void Ship::RemoveRig( InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID )

    //move the item to the void or w/e
    m_pOperator->MoveItem(item->itemID(), inventoryID, flagAutoFit);

    //delete the item
void Inventory::AddItem(InventoryItemRef item)
    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::iterator res = mContents.find( item->itemID() );
    if( res == mContents.end() )
        mContents.insert( std::make_pair( item->itemID(), item ) );

        sLog.Debug("Inventory", "Updated location %u to contain item %u with flag %d.", inventoryID(), item->itemID(), (int)item->flag() );
    //else already here
    sLog.Debug("Inventory", "unable to updated location %u to contain item %u with flag %d, because it already happend.", inventoryID(), item->itemID(), (int)item->flag() );
void Ship::RemoveItem(InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID, EVEItemFlags flag)
	//coming from ship, we need to deactivate it and remove mass if it isn't a charge
	if( item->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Charge ) {
		m_pOperator->GetShip()->Deactivate( item->itemID(), "online" );
		// m_pOperator->GetShip()->Set_mass( m_pOperator->GetShip()->mass() - item->massAddition() );
		//m_pOperator->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrMass,  m_pOperator->GetShip()->GetAttribute(AttrMass) - item->GetAttribute(AttrMassAddition) );
        m_pOperator->GetShip()->UnloadModule( item->itemID() );

	//Move New item to its new location
	m_pOperator->MoveItem(item->itemID(), inventoryID, flag);
void Inventory::RemoveItem(InventoryItemRef item)
    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::iterator res = mContents.find( item->itemID() );
    if( res != mContents.end() )
        mContents.erase( res );

        sLog.Debug("Inventory", "Updated location %u to no longer contain item %u.", inventoryID(), item->itemID() );
		sLog.Debug("Inventory", "unable to remove %u from %u.", item->itemID(), inventoryID() );
void Ship::RemoveRig( InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID )

    //delete the item
void Ship::RemoveItem(InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID, EVEItemFlags flag)
    // If item IS a module and it's being removed from a slot:
	if( (item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module) && ((item->flag() >= flagLowSlot0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagHiSlot7)) )
        m_pOperator->GetShip()->Deactivate( item->itemID(), "online" );
        // m_pOperator->GetShip()->Set_mass( m_pOperator->GetShip()->mass() - item->massAddition() );
        //m_pOperator->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrMass,  m_pOperator->GetShip()->GetAttribute(AttrMass) - item->GetAttribute(AttrMassAddition) );
        m_pOperator->GetShip()->UnloadModule( item->itemID() );

	// If item IS a rig and it's being removed from a slot:
	if( (item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module) && ((item->flag() >= flagRigSlot0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagRigSlot7)) )
		// Don't know what to do when removing a Rig... yet ;)

	// If item IS a rig and it's being removed from a slot:
	if( (item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Subsystem) && ((item->flag() >= flagSubSystem0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagSubSystem7)) )
		// Don't know what to do when removing a Subsystem... yet ;)

	// if item being removed IS a charge, it needs to be removed via Module Manager so modules know charge is removed,
	// BUT, only if it is loaded into a module in one of the 3 slot banks, so we also check its flag value:
	if( (item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge) && ((item->flag() >= flagLowSlot0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagHiSlot7)) )

	if( item->flag() == flag )
		// Item's already been moved, let's return

    // Move New item to its new location:
	if( !( ((item->flag() >= flagLowSlot0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagHiSlot7)) || ((item->flag() >= flagRigSlot0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagRigSlot7))
		|| ((item->flag() >= flagSubSystem0)  &&  (item->flag() <= flagSubSystem7)) ) )
        _DecreaseCargoHoldsUsedVolume(item->flag(), (item->getAttribute(AttrVolume).get_float() * item->quantity()));
		m_pOperator->MoveItem(item->itemID(), inventoryID, flag);
		m_pOperator->MoveItem(item->itemID(), inventoryID, flag);
InventoryItemRef ItemFactory::SpawnItem(ItemData &data) {
    InventoryItemRef i = InventoryItem::Spawn(*this, data);
    if( !i )
        return InventoryItemRef();

    // spawn successful; store the ref
    m_items.insert( std::make_pair( i->itemID(), i ) );
    return i;
bool ModuleManager::FitModule(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    if(item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module)
        // Attempt to fit the module
        if( _fitModule(item, flag) )
            // Now that module is successfully fitted, attempt to put it Online:
            return true;
        SysLog::Debug("ModuleManager","%s tried to fit item %u, which is not a module", m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetName(), item->itemID());

    return false;
bool Ship::AlterCargoQty(InventoryItemRef item, int qtyChange)
    // Make sure we actually contain this item!
    if (!Contains(item->itemID()))
        // We don't contain it, sorry!
        return false;
    // Calculate total volume needed.
    double volumeNeed = item->getAttribute(AttrVolume).get_float() * qtyChange;
    // Get remaining volume.
    double remain = GetRemainingCapacity(item->flag());
    if (remain >= volumeNeed)
        // We have enough space remaining, add the items.
        // Adjust the remaining volume.
        _IncreaseCargoHoldsUsedVolume(item->flag(), volumeNeed);
        return true;
    return false;
uint32 Ship::AddItem(EVEItemFlags flag, InventoryItemRef item)
    ValidateAddItem( flag, item );

    //it's a new module, make sure it's state starts at offline so that it is added correctly
    if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )

	switch( item->categoryID() )
		case EVEDB::invCategories::Charge:
				m_ModuleManager->LoadCharge(item, flag);
				InventoryItemRef loadedChargeOnModule = m_ModuleManager->GetLoadedChargeOnModule(flag);
				if( loadedChargeOnModule )
					return loadedChargeOnModule->itemID();
					return 0;

		case EVEDB::invCategories::Module:
			if( m_ModuleManager->FitModule(item, flag) )
				item->Move(itemID(), flag);

		// The default case handles ANY other items added to ship and assumes they go into one of the valid cargo holds on this ship:
			//Log::Error( "Ship::AddItem(flag,item)", "ERROR! Function called with item '%s' (id: %u) of category neither Charge nor Module!", item->itemName().c_str(), item->itemID() );
            _IncreaseCargoHoldsUsedVolume(item->flag(), (item->getAttribute(AttrVolume).get_float() * item->quantity()));
			item->Move(itemID(), flag);

	return 0;
bool InventoryItem::Merge(InventoryItemRef to_merge, int32 qty, bool notify) {
    if(typeID() != to_merge->typeID()) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Asked to merge with %s (%u).", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), to_merge->itemName().c_str(), to_merge->itemID());
        return false;
    if(locationID() != to_merge->locationID() || flag() != to_merge->flag()) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u) in location %u, flag %u: Asked to merge with item %u in location %u, flag %u.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), locationID(), flag(), to_merge->itemID(), to_merge->locationID(), to_merge->flag());
        return false;
    if(qty == 0)
        qty = to_merge->quantity();
    if(qty <= 0) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Asked to merge with %d units of item %u.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), qty, to_merge->itemID());
        return false;
    if(!AlterQuantity(qty, notify)) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Failed to add quantity %d.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), qty);
        return false;

    if(qty == to_merge->quantity()) {
    } else if(!to_merge->AlterQuantity(-qty, notify)) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Failed to remove quantity %d.", to_merge->itemName().c_str(), to_merge->itemID(), qty);
        return false;

    return true;
ModuleManager::ModuleManager(Ship *const ship)
    // Create ModuleContainer object and initialize with sizes for all slot banks for this ship:
    m_Modules = new ModuleContainer((uint32)ship->GetAttribute(AttrLowSlots).get_int(),

    // Store reference to the Ship object to which the ModuleManager belongs:
    m_Ship = ship;

	// Initialize the log file for this Module Manager instance
	std::string logsubdirectory = "ModuleManagers";
	//std::string logfilename = "On_Ship_" + m_Ship->itemName();		// This method using ship's name string may NOT be path friendly as players naming ships may use path-unfriendly characters - need function to convert to path-friendly ship name string

	std::string logfilename = "On_Ship_" + m_Ship->itemName() + "_(" + std::string(itoa(m_Ship->itemID())) + ")";

	m_pLog = new Task_Log( EVEServerConfig::files.logDir, logsubdirectory, logfilename );

	m_pLog->InitializeLogging( EVEServerConfig::files.logDir, logsubdirectory, logfilename );

    // Load modules, rigs and subsystems from Ship's inventory into ModuleContainer:
	m_pLog->Log("ModuleManager", "Loading modules...");
    uint32 flagIndex;
    for(flagIndex=flagLowSlot0; flagIndex<=flagLowSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef moduleRef;
		InventoryItemRef chargeRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur != end) ) {
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )
					chargeRef = (*cur);
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
					moduleRef = (*cur);
			if( moduleRef )
				if( _fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex ) )
					//_fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
					if( moduleRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
					if( chargeRef )
						((ActiveModule *)GetModule((EVEItemFlags)flagIndex))->load(chargeRef);
					SysLog::Error( "ModuleManager::ModuleManager()", "ERROR: Cannot fit Low Slot module '%s' (id %u)", moduleRef->itemName().c_str(), moduleRef->itemID() );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "ERROR! Cannot fit Low Slot module '%s'", moduleRef->itemName().c_str() ) );

    for(flagIndex=flagMedSlot0; flagIndex<=flagMedSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef moduleRef;
		InventoryItemRef chargeRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur != end) ) {
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )
					chargeRef = (*cur);
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
					moduleRef = (*cur);
			if( moduleRef )
				if( _fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex ) )
					//_fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
					if( moduleRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
					if( chargeRef )
						((ActiveModule *)GetModule((EVEItemFlags)flagIndex))->load(chargeRef);
					SysLog::Error( "ModuleManager::ModuleManager()", "ERROR: Cannot fit Med Slot module '%s' (id %u)", moduleRef->itemName().c_str(), moduleRef->itemID() );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "ERROR! Cannot fit Med Slot module '%s'", moduleRef->itemName().c_str() ) );

    for(flagIndex=flagHiSlot0; flagIndex<=flagHiSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef moduleRef;
		InventoryItemRef chargeRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur != end) ) {
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )
					chargeRef = (*cur);
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
					moduleRef = (*cur);
			if( moduleRef )
				if( _fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex ) )
					if( moduleRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
					if( chargeRef )
						((ActiveModule *)GetModule((EVEItemFlags)flagIndex))->load(chargeRef);
					SysLog::Error( "ModuleManager::ModuleManager()", "ERROR: Cannot fit High Slot module '%s' (id %u)", moduleRef->itemName().c_str(), moduleRef->itemID() );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "ERROR! Cannot fit High Slot module '%s'", moduleRef->itemName().c_str() ) );

    for(flagIndex=flagRigSlot0; flagIndex<=flagRigSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef itemRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur->get()->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Module) && (cur != end) ) {
			if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
				itemRef = (*cur);
			if( itemRef )
				_fitModule( itemRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
				// We don't think Rigs need the Online attribute set, but keep this code here in case we do:
				//if( itemRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
				//	Online(itemRef->itemID());
				//	Offline(itemRef->itemID());

    for(flagIndex=flagSubSystem0; flagIndex<=flagSubSystem7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef itemRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur->get()->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Module) && (cur != end) ) {
			if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
				itemRef = (*cur);
			if( itemRef )
				_fitModule( itemRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
				// We don't think Subsystems need the Online attribute set, but keep this code here in case we do:
				//if( itemRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
				//	Online(itemRef->itemID());
				//	Offline(itemRef->itemID());

	m_pLog->Log("ModuleManager", "Module loading complete!");

bool ModuleManager::_fitModule(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    bool verifyFailed = false;
	GenericModule * mod;

	// First, check to see if this module item is already fitted, and if so, let's instruct ModuleContainer to move the module
	GenericModule * existingMod = m_Modules->GetModule(item->itemID());

	if( existingMod != NULL )
		if( m_Modules->isSlotOccupied(flag) )
			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "SlotAlreadyOccupied" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;

		m_Modules->RemoveModule( existingMod->flag() );		// Remove this module from existing slot
		existingMod->getItem()->SetFlag( flag );			// Change item's flag to the NEW slot flag
		m_Modules->AddModule( flag, existingMod );			// Add this module back to the container at the NEW slot location
		mod = ModuleFactory(item, ShipRef(m_Ship));

		// Set module's pointer to its owner ModuleManager's log object:

		// Check for max turret modules allowed:
		if( mod->isTurretFitted() && (m_Modules->GetFittedTurretCount() == m_Ship->GetMaxTurrentHardpoints().get_int()) )
			//std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;
			//args["typename"] = new PyString(item->itemName().c_str());
			//args["portion"] = new PyInt(item->type().portionSize());

			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "NotEnoughTurretSlots" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;
		// Check for max launcher modules allowed:
		if( mod->isLauncherFitted() && (m_Modules->GetFittedLauncherCount() == m_Ship->GetMaxLauncherHardpoints().get_int()) )
			//std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;
			//args["typename"] = new PyString(item->itemName().c_str());
			//args["portion"] = new PyInt(item->type().portionSize());

			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "NotEnoughLauncherSlots" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;
		// Check for max modules of group allowed:
		else if( mod->isMaxGroupFitLimited() && (m_Modules->GetFittedModuleCountByGroup(item->groupID()) == mod->getItem()->GetAttribute(AttrMaxGroupFitted).get_int()) )
			//std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;
			//args["typename"] = new PyString(item->itemName().c_str());
			//args["portion"] = new PyInt(item->type().portionSize());

			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "CantFitTooManyByGroup" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;
			// Fit Module now that all checks have passed:
			m_Modules->AddModule(flag, mod);

    if( verifyFailed )
        if( mod != NULL )
			delete mod;
        return false;
        return true;
bool ModuleManager::SwapSubSystem(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    if(item->groupID() >= 954 && item->groupID() <= 958)
        return true;
        SysLog::Debug("ModuleManager","%s tried to fit item %u, which is not a subsystem", m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetName(), item->itemID());

    return false;
PyResult RamProxyService::Handle_InstallJob(PyCallArgs &call) {
    Call_InstallJob args;
    if(!args.Decode(&call.tuple)) {
        _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to decode args.");
        return NULL;

    // load installed item
    InventoryItemRef installedItem = m_manager->item_factory.GetItem( args.installedItemID );
    if( !installedItem )
        return NULL;

    // if output flag not set, put it where it was
    if(args.flagOutput == flagAutoFit)
        args.flagOutput = installedItem->flag();

    // decode path to BOM location
    PathElement pathBomLocation;
    if( !pathBomLocation.Decode( args.bomPath->GetItem(0) ) ) {
        _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to decode BOM location.");
        return NULL;

    // verify call
    _VerifyInstallJob_Call( args, (InventoryItemRef)installedItem, pathBomLocation, call.client );

    // this calculates some useful multipliers ... Rsp_InstallJob is used as container ...
    Rsp_InstallJob rsp;
    if(!_Calculate(args, (InventoryItemRef)installedItem, call.client, rsp))
        return NULL;

    // I understand sent maxJobStartTime as a limit, so this checks whether it's in limit
    if(rsp.maxJobStartTime > call.byname["maxJobStartTime"]->AsInt()->value())

    // query required items for activity
    std::vector<RequiredItem> reqItems;
    if(!m_db.GetRequiredItems(installedItem->typeID(), (EVERamActivity)args.activityID, reqItems))
        return NULL;

    // if 'quoteOnly' is 1 -> send quote, if 0 -> install job
        _EncodeBillOfMaterials(reqItems, rsp.materialMultiplier, rsp.charMaterialMultiplier, args.runs, rsp.bom);
        _EncodeMissingMaterials(reqItems, pathBomLocation, call.client, rsp.materialMultiplier, rsp.charMaterialMultiplier, args.runs, rsp.missingMaterials);

        return rsp.Encode();
        // verify install
        _VerifyInstallJob_Install(rsp, pathBomLocation, reqItems, args.runs, call.client);

        // now we are sure everything from the client side is right, we can start it ...

        // calculate proper start time
        uint64 beginProductionTime = Win32TimeNow();
        if(beginProductionTime < (uint32)rsp.maxJobStartTime)
            beginProductionTime = rsp.maxJobStartTime;

        // register our job
        if( !m_db.InstallJob(
            args.isCorpJob ? call.client->GetCorporationID() : call.client->GetCharacterID(),
            beginProductionTime + uint64(rsp.productionTime) * Win32Time_Second,
            args.licensedProductionRuns ) )
            return NULL;

        // do some activity-specific actions
        switch(args.activityID) {
            case ramActivityManufacturing: {
                // decrease licensed production runs
                BlueprintRef bp = BlueprintRef::StaticCast( installedItem );

        // pay for assembly lines, move the item away
        installedItem->Move( installedItem->locationID(), flagFactoryBlueprint );

        // query all items contained in "Bill of Materials" location
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
        _GetBOMItems( pathBomLocation, items );

        std::vector<RequiredItem>::iterator cur, end;
        cur = reqItems.begin();
        end = reqItems.end();
        for(; cur != end; cur++) {
                continue;       // not interested

            // calculate needed quantity
            uint32 qtyNeeded = static_cast<uint32>(ceil(cur->quantity * rsp.materialMultiplier * args.runs));
            if(cur->damagePerJob == 1.0)
                qtyNeeded = static_cast<uint32>(ceil(qtyNeeded * rsp.charMaterialMultiplier));   // skill multiplier is applied only on fully consumed materials

            std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator curi, endi;
            curi = items.begin();
            endi = items.end();
            // consume required materials
            for(; curi != endi; curi++) {
                if((*curi)->typeID() == cur->typeID && (*curi)->ownerID() == call.client->GetCharacterID()) {
                    if(qtyNeeded >= (*curi)->quantity()) {
                        qtyNeeded -= (*curi)->quantity();
                    } else {
                        break;  // we are done, stop searching

        return NULL;
PyResult ContractMgrService::Handle_GetContract( PyCallArgs& call )
	Call_SingleIntegerArg arg;
	PyDict* _contract = new PyDict;

	if( !arg.Decode( &call.tuple ) )
		codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "%s: Bad arguments to GetContract in contractMgr", call.client->GetCharacterName() );
		return NULL;

	// Manual creation of PyPackedRow
	DBRowDescriptor *header = new DBRowDescriptor();
	header->AddColumn( "contractID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "issuerID",				DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "issuerCorpID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "type",					DBTYPE_UI1 );
	header->AddColumn( "availability",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "assigneeID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "numDays",				DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "startStationID",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "endStationID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "startSolarSystemID",	DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "endSolarSystemID",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "startRegionID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "endRegionID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "price",					DBTYPE_CY );
	header->AddColumn( "reward",				DBTYPE_CY );
	header->AddColumn( "collateral",			DBTYPE_CY );
	header->AddColumn( "title",					DBTYPE_WSTR );
	header->AddColumn( "description",			DBTYPE_WSTR );
	header->AddColumn( "forCorp",				DBTYPE_BOOL );
	header->AddColumn( "status",				DBTYPE_UI1 );
	header->AddColumn( "acceptorID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "dateIssued",			DBTYPE_FILETIME );
	header->AddColumn( "dateExpired",			DBTYPE_FILETIME );
	header->AddColumn( "dateAccepted",			DBTYPE_FILETIME );
	header->AddColumn( "dateCompleted",			DBTYPE_FILETIME );
	header->AddColumn( "volume",				DBTYPE_R8 );
	header->AddColumn( "issuerAllianceID",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "issuerWalletKey",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "acceptorWalletKey",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	header->AddColumn( "crateID",				DBTYPE_I4 );

	ContractRef contract = m_contractManager->GetContract( arg.arg );
	uint32 n = 0;

	PyPackedRow* into = new PyPackedRow( header );
	into->SetField( "contractID",			new PyInt(		contract->contractID() ) );
	into->SetField( "issuerID",				new PyInt(		contract->issuerID() ) );
	into->SetField( "issuerCorpID",			new PyInt(		contract->issuerCorpID() ) );
	into->SetField( "type",					new PyInt(		contract->type() ) );
	into->SetField( "availability",			new PyInt(		contract->avail() ) );
	into->SetField( "assigneeID",			new PyInt(		contract->assigneeID() ) );
	into->SetField( "numDays",				new PyInt(		0 ) );
	into->SetField( "startStationID",		new PyInt(		contract->startStationID() ) );
	into->SetField( "endStationID",			new PyInt(		contract->endStationID() ) );
	into->SetField( "startSolarSystemID",   new PyInt(		contract->startSolarSystemID() ) );
	into->SetField( "endSolarSystemID",		new PyInt(		contract->endSolarSystemID() ) );
	into->SetField( "startRegionID",		new PyInt(		contract->startRegionID() ) );
	into->SetField( "endRegionID",			new PyInt(		contract->endRegionID() ) );
	into->SetField( "price",				new PyFloat(	contract->price() ) );
	into->SetField( "reward",				new PyFloat(	contract->reward() ) );
	into->SetField( "collateral",			new PyFloat(	contract->collateral() ) );
	into->SetField( "title",				new PyString(	"title" ) );
	into->SetField( "description",			new PyString(	"description" ) );
	into->SetField( "forCorp",				new PyBool(		contract->forCorp() ) );
	into->SetField( "status",				new PyInt(		contract->status() ) );
	into->SetField( "acceptorID",			new PyInt(		contract->acceptorID() ) );
	into->SetField( "dateIssued",			new PyLong(		contract->dateIssued() ) );
	into->SetField( "dateExpired",			new PyLong(		contract->dateExpired() ) );
	into->SetField( "dateAccepted",			new PyLong(		contract->dateAccepted() ) );
	into->SetField( "dateCompleted",		new PyLong(		contract->dateCompleted() ) );
	into->SetField( "volume",				new PyFloat(	contract->volume() ) );
	into->SetField( "issuerAllianceID",		new PyInt(		contract->issuerAllianceID() ) );
	into->SetField( "issuerWalletKey",		new PyInt(		contract->issuerWalletKey() ) );
	into->SetField( "acceptorWalletKey",	new PyInt(		0 ) );
	into->SetField( "crateID",				new PyInt(		0 ) );

	PyList* itemList = new PyList;

	DBRowDescriptor *itemHeader = new DBRowDescriptor();
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "contractID",						DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "itemID",							DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "quantity",							DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "itemTypeID",						DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "inCrate",							DBTYPE_BOOL );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "parentID",							DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "productivityLevel",					DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "materialLevel",						DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "copy",								DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining",	DBTYPE_I4 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "damage",							DBTYPE_R8 );
	itemHeader->AddColumn( "flagID",							DBTYPE_I2 );

	std::map<uint32, ContractGetItemsRef>::const_iterator cur, end;
	std::map<uint32, ContractGetItemsRef> items = contract->items();

	cur = items.begin();
	end = items.end();

	for(; cur != end; cur++ )
		PyPackedRow* data = new PyPackedRow( itemHeader );

		InventoryItemRef item = m_manager->item_factory.GetItem( cur->second->m_itemID );
		data->SetField( "contractID",							new PyInt(	contract->contractID() ) );
		data->SetField( "itemID",								new PyInt(	item->itemID() ) );
		data->SetField( "quantity",								new PyInt(	cur->second->m_quantity ) );
		data->SetField( "itemTypeID",							new PyInt(	item->typeID() ) );
		data->SetField( "inCrate",								new PyBool(	true ) );

		if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Blueprint )
			BlueprintRef bp = m_manager->item_factory.GetBlueprint( item->itemID() );
			data->SetField( "parentID",							new PyInt( bp->parentBlueprintTypeID() ) );
			data->SetField( "productivityLevel",				new PyInt( bp->productivityLevel() ) );
			data->SetField( "materialLevel",					new PyInt( bp->materialLevel() ) );
			data->SetField( "copy",								new PyInt( bp->copy() ) );
			data->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining",	new PyInt( bp->licensedProductionRunsRemaining() ) );

			if( bp->HasAttribute( 3 ) )
				data->SetField( "damage",						new PyFloat( bp->GetAttribute( 3 ).get_float() ) );
				data->SetField( "damage",						new PyFloat( 0.0 ) );

			data->SetField( "flagID",							new PyInt( bp->flag() ) );
			data->SetField( "parentID",							new PyInt( 0 ) );
			data->SetField( "productivityLevel",				new PyInt( 0 ) );
			data->SetField( "materialLevel",					new PyInt( 0 ) );
			data->SetField( "copy",								new PyInt( 0 ) );
			data->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining",	new PyInt( 0 ) );

			if( item->HasAttribute( 3 ) )
				data->SetField( "damage",						new PyFloat( item->GetAttribute( 3 ).get_float() ) );
				data->SetField( "damage",						new PyFloat( 0.0 ) );

			data->SetField( "flagID",							new PyInt( item->flag() ) );

		itemList->AddItem( data );

	std::map<uint32, ContractRequestItemRef>::const_iterator c, e;
	std::map<uint32, ContractRequestItemRef> requestItems = contract->requestItems();

	c = requestItems.begin();
	e = requestItems.end();

	for(; c != e; c++ )
		PyPackedRow* data = new PyPackedRow( itemHeader );
		data->SetField( "contractID",						new PyInt(	arg.arg ) );
		data->SetField(	"itemID",							new PyInt(	0 ) );
		data->SetField(	"quantity",							new PyInt(	c->second->m_quantity ) );
		data->SetField(	"itemTypeID",						new PyInt(	c->second->m_typeID ) );
		data->SetField( "inCrate",							new PyBool( false ) );
		data->SetField(	"parentID",							new PyInt(  0 ) );
		data->SetField( "productivityLevel",				new PyInt(  0 ) );
		data->SetField( "materialLevel",					new PyInt(  0 ) );
		data->SetField( "copy",								new PyInt(	0 ) );
		data->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining",	new PyInt(   0 ) );
		data->SetField( "damage",							new PyFloat( 0.0 ) );
		data->SetField( "flagID",							new PyInt(   0 ) );

		itemList->AddItem( data );

	DBRowDescriptor *bidsHeader = new DBRowDescriptor();
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "bidID",					DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "contractID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerID",				DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "quantity",				DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerCorpID",			DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerStationID",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerSolarSystemID",	DBTYPE_I4 );
	bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerRegionID",		DBTYPE_I4 );
	CRowSet *bids_rowset = new CRowSet( &bidsHeader );

	_contract->SetItemString( "items",		itemList );
	_contract->SetItemString( "bids",		bids_rowset );
	_contract->SetItemString( "contract",	into);

	PyObject* res = new PyObject( new PyString( "util.KeyVal" ), _contract );

	return res;
PyResult Command_fit(Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
	if( args.argCount() < 2 ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /fit [typeID] ") );
	uint32 typeID = 0;

	if( args.argCount() == 3)
		if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) )
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) );
		typeID = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );
	else if( args.argCount() == 2 )
		if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) )
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) );
		typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );

	uint32 qty = 1;

	_log( COMMAND__MESSAGE, "Create %s %u times", typeID, qty );

	EVEItemFlags flag;
	uint32 powerSlot;
	uint32 useableSlot;
	std::string affectName = "online";

    if( typeID == 0 )
        throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %u.", typeID ) );
        return new PyString( "Creation FAILED." );
    	//Get Range of slots for item
	    InventoryDB::GetModulePowerSlotByTypeID( typeID, powerSlot );

	    //Get open slots available on ship
	    InventoryDB::GetOpenPowerSlots(powerSlot, who->GetShip(), useableSlot);			
	    ItemData idata(
		    0, //temp location
		    flag = (EVEItemFlags)useableSlot,

	    InventoryItemRef i = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	    if( !i )
		    throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %u.", typeID ) );

	    who->MoveItem( i->itemID(), who->GetShipID(), flag );

	    return new PyString( "Creation successful." );
PyResult Command_spawn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
    uint32 typeID = 0;
    uint32 actualTypeID = 0;
    std::string actualTypeName = "";
    uint32 actualGroupID = 0;
    uint32 actualCategoryID = 0;
    double actualRadius = 0.0;
    InventoryItemRef item;
    ShipRef ship;
    double radius;
    bool offsetLocationSet = false;
	if( args.argCount() < 2 ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /spawn [typeID(int)/typeName(string)]  with optional X Y Z coordinate as in /spawn [typeID(int/typeName(string)] [x(float)] [y(float)] [z(float)]") );
	if( !(args.isNumber( 1 )) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an item type ID" ) );

    typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );

	if( !who->IsInSpace() )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) );

    // Search for item type using typeID:
    if( !(db->ItemSearch(typeID, actualTypeID, actualTypeName, actualGroupID, actualCategoryID, actualRadius) ) )
        return new PyString( "Unknown typeID or typeName returned no matches." );

    // Check to see if the X Y Z optional coordinates were supplied with the command:
    GPoint offsetLocation;
    if( args.argCount() > 2 )
        if( !(args.isNumber(2)) )
            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be the X distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) );
        if( !(args.isNumber(3)) )
            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 should be the Y distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) );
        if( !(args.isNumber(4)) )
            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 4 should be the Z distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) );

        offsetLocation.x = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );
        offsetLocation.y = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() );
        offsetLocation.z = atoi( args.arg( 4 ).c_str() );
        offsetLocationSet = true;

	GPoint loc( who->GetPosition() );

    if( offsetLocationSet )
        // An X, Y, Z coordinate offset was specified along with the command, so use this to calculate
        // the final cooridnate of the newly spawned item:
        loc.x += offsetLocation.x;
        loc.y += offsetLocation.y;
        loc.z += offsetLocation.z;
        // Calculate a random coordinate on the sphere centered on the player's position with
        // a radius equal to the radius of the ship/celestial being spawned times 10 for really good measure of separation:
        radius = (actualRadius * 5.0) * (double)(MakeRandomInt( 1, 3));     // Scale the distance from player that the object will spawn to between 10x and 15x the object's radius
        loc.MakeRandomPointOnSphere( radius );

    // Spawn the item:
	ItemData idata(
		1, // owner is EVE System

    item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	if( !item )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to spawn item of type %u.", typeID ) );

    DBSystemDynamicEntity entity;

    entity.allianceID = 0;
    entity.categoryID = actualCategoryID;
    entity.corporationID = 0;
    entity.flag = 0;
    entity.groupID = actualGroupID;
    entity.itemID = item->itemID();
    entity.itemName = actualTypeName;
    entity.locationID = who->GetLocationID();
    entity.ownerID = 1;
    entity.typeID = actualTypeID;
    entity.x = loc.x;
    entity.y = loc.y;
    entity.z = loc.z;

    // Actually do the spawn using SystemManager's BuildEntity:
    if( !(who->System()->BuildDynamicEntity( who, entity )) )
        return new PyString( "Spawn Failed: typeID or typeName not supported." );

    // TEST FOR FUN:  If this is a drone, make its destiny manager orbit the ship that spawned it like a little lost puppy...
    if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Drone )
        ((DroneEntity *)(who->System()->get( entity.itemID )))->Destiny()->SetSpeedFraction( 1.0, true );
        ((DroneEntity *)(who->System()->get( entity.itemID )))->Destiny()->Orbit( who, 1000.0, true );

    sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), typeID );

	return new PyString( "Spawn successful." );
PyResult Command_spawnn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
    uint32 typeID = 0;
    uint32 actualTypeID = 0;
    std::string actualTypeName = "";
    uint32 actualGroupID = 0;
    uint32 actualCategoryID = 0;
    double actualRadius = 0.0;
    InventoryItemRef item;
    ShipRef ship;
    // "/spawnn" arguments:
    // #1 = quantity ?
    // #2 = some double value ?
    // #3 = typeID

	if( (args.argCount() < 4) || (args.argCount() > 4) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("LOL, we don't know the correct usage of /spawnn, sorry you're S.O.L., BUT it should have 4 arguments.") );

    // Since we don't know what args 1 and 2 are, we don't care about them right now...

	if( !(args.isNumber( 3 )) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 should be an item type ID" ) );

    typeID = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() );

	if( !who->IsInSpace() )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) );

    // Search for item type using typeID:
    if( !(db->ItemSearch(typeID, actualTypeID, actualTypeName, actualGroupID, actualCategoryID, actualRadius) ) )
        return new PyString( "Unknown typeID or typeName returned no matches." );

	GPoint loc( who->GetPosition() );
    // Calculate a random coordinate on the sphere centered on the player's position with
    // a radius equal to the radius of the ship/celestial being spawned times 10 for really good measure of separation:
    double radius = (actualRadius * 5.0) * (double)(MakeRandomInt( 1, 3));     // Scale the distance from player that the object will spawn to between 10x and 15x the object's radius
    loc.MakeRandomPointOnSphere( radius );

