Пример #1
void FUObjectArray::CloseDisregardForGC()

	// Iterate over all class objects and force the default objects to be created. Additionally also
	// assembles the token reference stream at this point. This is required for class objects that are
	// not taken into account for garbage collection but have instances that are.

	// Workaround for Visual Studio 2013 analyzer bug. Using a temporary directly in the range-for
	// errors if the analyzer is enabled.
	TObjectRange<UClass> Range;
	for (UClass* Class : Range)
		// Force the default object to be created.
		Class->GetDefaultObject(); // Force the default object to be constructed if it isn't already
		// Assemble reference token stream for garbage collection/ RTGC.
		if (!Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_TokenStreamAssembled))

	if (GIsInitialLoad)
		// Iterate over all objects and mark them to be part of root set.
		int32 NumAlwaysLoadedObjects = 0;
		int32 NumRootObjects = 0;
		for (FObjectIterator It; It; ++It)
			UObject* Object = *It;
			if (Object->IsSafeForRootSet())
			else if (Object->IsRooted())

		UE_LOG(LogUObjectArray, Log, TEXT("%i objects as part of root set at end of initial load."), NumAlwaysLoadedObjects);
		if (GUObjectArray.DisregardForGCEnabled())
			UE_LOG(LogUObjectArray, Log, TEXT("%i objects are not in the root set, but can never be destroyed because they are in the DisregardForGC set."), NumAlwaysLoadedObjects - NumRootObjects);

		// When disregard for GC pool is closed for the first time, make sure the first GC index is set after the last non-GC index.
		// We do allow here for some slack if MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC > (ObjLastNonGCIndex + 1) so that disregard for GC pool
		// can be re-opened later.
		ObjFirstGCIndex = FMath::Max(ObjFirstGCIndex, ObjLastNonGCIndex + 1);


	UE_LOG(LogUObjectArray, Log, TEXT("CloseDisregardForGC: %d/%d objects in disregard for GC pool"), ObjLastNonGCIndex + 1, MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC);	

	OpenForDisregardForGC = false;
	GIsInitialLoad = false;