文件: msg.c 项目: 2asoft/freebsd
 * msgq --
 *	Display a message.
 * PUBLIC: void msgq(SCR *, mtype_t, const char *, ...);
	SCR *sp,
	mtype_t mt,
	const char *fmt,
#ifndef NL_ARGMAX
#define	__NL_ARGMAX	20		/* Set to 9 by System V. */
	struct {
		const char *str;	/* String pointer. */
		size_t	 arg;		/* Argument number. */
		size_t	 prefix;	/* Prefix string length. */
		size_t	 skip;		/* Skipped string length. */
		size_t	 suffix;	/* Suffix string length. */
	} str[__NL_ARGMAX];
	static int reenter;		/* STATIC: Re-entrancy check. */
	GS *gp;
	size_t blen, len, mlen, nlen;
	const char *p;
	char *bp, *mp;
	va_list ap;
#ifndef NL_ARGMAX
	int ch;
	char *rbp, *s_rbp;
	const char *t, *u;
	size_t cnt1, cnt2, soff;

	 * !!!
	 * It's possible to enter msg when there's no screen to hold the
	 * message.  If sp is NULL, ignore the special cases and put the
	 * message out to stderr.
	if (sp == NULL) {
		gp = NULL;
		if (mt == M_BERR)
			mt = M_ERR;
		else if (mt == M_VINFO)
			mt = M_INFO;
	} else {
		gp = sp->gp;
		switch (mt) {
		case M_BERR:
			if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI) && !O_ISSET(sp, O_VERBOSE)) {
			mt = M_ERR;
		case M_VINFO:
			if (!O_ISSET(sp, O_VERBOSE))
			mt = M_INFO;
		case M_INFO:
			if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT))
		case M_ERR:
		case M_SYSERR:

	 * It's possible to reenter msg when it allocates space.  We're
	 * probably dead anyway, but there's no reason to drop core.
	 * XXX
	 * Yes, there's a race, but it should only be two instructions.
	if (reenter++)

	/* Get space for the message. */
	nlen = 1024;
	if (0) {
retry:		FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
		nlen *= 2;
	bp = NULL;
	blen = 0;
	GET_SPACE_GOTOC(sp, bp, blen, nlen);

	 * Error prefix.
	 * mp:	 pointer to the current next character to be written
	 * mlen: length of the already written characters
	 * blen: total length of the buffer
#define	REM	(blen - mlen)
	mp = bp;
	mlen = 0;
	if (mt == M_SYSERR) {
		p = msg_cat(sp, "020|Error: ", &len);
		if (REM < len)
			goto retry;
		memcpy(mp, p, len);
		mp += len;
		mlen += len;

	 * If we're running an ex command that the user didn't enter, display
	 * the file name and line number prefix.
	if ((mt == M_ERR || mt == M_SYSERR) &&
	    sp != NULL && gp != NULL && gp->if_name != NULL) {
		CHAR_T *wp;
		size_t wlen;

		CHAR2INT(sp, gp->if_name, strlen(gp->if_name) + 1, wp, wlen);
		for (; *wp != '\0'; ++wp) {
			len = snprintf(mp, REM, "%s", KEY_NAME(sp, *wp));
			mp += len;
			if ((mlen += len) > blen)
				goto retry;
		len = snprintf(mp, REM, ", %d: ", gp->if_lno);
		mp += len;
		if ((mlen += len) > blen)
			goto retry;

	/* If nothing to format, we're done. */
	if (fmt == NULL)
		goto nofmt;
	fmt = msg_cat(sp, fmt, NULL);

#ifndef NL_ARGMAX
	 * Nvi should run on machines that don't support the numbered argument
	 * specifications (%[digit]*$).  We do this by reformatting the string
	 * so that we can hand it to vsprintf(3) and it will use the arguments
	 * in the right order.  When vsprintf returns, we put the string back
	 * into the right order.  It's undefined, according to SVID III, to mix
	 * numbered argument specifications with the standard style arguments,
	 * so this should be safe.
	 * In addition, we also need a character that is known to not occur in
	 * any vi message, for separating the parts of the string.  As callers
	 * of msgq are responsible for making sure that all the non-printable
	 * characters are formatted for printing before calling msgq, we use a
	 * random non-printable character selected at terminal initialization
	 * time.  This code isn't fast by any means, but as messages should be
	 * relatively short and normally have only a few arguments, it won't be
	 * too bad.  Regardless, nobody has come up with any other solution.
	 * The result of this loop is an array of pointers into the message
	 * string, with associated lengths and argument numbers.  The array
	 * is in the "correct" order, and the arg field contains the argument
	 * order.
	for (p = fmt, soff = 0; soff < __NL_ARGMAX;) {
		for (t = p; *p != '\0' && *p != '%'; ++p);
		if (*p == '\0')
		if (!isdigit(*p)) {
			if (*p == '%')
		for (u = p; *++p != '\0' && isdigit(*p););
		if (*p != '$')

		/* Up to, and including the % character. */
		str[soff].str = t;
		str[soff].prefix = u - t;

		/* Up to, and including the $ character. */
		str[soff].arg = atoi(u);
		str[soff].skip = (p - u) + 1;
		if (str[soff].arg >= __NL_ARGMAX)
			goto ret;

		/* Up to, and including the conversion character. */
		for (u = p; (ch = *++p) != '\0';)
			if (isalpha(ch) &&
			    strchr("diouxXfeEgGcspn", ch) != NULL)
		str[soff].suffix = p - u;
		if (ch != '\0')

	/* If no magic strings, we're done. */
	if (soff == 0)
		goto format;

	 /* Get space for the reordered strings. */
	if ((rbp = malloc(nlen)) == NULL)
		goto ret;
	s_rbp = rbp;

