Ejemplo n.º 1
void DemoSimApplication::sendBrowserMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Web Browser" );

    item.setIdentifier( 1 );
    item.setLabel( "Qt Extended" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 2 );
    item.setLabel( "Google (normal)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 3 );
    item.setLabel( "Google (if browser not in use)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 4 );
    item.setLabel( "Google (clear history)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 5 );
    item.setLabel( "Default Home Page" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(browserMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void DemoSimApplication::sendIconSEMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Icons SE" );

    item.setIdentifier( 1 );
    item.setLabel( "Basic Icon" );
    item.setIconId( 1 );
    item.setIconSelfExplanatory( true );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 2 );
    item.setLabel( "Color Icon" );
    item.setIconId( 2 );
    item.setIconSelfExplanatory( true );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 3 );
    item.setLabel( "Bad Icon" );
    item.setIconId( 70 );
    item.setIconSelfExplanatory( true );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(iconSEMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void DemoSimApplication::sendSportsMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Sports" );

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Chess );
    item.setLabel( "Chess" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Painting );
    item.setLabel( "Finger Painting" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Snakes );
    item.setLabel( "Snakes and Ladders" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Main );
    item.setLabel( "Return to main menu" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(sportsMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void DemoSimApplication::sendToneMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Tones" );

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneDial );
    item.setLabel( "Dial" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneBusy );
    item.setLabel( "Busy" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneCongestion );
    item.setLabel( "Congestion" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneRadioAck );
    item.setLabel( "Radio Ack" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneDropped );
    item.setLabel( "Dropped" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneError );
    item.setLabel( "Error" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneCallWaiting );
    item.setLabel( "Call Waiting" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneGeneralBeep );
    item.setLabel( "General Beep" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::TonePositiveBeep );
    item.setLabel( "Positive Beep" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneNegativeBeep );
    item.setLabel( "Negative Beep" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(toneMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );