int main () { cout << "test graph begin" << endl; int *p; Graph g (5); g.randomInit (0.6); cout << g << endl; cout << "test BFS begin" << endl; p = g.BFS(1); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) cout << p[i] << ", "; cout << endl; g.printPath (p, 1, 4); cout << endl; g.printPath (p, 1, 2); cout << endl; delete[] p; cout << "test BFS end" << endl; cout << "test DFS begin" << endl; p = g.DFS(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) cout << p[i] << ", "; cout << endl; g.printPath (p, 1, 4); cout << endl; g.printPath (p, 1, 2); cout << endl; delete[] p; cout << "test DFS end" << endl; cout << "test graph end" << endl; }
int main(void) { int n, m; scanf("%d %d", &m, &n); Graph * graph = new Graph(n); int a, b, w; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &w); graph->vertex_arr[a]->AddEdge(new Edge(graph->vertex_arr[a], graph->vertex_arr[b], w)); } int minimum_weight = 999999; total_weight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertex_arr[1]->edgesize; i++) { flag = moveflag = 0; minimum = 999999; graph->DFS(graph->vertex_arr[1]); graph->vertex_arr[1]->Check_Edge(i); for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) graph->vertex_arr[j]->visit = NonVisited; } printf("%d\n", total_weight); return 0; }
void Graph::SSC(int S) { bool *visited = new bool[V]; memset(visited, 0, V); stack<int> Stack; // DFS(like Topological Sort) and populate stack for(int v=0; v<V; v++) if( !visited[v]) DFSwithStack(v, visited, Stack); //Reverse Direction of all edges Graph G = getTranspose(); memset(visited, 0, V); while ( !Stack.empty()) { // Pop a vertex from stack int v =; Stack.pop(); // Do DFS which prints strongly connected components if ( !visited[v]) G.DFS(v, visited); cout << endl; } }
int main() { Graph g; while(!cin.eof()) { string tmp; string arg1, arg2, arg3; string::iterator i; getline(cin, tmp); if(tmp.empty()) continue; i = tmp.begin(); while(*i != ' ') { arg1.push_back(*i); ++i; } ++i; while(*i != ' ' && i != tmp.end() ) { arg2.push_back(*i); ++i; } if(i != tmp.end()) { ++i; while(i != tmp.end() ) { arg3.push_back(*i); ++i; } g.addEdge(stoi(arg1), stoi(arg2), stod(arg3)); continue; } else { g.addVertex(stod(arg1), stod(arg2)); } } //g.printGraph(); g.DFS(); return 0; }
int main(){ Graph y; y.readFromFile("input2.txt"); y.writeToFile("dfadd"); cout << "Test DFS" << endl; cout << y.DFS("Philadelphia", "Trenton") << endl; cout << y.DFS("Trenton", "Boston") << endl; cout << y.DFS("Philadelphia", "Palo Alto") << endl; cout << "Test BFS" << endl; cout << y.BFS("Philadelphia", "Trenton") << endl; cout << y.BFS("Trenton", "Boston") << endl; cout << y.BFS("Philadelphia", "Palo Alto") << endl; cout << "Test Tree property" << endl; cout << y.tree() << endl << endl; cout << "Number of Components" << endl; cout << y.numConnectedComponents() << endl << endl; cout << "Partionable" << endl; cout << y.partitionable() << endl << endl; cout << "Minimum Weight Components" << endl; y.minWeightComponent("Los Angeles"); y.minWeightComponent("New York"); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Print Path Close Val" << endl; y.printPathCloseVal(41.7); cout << endl << endl; Graph x; x.readFromFile("input.txt"); cout << "Test sub-graph" << endl; cout << y.isSubGraph(x) << endl; return 0; }
// Driver program to test methods of graph class int main() { // Create a graph given in the above diagram Graph<Vertex> g; g.addEdge(0, 1, 1); g.addEdge(0, 2, 1); g.addEdge(1, 2, 1); g.addEdge(2, 0, 1); g.addEdge(2, 3, 1); g.addEdge(3, 3, 1); cout << "Following is Breadth First Traversal (starting from vertex 2) \n"; g.BFS(2); cout << "Following is Depth First Traversal (starting from vertex 2) \n"; g.DFS(2); return 0; }
