wxArrayString nsEnvVars::GetEnvvarsBySetPath(const wxString& set_path)
#if defined(TRACE_ENVVARS)

  wxArrayString envvars;
  EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Searching for envvars in path '%s'."), set_path.wx_str());

  ConfigManager *cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("envvars"));
  if (!cfg || set_path.IsEmpty())
    return envvars;

  wxArrayString envvars_keys = cfg->EnumerateKeys(set_path);
  unsigned int  num_envvars  = envvars_keys.GetCount();
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_envvars; ++i)
    wxString envvar = cfg->Read(set_path+_T("/")+envvars_keys[i]);
    if (!envvar.IsEmpty())
      EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Warning: empty envvar detected and skipped."));
  EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Read %lu/%u envvars in path '%s'."),
    static_cast<unsigned long>(envvars.GetCount()), num_envvars, set_path.wx_str());

  return envvars;
}// GetEnvvarsBySetPath
void ScriptingSettingsDlg::FillScripts()
    wxListCtrl* list = XRCCTRL(*this, "chkStartupScripts", wxListCtrl);

    ConfigManager* mgr = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("scripting"));
    wxArrayString keys = mgr->EnumerateKeys(_T("/startup_scripts"));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.GetCount(); ++i)
        ScriptEntry se;
        wxString ser;
        if (mgr->Read(_T("/startup_scripts/") + keys[i], &ser))

            long item = list->InsertItem(list->GetItemCount(), se.script);
            list->SetItem(item, 1, se.enabled ? _("Yes") : _("No"));
            list->SetItem(item, 2, se.registered && !se.menu.IsEmpty() ? se.menu : wxString(wxEmptyString));

void DefaultMimeHandler::OnRelease(bool appShutDown)
    CodeBlocksDockEvent evt(cbEVT_REMOVE_DOCK_WINDOW);
    evt.pWindow = m_Html;
    m_Html = 0;

    // save configuration
    ConfigManager* conf = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("mime_types"));
    wxArrayString list = conf->EnumerateKeys(_T("/"));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.GetCount(); ++i)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MimeTypes.GetCount(); ++i)
        cbMimeType* mt = m_MimeTypes[i];
        wxString txt;
        txt << (mt->useEditor ? _T("true") : _T("false")) << _T(";");
        txt << (mt->useAssoc ? _T("true") : _T("false")) << _T(";");
        txt << (mt->programIsModal ? _T("true") : _T("false")) << _T(";");
        txt << mt->wildcard << _T(";");
        txt << mt->program << _T(' ');
        wxString key;
        key.Printf(_T("MimeType%d"), i);
        conf->Write(key, txt);
void DefaultMimeHandler::OnAttach()
    // load configuration

    ConfigManager* conf = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("mime_types"));
    wxArrayString list = conf->EnumerateKeys(_T("/"));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.GetCount(); ++i)
        wxArrayString array = GetArrayFromString(conf->Read(list[i]), _T(";"), false);
        if (array.GetCount() < 3)

        cbMimeType* mt = new cbMimeType;

        mt->useEditor       = (array[0] == _T("true"));
        mt->useAssoc        = (array[1] == _T("true"));
        mt->programIsModal  = (array[2] == _T("true"));
        mt->wildcard        = array[3];
        mt->program         = (array.GetCount() == 5 ? array[4] : _T(""));

        if (!mt->useEditor && !mt->useAssoc && mt->program.IsEmpty())
            delete mt;

    m_Html = new EmbeddedHtmlPanel(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow());

    CodeBlocksDockEvent evt(cbEVT_ADD_DOCK_WINDOW);
    evt.pWindow = m_Html;
    evt.name = _T("DefMimeHandler_HTMLViewer");
    evt.title = _("HTML viewer");
    evt.dockSide = CodeBlocksDockEvent::dsFloating;
    evt.desiredSize.Set(350, 250);
    evt.floatingSize.Set(350, 250);
    evt.minimumSize.Set(150, 150);
    evt.shown = false;
void Compiler::LoadSettings(const wxString& baseKey)
    // before loading any compiler settings, keep the current settings safe
    // so we can compare them when saving: this way we can only save what's
    // different from the defaults

    ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("compiler"));

    // read settings version
    wxString version = cfg->Read(_T("settings_version"));
    bool versionMismatch = version != CompilerSettingsVersion;

    wxString tmp;

    // if using old-style keys (using integer IDs), notify user about the changes
    static bool saidAboutCompilerIDs = false;
    tmp.Printf(_T("%s/set%3.3d"), baseKey.c_str(), CompilerFactory::GetCompilerIndex(this) + 1);
    if (cfg->Exists(tmp + _T("/name")))
        if (!saidAboutCompilerIDs)
            saidAboutCompilerIDs = true;
            cbMessageBox(_("Compilers now use unique names instead of integer IDs.\n"
                            "Projects will be updated accordingly on load, mostly automatic."),
        // at this point, we 'll be using the old style configuration to load settings
    else // it's OK to use new style
        tmp.Printf(_T("%s/%s"), baseKey.c_str(), m_ID.c_str());

    if (!cfg->Exists(tmp + _T("/name")))

    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

    m_Name = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/name"), m_Name);

    m_MasterPath         = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/master_path"),     m_MasterPath);
    m_ExtraPaths         = MakeUniqueArray(GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/extra_paths"), _T("")), _T(";")), true);
    m_Programs.C         = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/c_compiler"),      m_Programs.C);
    m_Programs.CPP       = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/cpp_compiler"),    m_Programs.CPP);
    m_Programs.LD        = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/linker"),          m_Programs.LD);
    m_Programs.LIB       = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/lib_linker"),      m_Programs.LIB);
    m_Programs.WINDRES   = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/res_compiler"),    m_Programs.WINDRES);
    m_Programs.MAKE      = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/make"),            m_Programs.MAKE);
    m_Programs.DBG       = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/debugger"),        m_Programs.DBG);

    // set member variable containing the version string with the configurated toolchain executables, not only
    // with the default ones, otherwise we might have an empty version-string
    // Some MinGW installations do not includee "mingw32-gcc" !!

    SetCompilerOptions    (GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/compiler_options"), wxEmptyString)));
    SetLinkerOptions      (GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/linker_options"),   wxEmptyString)));
    SetIncludeDirs        (GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/include_dirs"),     wxEmptyString)));
    SetResourceIncludeDirs(GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/res_include_dirs"), wxEmptyString)));
    SetLibDirs            (GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/library_dirs"),     wxEmptyString)));
    SetLinkLibs           (GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/libraries"),        wxEmptyString)));
    SetCommandsBeforeBuild(GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/commands_before"),  wxEmptyString)));
    SetCommandsAfterBuild (GetArrayFromString(cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/commands_after"),   wxEmptyString)));

    for (int i = 0; i < ctCount; ++i)
        wxArrayString keys = cfg->EnumerateSubPaths(tmp + _T("/macros/") + CommandTypeDescriptions[i]);
        for (size_t n = 0; n < keys.size(); ++n)
            unsigned long index = 0;
            if (keys[n].Mid(4).ToULong(&index)) // skip 'tool'
                while (index >= m_Commands[i].size())
                CompilerTool& tool = m_Commands[i][index];

                wxString key        = wxString::Format(_T("%s/macros/%s/tool%lu/"), tmp.c_str(), CommandTypeDescriptions[i].c_str(), index);
                tool.command        = cfg->Read(key + _T("command"));
                tool.extensions     = cfg->ReadArrayString(key + _T("extensions"));
                tool.generatedFiles = cfg->ReadArrayString(key + _T("generatedFiles"));

