bool MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_nelem_target (const ErrorVector& error_per_cell)

  // Check for valid fractions..
  // The fraction values must be in [0,1]
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_refine_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_refine_fraction, 1);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 1);

  // This function is currently only coded to work when coarsening by
  // parents - it's too hard to guess how many coarsenings will be
  // performed otherwise.
  libmesh_assert (_coarsen_by_parents);

  // The number of active elements in the mesh - hopefully less than
  // 2 billion on 32 bit machines
  const unsigned int n_active_elem  = _mesh.n_active_elem();

  // The maximum number of active elements to flag for coarsening
  const unsigned int max_elem_coarsen =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_coarsen_fraction * n_active_elem) + 1;

  // The maximum number of elements to flag for refinement
  const unsigned int max_elem_refine  =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_refine_fraction  * n_active_elem) + 1;

  // Clean up the refinement flags.  These could be left
  // over from previous refinement steps.

  // The target number of elements to add or remove
  const int n_elem_new = _nelem_target - n_active_elem;

  // Create an vector with active element errors and ids,
  // sorted by highest errors first
  const unsigned int max_elem_id = _mesh.max_elem_id();
  std::vector<std::pair<float, unsigned int> > sorted_error;

  sorted_error.reserve (n_active_elem);

  // On a ParallelMesh, we need to communicate to know which remote ids
  // correspond to active elements.
    std::vector<bool> is_active(max_elem_id, false);

    MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = _mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = _mesh.active_local_elements_end();
    for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        const unsigned int eid = (*elem_it)->id();
        is_active[eid] = true;
        libmesh_assert_less (eid, error_per_cell.size());
          (std::make_pair(error_per_cell[eid], eid));



  // Default sort works since pairs are sorted lexicographically
  std::sort (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());
  std::reverse (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());

  // Create a sorted error vector with coarsenable parent elements
  // only, sorted by lowest errors first
  ErrorVector error_per_parent;
  std::vector<std::pair<float, unsigned int> > sorted_parent_error;
  Real parent_error_min, parent_error_max;


  // create_parent_error_vector sets values for non-parents and
  // non-coarsenable parents to -1.  Get rid of them.
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != error_per_parent.size(); ++i)
    if (error_per_parent[i] != -1)
      sorted_parent_error.push_back(std::make_pair(error_per_parent[i], i));

  std::sort (sorted_parent_error.begin(), sorted_parent_error.end());

  // Keep track of how many elements we plan to coarsen & refine
  unsigned int coarsen_count = 0;
  unsigned int refine_count = 0;

  const unsigned int dim = _mesh.mesh_dimension();
  unsigned int twotodim = 1;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=dim; ++i)
    twotodim *= 2;

  // First, let's try to get our element count to target_nelem
  if (n_elem_new >= 0)
    // Every element refinement creates at least
    // 2^dim-1 new elements
    refine_count =
      std::min(static_cast<unsigned int>(n_elem_new / (twotodim-1)),
    // Every successful element coarsening is likely to destroy
    // 2^dim-1 net elements.
    coarsen_count =
      std::min(static_cast<unsigned int>(-n_elem_new / (twotodim-1)),

  // Next, let's see if we can trade any refinement for coarsening
  while (coarsen_count < max_elem_coarsen &&
         refine_count < max_elem_refine &&
         coarsen_count < sorted_parent_error.size() &&
         refine_count < sorted_error.size() &&
         sorted_error[refine_count].first >
	 sorted_parent_error[coarsen_count].first * _coarsen_threshold)

  // On a ParallelMesh, we need to communicate to know which remote ids
  // correspond to refinable elements
  unsigned int successful_refine_count = 0;
    std::vector<bool> is_refinable(max_elem_id, false);

    for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_error.size(); ++i)
        unsigned int eid = sorted_error[i].second;
        Elem *elem = _mesh.query_elem(eid);
        if (elem && elem->level() < _max_h_level)
	  is_refinable[eid] = true;

    if (refine_count > max_elem_refine)
      refine_count = max_elem_refine;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_error.size(); ++i)
        if (successful_refine_count >= refine_count)

        unsigned int eid = sorted_error[i].second;
        Elem *elem = _mesh.query_elem(eid);
        if (is_refinable[eid])
            if (elem)

  // If we couldn't refine enough elements, don't coarsen too many
  // either
  if (coarsen_count < (refine_count - successful_refine_count))
    coarsen_count = 0;
    coarsen_count -= (refine_count - successful_refine_count);

  if (coarsen_count > max_elem_coarsen)
    coarsen_count = max_elem_coarsen;

  unsigned int successful_coarsen_count = 0;
  if (coarsen_count)
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_parent_error.size(); ++i)
          if (successful_coarsen_count >= coarsen_count * twotodim)

          unsigned int parent_id = sorted_parent_error[i].second;
          Elem *parent = _mesh.query_elem(parent_id);

