Ejemplo n.º 1
void tst_QSimToolkit::testEncodeSendDTMF()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( QString, text );
    QFETCH( QString, number );
    QFETCH( int, iconId );
    QFETCH( bool, iconSelfExplanatory );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, textAttribute );
    QFETCH( QString, html );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Check that the command PDU can be parsed correctly.
    QSimCommand decoded = QSimCommand::fromPdu(data);
    QVERIFY( decoded.type() == QSimCommand::SendDTMF );
    QVERIFY( decoded.destinationDevice() == QSimCommand::Network );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.text(), text );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.number(), number );
    QCOMPARE( (int)decoded.iconId(), iconId );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.iconSelfExplanatory(), iconSelfExplanatory );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.textAttribute(), textAttribute );
    if ( !textAttribute.isEmpty() )
        QCOMPARE( decoded.textHtml(), html );

    // Check that the original command PDU can be reconstructed correctly.
    QByteArray encoded = decoded.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options );
    QCOMPARE( encoded, data );

    // Check that the terminal response PDU can be parsed correctly.
    QSimTerminalResponse decodedResp = QSimTerminalResponse::fromPdu(resp);
    QVERIFY( data.contains( decodedResp.commandPdu() ) );
    if ( resptype < 0x0100 ) {
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)resptype );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.causeData().isEmpty() );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.cause() == QSimTerminalResponse::NoSpecificCause );
    } else {
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)(resptype >> 8) );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.causeData().size() == 1 );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.cause() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Cause)(resptype & 0xFF) );

    // Check that the original terminal response PDU can be reconstructed correctly.
    QCOMPARE( decodedResp.toPdu(), resp );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void tst_QSimToolkit::testEncodeSendSMS()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, tpdu );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( QString, text );
    QFETCH( QString, number );
    QFETCH( bool, smsPacking );
    QFETCH( int, iconId );
    QFETCH( bool, iconSelfExplanatory );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, textAttribute );
    QFETCH( QString, html );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Check that the command PDU can be parsed correctly.
    QSimCommand decoded = QSimCommand::fromPdu(data);
    QVERIFY( decoded.type() == QSimCommand::SendSMS );
    QVERIFY( decoded.destinationDevice() == QSimCommand::Network );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.text(), text );
    if ( text.isEmpty() ) {
        if ( ( options & QSimCommand::EncodeEmptyStrings ) != 0 )
            QVERIFY( decoded.suppressUserFeedback() );
            QVERIFY( !decoded.suppressUserFeedback() );
    } else {
        QVERIFY( !decoded.suppressUserFeedback() );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.number(), number );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.smsPacking(), smsPacking );
    QCOMPARE( (int)decoded.iconId(), iconId );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.iconSelfExplanatory(), iconSelfExplanatory );
    QCOMPARE( decoded.textAttribute(), textAttribute );
    if ( !textAttribute.isEmpty() )
        QCOMPARE( decoded.textHtml(), html );

    // Check the final TPDU.  If packing is specified, we have to parse the SMS
    // and then re-encode it with the 7-bit alphabet.
    QByteArray newtpdu = decoded.extensionField(0x8B);
    if ( smsPacking ) {
        // Add dummy service center address that isn't in the TPDU before decoding.
        QSMSMessage msg = QSMSMessage::fromPdu( QByteArray( 1, 0 ) + newtpdu );
        msg.setDataCodingScheme( msg.dataCodingScheme() & 0xF3 );   // Convert to 7-bit

        // Convert back into a pdu and strip off the dummy service center address.
        newtpdu = msg.toPdu().mid(1);

    // The TPDU in the command will have a message reference of 0.
    // We need to change it to the transmission message reference of 1
    // before we do the comparison.
    newtpdu[1] = (char)1;
    QCOMPARE( newtpdu, tpdu );

    // Check that the original command PDU can be reconstructed correctly.
    QByteArray encoded = decoded.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options );
    QCOMPARE( encoded, data );

    // Check that the terminal response PDU can be parsed correctly.
    QSimTerminalResponse decodedResp = QSimTerminalResponse::fromPdu(resp);
    QVERIFY( data.contains( decodedResp.commandPdu() ) );
    if ( resptype < 0x0100 ) {
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)resptype );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.causeData().isEmpty() );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.cause() == QSimTerminalResponse::NoSpecificCause );
    } else {
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)(resptype >> 8) );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.causeData().size() == 1 );
        QVERIFY( decodedResp.cause() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Cause)(resptype & 0xFF) );

    // Check that the original terminal response PDU can be reconstructed correctly.
    QCOMPARE( decodedResp.toPdu(), resp );