Пример #1
     * Return true if the two workspaces are compatible for this operation
     * Virtual: will be overridden as needed.
     * @param lhs :: left-hand workspace to check
     * @param rhs :: right-hand workspace to check
     * @return flag for the compatibility to the two workspaces
    bool BinaryOperation::checkCompatibility(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const
      Unit_const_sptr lhs_unit;
      Unit_const_sptr rhs_unit;
      if ( lhs->axes() && rhs->axes() ) // If one of these is a WorkspaceSingleValue then we don't want to check units match
        lhs_unit = lhs->getAxis(0)->unit();
        rhs_unit = rhs->getAxis(0)->unit();

      const std::string lhs_unitID = ( lhs_unit ? lhs_unit->unitID() : "" );
      const std::string rhs_unitID = ( rhs_unit ? rhs_unit->unitID() : "" );

      // Check the workspaces have the same units and distribution flag
      if ( lhs_unitID != rhs_unitID && lhs->blocksize() > 1 && rhs->blocksize() > 1 )
        g_log.error("The two workspace are not compatible because they have different units on the X axis.");
        return false;

      // Check the size compatibility
      if (!checkSizeCompatibility(lhs,rhs))
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr<<"The sizes of the two workspaces " <<
            "(" << lhs->getName() << ": " << lhs->getNumberHistograms() << " spectra, blocksize " << lhs->blocksize() << ")"
            << " and " <<
            "(" << rhs->getName() << ": " << rhs->getNumberHistograms() << " spectra, blocksize " << rhs->blocksize() << ")"
            << " are not compatible for algorithm "<<this->name();
        g_log.error() << ostr.str() << std::endl;
        throw std::invalid_argument( ostr.str() );

      return true;
Пример #2
/** Checks if workspaces input to Q1D or Qxy are reasonable
  @param dataWS data workspace
  @param binAdj (WavelengthAdj) workpace that will be checked to see if it has
  one spectrum and the same number of bins as dataWS
  @param detectAdj (PixelAdj) passing NULL for this wont raise an error, if set
  it will be checked this workspace has as many histograms as dataWS each with
  one bin
  @param qResolution: the QResolution workspace
  @throw invalid_argument if the workspaces are not mututially compatible
void Qhelper::examineInput(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr dataWS,
                           API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr binAdj,
                           API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr detectAdj,
                           API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr qResolution) {

  // Check the compatibility of dataWS, binAdj and detectAdj
  examineInput(dataWS, binAdj, detectAdj);

  // Check the compatibility of the QResolution workspace
  if (qResolution) {
    // We require the same number of histograms
    if (qResolution->getNumberHistograms() != dataWS->getNumberHistograms()) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("The QResolution should have one spectrum"
                                  "per spectrum of the input workspace");

    // We require the same binning for the input workspace and the q resolution
    // workspace
    MantidVec::const_iterator reqX = dataWS->readX(0).begin();
    MantidVec::const_iterator qResX = qResolution->readX(0).begin();
    for (; reqX != dataWS->readX(0).end(); ++reqX, ++qResX) {
      if (*reqX != *qResX) {
        throw std::invalid_argument(
            "The QResolution needs to have the same binning as"
            "as the input workspace.");
Пример #3
/** Performs a simple check to see if the sizes of two workspaces are compatible
 *for a binary operation
 *  In order to be size compatible then the larger workspace
 *  must divide be the size of the smaller workspace leaving no remainder
 *  @param lhs :: the first workspace to compare
 *  @param rhs :: the second workspace to compare
 *  @retval true The two workspaces are size compatible
 *  @retval false The two workspaces are NOT size compatible
std::string Multiply::checkSizeCompatibility(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const {
  if (!m_keepEventWorkspace && !m_AllowDifferentNumberSpectra) {
    // Fallback on the default checks
    return CommutativeBinaryOperation::checkSizeCompatibility(lhs, rhs);
  } else {

    // A SingleValueWorkspace on the right, or matches anything
    if (rhs->size() == 1)
      return "";

    // A SingleValueWorkspace on the left only matches if rhs was single value
    // too. Why are you using mantid to do simple math?!?
    if (lhs->size() == 1)
      return "The left side cannot contain a single value if the right side "
             "isn't also a single value.";

    // RHS only has one value (1D vertical), so the number of histograms needs
    // to match.
    // Each lhs spectrum will be divided by that scalar
    if (rhs->blocksize() == 1 &&
        lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms())
      return "";

    if (m_matchXSize) {
      // Past this point, for a 2D WS operation, we require the X arrays to
      // match. Note this only checks the first spectrum
      if (!WorkspaceHelpers::matchingBins(*lhs, *rhs, true)) {
        return "X arrays must match when multiplying 2D workspaces.";

    // We don't need to check for matching bins for events. Yay events!
    const size_t rhsSpec = rhs->getNumberHistograms();

    // If the rhs has a single spectrum, then we can divide. The block size does
    // NOT need to match,
    if (rhsSpec == 1)
      return "";

    // Are we allowing the division by different # of spectra, using detector
    // IDs to match up?
    if (m_AllowDifferentNumberSpectra) {
      return "";

    // Otherwise, the number of histograms needs to match, but the block size of
    // each does NOT need to match.

    if (lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms()) {
      return "";
    } else {
      return "Number of histograms not identical.";
Пример #4
/** Initialization method:
@param bkgWS    -- shared pointer to the workspace which contains background
@param sourceWS -- shared pointer to the workspace to remove background from
@param emode    -- energy conversion mode used during internal units conversion
(0 -- elastic, 1-direct, 2 indirect, as defined in Units conversion
@param pLog     -- pointer to the logger class which would report errors
@param nThreads -- number of threads to be used for background removal
@param inPlace  -- if the background removal occurs from the existing workspace
or target workspace has to be cloned.
void BackgroundHelper::initialize(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &bkgWS,
                                  const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &sourceWS,
                                  int emode, Kernel::Logger *pLog, int nThreads,
                                  bool inPlace) {
  m_bgWs = bkgWS;
  m_wkWS = sourceWS;
  m_Emode = emode;
  m_pgLog = pLog;
  m_inPlace = inPlace;

  std::string bgUnits = bkgWS->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID();
  if (bgUnits != "TOF")
    throw std::invalid_argument(" Background Workspace: " + bkgWS->getName() +
                                " should be in the units of TOF");

  if (!(bkgWS->getNumberHistograms() == 1 ||
        sourceWS->getNumberHistograms() == bkgWS->getNumberHistograms()))
    throw std::invalid_argument(" Background Workspace: " + bkgWS->getName() +
                                " should have the same number of spectra as "
                                "source workspace or be a single histogram "

  auto WSUnit = sourceWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if (!WSUnit)
    throw std::invalid_argument(" Source Workspace: " + sourceWS->getName() +
                                " should have units");

  Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr source =
  m_Sample = sourceWS->getInstrument()->getSample();
  if ((!source) || (!m_Sample))
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "Instrument on Source workspace:" + sourceWS->getName() +
        "is not sufficiently defined: failed to get source and/or sample");
  m_L1 = source->getDistance(*m_Sample);

  // just in case.
  // allocate the array of units converters to avoid units reallocation within a
  // loop
  m_WSUnit.assign(nThreads, NULL);
  for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
    m_WSUnit[i] = WSUnit->clone();

  m_singleValueBackground = false;
  if (bkgWS->getNumberHistograms() == 0)
    m_singleValueBackground = true;
  const MantidVec &dataX = bkgWS->dataX(0);
  const MantidVec &dataY = bkgWS->dataY(0);
  // const MantidVec& dataE = bkgWS->dataE(0);
  m_NBg = dataY[0];
  m_dtBg = dataX[1] - dataX[0];
  // m_ErrSq  = dataE[0]*dataE[0]; // needs further clarification

  m_Efix = this->getEi(sourceWS);
Пример #5
/** Performs a simple check to see if the sizes of two workspaces are compatible
 *for a binary operation
 *  In order to be size compatible then the larger workspace
 *  must divide be the size of the smaller workspace leaving no remainder
 *  @param lhs :: the first workspace to compare
 *  @param rhs :: the second workspace to compare
 *  @retval "" The two workspaces are size compatible
 *  @retval "<reason why not compatible>" The two workspaces are NOT size
std::string Divide::checkSizeCompatibility(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const {
  // --- Check for event workspaces - different than workspaces 2D! ---

  // A SingleValueWorkspace on the right matches anything
  if (rhs->size() == 1)
    return "";

  // A SingleValueWorkspace on the left only matches if rhs was single value
  // too. Why are you using mantid to do simple math?!?
  if (lhs->size() == 1)
    return "The left side cannot contain a single value if the right side "
           "isn't also a single value.";

  // If RHS only has one value (1D vertical), the number of histograms needs to
  // match.
  // Each lhs spectrum will be divided by that scalar
  // std::cout << "rhs->blocksize() " << rhs->blocksize() << std::endl;
  // Are we allowing the division by different # of spectra, using detector IDs
  // to match up?
  if (m_AllowDifferentNumberSpectra ||
      (rhs->blocksize() == 1 &&
       lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms())) {
    return "";

  if (m_matchXSize) {
    // Past this point, for a 2D WS operation, we require the X arrays to match.
    // Note this only checks the first spectrum
    if (!WorkspaceHelpers::matchingBins(lhs, rhs, true)) {
      return "X arrays must match when dividing 2D workspaces.";

  // We don't need to check for matching bins for events. Yay events!
  const size_t rhsSpec = rhs->getNumberHistograms();

  // If the rhs has a single spectrum, then we can divide. The block size does
  // NOT need to match,
  if (rhsSpec == 1)
    return "";

  // Otherwise, the number of histograms needs to match, but the block size of
  // each does NOT need to match.

  if (lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms()) {
    return "";
  } else {
    return "Number of histograms not identical.";
Пример #6
/** Checks if workspaces input to Q1D or Qxy are reasonable
  @param dataWS data workspace
  @param binWS (WavelengthAdj) workpace that will be checked to see if it has one spectrum and the same number of bins as dataWS
  @param detectWS (PixelAdj) passing NULL for this wont raise an error, if set it will be checked this workspace has as many histograms as dataWS each with one bin
  @throw invalid_argument if the workspaces are not mututially compatible
void Qhelper::examineInput(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr dataWS, 
     API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr binAdj, API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr detectAdj)
  if ( dataWS->getNumberHistograms() < 1 )
    throw std::invalid_argument("Empty data workspace passed, can not continue");

  //it is not an error for these workspaces not to exist
  if (binAdj)
    if ( binAdj->getNumberHistograms() != 1 )
      throw std::invalid_argument("The WavelengthAdj workspace must have one spectrum");
    if ( binAdj->readY(0).size() != dataWS->readY(0).size() )
      throw std::invalid_argument("The WavelengthAdj workspace's bins must match those of the detector bank workspace");
    MantidVec::const_iterator reqX = dataWS->readX(0).begin();
    MantidVec::const_iterator testX = binAdj->readX(0).begin();
    for ( ; reqX != dataWS->readX(0).end(); ++reqX, ++testX)
      if ( *reqX != *testX )
        throw std::invalid_argument("The WavelengthAdj workspace must have matching bins with the detector bank workspace");
    if ( binAdj->isDistribution() != dataWS->isDistribution() )
      throw std::invalid_argument("The distrbution/raw counts status of the wavelengthAdj and DetBankWorkspace must be the same, use ConvertToDistribution");
  else if( ! dataWS->isDistribution() )
    //throw std::invalid_argument("The data workspace must be a distrbution if there is no Wavelength dependent adjustment");
  if (detectAdj)
    if ( detectAdj->blocksize() != 1 )
      throw std::invalid_argument("The PixelAdj workspace must point to a workspace with single bin spectra, as only the first bin is used");
    if ( detectAdj->getNumberHistograms() != dataWS->getNumberHistograms() )
      throw std::invalid_argument("The PixelAdj workspace must have one spectrum for each spectrum in the detector bank workspace");
Пример #7
/** Checks that the two input workspaces have non-overlapping spectra numbers and contributing detectors
 *  @param ws1 :: The first input workspace
 *  @param ws2 :: The second input workspace
 *  @param checkSpectra :: set to true to check for overlapping spectra numbers (non-sensical for event workspaces)
 *  @throw std::invalid_argument If there is some overlap
void ConjoinWorkspaces::checkForOverlap(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws1, API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws2, bool checkSpectra) const
  // make sure we should bother checking
  if (!this->getProperty("CheckOverlapping"))
  // Loop through the first workspace adding all the spectrum numbers & UDETS to a set
  std::set<specid_t> spectra;
  std::set<detid_t> detectors;
  const size_t& nhist1 = ws1->getNumberHistograms();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nhist1; ++i)
    const ISpectrum * spec = ws1->getSpectrum(i);
    const specid_t spectrum = spec->getSpectrumNo();
    const std::set<detid_t> & dets = spec->getDetectorIDs();
    std::set<detid_t>::const_iterator it;
    for (it = dets.begin(); it != dets.end(); ++it)

  // Now go throught the spectrum numbers & UDETS in the 2nd workspace, making sure that there's no overlap
  const size_t& nhist2 = ws2->getNumberHistograms();
  for (size_t j = 0; j < nhist2; ++j)
    const ISpectrum * spec = ws2->getSpectrum(j);
    const specid_t spectrum = spec->getSpectrumNo();
    if (checkSpectra)
      if ( spectrum > 0 && spectra.find(spectrum) != spectra.end() )
        g_log.error("The input workspaces have overlapping spectrum numbers");
        throw std::invalid_argument("The input workspaces have overlapping spectrum numbers");
    const std::set<detid_t> & dets = spec->getDetectorIDs();
    std::set<detid_t>::const_iterator it;
    for (it = dets.begin(); it != dets.end(); ++it)
      if ( detectors.find(*it) != detectors.end() )
        g_log.error("The input workspaces have common detectors");
        throw std::invalid_argument("The input workspaces have common detectors");
Пример #8
 * Creates the output workspace for this algorithm
 * @param inputWorkspace A parent workspace to initialize from.
 * @return A pointer to the output workspace.
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr Transpose::createOutputWorkspace(
    API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWorkspace) {
  Mantid::API::Axis *yAxis = getVerticalAxis(inputWorkspace);
  const size_t oldNhist = inputWorkspace->getNumberHistograms();
  const auto &inX = inputWorkspace->x(0);
  const size_t oldYlength = inputWorkspace->blocksize();
  const size_t oldVerticalAxislength = yAxis->length();

  // The input Y axis may be binned so the new X data should be too
  size_t newNhist(oldYlength), newXsize(oldVerticalAxislength),
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = inputWorkspace->cloneEmpty();
  outputWorkspace->initialize(newNhist, newXsize, newYsize);

  // Create a new numeric axis for Y the same length as the old X array
  // Values come from input X
  API::NumericAxis *newYAxis(nullptr);
  if (inputWorkspace->isHistogramData()) {
    newYAxis = new API::BinEdgeAxis(inX.rawData());
  } else {
    newYAxis = new API::NumericAxis(inX.rawData());

  newYAxis->unit() = inputWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit();
  outputWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = inputWorkspace->getAxis(1)->unit();
  outputWorkspace->replaceAxis(1, newYAxis);
  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWorkspace);
  return outputWorkspace;
/** Calculates rebin parameters: the min and max bin boundaries and the
   logarithmic step. The aim is to have approx.
    the same number of bins as in the input workspace.
    @param workspace :: The workspace being rebinned
    @param min ::       (return) The calculated frame starting point
    @param max ::       (return) The calculated frame ending point
    @param step ::      (return) The calculated bin width
void DiffractionFocussing::calculateRebinParams(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &workspace, double &min, double &max,
    double &step) {

  min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  // for min and max we need to iterate over the data block and investigate each
  // one
  int64_t length = workspace->getNumberHistograms();
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    auto &xVec = workspace->x(i);
    const double &localMin = xVec.front();
    const double &localMax = xVec.back();
    if (std::isfinite(localMin) && std::isfinite(localMax)) {
      min = std::min(min, localMin);
      max = std::max(max, localMax);

  if (min <= 0.)
    min = 1e-6;

  // step is easy
  double n = static_cast<double>(workspace->blocksize());
  step = (log(max) - log(min)) / n;
/** Method updates the column, which describes if current detector/spectra is
    It is used if one tries to process multiple workspaces obtained from a
   series of experiments  where the masked detectors can change */
void PreprocessDetectorsToMD::updateMasksState(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &inputWS,
    DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &targWS) {
  int *pMasksArray = targWS->getColDataArray<int>("detMask");
  if (!pMasksArray)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "target workspace " + targWS->getName() +
        " does not have defined masks column to update");

  size_t nHist = targWS->rowCount();
  const size_t nRows = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  if (nHist != nRows)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        " source workspace " + inputWS->getName() + " and target workspace " +
        targWS->getName() +
        " are inconsistent as have different numner of detectors");

  uint32_t liveDetectorsCount(0);
  const auto &spectrumInfo = inputWS->spectrumInfo();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nHist; i++) {
    if (!spectrumInfo.hasDetectors(i) || spectrumInfo.isMonitor(i))

    // if masked detectors state is not used, masked detectors just ignored;
    bool maskDetector = spectrumInfo.isMasked(i);
    *(pMasksArray + liveDetectorsCount) = maskDetector ? 1 : 0;

