Пример #1
void FContentComparisonHelper::RecursiveObjectCollection(UObject* InStartObject, int32 InCurrDepth, int32 InMaxDepth, TMap<UObject*,bool>& OutCollectedReferences)
	// Serialize object with reference collector.
	TArray<UObject*> LocalCollectedReferences;
	FReferenceFinder ObjectReferenceCollector( LocalCollectedReferences, NULL, false, true, true, true );
	ObjectReferenceCollector.FindReferences( InStartObject );

	if (InCurrDepth < InMaxDepth)
		for (int32 ObjRefIdx = 0; ObjRefIdx < LocalCollectedReferences.Num(); ObjRefIdx++)
			UObject* InnerObject = LocalCollectedReferences[ObjRefIdx];
			if ((InnerObject != NULL) &&
				(InnerObject->IsA(UFunction::StaticClass()) == false) &&
				(InnerObject->IsA(UPackage::StaticClass()) == false)
				OutCollectedReferences.Add(InnerObject, true);
				RecursiveObjectCollection(InnerObject, InCurrDepth, InMaxDepth, OutCollectedReferences);
void UGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet::ProcessPackages( const TArray< UPackage* >& PackagesToProcess )
	for( int32 i = 0; i < PackagesToProcess.Num(); ++i )
		UPackage* Package = PackagesToProcess[i];
		TArray<UObject*> Objects;
		GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, Objects);

		for( int32 j = 0; j < Objects.Num(); ++j )
			UObject* Object = Objects[j];
			if ( Object->IsA( UBlueprint::StaticClass() ) )
				UBlueprint* Blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>( Object );

				if( Blueprint->GeneratedClass != NULL )
					ProcessObject( Blueprint->GeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject(), Package );
					UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("%s - Invalid generated class!"), *Blueprint->GetFullName());
			else if( Object->IsA( UDialogueWave::StaticClass() ) )
				UDialogueWave* DialogueWave = Cast<UDialogueWave>( Object );
				ProcessDialogueWave( DialogueWave );

			ProcessObject( Object, Package );
FReply FEditorUtilityInstanceDetails::OnExecuteAction(TWeakObjectPtr<UFunction> WeakFunctionPtr)
    if (UFunction* Function = WeakFunctionPtr.Get())
        FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "BlutilityAction", "Blutility Action") );
        FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard;

        UClass* MinRequiredClass = Function->GetOuterUClass();

        // Execute this function on any objects that support it
        for (auto SelectedObjectIt = SelectedObjectsList.CreateConstIterator(); SelectedObjectIt; ++SelectedObjectIt)
            UObject* Object = (*SelectedObjectIt).Get();

            if ((Object != NULL) && (Object->IsA(MinRequiredClass)))
                Object->ProcessEvent(Function, NULL);

                if (UGlobalEditorUtilityBase* BlutilityInstance = Cast<UGlobalEditorUtilityBase>(Object))

    return FReply::Handled();
Пример #4
int32 UObjectLibrary::LoadAssetsFromPaths(const TArray<FString>& Paths)
	int32 Count = 0;

	if (bIsFullyLoaded)
		// We already ran this
		return 0; 

	bIsFullyLoaded = true;
	for (int PathIndex = 0; PathIndex < Paths.Num(); PathIndex++)
		TArray<UObject*> LoadedObjects;
		FString Path = Paths[PathIndex];
		if (EngineUtils::FindOrLoadAssetsByPath(Path, LoadedObjects, bHasBlueprintClasses ? EngineUtils::ATL_Class : EngineUtils::ATL_Regular))
			for (int32 i = 0; i < LoadedObjects.Num(); ++i)
				UObject* Object = LoadedObjects[i];

				if (Object == NULL || (ObjectBaseClass && !Object->IsA(ObjectBaseClass)))
					// Incorrect type, skip
	return Count;
Пример #5
FArchiveGenerateReferenceGraph::FArchiveGenerateReferenceGraph( FReferenceGraph& OutGraph ) 
	: CurrentObject(NULL),

	ArIsObjectReferenceCollector = true;
	ArIgnoreOuterRef = true;

	// Iterate over each object..
	for( FObjectIterator It; It; ++It )
		UObject* Object	= *It;

		// Skip transient and those about to be deleted
		if( !Object->HasAnyFlags( RF_Transient | RF_PendingKill ) )
			// only serialize non actors objects which have not been visited.
			// actors are skipped because we have don't need them to show the reference tree
			// @todo, may need to serialize them later for full reference graph.
			if( !VisitedObjects.Find( Object ) && !Object->IsA( AActor::StaticClass() ) )
				// Set the current object to the one we are about to serialize
				CurrentObject = Object;
				// This object has been visited.  Any serializations after this should skip this object
				VisitedObjects.Add( Object );
				Object->Serialize( *this );
Пример #6
void USelection::DeselectAll( UClass* InClass )
	// Fast path for deselecting all UObjects with any flags
	if ( InClass == UObject::StaticClass() )
		InClass = nullptr;

	bool bSelectionChanged = false;

	TSet<FSelectedClassInfo> RemovedClasses;
	// Remove from the end to minimize memmoves.
	for ( int32 i = SelectedObjects.Num()-1 ; i >= 0 ; --i )
		UObject* Object = GetSelectedObject(i);

		if ( !Object )
			// Remove NULLs from SelectedObjects array.
			SelectedObjects.RemoveAt( i );
		else if( !InClass || Object->IsA( InClass ) )
			// if the object is of type InClass then all objects of that same type will be removed

			SelectedObjects.RemoveAt( i );

			// Call this after the item has been removed from the selection set.
			USelection::SelectObjectEvent.Broadcast( Object );

			bSelectionChanged = true;

	if( InClass == nullptr )
		// Remove the passed in class and all child classes that were removed
		// from the list of currently selected classes
		SelectedClasses = SelectedClasses.Difference(RemovedClasses);

	if ( bSelectionChanged )
		if ( !IsBatchSelecting() )
Пример #7
 * Traverses the outer chain searching for the next object of a certain type.  (T must be derived from UObject)
 * @param	Target class to search for
 * @return	a pointer to the first object in this object's Outer chain which is of the correct type.
UObject* UObjectBaseUtility::GetTypedOuter(UClass* Target) const
	UObject* Result = NULL;
	for ( UObject* NextOuter = GetOuter(); Result == NULL && NextOuter != NULL; NextOuter = NextOuter->GetOuter() )
		if ( NextOuter->IsA(Target) )
			Result = NextOuter;
	return Result;
Пример #8
int32 UObjectLibrary::LoadAssetsFromAssetData()
	int32 Count = 0;

	if (bIsFullyLoaded)
		// We already ran this
		return 0; 

	bIsFullyLoaded = true;

	for(int32 AssetIdx=0; AssetIdx<AssetDataList.Num(); AssetIdx++)
		FAssetData& Data = AssetDataList[AssetIdx];

		UObject *LoadedObject = NULL;
		if (!bHasBlueprintClasses)
			LoadedObject = Data.GetAsset();

			checkSlow(!LoadedObject || !ObjectBaseClass || LoadedObject->IsA(ObjectBaseClass));
			UPackage* Package = Data.GetPackage();
			if (Package)
				TArray<UObject*> ObjectsInPackage;
				GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInPackage);
				for (UObject* PotentialBPGC : ObjectsInPackage)
					if (auto LoadedBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(PotentialBPGC))
						checkSlow(!ObjectBaseClass || LoadedBPGC->IsChildOf(ObjectBaseClass));
						LoadedObject = LoadedBPGC;
						break; //there is usually only one BGPC in a package

		if (LoadedObject)

	return Count;
void ULiveEditorKismetLibrary::ReplicateChangesToChildren( FName PropertyName, UObject *Archetype )
	if ( Archetype == NULL )
	//find our child instances from the LiveEditManage lookup cache
	TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> > PiePartners;
	FLiveEditorManager::Get().FindPiePartners( Archetype, PiePartners );

	for(TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> >::TIterator It(PiePartners); It; ++It)
		if ( !(*It).IsValid() )

		UObject *Object = (*It).Get();
		check( Object->IsA(Archetype->GetClass()) );	//little sanity check, but the object cache manages all this for us
		nLiveEditorKismetLibrary::CopyPropertyFromArchetype( Object, Archetype, PropertyName );

	void *ContainerPtr = Archetype;
	int32 ArrayIndex = 0;
	UProperty *Prop = nLiveEditorKismetLibrary::GetPropertyByName( Archetype, Archetype->GetClass(), PropertyName.ToString(), &ContainerPtr, ArrayIndex );
	if ( Prop && Prop->IsA( UNumericProperty::StaticClass() ) )
		check( ContainerPtr != NULL );
		FString ClassName = Archetype->GetClass()->GetName();
		FString ValueString;
		void *Value = Prop->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(ContainerPtr, ArrayIndex);
		Prop->ExportTextItem(ValueString, Value, NULL, NULL, 0);
		FLiveEditorManager::Get().BroadcastValueUpdate( ClassName, PropertyName.ToString(), ValueString );

	 * Object iteration method should we want to dump the PIEObjectCache
	 * Downside is that it is perceptably slow (though still usable)
	TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToChange;
	const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = true;
	GetObjectsOfClass(Archetype->GetClass(), ObjectsToChange, bIncludeDerivedClasses);
	for ( auto ObjIt = ObjectsToChange.CreateIterator(); ObjIt; ++ObjIt )
		UObject *Object = *ObjIt;

		UWorld *World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject( Object, false );
		if ( World == NULL || World->WorldType != EWorldType::PIE )

		CopyPropertyFromArchetype( Object, Archetype, PropertyName );
void UMatineeTrackAnimControlHelper::OnAddKeyTextEntry(const FAssetData& AssetData, IMatineeBase* Matinee, UInterpTrack* Track)
	if (EntryMenu.IsValid())

	UObject* SelectedObject = AssetData.GetAsset();
	if (SelectedObject && SelectedObject->IsA(UAnimSequence::StaticClass()))
		KeyframeAddAnimSequence = CastChecked<UAnimSequence>(AssetData.GetAsset());

		Matinee->FinishAddKey(Track, true);
FString SObjectNameEditableTextBox::GetObjectDisplayName(TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> Object)
	FString Result;
		UObject* ObjectPtr = Object.Get();
		if (ObjectPtr->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
			Result =  ((AActor*)ObjectPtr)->GetActorLabel();
			Result = ObjectPtr->GetName();
	return Result;
Пример #12
UEdGraph* SGraphTitleBar::GetOuterGraph( UObject* Obj )
	if( Obj )
		UObject* OuterObj = Obj->GetOuter();
		if( OuterObj )
			if( OuterObj->IsA( UEdGraph::StaticClass()) )
				return Cast<UEdGraph>(OuterObj);
				return GetOuterGraph( OuterObj );
	return NULL;
bool FKismetVariableDragDropAction::CanVariableBeDropped(const UProperty* InVariableProperty, const UEdGraph& InGraph) const
	bool bCanVariableBeDropped = false;
	if (InVariableProperty)
		UObject* Outer = InVariableProperty->GetOuter();

		// Only allow variables to be placed within the same blueprint (otherwise the self context on the dropped node will be invalid)
		bCanVariableBeDropped = IsFromBlueprint(FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraph(&InGraph));

		// Local variables have some special conditions for being allowed to be placed
		if (bCanVariableBeDropped && Outer->IsA(UFunction::StaticClass()))
			// Check if the top level graph has the same name as the function, if they do not then the variable cannot be placed in the graph
			if (FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetTopLevelGraph(&InGraph)->GetFName() != Outer->GetFName())
				bCanVariableBeDropped = false;
	return bCanVariableBeDropped;
Пример #14
void SPropertyMenuAssetPicker::OnPaste()
	FString DestPath;

	if(DestPath == TEXT("None"))
		UObject* Object = LoadObject<UObject>(NULL, *DestPath);
		bool PassesAllowedClassesFilter = true;
			PassesAllowedClassesFilter = false;
			for(int32 i = 0; i < AllowedClasses.Num(); ++i)
				if( Object->IsA(AllowedClasses[i]) )
					PassesAllowedClassesFilter = true;
		if( Object && PassesAllowedClassesFilter )
			FAssetData ObjectAssetData(Object);

			// Check against custom asset filter
			if (!OnShouldFilterAsset.IsBound()
				|| !OnShouldFilterAsset.Execute(ObjectAssetData))
void SPropertyEditorAsset::OnPaste()
	FString DestPath;

	if(DestPath == TEXT("None"))
		UObject* Object = LoadObject<UObject>(NULL, *DestPath);
		if(Object && Object->IsA(ObjectClass))
			// Check against custom asset filter
			if (!OnShouldFilterAsset.IsBound()
				|| !OnShouldFilterAsset.Execute(FAssetData(Object)))
void FLiveEditorListenServer::ReplicateChanges( const nLiveEditorListenServer::FNetworkMessage &Message )
	if ( Message.Type == nLiveEditorListenServer::CLASSDEFAULT_OBJECT_PROPERTY )
		//UClass *BaseClass = LoadClass<UObject>( NULL, *Message.Payload.ClassName, NULL, 0, NULL );
		UClass *BaseClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *Message.Payload.ClassName);
		if ( BaseClass )
			nLiveEditorListenServer::SetPropertyValue( BaseClass->ClassDefaultObject, Message.Payload.PropertyName, Message.Payload.PropertyValue );

			TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> > Replicants;
			ObjectCache.FindObjectDependants( BaseClass->ClassDefaultObject, Replicants );
			for ( TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> >::TIterator It(Replicants); It; ++It )
				if ( !(*It).IsValid() )

				UObject *Object = (*It).Get();
				check( Object->IsA(BaseClass) );
				nLiveEditorListenServer::SetPropertyValue( Object, Message.Payload.PropertyName, Message.Payload.PropertyValue );
int32 UFixupRedirectsCommandlet::Main( const FString& Params )
	// Retrieve list of all packages in .ini paths.
	TArray<FString> PackageList;
	if( !PackageList.Num() )
		return 0;

	// process the commandline
	FString Token;
	const TCHAR* CommandLine	= *Params;
	bool bIsQuietMode			= false;
	bool bIsTestOnly			= false;
	bool bShouldRestoreProgress= false;
	bool bIsSCCDisabled		= false;
	bool bUpdateEnginePackages = false;
	bool bDeleteRedirects		= true;
	bool bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects = false;
	bool bAutoSubmit			= false;
	bool bSandboxed			= IFileManager::Get().IsSandboxEnabled();

	while (FParse::Token(CommandLine, Token, 1))
		if (Token == TEXT("-nowarn"))
			bIsQuietMode = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-testonly"))
			bIsTestOnly = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-restore"))
			bShouldRestoreProgress = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-NoAutoCheckout"))
			bIsSCCDisabled = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-AutoSubmit"))
			bAutoSubmit = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-UpdateEnginePackages"))
			bUpdateEnginePackages = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-NoDelete"))
			bDeleteRedirects = false;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-NoDeleteUnreferenced"))
			bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects = true;
		else if ( Token.Left(1) != TEXT("-") )
			FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk(Token, &GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup);

	if (bSandboxed)
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Running in a sandbox."));
		bIsSCCDisabled = true;
		bAutoSubmit = false;
		bDeleteRedirects = false;

	bool bShouldSkipErrors = false;

	// Setup file Output log in the Saved Directory
	const FString ProjectDir = FPaths::GetPath(FPaths::GetProjectFilePath());
	const FString LogFilename = FPaths::Combine(*ProjectDir, TEXT("Saved"), TEXT("FixupRedirect"), TEXT("FixupRedirect.log"));
	FArchive* LogOutputFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*LogFilename);

	// Display any script code referenced redirects

	TArray<FString> UpdatePackages;
	TArray<FString> RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned;

	if (!bShouldRestoreProgress)
		// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

		for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++)
			FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex];
			UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Boot redirector can't be cleaned: %s(%s) -> %s(%s)"), *Redir.RedirectorName, *Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename, *Redir.DestinationObjectName, *Redir.PackageFilename);

		// Build a list of packages that need to be updated

		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Generating list of tasks:"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("-------------------------"));

		int32 GCIndex = 0;

		// process script code first pass, then everything else
		for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
			const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex];

			// already loaded code, skip them, and skip autosave packages
			if (Filename.StartsWith(AutoSaveUtils::GetAutoSaveDir(), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase))

			UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Looking for redirects in %s..."), *Filename);

			// Assert if package couldn't be opened so we have no chance of messing up saving later packages.
			UPackage* Package = Cast<UPackage>(LoadPackage(NULL, *Filename, 0));

			// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

			if (!Package)
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... failed to open %s"), *Filename);

				// if we are not in quiet mode, and the user wants to continue, go on
				const FText Message = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("Unreal", "PackageFailedToOpen", "The package '{0}' failed to open. Should this commandlet continue operation, ignoring further load errors? Continuing may have adverse effects (object references may be lost)."), FText::FromString( Filename ) );
				if (bShouldSkipErrors || (!bIsQuietMode && GWarn->YesNof( Message )))
					bShouldSkipErrors = true;
					return 1;

			// all notices here about redirects get this color

			// look for any redirects that were followed that are referenced by this package
			// (may have been loaded earlier if this package was loaded by script code)
			// any redirectors referenced by script code can't be cleaned up
			for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++)
				FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex];

				if (Redir.PackageFilename == Filename)
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... references %s [-> %s]"), *Redir.RedirectorName, *Redir.DestinationObjectName);

					// put the source and dest packages in the list to be updated

			// clear the flag for needing to collect garbage
			bool bNeedToCollectGarbage = false;

			// if this package has any redirectors, make sure we update it
			if (!GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup.Len() || GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup == FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename))
				TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
				GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter);
				for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
					UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index];
					UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj);
					if (Redir)
						// make sure this package is in the list of packages to update

						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... has redirect %s [-> %s]"), *Redir->GetPathName(), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName());
						LogOutputFile->Logf(TEXT("%s = %s"), *Redir->GetPathName(), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName());

						// make sure we GC if we found a redirector
						bNeedToCollectGarbage = true;


			// collect garbage every N packages, or if there was any redirectors in the package 
			// (to make sure that redirectors get reloaded properly and followed by the callback)
			// also, GC after loading a map package, to make sure it's unloaded so that we can track
			// other packages loading a map package as a dependency
			if (((++GCIndex) % 50) == 0 || bNeedToCollectGarbage || Package->ContainsMap())
				// collect garbage to close the package
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC..."));
				// reset our counter
				GCIndex = 0;

		// save off restore point
		FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*(FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("Fixup.bin")));
		*Ar << GRedirectCollector.Redirections;
		*Ar << UpdatePackages;
		*Ar << RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned;
		delete Ar;
		// load restore point
		FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*(FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("Fixup.bin")));
		if( Ar != NULL )
			*Ar << GRedirectCollector.Redirections;
			*Ar << UpdatePackages;
			*Ar << RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned;
			delete Ar;

	// unregister the callback so we stop getting redirections added
	// Explain to user what is happening
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Files that need to fixed up:"));

	// print out the working set of packages
	for (int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++)
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   %s"), *UpdatePackages[PackageIndex]);

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	// if we are only testing, just just quiet before actually doing anything
	if (bIsTestOnly)
		delete LogOutputFile;
		LogOutputFile = NULL;
		return 0;

	// Find redirectors that are referenced by packages we cant check out

	bool bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned = false;

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// initialize source control if it hasn't been initialized yet

		//Make sure we can check out all packages - update their state first
		SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), UpdatePackages);

	for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
		const FString& Filename = UpdatePackages[PackageIndex];

		bool bCanEdit = true;

			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
			if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit())
				bCanEdit = false;
		else if(IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename))
			bCanEdit = false;

			const bool bAllowCheckout = bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() );

			if (!bIsSCCDisabled && bAllowCheckout)
				FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
				if (SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->CanCheckout())
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckOut>(), SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(PackageName));
					FSourceControlStatePtr NewSourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
					bCanEdit = NewSourceControlState.IsValid() && NewSourceControlState->CanEdit();

			// if the checkout failed for any reason, we can't clean it up
			if (bAllowCheckout && !bCanEdit)
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't check out/edit %s..."), *Filename);

				// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

				// any redirectors that are pointed to by this read-only package can't be fixed up
				for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++)
					FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex];

					// any redirectors pointed to by this file we don't clean
					if (Redir.PackageFilename == Filename)
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... can't fixup references to %s"), *Redir.RedirectorName);

						// if this redirector is in an Engine package, we need to alert the user, because
						// Engine packages are shared between games, so if one game still needs the redirector
						// to be valid, then we can't check in Engine packages after another game has
						// run that could 
						if (!bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned)
							FString PackagePath;
							FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename, NULL, &PackagePath);
							if (PackagePath.StartsWith(FPaths::EngineDir()))
								bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned = true;
					// any redirectors in this file can't be deleted
					else if (Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename == Filename)
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... can't delete %s"), *Redir.RedirectorName);
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Checked out %s..."), *Filename);
	// warn about an engine package that can't be cleaned up (may want to revert engine packages)
	if (bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned)
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Engine package redirectors are referenced by packages that can't be cleaned. If you have multiple games, it's recommended you revert any checked out Engine packages."));

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	// Load and save packages to save out the proper fixed up references

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Fixing references to point to proper objects:"));
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("---------------------------------------------"));

	// keep a list of all packages that have ObjectRedirects in them. This is not needed if we aren't deleting redirects
	TArray<bool> PackagesWithRedirects;

	// Delete these packages entirely because they are empty
	TArray<bool> EmptyPackagesToDelete;

	if ( bDeleteRedirects )

	bool bSCCEnabled = ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled();

	// Iterate over all packages, loading and saving to remove all references to ObjectRedirectors (can't delete the Redirects yet)
	for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
		const FString& Filename = UpdatePackages[PackageIndex];

		// we can't do anything with packages that are read-only or cant be edited due to source control (we don't want to fixup the redirects)
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
			if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit())
		else if(IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename))
		// Assert if package couldn't be opened so we have no chance of messing up saving later packages.
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Cleaning %s"), *Filename);
		UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, LOAD_NoVerify );
		// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

		// if it failed to open, we have already dealt with quitting if we are going to, so just skip it
		if (!Package)

		if ( bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && bDeleteRedirects )
			TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
			GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter);
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
				UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index];
				UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj);
				if (Redir)
					PackagesWithRedirects[PackageIndex] = 1;

		// Don't save packages in the engine directory if we did not opt to update engine packages
		if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) )
			// save out the package
			UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(Package);
			GEditor->SavePackage( Package, World, World ? RF_NoFlags : RF_Standalone, *Filename, GWarn );
		// collect garbage to close the package
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Collecting Garbage..."));

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	if ( bDeleteRedirects )
		// Delete all redirects that are no longer referenced

		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting redirector objects:"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------"));

		const TArray<FString>& PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects = bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects ? UpdatePackages : PackageList;

		int32 GCIndex = 0;

		// Again, iterate over all packages, loading and saving to and this time deleting all 
		for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
			const FString& Filename = PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects[PackageIndex];
			if (bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && PackagesWithRedirects[PackageIndex] == 0)

			// The file should have already been checked out/be writable
			// If it is read only that means the checkout failed or we are not using source control and we can not write this file.
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
				if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit())
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping file: source control says we cant edit the file %s..."), *Filename);
			else if( IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly( *Filename ))
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping read-only file %s..."), *Filename);

			UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Wiping %s..."), *Filename);
			UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, 0 );
			// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them
			// if it failed to open, we have already dealt with quitting if we are going to, so just skip it
			if (!Package)

			// assume that all redirs in this file are still-referenced
			bool bIsDirty = false;

			// see if this package is completely empty other than purged redirectors and metadata
			bool bIsEmpty = true;

			// delete all ObjectRedirects now
			TArray<UObjectRedirector*> Redirs;
			// find all redirectors, put into an array so delete doesn't mess up the iterator
			TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
			GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter);
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
				UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index];
				UObjectRedirector *Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj);

				if (Redir)
					int32 Dummy;
					// if the redirector was marked as uncleanable, skip it
					if (RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned.Find(Redir->GetFullName(), Dummy))
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... skipping still-referenced %s"), *Redir->GetFullName());
						bIsEmpty = false;

					bIsDirty = true;
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... deleting %s"), *Redir->GetFullName());
				else if ( (!Obj->IsA(UMetaData::StaticClass()) && !Obj->IsA(UField::StaticClass()))
					|| Obj->IsA(UUserDefinedEnum::StaticClass())) // UserDefinedEnum should not be deleted
					// This package has a real object
					bIsEmpty = false;

			if (bIsEmpty && !bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects)
				EmptyPackagesToDelete[PackageIndex] = 1;

			// mark them for deletion.
			for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < Redirs.Num(); RedirIndex++)
				UObjectRedirector* Redirector = Redirs[RedirIndex];
				// Remove standalone flag and mark as pending kill.
				Redirector->ClearFlags( RF_Standalone | RF_Public );
				// We don't need redirectors in the root set, the references should already be fixed up
				if ( Redirector->IsRooted() )


			if (bIsDirty)
				// Don't save packages in the engine directory if we did not opt to update engine packages
				if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) )
					// save the package
					UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(Package);
					GEditor->SavePackage( Package, World, World ? RF_NoFlags : RF_Standalone, *Filename, GWarn );

			// collect garbage every N packages, or if there was any redirectors in the package 
			if (((++GCIndex) % 50) == 0 || bIsDirty || Package->ContainsMap())
				// collect garbage to close the package
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC..."));
				// reset our counter
				GCIndex = 0;

		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Not deleting any redirector objects:"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	// Clean up any unused trash

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting empty and unused packages:"));
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("---------------------------------------"));


	// Iterate over packages, attempting to delete unreferenced packages
	for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
		bool bDelete = false;
		const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex];
		FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));

		const bool bAllowDelete = bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() );
		if (bDeleteRedirects && !bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && EmptyPackagesToDelete[PackageIndex] && bAllowDelete)
			// this package is completely empty, delete it
			bDelete = true;

		if (bDelete == true)
			struct Local
				static bool DeleteFromDisk(const FString& InFilename, const FString& InMessage)
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *InMessage);
					if (!IFileManager::Get().Delete(*InFilename, false, true))
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("  ... failed to delete from disk."), *InFilename);
						return false;
					return true;

			if (!bIsSCCDisabled)
				// get file SCC status
				FString FileName = SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(PackageName);
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(FileName, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

				if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && (SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded()) )
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Revert '%s' from source control..."), *Filename);
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FRevert>(), FileName);

					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting '%s' from source control..."), *Filename);
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FDelete>(), FileName);
				else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->CanCheckout())
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting '%s' from source control..."), *Filename);
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FDelete>(), FileName);
				else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsCheckedOutOther())
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't delete '%s' from source control, someone has it checked out, skipping..."), *Filename);
				else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled())
					if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("'%s' is not in source control, attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename)))
					if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("'%s' is in an unknown source control state, attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename)))
				if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("source control disabled while deleting '%s', attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename)))
	delete LogOutputFile;
	LogOutputFile = NULL;

	if (!bIsSCCDisabled && bAutoSubmit)
		// Submit the results to source control
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Submiting the results to source control"));

		// Work out the list of file to check in
		TArray <FString> FilesToSubmit;

		for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
			const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex];

			FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

			if( SourceControlState.IsValid() && (SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded() || SourceControlState->IsDeleted()) )
				// Only submit engine packages if we're requested to
				if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) )

		// Check in all changed files
		const FText Description = NSLOCTEXT("FixupRedirectsCmdlet", "ChangelistDescription", "Fixed up Redirects");
		TSharedRef<FCheckIn, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> CheckInOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckIn>();
		CheckInOperation->SetDescription( Description );
		SourceControlProvider.Execute(CheckInOperation, SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(FilesToSubmit));

		// toss the SCC manager
	return 0;
Пример #18
void SSizeMap::GatherDependenciesRecursively( FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule, TSharedPtr<FAssetThumbnailPool>& InAssetThumbnailPool, TMap<FName, TSharedPtr<FTreeMapNodeData>>& VisitedAssetPackageNames, const TArray<FName>& AssetPackageNames, const TSharedPtr<FTreeMapNodeData>& Node, TSharedPtr<FTreeMapNodeData>& SharedRootNode, int32& NumAssetsWhichFailedToLoad )
	for( const FName AssetPackageName : AssetPackageNames )
		// Have we already added this asset to the tree?  If so, we'll either move it to a "shared" group or (if it's referenced again by the same
		// root-level asset) ignore it
		if( VisitedAssetPackageNames.Contains( AssetPackageName ) )
			// OK, we've determined that this asset has already been referenced by something else in our tree.  We'll move it to a "shared" group
			// so all of the assets that are referenced in multiple places can be seen together.
			TSharedPtr<FTreeMapNodeData> ExistingNode = VisitedAssetPackageNames[ AssetPackageName ];

			// Is the existing node not already under the "shared" group?  Note that it might still be (indirectly) under
			// the "shared" group, in which case we'll still want to move it up to the root since we've figured out that it is
			// actually shared between multiple assets which themselves may be shared
			if( ExistingNode->Parent != SharedRootNode.Get() )
				// Don't bother moving any of the assets at the root level into a "shared" bucket.  We're only trying to best
				// represent the memory used when all of the root-level assets have become loaded.  It's OK if root-level assets
				// are referenced by other assets in the set -- we don't need to indicate they are shared explicitly
				FTreeMapNodeData* ExistingNodeParent = ExistingNode->Parent;
				check( ExistingNodeParent != nullptr );
				const bool bExistingNodeIsAtRootLevel = ExistingNodeParent->Parent == nullptr || RootAssetPackageNames.Contains( AssetPackageName );
				if( !bExistingNodeIsAtRootLevel )
					// OK, the current asset (AssetPackageName) is definitely not a root level asset, but its already in the tree
					// somewhere as a non-shared, non-root level asset.  We need to make sure that this Node's reference is not from the
					// same root-level asset as the ExistingNodeInTree.  Otherwise, there's no need to move it to a 'shared' group.
					FTreeMapNodeData* MyParentNode = Node.Get();
					check( MyParentNode != nullptr );
					FTreeMapNodeData* MyRootLevelAssetNode = MyParentNode;
					while( MyRootLevelAssetNode->Parent != nullptr && MyRootLevelAssetNode->Parent->Parent != nullptr )
						MyRootLevelAssetNode = MyRootLevelAssetNode->Parent;
					if( MyRootLevelAssetNode->Parent == nullptr )
						// No root asset (Node must be a root level asset itself!)
						MyRootLevelAssetNode = nullptr;
					// Find the existing node's root level asset node
					FTreeMapNodeData* ExistingNodeRootLevelAssetNode = ExistingNodeParent;
					while( ExistingNodeRootLevelAssetNode->Parent->Parent != nullptr )
						ExistingNodeRootLevelAssetNode = ExistingNodeRootLevelAssetNode->Parent;

					// If we're being referenced by another node within the same asset, no need to move it to a 'shared' group.  
					if( MyRootLevelAssetNode != ExistingNodeRootLevelAssetNode )
						// This asset was already referenced by something else (or was in our top level list of assets to display sizes for)
						if( !SharedRootNode.IsValid() )
							// Find the root-most tree node
							FTreeMapNodeData* RootNode = MyParentNode;
							while( RootNode->Parent != nullptr )
								RootNode = RootNode->Parent;

							SharedRootNode = MakeShareable( new FTreeMapNodeData() );
							RootNode->Children.Add( SharedRootNode );
							SharedRootNode->Parent = RootNode;	// Keep back-pointer to parent node

						// Reparent the node that we've now determined to be shared
						ExistingNode->Parent->Children.Remove( ExistingNode );
						SharedRootNode->Children.Add( ExistingNode );
						ExistingNode->Parent = SharedRootNode.Get();
			// This asset is new to us so far!  Let's add it to the tree.  Later as we descend through references, we might find that the
			// asset is referenced by something else as well, in which case we'll pull it out and move it to a "shared" top-level box
			// Don't bother showing code references
			const FString AssetPackageNameString = AssetPackageName.ToString();
			if( !AssetPackageNameString.StartsWith( TEXT( "/Script/" ) ) )
				FTreeMapNodeDataRef ChildTreeMapNode = MakeShareable( new FTreeMapNodeData() );
				Node->Children.Add( ChildTreeMapNode );
				ChildTreeMapNode->Parent = Node.Get();	// Keep back-pointer to parent node

				VisitedAssetPackageNames.Add( AssetPackageName, ChildTreeMapNode );

				FNodeSizeMapData& NodeSizeMapData = NodeSizeMapDataMap.Add( ChildTreeMapNode );

				// Set some defaults for this node.  These will be used if we can't actually locate the asset.
				// @todo sizemap urgent: We need a better indication in the UI when there are one or more missing assets.  Because missing assets have a size 
				//    of zero, they are nearly impossible to zoom into.  At the least, we should have some Output Log spew when assets cannot be loaded
				NodeSizeMapData.AssetData.AssetName = AssetPackageName;
				NodeSizeMapData.AssetData.AssetClass = FName( *LOCTEXT( "MissingAsset", "MISSING!" ).ToString() );
				NodeSizeMapData.AssetSize = 0;
				NodeSizeMapData.bHasKnownSize = false;

				// Find the asset using the asset registry
				// @todo sizemap: Asset registry-based reference gathering is faster but possibly not as exhaustive (no PostLoad created references, etc.)  Maybe should be optional?
				// @todo sizemap: With AR-based reference gathering, sometimes the size map is missing root level dependencies until you reopen it a few times (Buggy BP)
				// @todo sizemap: With AR-based reference gathering, reference changes at editor-time do not appear in the Size Map until you restart
				// @todo sizemap: With AR-based reference gathering, opening the size map for all engine content caused the window to not respond until a restart
				// @todo sizemap: We don't really need the asset registry given we need to load the objects to figure out their size, unless we make that AR-searchable.
				//   ---> This would allow us to not have to wait for AR initialization.  But if we made size AR-searchable, we could run very quickly for large data sets!
				const bool bUseAssetRegistryForDependencies = false;

				const FString AssetPathString = AssetPackageNameString + TEXT(".") + FPackageName::GetLongPackageAssetName( AssetPackageNameString );
				const FAssetData FoundAssetData = AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetByObjectPath( FName( *AssetPathString ) );
				if( FoundAssetData.IsValid() )
					NodeSizeMapData.AssetData = FoundAssetData;

					// Now actually load up the asset.  We need it in memory in order to accurately determine its size.
					// @todo sizemap: We could async load these packages to make the editor experience a bit nicer (smoother progress)
					UObject* Asset = StaticLoadObject( UObject::StaticClass(), nullptr, *AssetPathString );
					if( Asset != nullptr )
						TArray<FName> ReferencedAssetPackageNames;
						if( bUseAssetRegistryForDependencies )
							AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetDependencies( AssetPackageName, ReferencedAssetPackageNames );
							SizeMapInternals::FAssetReferenceFinder References( Asset );
							for( UObject* Object : References.GetReferencedAssets() )
								ReferencedAssetPackageNames.Add( FName( *Object->GetOutermost()->GetPathName() ) );

						// For textures, make sure we're getting the worst case size, not the size of the currently loaded set of mips
						// @todo sizemap: We should instead have a special EResourceSizeMode that asks for the worst case size.  Some assets (like UTextureCube) currently always report resident mip size, even when asked for inclusive size
						if( Asset->IsA( UTexture2D::StaticClass() ) )
							NodeSizeMapData.AssetSize = Asset->GetResourceSize( EResourceSizeMode::Inclusive );
							NodeSizeMapData.AssetSize = Asset->GetResourceSize( EResourceSizeMode::Exclusive );

						NodeSizeMapData.bHasKnownSize = NodeSizeMapData.AssetSize != UObject::RESOURCE_SIZE_NONE && NodeSizeMapData.AssetSize != 0;
						if( !NodeSizeMapData.bHasKnownSize )
							// Asset has no meaningful size
							NodeSizeMapData.AssetSize = 0;

							// @todo sizemap urgent: Try to serialize to figure out how big it is (not into sub-assets though!)
							// FObjectMemoryAnalyzer ObjectMemoryAnalyzer( Asset );

						// Now visit all of the assets that we are referencing
						GatherDependenciesRecursively( AssetRegistryModule, InAssetThumbnailPool, VisitedAssetPackageNames, ReferencedAssetPackageNames, ChildTreeMapNode, SharedRootNode, NumAssetsWhichFailedToLoad );
UObject* UObjectPropertyBase::FindImportedObject( const UProperty* Property, UObject* OwnerObject, UClass* ObjectClass, UClass* RequiredMetaClass, const TCHAR* Text, uint32 PortFlags/*=0*/ )
	UObject*	Result = NULL;
	check( ObjectClass->IsChildOf(RequiredMetaClass) );

	bool AttemptNonQualifiedSearch = (PortFlags & PPF_AttemptNonQualifiedSearch) != 0; 

