static QString dump_element(const QDomElement &el) { QString ret; QTextStream s(&ret);, QDomNode::EncodingFromDocument); return ret; }
bool QgsStyleV2::saveColorRamp( QString name, QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp, int groupid, QStringList tags ) { // TODO add support for groups and tags Q_UNUSED( tags ); // insert it into the database QDomDocument doc( "dummy" ); QDomElement rampEl = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::saveColorRamp( name, ramp, doc ); if ( rampEl.isNull() ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't convert color ramp to valid XML!" ); return false; } QByteArray xmlArray; QTextStream stream( &xmlArray ); stream, 4 ); char *query = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO colorramp VALUES (NULL, '%q', '%q', %d);", name.toUtf8().constData(), xmlArray.constData(), groupid ); if ( !runEmptyQuery( query ) ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't insert colorramp into the database!" ); return false; } return true; }
bool QgsStyle::saveSymbol( const QString& name, QgsSymbol* symbol, int groupid, const QStringList& tags ) { // TODO add support for groups QDomDocument doc( "dummy" ); QDomElement symEl = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::saveSymbol( name, symbol, doc ); if ( symEl.isNull() ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't convert symbol to valid XML!" ); return false; } QByteArray xmlArray; QTextStream stream( &xmlArray ); stream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); stream, 4 ); char *query = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO symbol VALUES (NULL, '%q', '%q', %d);", name.toUtf8().constData(), xmlArray.constData(), groupid ); if ( !runEmptyQuery( query ) ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't insert symbol into the database!" ); return false; } tagSymbol( SymbolEntity, name, tags ); emit symbolSaved( name, symbol ); return true; }
// createRootXmlTags // // This function creates three QStrings, one being an <?xml .. ?> processing // instruction, and the others being the opening and closing tags of an // element, <foo> and </foo>. This basically allows us to get the raw XML // text needed to open/close an XML stream, without resorting to generating // the XML ourselves. This function uses QDom to do the generation, which // ensures proper encoding and entity output. static void createRootXmlTags(const QDomElement &root, QString *xmlHeader, QString *tagOpen, QString *tagClose) { QDomElement e = root.cloneNode(false).toElement(); // insert a dummy element to ensure open and closing tags are generated QDomElement dummy = e.ownerDocument().createElement("dummy"); e.appendChild(dummy); // convert to xml->text QString str; { QTextStream ts(&str, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, 0); } // parse the tags out int n = str.indexOf('<'); int n2 = str.indexOf('>', n); ++n2; *tagOpen = str.mid(n, n2-n); n2 = str.lastIndexOf('>'); n = str.lastIndexOf('<'); ++n2; *tagClose = str.mid(n, n2-n); // generate a nice xml processing header *xmlHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; }
bool QgsStyle::saveColorRamp( const QString& name, QgsColorRamp* ramp, int groupid, const QStringList& tags ) { // insert it into the database QDomDocument doc( "dummy" ); QDomElement rampEl = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::saveColorRamp( name, ramp, doc ); if ( rampEl.isNull() ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't convert color ramp to valid XML!" ); return false; } QByteArray xmlArray; QTextStream stream( &xmlArray ); stream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); stream, 4 ); char *query = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO colorramp VALUES (NULL, '%q', '%q', %d);", name.toUtf8().constData(), xmlArray.constData(), groupid ); if ( !runEmptyQuery( query ) ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't insert colorramp into the database!" ); return false; } tagSymbol( ColorrampEntity, name, tags ); return true; }
void QgsServerProjectParser::addGetFeatureLayers( const QDomElement& layerElem ) const { QString str; QTextStream stream( &str ); stream, 2 ); QRegExp rx( "getFeature\\('([^']*)'" ); int idx = 0; while (( idx = rx.indexIn( str, idx ) ) != -1 ) { QString name = rx.cap( 1 ); QgsMapLayer* ml = nullptr; QHash< QString, QDomElement >::const_iterator layerElemIt = mProjectLayerElementsById.find( name ); if ( layerElemIt != mProjectLayerElementsById.constEnd() ) { ml = createLayerFromElement( layerElemIt.value() ); } else { layerElemIt = mProjectLayerElementsByName.find( name ); if ( layerElemIt != mProjectLayerElementsByName.constEnd() ) { ml = createLayerFromElement( layerElemIt.value() ); } } if ( ml ) { QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer( ml, false, false ); } idx += rx.matchedLength(); } }
QComponentNode::QComponentNode(const QDomElement& xmlNode, int row, QXmlTreeModel* model, QXmlTreeNode* parent ) : QXmlTreeNode(xmlNode, row, model, parent) { QString data; QTextStream stream(&data);, 4); unsigned int entityID = GameEngine::entityWorldID( qPrintable(parent->property("Name").toString()) ); m_valid = GameEngine::setComponentData(entityID, qPrintable( xmlNode.tagName() ), qPrintable(data)); }
static QString domToString(const QDomElement &elt) { QString result; QTextStream stream(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, 2); stream.flush(); return result; }
QString HtmlTidy::output() { QDomDocument document; QDomElement body = output(document); QString s; QTextStream ts(&s) ;, 0); return s; }
/** * @brief VExceptionWrongId exception wrong parameter id * @param what string with error * @param domElement som element */ VExceptionWrongId::VExceptionWrongId(const QString &what, const QDomElement &domElement) :VException(what), tagText(QString()), tagName(QString()), lineNumber(-1) { Q_ASSERT_X(domElement.isNull() == false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); QTextStream stream(&tagText);, 4); tagName = domElement.tagName(); lineNumber = domElement.lineNumber(); }
QString BinController::xmlFromId(const QString & id) { ClipController *controller = m_clipList.value(id); if (!controller) return NULL; Mlt::Producer original = controller->originalProducer(); QString xml = getProducerXML(original); QDomDocument mltData; mltData.setContent(xml); QDomElement producer = mltData.documentElement().firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("producer")); QString str; QTextStream stream(&str);, 4); return str; }
QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree> QDBusXmlParser::objectTree() const { QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree> retval; if (m_node.isNull()) return retval; retval = new QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree; retval->service = m_service; retval->path = m_path; QTextStream ts(&retval->introspection);,2); // interfaces are easy: retval->interfaceData = interfaces(); retval->interfaces = retval->interfaceData.keys(); // sub-objects are slightly more difficult: QDomNodeList objects = m_node.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("node")); for (int i = 0; i < objects.count(); ++i) { QDomElement obj = objects.item(i).toElement(); QString objName = obj.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); if (obj.isNull() || objName.isEmpty()) continue; // for whatever reason // check if we have anything to process if (!obj.firstChild().isNull()) { // yes, introspect this object QString xml; QTextStream ts2(&xml);,0); // parse it QString objAbsName = m_path; if (!objAbsName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) objAbsName.append(QLatin1Char('/')); objAbsName += objName; QDBusXmlParser parser(m_service, objAbsName, obj); retval->childObjectData.insert(objName, parser.objectTree()); } retval->childObjects << objName; } return QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree>( retval ); }
StyleItem::StyleItem( QDomElement el, QString colors[], QDomElement defs ) { QDomElement name = el.firstChildElement("name"); this->name = name.text(); QDomElement svg = el.firstChildElement("svg"); if ( svg.isNull() ) { this->renderer = NULL; } else { if ( !defs.isNull() ) svg.insertBefore( defs, QDomNode() ); QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( css ); svg.insertBefore( doc, QDomNode() ); QTextStream stream(&(this->svg));, 0); this->renderer = new QSvgRenderer( this->makeSvg( colors, STYLE_KEY_COLOR ).toAscii() ); } }
void Shape::init(const QString &shape) { if (shape.isEmpty()) return; QString error = ""; int errorLine = 0; int errorCol = 0; QDomDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(shape, false, &error, &errorLine, &errorCol)) return; QDomElement graphics = doc.firstChildElement("graphics"); QDomElement picture = graphics.firstChildElement("picture"); QTextStream out(&mPicture);, 4); mWidth = graphics.firstChildElement("picture").attribute("sizex", "88").toInt(); mHeight = graphics.firstChildElement("picture").attribute("sizey", "88").toInt(); initLabels(graphics); initPorts(graphics); }
