void RenderMathMLRow::layout() { RenderBlock::layout(); LayoutUnit maxHeight = 0; int childCount = 0; int operatorCount = 0; // Calculate the non-operator max height of the row. LayoutUnit operatorHeight = 0; for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { childCount++; if (current->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(current); // Check to see if the non-operator block has a greater height. if (!block->hasBase() && !block->isRenderMathMLOperator() && block->offsetHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = block->offsetHeight(); if (block->hasBase() && block->nonOperatorHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = block->nonOperatorHeight(); // If the block is an operator, capture the maximum height and increment the count. if (block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) { if (block->offsetHeight() > operatorHeight) operatorHeight = block->offsetHeight(); operatorCount++; } } else if (current->isBoxModelObject()) { RenderBoxModelObject* box = toRenderBoxModelObject(current); // Check to see if this box has a larger height. if (box->offsetHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = box->offsetHeight(); } } if (childCount > 0 && childCount == operatorCount) { // We have only operators and so set the max height to the operator height. maxHeight = operatorHeight; } // Stretch everything to the same height (blocks can ignore the request). if (maxHeight > 0) { bool didStretch = false; for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { if (current->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(current); block->stretchToHeight(maxHeight); didStretch = true; } } if (didStretch) { setNeedsLayout(true); setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true, false); RenderBlock::layout(); } } }
int RenderMathMLRow::baselinePosition(FontBaseline, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const { if (firstChild() && firstChild()->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(firstChild()); if (block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) return block->y() + block->baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, firstLine, direction, linePositionMode); } return RenderBlock::baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, firstLine, direction, linePositionMode); }
int RenderMathMLUnderOver::nonOperatorHeight() const { int nonOperators = 0; for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { if (current->firstChild() && current->firstChild()->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(current->firstChild()); if (!block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) nonOperators += getOffsetHeight(current); } else nonOperators += getOffsetHeight(current); } return nonOperators; }
void RenderMathMLRow::layout() { RenderBlock::layout(); // Calculate the maximum height of the row without the operators. int maxHeight = nonOperatorHeight(); // Set the maximum height of the row for intermediate layouts. style()->setHeight(Length(maxHeight, Fixed)); // Notify contained operators they may need to re-layout their stretched operators. // We need to keep track of the number of children and operators because a row of // operators needs some special handling. int childCount = 0; int operatorCount = 0; for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { childCount++; if (current->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(current); block->stretchToHeight(maxHeight); if (block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) operatorCount++; } } // Layout the non-operators which have just been stretched. setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); markContainingBlocksForLayout(); RenderBlock::layout(); // Make a second pass with the real height of the operators. int operatorHeight = 0; for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { if (current->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(current); if (!block->hasBase() && !block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) { // Check to see if this box has a larger height. if (block->offsetHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = block->offsetHeight(); } if (block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) if (block->offsetHeight() > operatorHeight) operatorHeight = block->offsetHeight(); } else if (current->isBoxModelObject()) { RenderBoxModelObject* box = toRenderBoxModelObject(current); // Check to see if this box has a larger height. if (box->offsetHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = box->offsetHeight(); } } if (childCount > 0 && childCount == operatorCount) { // We have only operators and so set the max height to the operator height. maxHeight = operatorHeight; } int stretchHeight = maxHeight; // Stretch the operators again and re-calculate the row height. for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { if (current->isRenderMathMLBlock()) { RenderMathMLBlock* block = toRenderMathMLBlock(current); if (block->isRenderMathMLOperator()) { RenderMathMLOperator* mathop = toRenderMathMLOperator(block); mathop->stretchToHeight(stretchHeight); } else { block->stretchToHeight(stretchHeight); RenderBoxModelObject* box = toRenderBoxModelObject(current); // Check to see if this box has a larger height if (box->offsetHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = box->offsetHeight(); } } else if (current->isBoxModelObject()) { RenderBoxModelObject* box = toRenderBoxModelObject(current); // Check to see if this box has a larger height if (box->offsetHeight() > maxHeight) maxHeight = box->offsetHeight(); } } // Set the maximum height of the row based on the calculations. style()->setHeight(Length(maxHeight, Fixed)); // Do the final layout by calling our parent's layout again. setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); markContainingBlocksForLayout(); RenderBlock::layout(); }