/** Create an output workspace of the appropriate (histogram or event) type and
 * copy over the data
 *  @param inputWS The input workspace
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable::setupOutputWorkspace(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS) {
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // If input and output workspaces are NOT the same, create a new workspace for
  // the output
  if (outputWS != inputWS) {
    if (m_inputEvents) {
      // Need to create by name as WorkspaceFactory otherwise spits out
      // Workspace2D when EventWS passed in
      outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
          "EventWorkspace", inputWS->getNumberHistograms(), 2, 1);
      // Copy geometry etc. over
      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, outputWS,
      // Need to copy over the data as well
      EventWorkspace_const_sptr inputEventWS =
          boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputWS);
    } else {
      // Create the output workspace
      outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inputWS);
      // Copy the data over
      this->fillOutputHist(inputWS, outputWS);

  // Set the final unit that our output workspace will have
  outputWS->getAxis(0)->unit() = m_outputUnit;

  return outputWS;
Пример #12
 * This will add the maximum spectrum number from ws1 to the data coming from ws2.
 * @param ws1 The first workspace supplied to the algorithm.
 * @param ws2 The second workspace supplied to the algorithm.
 * @param output The workspace that is going to be returned by the algorithm.
void ConjoinWorkspaces::fixSpectrumNumbers(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws1, API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr /*ws2*/,
                                      API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr output)
  // make sure we should bother. If you don't check for overlap, you don't need to
  if (this->getProperty("CheckOverlapping"))

  // is everything possibly ok?
  specid_t min;
  specid_t max;
  getMinMax(output, min, max);
  if (max - min >= static_cast<specid_t>(output->getNumberHistograms())) // nothing to do then

  // information for remapping the spectra numbers
  specid_t ws1min;
  specid_t ws1max;
  getMinMax(ws1, ws1min, ws1max);

  // change the axis by adding the maximum existing spectrum number to the current value
  for (size_t i = ws1->getNumberHistograms(); i < output->getNumberHistograms(); i++)
    specid_t origid;
    origid = output->getSpectrum(i)->getSpectrumNo();
    output->getSpectrum(i)->setSpectrumNo(origid + ws1max);
  // To be deprecated:
Пример #13
 * Creates the output workspace for this algorithm
 * @param inputWorkspace A parent workspace to initialize from.
 * @return A pointer to the output workspace.
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr Transpose::createOutputWorkspace(
    API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWorkspace) {
  Mantid::API::Axis *yAxis = getVerticalAxis(inputWorkspace);
  const size_t oldNhist = inputWorkspace->getNumberHistograms();
  const MantidVec &inX = inputWorkspace->readX(0);
  const size_t oldYlength = inputWorkspace->blocksize();
  const size_t oldVerticalAxislength = yAxis->length();

  // The input Y axis may be binned so the new X data should be too
  size_t newNhist(oldYlength), newXsize(oldVerticalAxislength),
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      inputWorkspace, newNhist, newXsize, newYsize);

  // Create a new numeric axis for Y the same length as the old X array
  // Values come from input X
  API::NumericAxis *newYAxis(nullptr);
  if (inputWorkspace->isHistogramData()) {
    newYAxis = new API::BinEdgeAxis(inX);
  } else {
    newYAxis = new API::NumericAxis(inX);

  newYAxis->unit() = inputWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit();
  outputWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = inputWorkspace->getAxis(1)->unit();
  outputWorkspace->replaceAxis(1, newYAxis);
  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWorkspace);
  return outputWorkspace;
Пример #14
/** Calculates rebin parameters: the min and max bin boundaries and the
   logarithmic step. The aim is to have approx.
    the same number of bins as in the input workspace.
    @param workspace :: The workspace being rebinned
    @param min ::       (return) The calculated frame starting point
    @param max ::       (return) The calculated frame ending point
    @param step ::      (return) The calculated bin width
void DiffractionFocussing::calculateRebinParams(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &workspace, double &min, double &max,
    double &step) {

  min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  // for min and max we need to iterate over the data block and investigate each
  // one
  int64_t length = workspace->getNumberHistograms();
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    const MantidVec &xVec = workspace->readX(i);
    const double &localMin = xVec[0];
    const double &localMax = xVec[xVec.size() - 1];
    if (localMin != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() &&
        localMax != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
      if (localMin < min)
        min = localMin;
      if (localMax > max)
        max = localMax;

  if (min <= 0.)
    min = 1e-6;

  // step is easy
  double n = static_cast<double>(workspace->blocksize());
  step = (log(max) - log(min)) / n;
Пример #15
   * Write bin masking information
   * @param ws :: The workspace
   * @return true for OK, false for error
  bool NexusFileIO::writeNexusBinMasking(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws) const
    std::vector< int > spectra;
    std::vector< std::size_t > bins;
    std::vector< double > weights;
    int spectra_count = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    for(std::size_t i=0;i<ws->getNumberHistograms(); ++i)
      if (ws->hasMaskedBins(i))
        const API::MatrixWorkspace::MaskList& mList = ws->maskedBins(i);
        API::MatrixWorkspace::MaskList::const_iterator it = mList.begin();
        for(;it != mList.end(); ++it)
        offset += static_cast<int>(mList.size());

    if (spectra_count == 0) return false;

    NXstatus status;

    // save spectra offsets as a 2d array of ints
    int dimensions[2];
    status=NXmakedata(fileID, "masked_spectra", NX_INT32, 2, dimensions);
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return false;
    NXopendata(fileID, "masked_spectra");
    const std::string description = "spectra index,offset in masked_bins and mask_weights";
    NXputattr(fileID, "description",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(description.c_str())), static_cast<int>(description.size()+1), NX_CHAR);
    NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&spectra[0]);

    // save masked bin indices
    status=NXmakedata(fileID, "masked_bins", NX_INT32, 1, dimensions);
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return false;
    NXopendata(fileID, "masked_bins");
    NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&bins[0]);

    // save masked bin weights
    status=NXmakedata(fileID, "mask_weights", NX_FLOAT64, 1, dimensions);
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return false;
    NXopendata(fileID, "mask_weights");
    NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&weights[0]);

    return true;
Пример #16
/** Performs a simple check to see if the sizes of two workspaces are compatible
 * for a binary operation
 *  In order to be size compatible then the larger workspace
 *  must divide be the size of the smaller workspace leaving no remainder
 *  @param lhs :: the first workspace to compare
 *  @param rhs :: the second workspace to compare
 *  @retval "" The two workspaces are size compatible
 *  @retval "<reason why not compatible>" The two workspaces are NOT size
 * compatible
std::string BinaryOperation::checkSizeCompatibility(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const {
  const size_t lhsSize = lhs->size();
  const size_t rhsSize = rhs->size();
  // A SingleValueWorkspace on the right matches anything
  if (rhsSize == 1)
    return "";
  // The lhs must not be smaller than the rhs
  if (lhsSize < rhsSize)
    return "Left hand side smaller than right hand side.";

  // Did checkRequirements() tell us that the X histogram size did not matter?
  if (!m_matchXSize) {
    // If so, only the vertical # needs to match

    if (lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms()) {
      return "";
    } else {
      return "Number of histograms not identical.";
  // Otherwise they must match both ways, or horizontally or vertically with the
  // other rhs dimension=1
  if (rhs->blocksize() == 1 &&
      lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms())
    return "";
  // Past this point, we require the X arrays to match. Note this only checks
  // the first spectrum
  if (!WorkspaceHelpers::matchingBins(*lhs, *rhs, true)) {
    return "X arrays must match when performing this operation on a 2D "

  const size_t rhsSpec = rhs->getNumberHistograms();

  if (lhs->blocksize() == rhs->blocksize()) {
    if (rhsSpec == 1 || lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhsSpec) {
      return "";
    } else {
      // can't be more specific as if this is reached both failed and only one
      // or both are needed
      return "Left and right sides should contain the same amount of spectra "
             "or the right side should contian only one spectra.";
  } else {
    // blocksize check failed, but still check the number of spectra to see if
    // that was wrong too
    if (rhsSpec == 1 || lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhsSpec) {
      return "Number of y values not equal on left and right sides.";
    } else {
      // can't be more specific as if this is reached both failed and only one
      // or both are needed
      return "Number of y values not equal on left and right sides and the "
             "right side contained neither only one spectra or the same amount "
             "of spectra as the left.";
Пример #17
/** Checks that the two input workspaces have non-overlapping spectra numbers
 * and contributing detectors
 *  @param ws1 :: The first input workspace
 *  @param ws2 :: The second input workspace
 *  @param checkSpectra :: set to true to check for overlapping spectra numbers
 * (non-sensical for event workspaces)
 *  @throw std::invalid_argument If there is some overlap
void ConjoinWorkspaces::checkForOverlap(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws1,
                                        API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws2,
                                        bool checkSpectra) const {
  // Loop through the first workspace adding all the spectrum numbers & UDETS to
  // a set
  std::set<specnum_t> spectra;
  std::set<detid_t> detectors;
  const size_t &nhist1 = ws1->getNumberHistograms();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nhist1; ++i) {
    const ISpectrum *spec = ws1->getSpectrum(i);
    const specnum_t spectrum = spec->getSpectrumNo();
    const auto &dets = spec->getDetectorIDs();
    for (auto const &det : dets) {

  // Now go throught the spectrum numbers & UDETS in the 2nd workspace, making
  // sure that there's no overlap
  const size_t &nhist2 = ws2->getNumberHistograms();
  for (size_t j = 0; j < nhist2; ++j) {
    const ISpectrum *spec = ws2->getSpectrum(j);
    const specnum_t spectrum = spec->getSpectrumNo();
    if (checkSpectra) {
      if (spectrum > 0 && spectra.find(spectrum) != spectra.end()) {
            << "The input workspaces have overlapping spectrum numbers "
            << spectrum << "\n";
        throw std::invalid_argument(
            "The input workspaces have overlapping spectrum numbers");
    const auto &dets = spec->getDetectorIDs();
    for (const auto &det : dets) {
      if (detectors.find(det) != detectors.end()) {
        g_log.error() << "The input workspaces have common detectors: " << (det)
                      << "\n";
        throw std::invalid_argument(
            "The input workspaces have common detectors");
Пример #18
     * Create a masking workspace to return.
     * @param inputWS The workspace to initialize from. The instrument is copied from this.
    DataObjects::MaskWorkspace_sptr DetectorDiagnostic::generateEmptyMask(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS)
      // Create a new workspace for the results, copy from the input to ensure that we copy over the instrument and current masking
      DataObjects::MaskWorkspace_sptr maskWS(new DataObjects::MaskWorkspace());
      maskWS->initialize(inputWS->getNumberHistograms(), 1, 1);
      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, maskWS, false);

      return maskWS;
Пример #19
     * A map detector ID and Q ranges
     * This method looks unnecessary as it could be calculated on the fly but
     * the parallelization means that lazy instantation slows it down due to the
     * necessary CRITICAL sections required to update the cache. The Q range
     * values are required very frequently so the total time is more than
     * offset by this precaching step
    void SofQW2::initThetaCache(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr workspace)
      const size_t nhist = workspace->getNumberHistograms();
      m_thetaPts = std::vector<double>(nhist);
      size_t ndets(0);
      double minTheta(DBL_MAX), maxTheta(-DBL_MAX);

      for(int64_t i = 0 ; i < (int64_t)nhist; ++i) //signed for OpenMP

        m_progress->report("Calculating detector angles");
        IDetector_const_sptr det;
          det = workspace->getDetector(i);
          // Check to see if there is an EFixed, if not skip it
          // Catch if no detector. Next line tests whether this happened - test placed
          // outside here because Mac Intel compiler doesn't like 'continue' in a catch
          // in an openmp block.
        // If no detector found, skip onto the next spectrum
        if( !det || det->isMonitor() )
          m_thetaPts[i] = -1.0; // Indicates a detector to skip
          const double theta = workspace->detectorTwoTheta(det);
          m_thetaPts[i] = theta;
          if( theta < minTheta )
            minTheta = theta;
          else if( theta > maxTheta )
            maxTheta = theta;

      m_thetaWidth = (maxTheta - minTheta)/static_cast<double>(ndets);
      g_log.information() << "Calculated detector width in theta=" << (m_thetaWidth*180.0/M_PI) << " degrees.\n";
Пример #20
/** Constructor, building from a MatrixWorkspace
 * @param parent :: input workspace that is the base for this workspace
 * @return created SpecialWorkspace2D
SpecialWorkspace2D::SpecialWorkspace2D(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr parent) {
  this->init(parent->getNumberHistograms(), 1, 1);
      parent, API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr(this, Mantid::NoDeleting()), false);
  // Make the mapping, which will be used for speed later.
  for (size_t wi = 0; wi < m_noVectors; wi++) {
    set<detid_t> dets = getSpectrum(wi)->getDetectorIDs();
    for (auto det = dets.begin(); det != dets.end(); ++det) {
      detID_to_WI[*det] = wi;
Пример #21
/** Initialise the member variables
 *  @param inputWS The input workspace
void ConvertUnits::setupMemberVariables(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS)
  m_numberOfSpectra = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  // In the context of this algorithm, we treat things as a distribution if the flag is set
  // AND the data are not dimensionless
  m_distribution = inputWS->isDistribution() && !inputWS->YUnit().empty();
  //Check if its an event workspace
  m_inputEvents = ( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputWS) != NULL );

  m_inputUnit = inputWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  const std::string targetUnit = getPropertyValue("Target");
  m_outputUnit = UnitFactory::Instance().create(targetUnit);
/** helper method to create resulting table workspace */
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &inputWS) {
  const size_t nHist = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();

  // set the target workspace
  auto targWS = boost::make_shared<TableWorkspace>(nHist);
  // detectors positions
  if (!targWS->addColumn("V3D", "DetDirections"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column DetDirectrions"));
  // sample-detector distance;
  if (!targWS->addColumn("double", "L2"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column L2"));
  // Diffraction angle
  if (!targWS->addColumn("double", "TwoTheta"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column TwoTheta"));
  if (!targWS->addColumn("double", "Azimuthal"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column Azimuthal"));
  // the detector ID;
  if (!targWS->addColumn("int", "DetectorID"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column DetectorID"));
  // stores spectra index which corresponds to a valid detector index;
  if (!targWS->addColumn("size_t", "detIDMap"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column detIDMap"));
  // stores detector index which corresponds to the workspace index;
  if (!targWS->addColumn("size_t", "spec2detMap"))
    throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column spec2detMap"));

  m_getIsMasked = this->getProperty("GetMaskState");
  if (m_getIsMasked) // as bool is presented in vectors as a class, we are using
                     // int instead of bool
    if (!targWS->addColumn("int", "detMask"))
          "Can not add column containing for detector masks"));

  // check if one wants to obtain detector's efixed"
  m_getEFixed = this->getProperty("GetEFixed");
  if (m_getEFixed)
    if (!targWS->addColumn("float", "eFixed"))
      throw(std::runtime_error("Can not add column containing efixed"));

  // will see about that
  // sin^2(Theta)
  //    std::vector<double>      SinThetaSq;

  double Efi = getEi(inputWS);
  targWS->logs()->addProperty<double>("Ei", Efi, true);

  return targWS;
Пример #23
/** Performs a simple check to see if the sizes of two workspaces are compatible
 * for a binary operation
 *  In order to be size compatible then the larger workspace
 *  must divide be the size of the smaller workspace leaving no remainder
 *  @param lhs :: the first workspace to compare
 *  @param rhs :: the second workspace to compare
 *  @retval "" The two workspaces are size compatible
 *  @retval "<reason why not compatible>" The two workspaces are NOT size
 * compatible
Plus::checkSizeCompatibility(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,
                             const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const {
  if (m_erhs && m_elhs) {
    if (lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms()) {
      return "";
    } else {
      return "Number of histograms not identical.";
  } else {
    // get the largest workspace
    API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr wsLarger;
    API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr wsSmaller;
    if (rhs->size() > lhs->size()) {
      wsLarger = rhs;
      wsSmaller = lhs;
    } else {
      wsLarger = lhs;
      wsSmaller = rhs;
    // call the base routine
    return BinaryOperation::checkSizeCompatibility(wsLarger, wsSmaller);
Пример #24
/** Validates the algorithm's inputs.
 * @return a map from property names to discovered issues.
std::map<std::string, std::string>
LoadILLPolarizationFactors::validateInputs() {
  std::map<std::string, std::string> issues;
  API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr refWS = getProperty(Prop::REF_WS);
  if (refWS->getNumberHistograms() == 0) {
    issues[Prop::REF_WS] =
        "The reference workspace does not contain any histograms.";
    return issues;
  const auto &xs = refWS->x(0);
  // A validator should have checked that xs is ordered.
  if (xs.front() < 0) {
    issues[Prop::REF_WS] =
        "The reference workspace contains negative X values.";
  return issues;
Пример #25
 * This will ensure the spectrum numbers do not overlap by starting the second
 *on at the first + 1
 * @param ws1 The first workspace supplied to the algorithm.
 * @param ws2 The second workspace supplied to the algorithm.
 * @param output The workspace that is going to be returned by the algorithm.
void ConjoinWorkspaces::fixSpectrumNumbers(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws1,
                                           API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws2,
                                           API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr output) {
  bool needsFix(false);

  if (this->getProperty("CheckOverlapping")) {
    // If CheckOverlapping is required, then either skip fixing spectrum number
    // or get stopped by an exception
    if (!m_overlapChecked)
      checkForOverlap(ws1, ws2, true);
    needsFix = false;
  } else {
    // It will be determined later whether spectrum number needs to be fixed.
    needsFix = true;
  if (!needsFix)

  // is everything possibly ok?
  specid_t min;
  specid_t max;
  getMinMax(output, min, max);
  if (max - min >= static_cast<specid_t>(
                       output->getNumberHistograms())) // nothing to do then

  // information for remapping the spectra numbers
  specid_t ws1min;
  specid_t ws1max;
  getMinMax(ws1, ws1min, ws1max);

  // change the axis by adding the maximum existing spectrum number to the
  // current value
  for (size_t i = ws1->getNumberHistograms(); i < output->getNumberHistograms();
       i++) {
    specid_t origid;
    origid = output->getSpectrum(i)->getSpectrumNo();
    output->getSpectrum(i)->setSpectrumNo(origid + ws1max);
Пример #26
/** Method updates the column, which describes if current detector/spectra is
    It is used if one tries to process multiple workspaces obtained from a
   series of experiments  where the masked detectors can change */
void PreprocessDetectorsToMD::updateMasksState(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &inputWS,
    DataObjects::TableWorkspace_sptr &targWS) {
  int *pMasksArray = targWS->getColDataArray<int>("detMask");
  if (!pMasksArray)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "target workspace " + targWS->getName() +
        " does not have defined masks column to update");

  size_t nHist = targWS->rowCount();
  const size_t nRows = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  if (nHist != nRows)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        " source workspace " + inputWS->getName() + " and target workspace " +
        targWS->getName() +
        " are inconsistent as have different numner of detectors");

  uint32_t liveDetectorsCount(0);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nHist; i++) {
    // get detector or detector group which corresponds to the spectra i
    Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr spDet;
    try {
      spDet = inputWS->getDetector(i);
    } catch (Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &) {

    // Check that we aren't dealing with monitor...
    if (spDet->isMonitor())

    // if masked detectors state is not used, masked detectors just ignored;
    bool maskDetector = spDet->isMasked();
    *(pMasksArray + liveDetectorsCount) = maskDetector ? 1 : 0;

Пример #27
/** Checks that the input workspace and table have compatible dimensions
 * @return a map where: Key = string name of the the property; Value = string
 * describing the problem with the property.
std::map<std::string, std::string> PhaseQuadMuon::validateInputs() {

  std::map<std::string, std::string> result;

  // Check that input ws and table ws have compatible dimensions
  API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  API::ITableWorkspace_const_sptr tabWS = getProperty("PhaseTable");
  if (!inputWS) {
    result["InputWorkspace"] = "InputWorkspace is of Incorrect type. Please "
                               "provide a MatrixWorkspace as the "
    return result;
  size_t nspec = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  size_t ndet = tabWS->rowCount();

  if (tabWS->columnCount() == 0) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "Please provide a non-empty PhaseTable.";

  if (nspec != ndet) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable must have one row per spectrum";

  // PhaseTable should have three columns: (detector, asymmetry, phase)
  if (tabWS->columnCount() != 3) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable must have three columns";

  // Check units, should be microseconds
  Unit_const_sptr unit = inputWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if ((unit->caption() != "Time") || (unit->label().ascii() != "microsecond")) {
    result["InputWorkspace"] = "InputWorkspace units must be microseconds";

  return result;
Пример #28
    /** Performs a simple check to see if the sizes of two workspaces are compatible for a binary operation
     *  In order to be size compatible then the larger workspace
     *  must divide be the size of the smaller workspace leaving no remainder
     *  @param lhs :: the first workspace to compare
     *  @param rhs :: the second workspace to compare
     *  @retval true The two workspaces are size compatible
     *  @retval false The two workspaces are NOT size compatible
    bool BinaryOperation::checkSizeCompatibility(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const
      const size_t lhsSize = lhs->size();
      const size_t rhsSize = rhs->size();
      // A SingleValueWorkspace on the right matches anything
      if ( rhsSize == 1 ) return true;
      // The rhs must not be smaller than the lhs
      if ( lhsSize < rhsSize ) return false;

      //Did checkRequirements() tell us that the X histogram size did not matter?
      if (!m_matchXSize)
        //If so, only the vertical # needs to match
        return (lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms());

      // Otherwise they must match both ways, or horizontally or vertically with the other rhs dimension=1
      if ( rhs->blocksize() == 1 && lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms() ) return true;
      // Past this point, we require the X arrays to match. Note this only checks the first spectrum
      if ( !WorkspaceHelpers::matchingBins(lhs,rhs,true) ) return false;
      const size_t rhsSpec = rhs->getNumberHistograms();

      return ( lhs->blocksize() == rhs->blocksize() && ( rhsSpec==1 || lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhsSpec ) );
Пример #29
    /** Performs a simple check to see if the sizes of two workspaces are compatible for a binary operation
     *  In order to be size compatible then the larger workspace
     *  must divide be the size of the smaller workspace leaving no remainder
     *  @param lhs :: the first workspace to compare
     *  @param rhs :: the second workspace to compare
     *  @retval true The two workspaces are size compatible
     *  @retval false The two workspaces are NOT size compatible
    bool Multiply::checkSizeCompatibility(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhs,const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhs) const
      if (!m_keepEventWorkspace && !m_AllowDifferentNumberSpectra)
        // Fallback on the default checks
        return CommutativeBinaryOperation::checkSizeCompatibility(lhs, rhs);

        // A SingleValueWorkspace on the right, or matches anything
        if (rhs->size()==1) return true;

