bool XmlDataLayer::productsDeleteData(QString name) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement products; QDomElement services; QFile file(sett().getProductsXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return false; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); products = root.firstChild().toElement(); services = root.lastChild().toElement(); } QString text; for (QDomNode n = services.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx"). compare(name) == 0) { services.removeChild(n); break; } } for (QDomNode n = products.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx"). compare(name) == 0) { products.removeChild(n); break; } } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << xml; file.close(); } return true; }
bool deletePackage( QDomDocument *list, QString path ) { QString map = findMapInDir( path ); if( path.endsWith( "MoNav.ini" ) ) { QDomElement mapElement = findPackageElement( *list, "map", map ); if( mapElement.isNull() ) { printf( "map not in list\n" ); return false; } list->documentElement().removeChild( mapElement ); printf( "deleted map entry\n" ); } else if( path.endsWith( ".mmm" ) ) { QString name = path.split("_")[1]; QDomElement moduleElement = findPackageElement( *list, "module", name, map ); if( moduleElement.isNull() ) { printf("module not in list\n"); return 1; } QDomElement parentElement = moduleElement.parentNode().toElement(); parentElement.removeChild( moduleElement ); while( !parentElement.hasChildNodes() ) { moduleElement = parentElement; parentElement = parentElement.parentNode().toElement(); parentElement.removeChild( moduleElement ); } printf( "deleted module entry\n" ); } else { printf( "unrecognized package format\n" ); return false; } return true; }
void ParserAlbum::removeImage(Image *image) { m_pFile->close(); if(!m_pFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return; } QDomElement element = m_pDoc->documentElement(); QDomElement node = element.firstChild().toElement(); QDomElement images = node; node = node.firstChildElement(); while(!node.isNull()) { qDebug() << node.tagName() << " : " << node.text(); if(node.text() == image->sourceImage()) { images.removeChild(node); qDebug() << "removed : " << node.text(); node = node.nextSibling().toElement(); } else { node = node.nextSibling().toElement(); } } if(m_pFile->isOpen()) { QTextStream(m_pFile) << m_pDoc->toString(); m_pFile->close(); } }
static void removeAllToolBars(QDomDocument& doc) { QDomElement parent = doc.documentElement(); const QList<QDomElement> toolBars = extractToolBars(doc); foreach(const QDomElement& e, toolBars) { parent.removeChild(e); }
/******************************************* * void DeviceInfo::modifyDeviceInfoXml ******************************************/ void DeviceInfo::modifyDeviceInfoXml( QString devPropName, QString value ) { QDomDocument document; QDomElement element; QFile file(getDeviceInfoXmlPath()); if( QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) { document.setContent(&file); file.close(); QDomNodeList elementList = document.elementsByTagName("DevPropValue"); for( int i = 0 ; i < elementList.count(); i++ ) { element = elementList.item( i ).toElement(); if( devPropName == element.attribute( "id" ) ) { // Assuming first child is the text node containing the friendly name element.removeChild( element.firstChild() ); QDomText text = document.createTextNode( value ); element.appendChild( text ); if( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate ) ) { QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << document.toString(); } break; } } } }
void ProjectFile::SetAttribute(QString parentTag, QString childTag, QString attribute, QString value) { QDomElement parentTagElement = documentElement().namedItem(parentTag).toElement(); if (parentTagElement.isNull()) { parentTagElement = createElement(parentTag); documentElement().appendChild(parentTagElement); } QDomElement childTagElement = parentTagElement.namedItem(childTag).toElement(); if (childTagElement.isNull()) { childTagElement = createElement(childTag); parentTagElement.appendChild(childTagElement); } QDomNode attributeNode = childTagElement.namedItem(value); if (!attributeNode.isNull()) { childTagElement.removeChild(attributeNode); } QDomElement attributeElement = createElement(attribute); attributeElement.appendChild(createTextNode(value)); childTagElement.appendChild(attributeElement); SaveProject(); }
void PlaylistHandler::redefinePlaylist(std::string playlistName, std::vector<Song*> songs) { checkInit(); QDomElement playlist = getPlaylistFromName(playlistName); QDomNode node = playlist.firstChild(); std::vector<QDomElement> removeVector; while (!node.isNull()) { QDomElement element = node.toElement(); if (!element.isNull() && element.tagName() == "Song") { removeVector.push_back(element); } node = node.nextSibling(); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < removeVector.size(); i++) { playlist.removeChild(; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < songs.size(); i++) { Song* song =; QDomElement songElement = doc.createElement("Song"); songElement.setAttribute("SongName", QString::fromStdString(song->getSongName())); songElement.setAttribute("ArtistName", QString::fromStdString(song->getArtistName())); songElement.setAttribute("AlbumName", QString::fromStdString(song->getAlbumName())); songElement.setAttribute("SongId", song->getSongId()); songElement.setAttribute("ArtistId", song->getArtistId()); songElement.setAttribute("AlbumId", song->getAlbumId()); songElement.setAttribute("CoverArtFilename", QString::fromStdString(song->getCoverArtFilename())); playlist.appendChild(songElement); } save(); emit songsChanged(playlistName, getSongs(playlistName)); }
QString XmlUtil::stripAnswers(const QString &input) { QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(input); QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if ( !e.isNull() && (e.namespaceURI().isEmpty() || e.namespaceURI() == XML_NS) ) { if ( e.nodeName() == "choose" ) { QDomElement c = e.firstChildElement("choice"); while ( !c.isNull() ) { c.removeAttribute("answer"); c = c.nextSiblingElement("choice"); } } else if ( e.nodeName() == "identification" ) { QDomElement a = e.firstChildElement("a"); while ( !a.isNull() ) { e.removeChild(a); a = e.firstChildElement("a"); } } } n = n.nextSibling(); } return doc.toString(2); }
/* public slots */ void Boot_Devices::addNewDevice(QDomElement &_el) { QString _devName = _el.tagName(); //qDebug()<<_devName; QString _devType = _el.attribute("type"); _devName.append(" "); _devName.append(_devType); int _order = devices->count()+1; bool _used = !_el.firstChildElement("boot").isNull(); if (_used) _order = _el .firstChildElement("boot") .attribute("order").toInt()-1; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(QString()); doc.appendChild(_el); QString _data = doc.toDocument().toString(); if ( !_el.firstChildElement("boot").isNull() ) { _el.removeChild(_el.firstChildElement("boot")); }; //qDebug()<<doc.toDocument().toString(); QListWidgetItem *_item = new QListWidgetItem(); _item->setText(_devName); _item->setCheckState( (_used)? Qt::Checked:Qt::Unchecked ); _item->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("computer")); _item->setData(Qt::UserRole, _data); devices->insertItem(_order, _item); }
void MainWindow::on_descriptionPlainTextEdit_textChanged() { if(loadingTheInformations) return; QList<QListWidgetItem *> itemsUI=ui->itemList->selectedItems(); if(itemsUI.size()!=1) return; quint32 selectedItem=itemsUI.first()->data(99).toUInt(); QDomElement description = items[selectedItem].firstChildElement("description"); while(!description.isNull()) { if((!description.hasAttribute("lang") && ui->descriptionEditLanguageList->currentText()=="en") || (description.hasAttribute("lang") && ui->descriptionEditLanguageList->currentText()==description.attribute("lang")) ) { QDomText newTextElement=description.ownerDocument().createTextNode(ui->descriptionPlainTextEdit->toPlainText()); QDomNodeList nodeList=description.childNodes(); int sub_index=0; while(sub_index<nodeList.size()) { description.removeChild(; sub_index++; } description.appendChild(newTextElement); return; } description = description.nextSiblingElement("description"); } QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Warning"),tr("Text not found")); }
static void purgeIncludesExcludes(QDomElement elem, const QString &appId, QDomElement &excludeNode, QDomElement &includeNode) { // Remove any previous includes/excludes of appId QDomNode n = elem.firstChild(); while( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element. bool bIncludeNode = (e.tagName() == MF_INCLUDE); bool bExcludeNode = (e.tagName() == MF_EXCLUDE); if (bIncludeNode) includeNode = e; if (bExcludeNode) excludeNode = e; if (bIncludeNode || bExcludeNode) { QDomNode n2 = e.firstChild(); while ( !n2.isNull() ) { QDomNode next = n2.nextSibling(); QDomElement e2 = n2.toElement(); if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == MF_FILENAME) { if (e2.text() == appId) { e.removeChild(e2); break; } } n2 = next; } } n = n.nextSibling(); } }