	// if we are importing default properties, first look for a matching subobject by
	// looking through the archetype chain at each outer and stop once the outer chain reaches the owning class's default object
	if (PortFlags & PPF_ParsingDefaultProperties)
		for (UObject* SearchStart = OwnerObject; Result == NULL && SearchStart != NULL; SearchStart = SearchStart->GetOuter())
			UObject* ScopedSearchRoot = SearchStart;
			while (Result == NULL && ScopedSearchRoot != NULL)
				Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, ScopedSearchRoot, Text);
				// don't think it's possible to get a non-subobject here, but it doesn't hurt to check
				if (Result != NULL && !Result->IsTemplate(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
					Result = NULL;

				ScopedSearchRoot = ScopedSearchRoot->GetArchetype();
			if (SearchStart->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
	// if we have a parent, look in the parent, then it's outer, then it's outer, ... 
	// this is because exported object properties that point to objects in the level aren't
	// fully qualified, and this will step up the nested object chain to solve any name
	// collisions within a nested object tree
	UObject* ScopedSearchRoot = OwnerObject;
	while (Result == NULL && ScopedSearchRoot != NULL)
		Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, ScopedSearchRoot, Text);
		// disallow class default subobjects here while importing defaults
		// this prevents the use of a subobject name that doesn't exist in the scope of the default object being imported
		// from grabbing some other subobject with the same name and class in some other arbitrary default object
		if (Result != NULL && (PortFlags & PPF_ParsingDefaultProperties) && Result->IsTemplate(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
			Result = NULL;

		ScopedSearchRoot = ScopedSearchRoot->GetOuter();

	if (Result == NULL)
		// attempt to find a fully qualified object
		Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, NULL, Text);

		if (Result == NULL)
			// match any object of the correct class whose path contains the specified path
			Result = StaticFindObject(ObjectClass, ANY_PACKAGE, Text);
			// disallow class default subobjects here while importing defaults
			if (Result != NULL && (PortFlags & PPF_ParsingDefaultProperties) && Result->IsTemplate(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
				Result = NULL;

	// if we haven;t found it yet, then try to find it without a qualified name
	if (!Result)
		const TCHAR* Dot = FCString::Strrchr(Text, '.');
		if (Dot && AttemptNonQualifiedSearch)
			// search with just the object name
			Result = FindImportedObject(Property, OwnerObject, ObjectClass, RequiredMetaClass, Dot + 1);
		FString NewText(Text);
		// if it didn't have a dot, then maybe they just gave a uasset package name
		if (!Dot && !Result)
			int32 LastSlash = NewText.Find(TEXT("/"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd);
			if (LastSlash >= 0)
				NewText += TEXT(".");
				NewText += (Text + LastSlash + 1);
				Dot = FCString::Strrchr(*NewText, '.');
		// If we still can't find it, try to load it. (Only try to load fully qualified names)
		if(!Result && Dot)
			FLinkerLoad* Linker = (OwnerObject != nullptr) ? OwnerObject->GetClass()->GetLinker() : nullptr;
			const bool bDeferAssetImports = (Linker != nullptr) && (Linker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads);

			if (bDeferAssetImports)
				Result = Linker->RequestPlaceholderValue(ObjectClass, Text);
			if (Result == nullptr)
				uint32 LoadFlags = LOAD_NoWarn | LOAD_FindIfFail;

				UE_LOG(LogProperty, Verbose, TEXT("FindImportedObject is attempting to import [%s] (class = %s) with StaticLoadObject"), Text, *GetFullNameSafe(ObjectClass));
				Result = StaticLoadObject(ObjectClass, NULL, Text, NULL, LoadFlags, NULL);

				check(!bDeferAssetImports || !Result || !FBlueprintSupport::IsInBlueprintPackage(Result));

	// if we found an object, and we have a parent, make sure we are in the same package if the found object is private, unless it's a cross level property
	if (Result && !Result->HasAnyFlags(RF_Public) && OwnerObject && Result->GetOutermost() != OwnerObject->GetOutermost())
		const UObjectPropertyBase* ObjectProperty = dynamic_cast<const UObjectPropertyBase*>(Property);
		if ( !ObjectProperty || !ObjectProperty->AllowCrossLevel())
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Warning, TEXT("Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (%s) from referencer (%s).  Import failed..."), *Result->GetFullName(), *OwnerObject->GetFullName());
			Result = NULL;

	check(!Result || Result->IsA(RequiredMetaClass));
	return Result;
Пример #20
int32 SGraphPanel::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_SlateOnPaint_SGraphPanel );

	CachedAllottedGeometryScaledSize = AllottedGeometry.Size * AllottedGeometry.Scale;

	//Style used for objects that are the same between revisions
	FWidgetStyle FadedStyle = InWidgetStyle;

	// First paint the background
	const UEditorExperimentalSettings& Options = *GetDefault<UEditorExperimentalSettings>();

	const FSlateBrush* BackgroundImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.Panel.SolidBackground"));
	PaintBackgroundAsLines(BackgroundImage, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);

	const float ZoomFactor = AllottedGeometry.Scale * GetZoomAmount();

	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildNodes(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Determine some 'global' settings based on current LOD
	const bool bDrawShadowsThisFrame = GetCurrentLOD() > EGraphRenderingLOD::LowestDetail;

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.

	// Save LayerId for comment boxes to ensure they always appear below nodes & wires
	const int32 CommentNodeShadowLayerId = LayerId++;
	const int32 CommentNodeLayerId = LayerId++;

	// Save a LayerId for wires, which appear below nodes but above comments
	// We will draw them later, along with the arrows which appear above nodes.
	const int32 WireLayerId = LayerId++;

	const int32 NodeShadowsLayerId = LayerId;
	const int32 NodeLayerId = NodeShadowsLayerId + 1;
	int32 MaxLayerId = NodeLayerId;

	const FVector2D NodeShadowSize = GetDefault<UGraphEditorSettings>()->GetShadowDeltaSize();
	const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphObj->GetSchema();

	// Draw the child nodes
		// When drawing a marquee, need a preview of what the selection will be.
		const FGraphPanelSelectionSet* SelectionToVisualize = &(SelectionManager.SelectedNodes);
		FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectionPreview;
		if ( Marquee.IsValid() )
			ApplyMarqueeSelection(Marquee, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes, SelectionPreview);
			SelectionToVisualize = &SelectionPreview;

		// Context for rendering node infos
		FKismetNodeInfoContext Context(GraphObj);

		TArray<FGraphDiffControl::FNodeMatch> NodeMatches;
		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
			TSharedRef<SGraphNode> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(CurWidget.Widget);
			// Examine node to see what layers we should be drawing in
			int32 ShadowLayerId = NodeShadowsLayerId;
			int32 ChildLayerId = NodeLayerId;

			// If a comment node, draw in the dedicated comment slots
				UObject* NodeObj = ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed();
				if (NodeObj && NodeObj->IsA(UEdGraphNode_Comment::StaticClass()))
					ShadowLayerId = CommentNodeShadowLayerId;
					ChildLayerId = CommentNodeLayerId;

			const bool bNodeIsVisible = FSlateRect::DoRectanglesIntersect( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect(), MyClippingRect );

			if (bNodeIsVisible)
				const bool bSelected = SelectionToVisualize->Contains( StaticCastSharedRef<SNodePanel::SNode>(CurWidget.Widget)->GetObjectBeingDisplayed() );