        // A SingleValueWorkspace on the left only matches if rhs was single value too. Why are you using mantid to do simple math?!?
        if (lhs->size()==1) return false;

        // RHS only has one value (1D vertical), so the number of histograms needs to match.
        // Each lhs spectrum will be divided by that scalar
        if ( rhs->blocksize() == 1 && lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms() ) return true;

        if (m_matchXSize)
          // Past this point, for a 2D WS operation, we require the X arrays to match. Note this only checks the first spectrum
          if ( !WorkspaceHelpers::matchingBins(lhs,rhs,true) ) return false;

        // We don't need to check for matching bins for events. Yay events!
        const size_t rhsSpec = rhs->getNumberHistograms();

        // If the rhs has a single spectrum, then we can divide. The block size does NOT need to match,
        if (rhsSpec == 1) return true;

        // Are we allowing the division by different # of spectra, using detector IDs to match up?
        if (m_AllowDifferentNumberSpectra)
          return true;

        // Otherwise, the number of histograms needs to match, but the block size of each does NOT need to match.
        return ( lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms() );

//        // --- Check for event workspaces - different than workspaces 2D! ---
//        // A SingleValueWorkspace on the right matches anything
//        WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr rhs_single = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const WorkspaceSingleValue>(rhs);
//        if (rhs_single) return true;
//        // A SingleValueWorkspace on the left only matches if rhs was single value too. Why are you using mantid to do simple math?!?
//        WorkspaceSingleValue_const_sptr lhs_single = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const WorkspaceSingleValue>(lhs);
//        if (lhs_single) return false;
//        // RHS only has one value (1D vertical), so the number of histograms needs to match.
//        // Each lhs spectrum will be divided by that scalar
//        if ( rhs->blocksize() == 1 && lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms() ) return true;
//        // We don't need to check for matching bins. Yay events!
//        const size_t rhsSpec = rhs->getNumberHistograms();
//        // If the rhs has a single spectrum, then we can divide. The block size does NOT need to match,
//        if (rhsSpec == 1) return true;
//        // Are we allowing the division by different # of spectra, using detector IDs to match up?
//        if (m_AllowDifferentNumberSpectra)
//        {
//          return true;
//        }
//        // Otherwise, the number of histograms needs to match, but the block size of each does NOT need to match.
//        return ( lhs->getNumberHistograms() == rhs->getNumberHistograms() );
Пример #30
/** Make a map containing spectra indexes to group, the indexes could have come from
*  file, or an array, spectra numbers ...
*  @param workspace :: the user selected input workspace
*  @param unUsedSpec :: spectra indexes that are not members of any group
void GroupDetectors2::getGroups(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr workspace,
                       std::vector<int64_t> &unUsedSpec)
  // this is the map that we are going to fill

  // There are several properties that may contain the user data go through them in order of precedence
  const std::string filename = getProperty("MapFile");
  if ( ! filename.empty() )
  {// The file property has been set so try to load the file
      // check if XML file and if yes assume it is a XML grouping file
      std::string filenameCopy(filename);
      std::transform(filenameCopy.begin(), filenameCopy.end(), filenameCopy.begin(), tolower);
      if ( (filenameCopy.find(".xml")) != std::string::npos )
        processXMLFile(filename, workspace, unUsedSpec);
        // the format of this input file format is described in "GroupDetectors2.h"
        processFile(filename, workspace, unUsedSpec);
    catch ( std::exception & )
      g_log.error() << name() << ": Error reading input file " << filename << std::endl;
  const std::vector<specid_t> spectraList = getProperty("SpectraList");
  const std::vector<detid_t> detectorList = getProperty("DetectorList");
  const std::vector<size_t> indexList = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexList");

  // only look at these other parameters if the file wasn't set
  if ( ! spectraList.empty() )
    workspace->getIndicesFromSpectra( spectraList, m_GroupSpecInds[0]);
    g_log.debug() << "Converted " << spectraList.size() << " spectra numbers into spectra indices to be combined\n";
  {// go through the rest of the properties in order of decreasing presidence, abort when we get the data we need ignore the rest
    if ( ! detectorList.empty() )
      // we are going to group on the basis of detector IDs, convert from detectors to workspace indices
      workspace->getIndicesFromDetectorIDs( detectorList, m_GroupSpecInds[0]);
      g_log.debug() << "Found " << m_GroupSpecInds[0].size() << " spectra indices from the list of " << detectorList.size() << " detectors\n";
    else if ( ! indexList.empty() )
      m_GroupSpecInds[0] = indexList;
      g_log.debug() << "Read in " << m_GroupSpecInds[0].size() << " spectra indices to be combined\n";
    //check we don't have an index that is too high for the workspace
    size_t maxIn = static_cast<size_t>(workspace->getNumberHistograms() - 1);
    std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator it = m_GroupSpecInds[0].begin();
    for( ; it != m_GroupSpecInds[0].end() ; ++it )
      if ( *it > maxIn )
        g_log.error() << "Spectra index " << *it << " doesn't exist in the input workspace, the highest possible index is " << maxIn << std::endl;
        throw std::out_of_range("One of the spectra requested to group does not exist in the input workspace");

  if ( m_GroupSpecInds[0].empty() )
    g_log.information() << name() << ": File, WorkspaceIndexList, SpectraList, and DetectorList properties are all empty\n";
    throw std::invalid_argument("All list properties are empty, nothing to group");

  // up date unUsedSpec, this is used to find duplicates and when the user has set KeepUngroupedSpectra
  std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator index = m_GroupSpecInds[0].begin();
  for (  ; index != m_GroupSpecInds[0].end(); ++index )
  {// the vector<int> m_GroupSpecInds[0] must not index contain numbers that don't exist in the workspaace
    if ( unUsedSpec[*index] != USED )
      unUsedSpec[*index] = USED;
    else g_log.warning() << "Duplicate index, " << *index << ", found\n";