    // Spawn the item:
	ItemData idata(
		1, // owner is EVE System

    item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	if( !item )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to spawn item of type %u.", typeID ) );

    DBSystemDynamicEntity entity;

    entity.allianceID = 0;
    entity.categoryID = actualCategoryID;
    entity.corporationID = 0;
    entity.flag = 0;
    entity.groupID = actualGroupID;
    entity.itemID = item->itemID();
    entity.itemName = actualTypeName;
    entity.locationID = who->GetLocationID();
    entity.ownerID = 1;
    entity.typeID = actualTypeID;
    entity.x = loc.x;
    entity.y = loc.y;
    entity.z = loc.z;

    // Actually do the spawn using SystemManager's BuildEntity:
    if( !(who->System()->BuildDynamicEntity( who, entity )) )
        return new PyString( "Spawn Failed: typeID or typeName not supported." );

    sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), typeID );

	return new PyString( "Spawn successful." );
void SpawnEntry::_DoSpawn(SystemManager &mgr, PyServiceMgr &svc) {
	_log(SPAWN__POP, "Spawning spawn entry %u with group %u", m_id, m_group.id);
	//pick our spawn point...
	GPoint spawn_point;
	switch(m_boundsType) {	//safe to assume `bounds` are correct.
	case boundsPoint: {
		spawn_point = bounds[0];
	} break;
	case boundsLine: {
		GVector vec(bounds[0], bounds[1]);
		double len = vec.length();
		spawn_point = GPoint(bounds[0] + Ga::GaFloat(MakeRandomFloat(0, len))*Ga::GaVec3(vec));
	} break;
		_log(SPAWN__ERROR, "Invalid bounds type %u on spawn entry %u when spawning...", m_boundsType, GetID());
	_log(SPAWN__POP, "    selected point (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", spawn_point.x, spawn_point.y, spawn_point.z);

	std::vector<NPC *> spawned;
	//now see what is gunna spawn...
	std::vector<SpawnGroup::Entry>::const_iterator cur, end;
	cur = m_group.entries.begin();
	end = m_group.entries.end();
	for(; cur != end; cur++) {
		_log(SPAWN__POP, "    Evaluating spawn entry for NPC type %u in group %u", cur->npcTypeID, cur->spawnGroupID);
		int r;
		for(r = 0; r < cur->quantity; r++) {
			if(cur->probability < 1.0f) {
				if(MakeRandomFloat(0, 1.0f) > cur->probability) {
					_log(SPAWN__POP, "        [%d] not spawning, p=%.4f failed.", r, cur->probability);
				_log(SPAWN__POP, "        [%d] passed proability check of p=%.4f", r, cur->probability);

			//NOTE: this is currently creating an entry in the DB...
			//which is terrible... we need to make an "in-memory only"
			// item concept.
			ItemData idata(
				cur->ownerID,	//owner

			InventoryItemRef i = svc.item_factory.SpawnItem(idata);
			if( !i ) {
				_log(SPAWN__ERROR, "Failed to spawn item with type %u for group %u.", cur->npcTypeID, cur->spawnGroupID);
			_log(SPAWN__POP, "        [%d] spawning NPC id %u", r, i->itemID());
			//create them all at the same point to start with...
			//we will move them before they get added to the system
			NPC *npc = new NPC(&mgr, svc,
				i, cur->corporationID, 0, spawn_point, this);	//TODO: add allianceID
	if(spawned.empty()) {
		int timer = MakeRandomInt(m_timerMin, m_timerMax);
		_log(SPAWN__POP, "No NPCs produced by spawn entry %u. Resetting spawn timer to %d s.", m_id, timer);
	//TODO: apply formation..
	//hacking it for now...
	std::vector<NPC *>::iterator curn, endn;
	curn = spawned.begin();
	endn = spawned.end();
	for(; curn != endn; curn++) {
		_log(SPAWN__POP, "Moving NPC %u to (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) due to formation.", (*curn)->GetID(), spawn_point.x, spawn_point.y, spawn_point.z);
		spawn_point.y += 1000.0f;
	//now the NPCs are all set up, lets drop them into the system.
	curn = spawned.begin();
	endn = spawned.end();
	for(; curn != endn; curn++) {
		//load up any NPC attributes...
		if(!(*curn)->Load(svc.serviceDB())) {
			_log(SPAWN__POP, "Failed to load NPC data for NPC %u with type %u, depoping.", (*curn)->GetID(), (*curn)->Item()->typeID());
			delete *curn;
		//record this NPC as something we spawned.
	//timer is disabled while the spawn is up.
bool ModuleManager::InstallRig(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    if(item->groupID() >= 773 && item->groupID() <= 786 && item->groupID() != 783)
        return true;
        SysLog::Debug("ModuleManager","%s tried to fit item %u, which is not a rig", m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetName(), item->itemID());

    return false;