// Deform the vertex array in Dual Quaternion Skinning way.
void ofxFBXMesh::computeDualQuaternionDeformation(FbxAMatrix& pGlobalPosition,
                                                  FbxMesh* pMesh,
                                                  FbxTime& pTime,
                                                  FbxVector4* pVertexArray,
                                                  FbxPose* pPose) {
	// All the links must have the same link mode.
	FbxCluster::ELinkMode lClusterMode = ((FbxSkin*)pMesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eSkin))->GetCluster(0)->GetLinkMode();
	int lVertexCount    = pMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
	int lSkinCount      = pMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eSkin);
	FbxDualQuaternion* lDQClusterDeformation = new FbxDualQuaternion[lVertexCount];
	memset(lDQClusterDeformation, 0, lVertexCount * sizeof(FbxDualQuaternion));
	double* lClusterWeight = new double[lVertexCount];
	memset(lClusterWeight, 0, lVertexCount * sizeof(double));
	// For all skins and all clusters, accumulate their deformation and weight
	// on each vertices and store them in lClusterDeformation and lClusterWeight.
	for ( int lSkinIndex=0; lSkinIndex<lSkinCount; ++lSkinIndex)
		FbxSkin * lSkinDeformer = (FbxSkin *)pMesh->GetDeformer(lSkinIndex, FbxDeformer::eSkin);
		int lClusterCount = lSkinDeformer->GetClusterCount();
		for ( int lClusterIndex=0; lClusterIndex<lClusterCount; ++lClusterIndex)
			FbxCluster* lCluster = lSkinDeformer->GetCluster(lClusterIndex);
			if (!lCluster->GetLink())
			FbxAMatrix lVertexTransformMatrix;
			computeClusterDeformation(pGlobalPosition, pMesh, lCluster, lVertexTransformMatrix, pTime, pPose);
			FbxQuaternion lQ = lVertexTransformMatrix.GetQ();
			FbxVector4 lT = lVertexTransformMatrix.GetT();
			FbxDualQuaternion lDualQuaternion(lQ, lT);
			int lVertexIndexCount = lCluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount();
			for (int k = 0; k < lVertexIndexCount; ++k)
				int lIndex = lCluster->GetControlPointIndices()[k];
				// Sometimes, the mesh can have less points than at the time of the skinning
				// because a smooth operator was active when skinning but has been deactivated during export.
				if (lIndex >= lVertexCount)
				double lWeight = lCluster->GetControlPointWeights()[k];
				if (lWeight == 0.0)
				// Compute the influence of the link on the vertex.
				FbxDualQuaternion lInfluence = lDualQuaternion * lWeight;
				if (lClusterMode == FbxCluster::eAdditive)
					// Simply influenced by the dual quaternion.
					lDQClusterDeformation[lIndex] = lInfluence;
					// Set the link to 1.0 just to know this vertex is influenced by a link.
					lClusterWeight[lIndex] = 1.0;
				else // lLinkMode == FbxCluster::eNormalize || lLinkMode == FbxCluster::eTotalOne
					if(lClusterIndex == 0)
						lDQClusterDeformation[lIndex] = lInfluence;
						// Add to the sum of the deformations on the vertex.
						// Make sure the deformation is accumulated in the same rotation direction.
						// Use dot product to judge the sign.
						double lSign = lDQClusterDeformation[lIndex].GetFirstQuaternion().DotProduct(lDualQuaternion.GetFirstQuaternion());
						if( lSign >= 0.0 )
							lDQClusterDeformation[lIndex] += lInfluence;
							lDQClusterDeformation[lIndex] -= lInfluence;
					// Add to the sum of weights to either normalize or complete the vertex.
					lClusterWeight[lIndex] += lWeight;
			}//For each vertex
	//Actually deform each vertices here by information stored in lClusterDeformation and lClusterWeight
	for (int i = 0; i < lVertexCount; i++) {
		FbxVector4 lSrcVertex = pVertexArray[i];
		FbxVector4& lDstVertex = pVertexArray[i];
		double lWeightSum = lClusterWeight[i];
		// Deform the vertex if there was at least a link with an influence on the vertex,
		if (lWeightSum != 0.0)
			lDstVertex = lDQClusterDeformation[i].Deform(lDstVertex);
			if (lClusterMode == FbxCluster::eNormalize)
				// In the normalized link mode, a vertex is always totally influenced by the links.
				lDstVertex /= lWeightSum;
			else if (lClusterMode == FbxCluster::eTotalOne)
				// In the total 1 link mode, a vertex can be partially influenced by the links. 
				lSrcVertex *= (1.0 - lWeightSum);
				lDstVertex += lSrcVertex;
	delete [] lDQClusterDeformation;
	delete [] lClusterWeight;
// Deform the vertex array in classic linear way.
void fbxLoader2::ComputeLinearDeformation(FbxAMatrix& pGlobalPosition, FbxMesh* pMesh,  FbxTime& pTime, FbxPose* pPose, int frame)
	// All the links must have the same link mode.
	FbxCluster::ELinkMode lClusterMode = ((FbxSkin*)pMesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eSkin))->GetCluster(0)->GetLinkMode();

