ofVec3f SteeringBehaviors::ObstacleAvoidance(const std::vector<Obstacle*>& _obstacles)
	//compute length of detection cylinder
	m_detCylL = abs(m_viewDistance  *  (m_Vehicle->Speed() / m_Vehicle->MaxSpeed()))*2;
	m_detCylR = m_Vehicle->BRadius(); //base radius of the cylinder
	//tag all neighboring obstacles
	TagNeighbors(m_Vehicle, _obstacles,  m_detCylL);
	//keep tracks of the closest intersectin object (CIB)
	Obstacle* CIB = NULL;
	float distToCIB = FLT_MAX;
	ofVec3f localObstaclePos, localPosCIB;
	//quaternions used to translate between global and local spaces
	ofQuaternion rot;
	ofVec4f rota;

	std::vector<Obstacle*>::const_iterator it;
	it = _obstacles.begin();
	while (it != _obstacles.end())
		//collision debugging
		//discard if not tagged
		if ((*it)->IsTagged())
			//Translate _obstacle in m_Vehicle local space
			//(assuming 0,0,-1 as m_Vehicle base heading)
			rot.makeRotate(ofVec3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), m_Vehicle->Heading());
			rot.getRotate(rota.w, rota.x, rota.y, rota.z);
			localObstaclePos = (*it)->Pos() - m_Vehicle->Pos();
			localObstaclePos.rotate(-rota.w, ofVec3f(rota.x, rota.y, rota.z));
			//discard if behind or farther away than cylinder 
			float rad = (*it)->BRadius();
			if ((localObstaclePos.z < 0)
				&& (localObstaclePos.z > -m_detCylL))
				//discard if not within cylinder				
				if((localObstaclePos.y <= m_detCylR+rad)
					&&(localObstaclePos.y >= -m_detCylR-rad)
					&&(localObstaclePos.x <= m_detCylR+rad)
					&&(localObstaclePos.x >= -m_detCylR-rad))
					//get the closest intersecting obstacle
					//(simplifying here -- need to get the closest intersecting point instead)
					if(localObstaclePos.z < distToCIB)
						CIB = (*it);
						localPosCIB = localObstaclePos;
						distToCIB = localObstaclePos.z;


	//if obstacle detected...
	if (CIB)
		CIB->TagColl();	//debug for collision draw
		// create escape point in local space (ignoring actual intersection point for now)
		if (localPosCIB.x>0)
			escapePoint.x = localPosCIB.x - CIB->BRadius() - escapeDistance - m_Vehicle->BRadius();
			escapePoint.x = localPosCIB.x + CIB->BRadius() + escapeDistance + m_Vehicle->BRadius();
		escapePoint.y = localPosCIB.y;
		escapePoint.z = localPosCIB.z;
		// translate escape point back to global space
		escapePoint += m_Vehicle->Pos();
		escapePoint.rotate(rota.w, ofVec3f(rota.x, rota.y, rota.z));
		// return force to steer to escape point
		ofVec3f DesiredVelocity; 
		float multiplier = 10; //* ((m_detCylL - distToCIB) / m_detCylL);
		float breakingWeight = abs(.05 / (1 - distToCIB));
		DesiredVelocity += (escapePoint - m_Vehicle->Pos()).getNormalized() * (m_Vehicle->MaxSpeed()*multiplier);
		return (DesiredVelocity - m_Vehicle->Velocity());
	return ofVec3f::zero();