void Effect::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
    // if this effect is not enabled, then go for default traversal
    if (!_enabled) {

    // ensure that at least one technique is defined
    if (!_techs_defined) {

        // clear existing techniques

        // clear technique selection indices

        // clear technique selection flags

        // define new techniques
        _techs_defined = define_techniques();

        // check for errors, return on failure
        if (!_techs_defined) {
            OSG_WARN << "Warning: osgFX::Effect: could not define techniques for effect " << className() << std::endl;

        // ensure that at least one technique has been defined
        if (_techs.empty()) {
            OSG_WARN << "Warning: osgFX::Effect: no techniques defined for effect " << className() << std::endl;

    Technique *tech = 0;

    // if the selection mode is set to AUTO_DETECT then we have to
    // choose the active technique!
    if (_global_sel_tech == AUTO_DETECT) {

        // test whether at least one technique has been selected
        bool none_selected = true;
        for (unsigned i=0; i<_tech_selected.size(); ++i) {
            if (_tech_selected[i] != 0) {
                none_selected = false;

        // no techniques selected, traverse a dummy node that
        // contains the Validator (it will select a technique)
        if (none_selected) {

        // find the highest priority technique that could be validated
        // in all active rendering contexts
        int max_index = -1;
        for (unsigned j=0; j<_sel_tech.size(); ++j) {
            if (_tech_selected[j] != 0) {
                if (_sel_tech[j] > max_index) {
                    max_index = _sel_tech[j];

        // found a valid technique?
        if (max_index >= 0) {
            tech = _techs[max_index].get();

    } else {

        // the active technique was selected manually
        tech = _techs[_global_sel_tech].get();

    // if we could find an active technique, then continue with traversal,
    // else go for default traversal (no effect)
    if (tech) {
        tech->traverse(nv, this);
    } else {
        if (nv.getTraversalMode() == osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) {

    // wow, we're finished! :)