int main() { // Create a graph given in the above diagram int v,e,e1,e2; freopen("in","r",stdin); scanf("%d %d",&v,&e); cout<<v<<" "<<e<<endl; for(int i=0; i<e; i++) { scanf("%d %d",&e1,&e2); cout<<e1<<" "<<e2<<endl; g1.addEdge(e1, e2); g2.addEdge(e1, e2); g2.addEdge(e2, e1); } g1.DFS(1,v); cout<<"\nfinal answer "<<ans<<endl; return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { // ===== graph init ====== Graph<size_t> g; Vertex<size_t> & a = g.addVertex(1); Vertex<size_t> & b = g.addVertex(2); Vertex<size_t> & c = g.addVertex(3); Vertex<size_t> & d = g.addVertex(4); Vertex<size_t> & e = g.addVertex(5); Vertex<size_t> & f = g.addVertex(6); Vertex<size_t> & h = g.addVertex(7); Vertex<size_t> & i = g.addVertex(8); Vertex<size_t> & j = g.addVertex(9); g.addEdge(a, b); g.addEdge(a, d); g.addEdge(a, e); g.addEdge(b, c); g.addEdge(d, c); g.addEdge(d, e); g.addEdge(c, f); g.addEdge(f, h); g.addEdge(d, i); g.addEdge(i, j); // ===== run BFS ====== cout << "bfs" << endl; g.BFS(a, func); // ===== run DFS ====== cout << "dfs" << endl; g.DFS(a, func); cout << g; return 0; }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { Graph G;[1]); G.DFS(); G.DFS2(); };
int main() { Graph g = createGraph(); int ch; while (1) { cout << "\nEnter a choice:\n"; cout << "1.Make DFS from a edge\n"; cout << "2.Show all edges using DFS\n"; cout << "3.Make BFS from a edge\n"; cout << "4.Show all edges using BFS\n"; cout << "5.Find if there is path between 2 edges\n"; cout << "6.Topological sort\n"; cout << "7.Find shortest unweighted path between two edges\n"; cout << "8.Find shortest weighted path between two edges\n"; cout << "9.Create Kruskal's MST\n"; cout << "Other:Exit\n"; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: cout << "Enter edge:"; int n; cin >> n; if(g.vertices()>n && n>=0){ cout << endl; g.DFS(n); cout << endl; }else{ cout << "Invalid entry\n"; } break; case 2: cout << endl; g.DFS(); cout << endl; break; case 3: cout << "Enter edge:"; cin >> n; if(g.vertices()>n && n>=0){ cout << endl; g.BFS(n); cout << endl; }else{ cout << "Invalid entry\n"; }break; case 4: cout << endl; g.BFS(); cout << endl; break; case 5: cout << "Enter source and destination edges\n"; int a,b; cin >> a >> b; if(g.vertices()>a && a>=0 && g.vertices()>b && b>=0){ cout << endl; g.BFSpath(a, b); cout << endl; }else{ cout << "Invalid entry\n"; }break; case 6: cout << endl; g.topoSort(); cout << endl; break; case 7: cout << "Enter source and destination edges\n"; int x,y; cin >> x >> y; cout << endl; g.shortPath(x, y); cout << endl; break; case 8: cout << "Enter source and destination edges\n"; int l,m; cin >> l >> m; cout << endl; g.shortPathWeight(l, m); cout << endl; break; case 9: { Graph mst(g.vertices()); int count = 0; cout << endl; while (g.edgeHeap->count>0) { edge e = delMinInHeap(&g.edgeHeap); if (!mst.IsInMST(e.source(), e.destination())) { mst.AddInMST(e.source(), e.destination()); mst.addEdge(e.source(), e.destination(),e.length()); cout << e.source() << "\t<->\t\t"<< e.destination() << "\t\t" <<e.length() << endl; count++; } if (count == g.vertices()-1) { break; } } cout << endl; cout << "Enter source and destination edges\n"; int l,m; cin >> l >> m; cout << endl; mst.shortPathWeight(l, m); cout << endl; return 0; } break; default: cout << endl; return 0; break; } } cout << endl; return 0; }