    // switches
    m_Switches.includeDirs             = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/includes"),                    m_Switches.includeDirs);
    m_Switches.libDirs                 = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/libs"),                        m_Switches.libDirs);
    m_Switches.linkLibs                = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/link"),                        m_Switches.linkLibs);
    m_Switches.defines                 = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/define"),                      m_Switches.defines);
    m_Switches.genericSwitch           = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/generic"),                     m_Switches.genericSwitch);
    m_Switches.objectExtension         = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/objectext"),                   m_Switches.objectExtension);
    m_Switches.needDependencies        = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/deps"),                    m_Switches.needDependencies);
    m_Switches.forceCompilerUseQuotes  = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/forceCompilerQuotes"),     m_Switches.forceCompilerUseQuotes);
    m_Switches.forceLinkerUseQuotes    = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/forceLinkerQuotes"),       m_Switches.forceLinkerUseQuotes);
    m_Switches.logging = (CompilerLoggingType)cfg->ReadInt(tmp + _T("/switches/logging"),             m_Switches.logging);
    m_Switches.libPrefix               = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/libPrefix"),                   m_Switches.libPrefix);
    m_Switches.libExtension            = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/libExtension"),                m_Switches.libExtension);
    m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibPrefix    = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/linkerNeedsLibPrefix"),    m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibPrefix);
    m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibExtension = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/linkerNeedsLibExtension"), m_Switches.linkerNeedsLibExtension);
    m_Switches.forceFwdSlashes         = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/forceFwdSlashes"),         m_Switches.forceFwdSlashes);
    m_Switches.supportsPCH             = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/supportsPCH"),             m_Switches.supportsPCH);
    m_Switches.PCHExtension            = cfg->Read(tmp + _T("/switches/pchExtension"),                m_Switches.PCHExtension);
    m_Switches.UseFlatObjects          = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/UseFlatObjects"),          m_Switches.UseFlatObjects);
    m_Switches.UseFullSourcePaths      = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/UseFullSourcePaths"),      m_Switches.UseFullSourcePaths);
    m_Switches.Use83Paths              = cfg->ReadBool(tmp + _T("/switches/Use83Paths"),              m_Switches.Use83Paths);

    // regexes

    // because we 're only saving changed regexes, we can't just iterate like before.
    // instead, we must iterate all child-keys and deduce the regex index number from
    // the key name
    wxArrayString keys = cfg->EnumerateSubPaths(tmp + _T("/regex/"));
    wxString group;
    long index = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.GetCount(); ++i)
        wxString key = keys[i];

        // reNNN
        if (!key.StartsWith(_T("re")))
        key.Remove(0, 2);
        if (!key.ToLong(&index, 10))

        // 'index' now holds the regex index.
        // read everything and either assign it to an existing regex
        // if the index exists, or add a new regex

        group.Printf(_T("%s/regex/re%3.3ld"), tmp.c_str(), index);
        if (!cfg->Exists(group+_T("/description")))

        RegExStruct rs;
        rs.desc     = cfg->Read(group + _T("/description"));
        rs.lt       = (CompilerLineType)cfg->ReadInt(group + _T("/type"), 0);
        rs.regex    = cfg->Read(group + _T("/regex"));
        rs.msg[0  ] = cfg->ReadInt(group + _T("/msg1"), 0);
        rs.msg[1]   = cfg->ReadInt(group + _T("/msg2"), 0);
        rs.msg[2]   = cfg->ReadInt(group + _T("/msg3"), 0);
        rs.filename = cfg->ReadInt(group + _T("/filename"), 0);
        rs.line     = cfg->ReadInt(group + _T("/line"), 0);

        if (index <= (long)m_RegExes.GetCount())
            m_RegExes[index - 1] = rs;

    // custom vars
    wxString configpath = tmp + _T("/custom_variables/");
    wxArrayString list = cfg->EnumerateKeys(configpath);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.GetCount(); ++i)
        SetVar(list[i], cfg->Read(configpath + _T('/') + list[i]), false);

    if (versionMismatch)
        wxString msg;
        msg << _("Some compiler settings defaults have changed in this version.\n"
                 "It is recommended that you allow updating of your settings to the new defaults.\n"
                 "Only disallow this if you don't want to lose any customizations you have done to this compiler's settings.\n\n"
                 "Note that the only settings that are affected are those found in \"Advanced compiler options\"...\n\n"
                 "Do you want to update your current settings to the new defaults?");
        // don't ask if the compiler is not valid (i.e. not installed), just update
        if (!IsValid() || cbMessageBox(msg, m_Name, wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxID_YES)
            for (int i = 0; i < ctCount; ++i)
                m_Commands[i] = m_Mirror.Commands[i];
            m_Switches = m_Mirror.Switches;
            m_Options  = m_Mirror.Options;
            m_RegExes  = m_Mirror.RegExes;