Пример #1
UWorld* UUserWidget::GetWorld() const
	if ( HasAllFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) )
		// If we are a CDO, we must return nullptr instead of calling Outer->GetWorld() to fool UObject::ImplementsGetWorld.
		return nullptr;

	// Use the Player Context's world, if a specific player context is given, otherwise fall back to
	// following the outer chain.
	if ( PlayerContext.IsValid() )
		if ( UWorld* World = PlayerContext.GetWorld() )
			return World;

	// Could be a GameInstance, could be World, could also be a WidgetTree, so we're just going to follow
	// the outer chain to find the world we're in.
	UObject* Outer = GetOuter();

	while ( Outer )
		UWorld* World = Outer->GetWorld();
		if ( World )
			return World;

		Outer = Outer->GetOuter();

	return nullptr;
Пример #2
FExportObjectInnerContext::FExportObjectInnerContext(TArray<UObject*>& ObjsToIgnore)
	// For each object . . .
	for ( TObjectIterator<UObject> It ; It ; ++It )
		UObject* InnerObj = *It;
		if ( !InnerObj->IsPendingKill() )
			if ( !ObjsToIgnore.Contains(InnerObj) )
				UObject* OuterObj = InnerObj->GetOuter();
				if ( OuterObj && !OuterObj->IsPendingKill() )
					InnerList* Inners = ObjectToInnerMap.Find( OuterObj );
					if ( Inners )
						// Add object to existing inner list.
						Inners->Add( InnerObj );
						// Create a new inner list for the outer object.
						InnerList& InnersForOuterObject = ObjectToInnerMap.Add( OuterObj, InnerList() );
						InnersForOuterObject.Add( InnerObj );
Пример #3
bool FFrontendFilter_InUseByLoadedLevels::PassesFilter(FAssetFilterType InItem) const
	bool bObjectInUse = false;
	if ( InItem.IsAssetLoaded() )
		UObject* Asset = InItem.GetAsset();

		const bool bUnreferenced = !Asset->HasAnyMarks( OBJECTMARK_TagExp );
		const bool bIndirectlyReferencedObject = Asset->HasAnyMarks( OBJECTMARK_TagImp );
		const bool bRejectObject =
			Asset->GetOuter() == NULL || // Skip objects with null outers
			Asset->HasAnyFlags( RF_Transient ) || // Skip transient objects (these shouldn't show up in the CB anyway)
			Asset->IsPendingKill() || // Objects that will be garbage collected 
			bUnreferenced || // Unreferenced objects 
			bIndirectlyReferencedObject; // Indirectly referenced objects

		if( !bRejectObject && Asset->HasAnyFlags( RF_Public ) )
			// The object is in use 
			bObjectInUse = true;

	return bObjectInUse;
Пример #4
 * Internal version of GetPathName() that eliminates unnecessary copies.
void UObjectBaseUtility::GetPathName( const UObject* StopOuter, FString& ResultString ) const
	if( this != StopOuter && this != NULL )
		UObject* ObjOuter = GetOuter();
		if (ObjOuter && ObjOuter != StopOuter )
			ObjOuter->GetPathName( StopOuter, ResultString );

			// SUBOBJECT_DELIMITER is used to indicate that this object's outer is not a UPackage
			if (ObjOuter->GetClass() != UPackage::StaticClass()
			&& ObjOuter->GetOuter()->GetClass() == UPackage::StaticClass())
				ResultString += SUBOBJECT_DELIMITER;
				ResultString += TEXT(".");
		ResultString += TEXT("None");
Пример #5
void UEdGraphPin::PostLoad()

	static FName GameplayTagName = TEXT("GameplayTag");
	static FName GameplayTagContainerName = TEXT("GameplayTagContainer");
	static FName GameplayTagsPathName = TEXT("/Script/GameplayTags");

	if (PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.IsValid())
		UObject* PinSubCategoryObject = PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get();
		if (PinSubCategoryObject->GetOuter()->GetFName() == GameplayTagsPathName)
			if (PinSubCategoryObject->GetFName() == GameplayTagName)
				// Pins of type FGameplayTag were storing "()" for empty arrays and then importing that into ArrayProperty and expecting an empty array.
				// That it was working was a bug and has been fixed, so let's fixup pins. A pin that wants an array size of 1 will always fill the parenthesis
				// so there is no worry about breaking those cases.
				if (DefaultValue == TEXT("()"))
			else if (PinSubCategoryObject->GetFName() == GameplayTagContainerName)
				// Pins of type FGameplayTagContainer were storing "GameplayTags=()" for empty arrays, which equates to having a single item, default generated as detailed above for FGameplayTag.
				// The solution is to replace occurances with an empty string, due to the item being a struct, we can't just empty the value and must replace only the section we need.
				DefaultValue.ReplaceInline(TEXT("GameplayTags=()"), TEXT("GameplayTags="));
Пример #6
void UK2Node_MacroInstance::PostPasteNode()
	const UBlueprint* InstanceOwner = GetBlueprint();

	// Find the owner of the macro graph
	const UEdGraph* MacroGraph = MacroGraphReference.GetGraph();
	UObject* MacroOwner = MacroGraph->GetOuter();
	UBlueprint* MacroOwnerBP = NULL;
		MacroOwnerBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(MacroOwner);

		MacroOwner = MacroOwner->GetOuter();
	if((MacroOwnerBP != NULL)
		&& (MacroOwnerBP->BlueprintType != BPTYPE_MacroLibrary)
		&& (MacroOwnerBP != InstanceOwner))
		// If this is a graph from another blueprint that is NOT a library, disallow the connection!