QPositionNode::QPositionNode(const QDomElement& xmlNode, int row, QXmlTreeModel* model, QXmlTreeNode* parent) : QXmlTreeNode(xmlNode, row, model, parent), m_dynamicProperty(false) { QString data; QTextStream stream(&data);, 4); m_entityID = GameEngine::entityWorldID( qPrintable(parent->property("Name").toString()) ); GameEngine::setComponentData(m_entityID, qPrintable( xmlNode.tagName() ), qPrintable(data)); QXmlTreeNode* root = static_cast<AttachmentTreeModel*>(model)->sceneNodeParent(); // If the entity has no position we have to create one for the crowd particle if( !root->property("Position").isValid() ) { QVec3f pos( m_xmlNode.attribute("x").toFloat(), m_xmlNode.attribute("y").toFloat(), m_xmlNode.attribute("z").toFloat() ); // Since the parent doesn't have a position yet we create one dynamically (not necessary if the particle is a child of // an entity created by an attachment of a Horde3D scene graph node ) m_dynamicProperty = true; root->setProperty( "Position", QVariant::fromValue(pos) ); // We have to add scale too, otherwise the transformation changes in the editor are not possible root->setProperty( "Scale", QVariant::fromValue( QVec3f(1, 1, 1) ) ); root->installEventFilter(this); QVariant transProp = root->property("__AbsoluteTransformation"); if( !transProp.isValid() ) { root->setProperty("__AbsoluteTransformation", QVariant::fromValue(QMatrix4f::TransMat( pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z) ) ); root->setProperty("__RelativeTransformation", QVariant::fromValue(QMatrix4f::TransMat( pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z) ) ); } } else // Remove any position attribute, since the position should be used from the scene node { m_xmlNode.removeAttribute("x"); m_xmlNode.removeAttribute("y"); m_xmlNode.removeAttribute("z"); } }
bool Deck::importFromXml(QString fileName) { QDomDocument domDocument; QString errorStr; int errorLine; int errorColumn; QFile file(fileName); | QIODevice::Text); if(!file.isOpen()) return false; if (!domDocument.setContent(&file, true, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { qDebug() << QString("Parse error at line %1, column %2:\n%3") .arg(errorLine) .arg(errorColumn) .arg(errorStr); return false; } QDomElement root = domDocument.documentElement(); if (root.tagName().toLower() != XML_TAG_ROOT) { qDebug() << "root node is mismatched."; return false; } QDomElement nodeDeck; QDomElement nodeCards; QDomElement elnode; nodeDeck = root.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_DECK); if(nodeDeck.isNull()) { qDebug() << "deck node is mismatched."; return false; } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_NAME); if(!elnode.isNull()) { name=elnode.text(); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_DESC); if(!elnode.isNull()) { desc=elnode.text(); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_ICON); if(!elnode.isNull()) { } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_GUID); if(!elnode.isNull()) { guid=QUuid(elnode.text()); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_CREATED); if(!elnode.isNull()) { createdTime=QDateTime::fromString(elnode.text()); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_UPDATED); if(!elnode.isNull()) { updatedTime=QDateTime::fromString(elnode.text()); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_AUTHOR); if(!elnode.isNull()) { author=elnode.text(); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_TAGS); if(!elnode.isNull()) { tags=elnode.text(); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_FLAGS); if(!elnode.isNull()) { flags=elnode.text().toUInt(); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_INHAND); if(!elnode.isNull()) { inhand=elnode.text().toInt(); } elnode = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_FORMAT); if(!elnode.isNull()) { //// Converting QDomElement to QString //// QString str; QTextStream stream(&str);, 4); format.fromString(str); } nodeCards = nodeDeck.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_CARDS); if(!elnode.isNull()) { QDomNodeList nodes = root.elementsByTagName(XML_TAG_CARD); QDomNode nodeCard; QString front, back; int flags = 0; int count = nodes.count(); for(int no = 0; no < count; no++) { nodeCard =; flags = 0; front.clear(); back.clear(); elnode = nodeCard.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_FRONT); if(!elnode.isNull()) { front = elnode.text(); } elnode = nodeCard.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_BACK); if(!elnode.isNull()) { back = elnode.text(); } elnode = nodeCard.firstChildElement(XML_TAG_FLAGS); if(!elnode.isNull()) { flags = elnode.text().toInt(); } if(!front.isEmpty()) { Card *card = new Card; card->updateFront(front); card->updateBack(back); card->setFlags(flags); addCard(card); } } } file.close(); return true; }
QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces QDBusXmlParser::interfaces() const { QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces retval; if (m_node.isNull()) return retval; QDomNodeList interfaceList = m_node.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("interface")); for (int i = 0; i < interfaceList.count(); ++i) { QDomElement iface = interfaceList.item(i).toElement(); QString ifaceName = iface.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); if (iface.isNull()) continue; // for whatever reason if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(ifaceName)) { qWarning("Invalid D-BUS interface name '%s' found while parsing introspection", qPrintable(ifaceName)); continue; } QDBusIntrospection::Interface *ifaceData = new QDBusIntrospection::Interface; ifaceData->name = ifaceName; { // save the data QTextStream ts(&ifaceData->introspection);,2); } // parse annotations ifaceData->annotations = parseAnnotations(iface); // parse methods QDomNodeList list = iface.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("method")); for (int j = 0; j < list.count(); ++j) { QDomElement method = list.item(j).toElement(); QString methodName = method.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); if (method.isNull()) continue; if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(methodName)) { qWarning("Invalid D-BUS member name '%s' found in interface '%s' while parsing introspection", qPrintable(methodName), qPrintable(ifaceName)); continue; } QDBusIntrospection::Method methodData; = methodName; // parse arguments methodData.inputArgs = parseArgs(method, QLatin1String("in"), true); methodData.outputArgs = parseArgs(method, QLatin1String("out"), false); methodData.annotations = parseAnnotations(method); // add it ifaceData->methods.insert(methodName, methodData); } // parse signals list = iface.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("signal")); for (int j = 0; j < list.count(); ++j) { QDomElement signal = list.item(j).toElement(); QString signalName = signal.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); if (signal.isNull()) continue; if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(signalName)) { qWarning("Invalid D-BUS member name '%s' found in interface '%s' while parsing introspection", qPrintable(signalName), qPrintable(ifaceName)); continue; } QDBusIntrospection::Signal signalData; = signalName; // parse data signalData.outputArgs = parseArgs(signal, QLatin1String("out"), true); signalData.annotations = parseAnnotations(signal); // add it ifaceData->signals_.insert(signalName, signalData); } // parse properties list = iface.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("property")); for (int j = 0; j < list.count(); ++j) { QDomElement property = list.item(j).toElement(); QString propertyName = property.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); if (property.isNull()) continue; if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(propertyName)) { qWarning("Invalid D-BUS member name '%s' found in interface '%s' while parsing introspection", qPrintable(propertyName), qPrintable(ifaceName)); continue; } QDBusIntrospection::Property propertyData; // parse data = propertyName; propertyData.type = property.attribute(QLatin1String("type")); propertyData.annotations = parseAnnotations(property); if (!QDBusUtil::isValidSingleSignature(propertyData.type)) { // cannot be! qWarning("Invalid D-BUS type signature '%s' found in property '%s.%s' while parsing introspection", qPrintable(propertyData.type), qPrintable(ifaceName), qPrintable(propertyName)); continue; } QString access = property.attribute(QLatin1String("access")); if (access == QLatin1String("read")) propertyData.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read; else if (access == QLatin1String("write")) propertyData.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write; else if (access == QLatin1String("readwrite")) propertyData.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::ReadWrite; else { qWarning("Invalid D-BUS property access '%s' found in property '%s.%s' while parsing introspection", qPrintable(access), qPrintable(ifaceName), qPrintable(propertyName)); continue; // invalid one! } // add it ifaceData->properties.insert(propertyName, propertyData); } // add it retval.insert(ifaceName, QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::Interface>(ifaceData)); } return retval; }
/* <name>Lines</name> <description>Lines from top to bottom</description> <author>Marco Gittler</author> <properties tag="lines" id="lines" /> <parameter default="5" type="constant" value="5" min="0" name="num" max="255" > <name>Num</name> </parameter> <parameter default="4" type="constant" value="4" min="0" name="width" max="255" > <name>Width</name> </parameter> </effect> */ void ParameterPlotter::setPointLists(const QDomElement& d, const QString& paramName, int startframe, int endframe) { //QListIterator <QPair <QString, QMap< int , QVariant > > > nameit(params); m_paramName = paramName; m_itemParameter = d; QDomNodeList namenode = d.elementsByTagName("parameter"); m_max_y = 0; m_min_y = 0; removeAllPlotObjects(); m_stretchFactors.clear(); m_parameterNameList.clear(); m_plotobjects.clear(); QString dat; QTextStream stre(&dat);, 2); //qDebug() << dat; int i = 0; while (!namenode.item(i).isNull() && namenode.item(i).toElement().attribute("name") != m_paramName) ++i; if (namenode.count()) { QDomElement pa = namenode.item(i).toElement(); //QDomNode na = pa.firstChildElement("name"); m_parameterNameList << pa.attribute("namedesc").split(';'); emit parameterList(m_parameterNameList); //max_y=pa.attributes().namedItem("max").nodeValue().toInt(); //int val=pa.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue().toInt(); QStringList defaults; if (pa.attribute("start").contains(';')) defaults = pa.attribute("start").split(';'); else if (pa.attribute("value").contains(';')) defaults = pa.attribute("value").split(';'); else if (pa.attribute("default").contains(';')) defaults = pa.attribute("default").split(';'); QStringList maxv = pa.attribute("max").split(';'); QStringList minv = pa.attribute("min").split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < maxv.size() && i < minv.size(); ++i) { if (m_max_y < maxv[i].toInt()) m_max_y = maxv[i].toInt(); if (m_min_y > minv[i].toInt()) m_min_y = minv[i].toInt(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_parameterNameList.count(); ++i) { KPlotObject *plot = new KPlotObject(m_colors[m_plotobjects.size()%m_colors.size()]); plot->setShowLines(true); if (!m_stretchFactors.contains(i) && i < maxv.size()) { if (maxv[i].toInt() != 0) m_stretchFactors[i] = m_max_y / maxv[i].toInt(); else m_stretchFactors[i] = 1.0; } if (i < defaults.size() && defaults[i].toDouble() > m_max_y) defaults[i] = m_max_y; int def = 0; if (i < defaults.size()) def = (int)(defaults[i].toInt() * m_stretchFactors[i]); QString name = ""; if (i < m_parameterNameList.size()) name = m_parameterNameList[i]; plot->addPoint(startframe, def, name); //add keyframes here plot->addPoint(endframe, def); m_plotobjects.append(plot); } /*TODO keyframes while (pointit.hasNext()){; plot->addPoint(QPointF(pointit.key(),pointit.value().toDouble()),item.first,1); if (pointit.value().toInt() >maxy) max_y=pointit.value().toInt(); }*/ } setLimits(-1, endframe + 1, m_min_y - 10, m_max_y + 10); addPlotObjects(m_plotobjects); }
/// \cond void QXmppMessage::parse(const QDomElement &element) { QXmppStanza::parse(element); const QString type = element.attribute("type"); d->type = Normal; for (int i = Error; i <= Headline; i++) { if (type == message_types[i]) { d->type = static_cast<Type>(i); break; } } d->body = element.firstChildElement("body").text(); d->subject = element.firstChildElement("subject").text(); d->thread = element.firstChildElement("thread").text(); // chat states for (int i = Active; i <= Paused; i++) { QDomElement stateElement = element.firstChildElement(chat_states[i]); if (!stateElement.isNull() && stateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_states) { d->state = static_cast<QXmppMessage::State>(i); break; } } // XEP-0071: XHTML-IM QDomElement htmlElement = element.firstChildElement("html"); if (!htmlElement.isNull() && htmlElement.namespaceURI() == ns_xhtml_im) { QDomElement bodyElement = htmlElement.firstChildElement("body"); if (!bodyElement.isNull() && bodyElement.namespaceURI() == ns_xhtml) { QTextStream stream(&d->xhtml, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, 0); d->xhtml = d->xhtml.mid(d->xhtml.indexOf('>') + 1); d->xhtml.replace(" xmlns=\"\"", ""); d->xhtml.replace("</body>", ""); d->xhtml = d->xhtml.trimmed(); } } // XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts QDomElement receivedElement = element.firstChildElement("received"); if (!receivedElement.isNull() && receivedElement.namespaceURI() == ns_message_receipts) { d->receiptId = receivedElement.attribute("id"); // compatibility with old-style XEP if (d->receiptId.isEmpty()) d->receiptId = id(); } else { d->receiptId = QString(); } d->receiptRequested = element.firstChildElement("request").namespaceURI() == ns_message_receipts; // XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery QDomElement delayElement = element.firstChildElement("delay"); if (!delayElement.isNull() && delayElement.namespaceURI() == ns_delayed_delivery) { const QString str = delayElement.attribute("stamp"); d->stamp = QXmppUtils::datetimeFromString(str); d->stampType = DelayedDelivery; } // XEP-0224: Attention d->attentionRequested = element.firstChildElement("attention").namespaceURI() == ns_attention; const QList<QPair<QString, QString> > &knownElems = knownMessageSubelems(); QXmppElementList extensions; QDomElement xElement = element.firstChildElement(); while (!xElement.isNull()) { if (xElement.tagName() == "x") { if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_legacy_delayed_delivery) { // XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery const QString str = xElement.attribute("stamp"); d->stamp = QDateTime::fromString(str, "yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss"); d->stamp.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); d->stampType = LegacyDelayedDelivery; } else if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_conference) { // XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations d->mucInvitationJid = xElement.attribute("jid"); d->mucInvitationPassword = xElement.attribute("password"); d->mucInvitationReason = xElement.attribute("reason"); } else { extensions << QXmppElement(xElement); } } else if (!knownElems.contains(qMakePair(xElement.tagName(), xElement.namespaceURI())) && !knownElems.contains(qMakePair(xElement.tagName(), QString()))) { // other extensions extensions << QXmppElement(xElement); } xElement = xElement.nextSiblingElement(); } setExtensions(extensions); }
/// \cond void QXmppMessage::parse(const QDomElement &element) { QXmppStanza::parse(element); const QString type = element.attribute("type"); d->type = Normal; for (int i = Error; i <= Headline; i++) { if (type == message_types[i]) { d->type = static_cast<Type>(i); break; } } d->body = element.firstChildElement("body").text(); d->subject = element.firstChildElement("subject").text(); d->thread = element.firstChildElement("thread").text(); // chat states for (int i = Active; i <= Paused; i++) { QDomElement stateElement = element.firstChildElement(chat_states[i]); if (!stateElement.isNull() && stateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_states) { d->state = static_cast<QXmppMessage::State>(i); break; } } // XEP-0071: XHTML-IM QDomElement htmlElement = element.firstChildElement("html"); if (!htmlElement.isNull() && htmlElement.namespaceURI() == ns_xhtml_im) { QDomElement bodyElement = htmlElement.firstChildElement("body"); if (!bodyElement.isNull() && bodyElement.namespaceURI() == ns_xhtml) { QTextStream stream(&d->xhtml, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, 0); d->xhtml = d->xhtml.mid(d->xhtml.indexOf('>') + 1); d->xhtml.replace(" xmlns=\"\"", ""); d->xhtml.replace("</body>", ""); d->xhtml = d->xhtml.trimmed(); } } // XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts QDomElement receivedElement = element.firstChildElement("received"); if (!receivedElement.isNull() && receivedElement.namespaceURI() == ns_message_receipts) { d->receiptId = receivedElement.attribute("id"); // compatibility with old-style XEP if (d->receiptId.isEmpty()) d->receiptId = id(); } else { d->receiptId = QString(); } d->receiptRequested = element.firstChildElement("request").namespaceURI() == ns_message_receipts; // XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery QDomElement delayElement = element.firstChildElement("delay"); if (!delayElement.isNull() && delayElement.namespaceURI() == ns_delayed_delivery) { const QString str = delayElement.attribute("stamp"); d->stamp = QXmppUtils::datetimeFromString(str); d->stampType = DelayedDelivery; } // XEP-0313: Extract forwarded message from mam packet QDomElement mamElement = element.firstChildElement("result"); if (!mamElement.isNull() && mamElement.namespaceURI() == ns_simple_archive) { QDomElement forwardedElement = mamElement.firstChildElement("forwarded"); if (!forwardedElement.isNull() && forwardedElement.namespaceURI() == ns_stanza_forwarding) { setMaMMessage(parseForward(forwardedElement)); } } // XEP-0280: message carbons QDomElement carbonElement = element.firstChildElement("sent"); if (!carbonElement.isNull() && carbonElement.namespaceURI() == ns_message_carbons) { QDomElement forwardedElement = carbonElement.firstChildElement("forwarded"); if (!forwardedElement.isNull() && forwardedElement.namespaceURI() == ns_stanza_forwarding) { setMessagecarbon(parseForward(forwardedElement)); } } // XEP-0297: Forwarding QDomElement forwardedElement = element.firstChildElement("forwarded"); if (!forwardedElement.isNull() && forwardedElement.namespaceURI() == ns_stanza_forwarding) { setForwarded(parseForward(forwardedElement)); } // XEP-0224: Attention d->attentionRequested = element.firstChildElement("attention").namespaceURI() == ns_attention; // XEP-0334: Message Processing Hints // check for all the marker types QDomElement hintElement; for (int i = NoPermanentStorage; i <= AllowPermantStorage; i++) { hintElement = element.firstChildElement(hint_types[i]); if (!hintElement.isNull() && hintElement.namespaceURI() == ns_message_processing_hints) { d->hints.append(static_cast<QXmppMessage::Hint>(i)); } } // XEP-0333: Chat Markers QDomElement markableElement = element.firstChildElement("markable"); if (!markableElement.isNull()) { d->markable = true; } // check for all the marker types QDomElement chatStateElement; QXmppMessage::Marker marker = QXmppMessage::NoMarker; for (int i = Received; i <= Acknowledged; i++) { chatStateElement = element.firstChildElement(marker_types[i]); if (!chatStateElement.isNull() && chatStateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_markers) { marker = static_cast<QXmppMessage::Marker>(i); break; } } // if marker is present, check it's the right ns if (!chatStateElement.isNull()) { if (chatStateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_markers) { d->marker = marker; d->markedId = chatStateElement.attribute("id", QString()); d->markedThread = chatStateElement.attribute("thread", QString()); } } // XEP-0308: Last Message Correction QDomElement replaceElement = element.firstChildElement("replace"); if(!replaceElement.isNull()) { if(replaceElement.namespaceURI() == ns_replace_message) { d->replace = true; d->replaceId = replaceElement.attribute("id", QString()); } } QXmppElementList extensions; QDomElement xElement = element.firstChildElement("x"); while (!xElement.isNull()) { if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_legacy_delayed_delivery) { // XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery const QString str = xElement.attribute("stamp"); d->stamp = QDateTime::fromString(str, "yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss"); d->stamp.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); d->stampType = LegacyDelayedDelivery; } else if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_conference) { // XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations d->mucInvitationJid = xElement.attribute("jid"); d->mucInvitationPassword = xElement.attribute("password"); d->mucInvitationReason = xElement.attribute("reason"); } else { // other extensions extensions << QXmppElement(xElement); } xElement = xElement.nextSiblingElement("x"); } setExtensions(extensions); }
/// \cond void QXmppMessage::parse(const QDomElement &element) { QXmppStanza::parse(element); const QString type = element.attribute("type"); d->type = Normal; for (int i = Error; i <= Headline; i++) { if (type == message_types[i]) { d->type = static_cast<Type>(i); break; } } d->body = element.firstChildElement("body").text(); d->subject = element.firstChildElement("subject").text(); d->thread = element.firstChildElement("thread").text(); // chat states for (int i = Active; i <= Paused; i++) { QDomElement stateElement = element.firstChildElement(chat_states[i]); if (!stateElement.isNull() && stateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_states) { d->state = static_cast<QXmppMessage::State>(i); break; } } // XEP-0071: XHTML-IM QDomElement htmlElement = element.firstChildElement("html"); if (!htmlElement.isNull() && htmlElement.namespaceURI() == ns_xhtml_im) { QDomElement bodyElement = htmlElement.firstChildElement("body"); if (!bodyElement.isNull() && bodyElement.namespaceURI() == ns_xhtml) { QTextStream stream(&d->xhtml, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, 0); d->xhtml = d->xhtml.mid(d->xhtml.indexOf('>') + 1); d->xhtml.replace(" xmlns=\"\"", ""); d->xhtml.replace("</body>", ""); d->xhtml = d->xhtml.trimmed(); } } // XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts QDomElement receivedElement = element.firstChildElement("received"); if (!receivedElement.isNull() && receivedElement.namespaceURI() == ns_message_receipts) { d->receiptId = receivedElement.attribute("id"); // compatibility with old-style XEP if (d->receiptId.isEmpty()) d->receiptId = id(); } else { d->receiptId = QString(); } d->receiptRequested = element.firstChildElement("request").namespaceURI() == ns_message_receipts; // XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery QDomElement delayElement = element.firstChildElement("delay"); if (!delayElement.isNull() && delayElement.namespaceURI() == ns_delayed_delivery) { const QString str = delayElement.attribute("stamp"); d->stamp = QXmppUtils::datetimeFromString(str); d->stampType = DelayedDelivery; } // XEP-0224: Attention d->attentionRequested = element.firstChildElement("attention").namespaceURI() == ns_attention; // XEP-0333: Chat Markers QDomElement markableElement = element.firstChildElement("markable"); if (!markableElement.isNull()) { d->markable = true; } // check for all the marker types QDomElement chatStateElement; QXmppMessage::Marker marker = QXmppMessage::NoMarker; for (int i = Received; i <= Acknowledged; i++) { chatStateElement = element.firstChildElement(marker_types[i]); if (!chatStateElement.isNull() && chatStateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_markers) { marker = static_cast<QXmppMessage::Marker>(i); break; } } // if marker is present, check it's the right ns if (!chatStateElement.isNull()) { if (chatStateElement.namespaceURI() == ns_chat_markers) { d->marker = marker; d->markedId = chatStateElement.attribute("id", QString()); d->markedThread = chatStateElement.attribute("thread", QString()); } } // XEP-0280: Message Carbons QDomElement privateElement = element.firstChildElement("private"); if (!privateElement.isNull()) d->privatemsg = true; // XEP-0308: Last Message Correction QDomElement replaceElement = element.firstChildElement("replace"); if (!replaceElement.isNull() && replaceElement.namespaceURI() == ns_message_correct) d->replaceId = replaceElement.attribute("id"); const QList<QPair<QString, QString> > &knownElems = knownMessageSubelems(); QXmppElementList extensions; QDomElement xElement = element.firstChildElement(); while (!xElement.isNull()) { if (xElement.tagName() == "x") { if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_legacy_delayed_delivery) { // if XEP-0203 exists, XEP-0091 has no need to parse because XEP-0091 is no more standard protocol) if (d->stamp.isNull()) { // XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery const QString str = xElement.attribute("stamp"); d->stamp = QDateTime::fromString(str, "yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss"); d->stamp.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); d->stampType = LegacyDelayedDelivery; } } else if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_conference) { // XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations d->mucInvitationJid = xElement.attribute("jid"); d->mucInvitationPassword = xElement.attribute("password"); d->mucInvitationReason = xElement.attribute("reason"); } else if (xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_oob) { // XEP-0066: Out of Band Data d->outOfBandUrl = xElement.firstChildElement("url").text(); } else { extensions << QXmppElement(xElement); } // XEP-0369: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX) } else if (xElement.tagName() == "mix" && xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_mix) { d->mixUserJid = xElement.firstChildElement("jid").text(); d->mixUserNick = xElement.firstChildElement("nick").text(); // XEP-0382: Spoiler messages } else if (xElement.tagName() == "spoiler" && xElement.namespaceURI() == ns_spoiler) { d->isSpoiler = true; d->spoilerHint = xElement.text(); } else if (!knownElems.contains(qMakePair(xElement.tagName(), xElement.namespaceURI())) && !knownElems.contains(qMakePair(xElement.tagName(), QString()))) { // other extensions extensions << QXmppElement(xElement); } xElement = xElement.nextSiblingElement(); } setExtensions(extensions); }