Event Event::fromXml( const QDomElement& element, int databaseSchemaVersion ) { // in case any event object creates trouble with // serialization/deserialization, add an object of it to // void XmlSerializationTests::testEventSerialization() Event event; bool ok; event.setComment( element.text() ); event.setId( element.attribute( EventIdAttribute ).toInt( &ok ) ); if ( !ok ) throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid event id" ) ); event.setInstallationId( element.attribute( EventInstallationIdAttribute ).toInt( &ok ) ); if ( !ok ) throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid installation id" ) ); event.setTaskId( element.attribute( EventTaskIdAttribute ).toInt( &ok ) ); if ( !ok ) throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid task id" ) ); event.setUserId( element.attribute( EventUserIdAttribute ).toInt( &ok ) ); if ( !ok && databaseSchemaVersion > 1 ) { throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid user id" ) ); event.setUserId( 0 ); } event.setReportId( element.attribute( EventReportIdAttribute ).toInt( &ok ) ); if ( !ok && databaseSchemaVersion > 1 ) { throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid report id" ) ); event.setReportId( 0 ); } if ( element.hasAttribute( EventStartAttribute ) ) { QDateTime start = QDateTime::fromString( element.attribute( EventStartAttribute ), Qt::ISODate ); if ( !start.isValid() ) throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid start date" ) ); start.setTimeSpec( Qt::UTC ); event.setStartDateTime( start ); } if ( element.hasAttribute( EventEndAttribute ) ) { QDateTime end = QDateTime::fromString( element.attribute( EventEndAttribute ), Qt::ISODate ); if ( !end.isValid() ) throw XmlSerializationException( QObject::tr( "Event::fromXml: invalid end date" ) ); end.setTimeSpec( Qt::UTC ); event.setEndDateTime( end.toLocalTime() ); } event.setComment( element.text() ); return event; }
QMap<QString, QString> TransitionHandler::getTransitionParamsFromXml(const QDomElement &xml) { QDomNodeList attribs = xml.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("parameter")); QMap<QString, QString> map; QLocale locale; for (int i = 0; i < attribs.count(); ++i) { QDomElement e = attribs.item(i).toElement(); QString name = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("name")); map[name] = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("default")); if (e.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("value"))) { map[name] = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("value")); } double factor = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("factor"), QStringLiteral("1")).toDouble(); double offset = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("offset"), QStringLiteral("0")).toDouble(); if (factor!= 1 || offset != 0) { if (e.attribute(QStringLiteral("type")) == QLatin1String("simplekeyframe")) { QStringList values = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("value")).split(';', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int j = 0; j < values.count(); ++j) { QString pos = values.at(j).section(QLatin1Char('='), 0, 0); double val = (values.at(j).section(QLatin1Char('='), 1, 1).toDouble() - offset) / factor; values[j] = pos + '=' + locale.toString(val); } map[name] = values.join(QLatin1Char(';')); } else if (e.attribute(QStringLiteral("type")) != QLatin1String("addedgeometry")) { map[name] = locale.toString((locale.toDouble(map.value(name)) - offset) / factor); //map[name]=map[name].replace(".",","); //FIXME how to solve locale conversion of . , } } if (e.attribute(QStringLiteral("namedesc")).contains(';')) { //TODO: Deprecated, does not seem used anywhere... QString format = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("format")); QStringList separators = format.split(QStringLiteral("%d"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList values = e.attribute(QStringLiteral("value")).split(QRegExp("[,:;x]")); QString neu; QTextStream txtNeu(&neu); if (values.size() > 0) txtNeu << (int)values[0].toDouble(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < separators.size() && i + 1 < values.size(); ++i) { txtNeu << separators[i]; txtNeu << (int)(values[i+1].toDouble()); } if (i < separators.size()) txtNeu << separators[i]; map[e.attribute(QStringLiteral("name"))] = neu; } } return map; }
QString FormTemplateWizardPage::changeUiClassName(const QString &uiXml, const QString &newUiClassName) { if (Designer::Constants::Internal::debug) qDebug() << '>' << Q_FUNC_INFO << newUiClassName; QDomDocument domUi; if (!domUi.setContent(uiXml)) { qWarning("Failed to parse:\n%s", uiXml.toUtf8().constData()); return uiXml; } bool firstWidgetElementFound = false; QString oldClassName; // Loop first level children. First child is <ui> const QDomNodeList children = domUi.firstChildElement().childNodes(); const QString classTag = QLatin1String("class"); const QString widgetTag = QLatin1String("widget"); const QString connectionsTag = QLatin1String("connections"); const int count = children.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const QDomNode node = children.at(i); if (node.isElement()) { // Replace <class> element text QDomElement element = node.toElement(); const QString name = element.tagName(); if (name == classTag) { if (!changeDomElementContents(element, truePredicate, newUiClassName, &oldClassName)) { qWarning("Unable to change the <class> element:\n%s", uiXml.toUtf8().constData()); return uiXml; } } else { // Replace first <widget> element name attribute if (!firstWidgetElementFound && name == widgetTag) { firstWidgetElementFound = true; const QString nameAttribute = QLatin1String("name"); if (element.hasAttribute(nameAttribute)) element.setAttribute(nameAttribute, newUiClassName); } else { // Replace <sender>, <receiver> tags of dialogs. if (name == connectionsTag) changeDomConnectionList(element, oldClassName, newUiClassName); } } } } const QString rc = domUi.toString(); if (Designer::Constants::Internal::debug > 1) qDebug() << '<' << Q_FUNC_INFO << newUiClassName << rc; return rc; }
QString StyleStack::attribute( const QString& name ) const { // TODO: has to be fixed for complex styles like list-styles QList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator it = m_stack.end(); while ( it != m_stack.begin() ) { --it; QDomElement properties = searchAttribute( *it, m_nodeNames, name ); if ( properties.hasAttribute( name ) ) return properties.attribute( name ); } return QString::null; }
Sphere::Sphere(const QDomElement& e) :mCenter(Eigen::Vector3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)) { if(e.hasAttribute("radius")) mRadius = e.attribute("radius").toFloat(); else{ QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Object XML error", "Error while parsing Object XML document: radius attribute missing"); return; } mpMesh = new Mesh; Eigen::Matrix<float,3,12> vertices((float*)vdata); vertices = (vertices*radius()).colwise() + center(); mpMesh->loadRawData(vertices.data(), 12, (int*)tindices, 20); }
bool areTherePinnedTabs(QDomElement & window) { bool b = false; for (unsigned int tabNo = 0; tabNo < window.elementsByTagName("tab").length(); tabNo++) { QDomElement tab = window.elementsByTagName("tab").at(tabNo).toElement(); b = tab.hasAttribute("pinned"); if (b) return true; } return b; }
void Client::distribute(const QDomElement &x) { if(x.hasAttribute("from")) { Jid j(x.attribute("from")); if(!j.isValid()) { debug("Client: bad 'from' JID\n"); return; } } if(!rootTask()->take(x)) { debug("Client: packet was ignored.\n"); } }
// manipulate DOM before dropping it so that rules are more useful void _renderer2labelingRules( QDomElement &ruleElem ) { // labeling rules recognize only "description" if ( ruleElem.hasAttribute( QStringLiteral( "label" ) ) ) ruleElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "description" ), ruleElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "label" ) ) ); // run recursively QDomElement childRuleElem = ruleElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "rule" ) ); while ( !childRuleElem.isNull() ) { _renderer2labelingRules( childRuleElem ); childRuleElem = childRuleElem.nextSiblingElement( QStringLiteral( "rule" ) ); } }
static State::Value read_valueDefault( const QDomElement& dom_element, const QString& type) { if(dom_element.hasAttribute("valueDefault")) { const auto value = dom_element.attribute("valueDefault"); return stringToVal(value, type); } else { return stringToVal((type == "string") ? "" : "0", type); } }
QDomElement* Signaltypes::getRootElement() { char cfg_path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; QString errorStr; int errorLine, errorColumn; QDomDocument document; bool success; configpath(cfg_path, "Signaltypes.xml"); QFile file(cfg_path); success = file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); if(not success) { QMessageBox::warning(parent->mainwindow, tr("Signaltypes"), tr("Cannot read file %1:\n%2.").arg(cfg_path).arg(file.errorString())); default_types(); return NULL; } success = document.setContent(&file, true, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn); if(not success) { QMessageBox::information(parent->mainwindow, tr("Signaltypes"), tr("Parse error at line %1, column %2:\n%3").arg(errorLine).arg(errorColumn).arg(errorStr)); default_types(); file.close(); return NULL; } file.close(); QDomElement *root = new QDomElement(document.documentElement()); if( root->tagName() != "Signaltypes" ) { QMessageBox::information(parent->mainwindow, tr("Signaltypes"), tr("%1 is not a Signaltypes.xml file.").arg(cfg_path) ); default_types(); delete root; return NULL; } else if( root->hasAttribute("version") && root->attribute("version") != "0.0.1" ) { QMessageBox::information(parent->mainwindow, tr("Signaltypes"), tr("%1 is not Signaltypes.xml version 0.0.1 file.").arg(cfg_path) ); default_types(); delete root; return NULL; } return root; }
void SampleTCO::loadSettings( const QDomElement & _this ) { if( _this.attribute( "pos" ).toInt() >= 0 ) { movePosition( _this.attribute( "pos" ).toInt() ); } setSampleFile( _this.attribute( "src" ) ); if( sampleFile().isEmpty() && _this.hasAttribute( "data" ) ) { m_sampleBuffer->loadFromBase64( _this.attribute( "data" ) ); } changeLength( _this.attribute( "len" ).toInt() ); setMuted( _this.attribute( "muted" ).toInt() ); }
Script::Script(const QDomElement & elem, QStringList &msg, QList<bool> &fatal) { _name = elem.attribute("name"); if (elem.hasAttribute("file")) _name = elem.attribute("file"); _onError = nameToOnError(elem.attribute("onerror")); _comment = elem.text(); if (_name.isEmpty()) { msg.append(TR("This script does not have a name.")); fatal.append(true); } }
bool GwfObjectInfoReader::getAttributeInt(const QDomElement &element, QString attribute, int &result) { if (element.hasAttribute(attribute)) { bool res; result = element.attribute(attribute).toInt(&res); if (!res) return false; return true; } errorHaventAttribute(element.tagName(), attribute); return false; }
LoadImage::LoadImage(const QDomElement &elem, const bool system, QStringList &msg, QList<bool> &fatal) : Loadable(elem, system, msg, fatal) { _pkgitemtype = "I"; if (_name.isEmpty()) { msg.append(TR("The image in %1 does not have a name.") .arg(_filename)); fatal.append(true); } if (elem.nodeName() != "loadimage") { msg.append(TR("Creating a LoadImage element from a %1 node.") .arg(elem.nodeName())); fatal.append(false); } if (elem.hasAttribute("grade") || elem.hasAttribute("order")) { msg.append(TR("Node %1 '%2' has a 'grade' or 'order' attribute " "but these are ignored for images.") .arg(elem.nodeName()).arg(elem.attribute("name"))); fatal.append(false); } if (elem.hasAttribute("enabled")) { msg.append(TR("Node %1 '%2' has an 'enabled' " "attribute which is ignored for images.") .arg(elem.nodeName()).arg(elem.attribute("name"))); fatal.append(false); } }
bool TransitionHandler::addTransition(QString tag, int a_track, int b_track, GenTime in, GenTime out, QDomElement xml, bool do_refresh) { if (in >= out) return false; QMap<QString, QString> args = getTransitionParamsFromXml(xml); QScopedPointer<Mlt::Field> field(m_tractor->field()); Mlt::Transition transition(*m_tractor->profile(), tag.toUtf8().constData()); if (!transition.is_valid()) return false; if (out != GenTime()) transition.set_in_and_out((int) in.frames(m_fps), (int) out.frames(m_fps) - 1); int position = mlt_producer_position(m_tractor->get_producer()); if (do_refresh && ((position < in.frames(m_fps)) || (position > out.frames(m_fps)))) do_refresh = false; QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; QString key; if (xml.attribute(QStringLiteral("automatic")) == QLatin1String("1")) transition.set("automatic", 1); ////qDebug() << " ------ ADDING TRANSITION PARAMs: " << args.count(); if (xml.