	// Keep sync with FTypeSingletonCache::GenerateSingletonName
	static FString GenerateZConstructor(UField* Item)
		FString Result;
		if (!ensure(Item))
			return Result;
		for (UObject* Outer = Item; Outer; Outer = Outer->GetOuter())
			if (!Result.IsEmpty())
				Result = TEXT("_") + Result;

			if (Cast<UClass>(Outer) || Cast<UScriptStruct>(Outer))
				FString OuterName = FEmitHelper::GetCppName(CastChecked<UField>(Outer), true);
				Result = OuterName + Result;

				// Structs can also have UPackage outer.
				if (Cast<UClass>(Outer) || Cast<UPackage>(Outer->GetOuter()))
				Result = Outer->GetName() + Result;

		// Can't use long package names in function names.
		if (Result.StartsWith(TEXT("/Script/"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive))
			Result = FPackageName::GetShortName(Result);

		const FString ClassString = Item->IsA<UClass>() ? TEXT("UClass") : TEXT("UScriptStruct");
		return FString(TEXT("Z_Construct_")) + ClassString + TEXT("_") + Result + TEXT("()");
Пример #8
 * Walks up the list of outers until it finds the highest one.
 * @return outermost non NULL Outer.
UPackage* UObjectBaseUtility::GetOutermost() const
	UObject* Top = (UObject*)this;
	for (;;)
		UObject* CurrentOuter = Top->GetOuter();
		if (!CurrentOuter)
			return CastChecked<UPackage>(Top);
		Top = CurrentOuter;
const UBlackboardData* FBlackboardSelectorDetails::FindBlackboardAsset(UObject* InObj)
	for (UObject* TestOb = InObj; TestOb; TestOb = TestOb->GetOuter())
		UBTNode* NodeOb = Cast<UBTNode>(TestOb);
		if (NodeOb)
			return NodeOb->GetBlackboardAsset();

	return NULL;
Пример #10
void FObjectInstancingGraph::RetrieveObjectInstances( UObject* SearchOuter, TArray<UObject*>& out_Objects )
    if ( HasDestinationRoot() && SearchOuter != NULL && (SearchOuter == DestinationRoot || SearchOuter->IsIn(DestinationRoot)) )
        for ( TMap<UObject*,UObject*>::TIterator It(SourceToDestinationMap); It; ++It )
            UObject* InstancedObject = It.Value();
            if ( InstancedObject->GetOuter() == SearchOuter )
static void LinkerPlaceholderObjectImpl::BuildPropertyChain(const UProperty* LeafProperty, TArray<const UProperty*>& ChainOut)

	UClass* ClassOwner = LeafProperty->GetOwnerClass();

	UObject* PropertyOuter = LeafProperty->GetOuter();
	while ((PropertyOuter != nullptr) && (PropertyOuter != ClassOwner))
		if (const UProperty* PropertyOwner = Cast<const UProperty>(PropertyOuter))
		PropertyOuter = PropertyOuter->GetOuter();
Пример #12
AActor* UActorComponent::GetOwner() const
	// walk up outer chain to find an Actor
	UObject* Obj = GetOuter();
	while(Obj != NULL)
		AActor* Actor = Cast<AActor>(Obj);
		if(Actor != NULL)
			return Actor;

		Obj = Obj->GetOuter();

	return NULL;
Пример #13
// Recover a corrupted blueprint
void FKismet2CompilerModule::RecoverCorruptedBlueprint(class UBlueprint* Blueprint)
	UPackage* Package = Blueprint->GetOutermost();

	// Get rid of any stale classes
	for (FObjectIterator ObjIt; ObjIt; ++ObjIt)
		UObject* TestObject = *ObjIt;
		if (TestObject->GetOuter() == Package)
			// This object is in the blueprint package; is it expected?
			if (UClass* TestClass = Cast<UClass>(TestObject))
				if ((TestClass != Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass) && (TestClass != Blueprint->GeneratedClass))
					// Unexpected UClass
					FKismetCompilerUtilities::ConsignToOblivion(TestClass, false);

Пример #14
void UBlueprint::DebuggingWorldRegistrationHelper(UObject* ObjectProvidingWorld, UObject* ValueToRegister)
	if (ObjectProvidingWorld != NULL)
		// Fix up the registration with the world
		UWorld* ObjWorld = NULL;
		UObject* ObjOuter = ObjectProvidingWorld->GetOuter();
		while (ObjOuter != NULL)
			ObjWorld = Cast<UWorld>(ObjOuter);
			if (ObjWorld != NULL)

			ObjOuter = ObjOuter->GetOuter();

		if (ObjWorld != NULL)
			ObjWorld->NotifyOfBlueprintDebuggingAssociation(this, ValueToRegister);
inline UObject* BuildSubobjectKey(UObject* InObj, TArray<FName>& OutHierarchyNames)
	auto UseOuter = [](const UObject* Obj)
		if (Obj == nullptr)
			return false;

		const bool bIsCDO = Obj->HasAllFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject);
		const UObject* CDO = bIsCDO ? Obj : nullptr;
		const bool bIsClassCDO = (CDO != nullptr) ? (CDO->GetClass()->ClassDefaultObject == CDO) : false;
		if(!bIsClassCDO && CDO)
			// Likely a trashed CDO, try to recover. Only known cause of this is
			// ambiguous use of DSOs:
			CDO = CDO->GetClass()->ClassDefaultObject;
		const UActorComponent* AsComponent = Cast<UActorComponent>(Obj);
		const bool bIsDSO = Obj->HasAnyFlags(RF_DefaultSubObject);
		const bool bIsSCSComponent = AsComponent && AsComponent->IsCreatedByConstructionScript();
		return (bIsCDO && bIsClassCDO) || bIsDSO || bIsSCSComponent;
	UObject* Outermost = nullptr;

	UObject* Iter = InObj;
	while (UseOuter(Iter))
		Iter = Iter->GetOuter();
		Outermost = Iter;

	return Outermost;
Пример #16
// Exports a set of nodes to text
void FEdGraphUtilities::ExportNodesToText(TSet<UObject*> NodesToExport, /*out*/ FString& ExportedText)
	// Clear the mark state for saving.
	UnMarkAllObjects(EObjectMark(OBJECTMARK_TagExp | OBJECTMARK_TagImp));

