Ejemplo n.º 1
void DemoSimApplication::toneMenu( const QSimTerminalResponse& resp )
    QSimCommand cmd;

    if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::Success ) {
        // Item selected.
        cmd.setType( QSimCommand::PlayTone );
        cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Earpiece );
        cmd.setTone( (QSimCommand::Tone)( resp.menuItem() ) );
        if ( cmd.tone() == QSimCommand::ToneDial )
            cmd.setDuration( 5000 );
        else if ( cmd.tone() == QSimCommand::ToneGeneralBeep ||
                  cmd.tone() == QSimCommand::TonePositiveBeep ||
                  cmd.tone() == QSimCommand::ToneNegativeBeep )
            cmd.setDuration( 1000 );
            cmd.setDuration( 3000 );
        command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendToneMenu()) );
    } else if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::BackwardMove ) {
        // Request to move backward.
    } else {
        // Unknown response - just go back to the main menu.
Ejemplo n.º 2
void DemoSimApplication::sendIconSEMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Icons SE" );

    item.setIdentifier( 1 );
    item.setLabel( "Basic Icon" );
    item.setIconId( 1 );
    item.setIconSelfExplanatory( true );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 2 );
    item.setLabel( "Color Icon" );
    item.setIconId( 2 );
    item.setIconSelfExplanatory( true );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 3 );
    item.setLabel( "Bad Icon" );
    item.setIconId( 70 );
    item.setIconSelfExplanatory( true );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(iconSEMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void DemoSimApplication::sendBrowserMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Web Browser" );

    item.setIdentifier( 1 );
    item.setLabel( "Qt Extended" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 2 );
    item.setLabel( "Google (normal)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 3 );
    item.setLabel( "Google (if browser not in use)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 4 );
    item.setLabel( "Google (clear history)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( 5 );
    item.setLabel( "Default Home Page" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(browserMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void DemoSimApplication::sendSportsMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Sports" );

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Chess );
    item.setLabel( "Chess" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Painting );
    item.setLabel( "Finger Painting" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Snakes );
    item.setLabel( "Snakes and Ladders" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( SportsMenu_Main );
    item.setLabel( "Return to main menu" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(sportsMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void DemoSimApplication::sticksGameShow()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    if ( sticksLeft == 1 ) {
        cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInkey );
        cmd.setText( "There is only 1 stick left.  You lose.  Play again?" );
        cmd.setWantYesNo( true );
        command( cmd, this, SLOT(sticksGamePlayAgain(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
    } else {
        cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInkey );
        cmd.setText( "There are 21 sticks left.  How many do you take (1, 2, or 3)?" );
        cmd.setWantDigits( true );
        if ( sticksLeft == 21 )
            cmd.setHasHelp( true );
        command( cmd, this, SLOT(sticksGameLoop(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void DemoSimApplication::sportsMenu( const QSimTerminalResponse& resp )
    QSimCommand cmd;

    if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::Success ) {
        // Item selected.
        switch ( resp.menuItem() ) {

            case SportsMenu_Chess:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
                cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
                cmd.setText( "Kasparov 3, Deep Blue 4" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendSportsMenu()) );

            case SportsMenu_Painting:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
                cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
                cmd.setText( "Little Johnny 4, Little Sally 6" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendSportsMenu()) );

            case SportsMenu_Snakes:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
                cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
                cmd.setText( "Little Johnny 0, Little Sally 2" );
                cmd.setClearAfterDelay( true );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendSportsMenu()) );

            default:    mainMenu(); break;
    } else if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::BackwardMove ) {
        // Request to move backward.
    } else {
        // Unknown response - just go back to the main menu.
Ejemplo n.º 7
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverSendDTMF()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( QString, text );
    QFETCH( QString, number );
    QFETCH( int, iconId );
    QFETCH( bool, iconSelfExplanatory );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, textAttribute );
    QFETCH( QString, html );
    QFETCH( int, options );


    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SendDTMF );
    cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Network );
    cmd.setText( text );
    cmd.setNumber( number );
    cmd.setIconId( (uint)iconId );
    cmd.setIconSelfExplanatory( iconSelfExplanatory );
    cmd.setTextAttribute( textAttribute );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.text() == cmd.text() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.number() == cmd.number() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.iconId() == cmd.iconId() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.iconSelfExplanatory() == cmd.iconSelfExplanatory() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.textAttribute() == cmd.textAttribute() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The terminal response should have been sent immediately to ack reception of the command.
    // We cannot check the return data explicitly because that will be handled in the modem
    // and will typically be invisible to Qtopia.  We therefore compare against what the
    // response would be without the return data.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    QSimTerminalResponse resp2;
    resp2.setCommand( deliveredCommand );
    resp2.setResult( QSimTerminalResponse::Success );
    QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp2.toPdu() );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void DemoSimApplication::sendToneMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SelectItem );
    cmd.setTitle( "Tones" );