	 * Reorder the strings into the message string based on argument
	 * order.
	 * !!!
	 * We ignore arguments that are out of order, i.e. if we don't find
	 * an argument, we continue.  Assume (almost certainly incorrectly)
	 * that whoever created the string knew what they were doing.
	 * !!!
	 * Brute force "sort", but since we don't expect more than one or two
	 * arguments in a string, the setup cost of a fast sort will be more
	 * expensive than the loop.
	for (cnt1 = 1; cnt1 <= soff; ++cnt1)
		for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < soff; ++cnt2)
			if (cnt1 == str[cnt2].arg) {
				memmove(s_rbp, str[cnt2].str, str[cnt2].prefix);
				memmove(s_rbp + str[cnt2].prefix,
				    str[cnt2].str + str[cnt2].prefix +
				    str[cnt2].skip, str[cnt2].suffix);
				s_rbp += str[cnt2].prefix + str[cnt2].suffix;
				*s_rbp++ =
				    gp == NULL ? DEFAULT_NOPRINT : gp->noprint;
	*s_rbp = '\0';
	fmt = rbp;

#ifndef NL_ARGMAX
format:	/* Format the arguments into the string. */
	va_start(ap, fmt);
	len = vsnprintf(mp, REM, fmt, ap);
	if (len >= nlen)
		goto retry;

#ifndef NL_ARGMAX
	if (soff == 0)
		goto nofmt;

	 * Go through the resulting string, and, for each separator character
	 * separated string, enter its new starting position and length in the
	 * array.
	for (p = t = mp, cnt1 = 1,
	    ch = gp == NULL ? DEFAULT_NOPRINT : gp->noprint; *p != '\0'; ++p)
		if (*p == ch) {
			for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < soff; ++cnt2)
				if (str[cnt2].arg == cnt1)
			str[cnt2].str = t;
			str[cnt2].prefix = p - t;
			t = p + 1;

	 * Reorder the strings once again, putting them back into the
	 * message buffer.
	 * !!!
	 * Note, the length of the message gets decremented once for
	 * each substring, when we discard the separator character.
	for (s_rbp = rbp, cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < soff; ++cnt1) {
		memmove(rbp, str[cnt1].str, str[cnt1].prefix);
		rbp += str[cnt1].prefix;
	memmove(mp, s_rbp, rbp - s_rbp);

	/* Free the reordered string memory. */

nofmt:	mp += len;
	if ((mlen += len) > blen)
		goto retry;
	if (mt == M_SYSERR) {
		len = snprintf(mp, REM, ": %s", strerror(errno));
		mp += len;
		if ((mlen += len) > blen)
			goto retry;
		mt = M_ERR;

	/* Add trailing newline. */
	if ((mlen += 1) > blen)
		goto retry;
	*mp = '\n';

	if (sp != NULL)
	if (gp != NULL)
		gp->scr_msg(sp, mt, bp, mlen);
		(void)fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", (int)mlen, bp);

	/* Cleanup. */
#ifndef NL_ARGMAX
	FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
	reenter = 0;
文件: vs_msg.c 项目: mosconi/openbsd
 * vs_resolve --
 *	Deal with message output.
 * PUBLIC: int vs_resolve(SCR *, SCR *, int);
vs_resolve(SCR *sp, SCR *csp, int forcewait)
	EVENT ev;
	GS *gp;
	MSGS *mp;
	size_t oldy, oldx;
	int redraw;

	 * Vs_resolve is called from the main vi loop and the refresh function
	 * to periodically ensure that the user has seen any messages that have
	 * been displayed and that any status lines are correct.  The sp screen
	 * is the screen we're checking, usually the current screen.  When it's
	 * not, csp is the current screen, used for final cursor positioning.
	gp = sp->gp;
	vip = VIP(sp);
	if (csp == NULL)
		csp = sp;

	/* Save the cursor position. */
	(void)gp->scr_cursor(csp, &oldy, &oldx);

	/* Ring the bell if it's scheduled. */
	if (F_ISSET(gp, G_BELLSCHED)) {

	/* Display new file status line. */
	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_STATUS)) {
		msgq_status(sp, sp->lno, MSTAT_TRUNCATE);

	/* Report on line modifications. */

	 * Flush any saved messages.  If the screen isn't ready, refresh
	 * it.  (A side-effect of screen refresh is that we can display
	 * messages.)  Once this is done, don't trust the cursor.  That
	 * extra refresh screwed the pooch.
	if (LIST_FIRST(&gp->msgq) != NULL) {
		if (!F_ISSET(sp, SC_SCR_VI) && vs_refresh(sp, 1))
			return (1);
		while ((mp = LIST_FIRST(&gp->msgq)) != NULL) {
			gp->scr_msg(sp, mp->mtype, mp->buf, mp->len);
			LIST_REMOVE(mp, q);

	switch (vip->totalcount) {
	case 0:
		redraw = 0;
	case 1:
		 * If we're switching screens, we have to wait for messages,
		 * regardless.  If we don't wait, skip updating the modeline.
		if (forcewait)
			vs_scroll(sp, NULL, SCROLL_W);

		redraw = 0;
		 * If >1 message line in use, prompt the user to continue and
		 * repaint overwritten lines.
		vs_scroll(sp, NULL, SCROLL_W);

		ev.e_event = E_REPAINT;
		ev.e_flno = vip->totalcount >=
		    sp->rows ? 1 : sp->rows - vip->totalcount;
		ev.e_tlno = sp->rows;

		redraw = 1;

	/* Reset the count of overwriting lines. */
	vip->linecount = vip->lcontinue = vip->totalcount = 0;

	/* Redraw. */
	if (redraw)
		(void)vs_repaint(sp, &ev);

	/* Restore the cursor position. */
	(void)gp->scr_move(csp, oldy, oldx);

	return (0);