	FStringOutputDevice Archive;
	const FExportObjectInnerContext Context;

	// Export each of the selected nodes
	UObject* LastOuter = NULL;
	for (TSet<UObject*>::TConstIterator NodeIt(NodesToExport); NodeIt; ++NodeIt)
		UObject* Node = *NodeIt;

		// The nodes should all be from the same scope
		UObject* ThisOuter = Node->GetOuter();
		check((LastOuter == ThisOuter) || (LastOuter == NULL));
		LastOuter = ThisOuter;

		UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice(&Context, Node, NULL, Archive, TEXT("copy"), 0, PPF_ExportsNotFullyQualified|PPF_Copy|PPF_Delimited, false, ThisOuter);

	ExportedText = Archive;
Пример #17
	// For each object . . .
	for ( TObjectIterator<UObject> It ; It ; ++It )
		UObject* InnerObj = *It;
		UObject* OuterObj = InnerObj->GetOuter();
		if ( OuterObj )
			InnerList* Inners = ObjectToInnerMap.Find( OuterObj );
			if ( Inners )
				// Add object to existing inner list.
				Inners->Add( InnerObj );
				// Create a new inner list for the outer object.
				InnerList& InnersForOuterObject = ObjectToInnerMap.Add( OuterObj, InnerList() );
				InnersForOuterObject.Add( InnerObj );
Пример #18
 * Parse and import text as property values for the object specified.  This function should never be called directly - use ImportObjectProperties instead.
 * @param	ObjectStruct				the struct for the data we're importing
 * @param	DestData					the location to import the property values to
 * @param	SourceText					pointer to a buffer containing the values that should be parsed and imported
 * @param	SubobjectRoot					when dealing with nested subobjects, corresponds to the top-most outer that
 *										is not a subobject/template
 * @param	SubobjectOuter				the outer to use for creating subobjects/components. NULL when importing structdefaultproperties
 * @param	Warn						output device to use for log messages
 * @param	Depth						current nesting level
 * @param	InstanceGraph				contains the mappings of instanced objects and components to their templates
 * @return	NULL if the default values couldn't be imported
static const TCHAR* ImportProperties(
	uint8*						DestData,
	const TCHAR*				SourceText,
	UStruct*					ObjectStruct,
	UObject*					SubobjectRoot,
	UObject*					SubobjectOuter,
	FFeedbackContext*			Warn,
	int32						Depth,
	FObjectInstancingGraph&		InstanceGraph,
	const TMap<FName, AActor*>* ActorRemapper

	if ( SourceText == NULL )
		return NULL;

	// Cannot create subobjects when importing struct defaults, or if SubobjectOuter (used as the Outer for any subobject declarations encountered) is NULL
	bool bSubObjectsAllowed = !ObjectStruct->IsA(UScriptStruct::StaticClass()) && SubobjectOuter != NULL;

	// true when DestData corresponds to a subobject in a class default object
	bool bSubObject = false;

	UClass* ComponentOwnerClass = NULL;

	if ( bSubObjectsAllowed )
		bSubObject = SubobjectRoot != NULL && SubobjectRoot->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject);
		if ( SubobjectRoot == NULL )
			SubobjectRoot = SubobjectOuter;

		ComponentOwnerClass = SubobjectOuter != NULL
			? SubobjectOuter->IsA(UClass::StaticClass())
				? CastChecked<UClass>(SubobjectOuter)
				: SubobjectOuter->GetClass()
			: NULL;

	// The PortFlags to use for all ImportText calls
	uint32 PortFlags = PPF_Delimited | PPF_CheckReferences;
	if (GIsImportingT3D)
		PortFlags |= PPF_AttemptNonQualifiedSearch;

	FString StrLine;

	TArray<FDefinedProperty> DefinedProperties;

	// Parse all objects stored in the actor.
	// Build list of all text properties.
	bool ImportedBrush = 0;
	int32 LinesConsumed = 0;
	while (FParse::LineExtended(&SourceText, StrLine, LinesConsumed, true))
		// remove extra whitespace and optional semicolon from the end of the line
			int32 Length = StrLine.Len();
			while ( Length > 0 &&
					(StrLine[Length - 1] == TCHAR(';') || StrLine[Length - 1] == TCHAR(' ') || StrLine[Length - 1] == 9) )
			if (Length != StrLine.Len())
				StrLine = StrLine.Left(Length);

		if ( ContextSupplier != NULL )
			ContextSupplier->CurrentLine += LinesConsumed;
		if (StrLine.Len() == 0)

		const TCHAR* Str = *StrLine;

		int32 NewLineNumber;
		if( FParse::Value( Str, TEXT("linenumber="), NewLineNumber ) )
			if ( ContextSupplier != NULL )
				ContextSupplier->CurrentLine = NewLineNumber;
		else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,TEXT("Brush")) && ObjectStruct->IsChildOf(ABrush::StaticClass()) )
			// If SubobjectOuter is NULL, we are importing defaults for a UScriptStruct's defaultproperties block
			if ( !bSubObjectsAllowed )
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN BRUSH: Subobjects are not allowed in this context"));
				return NULL;

			// Parse brush on this line.
			TCHAR BrushName[NAME_SIZE];
			if( FParse::Value( Str, TEXT("Name="), BrushName, NAME_SIZE ) )
				// If an initialized brush with this name already exists in the level, rename the existing one.
				// It is deemed to be initialized if it has a non-zero poly count.
				// If it is uninitialized, the existing object will have been created by a forward reference in the import text,
				// and it will now be redefined.  This relies on the behavior that NewObject<> will return an existing pointer
				// if an object with the same name and outer is passed.
				UModel* ExistingBrush = FindObject<UModel>( SubobjectRoot, BrushName );
				if (ExistingBrush && ExistingBrush->Polys && ExistingBrush->Polys->Element.Num() > 0)