				// Handle Node renaming once the node is visible
				if( bSelected && ChildNode->IsRenamePending() )

				// Draw the node's shadow.
				if (bDrawShadowsThisFrame || bSelected)
					const FSlateBrush* ShadowBrush = ChildNode->GetShadowBrush(bSelected);

				// Draw the comments and information popups for this node, if it has any.
					const SNodePanel::SNode::FNodeSlot& CommentSlot = ChildNode->GetOrAddSlot( ENodeZone::TopCenter );
					float CommentBubbleY = -CommentSlot.Offset.Get().Y;
					Context.bSelected = bSelected;
					TArray<FGraphInformationPopupInfo> Popups;

						ChildNode->GetNodeInfoPopups(&Context, /*out*/ Popups);

					for (int32 PopupIndex = 0; PopupIndex < Popups.Num(); ++PopupIndex)
						FGraphInformationPopupInfo& Popup = Popups[PopupIndex];
						PaintComment(Popup.Message, CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ChildLayerId, Popup.BackgroundColor, /*inout*/ CommentBubbleY, InWidgetStyle);

				int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId;
					UEdGraphNode* NodeObj = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed());

					/** When diffing nodes, nodes that are different between revisions are opaque, nodes that have not changed are faded */
					FGraphDiffControl::FNodeMatch NodeMatch = FGraphDiffControl::FindNodeMatch(GraphObjToDiff, NodeObj, NodeMatches);
					if (NodeMatch.IsValid())
					const bool bNodeIsDifferent = (!GraphObjToDiff || NodeMatch.Diff());

					/* When dragging off a pin, we want to duck the alpha of some nodes */
					TSharedPtr< SGraphPin > OnlyStartPin = (1 == PreviewConnectorFromPins.Num()) ? PreviewConnectorFromPins[0].FindInGraphPanel(*this) : TSharedPtr< SGraphPin >();
					const bool bNodeIsNotUsableInCurrentContext = Schema->FadeNodeWhenDraggingOffPin(NodeObj, OnlyStartPin.IsValid() ? OnlyStartPin.Get()->GetPinObj() : NULL);
					const FWidgetStyle& NodeStyleToUse = (bNodeIsDifferent && !bNodeIsNotUsableInCurrentContext)? InWidgetStyle : FadedStyle;

					// Draw the node.O
					CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ChildLayerId, NodeStyleToUse, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );

				// Draw the node's overlay, if it has one.
					// Get its size
					const FVector2D WidgetSize = CurWidget.Geometry.Size;

						TArray<FOverlayBrushInfo> OverlayBrushes;
						ChildNode->GetOverlayBrushes(bSelected, WidgetSize, /*out*/ OverlayBrushes);

						for (int32 BrushIndex = 0; BrushIndex < OverlayBrushes.Num(); ++BrushIndex)
							FOverlayBrushInfo& OverlayInfo = OverlayBrushes[BrushIndex];
							const FSlateBrush* OverlayBrush = OverlayInfo.Brush;
							if(OverlayBrush != NULL)
								FPaintGeometry BouncedGeometry = CurWidget.Geometry.ToPaintGeometry(OverlayInfo.OverlayOffset, OverlayBrush->ImageSize, 1.f);

								// Handle bouncing
								const float BounceValue = FMath::Sin(2.0f * PI * BounceCurve.GetLerpLooping());
								BouncedGeometry.DrawPosition += (OverlayInfo.AnimationEnvelope * BounceValue * ZoomFactor);



						TArray<FOverlayWidgetInfo> OverlayWidgets = ChildNode->GetOverlayWidgets(bSelected, WidgetSize);

						for (int32 WidgetIndex = 0; WidgetIndex < OverlayWidgets.Num(); ++WidgetIndex)
							FOverlayWidgetInfo& OverlayInfo = OverlayWidgets[WidgetIndex];
							if(OverlayInfo.Widget->GetVisibility() == EVisibility::Visible)
								// call SlatePrepass as these widgets are not in the 'normal' child hierarchy

								const FGeometry WidgetGeometry = CurWidget.Geometry.MakeChild(OverlayInfo.OverlayOffset, OverlayInfo.Widget->GetDesiredSize(), 1.f);

								OverlayInfo.Widget->Paint(Args.WithNewParent(this), WidgetGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled);

				MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId + 1 );

	MaxLayerId += 1;

	// Draw connections between pins 
	if (Children.Num() > 0 )

		//@TODO: Pull this into a factory like the pin and node ones
		FConnectionDrawingPolicy* ConnectionDrawingPolicy;
			ConnectionDrawingPolicy = Schema->CreateConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
			if (!ConnectionDrawingPolicy)
				if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationStateMachineSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FStateMachineConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UEdGraphSchema_K2::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(USoundCueGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FSoundCueGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UMaterialGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FMaterialGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements);

		TArray<TSharedPtr<SGraphPin>> OverridePins;
		for (const FGraphPinHandle& Handle : PreviewConnectorFromPins)
			TSharedPtr<SGraphPin> Pin = Handle.FindInGraphPanel(*this);
			if (Pin.IsValid())
		ConnectionDrawingPolicy->SetHoveredPins(CurrentHoveredPins, OverridePins, TimeSinceMouseEnteredPin);

		// Get the set of pins for all children and synthesize geometry for culled out pins so lines can be drawn to them.
		TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget> PinGeometries;
		TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> > VisiblePins;
		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Children.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			TSharedRef<SGraphNode> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(Children[ChildIndex]);

			// If this is a culled node, approximate the pin geometry to the corner of the node it is within
			if (IsNodeCulled(ChildNode, AllottedGeometry))
				TArray< TSharedRef<SWidget> > NodePins;

				const FVector2D NodeLoc = ChildNode->GetPosition();
				const FGeometry SynthesizedNodeGeometry(GraphCoordToPanelCoord(NodeLoc), AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, FVector2D::ZeroVector, 1.f);

				for (TArray< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TConstIterator NodePinIterator(NodePins); NodePinIterator; ++NodePinIterator)
					const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>((*NodePinIterator).Get());
					FVector2D PinLoc = NodeLoc + PinWidget.GetNodeOffset();

					const FGeometry SynthesizedPinGeometry(GraphCoordToPanelCoord(PinLoc), AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, FVector2D::ZeroVector, 1.f);
					PinGeometries.Add(*NodePinIterator, FArrangedWidget(*NodePinIterator, SynthesizedPinGeometry));

				// Also add synthesized geometries for culled nodes
				ArrangedChildren.AddWidget( FArrangedWidget(ChildNode, SynthesizedNodeGeometry) );

		// Now get the pin geometry for all visible children and append it to the PinGeometries map
		TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget> VisiblePinGeometries;
			this->FindChildGeometries(AllottedGeometry, VisiblePins, VisiblePinGeometries);

		// Draw preview connections (only connected on one end)
		if (PreviewConnectorFromPins.Num() > 0)
			for (const FGraphPinHandle& Handle : PreviewConnectorFromPins)
				TSharedPtr< SGraphPin > CurrentStartPin = Handle.FindInGraphPanel(*this);
				if (!CurrentStartPin.IsValid())
				const FArrangedWidget* PinGeometry = PinGeometries.Find( CurrentStartPin.ToSharedRef() );

				if (PinGeometry != NULL)
					FVector2D StartPoint;
					FVector2D EndPoint;

					if (CurrentStartPin->GetDirection() == EGPD_Input)
						StartPoint = AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + PreviewConnectorEndpoint;
						EndPoint = FGeometryHelper::VerticalMiddleLeftOf( PinGeometry->Geometry ) - FVector2D(ConnectionDrawingPolicy->ArrowRadius.X, 0);
						StartPoint = FGeometryHelper::VerticalMiddleRightOf( PinGeometry->Geometry );
						EndPoint = AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + PreviewConnectorEndpoint;

