void OctreeSceneManager::walkOctree( OctreeCamera *camera, RenderQueue *queue, 
    Octree *octant, VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds, 
    bool foundvisible, bool onlyShadowCasters )

    //return immediately if nothing is in the node.
    if ( octant -> numNodes() == 0 )
        return ;

    OctreeCamera::Visibility v = OctreeCamera::NONE;

    if ( foundvisible )
        v = OctreeCamera::FULL;

    else if ( octant == mOctree )
        v = OctreeCamera::PARTIAL;

        AxisAlignedBox box;
        octant -> _getCullBounds( &box );
        v = camera -> getVisibility( box );

    // if the octant is visible, or if it's the root node...
    if ( v != OctreeCamera::NONE )

        //Add stuff to be rendered;
        Octree::NodeList::iterator it = octant -> mNodes.begin();

        if ( mShowBoxes )
            mBoxes.push_back( octant->getWireBoundingBox() );

        bool vis = true;

        while ( it != octant -> mNodes.end() )
            OctreeNode * sn = *it;

            // if this octree is partially visible, manually cull all
            // scene nodes attached directly to this level.

            if ( v == OctreeCamera::PARTIAL )
                vis = camera -> isVisible( sn -> _getWorldAABB() );

            if ( vis )

                sn -> _addToRenderQueue(camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds );

                mVisible.push_back( sn );

                if ( mDisplayNodes )
                    queue -> addRenderable( sn->getDebugRenderable() );

                // check if the scene manager or this node wants the bounding box shown.
                if (sn->getShowBoundingBox() || mShowBoundingBoxes)


        Octree* child;
        bool childfoundvisible = (v == OctreeCamera::FULL);
        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

        if ( (child = octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
            walkOctree( camera, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters );

