MStatus inverseSkinCluster::deform(MDataBlock& data,
	MItGeometry& itGeo,
	const MMatrix& localToWorldMatrix,
	unsigned int geomIndex)
	MStatus status;

	MMatrix geomMatrix;
	bool updateSkinInfo;

	MDataHandle hInMesh = data.inputValue( aInMesh, &status );
	MObject oInMesh = hInMesh.asMesh();
	if( oInMesh.isNull() )
		return MS::kFailure;
	MFnMesh inMesh = oInMesh;
	inMesh.getPoints( m_meshPoints );

	if( originalMeshUpdated )
		itGeo.allPositions( pTaskData->basePoints );
		originalMeshUpdated = false;

	MDataHandle hGeomMatrix = data.inputValue( aGeomMatrix );
	geomMatrix = hGeomMatrix.asMatrix();

	MDataHandle hUpdateWeightList = data.inputValue( aUpdateWeightList );
	updateSkinInfo = hUpdateWeightList.asBool();

	MDataHandle hEnvelop = data.inputValue( envelope );
	envelopValue = hEnvelop.asFloat();

	pTaskData->envelop = envelopValue;
	pTaskData->invEnv  = 1.0f - envelopValue;
	pTaskData->beforePoints = m_meshPoints;

	if( updateSkinInfo )
		MDataHandle hUpdateSkinInfoOutput = data.outputValue( aUpdateWeightList );
		hUpdateSkinInfoOutput.set( false );
		weightListUpdated = false;

	if( logicalIndexArray.length() == 0 )

	MDataHandle hUpdateMatrix = data.inputValue( aUpdateMatrix );

	if( hUpdateMatrix.asBool() )
		matrixAttrUpdated = false;
		matrixInfoUpdated = false;

	MArrayDataHandle hArrMatrix = data.inputArrayValue( aMatrix );
	MArrayDataHandle hArrBindPreMatrix = data.inputArrayValue( aBindPreMatrix );
	updateMatrixAttribute( hArrMatrix, hArrBindPreMatrix );

	if( !matrixInfoUpdated )
		updateMatrixInfo( hArrMatrix, hArrBindPreMatrix );

	if( !weightListUpdated )
		pTaskData->afterPoints.setLength( m_meshPoints.length() );
		pTaskData->envPoints.setLength( m_meshPoints.length() );


	if( !matrixInfoUpdated || !weightListUpdated )
		if( pSkinInfo->weightsArray.size() > 0 )
			getWeightedMatrices( geomMatrix );
			return MS::kFailure;

		matrixInfoUpdated = true;
		weightListUpdated = true;

	if( envelopValue )
		MThreadPool::newParallelRegion( parallelCompute, pThread );

		itGeo.setAllPositions( pTaskData->envPoints );
		itGeo.setAllPositions( pTaskData->basePoints );

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus splatDeformer::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	// do this if we are using an OpenMP implementation that is not the same as Maya's.
	// Even if it is the same, it does no harm to make this call.

	MStatus status = MStatus::kUnknownParameter;
 	if (plug.attribute() != outputGeom) {
		return status;

	unsigned int index = plug.logicalIndex();
	MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();

	// get input value
	MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
	MDataHandle hInput = data.inputValue(inPlug, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");
	// get the input geometry
	MDataHandle inputData = hInput.child(inputGeom);
	if (inputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
 		printf("Incorrect input geometry type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	// get the input groupId - ignored for now...
	MDataHandle hGroup = inputData.child(groupId);
	unsigned int groupId = hGroup.asLong();

	// get deforming mesh
	MDataHandle deformData = data.inputValue(deformingMesh, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting deforming mesh\n");
    if (deformData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect deformer geometry type %d\n", deformData.type());
		return MStatus::kFailure;

  	MObject dSurf = deformData.asMeshTransformed();
 	MFnMesh fnDeformingMesh;
 	fnDeformingMesh.setObject( dSurf ) ;

	MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue(plug);
 	if (outputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect output mesh type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	MItGeometry iter(outputData, groupId, false);

	// create fast intersector structure
	MMeshIntersector intersector;

	// get all points at once. Faster to query, and also better for
	// threading than using iterator
	MPointArray verts;
	int nPoints = verts.length();

	// use bool variable as lightweight object for failure check in loop below
	bool failed = false;

 	MTimer timer; timer.beginTimer();

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
 	for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {

		// Cannot break out of an OpenMP loop, so if one of the
		// intersections failed, skip the rest
		if(failed) continue;

		// mesh point object must be in loop-local scope to avoid race conditions
		MPointOnMesh meshPoint;

		// Do intersection. Need to use per-thread status value as
		// MStatus has internal state and may trigger race conditions
		// if set from multiple threads. Probably benign in this case,
		// but worth being careful.
		MStatus localStatus = intersector.getClosestPoint(verts[i], meshPoint);
		if(localStatus != MStatus::kSuccess) {
			// NOTE - we cannot break out of an OpenMP region, so set
			// bad status and skip remaining iterations
			failed = true;

		// default OpenMP scheduling breaks traversal into large
		// chunks, so low risk of false sharing here in array write.
		verts[i] = meshPoint.getPoint();

 	timer.endTimer(); printf("Runtime for threaded loop %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());

	// write values back onto output using fast set method on iterator

	if(failed) {
		printf("Closest point failed\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	return status;
// Compute takes two parameters: plug and data.
// - Plug is the the data value that needs to be recomputed
// - Data provides handles to all of the nodes attributes, only these
//   handles should be used when performing computations.
MStatus inSpecular::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block )
    // The plug parameter will allow us to determine which output attribute
    // needs to be calculated.
	if( plug == aOutColor || plug == aOutTransparency || plug.parent() == aOutColor || plug.parent() == aOutTransparency  )
        MStatus status;
        MFloatVector resultColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

        // Get surface shading parameters from input block
        MFloatVector& surfaceNormal = block.inputValue( aNormalCamera, &status ).asFloatVector();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MFloatVector& surfaceColor = block.inputValue( aColor, &status ).asFloatVector();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MFloatVector& incandescence = block.inputValue( aIncandescence,  &status ).asFloatVector();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        float diffuseReflectivity = block.inputValue( aDiffuseReflectivity, &status ).asFloat();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

//      float translucenceCoeff = block.inputValue( aTranslucenceCoeff,
//              &status ).asFloat();
//      CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Get light list
        MArrayDataHandle lightData = block.inputArrayValue( aLightData, &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        int numLights = lightData.elementCount( &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Calculate the effect of the lights in the scene on the color

        // Iterate through light list and get ambient/diffuse values
        for( int count=1; count <= numLights; count++ )
            // Get the current light out of the array
            MDataHandle currentLight = lightData.inputValue( &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

            // Get the intensity of that light
            MFloatVector& lightIntensity = currentLight.child( aLightIntensity ).asFloatVector();

            // Find ambient component
            if ( currentLight.child( aLightAmbient ).asBool() )
                resultColor += lightIntensity;

            // Find diffuse component
            if ( currentLight.child( aLightDiffuse ).asBool() )
                MFloatVector& lightDirection = currentLight.child( aLightDirection ).asFloatVector();
                float cosln = lightDirection * surfaceNormal;

               if ( cosln > 0.0f ) 
                    resultColor += lightIntensity * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );

            // Advance to the next light.
            if ( count < numLights ) {
                status = lightData.next();
                CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Factor incident light with surface color and add incandescence
        resultColor[0] = resultColor[0] * surfaceColor[0] + incandescence[0];
        resultColor[1] = resultColor[1] * surfaceColor[1] + incandescence[1];
        resultColor[2] = resultColor[2] * surfaceColor[2] + incandescence[2];

        // Set ouput color attribute
		if ( plug == aOutColor || plug.parent() == aOutColor )
            // Get the handle to the attribute
            MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor, &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
            MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();

            outColor = resultColor;     // Set the output value
            outColorHandle.setClean(); // Mark the output value as clean

        // Set ouput transparency
		if ( plug == aOutTransparency || plug.parent() == aOutTransparency )
            MFloatVector& transparency = block.inputValue( aInTransparency, &status ).asFloatVector();
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

            // Get the handle to the attribute
            MDataHandle outTransHandle = block.outputValue( aOutTransparency, &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
            MFloatVector& outTrans = outTransHandle.asFloatVector();

            outTrans = transparency;   // Set the output value
            outTransHandle.setClean(); // Mark the output value as clean
        return( MS::kUnknownParameter ); // We got an unexpected plug

    return( MS::kSuccess );
MStatus liqSurfaceNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block )

  // outColor or individual R, G, B channel
  if(   (plug == aOutColor) || (plug.parent() == aOutColor)||
  		( plug == aOutTransparency ) || (plug.parent() == aOutTransparency) ) 

    //cout <<"compute... "<<endl;

    // init shader
    MStatus status;
    MFloatVector& cColor  = block.inputValue(aColor).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector& cTrans  = block.inputValue(aOpacity).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector& ctex    = block.inputValue(aGLPreviewTexture).asFloatVector();

    // exploit maya's free openGL preview
    if ( ctex != MFloatVector( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ) ) cColor = ctex;
    //else theColor = cColor;
    MFloatVector resultColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    MFloatVector resultTrans( cTrans );

    // lambert calc -------------------
    bool&  ignoreLights = block.inputValue( aMayaIgnoreLights, &status ).asBool();
    float& Ka = block.inputValue( aMayaKa, &status ).asFloat();
    float& Kd = block.inputValue( aMayaKd, &status ).asFloat();

    // get surface normal
    MFloatVector& surfaceNormal = block.inputValue( aNormalCamera, &status ).asFloatVector();
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    if ( ignoreLights ) {

      MFloatVector cam( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
      float cosln = cam * surfaceNormal;
      if ( cosln > 0.0f ) {
        float diff = cosln * cosln * Kd + Ka;
        resultColor = diff * cColor;

    } else {

      // Get light list
      MArrayDataHandle lightData = block.inputArrayValue( aLightData, &status );
      CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
      int numLights = lightData.elementCount( &status );
      CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

      // Iterate through light list and get ambient/diffuse values
      for( int count=1; count <= numLights; count++ )
        // Get the current light out of the array
        MDataHandle currentLight = lightData.inputValue( &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Get the intensity of that light
        MFloatVector& lightIntensity = currentLight.child( aLightIntensity ).asFloatVector();

        // Find ambient component
        if ( currentLight.child( aLightAmbient ).asBool() ) {
          resultColor += lightIntensity;

        // Find diffuse component
        if ( currentLight.child( aLightDiffuse ).asBool() ) {
          MFloatVector& lightDirection = currentLight.child( aLightDirection ).asFloatVector();
          float cosln = lightDirection * surfaceNormal;
          if ( cosln > 0.0f )  resultColor += lightIntensity * cosln * Kd ;

        // Advance to the next light.
        if ( count < numLights ) {
          status = lightData.next();
          CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

      resultColor[0] *= cColor[0];
      resultColor[1] *= cColor[1];
      resultColor[2] *= cColor[2];


    resultTrans[0] = ( 1.0 - resultTrans[0] );
    resultTrans[1] = ( 1.0 - resultTrans[1] );
    resultTrans[2] = ( 1.0 - resultTrans[2] );

    // set ouput color attribute
    MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor );
    MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
    outColor = resultColor;

    MDataHandle outTransHandle = block.outputValue( aOutTransparency );
    MFloatVector& outTrans = outTransHandle.asFloatVector();
    outTrans = resultTrans;

  } else return MS::kUnknownParameter;

  return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus OnbShader::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
	// Sanity check
	if (plug != aOutColor && plug.parent() != aOutColor &&
		plug != aOutTransparency && plug.parent() != aOutTransparency)
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Note that this currently only implements the diffuse portion of the
	// shader and ignores specular. The diffuse portion is the Oren-Nayar
	// computation from:
	//   Engel, Wolfgang et al. Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders
	//   http://content.gpwiki.org/index.php/D3DBook:(Lighting)_Oren-Nayar
	// Further extensions could be added to this compute method to include
	// the intended Blinn specular component as well as ambient and
	// incandescence components.
	// See the VP2 fragment-based implementation in onbShaderOverride for the
	// full shader.
	MStatus status;
	MFloatVector resultColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	MFloatVector resultTransparency(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	// Get surface shading parameters from input block
	const MFloatVector& surfaceColor =
		block.inputValue(aColor, &status).asFloatVector();
	const float roughness = block.inputValue(aRoughness, &status).asFloat();
	const MFloatVector& transparency =
		block.inputValue(aTransparency, &status).asFloatVector();
	const MFloatVector& surfaceNormal =
		block.inputValue(aNormalCamera, &status).asFloatVector();
	const MFloatVector& rayDirection =
	const MFloatVector viewDirection = -rayDirection;

	// Pre-compute some values that do not vary with lights
	const float NV = viewDirection*surfaceNormal;
	const float acosNV = acosf(NV);
	const float roughnessSq = roughness*roughness;
	const float A = 1.0f - 0.5f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.57f));
	const float B = 0.45f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.09f));

	// Get light list
	MArrayDataHandle lightData = block.inputArrayValue(aLightData, &status);
	const int numLights = lightData.elementCount(&status);

	// Iterate through light list and get ambient/diffuse values
	for (int count=1; count<=numLights; count++)
		// Get the current light
		MDataHandle currentLight = lightData.inputValue(&status);

		// Find diffuse component
		if (currentLight.child(aLightDiffuse).asBool())
			// Get the intensity and direction of that light
			const MFloatVector& lightIntensity =
			const MFloatVector& lightDirection =

			// Compute the diffuse factor
			const float NL = lightDirection*surfaceNormal;
			const float acosNL = acosf(NL);
			const float alpha = std::max(acosNV, acosNL);
			const float beta = std::min(acosNV, acosNL);
			const float gamma =
				(viewDirection - (surfaceNormal*NV)) *
				(lightDirection - (surfaceNormal*NL));
			const float C = sinf(alpha)*tanf(beta);
			const float factor =
				std::max(0.0f, NL)*(A + B*std::max(0.0f, gamma)*C);

			// Add to result color
			resultColor += lightIntensity*factor;

		// Advance to the next light.
		if (count < numLights)
			status = lightData.next();

	// Factor incident light with surface color
	resultColor[0] = resultColor[0]*surfaceColor[0];
	resultColor[1] = resultColor[1]*surfaceColor[1];
	resultColor[2] = resultColor[2]*surfaceColor[2];

	// Set ouput color attribute
	if (plug == aOutColor || plug.parent() == aOutColor)
		// Get the handle to the attribute
		MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue(aOutColor, &status);
		MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();

		// Set the result and mark it clean
		outColor = resultColor;

	// Set ouput transparency
	if (plug == aOutTransparency || plug.parent() == aOutTransparency)
		// Get the handle to the attribute
		MDataHandle outTransHandle =
			block.outputValue(aOutTransparency, &status);
		MFloatVector& outTrans = outTransHandle.asFloatVector();

		// Set the result and mark it clean
		outTrans = transparency;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus CVstWeldNode::compute(
	const MPlug &mPlug,
	MDataBlock &mDataBlock )
	if ( mPlug == m_oaWeldOutput || mPlug == m_oaTranslate || mPlug == m_oaRotate ||
			mPlug == m_oaTranslateX || mPlug == m_oaTranslateY || mPlug == m_oaTranslateZ ||
			mPlug == m_oaRotateX || mPlug == m_oaRotateY || mPlug == m_oaRotateZ )
		const MObject geoObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).data();
		if ( geoObj.apiType() == MFn::kMeshData )
			MStatus mStatus;

			MObject meshObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).asMeshTransformed();
			MFnMesh meshFn( meshObj );
			MItMeshPolygon pIt( meshObj );
			MPointArray facePoints;

			MArrayDataHandle wiAH = mDataBlock.inputArrayValue( m_iaWeldInput );
			MArrayDataHandle woAH = mDataBlock.outputArrayValue( m_oaWeldOutput, &mStatus );
			MArrayDataBuilder woADB = woAH.builder( &mStatus );

			const int nWeldCount = wiAH.elementCount();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nWeldCount; ++i, wiAH.next() )
				MDataHandle wiDH = wiAH.inputValue();

				const MMatrix &offsetMatrix = wiDH.child( m_iaOffsetMatrix ).asMatrix();
				const MMatrix &inverseParentSpace = wiDH.child( m_iaInverseParentSpace ).asMatrix();
				const MEulerRotation::RotationOrder rotationOrder = static_cast< MEulerRotation::RotationOrder >( wiDH.child( m_iaRotateOrder ).asShort() );
				MMatrix geoMatrix;

				switch ( wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() )
				case kMeshFace:
						const int nMeshFaceIndex = wiDH.child( m_iaInt ).asInt();
						GetMeshMatrix( pIt, nMeshFaceIndex, geoMatrix );
					merr << "Unknown Weld Type " << wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() << std::endl;

				const int nWeldIndex = wiAH.elementIndex();
				MDataHandle woDH = woADB.addElement( nWeldIndex );

				MTransformationMatrix L( inverseParentSpace * offsetMatrix * geoMatrix );

				woDH.child( m_oaTranslate ).set( L.getTranslation( MSpace::kWorld ) );
				MEulerRotation e = L.rotation().asEulerRotation();
				e.reorder( rotationOrder );
				woDH.child( m_oaRotate ).set( e.asVector() );
			merr << "Invalid .inputGeometry data of type: " << geoObj.apiTypeStr() << " found while computing " << mPlug.info() << std::endl;
			return MS::kFailure;

		return MS::kSuccess;

	return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MStatus ropeGenerator::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	if ( plug == outMesh )
		//Get Curve
		MDataHandle inCurve_Hdl = data.inputValue( inCurve, &status );
		if (status != MS::kSuccess ){
			MGlobal::displayError( "Node ropeGenerator needs an Input Curve" );
			return MS::kSuccess;
		MObject inCurveObj = inCurve_Hdl.asNurbsCurve();
		MFnNurbsCurve curveFn( inCurveObj );
		//Get Attributes
		int inDiv = data.inputValue( divisions ).asInt();
		bool inCreateRope = data.inputValue( createRope ).asBool();
		int inRopesCount = data.inputValue( ropesCount ).asInt();
		int inPointsPerRope = data.inputValue( pointsPerRope ).asInt();
		int inPointsCount = data.inputValue( pointsCount ).asInt();
		float inRopesStrength = data.inputValue( ropesStrength ).asFloat();
		float inRadius = data.inputValue( radius ).asFloat();
		MRampAttribute inRadRamp( thisMObject(), taperRamp );
		float inTwist = data.inputValue( twist ).asFloat();
		MRampAttribute inTwistRamp( thisMObject(), twistRamp );
		float inUvWidth = data.inputValue( uvWidth ).asFloat();
		float inUvHeight = data.inputValue( uvHeight ).asFloat();
		float inUvCapSize = data.inputValue( uvCapSize ).asFloat();

		MFnMesh fnMesh;
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject outMeshData;
		outMeshData = dataCreator.create();
		MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(outMesh);
		MIntArray faceCounts, faceConnects, uvIds;
		MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
		MFloatPointArray points;
		if (inCreateRope)
			inPointsCount = ( inPointsPerRope + 2 ) * inRopesCount;
		int numVertices = ( inDiv + 1 ) * inPointsCount;
		int numFaces = ( inPointsCount * inDiv ) + 2;
		float param;
		float lengPerDiv = curveFn.length() / inDiv;
		PrevNormal = MVector( curveFn.normal( 0.0, MSpace::kWorld ).normal() );
		float baseLeng = lengPerDiv;
		float baseParamForRamp = 0;
		float paramForRamp = 1.0 / float( inDiv );
		float uDivNumber = inUvWidth / float( inPointsCount );
		float vDivNumber = inUvHeight / float( inDiv );
		for (int d = 0; d < inDiv + 1; d++)
			if (d == 0)
				param = 0;
				faceCounts.append( inPointsCount );
				for ( int i = inPointsCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					faceConnects.append( i );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount; i++ )
					uvIds.append( i );
				MFloatArray uTmpArray, vTmpArray;
				if (inCreateRope)
					createRopesUvs( inRopesCount, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, 1.0 );
					createCircleUvs( inPointsCount, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, 1.0 );
				for ( int u = uTmpArray.length() - 1; u >= 0 ; u-- )
					uArray.append( uTmpArray[u] + 1.0 );
					vArray.append( vTmpArray[u] );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount + 1; i++ )
					uArray.append( uDivNumber * float( i ) );
					vArray.append( vDivNumber * float( d ) );
				param = curveFn.findParamFromLength( baseLeng );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount + 1; i++ )
					uArray.append( uDivNumber * float( i ) );
					vArray.append( vDivNumber * float( d ) );
				for ( int f = 0; f < inPointsCount; f++ )
					faceCounts.append( 4 );
					if( f == ( inPointsCount - 1 ))
						faceConnects.append( ( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) ) - inPointsCount - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( ( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount ) );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount )  - 1 );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount - 1 );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + 1 + f );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + 1 + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + f);
						faceConnects.append( ( f + ( d * inPointsCount ) ) - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) );
						faceConnects.append( ( f + ( d * inPointsCount )) );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + 1 + f );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + 1 + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + f);
				if ( d == inDiv )
					faceCounts.append( inPointsCount );
					for ( int i = 0; i <  inPointsCount; i++ )
						faceConnects.append( ( inPointsCount * inDiv ) + i );
						uvIds.append( ( inPointsCount * ( inDiv + 2)) + i + inDiv + 1 );
					MFloatArray uTmpArray, vTmpArray;
					if (inCreateRope)
						createRopesUvs( inRopesCount, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, -1.0 );
						createCircleUvs( inPointsCount, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, -1.0 );
					for ( int u = 0; u < uTmpArray.length(); u++ )
						uArray.append( uTmpArray[u] + 2.0 );
						vArray.append( vTmpArray[u] );
				baseLeng += lengPerDiv;
			float divTwist;
			inTwistRamp.getValueAtPosition( baseParamForRamp, divTwist );
			float divTaper;
			inRadRamp.getValueAtPosition( baseParamForRamp, divTaper );
			baseParamForRamp += paramForRamp;
			if (inCreateRope)
				createRopesRings( inRopesCount, 
								getMatrixFromParamCurve( curveFn, param, inTwist, MAngle( divTwist, MAngle::kDegrees )  ),
								points, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inRadius * divTaper);
				createCriclePoints( inPointsCount, 
									getMatrixFromParamCurve( curveFn, param, inTwist, MAngle( divTwist, MAngle::kDegrees ) ),
									points, inRadius * divTaper );
		fnMesh.create( numVertices, numFaces, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, uArray, vArray, outMeshData );
		fnMesh.assignUVs( faceCounts, uvIds );
	return MS::kSuccess;
MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {

    MStatus status;

    // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute.  If this
    // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return
    // MS::kUnknownParameter.

    if( plug == a_output ) {

        bool createdSubdMesh = false;

        int subdivisionLevel = data.inputValue(a_subdivisionLevels).asInt();
        short stateH = data.inputValue(state).asShort();

        if ((subdivisionLevel > 0) and (stateH !=1)) {

            // == Retrieve input mesh ====================================
            // Get attr values
            MObject inMeshObj        = data.inputValue(a_inputPolymesh).asMesh();
            short vertBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_vertBoundaryMethod).asShort();
            short fvarBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_fvarBoundaryMethod).asShort();
            bool  fvarPropCorners    = data.inputValue(a_fvarPropagateCorners).asBool();
            bool  smoothTriangles    = data.inputValue(a_smoothTriangles).asBool();
            short creaseMethodVal    = data.inputValue(a_creaseMethod).asShort();

            // == Get Mesh Functions and Iterators ==========================
            MFnMeshData inMeshDat(inMeshObj);
            MFnMesh inMeshFn(inMeshObj, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshFn\n");
            MItMeshPolygon inMeshItPolygon(inMeshObj, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshItPolygon\n");

            // Convert attr values to OSD enums
            OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK;

            // Create Far topology
            OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options;
            options.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropCorners));
            options.SetCreasingMethod(creaseMethodVal ?
                 OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_CHAIKIN : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_UNIFORM);
            options.SetTriangleSubdivision(smoothTriangles ?
                 OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_SMOOTH : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_CATMARK);

            float maxCreaseSharpness=0.0f;
            OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner =
                gatherTopology(inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, &maxCreaseSharpness);


            // Refine & Interpolate

            Vertex const * controlVerts =
                reinterpret_cast<Vertex const *>(inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&status));

            std::vector<Vertex> refinedVerts(
                refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal() - refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices());
            Vertex const * srcVerts = controlVerts;
            Vertex * dstVerts = &refinedVerts[0];
            for (int level = 1; level <= subdivisionLevel; ++level) {
                OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner(*refiner).Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts);
                srcVerts = dstVerts;
                dstVerts += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();

            // == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh =============

            // Create New Mesh Data Object
            MFnMeshData newMeshData;
            MObject     newMeshDataObj = newMeshData.create(&status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR creating outputData");

            // Create out mesh
            status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh");

            // Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc)
            status = createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(inMeshFn, inMeshDat,
                newMeshData, subdivisionLevel, refiner->GetLevel(subdivisionLevel).GetNumFaces());

            // Write to output plug
            MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

            int isolation = std::min(10,(int)ceil(maxCreaseSharpness)+1);

            // == Cleanup OSD ============================================
            // REVISIT: Re-add these deletes
            delete refiner;

            // note that the subd mesh was created (see the section below if !createdSubdMesh)
            createdSubdMesh = true;

        // Pass-through inMesh to outMesh if not created the subd mesh
        if (!createdSubdMesh) {
            MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status);
            status = outMeshH.copy(data.outputValue(a_inputPolymesh, &status));
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

        // Clean up Maya Plugs

    } else {
        // Unhandled parameter in this compute function, so return MS::kUnknownParameter
        // so it is handled in a parent compute() function.
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;
    return MS::kSuccess;
// COMPUTE ======================================
MStatus gear_rollSplineKine::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)

	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Error check
    if (plug != output)
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Get inputs matrices ------------------------------
	// Inputs Parent
	MArrayDataHandle adh = data.inputArrayValue( ctlParent );
	int count = adh.elementCount();
	if (count < 1)
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputsP(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputsP[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	// Inputs
	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputs );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputs(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputs[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputsRoll );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MDoubleArray roll(adh.elementCount());
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		roll[i] = degrees2radians((double)adh.inputValue().asFloat());