					ConnectionDrawingPolicy->DrawPreviewConnector(PinGeometry->Geometry, StartPoint, EndPoint, CurrentStartPin.Get()->GetPinObj());

				//@TODO: Re-evaluate this incompatible mojo; it's mutating every pin state every frame to accomplish a visual effect
				ConnectionDrawingPolicy->SetIncompatiblePinDrawState(CurrentStartPin, VisiblePins);
			//@TODO: Re-evaluate this incompatible mojo; it's mutating every pin state every frame to accomplish a visual effect

		// Draw all regular connections
		ConnectionDrawingPolicy->Draw(PinGeometries, ArrangedChildren);

		delete ConnectionDrawingPolicy;

	// Draw a shadow overlay around the edges of the graph
	PaintSurroundSunkenShadow(FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.Shadow")), AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

		const FSlateBrush* BorderBrush = nullptr;
		if((GEditor->bIsSimulatingInEditor || GEditor->PlayWorld != NULL))
			// Draw a surrounding indicator when PIE is active, to make it clear that the graph is read-only, etc...
			BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.PlayInEditor"));
		else if(!IsEditable.Get())
			// Draw a different border when we're not simulating but the graph is read-only
			BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.ReadOnlyBorder"));

			// Actually draw the border

	// Draw the marquee selection rectangle
	PaintMarquee(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

	// Draw the software cursor
	PaintSoftwareCursor(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

	return MaxLayerId;
FReply SPropertyEditorClass::OnDrop(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent)
    TSharedPtr<FClassDragDropOp> ClassOperation = DragDropEvent.GetOperationAs<FClassDragDropOp>();
    if (ClassOperation.IsValid())
        // We can only drop one item into the combo box, so drop the first one.
        FString AssetName = ClassOperation->ClassesToDrop[0]->GetName();

        // Set the property, it will be verified as valid.

        return FReply::Handled();

    TSharedPtr<FUnloadedClassDragDropOp> UnloadedClassOp = DragDropEvent.GetOperationAs<FUnloadedClassDragDropOp>();
    if (UnloadedClassOp.IsValid())
        // Check if the asset is loaded, used to see if the context menu should be available
        bool bAllAssetWereLoaded = true;

        TArray<FClassPackageData>& AssetArray = *(UnloadedClassOp->AssetsToDrop.Get());

        // We can only drop one item into the combo box, so drop the first one.
        FString& AssetName = AssetArray[0].AssetName;

        // Check to see if the asset can be found, otherwise load it.
        UObject* Object = FindObject<UObject>(NULL, *AssetName);
        if(Object == NULL)
            // Check to see if the dropped asset was a blueprint
            const FString& PackageName = AssetArray[0].GeneratedPackageName;
            Object = FindObject<UObject>(NULL, *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s"), *PackageName, *AssetName));

            if(Object == NULL)
                // Load the package.
                GWarn->BeginSlowTask(LOCTEXT("OnDrop_LoadPackage", "Fully Loading Package For Drop"), true, false);
                UPackage* Package = LoadPackage(NULL, *PackageName, LOAD_NoRedirects );

                Object = FindObject<UObject>(Package, *AssetName);

                // Get the default object from the generated class.
                Object = Cast<UBlueprint>(Object)->GeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject();

        // Set the property, it will be verified as valid.

        return FReply::Handled();

    return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #22
void FPropertyEditorToolkit::Initialize( const EToolkitMode::Type Mode, const TSharedPtr< class IToolkitHost >& InitToolkitHost, const TArray<UObject*>& ObjectsToEdit )

	TArray< UObject* > AdjustedObjectsToEdit;
	for( auto ObjectIter = ObjectsToEdit.CreateConstIterator(); ObjectIter; ++ObjectIter )
		//@todo Remove this and instead extend the blueprints Edit Defaults editor to use a Property Table as well [12/6/2012 Justin.Sargent]
		UObject* Object = *ObjectIter;
		if ( Object->IsA( UBlueprint::StaticClass() ) )
			UBlueprint* Blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>( Object );

			// Make sure that the generated class is valid, in case the super has been removed, and this class can't be loaded.
			if( Blueprint->GeneratedClass != NULL )
				AdjustedObjectsToEdit.Add( Blueprint->GeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject() );
			AdjustedObjectsToEdit.Add( Object );

	PropertyTable->SetObjects( AdjustedObjectsToEdit );

	TSharedRef<FTabManager::FLayout> StandaloneDefaultLayout = FTabManager::NewLayout( "Standalone_PropertyEditorToolkit_Layout" )
		FTabManager::NewPrimaryArea() ->SetOrientation(Orient_Horizontal)
			->AddTab(GridTabId, ETabState::OpenedTab)
			->SetHideTabWell( true )
			->AddTab(TreeTabId, ETabState::OpenedTab)

	const bool bCreateDefaultStandaloneMenu = true;
	const bool bCreateDefaultToolbar = false;
	FAssetEditorToolkit::InitAssetEditor( Mode, InitToolkitHost, ApplicationId, StandaloneDefaultLayout, bCreateDefaultStandaloneMenu, bCreateDefaultToolbar, AdjustedObjectsToEdit );

	TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> > AdjustedObjectsToEditWeak;
	for( auto ObjectIter = AdjustedObjectsToEdit.CreateConstIterator(); ObjectIter; ++ObjectIter )
	PropertyTree->SetObjectArray( AdjustedObjectsToEditWeak );

	PinColor = FSlateColor( FLinearColor( 1, 1, 1, 0 ) );
	GEditor->GetTimerManager()->SetTimer( TimerHandle_TickPinColor, FTimerDelegate::CreateSP(this, &FPropertyEditorToolkit::TickPinColorAndOpacity), 0.1f, true );
Пример #23
void UEnvironmentQueryGraph::RemoveOrphanedNodes()
	UEnvQuery* QueryAsset = CastChecked<UEnvQuery>(GetOuter());

	// Obtain a list of all nodes that should be in the asset
	TSet<UObject*> AllNodes;
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Nodes.Num(); ++Index)
		UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode_Option* OptionNode = Cast<UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode_Option>(Nodes[Index]);
		if (OptionNode)
			UEnvQueryOption* OptionInstance = Cast<UEnvQueryOption>(OptionNode->NodeInstance);
			if (OptionInstance)
				if (OptionInstance->Generator)

			for (int32 SubIdx = 0; SubIdx < OptionNode->Tests.Num(); SubIdx++)
				if (OptionNode->Tests[SubIdx] && OptionNode->Tests[SubIdx]->NodeInstance)

	// Obtain a list of all nodes actually in the asset and discard unused nodes
	TArray<UObject*> AllInners;
	const bool bIncludeNestedObjects = false;
	GetObjectsWithOuter(QueryAsset, AllInners, bIncludeNestedObjects);
	for (auto InnerIt = AllInners.CreateConstIterator(); InnerIt; ++InnerIt)
		UObject* Node = *InnerIt;
		const bool bEQSNode =
			Node->IsA(UEnvQueryGenerator::StaticClass()) ||
			Node->IsA(UEnvQueryTest::StaticClass()) ||

		if (bEQSNode && !AllNodes.Contains(Node))
			Node->Rename(NULL, GetTransientPackage(), REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_NonTransactional | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders);