Пример #1
bool player::eat( item &food, bool force )
    if( !food.is_food() ) {
        return false;
    // Check if it's rotten before eating!
    food.calc_rot( global_square_location() );
    const auto ret = force ? can_eat( food ) : will_eat( food, is_player() );
    if( !ret.success() ) {
        return false;

    if( food.type->has_use() ) {
        if( food.type->invoke( *this, food, pos() ) <= 0 ) {
            return false;

    // Note: the block below assumes we decided to eat it
    // No coming back from here

    const bool hibernate = has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) );
    const int nutr = nutrition_for( food );
    const int quench = food.type->comestible->quench;
    const bool spoiled = food.rotten();

    // The item is solid food
    const bool chew = food.type->comestible->comesttype == "FOOD" || food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    // This item is a drink and not a solid food (and not a thick soup)
    const bool drinkable = !chew && food.type->comestible->comesttype == "DRINK";
    // If neither of the above is true then it's a drug and shouldn't get mealtime penalty/bonus

    if( hibernate &&
        ( get_hunger() > -60 && get_thirst() > -60 ) &&
        ( get_hunger() - nutr < -60 || get_thirst() - quench < -60 ) ) {
        add_memorial_log( pgettext( "memorial_male", "Began preparing for hibernation." ),
                          pgettext( "memorial_female", "Began preparing for hibernation." ) );
            _( "You've begun stockpiling calories and liquid for hibernation.  You get the feeling that you should prepare for bed, just in case, but...you're hungry again, and you could eat a whole week's worth of food RIGHT NOW." ) );

    const bool will_vomit = get_hunger() < 0 && nutr >= 5 && !has_trait( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) &&
                            !hibernate &&
                            !has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) && !has_trait( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) &&
                            rng( -200, 0 ) > get_hunger() - nutr;
    const bool saprophage = has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) );
    if( spoiled && !saprophage ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Ick, this %s doesn't taste so good..." ), food.tname().c_str() );
        if( !has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROVORE" ) ) && !has_trait( trait_id( "EATDEAD" ) ) &&
            ( !has_bionic( bio_digestion ) || one_in( 3 ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_foodpoison, rng( 60, ( nutr + 1 ) * 60 ) );
        consume_effects( food );
    } else if( spoiled && saprophage ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "Mmm, this %s tastes delicious..." ), food.tname().c_str() );
        consume_effects( food );
    } else {
        consume_effects( food );

    const bool amorphous = has_trait( trait_id( "AMORPHOUS" ) );
    int mealtime = 250;
    if( drinkable || chew ) {
        // Those bonuses/penalties only apply to food
        // Not to smoking weed or applying bandages!
        if( has_trait( trait_id( "MOUTH_TENTACLES" ) )  || has_trait( trait_id( "MANDIBLES" ) ) ) {
            mealtime /= 2;
        } else if( has_trait( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) ) {
            // Don't stack those two - that would be 25 moves per item
            mealtime -= 100;

        if( has_trait( trait_id( "BEAK_HUM" ) ) && !drinkable ) {
            mealtime += 200; // Much better than PROBOSCIS but still optimized for fluids
        } else if( has_trait( trait_id( "SABER_TEETH" ) ) ) {
            mealtime += 250; // They get In The Way

        if( amorphous ) {
            mealtime *= 1.1;
            // Minor speed penalty for having to flow around it
            // rather than just grab & munch

    moves -= mealtime;

    // If it's poisonous... poison us.
    // TODO: Move this to a flag
    if( food.poison > 0 && !has_trait( trait_id( "EATPOISON" ) ) &&
        !has_trait( trait_id( "EATDEAD" ) ) ) {
        if( food.poison >= rng( 2, 4 ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_poison, food.poison * 100 );

        add_effect( effect_foodpoison, food.poison * 300 );

    if( amorphous ) {
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You assimilate your %s." ), _( "<npcname> assimilates a %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );
    } else if( drinkable ) {
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You drink your %s." ), _( "<npcname> drinks a %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );
    } else if( chew ) {
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You eat your %s." ), _( "<npcname> eats a %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );

    if( item::find_type( food.type->comestible->tool )->tool ) {
        // Tools like lighters get used
        use_charges( food.type->comestible->tool, 1 );

    if( has_bionic( bio_ethanol ) && food.type->can_use( "ALCOHOL" ) ) {
        charge_power( rng( 50, 200 ) );
    if( has_bionic( bio_ethanol ) && food.type->can_use( "ALCOHOL_WEAK" ) ) {
        charge_power( rng( 25, 100 ) );
    if( has_bionic( bio_ethanol ) && food.type->can_use( "ALCOHOL_STRONG" ) ) {
        charge_power( rng( 75, 300 ) );

    if( food.has_flag( "CANNIBALISM" ) ) {
        // Sapiovores don't recognize humans as the same species.
        // But let them possibly feel cool about eating sapient stuff - treat like psycho
        const bool cannibal = has_trait( trait_id( "CANNIBAL" ) );
        const bool psycho = has_trait( trait_id( "PSYCHOPATH" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "SAPIOVORE" ) );
        const bool spiritual = has_trait( trait_id( "SPIRITUAL" ) );
        if( cannibal && psycho && spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good,
                               _( "You feast upon the human flesh, and in doing so, devour their spirit." ) );
            // You're not really consuming anything special; you just think you are.
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 25, 300 );
        } else if( cannibal && psycho ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You feast upon the human flesh." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 15, 200 );
        } else if( cannibal && spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You consume the sacred human flesh." ) );
            // Boosted because you understand the philosophical implications of your actions, and YOU LIKE THEM.
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 15, 200 );
        } else if( cannibal ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You indulge your shameful hunger." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 10, 50 );
        } else if( psycho && spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( _( "You greedily devour the taboo meat." ) );
            // Small bonus for violating a taboo.
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, 5, 50 );
        } else if( psycho ) {
            add_msg_if_player( _( "Meh. You've eaten worse." ) );
        } else if( spiritual ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_bad,
                               _( "This is probably going to count against you if there's still an afterlife." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, -60, -400, 600, 300 );
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "You feel horrible for eating a person." ) );
            add_morale( MORALE_CANNIBAL, -60, -400, 600, 300 );

    // Allergy check
    const auto allergy = allergy_type( food );
    if( allergy != MORALE_NULL ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Yuck! How can anybody eat this stuff?" ) );
        add_morale( allergy, -75, -400, 300, 240 );
    // Carnivores CAN eat junk food, but they won't like it much.
    // Pizza-scraping happens in consume_effects.
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ) ) && food.has_flag( "ALLERGEN_JUNK" ) &&
        !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your stomach begins gurgling and you feel bloated and ill." ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_NO_DIGEST, -25, -125, 300, 240 );
    if( !spoiled && chew && has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) ) ) {
        // It's OK to *drink* things that haven't rotted.  Alternative is to ban water.  D:
        add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Your stomach begins gurgling and you feel bloated and ill." ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_NO_DIGEST, -75, -400, 300, 240 );
    if( food.has_flag( "URSINE_HONEY" ) && ( !crossed_threshold() ||
            has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_URSINE" ) ) ) &&
        mutation_category_level["MUTCAT_URSINE"] > 40 ) {
        //Need at least 5 bear mutations for effect to show, to filter out mutations in common with other mutcats
        int honey_fun = has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_URSINE" ) ) ?
                        std::min( mutation_category_level["MUTCAT_URSINE"] / 8, 20 ) :
                        mutation_category_level["MUTCAT_URSINE"] / 12;
        if( honey_fun < 10 ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You find the sweet taste of honey surprisingly palatable." ) );
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You feast upon the sweet honey." ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_HONEY, honey_fun, 100 );

    if( will_vomit ) {

    // chance to become parasitised
    if( !( has_bionic( bio_digestion ) || has_trait( trait_id( "PARAIMMUNE" ) ) ) ) {
        if( food.type->comestible->parasites > 0 && one_in( food.type->comestible->parasites ) ) {
            switch( rng( 0, 3 ) ) {
                case 0:
                    if( !has_trait( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) ) {
                        add_effect( effect_tapeworm, 1, num_bp, true );
                case 1:
                    if( !has_trait( trait_id( "ACIDBLOOD" ) ) ) {
                        add_effect( effect_bloodworms, 1, num_bp, true );
                case 2:
                    add_effect( effect_brainworms, 1, num_bp, true );
                case 3:
                    add_effect( effect_paincysts, 1, num_bp, true );

    for( const auto &v : this->vitamins_from( food ) ) {
        auto qty = has_effect( effect_tapeworm ) ? v.second / 2 : v.second;

        // can never develop hypervitaminosis from consuming food
        vitamin_mod( v.first, qty );

    food.mod_charges( -1 );
    return true;