void Octree::fillOctree()
	double p[3];
	const double *center;
	int i, l, id, numOfPoints = mInputPoints->GetNumberOfPoints();
	OctreeNode* node;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < numOfPoints ; ++i )
		// Some initialization
		mInputPoints->GetPoint(i, p);
		node = mRoot;

		// Go down to the right leaf
		for ( l = 0 ; l < mTreeLevels ; ++l )
			node->createChildren(); // If this node already has children -> nothing will happen
			center = node->getCenter();
			id = 0;

			if ( p[0] >= center[0] ) id |= 4;
			if ( p[1] >= center[1] ) id |= 2;
			if ( p[2] >= center[2] ) id |= 1;

			node->fullDescendantsFlagsBitwiseOR((unsigned char)0x01 << id);
			node = node->getChild(id);

		this->fillOctreeLeaf(node, i, p);