/** Handle paintEvent (ie. animate icon) */
void TopLevel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
	QPixmap *pm = &mugPixmap;

	if (running) {
		if (useTrayVis)
			pm = &teaAnim1Pixmap;                            // this is 'mugPixmap' plus brown content
			pm = &teaNotReadyPixmap;                         // generic "steeping" icon
	} else {
		// use simple two-frame "animation"
		// FIXME: how about using a QMovie instead? (eg. MNG)
		if (ready) {
			if (firstFrame)
				pm = &teaAnim1Pixmap;
				pm = &teaAnim2Pixmap;

	// overlay pie chart onto tray icon
	QPixmap base(*pm);                                      // make copy of base pixmap
	if (useTrayVis && running) {
		// extend mask
		QBitmap mask = *(base.mask());
		QPainter pm(&mask);
		pm.setBrush(Qt::color1);                            // fill with "foreground-colour"
		pm.setPen(Qt::NoPen);                               // no border needed/wanted
		pm.drawPie(0+1, 9+1, 11, 11, 90*16, -360*16);       // full circle of small size
		pm.drawPie(0, 9, 13, 13, 90*16, percentDone*16);    // pie part of big size

		// draw pie chart
		QPainter px(&base);
		px.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0));                      // black border
		px.setBrush(QColor(192, 0, 0));                     // red fill colour for small circle
		px.drawPie(0+1, 9+1, 11, 11, 90*16, -360*16);

		px.setBrush(QColor(0, 192, 0));                     // green fill colour for pie part
		px.drawPie(0, 9, 13, 13, 90*16, percentDone*16);
	// FIXME: over-emphasize first and last few percent? (for better visibility)
	// FIXME: some optimizations (eg. store pre-drawn QPixmap with small circle)
	//        (and use drawEllipse() instead of drawPie() for small circle!)

	// set new tray icon
	QPainter p(this);
	int x = 1 + (12 - pm->width()/2);
	int y = 1 + (12 - pm->height()/2);
	p.drawPixmap(x, y, base);