          // On a ParallelMesh we skip remote elements
          if (!parent)

          for (unsigned int c=0; c != parent->n_children(); ++c)
              Elem *elem = parent->child(c);
              if (elem && elem != remote_elem)

  // Return true if we've done all the AMR/C we can
  if (!successful_coarsen_count &&
    return true;
  // And false if there may still be more to do.
  return false;
void unpack(std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator in,
            Elem** out,
            MeshBase* mesh)
#ifndef NDEBUG
  const std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator original_in = in;

  const largest_id_type incoming_header = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (incoming_header, elem_magic_header);

  // int 0: level
  const unsigned int level =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 1: p level
  const unsigned int p_level =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 2: refinement flag
  const int rflag = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (rflag, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (rflag, Elem::INVALID_REFINEMENTSTATE);
  const Elem::RefinementState refinement_flag =

  // int 3: p refinement flag
  const int pflag = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (pflag, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (pflag, Elem::INVALID_REFINEMENTSTATE);
  const Elem::RefinementState p_refinement_flag =
  in += 3;

  // int 4: element type
  const int typeint = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (typeint, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (typeint, INVALID_ELEM);
  const ElemType type =

  const unsigned int n_nodes =

  // int 5: processor id
  const processor_id_type processor_id =
  libmesh_assert (processor_id < mesh->n_processors() ||
                  processor_id == DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

  // int 6: subdomain id
  const subdomain_id_type subdomain_id =

  // int 7: dof object id
  const dof_id_type id =
  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (id, DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 8: dof object unique id
  const unique_id_type unique_id =

  // int 9: parent dof object id
  const dof_id_type parent_id =
  libmesh_assert (level == 0 || parent_id != DofObject::invalid_id);
  libmesh_assert (level != 0 || parent_id == DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 10: local child id
  const unsigned int which_child_am_i =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++);
  in += 2;

  // Make sure we don't miscount above when adding the "magic" header
  // plus the real data header
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (in - original_in, header_size + 1);

  Elem *elem = mesh->query_elem(id);

  // if we already have this element, make sure its
  // properties match, and update any missing neighbor
  // links, but then go on
  if (elem)
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->id(), id);
      // No check for unqiue id sanity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), processor_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->subdomain_id(), subdomain_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->type(), type);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

#ifndef NDEBUG
      // All our nodes should be correct
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_nodes; ++i)
        libmesh_assert(elem->node(i) ==
      in += n_nodes;

      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_level(), p_level);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->refinement_flag(), refinement_flag);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_refinement_flag(), p_refinement_flag);

      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent() != NULL);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->id() == parent_id);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->child(which_child_am_i) == elem);

      // Our neighbor links should be "close to" correct - we may have
      // to update them, but we can check for some inconsistencies.
      for (unsigned int n=0; n != elem->n_neighbors(); ++n)
          const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

	  // If the sending processor sees a domain boundary here,
	  // we'd better agree.
          if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)
              libmesh_assert (!(elem->neighbor(n)));

	  // If the sending processor has a remote_elem neighbor here,
	  // then all we know is that we'd better *not* have a domain
	  // boundary.
          if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())

          Elem *neigh = mesh->query_elem(neighbor_id);

          // The sending processor sees a neighbor here, so if we
          // don't have that neighboring element, then we'd better
          // have a remote_elem signifying that fact.
          if (!neigh)
              libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->neighbor(n), remote_elem);

          // The sending processor has a neighbor here, and we have
          // that element, but that does *NOT* mean we're already
	  // linking to it.  Perhaps we initially received both elem
	  // and neigh from processors on which their mutual link was
	  // remote?
          libmesh_assert(elem->neighbor(n) == neigh ||
			 elem->neighbor(n) == remote_elem);

	  // If the link was originally remote, we should update it,
	  // and make sure the appropriate parts of its family link
	  // back to us.
	  if (elem->neighbor(n) == remote_elem)
              elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);


      // FIXME: We should add some debug mode tests to ensure that the
      // encoded indexing and boundary conditions are consistent.
      // We don't already have the element, so we need to create it.

      // Find the parent if necessary
      Elem *parent = NULL;
      // Find a child element's parent
      if (level > 0)
	  // Note that we must be very careful to construct the send
	  // connectivity so that parents are encountered before
	  // children.  If we get here and can't find the parent that
	  // is a fatal error.
          parent = mesh->elem(parent_id);
      // Or assert that the sending processor sees no parent
        libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent_id, static_cast<dof_id_type>(-1));
      // No non-level-0 elements without AMR
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (level, 0);

      elem = Elem::build(type,parent).release();
      libmesh_assert (elem);

      if (level != 0)
          // Since this is a newly created element, the parent must
          // have previously thought of this child as a remote element.
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent->child(which_child_am_i), remote_elem);

          parent->add_child(elem, which_child_am_i);

      // Assign the refinement flags and levels
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);

      // If this element definitely should have children, assign
      // remote_elem to all of them for now, for consistency.  Later
      // unpacked elements may overwrite that.
      if (!elem->active())
        for (unsigned int c=0; c != elem->n_children(); ++c)
          elem->add_child(const_cast<RemoteElem*>(remote_elem), c);


      // Assign the IDs
      elem->subdomain_id()  = subdomain_id;
      elem->processor_id()  = processor_id;
      elem->set_id()        = id;
      elem->set_unique_id() = unique_id;

      // Assign the connectivity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

      for (unsigned int n=0; n != n_nodes; n++)
        elem->set_node(n) =

      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_neighbors(); n++)
          const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

          if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)

          // We may be unpacking an element that was a ghost element on the
          // sender, in which case the element's neighbors may not all be
          // known by the packed element.  We'll have to set such
          // neighbors to remote_elem ourselves and wait for a later
          // packed element to give us better information.
          if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem*>(remote_elem));

          // If we don't have the neighbor element, then it's a
          // remote_elem until we get it.
          Elem *neigh = mesh->query_elem(neighbor_id);
          if (!neigh)
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem*>(remote_elem));

          // If we have the neighbor element, then link to it, and
          // make sure the appropriate parts of its family link back
          // to us.
          elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);



  in += elem->packed_indexing_size();

  // If this is a coarse element,
  // add any element side boundary condition ids
  if (level == 0)
    for (unsigned int s = 0; s != elem->n_sides(); ++s)
        const int num_bcs = *in++;
        libmesh_assert_greater_equal (num_bcs, 0);

        for(int bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
          mesh->boundary_info->add_side (elem, s, *in++);

  // Return the new element
  *out = elem;
bool MeshRefinement::eliminate_unrefined_patches ()
  // This function must be run on all processors at once

  bool flags_changed = false;

  MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = _mesh.active_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = _mesh.active_elements_end();

  for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
      Elem* elem = *elem_it;
      // First assume that we'll have to flag this element for both h
      // and p refinement, then change our minds if we see any
      // neighbors that are as coarse or coarser than us.
      bool h_flag_me = true,
           p_flag_me = true;

      // Skip the element if it is already fully flagged for refinement
      if (elem->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE)
	p_flag_me = false;
      if (elem->refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE)
          h_flag_me = false;
          if (!p_flag_me)
      // Test the parent if that is already flagged for coarsening
      else if (elem->refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN)
	  elem = elem->parent();
          // FIXME - this doesn't seem right - RHS
          if (elem->refinement_flag() != Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE)
          p_flag_me = false;

      const unsigned int my_level = elem->level();
      int my_p_adjustment = 0;
      if (elem->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE)
        my_p_adjustment = 1;
      else if (elem->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN)
          libmesh_assert_greater (elem->p_level(), 0);
          my_p_adjustment = -1;
      const unsigned int my_new_p_level = elem->p_level() +

      // Check all the element neighbors
      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_neighbors(); n++)
          const Elem *neighbor = elem->neighbor(n);
	  // Quit if the element is on a local boundary
	  if (neighbor == NULL || neighbor == remote_elem)
              h_flag_me = false;
              p_flag_me = false;
          // if the neighbor will be equally or less refined than
	  // we are, then we will not become an unrefined island.
          // So if we are still considering h refinement:
          if (h_flag_me &&
            // If our neighbor is already at a lower level,
            // it can't end up at a higher level even if it
            // is flagged for refinement once
             ((neighbor->level() < my_level) ||
            // If our neighbor is at the same level but isn't
            // flagged for refinement, it won't end up at a
            // higher level
             ((neighbor->active()) &&
              (neighbor->refinement_flag() != Elem::REFINE)) ||
            // If our neighbor is currently more refined but is
            // a parent flagged for coarsening, it will end up
            // at the same level.
             (neighbor->refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE)))
              // We've proven we won't become an unrefined island,
              // so don't h refine to avoid that.
	      h_flag_me = false;

