void CHardwareListingCAN::OnEnKillfocusCanEditBaudRate() { OnKillFocusOfEditBox(&m_omEditBaudRate,m_omStrEditBaudRate,0); //Validation on Kill Focus CButton* pomButtonCANFD = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_CANFD); CButton* pomButtonWnd = (CButton*) GetFocus(); if(nullptr != pomButtonCANFD) { if(TRUE == pomButtonCANFD->IsWindowEnabled()) { /*UINT unButton = pomButtonCANFD->GetState();*/ if(nullptr != pomButtonWnd && nullptr != pomButtonCANFD && pomButtonCANFD == pomButtonWnd) { if(BST_CHECKED == m_chkCANFD.GetCheck()) { m_chkCANFD.SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); m_omCANFDEditBaudRate.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_chkCANFD.SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); m_omCANFDEditBaudRate.EnableWindow(TRUE); } } } } }
void CErrHandlerDlg::OnCbtnErrorOk() { CButton* pomButton = NULL; CString omStrHandlerName = STR_EMPTY ; CString omStrControl = STR_EMPTY ; INT nCheck = 0; BOOL bIsEnable = TRUE; // Get the selected handlers either for deleteting or adding and // add the name in the array for(int j=0; j<defERROR_HANDLER_NUMBER; j++) { pomButton = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHKB_ERROR_ACTIVE_HANDLER + j); if(pomButton != NULL ) { nCheck = pomButton->GetCheck(); bIsEnable = pomButton->IsWindowEnabled(); pomButton->GetWindowText(omStrControl); omStrControl.Replace(_T("Error"),_T("")); omStrControl.TrimLeft(); omStrControl.TrimRight(); omStrControl.Replace(' ','_'); omStrHandlerName = omStrControl; if(nCheck == 1 && bIsEnable != 0 ) { m_omStrArrayErrorHandler.Add(omStrHandlerName); } } } CDialog::OnOK(); }
void CBusEventHandlerDlg::OnBnClickedOk() { CButton* pomButton = NULL; CString omStrHandlerName = STR_EMPTY ; CString omStrControl = STR_EMPTY ; INT nCheck = 0; BOOL bIsEnable = TRUE; // Get the selected handlers either for deleteting or adding and // add the name in the array for(int j=0; j<defBUSEV_HANDLER_NUMBER; j++) { pomButton = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHKB_BUSEV_CONNECT_HANDLER + j); if(pomButton != NULL ) { nCheck = pomButton->GetCheck(); bIsEnable = pomButton->IsWindowEnabled(); pomButton->GetWindowText(omStrControl); omStrControl.TrimLeft(); omStrControl.TrimRight(); omStrControl.Replace(' ','_'); omStrControl.Replace('-','_'); omStrHandlerName = omStrControl; if(nCheck == 1 && bIsEnable != 0 ) { m_omStrArrayBusEventHandler.Add(omStrHandlerName); } } } OnOK(); }
void CAdminDlg::OnDblclkTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CButton *Btn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDEDIT); if (Btn->IsWindowEnabled()) OnEdit(); *pResult = 0; }
void CFormatTabDlg::UpdateButton(CButton& button, BOOL b) { if (b != button.IsWindowEnabled()) button.EnableWindow(b); }