	int lVertexCount = pMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
	FbxAMatrix* lClusterDeformation = new FbxAMatrix[lVertexCount];
	memset(lClusterDeformation, 0, lVertexCount * sizeof(FbxAMatrix));

	double* lClusterWeight = new double[lVertexCount];
	memset(lClusterWeight, 0, lVertexCount * sizeof(double));

	if (lClusterMode == FbxCluster::eAdditive)
		for (int i = 0; i < lVertexCount; ++i)

	// For all skins and all clusters, accumulate their deformation and weight
	// on each vertices and store them in lClusterDeformation and lClusterWeight.
	int lSkinCount = pMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eSkin);
	for ( int lSkinIndex=0; lSkinIndex<lSkinCount; ++lSkinIndex)
		FbxSkin * lSkinDeformer = (FbxSkin *)pMesh->GetDeformer(lSkinIndex, FbxDeformer::eSkin);
		int lClusterCount = lSkinDeformer->GetClusterCount();
		for ( int lClusterIndex=0; lClusterIndex<lClusterCount; ++lClusterIndex)
			FbxCluster* lCluster = lSkinDeformer->GetCluster(lClusterIndex);
			if (!lCluster->GetLink())

			FbxAMatrix lVertexTransformMatrix;

			ComputeClusterDeformation(pGlobalPosition, pMesh, lCluster, lVertexTransformMatrix, pTime, pPose, frame);

			FbxAMatrix identityM;

			FbxVector4 rotation = lVertexTransformMatrix.GetROnly();
			FbxVector4 translation = lVertexTransformMatrix.GetT();
			FbxVector4 scaling = lVertexTransformMatrix.GetS();

			//rotation = FbxVector4(rotation.mData[0], rotation.mData[1], rotation.mData[2], rotation.mData[3]);
			//translation = FbxVector4 (translation.mData[0], translation.mData[1], translation.mData[2], translation.mData[3]);
			//scaling = FbxVector4 (scaling.mData[0], scaling.mData[1], scaling.mData[2], scaling.mData[3]);

			//lVertexTransformMatrix = FbxAMatrix(translation, rotation, scaling);			
			//lVertexTransformMatrix = FbxAMatrix(translation, rotation, scaling);	

			identityM = lVertexTransformMatrix * identityM;

			D3DXMATRIX convert = D3DXMATRIX(1,0,0,0,

			D3DXMATRIX setMatrix = D3DXMATRIX(	(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[0], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[0], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[0], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[0],
												(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[1], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[1], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[1], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[1],
												(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[2],
												(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[3], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[3], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[3],1);

			//setMatrix *=0.5f;

			setMatrix = D3DXMATRIX(	(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[0], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[0], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[0], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[0],
									(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[1], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[1], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[1], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[1],
									//(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[1],
									(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[2], (float)identityM.mData[3].mData[2],
									(float)identityM.mData[0].mData[3], (float)identityM.mData[1].mData[3], (float)identityM.mData[2].mData[3], 1);

			//setMatrix = setMatrix*convert;

			///////// juz prawie dziala. sprawdz jeszcze te addytywne itp.
			/// generalnie dodaj to do włosów i dorzuć poprzednią macierz, żeby liczyć przesunięcia.

			//setMatrix /= 2.54f; //skala jedna jest w cm, druga w inchach, nieważne czy zmieniam system skali ręcznie... bzdurka fbxa

			std::string nametype = lCluster->GetLink()->GetName();	


	delete [] lClusterDeformation;
	delete [] lClusterWeight;
SceneNode *SceneConverter::makeSceneNode(FbxNode *node)
    SceneNode *sceneNode = new SceneNode();

    if (node->GetParent() == NULL) // The root
        // Type
        sceneNode->type = FbxString("root");
        // Name
        sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("name"), node->GetName()));
        // Transformation
        FbxAMatrix m = node->EvaluateGlobalTransform();

        const FbxVector4 translation = m.GetT();
        const FbxVector4 rotation    = m.GetR();
        const FbxVector4 scaling     = m.GetS();
        char buffer[1024];
        FBXSDK_sprintf(buffer, 1024, "s:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,r:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,t:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f",
            (float)scaling[0], (float)scaling[1], (float)scaling[2],
            (float)rotation[0], (float)rotation[1], (float)rotation[2],
            (float)translation[0], (float)translation[1], (float)translation[2]);

        sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("transform"), FbxString(buffer)));
        FbxCamera *camera = node->GetCamera();
        if (camera != NULL)
            sceneNode->type = FbxString("camera");
            sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("name"), node->GetName()));

            sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("fixed"), FbxString("true")));

