void RenderImage::setPixmap( const QPixmap &p, const QRect& r, CachedImage *o)
    if(o != image) {
        RenderReplaced::setPixmap(p, r, o);

    bool iwchanged = false;

    if(o->isErrorImage()) {
        int iw = p.width() + 8;
        int ih = p.height() + 8;

        // we have an alt and the user meant it (its not a text we invented)
        if ( element() && !alt.isEmpty() && !element()->getAttribute( ATTR_ALT ).isNull()) {
            const QFontMetrics &fm = style()->fontMetrics();
            QRect br = fm.boundingRect (  0, 0, 1024, 256, Qt::AlignAuto|Qt::WordBreak, alt.string() );
            if ( br.width() > iw )
                iw = br.width();
            if ( br.height() > ih )
                ih = br.height();

        if ( iw != intrinsicWidth() ) {
            setIntrinsicWidth( iw );
            iwchanged = true;
        if ( ih != intrinsicHeight() ) {
            setIntrinsicHeight( ih );
            iwchanged = true;
    berrorPic = o->isErrorImage();

    bool needlayout = false;

    // Image dimensions have been changed, see what needs to be done
     if ( ( o->pixmap_size().width() != intrinsicWidth() ||
           o->pixmap_size().height() != intrinsicHeight() || iwchanged) )
//          qDebug("image dimensions have been changed, old: %d/%d  new: %d/%d",
//                 intrinsicWidth(), intrinsicHeight(),
//               o->pixmap_size().width(), o->pixmap_size().height());

        if(!o->isErrorImage()) {
            setIntrinsicWidth( o->pixmap_size().width() );
            setIntrinsicHeight( o->pixmap_size().height() );

        // In the case of generated image content using :before/:after, we might not be in the
        // render tree yet.  In that case, we don't need to worry about check for layout, since we'll get a
        // layout when we get added in to the render tree hierarchy later.
        if (containingBlock()) {
            // lets see if we need to relayout at all..
            int oldwidth = m_width;
            int oldheight = m_height;
            if(iwchanged || m_width != oldwidth || m_height != oldheight)
                needlayout = true;
            m_width = oldwidth;
            m_height = oldheight;

#if APPLE_CHANGES && !KWIQ //FIXME: testing for animations
    // Stop the previous image, if it may be animating.
    pix = p;

    if (needlayout) {
        if (!selfNeedsLayout())
        if (minMaxKnown())
    else {
        // FIXME: We always just do a complete repaint, since we always pass in the full pixmap
        // rect at the moment anyway.
        resizeCache = QPixmap();
        repaintRectangle(QRect(borderLeft()+paddingLeft(), borderTop()+paddingTop(), contentWidth(), contentHeight()));
        // FIXME: This code doesn't handle scaling properly, since it doesn't scale |r|.
        bool completeRepaint = !resizeCache.isNull();
        int cHeight = contentHeight();
        int scaledHeight = intrinsicHeight() ? ((o->valid_rect().height()*cHeight)/intrinsicHeight()) : 0;

        // don't bog down X server doing xforms
        if(completeRepaint && cHeight >= 5 &&  o->valid_rect().height() < intrinsicHeight() &&
           (scaledHeight / (cHeight/5) == resizeCache.height() / (cHeight/5)))

        resizeCache = QPixmap(); // for resized animations
            repaintRectangle(QRect(borderLeft()+paddingLeft(), borderTop()+paddingTop(), contentWidth(), contentHeight()));
            repaintRectangle(QRect(r.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), r.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop(),
                             r.width(), r.height()));