				// Create model.
				UModelFactory* ModelFactory = NewObject<UModelFactory>();
				ModelFactory->FactoryCreateText( UModel::StaticClass(), SubobjectRoot, FName(BrushName, FNAME_Add, true), RF_NoFlags, NULL, TEXT("t3d"), SourceText, SourceText+FCString::Strlen(SourceText), Warn );
				ImportedBrush = 1;
		else if (GetBEGIN(&Str, TEXT("Foliage")))
			UFoliageType* SourceFoliageType;
			FName ComponentName;
			if (SubobjectRoot &&
				ParseObject<UFoliageType>(Str, TEXT("FoliageType="), SourceFoliageType, ANY_PACKAGE) &&
				FParse::Value(Str, TEXT("Component="), ComponentName) )
				UPrimitiveComponent* ActorComponent = FindObjectFast<UPrimitiveComponent>(SubobjectRoot, ComponentName);

				if (ActorComponent && ActorComponent->GetComponentLevel())
					AInstancedFoliageActor* IFA = AInstancedFoliageActor::GetInstancedFoliageActorForLevel(ActorComponent->GetComponentLevel(), true);

					FFoliageMeshInfo* MeshInfo = nullptr;
					UFoliageType* FoliageType = IFA->AddFoliageType(SourceFoliageType, &MeshInfo);

					const TCHAR* StrPtr;
					FString TextLine;
					while (MeshInfo && FParse::Line(&SourceText, TextLine))
						StrPtr = *TextLine;
						if (GetEND(&StrPtr, TEXT("Foliage")))

						// Parse the instance properties
						FFoliageInstance Instance;
						FString Temp;
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("Location="), Temp, false))
							GetFVECTOR(*Temp, Instance.Location);
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("Rotation="), Temp, false))
							GetFROTATOR(*Temp, Instance.Rotation, 1);
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("PreAlignRotation="), Temp, false))
							GetFROTATOR(*Temp, Instance.PreAlignRotation, 1);
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("DrawScale3D="), Temp, false))
							GetFVECTOR(*Temp, Instance.DrawScale3D);
						FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("Flags="), Instance.Flags);

						// Add the instance
						MeshInfo->AddInstance(IFA, FoliageType, Instance, ActorComponent);
		else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,TEXT("Object")))
			// If SubobjectOuter is NULL, we are importing defaults for a UScriptStruct's defaultproperties block
			if ( !bSubObjectsAllowed )
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: Subobjects are not allowed in this context"));
				return NULL;

			// Parse subobject default properties.
			// Note: default properties subobjects have compiled class as their Outer (used for localization).
			UClass*	TemplateClass = NULL;
			bool bInvalidClass = false;
			ParseObject<UClass>(Str, TEXT("Class="), TemplateClass, ANY_PACKAGE, &bInvalidClass);
			if (bInvalidClass)
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error,TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: Invalid class specified: %s"), *StrLine);
				return NULL;

			// parse the name of the template
			FName	TemplateName = NAME_None;
			if(TemplateName == NAME_None)
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error,TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: Must specify valid name for subobject/component: %s"), *StrLine);
				return NULL;

			// points to the parent class's template subobject/component, if we are overriding a subobject/component declared in our parent class
			UObject* BaseTemplate = NULL;
			bool bRedefiningSubobject = false;
			if( TemplateClass )
				// next, verify that a template actually exists in the parent class
				UClass* ParentClass = ComponentOwnerClass->GetSuperClass();

				UObject* ParentCDO = ParentClass->GetDefaultObject();

				BaseTemplate = StaticFindObjectFast(UObject::StaticClass(), SubobjectOuter, TemplateName);
				bRedefiningSubobject = (BaseTemplate != NULL);

				if (BaseTemplate == NULL)
					BaseTemplate = StaticFindObjectFast(UObject::StaticClass(), ParentCDO, TemplateName);
				if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
					// wasn't found
					Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: No base template named %s found in parent class %s: %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *ParentClass->GetName(), *StrLine);
					return NULL;

				TemplateClass = BaseTemplate->GetClass();

			// because the outer won't be a default object

			checkSlow(TemplateClass != NULL);
			if (bRedefiningSubobject)
				// since we're redefining an object in the same text block, only need to import properties again
				SourceText = ImportObjectProperties( (uint8*)BaseTemplate, SourceText, TemplateClass, SubobjectRoot, BaseTemplate,
													Warn, Depth + 1, ContextSupplier ? ContextSupplier->CurrentLine : 0, &InstanceGraph, ActorRemapper );
				UObject* Archetype = NULL;
				UObject* ComponentTemplate = NULL;

				// Since we are changing the class we can't use the Archetype,
				// however that is fine since we will have been editing the CDO anyways
				if (!FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsAnonymousBlueprintClass(SubobjectOuter->GetClass()))
					// if an archetype was specified in the Begin Object block, use that as the template for the ConstructObject call.
					FString ArchetypeName;
					if (FParse::Value(Str, TEXT("Archetype="), ArchetypeName))
						// if given a name, break it up along the ' so separate the class from the name
						FString ObjectClass;
						FString ObjectPath;
						if ( FPackageName::ParseExportTextPath(ArchetypeName, &ObjectClass, &ObjectPath) )
							// find the class
							UClass* ArchetypeClass = (UClass*)StaticFindObject(UClass::StaticClass(), ANY_PACKAGE, *ObjectClass);
							if (ArchetypeClass)
								// if we had the class, find the archetype
								Archetype = StaticFindObject(ArchetypeClass, ANY_PACKAGE, *ObjectPath);

				if (SubobjectOuter->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
					if (!Archetype) // if an archetype was specified explicitly, we will stick with that
						Archetype = ComponentOwnerClass->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(TemplateName);
							if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
								// BaseTemplate should only be NULL if the Begin Object line specified a class
								Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: The component name %s is already used (if you want to override the component, don't specify a class): %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *StrLine);
								return NULL;

