/* Name: view
* Purpose: Prints out all of the transitions.
* Operation: This method is used to print out the value of the transition. 
	This is used by class Show_Command though the class Turing_Machine.
void Transition_Function::view() const{

		// Display a empty set if it is empty.
	if (transitions.size() == 0){
		cout << "Delta = {}\n\n";

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < transitions.size(); i++){

		Transition Temp = transitions[i];
		cout << "Delta("
			<< Temp.Source_State()
			<< ", "
			<< Temp.Read_Character()
			<< ") = ("
			<< Temp.Destination_State()
			<< ", "
			<< Temp.Write_Character()
			<< ", "
			<< Temp.Move_Direction()
			<< ")\n";

	cout << "\n";