Пример #1
 * @param P0
 * @param P1
 * @param P2
 * @param P
 * @param n
 * @return
 * @see http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs465/2003fa/homeworks/raytri.pdf
bool isInsideTheTriangle(Vector4& P0, Vector4& P1, Vector4& P2, Vector4& P, Vector4& n){

	//Vector from one vertex to other vertex.
	auto_ptr<Vector4> Edge01(P0.Subtract(P1, P0));
	auto_ptr<Vector4> Edge12(P1.Subtract(P2, P1));
	auto_ptr<Vector4> Edge20(P2.Subtract(P0, P2));

	//Vector from one vertex to the point of intersection.
	auto_ptr<Vector4> X0(P.Subtract(P,P0));
	auto_ptr<Vector4> X1(P.Subtract(P,P1));
	auto_ptr<Vector4> X2(P.Subtract(P,P2));

	//Cross Products of the above two.
	auto_ptr<Vector4> Product1(Edge01->CrossProduct(*Edge01, *X0));
	auto_ptr<Vector4> Product2(Edge12->CrossProduct(*Edge12, *X1));
	auto_ptr<Vector4> Product3(Edge20->CrossProduct(*Edge20, *X2));

	//Dot product with normals.
	double d1 = Product1->DotProduct(*Product1, n);
	double d2 = Product2->DotProduct(*Product2, n);
	double d3 = Product3->DotProduct(*Product3, n);

	if((d1>=0 and d2>=0 and d3>=0) or (d1<=0 and d2<=0 and d3<=0)){
		return true;

		return false;
Пример #2
Vector4* findReflectedRayDirection(Vector4 &N, Vector4& L){

	Vector4* R;
	Vector4* Rtemp = new Vector4();
	double N_dot_L = N.DotProduct(N,L);
	R = Rtemp->Subtract(*Rtemp,L);
	delete Rtemp;
	return R;
Пример #3
void Mesh::CalculateFlatLightingDirectional(const LightDirectional &light, int numLights, const Vector4& cameraPos, const Matrix4& view)
	Maths::Vector4 total, temp;
	Maths::Vector4 reflect;
	Maths::Vector4 v = cameraPos;
	Maths::Vector4 l( light.Position.X, light.Position.Y, light.Position.Z, 1.0f  ); 
	Maths::Vector4 n( 0, 0, 0 );
	Maths::Vector4 t, halfWay;
	BYTE r, g, b;
	float spec = 0;
	float diff = 0;
	float ave = 0;

	m_noLight = false;

	//workout the "halfway" vector for specularity
	ave = v.Length();
	//halfWay = ( v + l ) / ave;

	//normalize the light position

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_numPolys; ++i )
		if ( !m_polys[i].IsCulled )
			//reset the colout to black
			total.X = 0; //Red
			total.Y = 0; //green
			total.Z = 0; //blue

			for ( int j = 0; j < numLights; ++j )
				//store intensity to corresponding variables
				//modulate intensity with coresponding reflectance co-efficient values
				temp.X = light.Colour.GetR() * light.Intensity.X;
				temp.Y = light.Colour.GetG() * light.Intensity.Y;
				temp.Z = light.Colour.GetB() * light.Intensity.Z;

				//reflect = ( 2 * ( m_polys[i]._normal.DotProduct( light._position ) ) * ( m_polys[i]._normal - light );
				n.SetValues( m_polys[i].Normal.X, m_polys[i].Normal.Y, m_polys[i].Normal.Z, 1.0f );

				//attentuate the rgb values with lambertian attenuation
				diff = max( 0.0f, l.DotProduct( n ) );

				//calculate specular coponent
				Vector4 toEye;
				Matrix4::Transform( view, m_transformed[ m_polys[i].Indices[0] ].Position, toEye );

				float r = max( 0, m_transformed[ m_polys[i].Indices[0] ].Normal.DotProduct( l ) );
				Vector4 reflect = m_transformed[ m_polys[i].Indices[0] ].Normal;
				reflect.Multiply( 2 * r );
				reflect.Subtract( l );
				//Vector4 toEye = m_transformed[ m_polys[i]._indices[0] ]._position - viewer;
				//Vector4 reflect = ( n - l ) * ( 2 * ( n.DotProduct( l ) ) );
				float specPower = 1.0f;
				float spec = 0; //max( 0, pow( max( 0.0f, reflect.DotProduct( toEye ) ), specPower ) ) * m_specular;

				if ( diff <= 0.0f )
					spec = 0.0f;

				temp.X =  temp.X * ( (diff + spec) * m_kd_red );
				temp.Y =  temp.Y * ( (diff + spec) * m_kd_green );
				temp.Z =  temp.Z * ( (diff + spec) * m_kd_blue );

				total = total + temp;

			//clamp the values
			if (total.X > 255) total.X = 255;
			if (total.Y > 255) total.Y = 255;
			if (total.Z > 255) total.Z = 255;
			if (total.X < 0) total.X = 0;
			if (total.Y < 0) total.Y = 0;
			if (total.Z < 0) total.Z = 0;

			r = (BYTE)total.X;
			g = (BYTE)total.Y;
			b = (BYTE)total.Z;

			m_polys[i].Colour = Gdiplus::Color::MakeARGB(255, r, g, b);