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneDial );
    item.setLabel( "Dial" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneBusy );
    item.setLabel( "Busy" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneCongestion );
    item.setLabel( "Congestion" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneRadioAck );
    item.setLabel( "Radio Ack" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneDropped );
    item.setLabel( "Dropped" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneError );
    item.setLabel( "Error" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneCallWaiting );
    item.setLabel( "Call Waiting" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneGeneralBeep );
    item.setLabel( "General Beep" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::TonePositiveBeep );
    item.setLabel( "Positive Beep" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( (uint)QSimCommand::ToneNegativeBeep );
    item.setLabel( "Negative Beep" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, this, SLOT(toneMenu(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void DemoSimApplication::getInputLoop( const QSimTerminalResponse& resp )
    QSimCommand cmd;
    if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::HelpInformationRequested ) {
        // Display help for the game.
        cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
        cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
        cmd.setText("Enter code of the company." );
        command( cmd, this, SLOT(mainMenu()) );
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 10
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverRefresh()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( int, refreshtype );
    QFETCH( int, numfiles );
    QFETCH( QString, fileids );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::Refresh );
    cmd.setRefreshType( (QSimCommand::RefreshType)refreshtype );
    if ( numfiles > 0 ) {
        QByteArray extData;
        extData += (char)numfiles;
        extData += QAtUtils::fromHex( fileids );
        cmd.addExtensionField( 0x92, extData );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.refreshType() == cmd.refreshType() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.extensionData() == cmd.extensionData() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The response should have been sent immediately.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    if ( resptype != 0x0003 ) {
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp );
    } else {
        // We cannot test the "additional EF's read" case because the qtopiaphone
        // library will always respond with "command performed successfully".
        QByteArray resp2 = resp;
        resp2[resp2.size() - 1] = 0x00;
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp2 );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void DemoSimApplication::sticksGameLoop( const QSimTerminalResponse& resp )
    QSimCommand cmd;
    if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::Success ) {
        // User has selected the number of sticks they want.
        int taken = 0;
        if ( resp.text() == "1" ) {
            taken = 1;
        } else if ( resp.text() == "2" ) {
            taken = 2;
        } else if ( resp.text() == "3" ) {
            taken = 3;
        } else {
            cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInkey );
            cmd.setText( "Must be 1, 2, or 3.  There are " + QString::number( sticksLeft ) +
                         " sticks left.  How many sticks do you take?" );
            cmd.setWantDigits( true );
            command( cmd, this, SLOT(sticksGameLoop(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
        cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
        cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
        cmd.setText( "I take " + QString::number( 4 - taken ) + " sticks." );
        cmd.setClearAfterDelay( true );
        sticksLeft -= 4;
        command( cmd, this, SLOT(sticksGameShow()) );
    } else if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::HelpInformationRequested ) {
        // Display help for the game.
        cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
        cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
        cmd.setText( "Starting with 21 sticks, players pick up 1, 2, or 3 sticks at a time.  "
                     "The loser is the player who has to pick up the last stick." );
        command( cmd, this, SLOT(startSticksGame()) );
    } else {
        // Probably aborted.
Ejemplo n.º 12
void DemoSimApplication::mainMenu()
    QSimCommand cmd;
    QSimMenuItem item;
    QList<QSimMenuItem> items;

    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SetupMenu );

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_News );
    item.setLabel( "News" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_Sports );
    item.setLabel( "Sports" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_Time );
    item.setLabel( "Time" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_SticksGame );
    item.setLabel( "Sticks Game" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_Tones );
    item.setLabel( "Tones" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_Icons );
    item.setLabel( "Icons (not self-explanatory)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_IconsSE );
    item.setLabel( "Icons (self-explanatory)" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_Finance );
    item.setLabel( "Finance" );
    items += item;

    item.setIdentifier( MainMenu_Browser );
    item.setLabel( "Web Browser" );
    items += item;

    cmd.setMenuItems( items );

    command( cmd, 0, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void DemoSimApplication::sendDisplayText()
    // Display a text string and then go back to the main menu once the
    // text is accepted by the user.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::DisplayText );
    cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Display );
    immediateResponse = true;
    cmd.setText( "Police today arrested a man on suspicion "
            "of making phone calls while intoxicated.  Witnesses claimed "
            "that they heard the man exclaim \"I washent dwinkn!\" as "
            "officers escorted him away." );
    command( cmd, this, SLOT(displayTextResponse(QSimTerminalResponse)) );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverPowerOffCard()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( int, device );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::PowerOffCard );
    cmd.setDestinationDevice( (QSimCommand::Device)( device + 0x10 ) );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The response should have been sent immediately.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    if ( resptype == 0x0000 ) {
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp );
    } else {
        // We cannot test the "no card inserted" case because the qtopiaphone
        // library will always respond with "command performed successfully".
        static unsigned char const ok_resp[] =
            {0x81, 0x03, 0x01, 0x32, 0x00, 0x82, 0x02, 0x82, 0x81, 0x83, 0x01, 0x00};
        QByteArray resp2 = QByteArray( (char *)ok_resp, sizeof( ok_resp ) );
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp2 );
Ejemplo n.º 15
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverPowerOnCard()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, atr );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( int, device );
    QFETCH( int, options );


    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::PowerOnCard );
    cmd.setDestinationDevice( (QSimCommand::Device)( device + 0x10 ) );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The response should have been sent immediately, and should always be success.
    // We cannot test the answer to reset behaviour with this interface.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    static unsigned char const ok_resp[] =
        {0x81, 0x03, 0x01, 0x31, 0x00, 0x82, 0x02, 0x82, 0x81, 0x83, 0x01, 0x00};
    QByteArray resp2 = QByteArray( (char *)ok_resp, sizeof( ok_resp ) );
    QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp2 );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverProvideLocalInformation()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, info );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( int, localtype );
    QFETCH( int, options );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::ProvideLocalInformation );
    cmd.setQualifier( localtype );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.qualifier() == cmd.qualifier() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The response should have been sent immediately.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    QSimTerminalResponse resp2 = QSimTerminalResponse::fromPdu( server->lastResponse() );
    QVERIFY( resp2.result() == (QSimTerminalResponse::Result)resptype );
    QVERIFY( resp2.cause() == QSimTerminalResponse::NoSpecificCause );
Ejemplo n.º 17
void DemoSimApplication::browserMenu( const QSimTerminalResponse& resp )
    QSimCommand cmd;

    if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::Success ) {
        // Item selected.
        switch ( resp.menuItem() ) {

            case 1:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::LaunchBrowser );
                cmd.setText( "Qt Extended" );
                cmd.setBrowserLaunchMode( QSimCommand::UseExisting );
                cmd.setUrl( "http://www.qtextended.org/" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendBrowserMenu()) );

            case 2:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::LaunchBrowser );
                cmd.setText( "Google" );
                cmd.setBrowserLaunchMode( QSimCommand::UseExisting );
                cmd.setUrl( "http://www.google.com/" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendBrowserMenu()) );

            case 3:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::LaunchBrowser );
                cmd.setText( "Google" );
                cmd.setBrowserLaunchMode( QSimCommand::IfNotAlreadyLaunched );
                cmd.setUrl( "http://www.google.com/" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendBrowserMenu()) );

            case 4:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::LaunchBrowser );
                cmd.setText( "Google" );
                cmd.setBrowserLaunchMode( QSimCommand::CloseExistingAndLaunch );
                cmd.setUrl( "http://www.google.com/" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendBrowserMenu()) );

            case 5:
                cmd.setType( QSimCommand::LaunchBrowser );
                cmd.setText( "Default Home Page" );
                cmd.setBrowserLaunchMode( QSimCommand::UseExisting );
                cmd.setUrl( "" );
                command( cmd, this, SLOT(sendBrowserMenu()) );

            default:    mainMenu(); break;
    } else if ( resp.result() == QSimTerminalResponse::BackwardMove ) {
        // Request to move backward.
    } else {
        // Unknown response - just go back to the main menu.
Ejemplo n.º 18
void tst_QSimToolkit::testDeliverSendSMS()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, tpdu );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( QString, text );
    QFETCH( QString, number );
    QFETCH( bool, smsPacking );
    QFETCH( int, iconId );
    QFETCH( bool, iconSelfExplanatory );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, textAttribute );
    QFETCH( QString, html );
    QFETCH( int, options );


    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Clear the client/server state.
    deliveredCommand = QSimCommand();

    // Compose and send the command.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SendSMS );
    cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Network );
    cmd.setText( text );
    if ( text.isEmpty() && ( options & QSimCommand::EncodeEmptyStrings ) != 0 )
        cmd.setSuppressUserFeedback( true );
    cmd.setNumber( number );
    cmd.setSmsPacking( smsPacking );
    cmd.setIconId( (uint)iconId );
    cmd.setIconSelfExplanatory( iconSelfExplanatory );
    cmd.setTextAttribute( textAttribute );
    QByteArray newtpdu = tpdu;
    if ( smsPacking ) {
        // To prevent truncation of the 1.4.1 test data during 7-bit to 8-bit conversion,
        // we extract the TPDU from "data" rather than use "tpdu".
        newtpdu = QSimCommand::fromPdu( data ).extensionField(0x8B);
    newtpdu[1] = (char)0;
    cmd.addExtensionField( 0x8B, newtpdu );
    server->emitCommand( cmd );

    // Wait for the command to arrive in the client.
    QVERIFY( QFutureSignal::wait( this, SIGNAL(commandSeen()), 100 ) );

    // Verify that the command was delivered exactly as we asked.
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.type() == cmd.type() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.text() == cmd.text() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.suppressUserFeedback() == cmd.suppressUserFeedback() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.number() == cmd.number() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.smsPacking() == cmd.smsPacking() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.iconId() == cmd.iconId() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.iconSelfExplanatory() == cmd.iconSelfExplanatory() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.extensionData() == cmd.extensionData() );
    QVERIFY( deliveredCommand.textAttribute() == cmd.textAttribute() );
    QCOMPARE( deliveredCommand.toPdu( (QSimCommand::ToPduOptions)options ), data );

    // The terminal response should have been sent immediately to ack reception of the command.
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    if ( resptype != 0x0004 ) {
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp );
    } else {
        // We cannot test the "icon not displayed" case because the qtopiaphone
        // library will always respond with "command performed successfully".
        // Presumably the Qtopia user interface can always display icons.
        QByteArray resp2 = resp;
        resp2[resp2.size() - 1] = 0x00;
        QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp2 );
Ejemplo n.º 19
void tst_QSimToolkit::testUISendSMS()
    QFETCH( QByteArray, data );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, resp );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, tpdu );
    QFETCH( int, resptype );
    QFETCH( QString, text );
    QFETCH( QString, number );
    QFETCH( bool, smsPacking );
    QFETCH( int, iconId );
    QFETCH( bool, iconSelfExplanatory );
    QFETCH( QByteArray, textAttribute );
    QFETCH( QString, html );
    QFETCH( int, options );


    // Skip tests that we cannot test using the "simapp" UI.
    if ( resptype == 0x0004 ) {     // Icon not displayed
        QSKIP( "", SkipSingle );

    // Output a dummy line to give some indication of which test we are currently running.
    qDebug() << "";

    // Create the command to be tested.
    QSimCommand cmd;
    cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SendSMS );
    cmd.setDestinationDevice( QSimCommand::Network );
    cmd.setText( text );
    if ( text.isEmpty() && ( options & QSimCommand::EncodeEmptyStrings ) != 0 )
        cmd.setSuppressUserFeedback( true );
    cmd.setNumber( number );
    cmd.setSmsPacking( smsPacking );
    cmd.setIconId( (uint)iconId );
    cmd.setIconSelfExplanatory( iconSelfExplanatory );
    cmd.setTextAttribute( textAttribute );
    QByteArray newtpdu = tpdu;
    if ( smsPacking ) {
        // To prevent truncation of the 1.4.1 test data during 7-bit to 8-bit conversion,
        // we extract the TPDU from "data" rather than use "tpdu".
        newtpdu = QSimCommand::fromPdu( data ).extensionField(0x8B);
    newtpdu[1] = (char)0;
    cmd.addExtensionField( 0x8B, newtpdu );

    // Set up the server with the command, ready to be selected
    // from the "Run Test" menu item on the test menu.
    server->startUsingTestMenu( cmd );
    QVERIFY( waitForView( SimMenu::staticMetaObject ) );

    // Clear the server state just before we request the actual command under test.

    // Select the first menu item.

    // Wait for the text to display.  If user feedback is suppressed, then
    // the command is supposed to be performed silently.
    if ( cmd.suppressUserFeedback() )
        QVERIFY( !waitForView( SimText::staticMetaObject ) );
        QVERIFY( waitForView( SimText::staticMetaObject ) );

    // Check that the response is what we expected.  The response is
    // sent automatically by the back-end and is always "success".
    QCOMPARE( server->responseCount(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( server->envelopeCount(), 0 );
    QCOMPARE( server->lastResponse(), resp );
Ejemplo n.º 20
void DemoSimApplication::mainMenuSelection( int id )
    QSimCommand cmd;

    switch ( id ) {

        case MainMenu_News:
            QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(sendDisplayText()) );

        case MainMenu_Sports:

        case MainMenu_Time:
            cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SetupCall );
            cmd.setNumber( "1194" );
            cmd.setText( "Dialing the Time Guy ..." );
            command( cmd, this, SLOT(mainMenu()) );

        case MainMenu_SticksGame:

        case MainMenu_Tones:

        case MainMenu_Icons:

        case MainMenu_IconsSE:

        case MainMenu_Finance:
            cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInput );
            cmd.setText( "Enter code" );
            cmd.setWantDigits( true );
            cmd.setMinimumLength( 3 );
            cmd.setHasHelp( true );
            command( cmd, this, SLOT(getInputLoop(QSimTerminalResponse)) );

        case MainMenu_Browser:

            // Don't know what this item is, so just re-display the main menu.