Пример #1
/** Gets the distances between the source and detectors whose IDs you pass to it
*  @param WS :: the input workspace
*  @param mon0Spec :: Spectrum number of the output from the first monitor
*  @param mon1Spec :: Spectrum number of the output from the second monitor
*  @param monitor0Dist :: the calculated distance to the detector whose ID was
* passed to this function first
*  @param monitor1Dist :: calculated distance to the detector whose ID was
* passed to this function second
*  @throw NotFoundError if no detector is found for the detector ID given
void GetEi::getGeometry(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr WS, specid_t mon0Spec,
                        specid_t mon1Spec, double &monitor0Dist,
                        double &monitor1Dist) const {
    const IComponent_const_sptr source = WS->getInstrument()->getSource();

    // retrieve a pointer to the first detector and get its distance
    size_t monWI = 0;
    try {
        monWI = WS->getIndexFromSpectrumNumber(mon0Spec);
    } catch (std::runtime_error &) {
                << "Could not find the workspace index for the monitor at spectrum "
                << mon0Spec << "\n";
        g_log.error() << "Error retrieving data for the first monitor" << std::endl;
        throw std::bad_cast();
    const std::set<detid_t> &dets = WS->getSpectrum(monWI)->getDetectorIDs();

    if (dets.size() != 1) {
        g_log.error() << "The detector for spectrum number " << mon0Spec
                      << " was either not found or is a group, grouped monitors "
                      "are not supported by this algorithm\n";
        g_log.error() << "Error retrieving data for the first monitor" << std::endl;
        throw std::bad_cast();
    IDetector_const_sptr det = WS->getInstrument()->getDetector(*dets.begin());
    monitor0Dist = det->getDistance(*(source.get()));

    // repeat for the second detector
    try {
        monWI = WS->getIndexFromSpectrumNumber(mon0Spec);
    } catch (std::runtime_error &) {
                << "Could not find the workspace index for the monitor at spectrum "
                << mon0Spec << "\n";
        g_log.error() << "Error retrieving data for the second monitor\n";
        throw std::bad_cast();
    const std::set<detid_t> &dets2 = WS->getSpectrum(monWI)->getDetectorIDs();
    if (dets2.size() != 1) {
        g_log.error() << "The detector for spectrum number " << mon1Spec
                      << " was either not found or is a group, grouped monitors "
                      "are not supported by this algorithm\n";
        g_log.error() << "Error retrieving data for the second monitor\n";
        throw std::bad_cast();
    det = WS->getInstrument()->getDetector(*dets2.begin());
    monitor1Dist = det->getDistance(*(source.get()));