							// the component currently in the component template map and the base template should be the same
							checkf(Archetype==BaseTemplate,TEXT("OverrideComponent: '%s'   BaseTemplate: '%s'"), *Archetype->GetFullName(), *BaseTemplate->GetFullName());
				else // handle the non-template case (subobjects and non-template components)
					// don't allow Actor-derived subobjects
					if ( TemplateClass->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()) )
						Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error,TEXT("Cannot create subobjects from Actor-derived classes: %s"), *StrLine);
						return NULL;

					ComponentTemplate = FindObject<UObject>(SubobjectOuter, *TemplateName.ToString());
					if (ComponentTemplate != NULL)
						// if we're overriding a subobject declared in a parent class, we should already have an object with that name that
						// was instanced when ComponentOwnerClass's CDO was initialized; if so, it's archetype should be the BaseTemplate.  If it
						// isn't, then there are two unrelated subobject definitions using the same name.
						if ( ComponentTemplate->GetArchetype() != BaseTemplate )
						else if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
							// BaseTemplate should only be NULL if the Begin Object line specified a class
							Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: A subobject named %s is already declared in a parent class.  If you intended to override that subobject, don't specify a class in the derived subobject definition: %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *StrLine);
							return NULL;


				// Propagate object flags to the sub object.
				EObjectFlags NewFlags = SubobjectOuter->GetMaskedFlags( RF_PropagateToSubObjects );

				if (!Archetype) // no override and we didn't find one from the class table, so go with the base
					Archetype = BaseTemplate;

				UObject* OldComponent = NULL;
				if (ComponentTemplate)
					bool bIsOkToReuse = ComponentTemplate->GetClass() == TemplateClass
						&& ComponentTemplate->GetOuter() == SubobjectOuter
						&& ComponentTemplate->GetFName() == TemplateName 
						&& (ComponentTemplate->GetArchetype() == Archetype || !Archetype);

					if (!bIsOkToReuse)
						UE_LOG(LogEditorObject, Log, TEXT("Could not reuse component instance %s, name clash?"), *ComponentTemplate->GetFullName());
						ComponentTemplate->Rename(); // just abandon the existing component, we are going to create
						OldComponent = ComponentTemplate;
						ComponentTemplate = NULL;

				if (!ComponentTemplate)
					ComponentTemplate = NewObject<UObject>(
					// We do not want to set RF_Transactional for construction script created components, so we have to monkey with things here
					if (NewFlags & RF_Transactional)
						UActorComponent* Component = Cast<UActorComponent>(ComponentTemplate);
						if (Component && Component->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())
							NewFlags &= ~RF_Transactional;

					// Make sure desired flags are set - existing object could be pending kill

				// replace all properties in this subobject outer' class that point to the original subobject with the new subobject
				TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacementMap;
				if (Archetype)
					checkSlow(ComponentTemplate->GetArchetype() == Archetype);
					ReplacementMap.Add(Archetype, ComponentTemplate);
				if (OldComponent)
					ReplacementMap.Add(OldComponent, ComponentTemplate);
				FArchiveReplaceObjectRef<UObject> ReplaceAr(SubobjectOuter, ReplacementMap, false, false, true);

				// import the properties for the subobject
				SourceText = ImportObjectProperties(
					ContextSupplier ? ContextSupplier->CurrentLine : 0,
		else if( FParse::Command(&Str,TEXT("CustomProperties")))

			SubobjectOuter->ImportCustomProperties(Str, Warn);
		else if( GetEND(&Str,TEXT("Actor")) || GetEND(&Str,TEXT("DefaultProperties")) || GetEND(&Str,TEXT("structdefaultproperties")) || (GetEND(&Str,TEXT("Object")) && Depth) )
			// End of properties.
		else if( GetREMOVE(&Str,TEXT("Component")) )
			checkf(false, TEXT("Remove component is illegal in pasted text"));
			// Property.
			UProperty::ImportSingleProperty(Str, DestData, ObjectStruct, SubobjectOuter, PortFlags, Warn, DefinedProperties);

	if (ActorRemapper)
		for (const auto& DefinedProperty : DefinedProperties)
			RemapProperty(DefinedProperty.Property, DefinedProperty.Index, *ActorRemapper, DestData);

	// Prepare brush.
	if( ImportedBrush && ObjectStruct->IsChildOf<ABrush>() && !ObjectStruct->IsChildOf<AVolume>() )
		ABrush* Actor = (ABrush*)DestData;
		if( Actor->GetBrushComponent()->Mobility == EComponentMobility::Static )
			// Prepare static brush.
			// Prepare moving brush.
			FBSPOps::csgPrepMovingBrush( Actor );

	return SourceText;
 * Walks up the list of outers until it finds the highest one.
 * @return outermost non NULL Outer.
UPackage* UObjectBaseUtility::GetOutermost() const
	UObject* Top;
	for( Top = (UObject*)this ; Top && Top->GetOuter() ; Top = Top->GetOuter() );
	return CastChecked<UPackage>(Top);
Пример #20
 * Traverses the outer chain searching for the next object of a certain type.  (T must be derived from UObject)
 * @param	Target class to search for
 * @return	a pointer to the first object in this object's Outer chain which is of the correct type.
UObject* UObjectBaseUtility::GetTypedOuter(UClass* Target) const
	UObject* Result = NULL;
	for ( UObject* NextOuter = GetOuter(); Result == NULL && NextOuter != NULL; NextOuter = NextOuter->GetOuter() )
		if ( NextOuter->IsA(Target) )
			Result = NextOuter;
	return Result;
UObject* UObjectPropertyBase::FindImportedObject( const UProperty* Property, UObject* OwnerObject, UClass* ObjectClass, UClass* RequiredMetaClass, const TCHAR* Text, uint32 PortFlags/*=0*/ )
	UObject*	Result = NULL;
	check( ObjectClass->IsChildOf(RequiredMetaClass) );

	bool AttemptNonQualifiedSearch = (PortFlags & PPF_AttemptNonQualifiedSearch) != 0; 