              // If we've also proven we don't need to p refine,
              // we don't need to check more neighbors
              if (!p_flag_me)
	  if (p_flag_me)
	      // if active neighbors will have a p level
	      // equal to or lower than ours, then we do not need to p
              // refine ourselves.
              if (neighbor->active())
                  int p_adjustment = 0;
                  if (neighbor->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE)
                    p_adjustment = 1;
                  else if (neighbor->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN)
                      libmesh_assert_greater (neighbor->p_level(), 0);
                      p_adjustment = -1;
                  if (my_new_p_level >= neighbor->p_level() + p_adjustment)
                      p_flag_me = false;
                      if (!h_flag_me)
              // If we have inactive neighbors, we need to
              // test all their active descendants which neighbor us
              else if (neighbor->ancestor())
                  if (neighbor->min_new_p_level_by_neighbor(elem,
                      my_new_p_level + 2) <= my_new_p_level)
                      p_flag_me = false;
                      if (!h_flag_me)

      if (h_flag_me)
	  // Parents that would create islands should no longer
          // coarsen
          if (elem->refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE)
              for (unsigned int c=0; c<elem->n_children(); c++)
                  libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->child(c)->refinement_flag(),
	  flags_changed = true;
      if (p_flag_me)
          if (elem->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN)
	  flags_changed = true;

  // If flags changed on any processor then they changed globally

  return flags_changed;
MaterialPropertyStorage::prolongStatefulProps(const std::vector<std::vector<QpMap> > & refinement_map,
                                              QBase & qrule,
                                              QBase & qrule_face,
                                              MaterialPropertyStorage & parent_material_props,
                                              MaterialData & child_material_data,
                                              const Elem & elem,
                                              const int input_parent_side,
                                              const int input_child,
                                              const int input_child_side)
  mooseAssert(input_child != -1 || input_parent_side == input_child_side, "Invalid inputs!");

  unsigned int n_qpoints = 0;

  // If we passed in -1 for these then we really need to store properties at 0
  unsigned int parent_side = input_parent_side == -1 ? 0 : input_parent_side;
  unsigned int child_side  = input_child_side  == -1 ? 0 : input_child_side;

  if (input_child_side == -1) // Not doing side projection (ie, doing volume projection)
    n_qpoints = qrule.n_points();
    n_qpoints = qrule_face.n_points();


  unsigned int n_children = elem.n_children();

  std::vector<unsigned int> children;

  if (input_child != -1) // Passed in a child explicitly
    for (unsigned int child=0; child < n_children; child++)
      children[child] = child;

  for (const auto & child : children)
    // If we're not projecting an internal child side, but we are projecting sides, see if this child is on that side
    if (input_child == -1 && input_child_side != -1 && !elem.is_child_on_side(child, parent_side))

    const Elem * child_elem = elem.child(child);

    mooseAssert(child < refinement_map.size(), "Refinement_map vector not initialized");
    const std::vector<QpMap> & child_map = refinement_map[child];

    if (props()[child_elem][child_side].size() == 0) props()[child_elem][child_side].resize(_stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id.size());
    if (propsOld()[child_elem][child_side].size() == 0) propsOld()[child_elem][child_side].resize(_stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id.size());
    if (propsOlder()[child_elem][child_side].size() == 0) propsOlder()[child_elem][child_side].resize(_stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id.size());

    // init properties (allocate memory. etc)
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < _stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id.size(); ++i)
      // duplicate the stateful property in property storage (all three states - we will reuse the allocated memory there)
      // also allocating the right amount of memory, so we do not have to resize, etc.
      if (props()[child_elem][child_side][i] == NULL) props()[child_elem][child_side][i] = child_material_data.props()[ _stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id[i] ]->init(n_qpoints);
      if (propsOld()[child_elem][child_side][i] == NULL) propsOld()[child_elem][child_side][i] = child_material_data.propsOld()[ _stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id[i] ]->init(n_qpoints);
      if (hasOlderProperties())
        if (propsOlder()[child_elem][child_side][i] == NULL) propsOlder()[child_elem][child_side][i] = child_material_data.propsOlder()[ _stateful_prop_id_to_prop_id[i] ]->init(n_qpoints);

      // Copy from the parent stateful properties
      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<refinement_map[child].size(); qp++)
        PropertyValue * child_property = props()[child_elem][child_side][i];
        mooseAssert(props().contains(&elem), "Parent pointer is not in the MaterialProps data structure");
        PropertyValue * parent_property = parent_material_props.props()[&elem][parent_side][i];

        child_property->qpCopy(qp, parent_property, child_map[qp]._to);
        propsOld()[child_elem][child_side][i]->qpCopy(qp, parent_material_props.propsOld()[&elem][parent_side][i], child_map[qp]._to);
        if (hasOlderProperties())
          propsOlder()[child_elem][child_side][i]->qpCopy(qp, parent_material_props.propsOlder()[&elem][parent_side][i], child_map[qp]._to);
void Partitioner::set_parent_processor_ids(MeshBase &


