PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> AnimationController::getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(RenderElement& renderer)
    if (!renderer.isCSSAnimating())
        return &renderer.style();
    return m_data->getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(renderer);
void RenderSVGResourceFilter::postApplyResource(RenderElement& renderer, GraphicsContext*& context, unsigned short resourceMode, const Path*, const RenderSVGShape*)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(resourceMode, resourceMode == ApplyToDefaultMode);

    FilterData* filterData = m_filter.get(&renderer);
    if (!filterData)

    switch (filterData->state) {
    case FilterData::MarkedForRemoval:

    case FilterData::CycleDetected:
    case FilterData::Applying:
        // We have a cycle if we are already applying the data.
        // This can occur due to FeImage referencing a source that makes use of the FEImage itself.
        // This is the first place we've hit the cycle, so set the state back to PaintingSource so the return stack
        // will continue correctly.
        filterData->state = FilterData::PaintingSource;

    case FilterData::PaintingSource:
        if (!filterData->savedContext) {

        context = filterData->savedContext;
        filterData->savedContext = 0;

    case FilterData::Built: { } // Empty

    FilterEffect* lastEffect = filterData->builder->lastEffect();

    if (lastEffect && !filterData->boundaries.isEmpty() && !lastEffect->filterPrimitiveSubregion().isEmpty()) {
        // This is the real filtering of the object. It just needs to be called on the
        // initial filtering process. We just take the stored filter result on a
        // second drawing.
        if (filterData->state != FilterData::Built)

        // Always true if filterData is just built (filterData->state == FilterData::Built).
        if (!lastEffect->hasResult()) {
            filterData->state = FilterData::Applying;
        filterData->state = FilterData::Built;

        ImageBuffer* resultImage = lastEffect->asImageBuffer();
        if (resultImage) {

            context->scale(FloatSize(1 / filterData->filter->filterResolution().width(), 1 / filterData->filter->filterResolution().height()));
            context->drawImageBuffer(*resultImage, renderer.style().colorSpace(), lastEffect->absolutePaintRect());

bool SVGFontData::applySVGGlyphSelection(WidthIterator& iterator, GlyphData& glyphData, bool mirror, unsigned currentCharacter, unsigned& advanceLength) const
    const TextRun& run = iterator.run();
    Vector<SVGGlyph::ArabicForm>& arabicForms = iterator.arabicForms();
    ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= currentCharacter);

    // Associate text with arabic forms, if needed.
    String remainingTextInRun;

    if (run.is8Bit()) {
        remainingTextInRun = String(run.data8(currentCharacter), run.charactersLength() - currentCharacter);
        remainingTextInRun = Font::normalizeSpaces(remainingTextInRun.characters8(), remainingTextInRun.length());
    } else {
        remainingTextInRun = String(run.data16(currentCharacter), run.charactersLength() - currentCharacter);
        remainingTextInRun = Font::normalizeSpaces(remainingTextInRun.characters16(), remainingTextInRun.length());

    if (mirror)
        remainingTextInRun = createStringWithMirroredCharacters(remainingTextInRun);
    if (!currentCharacter && arabicForms.isEmpty())
        arabicForms = charactersWithArabicForm(remainingTextInRun, mirror);

    SVGFontFaceElement* svgFontFaceElement = this->svgFontFaceElement();

    SVGFontElement* associatedFontElement = svgFontFaceElement->associatedFontElement();

    RenderObject* renderObject = 0;
    if (TextRun::RenderingContext* renderingContext = run.renderingContext())
        renderObject = &static_cast<SVGTextRunRenderingContext*>(renderingContext)->renderer();

    String language;
    bool isVerticalText = false;
    Vector<String> altGlyphNames;

    if (renderObject) {
        RenderElement* parentRenderer = renderObject->isRenderElement() ? toRenderElement(renderObject) : renderObject->parent();

        isVerticalText = parentRenderer->style().svgStyle().isVerticalWritingMode();
        if (Element* parentRendererElement = parentRenderer->element()) {
            language = parentRendererElement->getAttribute(XMLNames::langAttr);

            if (isSVGAltGlyphElement(parentRendererElement)) {
                SVGAltGlyphElement* altGlyph = toSVGAltGlyphElement(parentRendererElement);
                if (!altGlyph->hasValidGlyphElements(altGlyphNames))

    Vector<SVGGlyph> glyphs;
    size_t altGlyphNamesSize = altGlyphNames.size();
    if (altGlyphNamesSize) {
        for (size_t index = 0; index < altGlyphNamesSize; ++index)
            associatedFontElement->collectGlyphsForGlyphName(altGlyphNames[index], glyphs);

        // Assign the unicodeStringLength now that its known.
        size_t glyphsSize = glyphs.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < glyphsSize; ++i)
            glyphs[i].unicodeStringLength = run.length();

        // Do not check alt glyphs for compatibility. Just return the first one.
        // Later code will fail if we do not do this and the glyph is incompatible.
        if (glyphsSize) {
            SVGGlyph& svgGlyph = glyphs[0];
            glyphData.glyph = svgGlyph.tableEntry;
            advanceLength = svgGlyph.unicodeStringLength;
            return true;
    } else
        associatedFontElement->collectGlyphsForString(remainingTextInRun, glyphs);

    size_t glyphsSize = glyphs.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < glyphsSize; ++i) {
        SVGGlyph& svgGlyph = glyphs[i];
        if (svgGlyph.isPartOfLigature)
        if (!isCompatibleGlyph(svgGlyph, isVerticalText, language, arabicForms, currentCharacter, currentCharacter + svgGlyph.unicodeStringLength))
        glyphData.glyph = svgGlyph.tableEntry;
        advanceLength = svgGlyph.unicodeStringLength;
        return true;

    return false;
void RootInlineBox::ascentAndDescentForBox(InlineBox* box, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, int& ascent, int& descent,
                                           bool& affectsAscent, bool& affectsDescent) const
    bool ascentDescentSet = false;

    // Replaced boxes will return 0 for the line-height if line-box-contain says they are
    // not to be included.
    if (box->renderer().isReplaced()) {
        if (lineStyle().lineBoxContain() & LineBoxContainReplaced) {
            ascent = box->baselinePosition(baselineType());
            descent = box->lineHeight() - ascent;
            // Replaced elements always affect both the ascent and descent.
            affectsAscent = true;
            affectsDescent = true;

    Vector<const SimpleFontData*>* usedFonts = 0;
    GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow = 0;
    if (box->isInlineTextBox()) {
        GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.find(toInlineTextBox(box));
        usedFonts = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? 0 : &it->value.first;
        glyphOverflow = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? 0 : &it->value.second;
    bool includeLeading = includeLeadingForBox(box);
    bool includeFont = includeFontForBox(box);
    bool setUsedFont = false;
    bool setUsedFontWithLeading = false;

    const RenderStyle& boxLineStyle = box->lineStyle();
    if (usedFonts && !usedFonts->isEmpty() && (includeFont || (boxLineStyle.lineHeight().isNegative() && includeLeading)) && !box->renderer().document().settings()->alwaysUseBaselineOfPrimaryFont()) {
    if (usedFonts && !usedFonts->isEmpty() && (includeFont || (boxLineStyle.lineHeight().isNegative() && includeLeading))) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < usedFonts->size(); ++i) {
            const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = usedFonts->at(i)->fontMetrics();
            int usedFontAscent = fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType());
            int usedFontDescent = fontMetrics.descent(baselineType());
            int halfLeading = (fontMetrics.lineSpacing() - fontMetrics.height()) / 2;
            int usedFontAscentAndLeading = usedFontAscent + halfLeading;
            int usedFontDescentAndLeading = fontMetrics.lineSpacing() - usedFontAscentAndLeading;
            if (includeFont) {
                setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, usedFontAscent, usedFontDescent, ascentDescentSet);
                setUsedFont = true;
            if (includeLeading) {
                setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, usedFontAscentAndLeading, usedFontDescentAndLeading, ascentDescentSet);
                setUsedFontWithLeading = true;
            if (!affectsAscent)
                affectsAscent = usedFontAscent - box->logicalTop() > 0;
            if (!affectsDescent)
                affectsDescent = usedFontDescent + box->logicalTop() > 0;

    // If leading is included for the box, then we compute that box.
    if (includeLeading && !setUsedFontWithLeading) {
        int ascentWithLeading = box->baselinePosition(baselineType());
        int descentWithLeading = box->lineHeight() - ascentWithLeading;
        setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, ascentWithLeading, descentWithLeading, ascentDescentSet);
        // Examine the font box for inline flows and text boxes to see if any part of it is above the baseline.
        // If the top of our font box relative to the root box baseline is above the root box baseline, then
        // we are contributing to the maxAscent value. Descent is similar. If any part of our font box is below
        // the root box's baseline, then we contribute to the maxDescent value.
        affectsAscent = ascentWithLeading - box->logicalTop() > 0;
        affectsDescent = descentWithLeading + box->logicalTop() > 0; 
    if (includeFontForBox(box) && !setUsedFont) {
        int fontAscent = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
        int fontDescent = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().descent(baselineType());
        setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, fontAscent, fontDescent, ascentDescentSet);
        affectsAscent = fontAscent - box->logicalTop() > 0;
        affectsDescent = fontDescent + box->logicalTop() > 0; 

    if (includeGlyphsForBox(box) && glyphOverflow && glyphOverflow->computeBounds) {
        setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, glyphOverflow->top, glyphOverflow->bottom, ascentDescentSet);
        affectsAscent = glyphOverflow->top - box->logicalTop() > 0;
        affectsDescent = glyphOverflow->bottom + box->logicalTop() > 0; 
        glyphOverflow->top = std::min(glyphOverflow->top, std::max(0, glyphOverflow->top - boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType())));
        glyphOverflow->bottom = std::min(glyphOverflow->bottom, std::max(0, glyphOverflow->bottom - boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().descent(baselineType())));

    if (includeMarginForBox(box)) {
        LayoutUnit ascentWithMargin = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
        LayoutUnit descentWithMargin = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().descent(baselineType());
        if (box->parent() && !box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak()) {
            ascentWithMargin += box->boxModelObject()->borderAndPaddingBefore() + box->boxModelObject()->marginBefore();
            descentWithMargin += box->boxModelObject()->borderAndPaddingAfter() + box->boxModelObject()->marginAfter();
        setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, ascentWithMargin, descentWithMargin, ascentDescentSet);
        // Treat like a replaced element, since we're using the margin box.
        affectsAscent = true;
        affectsDescent = true;

LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::verticalPositionForBox(InlineBox* box, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache)
    if (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak())
        return box->parent()->logicalTop();
    RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = box->boxModelObject();
    if (!renderer->isInline())
        return 0;

    // This method determines the vertical position for inline elements.
    bool firstLine = isFirstLine();
    if (firstLine && !renderer->document().styleSheetCollection().usesFirstLineRules())
        firstLine = false;

    // Check the cache.
    bool isRenderInline = renderer->isRenderInline();
    if (isRenderInline && !firstLine) {
        LayoutUnit verticalPosition = verticalPositionCache.get(renderer, baselineType());
        if (verticalPosition != PositionUndefined)
            return verticalPosition;

    LayoutUnit verticalPosition = 0;
    EVerticalAlign verticalAlign = renderer->style().verticalAlign();
    if (verticalAlign == TOP || verticalAlign == BOTTOM)
        return 0;
    RenderElement* parent = renderer->parent();
    if (parent->isRenderInline() && parent->style().verticalAlign() != TOP && parent->style().verticalAlign() != BOTTOM)
        verticalPosition = box->parent()->logicalTop();
    if (verticalAlign != BASELINE) {
        const RenderStyle& parentLineStyle = firstLine ? parent->firstLineStyle() : parent->style();
        const Font& font = parentLineStyle.font();
        const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
        int fontSize = font.pixelSize();

        LineDirectionMode lineDirection = parent->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine;

        if (verticalAlign == SUB)
            verticalPosition += fontSize / 5 + 1;
        else if (verticalAlign == SUPER)
            verticalPosition -= fontSize / 3 + 1;
        else if (verticalAlign == TEXT_TOP)
            verticalPosition += renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection) - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType());
        else if (verticalAlign == MIDDLE)
            verticalPosition = (verticalPosition - LayoutUnit(fontMetrics.xHeight() / 2) - renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) / 2 + renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection)).round();
        else if (verticalAlign == TEXT_BOTTOM) {
            verticalPosition += fontMetrics.descent(baselineType());
            // lineHeight - baselinePosition is always 0 for replaced elements (except inline blocks), so don't bother wasting time in that case.
            if (!renderer->isReplaced() || renderer->isInlineBlockOrInlineTable())
                verticalPosition -= (renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) - renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection));
        } else if (verticalAlign == BASELINE_MIDDLE)
            verticalPosition += -renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) / 2 + renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection);
        else if (verticalAlign == LENGTH) {
            LayoutUnit lineHeight;
            //Per http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#propdef-vertical-align: 'Percentages: refer to the 'line-height' of the element itself'.
            if (renderer->style().verticalAlignLength().isPercent())
                lineHeight = renderer->style().computedLineHeight();
                lineHeight = renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection);
            verticalPosition -= valueForLength(renderer->style().verticalAlignLength(), lineHeight);

    // Store the cached value.
    if (isRenderInline && !firstLine)
        verticalPositionCache.set(renderer, baselineType(), verticalPosition);

    return verticalPosition;

bool RootInlineBox::includeLeadingForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText()))
        return false;

    LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain();
    return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInline) || (box == this && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainBlock));

bool RootInlineBox::includeFontForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText()))
        return false;
    if (!box->behavesLikeText() && box->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(box)->hasTextChildren())
        return false;

    // For now map "glyphs" to "font" in vertical text mode until the bounds returned by glyphs aren't garbage.
    LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain();
    return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainFont) || (!isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs));

bool RootInlineBox::includeGlyphsForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText()))
        return false;
    if (!box->behavesLikeText() && box->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(box)->hasTextChildren())
        return false;

    // FIXME: We can't fit to glyphs yet for vertical text, since the bounds returned are garbage.
    LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain();
    return isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs);

bool RootInlineBox::includeMarginForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText()))
        return false;

    LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain();
    return lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInlineBox;

bool RootInlineBox::fitsToGlyphs() const
    // FIXME: We can't fit to glyphs yet for vertical text, since the bounds returned are garbage.
    LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain();
    return isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs);
void SVGRenderSupport::styleChanged(RenderElement& renderer)
    auto parent = renderer.parent();
    SVGRenderSupport::setRendererHasSVGShadow(renderer, (parent && SVGRenderSupport::rendererHasSVGShadow(*parent)) || renderer.style().svgStyle().shadow());
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> AnimationController::getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(RenderElement& renderer)
    if (!renderer.isCSSAnimating())
        return RenderStyle::clonePtr(renderer.style());
    return m_data->getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(renderer);
static inline bool hasVisibleTextArea(RenderElement& textControl, TextControlInnerTextElement* innerText)
    return textControl.style()->visibility() != HIDDEN && innerText && innerText->renderer() && innerText->renderBox()->height();
bool TextAutoSizingValue::adjustNodeSizes()
    bool objectsRemoved = false;
    // Remove stale nodes.  Nodes may have had their renderers detached.  We'll
    // also need to remove the style from the documents m_textAutoSizedNodes
    // collection.  Return true indicates we need to do that removal.
    Vector<RefPtr<Node> > nodesForRemoval;
    HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator end = m_autoSizedNodes.end();
    for (HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator i = m_autoSizedNodes.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        RefPtr<Node> autoSizingNode = *i;
        RenderText* text = static_cast<RenderText*>(autoSizingNode->renderer());
        if (!text || !text->style().textSizeAdjust().isAuto() || !text->candidateComputedTextSize()) {
            // remove node.
            objectsRemoved = true;
    unsigned count = nodesForRemoval.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++)
    // If we only have one piece of text with the style on the page don't
    // adjust it's size.
    if (m_autoSizedNodes.size() <= 1)
        return objectsRemoved;
    // Compute average size
    float cumulativeSize = 0;
    end = m_autoSizedNodes.end();
    for (HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator i = m_autoSizedNodes.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        RefPtr<Node> autoSizingNode = *i;
        RenderText* renderText = static_cast<RenderText*>(autoSizingNode->renderer());
        cumulativeSize += renderText->candidateComputedTextSize();
    float averageSize = roundf(cumulativeSize / m_autoSizedNodes.size());
    // Adjust sizes
    bool firstPass = true;
    end = m_autoSizedNodes.end();
    for (HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator i = m_autoSizedNodes.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        const RefPtr<Node>& autoSizingNode = *i;
        RenderText* text = static_cast<RenderText*>(autoSizingNode->renderer());
        if (text && text->style().fontDescription().computedSize() != averageSize) {
            float specifiedSize = text->style().fontDescription().specifiedSize();
            float scaleChange = averageSize / specifiedSize;
            if (scaleChange > MAX_SCALE_INCREASE && firstPass) {
                firstPass = false;
                averageSize = roundf(specifiedSize * MAX_SCALE_INCREASE);
                scaleChange = averageSize / specifiedSize;
            RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = cloneRenderStyleWithState(text->style());
            FontDescription fontDescription = style->fontDescription();
            RenderElement* parentRenderer = text->parent();
            if (parentRenderer->isAnonymousBlock())
                parentRenderer = parentRenderer->parent();
            // If we have a list we should resize ListMarkers separately.
            RenderObject* listMarkerRenderer = parentRenderer->firstChild();
            if (listMarkerRenderer->isListMarker()) {
                RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = cloneRenderStyleWithState(listMarkerRenderer->style());
            // Resize the line height of the parent.
            const RenderStyle& parentStyle = parentRenderer->style();
            Length lineHeightLength = parentStyle.specifiedLineHeight();
            int specifiedLineHeight = 0;
            if (lineHeightLength.isPercent())
                specifiedLineHeight = minimumValueForLength(lineHeightLength, fontDescription.specifiedSize());
                specifiedLineHeight = lineHeightLength.value();
            int lineHeight = specifiedLineHeight * scaleChange;
            if (!lineHeightLength.isFixed() || lineHeightLength.value() != lineHeight) {
                RefPtr<RenderStyle> newParentStyle = cloneRenderStyleWithState(parentStyle);
                newParentStyle->setLineHeight(Length(lineHeight, Fixed));
    return objectsRemoved;