	// Output Parent
	MDataHandle ha = data.inputValue( outputParent );
	MMatrix outputParent = ha.asMatrix();
    // Get inputs sliders -------------------------------
    double in_u = (double)data.inputValue( u ).asFloat();
    bool in_resample = data.inputValue( resample ).asBool();
    int in_subdiv = data.inputValue( subdiv ).asShort();
    bool in_absolute = data.inputValue( absolute ).asBool();
    // Process ------------------------------------------
    // Get roll, pos, tan, rot, scl
    MVectorArray pos(count);
    MVectorArray tan(count);
	MQuaternion *rot;
	rot = new MQuaternion[count];
    MVectorArray scl(count);
	double threeDoubles[3];
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		MTransformationMatrix tp(inputsP[i]);
		MTransformationMatrix t(inputs[i]);
		pos[i] = t.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);
		rot[i] = tp.rotation();

		t.getScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);
		scl[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]);
		tan[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0] * 2.5, 0, 0).rotateBy(t.rotation());
    // Get step and indexes
    // We define between wich controlers the object is to be able to
    // calculate the bezier 4 points front this 2 objects
	double step = 1.0 / max( 1, count-1.0 );
	int index1 = (int)min( count-2.0, in_u/step );
	int index2 = index1+1;
	int index1temp = index1;
	int index2temp = index2;
	double v = (in_u - step * double(index1)) / step;
	double vtemp = v;
   // calculate the bezier
   MVector bezierPos;
   MVector xAxis, yAxis, zAxis;
      // straight bezier solve
      MVectorArray results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
      bezierPos = results[0];
      xAxis = results[1];
   else if(!in_absolute){
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[index1];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[index1];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results(2);
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],sampleu);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(v>=samplelen[i] && v <=  samplelen[i+1]){
            v = (v - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],v);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],v);
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[0];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[0];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results;
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         index1 = (int)min(count-2,sampleu / step);
         index2 = index1+1;
         v = (sampleu - step * double(index1)) / step;
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(in_u>=samplelen[i] && in_u <= samplelen[i+1]){
            in_u = (in_u - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],in_u);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],in_u);

	// compute the scaling (straight interpolation!)
	MVector scl1 = linearInterpolate(scl[index1temp], scl[index2temp],vtemp);

	// compute the rotation!
	MQuaternion q = slerp(rot[index1temp], rot[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = MVector(0,1,0);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy(q);
	// use directly or project the roll values!
	// print roll
	double a = linearInterpolate(roll[index1temp], roll[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy( MQuaternion(xAxis.x * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.y * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.z * sin(a/2.0), cos(a/2.0)));
	zAxis = xAxis ^ yAxis;
	yAxis = zAxis ^ xAxis;

	// Output -------------------------------------------
	MTransformationMatrix result;

	// translation
	result.setTranslation(bezierPos, MSpace::kWorld);
	// rotation
	q = getQuaternionFromAxes(xAxis,yAxis,zAxis);
	result.setRotationQuaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
	// scaling
	threeDoubles[0] = 1;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.y;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.z;
	result.setScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);

	MDataHandle h = data.outputValue( output );
	h.setMMatrix( result.asMatrix() * outputParent.inverse() );

	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus finalproject::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	// do this if we are using an OpenMP implementation that is not the same as Maya's.
	// Even if it is the same, it does no harm to make this call.

	MStatus status = MStatus::kUnknownParameter;
 	if (plug.attribute() != outputGeom) {
		return status;

	unsigned int index = plug.logicalIndex();
	MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();

	// get input value
	MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
	MDataHandle hInput = data.inputValue(inPlug, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");
	// get the input geometry
	MDataHandle inputData = hInput.child(inputGeom);
	if (inputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
 		printf("Incorrect input geometry type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	// get the input groupId - ignored for now...
	MDataHandle hGroup = inputData.child(groupId);
	unsigned int groupId = hGroup.asLong();

	// get deforming mesh
	MDataHandle deformData = data.inputValue(deformingMesh, &status);
	MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting deforming mesh\n");
    if (deformData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect deformer geometry type %d\n", deformData.type());
		return MStatus::kFailure;
   MDataHandle offloadData = data.inputValue(offload, &status);

   //gathers world space positions of the object and the magnet
  	MObject dSurf = deformData.asMeshTransformed();
  	MObject iSurf = inputData.asMeshTransformed();
 	MFnMesh fnDeformingMesh, fnInputMesh;
 	fnDeformingMesh.setObject( dSurf ) ;
 	fnInputMesh.setObject( iSurf ) ;

	MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue(plug);
 	if (outputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
		printf("Incorrect output mesh type\n");
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	MItGeometry iter(outputData, groupId, false);

	// get all points at once. Faster to query, and also better for
	// threading than using iterator
	MPointArray objVerts;
	int objNumPoints = objVerts.length();
 	MPointArray magVerts, tempverts;
 	int magNumPoints = magVerts.length();
 	double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
   //finds min and max z-coordinate values to determine middle point (choice of z-axis was ours)
 	for (int i = 0; i < magNumPoints; i++) {
      min = magVerts[i].z < min ? magVerts[i].z : min;
      max = magVerts[i].z > max ? magVerts[i].z : max;

   double middle = (min + max) / 2;
   double polarity[magNumPoints];
   //assigns polarity based on middle point of mesh
   for (int i = 0; i < magNumPoints; i++) {
      polarity[i] = magVerts[i].z > middle ? max / magVerts[i].z : -min / magVerts[i].z;
 	double* objdVerts = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * objNumPoints * 3);
 	double* magdVerts = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * magNumPoints * 3);
   //creates handles to use attribute data
 	MDataHandle vecX = data.inputValue(transX, &status);
   MDataHandle vecY = data.inputValue(transY, &status);
   MDataHandle vecZ = data.inputValue(transZ, &status);
   //gathers previously stored coordinates of the center of the object
   double moveX = vecX.asFloat();
   double moveY = vecY.asFloat();
   double moveZ = vecZ.asFloat();
   //translates object based on the position stored in the attribute values
 	for (int i=0; i<objNumPoints; i++) {
 	   objdVerts[i * 3] = tempverts[i].x + moveX;
 	   objdVerts[i * 3 + 1] = tempverts[i].y + moveY;
 	   objdVerts[i * 3 + 2] = tempverts[i].z + moveZ;
 	for (int i=0; i<magNumPoints; i++) {
 	   magdVerts[i * 3] = magVerts[i].x;
 	   magdVerts[i * 3 + 1] = magVerts[i].y;
 	   magdVerts[i * 3 + 2] = magVerts[i].z;
 	double teslaData = data.inputValue(tesla, &status).asDouble();
   MDataHandle posiData = data.inputValue(positivelycharged, &status);
   double pivot[6] = {DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX};
   //finds the pivot point of the object in world space prior to being affected by the magnet
 	for (int i = 0; i < tempverts.length(); i++) {
      pivot[0] = tempverts[i].x < pivot[0] ? tempverts[i].x : pivot[0];
      pivot[1] = tempverts[i].x > pivot[1] ? tempverts[i].x : pivot[1];
      pivot[2] = tempverts[i].y < pivot[2] ? tempverts[i].y : pivot[2];
      pivot[3] = tempverts[i].y > pivot[3] ? tempverts[i].y : pivot[3];
      pivot[4] = tempverts[i].z < pivot[4] ? tempverts[i].z : pivot[4];
      pivot[5] = tempverts[i].z > pivot[5] ? tempverts[i].z : pivot[5];
   MTimer timer; timer.beginTimer();
   //main function call
   magnetForce(magNumPoints, objNumPoints, teslaData, magdVerts, 
      objdVerts, polarity, posiData.asBool(), offloadData.asBool());
   timer.endTimer(); printf("Runtime for threaded loop %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());
 	for (int i=0; i<objNumPoints; i++) {
 	   objVerts[i].x = objdVerts[i * 3 + 0];
 	   objVerts[i].y = objdVerts[i * 3 + 1];
 	   objVerts[i].z = objdVerts[i * 3 + 2];      
   //finds the pivot point of object in world space after being affected by the magnet
   double objCenter[6] = {DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX};
 	for (int i = 0; i < tempverts.length(); i++) {
      objCenter[0] = objVerts[i].x < objCenter[0] ? objVerts[i].x : objCenter[0];
      objCenter[1] = objVerts[i].x > objCenter[1] ? objVerts[i].x : objCenter[1];
      objCenter[2] = objVerts[i].y < objCenter[2] ? objVerts[i].y : objCenter[2];
      objCenter[3] = objVerts[i].y > objCenter[3] ? objVerts[i].y : objCenter[3];
      objCenter[4] = objVerts[i].z < objCenter[4] ? objVerts[i].z : objCenter[4];
      objCenter[5] = objVerts[i].z > objCenter[5] ? objVerts[i].z : objCenter[5];
   //creates vector based on the two calculated pivot points
 	moveX = (objCenter[0] + objCenter[1]) / 2 - (pivot[0] + pivot[1]) / 2;
 	moveY = (objCenter[2] + objCenter[3]) / 2 - (pivot[2] + pivot[3]) / 2;
 	moveZ = (objCenter[4] + objCenter[5]) / 2 - (pivot[4] + pivot[5]) / 2;
   //stores pivot vector for next computation
 	if (teslaData) {
	// write values back onto output using fast set method on iterator
	iter.setAllPositions(objVerts, MSpace::kWorld);

	return status;
MStatus fishVizNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
	MObject arbitaryMesh = data.inputValue(aInMesh).asMesh();

	MDoubleArray ptc_time_offset;
	MDoubleArray ptc_amplitude;
	MDoubleArray ptc_bend;
	MDoubleArray ptc_scale;
	MDoubleArray masses;
	MString cacheName = data.inputValue(acachename, &status).asString();
	MTime currentTime = data.inputValue(atime, &status).asTime();
	cacheName = cacheName+"."+250*int(currentTime.value())+".pdc";
	pdcFile* fpdc = new pdcFile();
		//MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("FishViz loaded cache file: ")+cacheName);
		fpdc->readPositions(ptc_positions, ptc_velocities, ptc_ups, ptc_views, ptc_time_offset, ptc_amplitude, ptc_bend, ptc_scale, masses);
	else MGlobal::displayWarning(MString("FishViz cannot open cache file: ")+cacheName);
		float delta_t = currentTime.value()-int(currentTime.value());
		for(int i=0; i<fpdc->getParticleCount(); i++)
			ptc_positions[i] += ptc_velocities[i]*delta_t/24.0f;
	delete fpdc;
	double flapping = zGetDoubleAttr(data, aFlapping);
	double bending= zGetDoubleAttr(data, aBending);
	double oscillate= zGetDoubleAttr(data, aOscillate);
	double length = zGetDoubleAttr(data, aLength);
	m_fish_length = length;
	double frequency = zGetDoubleAttr(data, aFrequency);
	unsigned num_bones = zGetIntAttr(data, aNBone);
	unsigned int nptc = ptc_positions.length();
	MPointArray vertices;
	MATRIX44F mat44, mat_bone;
	XYZ vert, front, up, side;
	MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(outMesh, &status);
	zCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");
	if(m_num_fish != nptc || m_num_bone != num_bones)
		m_num_bone = num_bones;
		m_num_fish = nptc;
		unsigned int vertex_count;
		unsigned int face_count;
		MIntArray pcounts;
		MIntArray pconnect;
		unsigned  inmeshnv, inmeshnp;
		MPointArray pinmesh;
		MIntArray count_inmesh;
		MIntArray connect_inmesh;
		zWorks::extractMeshParams(arbitaryMesh, inmeshnv, inmeshnp, pinmesh, count_inmesh, connect_inmesh);
		vertex_count = inmeshnv * nptc;
		face_count = inmeshnp * nptc;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptc; i++)
			// calculate the bone transformations
			poseBones(length, num_bones, ptc_time_offset[i], frequency, ptc_amplitude[i], ptc_bend[i], flapping, bending, oscillate);
			front.x = ptc_views[i].x;
			front.y = ptc_views[i].y;
			front.z = ptc_views[i].z;
			up.x = ptc_ups[i].x;
			up.y = ptc_ups[i].y;
			up.z = ptc_ups[i].z;
			side = front.cross(up);
			up = side.cross(front);
			mat44.setOrientations(side, up, front);
			mat44.setTranslation(ptc_positions[i].x, ptc_positions[i].y, ptc_positions[i].z);
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<inmeshnv; j++)
				vert.x = pinmesh[j].x;
				vert.y = pinmesh[j].y;
				vert.z = pinmesh[j].z;
				int bone_id;
				if(vert.z>0) bone_id = 0;
				else if(-vert.z>length)  bone_id = num_bones-1;
				else bone_id = int(-vert.z/length*(num_bones-1));
				mat_bone = m_pBone->getBoneById(bone_id);
				vert.z -= -length/(num_bones-1)*bone_id;
				vertices.append(MPoint(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z));
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<inmeshnp; j++)
		int acc=0;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptc; i++)
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<connect_inmesh.length(); j++)
			acc += inmeshnv;
		MObject m_mesh = outputHandle.asMesh();
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);
		zCheckStatusNR(status, "ERROR creating outputData");
		MFnMesh meshFn;
		m_mesh= meshFn.create(
		  vertex_count,				// number of vertices
		  face_count,		// number of polygons
		  vertices,			// The points
		  pcounts,			// # of vertex for each poly
		  pconnect,			// Vertices index for each poly
		  newOutputData,      // Dependency graph data object
		zCheckStatusNR(status, "ERROE creating mesh");
		// Update surface 
		MObject m_mesh = outputHandle.asMesh();
		MFnMesh meshFn(m_mesh);

		unsigned  inmeshnv, inmeshnp;
		MPointArray pinmesh;
		MIntArray count_inmesh;
		MIntArray connect_inmesh;
		zWorks::extractMeshParams(arbitaryMesh, inmeshnv, inmeshnp, pinmesh, count_inmesh, connect_inmesh);
		int acc=0;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptc; i++)
			// calculate the bone transformations
			poseBones(length, num_bones, ptc_time_offset[i], frequency, ptc_amplitude[i], ptc_bend[i], flapping, bending, oscillate);
			front.x = ptc_views[i].x;
			front.y = ptc_views[i].y;
			front.z = ptc_views[i].z;
			up.x = ptc_ups[i].x;
			up.y = ptc_ups[i].y;
			up.z = ptc_ups[i].z;
			side = front.cross(up);
			up = side.cross(front);
			mat44.setOrientations(side, up, front);
			mat44.setTranslation(ptc_positions[i].x, ptc_positions[i].y, ptc_positions[i].z);
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<inmeshnv; j++)
				vert.x = pinmesh[j].x;
				vert.y = pinmesh[j].y;
				vert.z = pinmesh[j].z;
				int bone_id;
				if(vert.z>0) bone_id = 0;
				else if(-vert.z>length)  bone_id = num_bones-1;
				else bone_id = int(-vert.z/length*(num_bones-1));
				mat_bone = m_pBone->getBoneById(bone_id);
				vert.z -= -length/(num_bones-1)*bone_id;
				vertices[j+acc] = MPoint(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z);
			acc += inmeshnv;
	//delete fmat;
	data.setClean( plug );
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus stringFormat::compute (const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	MStatus status;
	// Check that the requested recompute is one of the output values
	if (plug == attrOutput) {
		// Read the input values
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue (attrFormat, &status);
		CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
		MString format = inputData.asString();

        // Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
        // want to evaluate all inputs, only the ones related to the
        // requested multiIndex. This is for efficiency reasons.
		MArrayDataHandle vals = data.outputArrayValue(attrValues, &status);
		CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

		int indx = 0;
		int param;
		char letter;
		while ((indx = findNextMatch(format, indx, param, letter)) > 0) {
			double val = 0.;
			status = vals.jumpToElement(param);
			if (status == MStatus::kSuccess) {
				MDataHandle thisVal = vals.inputValue( &status );
				if (status == MStatus::kSuccess) {
					val = thisVal.asDouble();
			MString replace;
			bool valid = false;
			switch (letter) {
				case 'd':					// Integer
				val = floor(val+.5);
				// No break here

				case 'f':					// Float
				valid = true;

				case 't':					// Timecode
					const char * sign = "";
					if (val<0) {
						sign = "-";
						val = -val;
					int valInt = (int)(val+.5);
					int sec = valInt / 24;
					int frame = valInt - sec * 24;
					int min = sec / 60;
					sec -= min * 60;
					int hour = min / 60;
					min -= hour * 60;
					char buffer[90];
					if (hour>0)
						sprintf(buffer, "%s%d:%02d:%02d.%02d", 
								sign, hour, min, sec, frame);
						sprintf(buffer, "%s%02d:%02d.%02d", 
								sign, min, sec, frame);
					replace = buffer;
				valid = true;

			if (valid) {
				format = format.substring(0, indx-2) + 
					replace + format.substring(indx+2, format.length()-1);
				indx += replace.length() - 3;

		// Store the result
		MDataHandle output = data.outputValue(attrOutput, &status );
		CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
		output.set( format );

	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus VolumeNode::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block ) 
    if ((plug != aOutColor) && (plug.parent() != aOutColor) && 
		(plug != aOutTransparency) && (plug.parent() != aOutTransparency))
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

    MFloatVector&  InputColor = block.inputValue( aColor ).asFloatVector();
    float Distance = block.inputValue( aInputValue ).asFloat();

    MFloatVector&  FarCamera = block.inputValue( aFarPointC ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector&  FarObject = block.inputValue( aFarPointO ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector&  FarWorld = block.inputValue( aFarPointW ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector&  PointCam = block.inputValue( aPointC ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector&  PointObj = block.inputValue( aPointO ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector&  PointWor = block.inputValue( aPointW ).asFloatVector();

    bool  Camera  = block.inputValue( aToggleCamera ).asBool();
    bool  Object  = block.inputValue( aToggleObject ).asBool();
    bool  World   = block.inputValue( aToggleWorld ).asBool();

    MFloatVector interval(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    if (Camera) {
		interval = FarCamera - PointCam;
    if (Object) {
		interval = FarObject - PointObj;
    if (World) {
		interval = FarWorld - PointWor;

    double value,dist;
    if ((value = ((interval[0]*interval[0]) +
				 (interval[1]*interval[1]) + 
                 (interval[2]*interval[2])) ))
		dist = sqrt ( value );
    else dist = 0.0;

    MFloatVector resultColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    if (dist <= Distance) {
	    resultColor[0] = InputColor[0];
	    resultColor[1] = InputColor[1];
	    resultColor[2] = InputColor[2];

    // set ouput color attribute
    MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor );
    MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
    outColor = resultColor;

    // set output transparency
    MFloatVector transparency(resultColor[2],resultColor[2],resultColor[2]);
    MDataHandle outTransHandle = block.outputValue( aOutTransparency );
    MFloatVector& outTrans = outTransHandle.asFloatVector();
    outTrans = transparency;
    outTransHandle.setClean( );
    MDataHandle outAlphaHandle = block.outputValue( aOutAlpha );
    float& outAlpha = outAlphaHandle.asFloat();
    outAlpha = resultColor[2];
    outAlphaHandle.setClean( );

    return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus meshCacheNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;
	MString path =  data.inputValue( input ).asString();
	double time = data.inputValue( frame ).asTime().value();
	int minfrm = data.inputValue( aminframe ).asInt();
	//int maxfrm = data.inputValue( amaxframe ).asInt();
	int frmstep = data.inputValue( aframestep ).asInt();
	if( time < minfrm ) time = minfrm;
	int frame_lo = minfrm + int(time-minfrm)/frmstep*frmstep;
	int frame_hi = frame_lo+frmstep;

	char filename[256];
	sprintf( filename, "%s.%d.mcf", path.asChar(), frame_lo );
	FMCFMesh mesh;
	if(mesh.load(filename) != 1)
		sprintf( filename, "%s.mcf", path.asChar());
		if(mesh.load(filename) != 1)
			MGlobal::displayError( MString("Failed to open file: ") + filename );
			return MS::kFailure;
	int lo_n_vertex = mesh.getNumVertex();


	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFace(); i++ ) 
		polygonCounts.append( mesh.getFaceCount(i) );

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaceVertex(); i++) 
		polygonConnects.append( mesh.getVertexId(i) );
		polygonUVs.append( mesh.getUVId(i) );

	XYZ tp;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertex(); i++) 
		mesh.getVertex(tp, i);
		vertexArray.append( MPoint( tp.x, tp.y, tp.z ) );

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumUV(); i++) 
		uArray.append( mesh.getS(i) );
		vArray.append( mesh.getT(i) );

	if( time > frame_lo ) 
		sprintf( filename, "%s.%d.mcf", path.asChar(), frame_hi );

		if(mesh.load(filename) != 1)
			MGlobal::displayError( MString("Failed to open file: ") + filename );
		else if(mesh.getNumVertex() == lo_n_vertex)
			XYZ tp;
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertex(); i++) 
				mesh.getVertex(tp, i);
				vertexFArray.append( MPoint( tp.x, tp.y, tp.z ) );
			double alpha = double(time-frame_lo) / (double)frmstep;

			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertex(); i++) 
				vertexArray[i] = vertexArray[i] + alpha * ( vertexFArray[i] - vertexArray[i] );

	if( plug == outMesh ) 
		MDataHandle meshh = data.outputValue(outMesh, &stat);
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject outMeshData = dataCreator.create(&stat);

		int numVertex = vertexArray.length();
		int numPolygon = polygonCounts.length();
		MFnMesh meshFn;
		meshFn.create( numVertex, numPolygon, vertexArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, outMeshData, &stat );
		if( !stat ) 
			char log[256];
			sprintf( log, "Failed to create mesh %s", filename );
			MGlobal::displayError( log );
			return MS::kFailure;

		if( polygonUVs.length() != 0 ) 
			meshFn.setUVs ( uArray, vArray );
			meshFn.assignUVs ( polygonCounts, polygonUVs );


		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

		return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus sweptEmitter::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
//	Descriptions:
//		Call emit emit method to generate new particles.
	MStatus status;

	// Determine if we are requesting the output plug for this emitter node.
	if( !(plug == mOutput) )
        return( MS::kUnknownParameter );

	// Get the logical index of the element this plug refers to,
	// because the node can be emitting particles into more 
    // than one particle shape.
	int multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in plug.logicalIndex.\n");

	// Get output data arrays (position, velocity, or parentId)
	// that the particle shape is holding from the previous frame.
	MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue(mOutput, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue.\n");

	// Create a builder to aid in the array construction efficiently.
	MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in bOutArray = hOutArray.builder.\n");

	// Get the appropriate data array that is being currently evaluated.
	MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOut = bOutArray.addElement.\n");

    // Get the data and apply the function set.
    MFnArrayAttrsData fnOutput;
    MObject dOutput = fnOutput.create ( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnOutput.create.\n");

	// Check if the particle object has reached it's maximum,
	// hence is full. If it is full then just return with zero particles.
	bool beenFull = isFullValue( multiIndex, block );
	if( beenFull )
		return( MS::kSuccess );

	// Get deltaTime, currentTime and startTime.
	// If deltaTime <= 0.0, or currentTime <= startTime,
	// do not emit new pariticles and return.
	MTime cT = currentTimeValue( block );
	MTime sT = startTimeValue( multiIndex, block );
	MTime dT = deltaTimeValue( multiIndex, block );
	if( (cT <= sT) || (dT <= 0.0) )
		// We do not emit particles before the start time, 
		// and do not emit particles when moving backwards in time.

		// This code is necessary primarily the first time to 
		// establish the new data arrays allocated, and since we have 
		// already set the data array to length zero it does 
		// not generate any new particles.
		hOut.set( dOutput );
		block.setClean( plug );

		return( MS::kSuccess );

	// Get speed, direction vector, and inheritFactor attributes.
	double speed = speedValue( block );
	MVector dirV = directionVector( block );
	double inheritFactor = inheritFactorValue( multiIndex, block );

	// Get the position and velocity arrays to append new particle data.
	MVectorArray fnOutPos = fnOutput.vectorArray("position", &status);
	MVectorArray fnOutVel = fnOutput.vectorArray("velocity", &status);

	// Convert deltaTime into seconds.
	double dt = dT.as( MTime::kSeconds );
	// Apply rotation to the direction vector
	MVector rotatedV = useRotation ( dirV );

	// position,
	MVectorArray inPosAry;
	// velocity
	MVectorArray inVelAry;
	// emission rate
	MIntArray emitCountPP;

	// Get the swept geometry data
	MObject thisObj = this->thisMObject();
	MPlug sweptPlug( thisObj, mSweptGeometry );

	if ( sweptPlug.isConnected() ) 
		MDataHandle sweptHandle = block.inputValue( mSweptGeometry );
		// MObject sweptData = sweptHandle.asSweptGeometry();
		MObject sweptData = sweptHandle.data();
		MFnDynSweptGeometryData fnSweptData( sweptData );

		// Curve emission
		if (fnSweptData.lineCount() > 0) {
			int numLines = fnSweptData.lineCount();
			for ( int i=0; i<numLines; i++ )

				MDynSweptLine line = fnSweptData.sweptLine( i );

				// ... process current line ...
				MVector p1 = line.vertex( 0 );
				MVector p2 = line.vertex( 1 );

				inPosAry.append( p1 );
				inPosAry.append( p2 );

				inVelAry.append( MVector( 0,0,0 ) );
				inVelAry.append( MVector( 0,0,0 ) );

				// emit Rate for two points on line
				status = emitCountPerPoint( plug, block, 2, emitCountPP );

				emit( inPosAry, inVelAry, emitCountPP,
					dt, speed, inheritFactor, rotatedV, fnOutPos, fnOutVel );


		// Surface emission (nurb or polygon)
		if (fnSweptData.triangleCount() > 0) {
			int numTriangles = fnSweptData.triangleCount();
			for ( int i=0; i<numTriangles; i++ )

				MDynSweptTriangle tri = fnSweptData.sweptTriangle( i );

				// ... process current triangle ...
				MVector p1 = tri.vertex( 0 );
				MVector p2 = tri.vertex( 1 );
				MVector p3 = tri.vertex( 2 );

				MVector center = p1 + p2 + p3;
				center /= 3.0;

				inPosAry.append( center );

				inVelAry.append( MVector( 0,0,0 ) );

				// emit Rate for two points on line
				status = emitCountPerPoint( plug, block, 1, emitCountPP );

				emit( inPosAry, inVelAry, emitCountPP,
					dt, speed, inheritFactor, rotatedV, fnOutPos, fnOutVel );


	// Update the data block with new dOutput and set plug clean.
	hOut.set( dOutput );
	block.setClean( plug );

	return( MS::kSuccess );
MStatus PhongNode::compute(
const MPlug&      plug,
      MDataBlock& block )
    if ((plug != aOutColor) && (plug.parent() != aOutColor))
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

    MFloatVector resultColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);

    // get sample surface shading parameters
    MFloatVector& surfaceNormal = block.inputValue( aNormalCamera ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector& cameraPosition = block.inputValue( aPointCamera ).asFloatVector();

	// use for raytracing api enhancement below
	MFloatVector point = cameraPosition;
	MFloatVector normal = surfaceNormal;

    MFloatVector& surfaceColor  = block.inputValue( aColor ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector& incandescence = block.inputValue( aIncandescence ).asFloatVector();
    float diffuseReflectivity = block.inputValue( aDiffuseReflectivity ).asFloat();
    // float translucenceCoeff   = block.inputValue( aTranslucenceCoeff ).asFloat();
	// User-defined Reflection Color Gain
	float reflectGain = block.inputValue( aReflectGain ).asFloat();

    // Phong shading attributes
    float power = block.inputValue( aPower ).asFloat();
    float spec = block.inputValue( aSpecularity ).asFloat();

    float specularR, specularG, specularB;
    float diffuseR, diffuseG, diffuseB;
    diffuseR = diffuseG = diffuseB = specularR = specularG = specularB = 0.0;

    // get light list
    MArrayDataHandle lightData = block.inputArrayValue( aLightData );
    int numLights = lightData.elementCount();

    // iterate through light list and get ambient/diffuse values
    for( int count=1; count <= numLights; count++ )
        MDataHandle currentLight = lightData.inputValue();
        MFloatVector& lightIntensity = currentLight.child(aLightIntensity).asFloatVector();

        // Find the blind data
        void*& blindData = currentLight.child( aLightBlindData ).asAddr();

        // find ambient component
        if( currentLight.child(aLightAmbient).asBool() ) {
            diffuseR += lightIntensity[0];
            diffuseG += lightIntensity[1];
            diffuseB += lightIntensity[2];

        MFloatVector& lightDirection = currentLight.child(aLightDirection).asFloatVector();

        if ( blindData == NULL )
			// find diffuse and specular component
			if( currentLight.child(aLightDiffuse).asBool() )
			    float cosln = lightDirection * surfaceNormal;;
			    if( cosln > 0.0f )  // calculate only if facing light
			         diffuseR += lightIntensity[0] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			         diffuseG += lightIntensity[1] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			         diffuseB += lightIntensity[2] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );

			    CHECK_MSTATUS( cameraPosition.normalize() );

				if( cosln > 0.0f ) // calculate only if facing light
				    float RV = ( ( (2*surfaceNormal) * cosln ) - lightDirection ) * cameraPosition;
				    if( RV > 0.0 ) RV = 0.0;
				    if( RV < 0.0 ) RV = -RV;

				    if ( power < 0 ) power = -power;

				    float s = spec * powf( RV, power );

				    specularR += lightIntensity[0] * s;
				    specularG += lightIntensity[1] * s;
				    specularB += lightIntensity[2] * s;
			float cosln = MRenderUtil::diffuseReflectance( blindData, lightDirection, point, surfaceNormal, true );
			if( cosln > 0.0f )  // calculate only if facing light
			     diffuseR += lightIntensity[0] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			     diffuseG += lightIntensity[1] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			     diffuseB += lightIntensity[2] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );

			CHECK_MSTATUS ( cameraPosition.normalize() );

			if ( currentLight.child(aLightSpecular).asBool() )
				MFloatVector specLightDirection = lightDirection;
				MDataHandle directionH = block.inputValue( aRayDirection );
				MFloatVector direction = directionH.asFloatVector();
				float lightAttenuation = 1.0;

				specLightDirection = MRenderUtil::maximumSpecularReflection( blindData,
										lightDirection, point, surfaceNormal, direction );
				lightAttenuation = MRenderUtil::lightAttenuation( blindData, point, surfaceNormal, false );

				// Are we facing the light
				if ( specLightDirection * surfaceNormal > 0.0f )
					float power2 = block.inputValue( aPower ).asFloat();
					MFloatVector rv = 2 * surfaceNormal * ( surfaceNormal * direction ) - direction;
					float s = spec * powf( rv * specLightDirection, power2 );

					specularR += lightIntensity[0] * s * lightAttenuation;
					specularG += lightIntensity[1] * s * lightAttenuation;
					specularB += lightIntensity[2] * s * lightAttenuation;
       if( !lightData.next() ) break;

    // factor incident light with surface color and add incandescence
    resultColor[0] = ( diffuseR * surfaceColor[0] ) + specularR + incandescence[0];
    resultColor[1] = ( diffuseG * surfaceColor[1] ) + specularG + incandescence[1];
    resultColor[2] = ( diffuseB * surfaceColor[2] ) + specularB + incandescence[2];

	// add the reflection color
	if (reflectGain > 0.0) {

		MStatus status;

		// required attributes for using raytracer
		// origin, direction, sampler, depth, and object id.
		MDataHandle originH = block.inputValue( aRayOrigin, &status);
		MFloatVector origin = originH.asFloatVector();

		MDataHandle directionH = block.inputValue( aRayDirection, &status);
		MFloatVector direction = directionH.asFloatVector();

		MDataHandle samplerH = block.inputValue( aRaySampler, &status);
		void*& samplerPtr = samplerH.asAddr();

		MDataHandle depthH = block.inputValue( aRayDepth, &status);
		short depth = depthH.asShort();

		MDataHandle objH = block.inputValue( aObjectId, &status);
		void*& objId = objH.asAddr();

		MFloatVector reflectColor;
		MFloatVector reflectTransparency;

		MFloatVector& triangleNormal = block.inputValue( aTriangleNormalCamera ).asFloatVector();

		// compute reflected ray
		MFloatVector l = -direction;
		float dot = l * normal;
		if( dot < 0.0 ) dot = -dot;
		MFloatVector refVector = 2 * normal * dot - l; 	// reflection ray
		float dotRef = refVector * triangleNormal;
		if( dotRef < 0.0 ) {
		    const float s = 0.01f;
			MFloatVector mVec = refVector - dotRef * triangleNormal;
			refVector = mVec + s * triangleNormal;
		CHECK_MSTATUS ( refVector.normalize() );

		status = MRenderUtil::raytrace(
				point,    	//  origin
				refVector,  //  direction
				objId,		//  object id
				samplerPtr, //  sampler info
				depth,		//  ray depth
				reflectColor,	// output color and transp

		// add in the reflection color
		resultColor[0] += reflectGain * (reflectColor[0]);
		resultColor[1] += reflectGain * (reflectColor[1]);
		resultColor[2] += reflectGain * (reflectColor[2]);


    // set ouput color attribute
    MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor );
    MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
    outColor = resultColor;

    return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus pointOnSubd::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
//	Description:
//		This method computes the value of the given output plug based
//		on the values of the input attributes.
//	Arguments:
//		plug - the plug to compute
//		data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node
	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute.  If this 
	// node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return 
	// MS::kUnknownParameter.
	if( (plug == aPoint) || (plug == aNormal) ||
		(plug == aPointX) || (plug == aNormalX) ||
		(plug == aPointY) || (plug == aNormalY) ||
		(plug == aPointZ) || (plug == aNormalZ) ) {

		// Get a handle to the input attribute that we will need for the
		// computation.  If the value is being supplied via a connection 
		// in the dependency graph, then this call will cause all upstream  
		// connections to be evaluated so that the correct value is supplied.
		do {
			MDataHandle subdHandle = data.inputValue( aSubd, &returnStatus );
			if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess ) {
				MGlobal::displayError( "ERROR: cannot get subd\n" );
			MDataHandle faceFirstHandle =
				data.inputValue( aFaceFirst, &returnStatus );
			if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess ) {
				MGlobal::displayError( "ERROR: cannot get face first\n" );
			MDataHandle faceSecondHandle =
				data.inputValue( aFaceSecond, &returnStatus );
			if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess ) {
				MGlobal::displayError( "ERROR: cannot get face2\n" );
			MDataHandle uHandle = data.inputValue( aU, &returnStatus );
			if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess ) {
				MGlobal::displayError( "ERROR: cannot get u\n" );
			MDataHandle vHandle = data.inputValue( aV, &returnStatus );
			if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess ) {
				MGlobal::displayError( "ERROR: cannot get v\n" );

			MDataHandle relHandle = data.inputValue( aRelativeUV, &returnStatus );
			if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess ) {
				MGlobal::displayError( "ERROR: cannot get relative UV\n" );
			// Read the input value from the handle.
			MStatus stat;
			MObject subdValue = subdHandle.asSubdSurface();
			MFnSubd subdFn( subdValue, &stat );
			McheckErr(stat,"ERROR creating subd function set"); 

			int faceFirstValue = faceFirstHandle.asLong();
			int faceSecondValue = faceSecondHandle.asLong();
			double uValue = uHandle.asDouble();
			double vValue = vHandle.asDouble();
			bool relUV = relHandle.asBool();

			MPoint point;
			MVector normal;

			MUint64 polyId;
			stat = MFnSubdNames::fromSelectionIndices( polyId, faceFirstValue,
													   faceSecondValue );
			McheckErr(stat,"ERROR converting indices"); 

			stat = subdFn.evaluatePositionAndNormal( polyId, uValue, vValue,
													 relUV, point, normal );
			McheckErr(stat,"ERROR evaluating the position and the normal"); 

			// Get handles to the output attributes.  This is similar to the
			// "inputValue" call above except that no dependency graph 
			// computation will be done as a result of this call.
			MDataHandle pointHandle = data.outputValue( aPoint );
			pointHandle.set( point.x, point.y, point.z );

			MDataHandle normalHandle = data.outputValue( aNormal );
			normalHandle.set( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

		} while( false );
	else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus buildRotation::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus returnStatus;
	if ((plug == rotate) || (plug.parent() == rotate) || (plug == rotateMatrix)) {
		MDataHandle upData = data.inputValue( up, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr(returnStatus,"ERROR getting up vector data");

		MDataHandle forwardData = data.inputValue( forward, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr(returnStatus,"ERROR getting forward vector data");

		MVector up = upData.asVector();
		MVector forward = forwardData.asVector();

		// Make sure that the up and forward vectors are orthogonal
		if ( fabs( up * forward ) > EPSILON ) {
			// Non-zero dot product
			MVector orthoVec = up ^ forward;
			MVector newForward = orthoVec ^ up;
			if ( forward * newForward < 0.0 ) {
				// Reverse the vector
				newForward *= -1.0;
			forward = newForward;

		// Calculate the rotation required to align the y-axis with the up
		// vector
		MTransformationMatrix firstRot;
		MVector rotAxis = MVector::yAxis ^ up;
		firstRot.setToRotationAxis( rotAxis, MVector::yAxis.angle( up ) );
		// Calculate the second rotation required to align the forward vector
		MTransformationMatrix secondRot;
		MVector transformedForward = firstRot.asMatrix() * forward;
		double angle = transformedForward.angle( MVector::zAxis );
		if ( transformedForward.x < 0.0 ) {
			// Compensate for the fact that the angle method returns
			// the absolute value
			angle *= -1.0;
		secondRot.setToRotationAxis( up, angle );

		// Get the requested rotation order
		MDataHandle orderHandle = data.inputValue( rotateOrder );
		short order = orderHandle.asShort();
		MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder rotOrder;
		switch ( order ) {
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kYZX; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kZXY; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXZY; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kYXZ; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kZYX; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kInvalid; break;

		MTransformationMatrix result = firstRot.asMatrix() * secondRot.asMatrix();
		result.reorderRotation( rotOrder );

		double rotation[3];
		result.getRotation( rotation, rotOrder, MSpace::kTransform );
		MDataHandle outputRot = data.outputValue( rotate );
		outputRot.set( rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2] );

		MDataHandle outputMatrix = data.outputValue( rotateMatrix );
		outputMatrix.set( result.asMatrix() );
	} else
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus geometrySurfaceConstraint::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block )
	MStatus returnStatus;
	if ( plug == geometrySurfaceConstraint::constraintGeometry )
		MArrayDataHandle targetArray = block.inputArrayValue( compoundTarget );
		unsigned int targetArrayCount = targetArray.elementCount();
		double weight,selectedWeight = 0;
		if ( weightType == geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::kSmallestWeight )
			selectedWeight = FLT_MAX;
		MObject selectedMesh;
		unsigned int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < targetArrayCount; i++ )
			MDataHandle targetElement = targetArray.inputValue();
			weight = targetElement.child(targetWeight).asDouble();
			if ( !equivalent(weight,0.0))
				if ( weightType == geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::kLargestWeight )
					if ( weight > selectedWeight )
						MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh();
						if ( !mesh.isNull() )
							selectedMesh = mesh;
							selectedWeight =  weight;
					if  ( weight < selectedWeight )
						MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh();
						if ( !mesh.isNull() )
							selectedMesh = mesh;
							selectedWeight =  weight;
		if ( selectedMesh.isNull() )
			// The transform node via the geometry attribute will take care of
			// updating the location of the constrained geometry.
			MDataHandle outputConstraintGeometryHandle = block.outputValue(constraintGeometry);
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;

This function gets called by Maya to evaluate the texture.

MStatus shiftNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) 
	MStatus stat;

	if ((plug != aOutColor) && (plug.parent() != aOutColor))
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	MDataHandle colorH;
	MFloatVector color;

	MDataHandle shiftH = data.inputValue( aShift, &stat);
	PERRORfail(stat, "compute getting shift attr");
	bool shiftIt = shiftH.asBool();

	MDataHandle distH = data.inputValue( aDist, &stat);
	PERRORfail(stat, "compute getting distance attr");
	float distance = distH.asFloat();

	MFloatVector clr;

	if ( shiftIt && distance != 0.0 )
		// first evaluate color at default sample posiiton

		clr = data.inputValue( aColor ).asFloatVector();

		// uv is used by 2d textures
		// refPointCamera is used by 3d textures

		MDataHandle refPointCamH = data.inputValue( aRefPointCamera, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "compute getting refPointCamera attr");
		MFloatVector refPC = refPointCamH.asFloatVector();

		// get current UV

		const float2 & oldUV = data.inputValue(aUv).asFloat2();

		// shift and set the uv/refPointCamera values so
		// we can sample around the current uv/refPointCamera

		MDataHandle outUV = data.outputValue( aUv );
		MDataHandle outPC = data.outputValue( aRefPointCamera );

		outUV.set( oldUV[0]-distance, oldUV[1] );
		outPC.set( refPC.x + distance, refPC.y + distance, refPC.z + distance);
		colorH = data.inputValue( aColor, &stat);	// evaluate at new pos
		color = colorH.asFloatVector();
		clr += color;

		outUV.set( oldUV[0]+distance, oldUV[1] );
		outPC.set( refPC.x - distance, refPC.y + distance, refPC.z + distance);
		colorH = data.inputValue( aColor, &stat);	// evaluate at new pos
		color = colorH.asFloatVector();
		clr += color;

		outUV.set( oldUV[0], oldUV[1]-distance );
		outPC.set( refPC.x + distance, refPC.y - distance, refPC.z + distance);
		colorH = data.inputValue( aColor, &stat);	// evaluate at new pos
		color = colorH.asFloatVector();
		clr += color;

		outUV.set( oldUV[0], oldUV[1]+distance );
		outPC.set( refPC.x - distance, refPC.y - distance, refPC.z + distance);
		colorH = data.inputValue( aColor, &stat);	// evaluate at new pos
		color = colorH.asFloatVector();
		clr += color;

		clr /= 5.0;	// average the colors from all locations

		// set sample data back to original values

		outUV.set( oldUV[0], oldUV[1] );
		outPC.set( refPC.x, refPC.y, refPC.z ); 
		colorH = data.inputValue( aColor, &stat);
		clr = colorH.asFloatVector();

	MDataHandle outColorHandle = data.outputValue( aOutColor );
	MFloatVector& oclr = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
	oclr = clr;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus AlembicNode::compute(const MPlug & plug, MDataBlock & dataBlock)
    MStatus status;

    // update the frame number to be imported
    MDataHandle speedHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mSpeedAttr, &status);
    double speed = speedHandle.asDouble();

    MDataHandle offsetHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mOffsetAttr, &status);
    double offset = offsetHandle.asDouble();

    MDataHandle timeHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mTimeAttr, &status);
    MTime t = timeHandle.asTime();
    double inputTime = t.as(MTime::kSeconds);

    double fps = getFPS();

    // scale and offset inputTime.
    inputTime = computeAdjustedTime(inputTime, speed, offset/fps);

    // this should be done only once per file
	if (mFileInitialized == false)
		mFileInitialized = true;

		//Get list of input filenames
		MFnDependencyNode depNode(thisMObject());
		MPlug layerFilesPlug = depNode.findPlug("abc_layerFiles");
		MFnStringArrayData fnSAD( layerFilesPlug.asMObject() );
		MStringArray storedFilenames = fnSAD.array();

		//Legacy support for single-filename input
		if( storedFilenames.length() == 0 )
			MFileObject fileObject;
			MDataHandle dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mAbcFileNameAttr);
			MString fileName = fileObject.resolvedFullName();
			storedFilenames.append( fileName );

		std::vector<std::string> abcFilenames;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < storedFilenames.length(); i++)
			abcFilenames.push_back( storedFilenames[i].asChar() );

		Alembic::Abc::IArchive archive;
		Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory;

		archive = factory.getArchive( abcFilenames );

		if (!archive.valid())
			MString theError = "Error opening these alembic files: ";

			const unsigned int numFilenames = storedFilenames.length();
			for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numFilenames; i++ )
				theError += storedFilenames[ i ];

				if( i != (numFilenames - 1) )
					theError += ", ";


		// initialize some flags for plug update
		mSubDInitialized = false;
		mPolyInitialized = false;

		// When an alembic cache will be imported at the first time using
		// AbcImport, we need to set mIncludeFilterAttr (filterHandle) to be
		// mIncludeFilterString for later use. When we save a maya scene(.ma)
		// mIncludeFilterAttr will be saved. Then when we load the saved
		// .ma file, mIncludeFilterString will be set to be mIncludeFilterAttr.
		MDataHandle includeFilterHandle =
						dataBlock.inputValue(mIncludeFilterAttr, &status);
		MString& includeFilterString = includeFilterHandle.asString();

	   if (mIncludeFilterString.length() > 0)
		else if (includeFilterString.length() > 0)
			mIncludeFilterString = includeFilterString;

		MDataHandle excludeFilterHandle =
						dataBlock.inputValue(mExcludeFilterAttr, &status);
		MString& excludeFilterString = excludeFilterHandle.asString();

	   if (mExcludeFilterString.length() > 0)
		else if (excludeFilterString.length() > 0)
			mExcludeFilterString = excludeFilterString;

		MFnDependencyNode dep(thisMObject());
		MPlug allSetsPlug = dep.findPlug("allColorSets");
		CreateSceneVisitor visitor(inputTime, !allSetsPlug.isNull(),
			MObject::kNullObj, CreateSceneVisitor::NONE, "",
			mIncludeFilterString, mExcludeFilterString);


		if (visitor.hasSampledData())
			// information retrieved from the hierarchy traversal
			// and given to AlembicNode to provide update
			mData.getFrameRange(mSequenceStartTime, mSequenceEndTime);
			MDataHandle startFrameHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mStartFrameAttr,
			MDataHandle endFrameHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mEndFrameAttr,

    // Retime
    MDataHandle cycleHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mCycleTypeAttr, &status);
    short playType = cycleHandle.asShort();
    inputTime = computeRetime(inputTime, mSequenceStartTime, mSequenceEndTime,

    clamp<double>(mSequenceStartTime, mSequenceEndTime, inputTime);

    // update only when the time lapse is big enough
    if (fabs(inputTime - mCurTime) > 0.00001)
        mOutRead = std::vector<bool>(mOutRead.size(), false);
        mCurTime = inputTime;

    if (plug == mOutPropArrayAttr)

        if (mOutRead[0])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[0] = true;

        unsigned int propSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mPropList.size());

        if (propSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutPropArrayAttr, &status);

            unsigned int outHandleIndex = 0;
            MDataHandle outHandle;

            // for all of the nodes with sampled attributes
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propSize; i++)
                // only use the handle if it matches the index.
                // The index wont line up in the sparse case so we
                // can just skip that element.
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() == outHandleIndex++)
                    outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue();

                if (mData.mPropList[i].mArray.valid())
                    readProp(mCurTime, mData.mPropList[i].mArray, outHandle);
                else if (mData.mPropList[i].mScalar.valid())
                    // for visibility only
                    if (mData.mPropList[i].mScalar.getName() ==
                        Alembic::Util::int8_t visVal = 1;
                                Alembic::Abc::ISampleSelector::kNearIndex ));
                        outHandle.setGenericBool(visVal != 0, false);
                        // for all scalar props
                        readProp(mCurTime, mData.mPropList[i].mScalar, outHandle);

    else if (plug == mOutTransOpArrayAttr )
        if (mOutRead[1])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[1] = true;

        unsigned int xformSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mXformList.size());

        if (xformSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutTransOpArrayAttr, &status);

            MPlug arrayPlug(thisMObject(), mOutTransOpArrayAttr);

            MDataHandle outHandle;
            unsigned int outHandleIndex = 0;

            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xformSize; i++)
                std::vector<double> sampleList;

                if (mData.mIsComplexXform[i])
                    readComplex(mCurTime, mData.mXformList[i], sampleList);
                    Alembic::AbcGeom::XformSample samp;
                    read(mCurTime, mData.mXformList[i], sampleList, samp);

                unsigned int sampleSize = (unsigned int)sampleList.size();

                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                    // only use the handle if it matches the index.
                    // The index wont line up in the sparse case so we
                    // can just skip that element.
                    if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() == outHandleIndex++)
                        outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

    else if (plug == mOutLocatorPosScaleArrayAttr )
        if (mOutRead[8])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[8] = true;

        unsigned int locSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mLocList.size());

        if (locSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutLocatorPosScaleArrayAttr, &status);

            MPlug arrayPlug(thisMObject(), mOutLocatorPosScaleArrayAttr);

            MDataHandle outHandle;
            unsigned int outHandleIndex = 0;

            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < locSize; i++)
                std::vector< double > sampleList;
                read(mCurTime, mData.mLocList[i], sampleList);

                unsigned int sampleSize = (unsigned int)sampleList.size();
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                    // only use the handle if it matches the index.
                    // The index wont line up in the sparse case so we
                    // can just skip that element.
                    if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() == outHandleIndex++)
                        outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

    else if (plug == mOutSubDArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[2])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutSubDArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[2] = true;

        unsigned int subDSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mSubDList.size());

        if (subDSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutSubDArrayAttr, &status);

            MDataHandle outHandle;

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < subDSize; j++)
                // these elements can be sparse if they have been deleted
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != j)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                    MFnMesh fnMesh(obj);
                    readSubD(mCurTime, fnMesh, obj, mData.mSubDList[j],
            mSubDInitialized = true;
        // for the case where we don't have any nodes, we want to make sure
        // to push out empty meshes on our connections, this can happen if
        // the input file was offlined, currently we only need to do this for
        // meshes as Nurbs, curves, and the other channels don't crash Maya
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutSubDArrayAttr, &status);

            if (outArrayHandle.elementCount() > 0)
                    MDataHandle outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue();
                    MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                    if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                        MFloatPointArray emptyVerts;
                        MIntArray emptyCounts;
                        MIntArray emptyConnects;
                        MFnMesh emptyMesh;
                        emptyMesh.create(0, 0, emptyVerts, emptyCounts,
                            emptyConnects, obj);
                while (outArrayHandle.next() == MS::kSuccess);
            mSubDInitialized = true;
    else if (plug == mOutPolyArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[3])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutPolyArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[3] = true;

        unsigned int polySize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mPolyMeshList.size());

        if (polySize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutPolyArrayAttr, &status);

            MDataHandle outHandle;

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < polySize; j++)
                // these elements can be sparse if they have been deleted
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != j)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                    MFnMesh fnMesh(obj);
                    readPoly(mCurTime, fnMesh, obj, mData.mPolyMeshList[j],
            mPolyInitialized = true;
        // for the case where we don't have any nodes, we want to make sure
        // to push out empty meshes on our connections, this can happen if
        // the input file was offlined, currently we only need to do this for
        // meshes as Nurbs, curves, and the other channels don't crash Maya
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutPolyArrayAttr, &status);

            if (outArrayHandle.elementCount() > 0)
                    MDataHandle outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);
                    MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                    if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                        MFloatPointArray emptyVerts;
                        MIntArray emptyCounts;
                        MIntArray emptyConnects;
                        MFnMesh emptyMesh;
                        emptyMesh.create(0, 0, emptyVerts, emptyCounts,
                            emptyConnects, obj);
                while (outArrayHandle.next() == MS::kSuccess);
            mPolyInitialized = true;
    else if (plug == mOutCameraArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[4])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[4] = true;

        unsigned int cameraSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mCameraList.size());

        if (cameraSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutCameraArrayAttr, &status);
            MPlug arrayPlug(thisMObject(), mOutCameraArrayAttr);
            double angleConversion = 1.0;

            switch (MAngle::uiUnit())
                case MAngle::kRadians:
                    angleConversion = 0.017453292519943295;
                case MAngle::kAngMinutes:
                    angleConversion = 60.0;
                case MAngle::kAngSeconds:
                    angleConversion = 3600.0;

            MDataHandle outHandle;
            unsigned int index = 0;

            for (unsigned int cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameraSize;
                Alembic::AbcGeom::ICamera & cam =
                std::vector<double> array;

                read(mCurTime, cam, array);

                for (unsigned int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < array.size();
                    dataIndex++, index++)
                    // skip over sparse elements
                    if (index != outArrayHandle.elementIndex())

                    outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                    // not shutter angle index, so not an angle
                    if (dataIndex != 11)
                        outHandle.set(array[dataIndex] * angleConversion);
                }  // for the per camera data handles
            }  // for each camera
    else if (plug == mOutNurbsSurfaceArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[5])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsSurfaceArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[5] = true;

        unsigned int nSurfaceSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mNurbsList.size());

        if (nSurfaceSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsSurfaceArrayAttr, &status);

            MDataHandle outHandle;

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nSurfaceSize; j++)
                // these elements can be sparse if they have been deleted
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != j)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface))
                    readNurbs(mCurTime, mData.mNurbsList[j], obj);
    else if (plug == mOutNurbsCurveGrpArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[6])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsCurveGrpArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[6] = true;

        unsigned int nCurveGrpSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mCurvesList.size());

        if (nCurveGrpSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsCurveGrpArrayAttr, &status);
            MDataHandle outHandle;

            std::vector<MObject> curvesObj;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCurveGrpSize; ++i)
                readCurves(mCurTime, mData.mCurvesList[i],
                    mData.mNumCurves[i], curvesObj);

            std::size_t numChild = curvesObj.size();

            // not the best way to do this
            // only reading bunches of curves based on the connections would be
            // more efficient when there is a bunch of broken connections
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChild; i++)
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != i)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);
                status = outHandle.set(curvesObj[i]);

        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

    return status;
MStatus weightList::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
        MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	unsigned i, j;
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	MPlug wPlug(thisNode, aWeights); 

	// Write into aWeightList
	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    status = wPlug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex( i, aWeightsList );
	    MDataHandle wHandle = wPlug.constructHandle(block);
	    MArrayDataHandle arrayHandle(wHandle, &status);
	    McheckErr(status, "arrayHandle construction failed\n");
	    MArrayDataBuilder arrayBuilder = arrayHandle.builder(&status);
	    McheckErr(status, "arrayBuilder accessing/construction failed\n");
	    for( j = 0; j < i+2; j++) {
	        MDataHandle handle = arrayBuilder.addElement(j,&status);
		McheckErr(status, "addElement to arrayBuilder failed\n");
		float val = 1.0f*(i+j); 
	    status = arrayHandle.set(arrayBuilder);
	    McheckErr(status, "set arrayBuilder failed\n");

	// Read from aWeightList and print out result
	MArrayDataHandle arrayHandle = block.inputArrayValue(aWeightsList, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "arrayHandle construction for aWeightsList failed\n");
	unsigned count = arrayHandle.elementCount();
	for( i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	    MDataHandle eHandle = arrayHandle.inputValue(&status).child(aWeights);
	    McheckErr(status, "handle evaluation failed\n");
	    MArrayDataHandle eArrayHandle(eHandle, &status);
	    McheckErr(status, "arrayHandle construction for aWeights failed\n");
	    unsigned eCount = eArrayHandle.elementCount();
	    for( j = 0; j < eCount; j++) {
		float weight = eArrayHandle.inputValue(&status).asFloat();
		McheckErr(status, "weight evaluation error\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "weightList[%u][%u] = %g\n",i,j,weight);

	// Read from aWeightList and print out result using the more
	// efficient jumpToArrayElement() call
	arrayHandle = block.inputArrayValue(aWeightsList, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "arrayHandle construction for aWeightsList failed\n");
	count = arrayHandle.elementCount();
	for( i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	    MDataHandle eHandle = arrayHandle.inputValue(&status).child(aWeights);
	    McheckErr(status, "handle evaluation failed\n");
	    MArrayDataHandle eArrayHandle(eHandle, &status);
	    McheckErr(status, "arrayHandle construction for aWeights failed\n");
	    unsigned eCount = eArrayHandle.elementCount();
	    for( j = 0; j < eCount; j++) {
		float weight = eArrayHandle.inputValue(&status).asFloat();
		McheckErr(status, "weight evaluation error\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "weightList[%d][%d] = %g\n",i,j,weight);

	return status;
HRBFSkinCluster::deform( MDataBlock& block,
                      MItGeometry& iter,
                      const MMatrix& m,
                      unsigned int multiIndex)
// Method: deform1
// Description:   Deforms the point with a simple smooth skinning algorithm
// Arguments:
//   block      : the datablock of the node
//   iter       : an iterator for the geometry to be deformed
//   m          : matrix to transform the point into world space
//   multiIndex : the index of the geometry that we are deforming
	MStatus returnStatus;

	// get HRBF status
	MDataHandle HRBFstatusData = block.inputValue(rebuildHRBF, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting rebuildHRBF handle\n");
	int rebuildHRBFStatusNow = HRBFstatusData.asInt();
	// handle signaling to the rest of deform that HRBFs must be rebuild
	bool signalRebuildHRBF = false;
	signalRebuildHRBF = (rebuildHRBFStatus != rebuildHRBFStatusNow);
	MMatrixArray bindTFs; // store just the bind transforms in here.
	MMatrixArray boneTFs; // ALWAYS store just the bone transforms in here.

	// get HRBF export status
	MDataHandle exportCompositionData = block.inputValue(exportComposition, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting exportComposition handle\n");
	int exportCompositionStatusNow = exportCompositionData.asInt();

	MDataHandle HRBFExportSamplesData = block.inputValue(exportHRBFSamples, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting exportHRBFSamples handle\n");
	std::string exportHRBFSamplesStatusNow = HRBFExportSamplesData.asString().asChar();

	MDataHandle HRBFExportValuesData = block.inputValue(exportHRBFValues, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting exportHRBFValues handle\n");
	std::string exportHRBFValuesStatusNow = HRBFExportValuesData.asString().asChar();

	// get skinning type
	MDataHandle useDQData = block.inputValue(useDQ, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting useDQ handle\n");
	int useDQNow = useDQData.asInt();

	// determine if we're using HRBF
	MDataHandle useHRBFData = block.inputValue(useHRBF, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting useHRBFData handle\n");
	int useHRBFnow = useHRBFData.asInt();

	// get envelope because why not
	MDataHandle envData = block.inputValue(envelope, &returnStatus);
	float env = envData.asFloat();

	// get point in space for evaluating HRBF
	MDataHandle checkHRBFAtData = block.inputValue(checkHRBFAt, &returnStatus);
	McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting useDQ handle\n");
	double* data = checkHRBFAtData.asDouble3();

	// get the influence transforms
	MArrayDataHandle transformsHandle = block.inputArrayValue( matrix ); // tell block what we want
	int numTransforms = transformsHandle.elementCount();
	if ( numTransforms == 0 ) { // no transforms, no problems
		return MS::kSuccess;
	MMatrixArray transforms; // fetch transform matrices -> actual joint matrices
	for ( int i=0; i<numTransforms; ++i ) {
		MMatrix worldTF = MFnMatrixData(transformsHandle.inputValue().data()).matrix();
	// inclusive matrices inverse of the driving transform at time of bind
	// matrices for transforming vertices to joint local space
	MArrayDataHandle bindHandle = block.inputArrayValue( bindPreMatrix ); // tell block what we want
	if ( bindHandle.elementCount() > 0 ) {
		for ( int i=0; i<numTransforms; ++i ) {
			MMatrix bind = MFnMatrixData(bindHandle.inputValue().data()).matrix();
			transforms[i] = bind * transforms[i];
			if (signalRebuildHRBF) bindTFs.append(bind);

	MArrayDataHandle weightListHandle = block.inputArrayValue(weightList);
	if (weightListHandle.elementCount() == 0) {
		// no weights - nothing to do
		std::cout << "no weights!" << std::endl;
		//rebuildHRBFStatus = rebuildHRBFStatusNow - 1; // HRBFs will need to rebuilt no matter what
		return MS::kSuccess;

	// print HRBF samples if requested
	if (exportHRBFSamplesStatusNow != exportHRBFSamplesStatus) {
		std::cout << "instructed to export HRBF samples: " << exportHRBFSamplesStatusNow.c_str() << std::endl;
		exportHRBFSamplesStatus = exportHRBFSamplesStatusNow;
		// TODO: handle exporting HRBFs to the text file format

	// print HRBF values if requested
	if (exportHRBFValuesStatusNow != exportHRBFValuesStatus) {
		std::cout << "instructed to export HRBF values: " << exportHRBFValuesStatusNow.c_str() << std::endl;
		exportHRBFValuesStatus = exportHRBFValuesStatusNow;
		// TODO: handle exporting HRBFs to the text file format

	// print HRBF composition if requested
	if (exportCompositionStatusNow != exportCompositionStatus) {
		std::cout << "instructed to export HRBF composition." << std::endl;
		exportCompositionStatus = exportCompositionStatusNow;
		// TODO: handle exporting HRBFs to the text file format
		hrbfMan->debugCompositionToConsole(boneTFs, numTransforms);

	// check the HRBF value if the new point is significantly different
	MPoint checkHRBFHereNow(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
	if ((checkHRBFHereNow - checkHRBFHere).length() > 0.0001) {
		if (hrbfMan->m_HRBFs.size() == numTransforms) {
			std::cout << "checking HRBF at x:" << data[0] << " y: " << data[1] << " z: " << data[2] << std::endl;
			float val = 0.0f;
			float dx = 0.0f;
			float dy = 0.0f;
			float dz = 0.0f;
			float grad = 0.0f;

			hrbfMan->mf_vals->trilinear(data[0], data[1], data[2], val);
			hrbfMan->mf_gradX->trilinear(data[0], data[1], data[2], dx);
			hrbfMan->mf_gradY->trilinear(data[0], data[1], data[2], dy);
			hrbfMan->mf_gradZ->trilinear(data[0], data[1], data[2], dz);
			hrbfMan->mf_gradMag->trilinear(data[0], data[1], data[2], grad);
			std::cout << "val: " << val << " dx: " << dx << " dy: " << dy << " dz: " << dz << " grad: " << grad << std::endl;
			checkHRBFHere = checkHRBFHereNow;

	// rebuild HRBFs if needed
	if (signalRebuildHRBF) {
		std::cout << "instructed to rebuild HRBFs" << std::endl;
		rebuildHRBFStatus = rebuildHRBFStatusNow;

		MArrayDataHandle parentIDCsHandle = block.inputArrayValue(jointParentIdcs); // tell block what we want
		std::vector<int> jointParentIndices(numTransforms);
		if (parentIDCsHandle.elementCount() > 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i<numTransforms; ++i) {
				jointParentIndices[i] = parentIDCsHandle.inputValue().asInt();

		MArrayDataHandle jointNamesHandle = block.inputArrayValue(jointNames); // tell block what we want
		std::vector<std::string> jointNames(numTransforms);
		if (jointNamesHandle.elementCount() > 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i<numTransforms; ++i) {
				jointNames[i] = jointNamesHandle.inputValue().asString().asChar();

		// debug
		//std::cout << "got joint hierarchy info! it's:" << std::endl;
		//for (int i = 0; i < numTransforms; ++i) {
		//	std::cout << i << ": " << jointNames[i].c_str() << " : " << jointParentIndices[i] << std::endl;
		std::cout << "rebuilding HRBFs... " << std::endl;
		hrbfMan->buildHRBFs(jointParentIndices, jointNames, bindTFs, boneTFs, 
			weightListHandle, iter, weights);
		std::cout << "done rebuilding!" << std::endl;
		weightListHandle.jumpToElement(0); // reset this, it's an iterator. trust me.
		iter.reset(); // reset this iterator so we can go do normal skinning

	// perform traditional skinning
	if (useDQNow != 0) {
		returnStatus = skinDQ(transforms, numTransforms, weightListHandle, iter);
	else {
		returnStatus = skinLB(transforms, numTransforms, weightListHandle, iter);

	// do HRBF corrections
	if (useHRBFnow != 0) {
		if (hrbfMan->m_HRBFs.size() == numTransforms) {

	return returnStatus;
MStatus TCC::createSubdividedMesh(int sdRes, int sdRefRes, MFnMesh &srcMesh, TCCData &tccData, MDataHandle outMeshHandle, float lineThickness, MStatus& stat)
    HDS hds;
    bool shouldCreateUVs = true;
    size_t nV = srcMesh.numVertices();
    size_t nF = srcMesh.numPolygons();
    size_t nIHE = tccData.F.length();
    bool consistentSizes= (tccData.pole.length()==nV) && (tccData.T.length()==nIHE) && (tccData.itv.length()==nIHE) & (tccData.corner.length()==nV);
    if ((nV==0)||(nF==0)||(!consistentSizes)) return MS::kFailure;

    MFloatArray uArray, vArray, sc_uArray, sc_vArray;
    MIntArray uvIdx;
    if (shouldCreateUVs)
        createUVset(tccData, sdRes, uArray, vArray, sc_uArray, sc_vArray, uvIdx, lineThickness);
    MFloatPointArray points;
    store_in_hds(hds, points, tccData.nFV, tccData.F);     // convert to HDS

    size_t nHE = hds.nHE();

    hds.T.setDims(1, nHE);
    hds.itv.setDims(1, nHE);
    hds.corner.setDims(1, nV);
    // interior halfedge tags
    for (size_t k=0; k<nV; k++) 
        hds.corner[k] = tccData.corner[k];

    // interior halfedge tags
    for (size_t k=0; k<nIHE; k++) 
        hds.T[k] = tccData.T[k];
        hds.itv[k] = tccData.itv[k];
    // border halfedge tags
    for (size_t k=nIHE; k<nHE; k++) 
        hds.T[k] = false;
        hds.itv[k] = hds.itv[hds.twin[k]];
    TCC_MAX::subdivide(hds, sdRes);
    if (sdRefRes>0)
        HDS hds2;
        copy_HDS(hds, hds2);
        TCC_MAX::subdivide(hds2, sdRefRes);
        memcpy(&hds.V[0], &hds2.V[0], hds.V.size() * sizeof(double));

    MObject outMeshObj = outMeshHandle.asMesh();
    MFnMesh outMeshFn(outMeshObj);
    // if no topology change necessary, just update points!
    if ( (outMeshFn.numFaceVertices() == hds.nIHE()) && (outMeshFn.numPolygons() == hds.nF()) )
        size_t nV   = hds.nV();
        for (size_t k=0; k<nV; k++) 
            points[k](0) = hds.V[3*k+0];
            points[k](1) = hds.V[3*k+1];
            points[k](2) = hds.V[3*k+2];
        stat = outMeshFn.setPoints(points); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating outputData");
        if (shouldCreateUVs)
            MString uvSet = "UnitPatchUVs";
            MString sc_uvSet = "ScaledPatchUVs";
            stat = outMeshFn.setUVs(uArray, vArray, &uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
            stat = outMeshFn.setUVs(sc_uArray, sc_vArray, &sc_uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
        return MS::kSuccess;

    // Have to update connectivity and geometry

    load_from_hds(hds, points, tccData.nFV, tccData.F);

    nV = points.length();
    nF = tccData.nFV.length();
    MFnMeshData dataCreator;
    MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating outputData");
    MFnMesh newOutMeshFn;
    MObject newMesh;
    newMesh = newOutMeshFn.create(nV, nF, points, tccData.nFV, tccData.F, newOutputData, &stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR in MFnMesh.create\n");

    if (shouldCreateUVs)
        MString uvSet = "UnitPatchUVs";
        MString sc_uvSet = "ScaledPatchUVs";
        uvSet = newOutMeshFn.createUVSetDataMeshWithName(uvSet, &stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating UVset");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.clearUVs(&uvSet);
        stat = newOutMeshFn.setUVs(uArray, vArray, &uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.assignUVs(tccData.nFV, uvIdx, &uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR assigning UVs");
        sc_uvSet = newOutMeshFn.createUVSetDataMeshWithName(sc_uvSet, &stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating UVset");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.clearUVs(&sc_uvSet);
        stat = newOutMeshFn.setUVs(sc_uArray, sc_vArray, &sc_uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.assignUVs(tccData.nFV, uvIdx, &sc_uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR assigning UVs");
    if (stat == MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kSuccess;
/*! Compute function, gets the input surface, determines what type it is and calls the appropriate conversion function
    Encapsulates an cowpointer to the body into the naiadBodyData type and outputs it */
MStatus NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
    if (plug == _outBody)
        //Get the body name
        MDataHandle bodyNameHndl = data.inputValue( _bodyName, &status );
        MString bodyName = bodyNameHndl.asString();

        //Create the MFnPluginData for the naiadBody
        MFnPluginData dataFn;
        dataFn.create( MTypeId( naiadBodyData::id ), &status);
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to create naiadBodyData in MFnPluginData");

        //Get subdivision info from plugs so better approximations of meshes can be done
        int divisions = data.inputValue( _subDivide, &status ).asBool();
        //Getting genericAttribute handle containing the surface and pick the correct conversion function
        MObject meshObj;
        MDataHandle inSurfaceHdl = data.inputValue( _inSurface, &status );
        if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kNurbsSurface)
            MFnNurbsSurface nurbsFn(inSurfaceHdl.asNurbsSurface());

