void MotionGraph::genGraph()
    int k = numBlendingFrames;
    int restPoseIdx = 0;                                            // rest pose motion idx
    restLabel = 0;

    int numMotions = library->getNumMotions();

    std::vector< std::vector<int> > nodeId;            // nodeId[motionIdx][frameIdx]
    for (int m = 0; m < numMotions; m++)
        for (int f = 0; f < library->getMotion(m)->GetNumFrames(); f++)
            nodeId[m].push_back(-1);                                        // -1 := not a node
        nodeId[m][0] = 1;                                                   // first frame
        //nodeId[m][nodeId[m].size() - 1] = 1;                                // last frame

        // transition point to the rest pose
        int f = nodeId[m].size() - k;
        if (f >= 0)
            nodeId[m][f] = 1;
    // rest pose
    if ((int)nodeId[restPoseIdx].size() >= k)
        nodeId[restPoseIdx][k - 1] = 1;

    std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<WindowPair> > > candidates;       // [motionIdxA][motionIdxB][pairIdx]
    for (int ma = 0; ma < numMotions; ma++)
        candidates.push_back(std::vector< std::vector<WindowPair> >());
        for (int mb = 0; mb < numMotions; mb++)

    // load candidates
    printf("Loading transition candidates... ");
    std::ifstream ifs;
    ifs.open("./mocap_data/candidates.txt", std::ios::in);
    char buf[256];
    ifs >> buf;                             // #numMotions
    int nmotions;
    ifs >> nmotions;
    double threshold = 100.0;
    int minCandidateCount = 50;

    for (int ma = 0; ma < nmotions; ma++) for (int mb = 0; mb < nmotions; mb++)
        ifs >> buf;                         // #motionIndex
        int motionIdxA, motionIdxB;
        ifs >> motionIdxA >> motionIdxB;
        //printf("motionIndex: %d, %d\n", motionIdxA, motionIdxB);
        ifs >> buf;                         // #motionName
        ifs >> buf;                         // motionNameA
        ifs >> buf;                         // motionNameB
        ifs >> buf;                         // #numFrames
        int numFramesA, numFramesB;
        ifs >> numFramesA >> numFramesB;
        //printf("numFrames: %d, %d\n", numFramesA, numFramesB);
        ifs >> buf;                         // #minListSize
        int minListSize;
        ifs >> minListSize;
        ifs >> buf;                         // #i
        ifs.getline(buf, sizeof(buf));      // j distance theta x0 z0
        int count = 0;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < minListSize; ii++)
            int i, j;
            double dist;
            double theta, x0, z0;
            ifs >> i >> j >> dist >> theta >> x0 >> z0;

            if (j > (int)nodeId[mb].size() - k)     // later than last transition point

            // check threshold & conditions
            if (dist > threshold &&
                (count > minCandidateCount ||
                 j > numFramesB / 2))
                //count > minListSize / 20)

            WindowPair pair;
            pair.i = i;
            pair.j = j;
            pair.dist = dist;
            pair.theta = theta;
            pair.x0 = x0;
            pair.z0 = z0;

            nodeId[ma][i] = 1;
            nodeId[mb][j] = 1;


    /*for (int aa = 0; aa < numMotions; aa++)
        for (int bb = 0; bb < numMotions; bb++)
            printf("motion(%d, %d): %d\n", aa, bb, candidates[aa][bb].size());
            for (size_t ii = 0; ii < candidates[aa][bb].size(); ii++)
                WindowPair &p = candidates[aa][bb][ii];
                printf("%d %d %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", p.i, p.j, p.dist, p.theta, p.x0, p.z0);

    printf("Construcing graph...\n");

    int numNodes = 0;
    int numEdges = 0;

    // construct nodes and edges within motions
    for (int m = 0; m < numMotions; m++)
        int lastNode = -1;
        int count = 0;
        for (int f = 0; f < (int)nodeId[m].size(); f++)
            if (nodeId[m][f] >= 0)
                // form a new node
                nodeId[m][f] = numNodes++;

                //printf("node(%d): %d, %d\n", nodeId[m][f], m, f);

                Node node;
                node.id = nodeId[m][f];
                node.motionIdx = m;
                node.frameIdx = f;
                node.label = m;                 // use motion idx as label

                if (lastNode != -1)             // not the first node of the motion
                    // construct an edge fram last node to current node
                    int id = numEdges++;
                    int src = nodeId[m][lastNode];
                    int dst = nodeId[m][f];
                    addEdge(id, src, dst, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, f - lastNode);
                lastNode = f;

        printf("Motion(%d): total nodes: %d\n", m, count);
    // construct edges crossing two motions
    for (int ma = 0; ma < numMotions; ma++)
        for (int mb = 0; mb < numMotions; mb++)
            for (size_t ii = 0; ii < candidates[ma][mb].size(); ii++)
                WindowPair &pair = candidates[ma][mb][ii];

                // construct an edge from A(i) to B(j)
                int id = numEdges++;
                int src = nodeId[ma][pair.i];
                int dst = nodeId[mb][pair.j];
                addEdge(id, src, dst, pair.theta, pair.x0, pair.z0, k - 1);

    // construct edges from the end of motions to the rest pose
    if ((int)nodeId[restPoseIdx].size() >= k)
        for (int m = 0; m < numMotions; m++)
            double theta, x0, z0;
            distance(m, restPoseIdx, nodeId[m].size() - k, k - 1, &theta, &x0, &z0);
            int id = numEdges++;
            int src = nodeId[m][nodeId[m].size() - k];
            int dst = nodeId[restPoseIdx][k - 1];

            addEdge(id, src, dst, theta, x0, z0, k - 1, 1);

    // test: dump
    for (size_t eid = 0; eid < edges.size(); eid++)
        Edge &e = edges[eid];
        int srcMotion = nodes[e.src].motionIdx;
        int dstMotion = nodes[e.dst].motionIdx;
        int srcFrame = nodes[e.src].frameIdx;
        int dstFrame = nodes[e.dst].frameIdx;
        //printf("edge(%d): %d(%d) --> %d(%d)\n", eid, srcMotion, srcFrame, dstMotion, dstFrame);

    printf("Construcing graph... done.\n");


    printf("Constructing shortest path table... ");

    int numLabels = numMotions;         // can be different

    for (int dstLabel = 0; dstLabel < numLabels; dstLabel++)
        // find shortest path to a certain label
        std::vector<int> dist;
        std::vector<int> next;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
            int initDist = 999999999;
            if (nodes[i].label == dstLabel)
                initDist = 0;

        // Bellman-Ford
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)nodes.size() - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < (int)edges.size(); j++)
                int src = edges[j].src;
                int dst = edges[j].dst;
                if (dist[src] > dist[dst] + edges[j].length)
                    dist[src] = dist[dst] + edges[j].length;
                    next[src] = j;

        for (int i = 0; i < (int)nodes.size(); i++)
            int nextEdge = next[i];

            if (nodes[i].label == dstLabel)
                if (nodes[i].link.size() == 0)
                    printf("Warning: nodes[%d](%d, %d).link.size() == 0\n", i, nodes[i].motionIdx, nodes[i].frameIdx);
                    int ndst0 = edges[nodes[i].link[0]].dst; 
                    if (nodes[ndst0].motionIdx == nodes[i].motionIdx && nodes[ndst0].frameIdx > nodes[i].frameIdx)
                        // set the next edge to the edge towards the next frame
                        nextEdge = nodes[i].link[0];
                        //printf("%d(%d)\n", nodes[i].motionIdx, nodes[i].frameIdx);
                        nextEdge = nodes[i].link[0];
                        // force to transit to rest pose
                        if (nodes[i].label != 1 &&                                  // walk
                            nodes[i].label != 2)                                    // run
                        //if (false)
                            for (int j = 0; j < (int)nodes[i].link.size(); j++)
                                if (edges[nodes[i].link[j]].rest != 0)
                                    nextEdge = nodes[i].link[j];
                        //printf("%d(%d) --> %d(%d)\n", nodes[edges[nextEdge].src].motionIdx, nodes[edges[nextEdge].src].frameIdx,
                        //                              nodes[edges[nextEdge].dst].motionIdx, nodes[edges[nextEdge].dst].frameIdx);
                    /*for (int j = 0; j < (int)nodes[i].link.size(); j++)
                        int dst = edges[nodes[i].link[j]].dst;
                        if (nodes[dst].motionIdx == nodes[i].motionIdx &&
                            nodes[dst].frameIdx == nodes[i].frameIdx + 1)
                            nextEdge = nodes[i].link[j];


            if (nextEdge == -1)
                printf("Warning: node[%d](%d, %d) cannot reach label %d.\n", i, nodes[i].motionIdx, nodes[i].frameIdx, dstLabel);


    printf("Total edges: %d\n", edges.size());


    printf("Constructing clips... ");

    // construct edge clips
    for (size_t eid = 0; eid < edges.size(); eid++)
        //printf("edge(%d)  ", eid);

        Motion *clip = NULL;

        Edge &e = edges[eid];
        Node &nsrc = nodes[e.src];
        Node &ndst = nodes[e.dst];

        if (nsrc.motionIdx != ndst.motionIdx || e.length != ndst.frameIdx - nsrc.frameIdx)      // transition between two motions
            //printf("src(%d, %d) dst(%d, %d) %d\n", nsrc.motionIdx, nsrc.frameIdx, ndst.motionIdx, ndst.frameIdx, e.length);
                Transition *tran = new Transition(library->getMotion(nsrc.motionIdx), nsrc.frameIdx, library->getMotion(ndst.motionIdx), ndst.frameIdx, e.theta, e.x0, e.z0);
                clip = tran->getBlendedMotion();
                delete tran;
            catch (std::exception &e)
                printf("%s\n", e.what());
        else                                                                                    // forward edge
            //printf("forward src(%d, %d) dst(%d, %d) %d\n", nsrc.motionIdx, nsrc.frameIdx, ndst.motionIdx, ndst.frameIdx, e.length);
            Motion *motion = library->getMotion(nsrc.motionIdx);
            clip = new Motion(e.length + 1, library->getSkeleton());
            if (e.length != ndst.frameIdx - nsrc.frameIdx)
                printf("Error: edges[%d].length != nodes[%d].frameIdx - nodes[%d].frameIdx\n", eid, e.dst, e.src);

            for (int i = 0, j = nsrc.frameIdx; i < e.length + 1; i++, j++)
                clip->SetPosture(i, *motion->GetPosture(j));



    printf("Generating motion graph: done.\n");