            FbxVector4 position = camera->EvaluatePosition();
            FbxVector4 center = camera->EvaluateLookAtPosition();
            // FIXME: seems EvaluateUpDirection doesn't give correct result as it 
            // is affected by its parent nodes' tranforms however we attach camera
            // to the root in paper3d's scene.
            // FbxVector4 up = camera->EvaluateUpDirection(position, center);
            FbxDouble3 up = camera->UpVector.Get();

            char buffer[1024];
            FBXSDK_sprintf(buffer, 1024, "eye:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,center:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,up:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f",
                    (float)position[0], (float)position[1], (float)position[2],
                    (float)center[0], (float)center[1], (float)center[2],
                    (float)up[0], (float)up[1], (float)up[2]);
            sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("lookat"), FbxString(buffer)));

            float nearZ = (float)camera->GetNearPlane();
            float farZ = (float)camera->GetFarPlane();

            if (camera->ProjectionType.Get() == FbxCamera::ePerspective)
                FbxCamera::EAspectRatioMode lCamAspectRatioMode = camera->GetAspectRatioMode();
                double lAspectX = camera->AspectWidth.Get();
                double lAspectY = camera->AspectHeight.Get();
                double lAspectRatio = 1.333333;
                switch( lCamAspectRatioMode)
                    case FbxCamera::eWindowSize:
                        lAspectRatio = lAspectX / lAspectY;
                    case FbxCamera::eFixedRatio:
                        lAspectRatio = lAspectX;

                    case FbxCamera::eFixedResolution:
                        lAspectRatio = lAspectX / lAspectY * camera->GetPixelRatio();
                    case FbxCamera::eFixedWidth:
                        lAspectRatio = camera->GetPixelRatio() / lAspectY;
                    case FbxCamera::eFixedHeight:
                        lAspectRatio = camera->GetPixelRatio() * lAspectX;


                //get the aperture ratio
                double lFilmHeight = camera->GetApertureHeight();
                double lFilmWidth = camera->GetApertureWidth() * camera->GetSqueezeRatio();
                //here we use Height : Width
                double lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;

                //change the aspect ratio to Height : Width
                lAspectRatio = 1 / lAspectRatio;
                //revise the aspect ratio and aperture ratio
                FbxCamera::EGateFit lCameraGateFit = camera->GateFit.Get();
                switch( lCameraGateFit )

                    case FbxCamera::eFitFill:
                        if( lApertureRatio > lAspectRatio)  // the same as eHORIZONTAL_FIT
                            lFilmHeight = lFilmWidth * lAspectRatio;
                            camera->SetApertureHeight( lFilmHeight);
                            lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
                        else if( lApertureRatio < lAspectRatio) //the same as eVERTICAL_FIT
                            lFilmWidth = lFilmHeight / lAspectRatio;
                            camera->SetApertureWidth( lFilmWidth);
                            lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
                    case FbxCamera::eFitVertical:
                        lFilmWidth = lFilmHeight / lAspectRatio;
                        camera->SetApertureWidth( lFilmWidth);
                        lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
                    case FbxCamera::eFitHorizontal:
                        lFilmHeight = lFilmWidth * lAspectRatio;
                        camera->SetApertureHeight( lFilmHeight);
                        lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
                    case FbxCamera::eFitStretch:
                        lAspectRatio = lApertureRatio;
                    case FbxCamera::eFitOverscan:
                        if( lFilmWidth > lFilmHeight)
                            lFilmHeight = lFilmWidth * lAspectRatio;
                            lFilmWidth = lFilmHeight / lAspectRatio;
                        lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
                    case FbxCamera::eFitNone:
                //change the aspect ratio to Width : Height
                lAspectRatio = 1 / lAspectRatio;