            // Create the data holder for the tesselated mesh
            MFnMeshData dataCreator;
            MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

            //Setup the tesselation parameters
            MTesselationParams tParams;
            tParams.setOutputType( MTesselationParams::kTriangles );
            tParams.setFormatType( MTesselationParams::kGeneralFormat );
            tParams.setUIsoparmType( MTesselationParams::kSpanEquiSpaced );
            tParams.setVIsoparmType( MTesselationParams::kSpanEquiSpaced );
            tParams.setUNumber( divisions+1 );
            tParams.setVNumber( divisions+1 );

            // Tesselate and get the returned mesh
            meshObj = nurbsFn.tesselate( tParams, newOutputData, &status );
            NM_CheckMStatus( status, "NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute Failed to tesselate nurbs surface to poly");
        else if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kMesh)
            meshObj = inSurfaceHdl.asMesh();

            if ( divisions > 0 )
                MFnMeshData dataCreator;
                MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

                MFnMesh meshFn(meshObj);
                MIntArray faceIds;
                for ( unsigned int i(0); i < meshFn.numPolygons(); ++i )

                meshFn.subdivideFaces( faceIds , divisions );
        else if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kSubdSurface)
            // Create the subd function set so we can tesselate
            MFnSubd subDfn(inSurfaceHdl.asSubdSurface());

            // Create the data holder for the tesselated mesh
            MFnMeshData dataCreator;
            MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

            // Tesselate the subD surface
            meshObj = subDfn.tesselate(true, 1 , divisions , newOutputData, &status );
            NM_CheckMStatus( status, "NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute Failed to tesselate SubD surface to poly");
            return status ;

	//Get the handle for the input transform
        MDataHandle inTransformHdl = data.inputValue( _inTransform, &status );
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get inTransform handle");

	MDataHandle useTransformHdl = data.inputValue( _useTransform, &status);
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get worldSpaceHdl ");
	bool useTransform = useTransformHdl.asBool();

        //Get a new naiadBodyData
        naiadBodyData * newBodyData = (naiadBodyData*)dataFn.data( &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get naiadBodyData handle from MFnPluginData");

        try {
            newBodyData->nBody = mayaMeshToNaiadBody( meshObj, std::string(bodyName.asChar()), useTransform, inTransformHdl.asMatrix() );
        catch(std::exception& ex) {
            NM_ExceptionPlugDisplayError("NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute ", plug, ex );

        //Give the data to the output handle and set it clean
        MDataHandle bodyDataHnd = data.outputValue( _outBody, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get outputData handle for outBody");
        bodyDataHnd.set( newBodyData );
        data.setClean( plug );

    return status;
MStatus multiCurve::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;

	if ( plug == outputCurves )
		MDataHandle numCurvesHandle =  data.inputValue(numCurves, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting numCurves");
		int num = numCurvesHandle.asLong();

		MDataHandle curveOffsetHandle =  data.inputValue(curveOffset, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting curveOffset");
		double baseOffset = curveOffsetHandle.asDouble();

		MDataHandle inputCurveHandle = data.inputValue(inputCurve, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting inputCurve");

		MObject inputCurveObject ( inputCurveHandle.asNurbsCurveTransformed() );
		MFnNurbsCurve inCurveFS ( inputCurveObject );

		MArrayDataHandle outputArray = data.outputArrayValue(outputCurves,
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting output data handle");

		// Create an array data build that is preallocated to hold just
		// the number of curves we plan on creating.  When this builder
		// is set in to the MArrayDataHandle at the end of the compute
		// method, the new array will replace the existing array in the
		// scene.
		// If the number of elements of the multi does not change between
		// compute cycles, then one can reuse the space allocated on a
		// previous cycle by extracting the existing builder from the
		// MArrayDataHandle:
		//		MArrayDataBuilder builder( outputArray.builder(&stat) );
		// this later form of the builder will allow you to rewrite elements
		// of the array, and to grow it, but the array can only be shrunk by
		// explicitly removing elements with the method
		//		MArrayDataBuilder::removeElement(unsigned index);
		MArrayDataBuilder builder(outputCurves, num, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute creating builder");
		for (int curveNum = 0; curveNum < num; curveNum++) {
			MDataHandle outHandle = builder.addElement(curveNum);
			MFnNurbsCurveData dataCreator;
			MObject outCurveData = dataCreator.create();
			MObject outputCurve  = inCurveFS.copy(inputCurveObject,
												  outCurveData, &stat);
			PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute copying curve");

			MFnNurbsCurve outCurveFS ( outputCurve );
			MPointArray cvs;

			double offset = baseOffset * (curveNum+1);

			outCurveFS.getCVs ( cvs, MSpace::kWorld );
			int numCVs = cvs.length();
			for (int i = 0; i < numCVs; i++) {
				cvs[i].x += offset;
			outCurveFS.setCVs ( cvs );

		// Set the builder back into the output array.  This statement
		// is always required, no matter what constructor was used to
		// create the builder.
		stat = outputArray.set(builder);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute setting the builder");

		// Since we compute all the elements of the array, instead of
		// just marking the plug we were asked to compute as clean, mark
		// every element of the array as clean to prevent further calls
		// to this compute method during this DG evaluation cycle.
		stat = outputArray.setAllClean();
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute cleaning outputCurves");

	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;
	return stat;
MStatus resetVtxRemapNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
//	Description:
//		This method computes the value of the given output plug based
//		on the values of the input attributes.
//	Arguments:
//		plug - the plug to compute
//		data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
	MDataHandle stateData = data.outputValue( state, &status );
	MCheckStatus( status, "ERROR getting state" );

	// Check for the HasNoEffect/PassThrough flag on the node.
	// (stateData is an enumeration standard in all depend nodes - stored as short)
	// (0 = Normal)
	// (1 = HasNoEffect/PassThrough)
	// (2 = Blocking)
	// ...
	if( stateData.asShort() == 1 )
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( inMesh, &status );
		MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting inMesh");

		MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue( outMesh, &status );
		MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting outMesh");

		// Simply redirect the inMesh to the outMesh for the PassThrough effect
		// Check which output attribute we have been asked to 
		// compute. If this node doesn't know how to compute it, 
		// we must return MS::kUnknownParameter
		if (plug == outMesh)
			MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( inMesh, &status );
			MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting inMesh");

			MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue( outMesh, &status );
			MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting outMesh"); 

			// Copy the inMesh to the outMesh, and now you can
			// perform operations in-place on the outMesh
			MObject mesh = outputData.asMesh();

			fresetVtxRemapFactory.setMesh( mesh );

			status = fresetVtxRemapFactory.doIt();

			status = MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return status;
MStatus NuiMayaDeviceGrabber::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& datablock )
//	Description:
//		This method computes the value of the given output plug based
//		on the values of the input attributes.
//	Arguments:
//		plug - the plug to compute
//		data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node
		return MS::kFailure;

	MStatus returnStatus;
	/* Get time */
	MDataHandle timeData = datablock.inputValue( aTime, &returnStatus ); 
	MCHECKERROR(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n")
	MTime time = timeData.asTime();
	//!< 30 frames per second
	int	  frame = (int)time.as( MTime::kNTSCFrame ) - 1;//Noted: The first frame in MAYA is 1;

		std::shared_ptr<NuiCompositeFrame> pFrame = m_pDevice->popFrame();

			if(m_pSLAM /*&& m_pSLAM->m_tracker.isThreadOn()*/)
				std::shared_ptr<NuiVisualFrame> pVisualFrame = std::make_shared<NuiVisualFrame>();

	std::shared_ptr<NuiCompositeFrame> pCurrentFrame = m_pCache->getLatestFrame();
	if ( plug == aOutputMappable )
		std::shared_ptr<NuiCLMappableData> clData(nullptr);
		MDataHandle outHandle = datablock.outputValue( aOutputMappable );
		NuiMayaMappableData* clmData = static_cast<NuiMayaMappableData*>(outHandle.asPluginData());
			// Create some user defined geometry data and access the
			// geometry so we can set it
			MFnPluginData fnDataCreator;
			MTypeId tmpid( NuiMayaMappableData::id );

			fnDataCreator.create( tmpid, &returnStatus );
			MCHECKERROR( returnStatus, "compute : error creating mappableData")

			clmData = (NuiMayaMappableData*)fnDataCreator.data( &returnStatus );
			MCHECKERROR( returnStatus, "compute : error gettin at proxy mappableData object")

			clData = std::shared_ptr<NuiCLMappableData>(new NuiCLMappableData());

			returnStatus = outHandle.set( clmData );
			MCHECKERROR( returnStatus, "compute : error gettin at proxy mappableData object")
MStatus meshOpNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
//	Description:
//		This method computes the value of the given output plug based
//		on the values of the input attributes.
//	Arguments:
//		plug - the plug to compute
//		data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
	MDataHandle stateData = data.outputValue( state, &status );
	MCheckStatus( status, "ERROR getting state" );

	// Check for the HasNoEffect/PassThrough flag on the node.
	// (stateData is an enumeration standard in all depend nodes)
	// (0 = Normal)
	// (1 = HasNoEffect/PassThrough)
	// (2 = Blocking)
	// ...
	if( stateData.asShort() == 1 )
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( inMesh, &status );
		MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting inMesh");

		MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue( outMesh, &status );
		MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting outMesh");

		// Simply redirect the inMesh to the outMesh for the PassThrough effect
		// Check which output attribute we have been asked to 
		// compute. If this node doesn't know how to compute it, 
		// we must return MS::kUnknownParameter
		if (plug == outMesh)
			MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( inMesh, &status );
			MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting inMesh");

			MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue( outMesh, &status );
			MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting outMesh"); 

			// Now, we get the value of the component list and the operation
			// type and use it to perform the mesh operation on this mesh
			MDataHandle inputIDs = data.inputValue( cpList, &status);
			MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting componentList"); 
			MDataHandle opTypeData = data.inputValue( opType, &status);
			MCheckStatus(status,"ERROR getting opType"); 

			// Copy the inMesh to the outMesh, so you can
			// perform operations directly on outMesh
			MObject mesh = outputData.asMesh();

			// Retrieve the ID list from the component list.
			// Note, we use a component list to store the components
			// because it is more compact memory wise. (ie. comp[81:85]
			// is smaller than comp[81], comp[82],...,comp[85])
			MObject compList = inputIDs.data();
			MFnComponentListData compListFn( compList );

			// Get what operation is requested and 
			// what type of component is expected for this operation.
			MeshOperation operationType = (MeshOperation) opTypeData.asShort();
			MFn::Type componentType =

			unsigned i;
			int j;
			MIntArray cpIds;

			for( i = 0; i < compListFn.length(); i++ )
				MObject comp = compListFn[i];
				if( comp.apiType() == componentType )
					MFnSingleIndexedComponent siComp( comp );
					for( j = 0; j < siComp.elementCount(); j++ )
						cpIds.append( siComp.element(j) );

			// Set the mesh object and component List on the factory
			fmeshOpFactory.setMesh( mesh );
			fmeshOpFactory.setComponentList( compList );
			fmeshOpFactory.setComponentIDs( cpIds );
			fmeshOpFactory.setMeshOperation( operationType );

			// Now, perform the meshOp
			status = fmeshOpFactory.doIt();

			// Mark the output mesh as clean
			status = MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return status;
	// Main entry
	virtual MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& dataBlock )
		// enable this node or not
		if ( dataBlock.inputValue(aEnable).asBool() == false )
			return MS::kSuccess;

		// execution when rendering
		if ( dataBlock.inputValue(aEnableRender).asBool() == true )
			if ( MRenderUtil::mayaRenderState() == MRenderUtil::kNotRendering )
				//MGlobal::displayInfo( "not rendering");
				return MS::kSuccess;

		// Execution when the specified output attributes need to be updated
		if ( !( plug == aOutColor || plug == aUVCoord ) )
			return MS::kSuccess;

		// Check if the aShape is connected 
		if ( isPlugConnect(aShape) != true )
			return MS::kSuccess;

		// From each pixel, sample required info, like point world, UV, .etc.

		// 01. get W-space point
		MDataHandle PointWorldHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( aPointWorld );
		MFloatVector pointWorld = PointWorldHandle.asFloatVector();
		float uv[2];

			// input shape is NURBS Surface
		if ( dataBlock.inputValue( aShape ).type() == MFnData::kNurbsSurface )
			// 02. get each UV for the overlaped area 
			MObject nurbsShape = dataBlock.inputValue(aShape).asNurbsSurface();
			getOverlapUVbyNurbs( nurbsShape, pointWorld, uv );

		// input shape is Mesh
		else if ( dataBlock.inputValue( aShape ).type() == MFnData::kMesh )
			// 02. get each UV for the overlaped area 
			MObject meshShape = dataBlock.inputValue(aShape).asMeshTransformed();	//W-space mesh
			getOverlapUVbyMesh( meshShape, pointWorld, uv );

		// if inpute object is neither Mesh nor Nurbs
			return MS::kSuccess;

		MFloatVector resultColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		// run super sampling function
		if ( dataBlock.inputValue(aIsSpuersampling).asBool() == true )
			float offsetUV = dataBlock.inputValue(aOffsetSample).asFloat();
			int2& filterSize = dataBlock.inputValue(aFilterSize).asInt2();
			int x_width = filterSize[0];
			int y_width = filterSize[1];
			//cout << "super!" << endl;
			resultColor = doSupersampling( dataBlock, aUVCoord, aColor, uv, x_width, y_width, offsetUV );
			// 1. u, v coordinate
			// 2. get get color by uv
			dataBlock.outputValue(aUVCoord).set( uv[0], uv[1] );
			resultColor = dataBlock.inputValue(aColor).asFloatVector();


		return MS::kSuccess;