  // If the mesh is serial we have access to all the elements,
  // in particular all the active ones.  We can therefore set
  // the parent processor ids indirecly through their children, and
  // set the subactive processor ids while examining their active
  // ancestors.
  // By convention a parent is assigned to the minimum processor
  // of all its children, and a subactive is assigned to the processor
  // of its active ancestor.
  if (mesh.is_serial())
      // Loop over all the active elements in the mesh
      MeshBase::element_iterator       it  = mesh.active_elements_begin();
      const MeshBase::element_iterator end = mesh.active_elements_end();

      for ( ; it!=end; ++it)
          Elem * child  = *it;

          // First set descendents

          std::vector<const Elem *> subactive_family;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != subactive_family.size(); ++i)
            const_cast<Elem *>(subactive_family[i])->processor_id() = child->processor_id();

          // Then set ancestors

          Elem * parent = child->parent();

          while (parent)
              // invalidate the parent id, otherwise the min below
              // will not work if the current parent id is less
              // than all the children!

              for(unsigned int c=0; c<parent->n_children(); c++)
                  child = parent->child(c);
                  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (child->processor_id(), DofObject::invalid_processor_id);
                  parent->processor_id() = std::min(parent->processor_id(),
              parent = parent->parent();

  // When the mesh is parallel we cannot guarantee that parents have access to
  // all their children.
      // Setting subactive processor ids is easy: we can guarantee
      // that children have access to all their parents.

      // Loop over all the active elements in the mesh
      MeshBase::element_iterator       it  = mesh.active_elements_begin();
      const MeshBase::element_iterator end = mesh.active_elements_end();

      for ( ; it!=end; ++it)
          Elem * child  = *it;

          std::vector<const Elem *> subactive_family;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != subactive_family.size(); ++i)
            const_cast<Elem *>(subactive_family[i])->processor_id() = child->processor_id();

      // When the mesh is parallel we cannot guarantee that parents have access to
      // all their children.

      // We will use a brute-force approach here.  Each processor finds its parent
      // elements and sets the parent pid to the minimum of its
      // semilocal descendants.
      // A global reduction is then performed to make sure the true minimum is found.
      // As noted, this is required because we cannot guarantee that a parent has
      // access to all its children on any single processor.
                                       mesh.unpartitioned_elements_end()) == 0);

      const dof_id_type max_elem_id = mesh.max_elem_id();

        parent_processor_ids (std::min(communication_blocksize,

      for (dof_id_type blk=0, last_elem_id=0; last_elem_id<max_elem_id; blk++)
          last_elem_id =
          const dof_id_type first_elem_id = blk*communication_blocksize;

          std::fill (parent_processor_ids.begin(),

          // first build up local contributions to parent_processor_ids
          MeshBase::element_iterator       not_it  = mesh.ancestor_elements_begin();
          const MeshBase::element_iterator not_end = mesh.ancestor_elements_end();

          bool have_parent_in_block = false;

          for ( ; not_it != not_end; ++not_it)
              Elem * parent = *not_it;

              const dof_id_type parent_idx = parent->id();
              libmesh_assert_less (parent_idx, max_elem_id);

              if ((parent_idx >= first_elem_id) &&
                  (parent_idx <  last_elem_id))
                  have_parent_in_block = true;
                  processor_id_type parent_pid = DofObject::invalid_processor_id;

                  std::vector<const Elem *> active_family;
                  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != active_family.size(); ++i)
                    parent_pid = std::min (parent_pid, active_family[i]->processor_id());

                  const dof_id_type packed_idx = parent_idx - first_elem_id;
                  libmesh_assert_less (packed_idx, parent_processor_ids.size());

                  parent_processor_ids[packed_idx] = parent_pid;

          // then find the global minimum
          mesh.comm().min (parent_processor_ids);

          // and assign the ids, if we have a parent in this block.
          if (have_parent_in_block)
            for (not_it = mesh.ancestor_elements_begin();
                 not_it != not_end; ++not_it)
                Elem * parent = *not_it;

                const dof_id_type parent_idx = parent->id();

                if ((parent_idx >= first_elem_id) &&
                    (parent_idx <  last_elem_id))
                    const dof_id_type packed_idx = parent_idx - first_elem_id;
                    libmesh_assert_less (packed_idx, parent_processor_ids.size());

                    const processor_id_type parent_pid =

                    libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (parent_pid, DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

                    parent->processor_id() = parent_pid;