#define HFOV2VFOV(h, ar) (2.0 * atan((ar) * tan( (h * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) * 0.5)) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI) //ar : aspectY / aspectX
#define VFOV2HFOV(v, ar) (2.0 * atan((ar) * tan( (v * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) * 0.5)) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI) //ar : aspectX / aspectY
                double lFieldOfViewX = 0.0;
                double lFieldOfViewY = 0.0;
                if (camera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eVertical)
                    lFieldOfViewY = camera->FieldOfView.Get();
                    lFieldOfViewX = VFOV2HFOV( lFieldOfViewY, 1 / lApertureRatio);
                else if (camera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eHorizontal)
                    lFieldOfViewX = camera->FieldOfView.Get(); //get HFOV
                    lFieldOfViewY = HFOV2VFOV( lFieldOfViewX, lApertureRatio);
                else if (camera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eFocalLength)
                    lFieldOfViewX = camera->ComputeFieldOfView(camera->FocalLength.Get());    //get HFOV
                    lFieldOfViewY = HFOV2VFOV( lFieldOfViewX, lApertureRatio);
                else if (camera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eHorizAndVert) 
                    lFieldOfViewX = camera->FieldOfViewX.Get();
                    lFieldOfViewY = camera->FieldOfViewY.Get();
#undef HFOV2VFOV
#undef VFOV2HFOV

                FBXSDK_sprintf(buffer, 1024, "perspective,fov:%8.5f,aspect:-1,znear:%8.5f,zfar:%8.5f",
                        (float)lFieldOfViewY, nearZ, farZ);
                sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("projection"), FbxString(buffer)));

                FBXSDK_sprintf(buffer, 1024, "orthogonal,aspect:-1,znear:%8.5f,zfar:%8.5f", nearZ, farZ);
                sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("projection"), FbxString(buffer)));

            FbxLight *light = node->GetLight();
            if (light != NULL)

                FBX_ASSERT(!"Not implemented!");
                // Type
                sceneNode->type = FbxString("drawable");

                // Name
                sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("name"), node->GetName()));

                // Transformation
                FbxAMatrix m = node->EvaluateLocalTransform();
                //FbxAMatrix m1 = node->EvaluateGlobalTransform();

                const FbxVector4 translation = m.GetT();
                const FbxVector4 rotation    = m.GetR();
                const FbxVector4 scaling     = m.GetS();

                float s[3], r[3], t[3];
                t[0] = (float)translation.mData[0];
                t[1] = (float)translation.mData[1];
                t[2] = (float)translation.mData[2];

                r[0] = (float)(rotation[0] * FBXSDK_DEG_TO_RAD);
                r[1] = (float)(rotation[1] * FBXSDK_DEG_TO_RAD);
                r[2] = (float)(rotation[2] * FBXSDK_DEG_TO_RAD);

                s[0] = (float)scaling[0];
                s[1] = (float)scaling[1];
                s[2] = (float)scaling[2];

                //const FbxVector4 translation1 = m1.GetT();
                //const FbxVector4 rotation1    = m1.GetR();
                //const FbxVector4 scaling1     = m1.GetS();

                char buffer[1024];
                FBXSDK_sprintf(buffer, 1024, "s:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,r:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,t:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f",
                        s[0], s[1], s[2], r[0], r[1], r[2], t[0], t[1], t[2]);

                sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("transform"), FbxString(buffer)));

                // Mesh
                //if (node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eCamera)
                //    FBXSDK_printf("f**k");

                static FbxUInt32 i = 0;
                if (node->GetMesh() == NULL)
                    sceneNode->type = FbxString("node");
                    const char *meshName = node->GetMesh()->GetName();
                    if (meshName == NULL || meshName[0] == 0)
                        meshName = node->GetName();

                    FbxString prefix;
                    if (meshName == NULL || meshName[0] == 0)
                        prefix = FbxString("mesh_") + FbxString(int(i++));
                        prefix = FbxString(meshName);
                    sceneNode->geometry = prefix + FbxString(".") + m_arguments->meshFormat;

                    // Material
                    FbxSurfaceMaterial *material = node->GetMaterial(0); 

                    if (material != NULL)
                        // This only gets the material of type sDiffuse, you probably need to
                        // traverse all Standard Material Property by its name to get all
                        // possible textures.
                        FbxProperty prop = material->FindProperty(FbxSurfaceMaterial::sDiffuse);

                        // Check if it's layeredtextures
                        int layeredTextureCount = prop.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxLayeredTexture>();

                        if (prop.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>() > 0)
                            FbxFileTexture *lTex = prop.GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(0);
                            FbxString filename = FbxPathUtils::GetFileName(lTex->GetFileName());
                            sceneNode->texture = filename.Lower();


                        // root node is not counted as a drawable.
    return sceneNode;