void QInstallerTools::copyMetaData(const QString &_targetDir, const QString &metaDataDir, const PackageInfoVector &packages, const QString &appName, const QString &appVersion) { const QString targetDir = makePathAbsolute(_targetDir); if (!QFile::exists(targetDir)) QInstaller::mkpath(targetDir); QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root; QFile existingUpdatesXml(QFileInfo(metaDataDir, QLatin1String("Updates.xml")).absoluteFilePath()); if ( && doc.setContent(&existingUpdatesXml)) { root = doc.documentElement(); // remove entry for this component from existing Updates.xml, if found foreach (const PackageInfo &info, packages) { const QDomNodeList packageNodes = root.childNodes(); for (int i = packageNodes.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const QDomNode node =; if (node.nodeName() != QLatin1String("PackageUpdate")) continue; if (node.firstChildElement(QLatin1String("Name")).text() != continue; root.removeChild(node); } } existingUpdatesXml.close(); } else {
bool LocalXmlBackend::todoToDom(const OpenTodoList::ITodo *todo, QDomDocument &doc) { QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if ( !root.isElement() ) { root = doc.createElement( "todo" ); doc.appendChild( root ); } root.setAttribute( "id", todo->uuid().toString() ); root.setAttribute( "title", todo->title() ); root.setAttribute( "done", todo->done() ? "true" : "false" ); root.setAttribute( "priority", todo->priority() ); root.setAttribute( "weight", todo->weight() ); if ( todo->dueDate().isValid() ) { root.setAttribute( "dueDate", todo->dueDate().toString() ); } else { root.removeAttribute( "dueDate" ); } QDomElement descriptionElement = root.firstChildElement( "description" ); if ( !descriptionElement.isElement() ) { descriptionElement = doc.createElement( "description" ); root.appendChild( descriptionElement ); } while ( !descriptionElement.firstChild().isNull() ) { descriptionElement.removeChild( descriptionElement.firstChild() ); } QDomText descriptionText = doc.createTextNode( todo->description() ); descriptionElement.appendChild( descriptionText ); return true; }
void XmlConfManager::changeUser(QString server, User user) { QDomElement serverElement = findServer(server); QDomElement userElement = serverElement.firstChildElement("user"); serverElement.removeChild(userElement); /* Recréation de l'utilisateur */ userElement = confDesc.createElement("user"); QDomElement nickname = confDesc.createElement("nickname"); QDomElement ghost = confDesc.createElement("ghost"); QDomElement username = confDesc.createElement("username"); QDomElement realname = confDesc.createElement("realname"); QDomText nickText = confDesc.createTextNode(user.nickname); QDomText ghostText = confDesc.createTextNode(user.ghost); QDomText usernameText = confDesc.createTextNode(user.username); QDomText realnameText = confDesc.createTextNode(user.realname); nickname.appendChild(nickText); ghost.appendChild(ghostText); username.appendChild(usernameText); realname.appendChild(realnameText); userElement.appendChild(nickname); userElement.appendChild(ghost); userElement.appendChild(username); userElement.appendChild(realname); serverElement.appendChild(userElement); }
void KXMLGUIClient::storeActionProperties( QDomDocument &doc, const ActionPropertiesMap &properties ) { QDomElement actionPropElement = doc.documentElement().namedItem( "ActionProperties" ).toElement(); if ( actionPropElement.isNull() ) { actionPropElement = doc.createElement( "ActionProperties" ); doc.documentElement().appendChild( actionPropElement ); } while ( !actionPropElement.firstChild().isNull() ) actionPropElement.removeChild( actionPropElement.firstChild() ); ActionPropertiesMap::ConstIterator it = properties.begin(); ActionPropertiesMap::ConstIterator end = properties.end(); for (; it != end; ++it ) { QDomElement action = doc.createElement( "Action" ); action.setAttribute( "name", it.key() ); actionPropElement.appendChild( action ); QMap<QString, QString> attributes = (*it); QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator attrIt = attributes.begin(); QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator attrEnd = attributes.end(); for (; attrIt != attrEnd; ++attrIt ) action.setAttribute( attrIt.key(), ); } }
void Archive::renameMergedStates(QDomNode notes, QMap<QString, QString> &mergedStates) { QDomNode n = notes.firstChild(); while ( ! n.isNull() ) { QDomElement element = n.toElement(); if (!element.isNull()) { if (element.tagName() == "group" ) { renameMergedStates(n, mergedStates); } else if (element.tagName() == "note") { QString tags = XMLWork::getElementText(element, "tags"); if (!tags.isEmpty()) { QStringList tagNames = tags.split(";"); for (QStringList::Iterator it = tagNames.begin(); it != tagNames.end(); ++it) { QString &tag = *it; if (mergedStates.contains(tag)) { tag = mergedStates[tag]; } } QString newTags = tagNames.join(";"); QDomElement tagsElement = XMLWork::getElement(element, "tags"); element.removeChild(tagsElement); QDomDocument document = element.ownerDocument(); XMLWork::addElement(document, element, "tags", newTags); } } } n = n.nextSibling(); } }
void Archive::importBasketIcon(QDomElement properties, const QString &extractionFolder) { QString iconName = XMLWork::getElementText(properties, "icon"); if (!iconName.isEmpty() && iconName != "basket") { QPixmap icon = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon( iconName, KIconLoader::NoGroup, 16, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), 0L, /*canReturnNull=*/true ); // The icon does not exists on that computer, import it: if (icon.isNull()) { QDir dir; dir.mkdir(Global::savesFolder() + "basket-icons/"); FormatImporter copier; // Only used to copy files synchronously // Of the icon path was eg. "/home/seb/icon.png", it was exported as "basket-icons/_home_seb_icon.png". // So we need to copy that image to "~/.kde/share/apps/basket/basket-icons/icon.png": int slashIndex = iconName.lastIndexOf('/'); QString iconFileName = (slashIndex < 0 ? iconName : iconName.right(slashIndex - 2)); QString source = extractionFolder + "basket-icons/" + iconName.replace('/', '_'); QString destination = Global::savesFolder() + "basket-icons/" + iconFileName; if (!dir.exists(destination)) copier.copyFolder(source, destination); // Replace the emblem path in the tags.xml copy: QDomElement iconElement = XMLWork::getElement(properties, "icon"); properties.removeChild(iconElement); QDomDocument document = properties.ownerDocument(); XMLWork::addElement(document, properties, "icon", destination); } } }
bool Database::removeProject(const SProject * project) { QDomDocument doc = loadDataBase(); QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.attribute("name") == project->projectName()) docElem.removeChild(n); } n = n.nextSibling(); } QFile file(m_dbfile); if (| QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream ts(&file); ts << doc.toString(); file.close(); } else { return false; } return true; }
/** * \brief Supprime une note * \param id id de la note à supprimer */ void Workspace::deleteNote(const QString &id){ // delete in notes QDomElement dom_el = dom->documentElement(); QDomNodeList node_list = dom_el.elementsByTagName("notes"); QDomElement node =; QDomNodeList sub_node_list = node.elementsByTagName("note"); QDomElement sub_node; for (int i = 0; i < sub_node_list.count(); i++){ sub_node =; if (sub_node.text() == id){ sub_node = node.removeChild(sub_node).toElement(); notes.remove(id); } } // delete in trash_notes node_list = dom_el.elementsByTagName("trash_notes"); node =; sub_node_list = node.elementsByTagName("note"); for (int i = 0; i < sub_node_list.count(); i++){ sub_node =; if (sub_node.text() == id){ sub_node = node.removeChild(sub_node).toElement(); trash_notes.remove(id); } } // delete in tags_associations node_list = dom_el.elementsByTagName("tags"); node =; sub_node_list = node.elementsByTagName("tag"); for (int i = 0; i < sub_node_list.count(); i++){ sub_node =; // element tag QDomNodeList sub_sub_node_list = sub_node.elementsByTagName("name"); QDomElement sub_sub_node_name =; sub_sub_node_list = sub_node.elementsByTagName("note_id"); for (int j = 0; j < sub_sub_node_list.count(); j++){ QDomElement sub_sub_node_note_id =; if (sub_sub_node_note_id.text() == id){ sub_node.removeChild(sub_sub_node_note_id); tags_associations.remove(sub_node.text(), sub_sub_node_note_id.text()); } } } saveFile(); }
bool XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciDeleteData(QString name) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement urzad; QDomElement firma; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return false; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); urzad = root.firstChild().toElement(); firma = root.lastChild().toElement(); } QString text; for (QDomNode n = firma.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name"). compare(name) == 0) { firma.removeChild(n); break; } } for (QDomNode n = urzad.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name"). compare(name) == 0) { urzad.removeChild(n); break; } } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << xml; file.close(); } return true; }
void ContactSetConfigurationHelper::saveToConfiguration( ConfigurationApi *configurationStorage, QDomElement contactSetNode, const ContactSet &contactSet) { while (!contactSetNode.childNodes().isEmpty()) contactSetNode.removeChild(contactSetNode.childNodes().at(0)); for (auto const &c : contactSet) configurationStorage->appendTextNode(contactSetNode, "Contact", c.uuid().toString()); }
void removeNodes(QDomElement& root, const XDomNodeList& nl) { for (int i = 0; i < nl.count(); ++i) { QDomElement e = nl.item(i).toElement(); if (e.isNull()) continue; root.removeChild(e); } }
QDomDocument QgsMapLayer::asLayerDefinition() { QDomDocument doc( "qgis-layer-definition" ); QDomElement maplayer = doc.createElement( "maplayer" ); this->writeLayerXML( maplayer, doc ); maplayer.removeChild( maplayer.firstChildElement( "id" ) ); doc.appendChild( maplayer ); return doc; }
void XmlConfManager::changeCommand(QString server, QString code) { QDomElement serverElement = findServer(server); QDomElement changeCommand = serverElement.firstChildElement("command"); serverElement.removeChild(changeCommand); changeCommand = confDesc.createElement("command"); QDomText command = confDesc.createTextNode(code); changeCommand.appendChild(command); serverElement.appendChild(changeCommand); }
bool removeElements(QDomElement &parent, const QString &tag) { QDomNodeList list = parent.elementsByTagName(tag); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(list.size() <= 1); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { parent.removeChild(; } return list.size() > 0; }
void QERecipe::buttonDeleteClicked() { QDomElement rootElement; QDomElement recipeElement; QDomNode rootNode; QString currentName; QString name; int count; currentName = qComboBoxRecipeList->currentText(); if (QMessageBox::question(this, "Info", "Do you want to delete recipe '" + currentName + "'?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { count = 0; rootElement = document.documentElement(); if (rootElement.tagName() == "epicsqt") { rootNode = rootElement.firstChild(); while (rootNode.isNull() == false) { recipeElement = rootNode.toElement(); if (recipeElement.tagName() == "recipe") { if (recipeElement.attribute("name").isEmpty()) { name = "Recipe #" + QString::number(count); count++; } else { name = recipeElement.attribute("name"); } if ( == 0) { rootElement.removeChild(rootNode); break; } } rootNode = rootNode.nextSibling(); } } if (saveRecipeList()) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Info", "The recipe '" + currentName + "' was successfully delete!"); } else { // TODO: restore original document if there is an error QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "Unable to delete recipe '" + currentName + "' in file '" + filename + "'!"); } } }
void MainWindow::on_actionDelete_activated() { QDomElement picture = album.toElement(); for(QDomNode photoElements = picture.firstChild(); !photoElements.isNull(); photoElements = photoElements.nextSibling()) { QDomElement photoElement = photoElements.toElement(); photoElement.removeChild(photoElement.firstChild()); } }
QDomDocument QgsMapLayer::asLayerDefinition( QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers, QString relativeBasePath ) { QDomDocument doc( "qgis-layer-definition" ); QDomElement layerselm = doc.createElement( "maplayers" ); foreach ( QgsMapLayer* layer, layers ) { QDomElement layerelm = doc.createElement( "maplayer" ); layer->writeLayerXML( layerelm, doc, relativeBasePath ); layerelm.removeChild( layerelm.firstChildElement( "id" ) ); layerselm.appendChild( layerelm ); }
QDomElement KWDWriter::setLayout(QDomElement paragraph, QDomElement layout) { QDomElement theLayout; if (layout.isNull()) theLayout=_doc->createElement("LAYOUT"); else theLayout=layout.cloneNode().toElement(); QDomElement oldLayout=currentLayout(paragraph); paragraph.removeChild(oldLayout); paragraph.appendChild(theLayout); return theLayout; }
void MyXML::removeElement(QString fileName) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; QDomElement filelist = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement("FileList"); QDomElement elt = filelist.firstChildElement("File"); for (; !elt.isNull(); elt = elt.nextSiblingElement("File")) { if (elt.attribute("Name") == fileName) { filelist.removeChild(elt); } } }