bool RecreateCmpFile( BOARD * aBrd, const wxString& aFullCmpFileName )
    FILE* cmpFile;

    cmpFile = wxFopen( aFullCmpFileName, wxT( "wt" ) );

    if( cmpFile == NULL )
        return false;

    fprintf( cmpFile, "Cmp-Mod V01 Created by PcbNew   date = %s\n", TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );

    MODULE* module = aBrd->m_Modules;
    for( ; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
        fprintf( cmpFile, "\nBeginCmp\n" );
        fprintf( cmpFile, "TimeStamp = %8.8lX\n", (unsigned long)module->GetTimeStamp() );
        fprintf( cmpFile, "Path = %s\n", TO_UTF8( module->GetPath() ) );
        fprintf( cmpFile, "Reference = %s;\n",
                 !module->GetReference().IsEmpty() ?
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ) : "[NoRef]" );
        fprintf( cmpFile, "ValeurCmp = %s;\n",
                 !module->GetValue().IsEmpty() ?
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetValue() ) : "[NoVal]" );
        fprintf( cmpFile, "IdModule  = %s;\n", module->GetFPID().Format().c_str() );
        fprintf( cmpFile, "EndCmp\n" );

    fprintf( cmpFile, "\nEndListe\n" );
    fclose( cmpFile );

    return true;
// see class_edge_mod.h
void EDGE_MODULE::GetMsgPanelInfo( std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM >& aList )
    wxString msg;

    MODULE*  module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;

    if( !module )

    BOARD* board = (BOARD*) module->GetParent();

    if( !board )

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Graphic Item" ), wxEmptyString, DARKCYAN ) );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Module" ), module->GetReference(), DARKCYAN ) );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Value" ), module->GetValue(), BLUE ) );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%8.8lX" ), module->GetTimeStamp() );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "TimeStamp" ), msg, BROWN ) );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Mod Layer" ),
                     module->GetLayerName(), RED ) );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Seg Layer" ),
                     GetLayerName(), RED ) );
    msg = ::CoordinateToString( m_Width );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Width" ), msg, BLUE ) );

    m_CurrentFootprintFPID->AppendText( FROM_UTF8( m_currentModule->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ) );
    m_NewFootprintFPID->AppendText( FROM_UTF8( m_currentModule->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ) );
    m_CmpValue->AppendText( m_currentModule->GetValue() );
    m_CmpReference->AppendText( m_currentModule->GetReference() );
    m_Selection->SetString( 0, wxString::Format(
                            _( "Change footprint of '%s'" ),
                            GetChars( m_currentModule->GetReference() ) ) );
    wxString fpname = m_CurrentFootprintFPID->GetValue().AfterLast( ':' );

    if( fpname.IsEmpty() )    // Happens for old fp names
        fpname = m_CurrentFootprintFPID->GetValue();

    m_Selection->SetString( 1, wxString::Format(
                            _( "Change footprints '%s'" ),
                            GetChars( fpname.Left( 12 ) ) ) );

    m_Selection->SetSelection( m_selectionMode );

    // Enable/disable widgets:
    wxCommandEvent event;
    OnSelectionClicked( event );
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::DeletePad( D_PAD* aPad, bool aQuery )
    if( aPad == NULL )

    MODULE* module = (MODULE*) aPad->GetParent();

    // aQuery = true to prompt for confirmation, false to delete silently
    if( aQuery )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Delete Pad (footprint %s %s) ?" ),
                    GetChars( module->GetReference() ),
                    GetChars( module->GetValue() ) );

        if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )

    m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
    // Refresh the modified screen area, using the initial bounding box
    // which is perhaps larger than the new bounding box
    m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( module->GetBoundingBox() );
    // Update the bounding box

void PCB_BASE_FRAME::DeletePad( D_PAD* aPad, bool aQuery )
    if( aPad == NULL )

    MODULE* module = aPad->GetParent();

    // aQuery = true to prompt for confirmation, false to delete silently
    if( aQuery )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Delete pad (footprint %s %s)?" ),
                                         module->GetValue() );

        if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )

    // Stores the initial bounding box to refresh the old area
    EDA_RECT bbox = module->GetBoundingBox();

    m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;

    GetBoard()->PadDelete( aPad );

    // Update the bounding box

    // Refresh the modified screen area, using the initial bounding box
    // which is perhaps larger than the new bounding box
    m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( bbox );

/* Creates the section $DEVICES
 * This is a list of footprints properties
 *  ( Shapes are in section $SHAPE )
static void CreateDevicesSection( FILE* aFile, BOARD* aPcb )
    MODULE* module;

    fputs( "$DEVICES\n", aFile );

    for( module = aPcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        fprintf( aFile, "DEVICE \"%s\"\n", TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ) );
        fprintf( aFile, "PART \"%s\"\n", TO_UTF8( module->GetValue() ) );
        fprintf( aFile, "PACKAGE \"%s\"\n", module->GetFPID().Format().c_str() );

        // The TYPE attribute is almost freeform
        const char* ty = "TH";

        if( module->GetAttributes() & MOD_CMS )
            ty = "SMD";

        if( module->GetAttributes() & MOD_VIRTUAL )
            ty = "VIRTUAL";

        fprintf( aFile, "TYPE %s\n", ty );

    fputs( "$ENDDEVICES\n\n", aFile );
// see class_edge_mod.h
void EDGE_MODULE::GetMsgPanelInfo( std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM >& aList )
    wxString msg;

    MODULE*  module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;

    if( !module )

    BOARD* board = (BOARD*) module->GetParent();

    if( !board )

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Footprint" ), module->GetReference(), DARKCYAN ) );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Value" ), module->GetValue(), BLUE ) );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%8.8lX" ), module->GetTimeStamp() );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "TimeStamp" ), msg, BROWN ) );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Footprint Layer" ),
                     module->GetLayerName(), RED ) );

    // append the features shared with the base class
    DRAWSEGMENT::GetMsgPanelInfo( aList );
void DialogEditModuleText::initDlg( )

    wxString msg;

    if( m_module )
        wxString format = m_ModuleInfoText->GetLabel();
        msg.Printf( format,
                    GetChars( m_module->GetReference() ),
                    GetChars( m_module->GetValue() ),
                    m_module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 );

    m_ModuleInfoText->SetLabel( msg );

    switch( m_currentText->GetType() )
        m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Value:" ) );

        m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Text:" ) );

        m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Reference:" ) );

    m_Name->SetValue( m_currentText->GetText() );

    m_Style->SetSelection( m_currentText->IsItalic() ? 1 : 0 );

    AddUnitSymbol( *m_SizeXTitle );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeCtrlX, m_currentText->GetSize().x );

    AddUnitSymbol( *m_SizeYTitle );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeCtrlY, m_currentText->GetSize().y );

    AddUnitSymbol( *m_PosXTitle );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtPosCtrlX, m_currentText->GetPos0().x );

    AddUnitSymbol( *m_PosYTitle );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtPosCtrlY, m_currentText->GetPos0().y );

    AddUnitSymbol( *m_WidthTitle );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtWidthCtlr, m_currentText->GetThickness() );

    double text_orient = m_currentText->GetOrientation();
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_90( text_orient );

    if( (text_orient != 0) )
        m_Orient->SetSelection( 1 );

    if( !m_currentText->IsVisible() )
        m_Show->SetSelection( 1 );;
bool DIALOG_EXCHANGE_MODULE::changeSameFootprints( bool aUseValue )
    wxString msg;
    MODULE*  Module;
    MODULE*  PtBack;
    bool     change = false;
    wxString newmodulename = m_NewFootprintFPID->GetValue();
    wxString value;
    LIB_ID   lib_reference;
    bool     check_module_value = false;
    int      ShowErr = 3;           // Post 3 error messages max.

    if( m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL )
        return false;

    if( newmodulename == wxEmptyString )
        return false;

    lib_reference = m_currentModule->GetFPID();

    if( aUseValue )
        check_module_value = true;
        value = m_currentModule->GetValue();
        msg.Printf( _( "Change footprint %s -> %s (for value = %s)?" ),
                    GetChars( FROM_UTF8( m_currentModule->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ) ),
                    GetChars( newmodulename ),
                    GetChars( m_currentModule->GetValue() ) );
        msg.Printf( _( "Change footprint %s -> %s ?" ),
                    GetChars( FROM_UTF8( lib_reference.Format().c_str() ) ),
                    GetChars( newmodulename ) );

    if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
        return false;

    /* The change is done from the last module because
     * change_1_Module () modifies the last item in the list.
     * note: for the first module in chain (the last here), Module->Back()
     * points the board or is NULL
    Module = m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules.GetLast();

    for( ; Module && ( Module->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T ); Module = PtBack )
        PtBack = Module->Back();

        if( lib_reference != Module->GetFPID() )

        if( check_module_value )
            if( value.CmpNoCase( Module->GetValue() ) != 0 )

        if( change_1_Module( Module, newmodulename, ShowErr ) )
            change = true;
        else if( ShowErr )

    return change;
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::RecreateBOMFileFromBoard( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    wxFileName fn;
    FILE*      fp_bom;
    MODULE*    module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
    wxString   msg;

    if( module == NULL )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Cannot export BOM: there are no footprints in the PCB" ) );

    /* Set the file extension: */
    fn = GetBoard()->GetFileName();
    fn.SetExt( CsvFileExtension );

    wxString pro_dir = wxPathOnly( Prj().GetProjectFullName() );

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Bill of Materials" ), pro_dir,
                      fn.GetFullName(), CsvFileWildcard(),
                      wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    fn = dlg.GetPath();

    fp_bom = wxFopen( fn.GetFullPath(), wxT( "wt" ) );

    if( fp_bom == NULL )
        msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create file \"%s\"" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    // Write header:
    msg = wxT( "\"" );
    msg << _( "Id" ) << wxT( "\";\"" );
    msg << _( "Designator" ) << wxT( "\";\"" );
    msg << _( "Package" ) << wxT( "\";\"" );
    msg << _( "Quantity" ) << wxT( "\";\"" );
    msg << _( "Designation" ) << wxT( "\";\"" );
    msg << _( "Supplier and ref" ) << wxT( "\";\n" );
    fprintf( fp_bom, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );

    // Build list
    CmpList           list;
    cmp*              comp = NULL;
    CmpList::iterator iter;
    int               i = 1;

    while( module != NULL )
        bool valExist = false;

        // try to find component in existing list
        for( iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter )
            cmp* current = *iter;

            if( (current->m_Val == module->GetValue()) && (current->m_fpid == module->GetFPID()) )
                current->m_Ref.Append( wxT( ", " ), 1 );
                current->m_Ref.Append( module->GetReference() );

                valExist = true;

        // If component does not exist yet, create new one and append it to the list.
        if( valExist == false )
            comp = new cmp();
            comp->m_Id  = i++;
            comp->m_Val = module->GetValue();
            comp->m_Ref = module->GetReference();
            comp->m_fpid = module->GetFPID();
            comp->m_CmpCount = 1;
            list.Append( comp );

        // increment module
        module = module->Next();

    // Print list. Also delete temporary created objects.
    for( size_t ii = list.GetCount(); ii > 0; ii-- )
        cmp* current = *list.begin();   // Because the first object will be removed
                                        // from list, all objects will be get here


        msg << current->m_Id << wxT( ";\"" );
        msg << current->m_Ref << wxT( "\";\"" );
        msg << FROM_UTF8( current->m_fpid.GetLibItemName().c_str() ) << wxT( "\";" );
        msg << current->m_CmpCount << wxT( ";\"" );
        msg << current->m_Val << wxT( "\";;;\n" );
        fprintf( fp_bom, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );

        // We do not need this object, now: remove it from list and delete it
        list.DeleteObject( current );
        delete (current);

    fclose( fp_bom );
/* Creates the section $COMPONENTS (Footprints placement)
 * Bottom side components are difficult to handle: shapes must be mirrored or
 * flipped, silk layers need to be handled correctly and so on. Also it seems
 * that *noone* follows the specs...
static void CreateComponentsSection( FILE* aFile, BOARD* aPcb )
    fputs( "$COMPONENTS\n", aFile );

    int cu_count = aPcb->GetCopperLayerCount();

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        const char*   mirror;
        const char*   flip;
        double        fp_orient = module->GetOrientation();

        if( module->GetFlag() )
            mirror = "0";
            flip   = "FLIP";
            NEGATE_AND_NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( fp_orient );
            mirror = "0";
            flip   = "0";

        fprintf( aFile, "\nCOMPONENT %s\n",
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ) );
        fprintf( aFile, "DEVICE %s_%s\n",
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ),
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetValue() ) );
        fprintf( aFile, "PLACE %g %g\n",
                 MapXTo( module->GetPosition().x ),
                 MapYTo( module->GetPosition().y ) );
        fprintf( aFile, "LAYER %s\n",
                 (module->GetFlag()) ? "BOTTOM" : "TOP" );
        fprintf( aFile, "ROTATION %g\n",
                 fp_orient / 10.0 );
        fprintf( aFile, "SHAPE %s %s %s\n",
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ),
                 mirror, flip );

        // Text on silk layer: RefDes and value (are they actually useful?)
        TEXTE_MODULE *textmod = &module->Reference();

        for( int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++ )
            double      txt_orient = textmod->GetOrientation();
            std::string layer  = GenCADLayerName( cu_count, module->GetFlag() ? B_SilkS : F_SilkS );

            fprintf( aFile, "TEXT %g %g %g %g %s %s \"%s\"",
                     textmod->GetPos0().x / SCALE_FACTOR,
                    -textmod->GetPos0().y / SCALE_FACTOR,
                     textmod->GetSize().x / SCALE_FACTOR,
                     txt_orient / 10.0,
                     TO_UTF8( textmod->GetText() ) );

            // Please note, the width is approx
            fprintf( aFile, " 0 0 %g %g\n",
                     ( textmod->GetSize().x * textmod->GetLength() ) / SCALE_FACTOR,
                     textmod->GetSize().y / SCALE_FACTOR );

            textmod = &module->Value(); // Dirty trick for the second iteration

        // The SHEET is a 'generic description' for referencing the component
        fprintf( aFile, "SHEET \"RefDes: %s, Value: %s\"\n",
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ),
                 TO_UTF8( module->GetValue() ) );

    fputs( "$ENDCOMPONENTS\n\n", aFile );
void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnTestFootprintsClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL )
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No footprints" ) );

    // Lists of duplicates, missing references and not in netlist footprints:
    std::vector <MODULE*> duplicate;
    wxArrayString missing;
    std::vector <MODULE*> notInNetlist;
    wxString netlistFilename = m_NetlistFilenameCtrl->GetValue();

    if( !verifyFootprints( netlistFilename, wxEmptyString, duplicate, missing, notInNetlist ) )

#define ERR_CNT_MAX 100 // Max number of errors to output in dialog
    // to avoid a too long message list

    wxString list;          // The messages to display

    m_parent->SetLastNetListRead( netlistFilename );

    int err_cnt = 0;

    // Search for duplicate footprints.
    if( duplicate.size() == 0 )
        list << wxT("<p><b>") << _( "No duplicate." ) << wxT("</b></p>");
        list << wxT("<p><b>") << _( "Duplicates:" ) << wxT("</b></p>");

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < duplicate.size(); ii++ )
            MODULE* module = duplicate[ii];

            if( module->GetReference().IsEmpty() )
                list << wxT("<br>") << wxT("[noref)");
                list << wxT("<br>") << module->GetReference();

            list << wxT("  (<i>") << module->GetValue() << wxT("</i>)");
            list << wxT(" @ ");
            list << CoordinateToString( module->GetPosition().x ),
                 list << wxT(", ") << CoordinateToString( module->GetPosition().y ),

            if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )

    // Search for missing modules on board.
    if( missing.size() == 0 )
        list << wxT("<p><b>") <<  _( "No missing footprints." ) << wxT("</b></p>");
        list << wxT("<p><b>") << _( "Missing:" ) << wxT("</b></p>");

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < missing.size(); ii += 2 )
            list << wxT("<br>") << missing[ii];
            list << wxT("  (<i>") << missing[ii+1] << wxT("</i>)");

            if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )

    // Search for modules found on board but not in net list.
    if( notInNetlist.size() == 0 )
        list << wxT( "<p><b>" ) << _( "No extra footprints." ) << wxT( "</b></p>" );
        list << wxT( "<p><b>" ) << _( "Not in Netlist:" ) << wxT( "</b></p>" );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < notInNetlist.size(); ii++ )
            MODULE* module = notInNetlist[ii];

            if( module->GetReference().IsEmpty() )
                list << wxT( "<br>" ) << wxT( "[noref)" );
                list << wxT( "<br>" ) << module->GetReference() ;

            list << wxT( " (<i>" ) << module->GetValue() << wxT( "</i>)" );
            list << wxT( " @ " );
            list << CoordinateToString( module->GetPosition().x ),
                 list << wxT( ", " ) << CoordinateToString( module->GetPosition().y ),

            if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )

    if( ERR_CNT_MAX < err_cnt )
        list << wxT( "<p><b>" )
             << _( "Too many errors: some are skipped" )
             << wxT( "</b></p>" );

    HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _( "Check footprints" ) );
    dlg.AddHTML_Text( list );
bool DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES::TransferDataToWindow()
    if( m_SingleLineText->IsShown() )
        m_SingleLineText->SetValue( m_edaText->GetText() );

        if( m_modText && m_modText->GetType() == TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_REFERENCE )
            SelectReferenceNumber( static_cast<wxTextEntry*>( m_SingleLineText ) );
            m_SingleLineText->SetSelection( -1, -1 );
    else if( m_MultiLineText->IsShown() )
        m_MultiLineText->SetValue( m_edaText->GetText() );
        m_MultiLineText->SetSelection( -1, -1 );
    else if (m_DimensionText->IsShown() )
        m_DimensionText->SetValue( m_edaText->GetText() );
        m_DimensionText->SetSelection( -1, -1 );

        DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) m_item;
        EDA_UNITS_T units;
        bool useMils;
        dimension->GetUnits( units, useMils );

        m_DimensionUnitsOpt->SetSelection( units == MILLIMETRES ? 2 : useMils ? 1 : 0 );

    if( m_item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T && m_modText )
        MODULE*  module = dynamic_cast<MODULE*>( m_modText->GetParent() );
        wxString msg;

        if( module )
            msg.Printf( _("Footprint %s (%s), %s, rotated %.1f deg"),
                        module->IsFlipped() ? _( "back side (mirrored)" ) : _( "front side" ),
                        module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 );

        m_statusLine->SetLabel( msg );
        m_statusLine->Show( false );

    if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_item->GetLayer() ) < 0 )
        wxMessageBox( _( "This item was on a non-existing or forbidden layer.\n"
                         "It has been moved to the first allowed layer." ) );
        m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );

    m_textWidth.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextSize().x );
    m_textHeight.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextSize().y );
    m_thickness.SetValue( m_edaText->GetThickness() );
    m_posX.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextPos().x );
    m_posY.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextPos().y );

    m_Visible->SetValue( m_edaText->IsVisible() );
    m_Italic->SetValue( m_edaText->IsItalic() );
    EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T hJustify = m_edaText->GetHorizJustify();
    m_JustifyChoice->SetSelection( (int) hJustify + 1 );
    m_OrientValue = m_edaText->GetTextAngleDegrees();
    m_Mirrored->SetValue( m_edaText->IsMirrored() );

    if( m_modText )
        m_KeepUpright->SetValue( m_modText->IsKeepUpright() );

    return DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES_BASE::TransferDataToWindow();