPicture.height/4*3-25;
	configBG(BG, camera1, 50, 10, 10, lroi);

	//struct tm *localtime(const time_t *t);

	time_t t;
    struct tm *ts;
	t = time(0);
	bool notLoggedYet = true;
	int lastCheckedHoure = 0;

	while(true){ //To be played all the time.
		//BG subtraction with threshold to detect the diferences on the pixels and transform to black the pixels that didn't changeconf

		currentPicture.refreshDiscradBGSubtractAndThreshholdForBnW(camera1,BG,30, procentOfTheScreenUsed, startHeightOfROI, (currentPicture.height/2));

		// Closing
		currentPicture.dilate(currentPicture.radiusForMorfology, tmpPicture);
		currentPicture.erode(currentPicture.radiusForMorfology, tmpPicture);
		for(int i = 0; i < maxNumberOfPersons; i++)
			if(currentPicture.p[i].posX != -1) // <- does the person exist?
			float prePos = currentPicture.p[i].posX; // <-save the current position
				if(!currentPicture.p[i].refind(currentPicture)) // <- find the new position of the person, when not found do the following:
					if(currentPicture.p[i].notAddedToTheNewInitialMoveVectorProductYet) // <- when the initial movevector isn't mesured yet
						if(currentPicture.personCount-1 >= 0) // <- when this is not the first person
							currentPicture.newInitialMoveVectorProduct += currentPicture.newInitialMoveVectorProduct/(currentPicture.personCount-1); // <- add the average of the until now found initial move vectors to the move vector product
							currentPicture.p[i].notAddedToTheNewInitialMoveVectorProductYet = false; // <- and make shure that it isn't added again
						else // when this is the first person:
							currentPicture.newInitialMoveVectorProduct = currentPicture.initialMoveVector; // <- since there is nothig to take the average from take the movevector the prgram started with
							currentPicture.p[i].notAddedToTheNewInitialMoveVectorProductYet = false; // <- and make shure that it isn't added again
				//either exited or occluded
				//is the blob not in the range so it can exit?
					if(((prePos*currentPicture.width) - currentPicture.maxAmountToMove > 0) && ((prePos*currentPicture.width) + currentPicture.maxAmountToMove < currentPicture.width)) // check if the person is NOT close enogth to the edge of the picture to exit
						//is not allowed to exit -> it must be occluded
							currentPicture.p[i].posX = -1;
							cout << "there is a fuckup with a person that is neither exited or occluded\n";
						currentPicture.p[i].posX = -1;
						cout << "normal exit\n";

				currentPicture.p[i].moveVector = currentPicture.p[i].posX - prePos;
					if(currentPicture.p[i].moveVector < 0)
						currentPicture.newInitialMoveVectorProduct += -currentPicture.p[i].moveVector;
						currentPicture.newInitialMoveVectorProduct += currentPicture.p[i].moveVector;
					currentPicture.p[i].notAddedToTheNewInitialMoveVectorProductYet = false;
		currentPicture.lookForNewPersons(20, brightestYatX);

		currentPicture.clipPersonsAll(currentPicture.height/2, 50);

#pragma region how to write to a file
		//ofstream myFile ("test.txt");
		//for(int i = 0; i < currentPicture.numberOfPersons; i++)
		//	if(myFile.is_open()){
		//		myFile << "\nThe " << i+1 << ". persons Xposition is: " << "\n" << currentPicture.p[i].posX;
		//	} else { cout << "cant create file";}
#pragma endregion

		int keyInput = waitKey(10);
		//cout << keyInput;
		if (keyInput == 115) // <-s
			configBG(BG, camera1, 50, 10, 5, lroi);
			//BG.output("Window for control");
		else if (keyInput == 27) // <-escape
			cout << "\nEsc was pressed\nThe program exits when you press a key.";
			return 0;
		t = time(0);
		//cout << "lalalalala" << ts->tm_hour;
		ts = localtime(&t);
		// if its 17:00
		if(ts->tm_hour == 17 && notLoggedYet)
			notLoggedYet = false;
		if(ts->tm_hour != lastCheckedHoure)
			lastCheckedHoure = ts->tm_hour;
			configBG(BG, camera1, 100, 10, 10, lroi);
