BOOL CFreeCoolDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN ) { if(pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ) { CButton * pbutton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL); pbutton->SetFocus(); return TRUE; } } return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
LRESULT EmoticonsDlg::onInitDialog(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); WNDPROC temp = reinterpret_cast<WNDPROC>(::SetWindowLongPtr(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(NewWndProc))); if (!g_MFCWndProc) g_MFCWndProc = temp; g_pDialog = this; ::EnableWindow(WinUtil::g_mainWnd, true); bool bUseAnimation = BOOLSETTING(SMILE_SELECT_WND_ANIM_SMILES); if (CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup) { const CAGEmotion::Array& Emoticons = CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->getEmoticonsArray(); unsigned int pocet = 0; int l_count_emotion = 0; string lastEmotionPath, lastAnimEmotionPath; for (auto pEmotion = Emoticons.cbegin(); pEmotion != Emoticons.cend() && l_count_emotion < CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->m_CountSelEmotions; ++pEmotion, ++l_count_emotion) { if (bUseAnimation) { if ((*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath || (*pEmotion)->getEmotionGifPath() != lastAnimEmotionPath) pocet++; lastEmotionPath = (*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath(); lastAnimEmotionPath = (*pEmotion)->getEmotionGifPath(); } else { if ((*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath) pocet++; lastEmotionPath = (*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath(); } } // x, y jen pro for cyklus const unsigned int l_Emoticons_size = CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->m_CountSelEmotions; unsigned int i = (unsigned int)sqrt(double(l_Emoticons_size)); unsigned int nXfor = i; unsigned int nYfor = i; if ((i * i) != l_Emoticons_size) //[+]PPA { nXfor = i + 1; if ((i * nXfor) < l_Emoticons_size) nYfor = i + 1; else nYfor = i; } // x, y pro korektni vkladani ikonek za sebou i = (unsigned int)sqrt((double)pocet); unsigned int nX = i; unsigned int nY = i; if ((i * i) != pocet) //[+]PPA { nX = i + 1; if ((i * nX) < pocet) nY = i + 1; else nY = i; } if (Emoticons.empty() || !*Emoticons.begin()) //[+]PPA return 0; // [~] brain-ripper // If first icon failed to load, h_bm will be zero, and all icons will be drawn extremely small. // So cycle through Emoticons and find first loaded icon. //HBITMAP h_bm = (*Emoticons.begin())->getEmotionBmp(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); DWORD iSW = 0, iSH = 0, dwCount = 0; l_count_emotion = 0; for (auto i = Emoticons.cbegin(); i != Emoticons.cend() && l_count_emotion < CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->m_CountSelEmotions; ++i, ++l_count_emotion) { int w = 0, h = 0; CGDIImage *pImage = nullptr; if (bUseAnimation) pImage = (*i)->getAnimatedImage(MainFrame::getMainFrame()->m_hWnd, WM_ANIM_CHANGE_FRAME); if (pImage) { w = pImage->GetWidth(); h = pImage->GetHeight(); dwCount++; } else { if ((*i)->getDimensions(&w, &h)) { if (bUseAnimation) dwCount++; else { iSW = w; iSH = h; break; } } } iSW += w * w; iSH += h * h; } if (bUseAnimation && dwCount) { // Get mean square of all icon dimensions iSW = DWORD(sqrt(float(iSW / dwCount))); iSH = DWORD(sqrt(float(iSH / dwCount))); } pos.bottom = - 3; pos.left = pos.right - nX * (iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN) - 2; = pos.bottom - nY * (iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN) - 2; // [+] brain-ripper // Fit window in screen's work area RECT rcWorkArea; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcWorkArea, 0); if (pos.right > rcWorkArea.right) { pos.left -= pos.right - rcWorkArea.right; pos.right = rcWorkArea.right; } if (pos.bottom > rcWorkArea.bottom) { -= pos.bottom - rcWorkArea.bottom; pos.bottom = rcWorkArea.bottom; } if (pos.left < rcWorkArea.left) { pos.right += rcWorkArea.left - pos.left; pos.left = rcWorkArea.left; } if ( < { pos.bottom += -; =; } MoveWindow(pos); lastEmotionPath.clear(); lastAnimEmotionPath.clear(); m_ctrlToolTip.Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP | TTS_BALLOON, WS_EX_TOPMOST); m_ctrlToolTip.SetDelayTime(TTDT_AUTOMATIC, 1000); pos.left = 0; pos.right = iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; = 0; pos.bottom = iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; cleanHandleList(); auto l_Emotion = Emoticons.begin(); for (unsigned int iY = 0; iY < nYfor; iY++) for (unsigned int iX = 0; iX < nXfor; iX++) { if (l_Emotion != Emoticons.end()) // TODO - merge { const auto i = *l_Emotion; if ((iY * nXfor) + iX + 1 > l_Emoticons_size) break; bool bNotDuplicated = (bUseAnimation ? (i->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath || i->getEmotionGifPath() != lastAnimEmotionPath) : i->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath); // dve stejne emotikony za sebou nechceme if (bNotDuplicated) { bool bCreated = false; CGDIImage *pImage = nullptr; if (bUseAnimation) pImage = i->getAnimatedImage(MainFrame::getMainFrame()->m_hWnd, WM_ANIM_CHANGE_FRAME); if (pImage) { const tstring smajl = i->getEmotionText(); CAnimatedButton *pemoButton = new CAnimatedButton(pImage); m_BtnList.push_back(pemoButton); pemoButton->Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, pos, smajl.c_str(), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_FLAT | BS_BITMAP, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); m_ctrlToolTip.AddTool(*pemoButton, smajl.c_str()); bCreated = true; } else { if (const HBITMAP l_h_bm = i->getEmotionBmp(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE))) { CButton emoButton; const tstring smajl = i->getEmotionText(); emoButton.Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, pos, smajl.c_str(), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_FLAT | BS_BITMAP | BS_CENTER); m_HandleList.push_back(l_h_bm); emoButton.SetBitmap(l_h_bm); m_ctrlToolTip.AddTool(emoButton, smajl.c_str()); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)emoButton); bCreated = true; } } if (bCreated) { // Calculate position of next button pos.left = pos.left + iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; pos.right = pos.left + iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; if (pos.left >= (LONG)(nX * (iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN))) { pos.left = 0; pos.right = iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; = + iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; pos.bottom = + iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; } } } lastEmotionPath = i->getEmotionBmpPath(); if (bUseAnimation) lastAnimEmotionPath = i->getEmotionGifPath(); ++l_Emotion; } } pos.left = -128; pos.right = pos.left; = -128; pos.bottom =; CButton emoButton; emoButton.Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, pos, _T(""), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_FLAT); emoButton.SetFocus(); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)emoButton); ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); for (auto i = m_BtnList.cbegin(); i != m_BtnList.cend(); ++i) { (*i)->Update(); } } else PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); return 0; }