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("id"))) transition.set("kdenlive_id", xml.attribute(QStringLiteral("id")).toUtf8().constData()); if (xml.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("force_track"))) transition.set("force_track", xml.attribute(QStringLiteral("force_track")).toInt()); for (it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) { key = it.key(); if (!it.value().isEmpty()) transition.set(key.toUtf8().constData(), it.value().toUtf8().constData()); ////qDebug() << " ------ ADDING TRANS PARAM: " << key << ": " << it.value(); } // attach transition m_tractor->lock(); plantTransition(field.data(), transition, a_track, b_track); // field->plant_transition(*transition, a_track, b_track); m_tractor->unlock(); if (do_refresh) emit refresh(); return true; }
void QgsRasterTransparency::readXML( const QDomElement& elem ) { if ( elem.isNull() ) { return; } mTransparentSingleValuePixelList.clear(); mTransparentThreeValuePixelList.clear(); QDomElement currentEntryElem; QDomElement singlePixelListElem = elem.firstChildElement( "singleValuePixelList" ); if ( !singlePixelListElem.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList entryList = singlePixelListElem.elementsByTagName( "pixelListEntry" ); TransparentSingleValuePixel sp; for ( int i = 0; i < entryList.size(); ++i ) { currentEntryElem = entryList.at( i ).toElement(); sp.percentTransparent = currentEntryElem.attribute( "percentTransparent" ).toDouble(); // Backward compoatibility < 1.9 : pixelValue (before ranges) if ( currentEntryElem.hasAttribute( "pixelValue" ) ) { sp.min = sp.max = currentEntryElem.attribute( "pixelValue" ).toDouble(); } else { sp.min = currentEntryElem.attribute( "min" ).toDouble(); sp.max = currentEntryElem.attribute( "max" ).toDouble(); } mTransparentSingleValuePixelList.append( sp ); } } QDomElement threeValuePixelListElem = elem.firstChildElement( "threeValuePixelList" ); if ( !threeValuePixelListElem.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList entryList = threeValuePixelListElem.elementsByTagName( "pixelListEntry" ); TransparentThreeValuePixel tp; for ( int i = 0; i < entryList.size(); ++i ) { currentEntryElem = entryList.at( i ).toElement(); tp.red = currentEntryElem.attribute( "red" ).toDouble(); tp.green = currentEntryElem.attribute( "green" ).toDouble(); tp.blue = currentEntryElem.attribute( "blue" ).toDouble(); tp.percentTransparent = currentEntryElem.attribute( "percentTransparent" ).toDouble(); mTransparentThreeValuePixelList.append( tp ); } } }
ComplexType Parser::parseComplexType( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element ) { ComplexType newType( d->mNameSpace ); newType.setName( element.attribute( QLatin1String("name") ) ); if (debugParsing()) qDebug() << "complexType:" << d->mNameSpace << newType.name(); if ( element.hasAttribute( QLatin1String("mixed") ) ) newType.setContentModel( XSDType::MIXED ); QDomElement childElement = element.firstChildElement(); AttributeGroup::List attributeGroups; while ( !childElement.isNull() ) { NSManager namespaceManager( context, childElement ); const QName name( childElement.tagName() ); if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("all") ) { all( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("sequence") ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("choice") ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("attribute") ) { newType.addAttribute( parseAttribute( context, childElement ) ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("attributeGroup") ) { AttributeGroup g = parseAttributeGroup( context, childElement ); attributeGroups.append( g ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("anyAttribute") ) { addAnyAttribute( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("complexContent") ) { parseComplexContent( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("simpleContent") ) { parseSimpleContent( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("annotation") ) { Annotation::List annotations = parseAnnotation( context, childElement ); newType.setDocumentation( annotations.documentation() ); newType.setAnnotations( annotations ); } childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement(); } newType.setAttributeGroups( attributeGroups ); return newType; }
bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts) { if(depth == 0) { Parser::Event *e = new Parser::Event; QXmlAttributes a; for(int n = 0; n < atts.length(); ++n) { QString uri = atts.uri(n); QString ln = atts.localName(n); if(a.index(uri, ln) == -1) a.append(atts.qName(n), uri, ln, atts.value(n)); } e->setDocumentOpen(namespaceURI, localName, qName, a, nsnames, nsvalues); nsnames.clear(); nsvalues.clear(); e->setActualString(in->lastString()); in->resetLastData(); eventList.append(e); in->pause(true); } else { QDomElement e = doc->createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName); for(int n = 0; n < atts.length(); ++n) { QString uri = atts.uri(n); QString ln = atts.localName(n); bool have; if(!uri.isEmpty()) { have = e.hasAttributeNS(uri, ln); if(qt_bug_have) have = !have; } else have = e.hasAttribute(ln); if(!have) e.setAttributeNS(uri, atts.qName(n), atts.value(n)); } if(depth == 1) { elem = e; current = e; } else { current.appendChild(e); current = e; } } ++depth; return true; }
void MidiPort::loadSettings( const QDomElement& thisElement ) { m_inputChannelModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "inputchannel" ); m_outputChannelModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "outputchannel" ); m_inputControllerModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "inputcontroller" ); m_outputControllerModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "outputcontroller" ); m_fixedInputVelocityModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "fixedinputvelocity" ); m_fixedOutputVelocityModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "fixedoutputvelocity" ); m_outputProgramModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "outputprogram" ); m_baseVelocityModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "basevelocity" ); m_readableModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "readable" ); m_writableModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "writable" ); // restore connections if( isInputEnabled() ) { QStringList rp = thisElement.attribute( "inports" ).split( ',' ); for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_readablePorts.begin(); it != m_readablePorts.end(); ++it ) { if( it.value() != ( rp.indexOf( it.key() ) != -1 ) ) { subscribeReadablePort( it.key() ); } } emit readablePortsChanged(); } if( isOutputEnabled() ) { QStringList wp = thisElement.attribute( "outports" ).split( ',' ); for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_writablePorts.begin(); it != m_writablePorts.end(); ++it ) { if( it.value() != ( wp.indexOf( it.key() ) != -1 ) ) { subscribeWritablePort( it.key() ); } } emit writablePortsChanged(); } if( thisElement.hasAttribute( "basevelocity" ) == false ) { // for projects created by LMMS < 0.9.92 there's no value for the base // velocity and for compat reasons we have to stick with maximum velocity // which did not allow note volumes > 100% m_baseVelocityModel.setValue( MidiMaxVelocity ); } }
void SoapBinding::Body::loadXML(ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element) { #if 0 // ## Seems to be set to a namespace, always http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ ... unused here. if (element.hasAttribute("encodingStyle")) { mEncodingStyle = element.attribute("encodingStyle"); } else { mEncodingStyle = QString(); } #endif mPart = element.attribute(QLatin1String("parts")); mNameSpace = element.attribute(QLatin1String("namespace")); if (element.hasAttribute(QLatin1String("use"))) { if (element.attribute(QLatin1String("use")) == QLatin1String("literal")) { mUse = LiteralUse; } else if (element.attribute(QLatin1String("use")) == QLatin1String("encoded")) { mUse = EncodedUse; } else { context->messageHandler()->warning(QLatin1String("SoapBinding::Body: unknown 'use' value")); } } }
KConfigPropagator::Rule KConfigPropagator::parsePropagation( const QDomElement &e ) { Rule r; QString source = e.attribute( "source" ); parseConfigEntryPath( source, r.sourceFile, r.sourceGroup, r.sourceEntry ); QString target = e.attribute( "target" ); parseConfigEntryPath( target, r.targetFile, r.targetGroup, r.targetEntry ); r.hideValue = e.hasAttribute( "hidevalue" ) && e.attribute( "hidevalue" ) == "true"; return r; }
LoadMetasql::LoadMetasql(const QDomElement &elem, const bool system, QStringList &msg, QList<bool> &fatal) : Loadable(elem, system, msg, fatal) { if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadMetasql::LoadMetasql(QDomElement) entered"); _pkgitemtype = "M"; if (elem.nodeName() != "loadmetasql") { msg.append(TR("Creating a LoadMetasql element from a %1 node.") .arg(elem.nodeName())); fatal.append(false); } if (elem.hasAttribute("group")) _group = elem.attribute("group"); if (elem.hasAttribute("grade") || elem.hasAttribute("order")) { msg.append(TR("Node %1 '%2' has a 'grade' or 'order' attribute " "but these are ignored for MetaSQL statements.") .arg(elem.nodeName()).arg(elem.attribute("name"))); fatal.append(false); } if (elem.hasAttribute("enabled")) { msg.append(TR("Node %1 '%2' has an 'enabled' " "attribute which is ignored for MetaSQL statements.") .arg(elem.nodeName()).arg(elem.attribute("name"))); fatal.append(false); } }
bool SceneLoader::readAttributeAsFloat(const QDomElement &element, const QString &attributeName, float &value) const { if (!element.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: element '" << element.tagName().toUtf8().constData() << "' has no attribute with name '" << attributeName.toUtf8().constData() << "'" << std::endl; return false; } bool isConversionOk; value = element.attribute(attributeName).toFloat(&isConversionOk); if (!isConversionOk) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: unable to convert '" << attributeName.toUtf8().constData() << "' attribute of element '" << element.tagName().toUtf8().constData() << "' to float" << std::endl; return false; } return true; }
bool TestXmlElementHandlerV1::imageElement( KDReports::ImageElement& imageElement, QDomElement& xmlElement ) { Q_UNUSED( imageElement ); Q_UNUSED( xmlElement ); // unused in release mode Q_ASSERT( xmlElement.tagName() == "image" ); if ( xmlElement.hasAttribute("broken") ) { KDReports::ErrorDetails details; details.setDriverMessage( QString("PC LOAD LETTER") ); setErrorDetails( details ); return false; } cb << "imageElement"; return true; }
void SoapBinding::Operation::loadXML( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element ) { mSoapAction = element.attribute( "soapAction" ); if ( element.hasAttribute( "style" ) ) { if ( element.attribute( "style" ) == "rpc" ) mStyle = RPCStyle; else if ( element.attribute( "style" ) == "document" ) mStyle = DocumentStyle; else context->messageHandler()->warning( "SoapBinding::Operation: unknown 'style' value" ); } // TODO: fallback is style value of soap:binding }
void UV::fromXml (const QDomNode& noeud) { if (noeud.nodeName() != UV::XML_NODE_NAME) { throw "Fichier XML invalide"; } QDomElement e = noeud.toElement(); this->tag(e.attribute("tag")); this->titre(e.attribute("titre")); this->automne(e.hasAttribute("automne")); this->printemps(e.hasAttribute("printemps")); this->cursus(e.attribute("cursus").split(' ')); QDomNodeList child = noeud.childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < child.count(); i++) { QDomNode c = child.at(i); if (c.nodeName() != UV::CREDIT_XML_NODE_NAME) { throw "Les uv ne peuvent contenir que des balises credits"; } QDomElement e = c.toElement(); QString type = e.attribute("type"); this->_credits[type] = e.text().toInt(); } }
int QtXmlWrapper::getparbool(const std::string &name, int defaultpar) const { QDomElement tmp = findElement( d->m_node, "par_bool", "name", name.c_str() ); if( tmp.isNull() || !tmp.hasAttribute( "value" ) ) { return defaultpar; } const QString val = tmp.attribute( "value" ).toLower(); if( val[0] == 'y' ) { return 1; } return 0; }