	// if we are importing default properties, first look for a matching subobject by
	// looking through the archetype chain at each outer and stop once the outer chain reaches the owning class's default object
	if (PortFlags & PPF_ParsingDefaultProperties)
		for (UObject* SearchStart = OwnerObject; Result == NULL && SearchStart != NULL; SearchStart = SearchStart->GetOuter())
			UObject* ScopedSearchRoot = SearchStart;
			while (Result == NULL && ScopedSearchRoot != NULL)
				Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, ScopedSearchRoot, Text);
				// don't think it's possible to get a non-subobject here, but it doesn't hurt to check
				if (Result != NULL && !Result->IsTemplate(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
					Result = NULL;

				ScopedSearchRoot = ScopedSearchRoot->GetArchetype();
			if (SearchStart->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
	// if we have a parent, look in the parent, then it's outer, then it's outer, ... 
	// this is because exported object properties that point to objects in the level aren't
	// fully qualified, and this will step up the nested object chain to solve any name
	// collisions within a nested object tree
	UObject* ScopedSearchRoot = OwnerObject;
	while (Result == NULL && ScopedSearchRoot != NULL)
		Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, ScopedSearchRoot, Text);
		// disallow class default subobjects here while importing defaults
		// this prevents the use of a subobject name that doesn't exist in the scope of the default object being imported
		// from grabbing some other subobject with the same name and class in some other arbitrary default object
		if (Result != NULL && (PortFlags & PPF_ParsingDefaultProperties) && Result->IsTemplate(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
			Result = NULL;

		ScopedSearchRoot = ScopedSearchRoot->GetOuter();

	if (Result == NULL)
		// attempt to find a fully qualified object
		Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, NULL, Text);

		if (Result == NULL)
			// match any object of the correct class whose path contains the specified path
			Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, ANY_PACKAGE, Text);
			// disallow class default subobjects here while importing defaults
			if (Result != NULL && (PortFlags & PPF_ParsingDefaultProperties) && Result->IsTemplate(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
				Result = NULL;

	// if we haven;t found it yet, then try to find it without a qualified name
	if (!Result)
		const TCHAR* Dot = FCString::Strrchr(Text, '.');
		if (Dot && AttemptNonQualifiedSearch)
			// search with just the object name
			Result = FindImportedObject(Property, OwnerObject, ObjectClass, RequiredMetaClass, Dot + 1);
		FString NewText(Text);
		// if it didn't have a dot, then maybe they just gave a uasset package name
		if (!Dot && !Result)
			int32 LastSlash = NewText.Find(TEXT("/"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd);
			if (LastSlash >= 0)
				NewText += TEXT(".");
				NewText += (Text + LastSlash + 1);
				Dot = FCString::Strrchr(*NewText, '.');
		// If we still can't find it, try to load it. (Only try to load fully qualified names)
		if(!Result && Dot)
			FLinkerLoad* Linker = (OwnerObject != nullptr) ? OwnerObject->GetClass()->GetLinker() : nullptr;
			const bool bDeferAssetImports = (Linker != nullptr) && (Linker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads);

			if (bDeferAssetImports)
				Result = Linker->RequestPlaceholderValue(ObjectClass, Text);
			if (Result == nullptr)
				uint32 LoadFlags = LOAD_NoWarn | LOAD_FindIfFail;

				UE_LOG(LogProperty, Verbose, TEXT("FindImportedObject is attempting to import [%s] (class = %s) with StaticLoadObject"), Text, *GetFullNameSafe(ObjectClass));
				Result = StaticLoadObject(ObjectClass, NULL, Text, NULL, LoadFlags, NULL);

				check(!bDeferAssetImports || !Result || !FBlueprintSupport::IsInBlueprintPackage(Result));

	// if we found an object, and we have a parent, make sure we are in the same package if the found object is private, unless it's a cross level property
	if (Result && !Result->HasAnyFlags(RF_Public) && OwnerObject && Result->GetOutermost() != OwnerObject->GetOutermost())
		const UObjectPropertyBase* ObjectProperty = dynamic_cast<const UObjectPropertyBase*>(Property);
		if ( !ObjectProperty || !ObjectProperty->AllowCrossLevel())
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Warning, TEXT("Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (%s) from referencer (%s).  Import failed..."), *Result->GetFullName(), *OwnerObject->GetFullName());
			Result = NULL;

	check(!Result || Result->IsA(RequiredMetaClass));
	return Result;
void SBlueprintEditorSelectedDebugObjectWidget::GenerateDebugObjectNames(bool bRestoreSelection)
	TSharedPtr<FString> OldSelection;

	// Store off the old selection
	if (bRestoreSelection && DebugObjectsComboBox.IsValid())
		OldSelection = DebugObjectsComboBox->GetSelectedItem();

	// Empty the lists of actors and regenerate them
	DebugObjectNames.Add(MakeShareable(new FString(GetNoDebugString())));

	// Grab custom objects that should always be visible, regardless of the world
	TArray<FCustomDebugObject> CustomDebugObjects;
	BlueprintEditor.Pin()->GetCustomDebugObjects(/*inout*/ CustomDebugObjects);

	for (const FCustomDebugObject& Entry : CustomDebugObjects)
		if (Entry.NameOverride.IsEmpty())
			AddDebugObjectWithName(Entry.Object, Entry.NameOverride);

	// Check for a specific debug world. If DebugWorld=NULL we take that as "any PIE world"
	UWorld* DebugWorld = NULL;
	if (DebugWorldsComboBox.IsValid())
		TSharedPtr<FString> CurrentWorldSelection = DebugWorldsComboBox->GetSelectedItem();
		int32 SelectedIndex = DebugWorldNames.Find(CurrentWorldSelection);
		if (SelectedIndex > 0 && DebugWorldNames.IsValidIndex(SelectedIndex))
			DebugWorld = DebugWorlds[SelectedIndex].Get();

	UWorld* PreviewWorld = NULL;
	TSharedPtr<SSCSEditorViewport> PreviewViewportPtr = BlueprintEditor.Pin()->GetSCSViewport();
	if (PreviewViewportPtr.IsValid())
		PreviewWorld = PreviewViewportPtr->GetPreviewScene().GetWorld();

	for (TObjectIterator<UObject> It; It; ++It)
		UObject* TestObject = *It;

		// Skip Blueprint preview objects (don't allow them to be selected for debugging)
		if (PreviewWorld != NULL && TestObject->IsIn(PreviewWorld))

		const bool bPassesFlags = !TestObject->HasAnyFlags(RF_PendingKill | RF_ClassDefaultObject);
		const bool bGeneratedByBlueprint = TestObject->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy == GetBlueprintObj();
		if (bPassesFlags && bGeneratedByBlueprint)

			UObject *ObjOuter = TestObject;
			UWorld *ObjWorld = NULL;
			while (ObjWorld == NULL && ObjOuter != NULL)
				ObjOuter = ObjOuter->GetOuter();
				ObjWorld = Cast<UWorld>(ObjOuter);

			// Object not in any world
			if (!ObjWorld)

			// Make check on owning level (not streaming level)
			if (ObjWorld->PersistentLevel && ObjWorld->PersistentLevel->OwningWorld)
				ObjWorld = ObjWorld->PersistentLevel->OwningWorld;

			// We have a specific debug world and the object isnt in it
			if (DebugWorld && ObjWorld != DebugWorld)

			// We don't have a specific debug world, but the object isnt in a PIE world
			if (ObjWorld->WorldType != EWorldType::PIE)


	// Attempt to restore the old selection
	if (bRestoreSelection && DebugObjectsComboBox.IsValid())
		bool bMatchFound = false;
		for (int32 ObjectIndex = 0; ObjectIndex < DebugObjectNames.Num(); ++ObjectIndex)
			if (*DebugObjectNames[ObjectIndex] == *OldSelection)
				bMatchFound = true;

		// No match found, use the default option
		if (!bMatchFound)

	// Finally ensure we have a valid selection
	if (DebugObjectsComboBox.IsValid())
		TSharedPtr<FString> CurrentSelection = DebugObjectsComboBox->GetSelectedItem();
		if (DebugObjectNames.Find(CurrentSelection) == INDEX_NONE)
			if (DebugObjectNames.Num() > 0)

Пример #23
 * Exports the property values for the specified object as text to the output device.
 * @param	Context			Context from which the set of 'inner' objects is extracted.  If NULL, an object iterator will be used.
 * @param	Out				the output device to send the exported text to
 * @param	ObjectClass		the class of the object to dump properties for
 * @param	Object			the address of the object to dump properties for
 * @param	Indent			number of spaces to prepend to each line of output
 * @param	DiffClass		the class to use for comparing property values when delta export is desired.
 * @param	Diff			the address of the object to use for determining whether a property value should be exported.  If the value in Object matches the corresponding
 *							value in Diff, it is not exported.  Specify NULL to export all properties.
 * @param	Parent			the UObject corresponding to Object
 * @param	PortFlags		flags used for modifying the output and/or behavior of the export
void ExportProperties
    const FExportObjectInnerContext* Context,
    FOutputDevice&	Out,
    UClass*			ObjectClass,
    uint8*			Object,
    int32				Indent,
    UClass*			DiffClass,
    uint8*			Diff,
    UObject*		Parent,
    uint32			PortFlags,
    UObject*		ExportRootScope
    FString ThisName = TEXT("(none)");
    check(ObjectClass != NULL);

    for( UProperty* Property = ObjectClass->PropertyLink; Property; Property = Property->PropertyLinkNext )
        if (!Property->ShouldPort(PortFlags))

        ThisName = Property->GetName();
        UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = Cast<UArrayProperty>(Property);
        UObjectPropertyBase* ExportObjectProp = (Property->PropertyFlags & CPF_ExportObject) != 0 ? Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(Property) : NULL;
        const uint32 ExportFlags = PortFlags | PPF_Delimited;

        if ( ArrayProperty != NULL )
            // Export dynamic array.
            UProperty* InnerProp = ArrayProperty->Inner;
            ExportObjectProp = (Property->PropertyFlags & CPF_ExportObject) != 0 ? Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InnerProp) : NULL;
            // This is used as the default value in the case of an array property that has
            // fewer elements than the exported object.
            uint8* StructDefaults = NULL;
            UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast<UStructProperty>(InnerProp);
            if ( StructProperty != NULL )
                StructDefaults = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(StructProperty->Struct->GetStructureSize());

            for( int32 PropertyArrayIndex=0; PropertyArrayIndex<Property->ArrayDim; PropertyArrayIndex++ )
                void* Arr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Object, PropertyArrayIndex);
                FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, Arr);

                void*	DiffArr = NULL;
                if( DiffClass )
                    DiffArr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtrForDefaults<void>(DiffClass, Diff, PropertyArrayIndex);
                // we won't use this if DiffArr is NULL, but we have to set it up to something
                FScriptArrayHelper DiffArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, DiffArr);

                bool bAnyElementDiffered = false;
                for( int32 DynamicArrayIndex=0; DynamicArrayIndex<ArrayHelper.Num(); DynamicArrayIndex++ )
                    FString	Value;

                    // compare each element's value manually so that elements which match the NULL value for the array's inner property type
                    // but aren't in the diff array are still exported
                    uint8* SourceData = ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex);
                    uint8* DiffData = DiffArr && DynamicArrayIndex < DiffArrayHelper.Num()
                                      ? DiffArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex)
                                      : StructDefaults;

                    bool bExportItem = DiffData == NULL || (DiffData != SourceData && !InnerProp->Identical(SourceData, DiffData, ExportFlags));
                    if ( bExportItem )
                        bAnyElementDiffered = true;
                        InnerProp->ExportTextItem(Value, SourceData, DiffData, Parent, ExportFlags, ExportRootScope);
                            UObject* Obj = ExportObjectProp->GetObjectPropertyValue(ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex));
                            check(!Obj || Obj->IsValidLowLevel());
                            if( Obj && !Obj->HasAnyMarks(OBJECTMARK_TagImp) )
                                // only export the BEGIN OBJECT block for a component if Parent is the component's Outer....when importing subobject definitions,
                                // (i.e. BEGIN OBJECT), whichever BEGIN OBJECT block a component's BEGIN OBJECT block is located within is the object that will be
                                // used as the Outer to create the component

                                // Is this an array of components?
                                if ( InnerProp->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_InstancedReference) )
                                    if ( Obj->GetOuter() == Parent )
                                        // Don't export more than once.
                                        UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags );
                                        // set the OBJECTMARK_TagExp flag so that the calling code knows we wanted to export this object
                                    // Don't export more than once.
                                    UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags );

                        Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s(%i)=%s\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), DynamicArrayIndex, *Value );
                    // if some other element has already been determined to differ from the defaults, then export this item with no data so that
                    // the different array's size is maintained on import (this item will get the default values for that index, if any)
                    // however, if no elements of the array have changed, we still don't want to export anything
                    // so that the array size will also be taken from the defaults, which won't be the case if any element is exported
                    else if (bAnyElementDiffered)
                        Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s(%i)=()\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), DynamicArrayIndex );
            if (StructDefaults)
            for( int32 PropertyArrayIndex=0; PropertyArrayIndex<Property->ArrayDim; PropertyArrayIndex++ )
                FString	Value;
                // Export single element.

                uint8* DiffData = (DiffClass && Property->IsInContainer(DiffClass->GetPropertiesSize())) ? Diff : NULL;
                if( Property->ExportText_InContainer( PropertyArrayIndex, Value, Object, DiffData, Parent, ExportFlags, ExportRootScope ) )
                    if ( ExportObjectProp )
                        UObject* Obj = ExportObjectProp->GetObjectPropertyValue(Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Object, PropertyArrayIndex));
                        if( Obj && !Obj->HasAnyMarks(OBJECTMARK_TagImp) )
                            // only export the BEGIN OBJECT block for a component if Parent is the component's Outer....when importing subobject definitions,
                            // (i.e. BEGIN OBJECT), whichever BEGIN OBJECT block a component's BEGIN OBJECT block is located within is the object that will be
                            // used as the Outer to create the component
                            if ( Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_InstancedReference) )
                                if ( Obj->GetOuter() == Parent )
                                    // Don't export more than once.
                                    UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags );
                                    // set the OBJECTMARK_TagExp flag so that the calling code knows we wanted to export this object
                                // Don't export more than once.
                                UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags );

                    if( Property->ArrayDim == 1 )
                        Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s=%s\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), *Value );
                        Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s(%i)=%s\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), PropertyArrayIndex, *Value );

    // Allows to import/export C++ properties in case the automatic unreal script mesh wouldn't work.
    Parent->ExportCustomProperties(Out, Indent);
void UExporter::EmitBeginObject( FOutputDevice& Ar, UObject* Obj, uint32 PortFlags )

	// figure out how to export
	bool bIsExportingDefaultObject = Obj->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) || Obj->GetArchetype()->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject);

	// start outputting the string for the Begin Object line
	Ar.Logf(TEXT("%sBegin Object"), FCString::Spc(TextIndent));

	if (!(PortFlags & PPF_SeparateDefine))
		Ar.Logf(TEXT(" Class=%s"), *Obj->GetClass()->GetName());

	// always need a name, adding "" for space handling
	Ar.Logf(TEXT(" Name=\"%s\""), *Obj->GetName());

	if (!(PortFlags & PPF_SeparateDefine))
		// do we want the archetype string?
		if (!bIsExportingDefaultObject)
			UObject* Archetype = Obj->GetArchetype();
			Ar.Logf(TEXT(" Archetype=%s"), *UObjectPropertyBase::GetExportPath(Archetype, Archetype->GetOutermost(), Archetype->GetOuter(), PortFlags));

	// end in a return

	if ( bEnableDebugBrackets )
		Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s{%s"), FCString::Spc(TextIndent), LINE_TERMINATOR);
UObject* FBlueprintNativeCodeGenModule::FindReplacedNameAndOuter(UObject* Object, FName& OutName) const
	OutName = NAME_None;
	UObject* Outer = nullptr;

	UActorComponent* ActorComponent = Cast<UActorComponent>(Object);
	if (ActorComponent)
		//if is child of a BPGC and not child of a CDO
		UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BPGC = nullptr;
		for (UObject* OuterObject = ActorComponent->GetOuter(); OuterObject && !BPGC; OuterObject = OuterObject->GetOuter())
			if (OuterObject->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
				return Outer;
			BPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(OuterObject);

		for (UBlueprintGeneratedClass* SuperBPGC = BPGC; SuperBPGC && (OutName == NAME_None); SuperBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(SuperBPGC->GetSuperClass()))
			if (SuperBPGC->InheritableComponentHandler)
				FComponentKey FoundKey = SuperBPGC->InheritableComponentHandler->FindKey(ActorComponent);
				if (FoundKey.IsValid())
					OutName = FoundKey.IsSCSKey() ? FoundKey.GetSCSVariableName() : ActorComponent->GetFName();
					Outer = BPGC->GetDefaultObject(false);
			if (SuperBPGC->SimpleConstructionScript)
				for (auto Node : SuperBPGC->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes())
					if (Node->ComponentTemplate == ActorComponent)
						OutName = Node->VariableName;
						if (OutName != NAME_None)
							Outer = BPGC->GetDefaultObject(false);

	if (Outer && (EReplacementResult::ReplaceCompletely == IsTargetedForReplacement(Object->GetClass())))
		UE_LOG(LogBlueprintCodeGen, Log, TEXT("Object '%s' has replaced name '%s' and outer: '%s'"), *GetPathNameSafe(Object), *OutName.ToString(), *GetPathNameSafe(Outer));
		return Outer;

	return nullptr;