bool DIALOG_EXCHANGE_MODULE::changeSameFootprints( bool aUseValue )
    wxString msg;
    MODULE*  Module;
    MODULE*  PtBack;
    bool     change = false;
    wxString newmodulename = m_NewFootprintFPID->GetValue();
    wxString value;
    LIB_ID   lib_reference;
    bool     check_module_value = false;
    int      ShowErr = 3;           // Post 3 error messages max.

    if( m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL )
        return false;

    if( newmodulename == wxEmptyString )
        return false;

    lib_reference = m_currentModule->GetFPID();

    if( aUseValue )
        check_module_value = true;
        value = m_currentModule->GetValue();
        msg.Printf( _( "Change footprint %s -> %s (for value = %s)?" ),
                    GetChars( FROM_UTF8( m_currentModule->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ) ),
                    GetChars( newmodulename ),
                    GetChars( m_currentModule->GetValue() ) );
        msg.Printf( _( "Change footprint %s -> %s ?" ),
                    GetChars( FROM_UTF8( lib_reference.Format().c_str() ) ),
                    GetChars( newmodulename ) );

    if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
        return false;

    /* The change is done from the last module because
     * change_1_Module () modifies the last item in the list.
     * note: for the first module in chain (the last here), Module->Back()
     * points the board or is NULL
    Module = m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules.GetLast();

    for( ; Module && ( Module->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T ); Module = PtBack )
        PtBack = Module->Back();

        if( lib_reference != Module->GetFPID() )

        if( check_module_value )
            if( value.CmpNoCase( Module->GetValue() ) != 0 )

        if( change_1_Module( Module, newmodulename, ShowErr ) )
            change = true;
        else if( ShowErr )

    return change;