void SoapBinding::Header::loadXML(ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element) { mMessage = element.attribute(QLatin1String("message")); if (mMessage.isEmpty()) { context->messageHandler()->warning(QLatin1String("SoapBinding::Header: 'message' required")); } else { if (!mMessage.prefix().isEmpty()) { mMessage.setNameSpace(context->namespaceManager()->uri(mMessage.prefix())); } } mPart = element.attribute(QLatin1String("part")); if (mPart.isEmpty()) { context->messageHandler()->warning(QLatin1String("SoapBinding::Header: 'part' required")); } if (element.attribute(QLatin1String("use")) == QLatin1String("literal")) { mUse = LiteralUse; } else if (element.attribute(QLatin1String("use")) == QLatin1String("encoded")) { mUse = EncodedUse; } else if (element.attribute(QLatin1String("use")).isEmpty()) { context->messageHandler()->warning(QLatin1String("SoapBinding::Header: 'use' required")); } else { context->messageHandler()->warning(QLatin1String("SoapBinding::Header: unknown 'use' value")); } #if 0 if (element.hasAttribute("encodingStyle")) { mEncodingStyle = element.attribute("encodingStyle"); } else { mEncodingStyle = QString(); } #endif mNameSpace = element.attribute(QLatin1String("namespace")); QDomElement child = element.firstChildElement(); while (!child.isNull()) { NSManager namespaceManager(context, child); if (child.tagName() == soapPrefix(context) + QLatin1String("headerfault")) { mHeaderFault.loadXML(context, child); } else { context->messageHandler()->warning(QString::fromLatin1("SoapBinding::Header: unknown tag %1").arg(child.tagName())); } child = child.nextSiblingElement(); } }
void SmugMug::WebService::_parseLogin (QDomElement &root) { qDebug () << "_parseLogin"; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup (QLatin1String ("WebService")); settings.setValue (QLatin1String ("userName"), _userName); QDomElement loginElem = root.firstChildElement (QLatin1String ("Login")); if (!loginElem.isNull ()) { if (loginElem.hasAttribute (QLatin1String ("PasswordHash"))) { _passwordHash = loginElem.attribute (QLatin1String ("PasswordHash")); settings.setValue (QLatin1String ("passwordHash"), _passwordHash); qDebug () << "PasswordHash:" << _passwordHash; } } QDomNode node = loginElem.firstChild (); while (!node.isNull ()) { if (node.isElement ()) { QDomElement elem = node.toElement (); if (elem.tagName () == QLatin1String ("Session")) { _sessionId = elem.attribute (QLatin1String ("id")); qDebug () << "Session id:" << _sessionId; _loggedIn = !_sessionId.isEmpty (); } else if (elem.tagName () == QLatin1String ("User")) { _userId = elem.attribute (QLatin1String ("id")); settings.setValue (QLatin1String ("userId"), _userId); qDebug () << "User id:" << _userId; } } node = node.nextSibling (); } settings.endGroup (); }
QgsEditorWidgetConfig QgsExternalResourceWidgetFactory::readConfig( const QDomElement& configElement, QgsVectorLayer* layer, int fieldIdx ) { Q_UNUSED( layer ) Q_UNUSED( fieldIdx ) QgsEditorWidgetConfig cfg; if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "FileWidgetButton" ) ) cfg.insert( "FileWidgetButton", configElement.attribute( "FileWidgetButton" ) == "1" ); if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "FileWidget" ) ) cfg.insert( "FileWidget", configElement.attribute( "FileWidget" ) == "1" ); if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "UseLink" ) ) cfg.insert( "UseLink", configElement.attribute( "UseLink" ) == "1" ); if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "FullUrl" ) ) cfg.insert( "FullUrl", configElement.attribute( "FullUrl" ) == "1" ); if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "DefaultRoot" ) ) cfg.insert( "DefaultRoot", configElement.attribute( "DefaultRoot" ) ); if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "RelativeStorage" ) ) { if (( configElement.attribute( "RelativeStorage" ) == "Default" && configElement.hasAttribute( "DefaultRoot" ) ) || configElement.attribute( "RelativeStorage" ) == "Project" ) cfg.insert( "RelativeStorage" , configElement.attribute( "RelativeStorage" ) ); } if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "DocumentViewer" ) ) cfg.insert( "DocumentViewer", configElement.attribute( "DocumentViewer" ) ); if ( configElement.hasAttribute( "FileWidgetFilter" ) ) cfg.insert( "FileWidgetFilter", configElement.attribute( "FileWidgetFilter" ) ); cfg.insert( "StorageMode", configElement.attribute( "StorageMode", "Files" ) ); return cfg; }