Example #1
// GetStrings
bool Function::GetStrings( const BFFIterator & iter, Array< AString > & strings, const char * name, bool required ) const
	const BFFVariable * var;
	if ( !GetStringOrArrayOfStrings( iter, var, name, required ) )
		return false; // problem (GetStringOrArrayOfStrings will have emitted error)
	if ( !var )
		ASSERT( !required );
		return true; // not required and not provided: nothing to do

	if ( var->GetType() == BFFVariable::VAR_STRING )
		strings.Append( var->GetString() );
	else if ( var->GetType() == BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS )
		const Array< AString > & vStrings = var->GetArrayOfStrings();
		strings.Append( vStrings );
		ASSERT( false );
	return true;
Example #2
  void MyHighOrderFESpace :: GetDofNrs (int elnr, Array<int> & dnums) const
    // returns dofs of element number elnr


    Ngs_Element ngel = ma->GetElement (elnr);

    // vertex dofs
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      dnums.Append (ngel.vertices[i]);

    // edge dofs
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        int first = first_edge_dof[ngel.edges[i]];
        int next  = first_edge_dof[ngel.edges[i]+1];
        for (int j = first; j < next; j++)
          dnums.Append (j);

    int first = first_cell_dof[elnr];
    int next  = first_cell_dof[elnr+1];
    for (int j = first; j < next; j++)
      dnums.Append (j);

    // cout << "dnums = " << dnums << endl;
Example #3
void PushStatusF(const MyStr& s)
  msgstatus_stack.Append(new MyStr (s));
Example #4
 void AddOption(bool *var, const char *enable_short_name,
                const char *enable_long_name, const char *disable_short_name,
                const char *disable_long_name, const char *description,
                bool required = false)
    options.Append(Option(ENABLE, var, enable_short_name, enable_long_name,
                          description, required));
    options.Append(Option(DISABLE, var, disable_short_name, disable_long_name,
                          description, required));
// TestFunction_Speed
void TestProjectGeneration::TestFunction_Speed() const
	VSProjectGenerator pg;
	AStackString<> baseDir( "C:\\Windows\\System32" );
	Array< AString > baseDirs;
	baseDirs.Append( baseDir );

	// project name
	pg.SetProjectName( AStackString<>( "Big" ) );
	pg.SetBasePaths( baseDirs );

	// platforms
	Array< VSProjectConfig > configs;
	VSProjectConfig cfg;
	cfg.m_Platform = "Win32";
	cfg.m_Config = "Debug";
	configs.Append( cfg );

	// files (about 5,000)
	Array< AString > files;
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.mui" ), true, &files );
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.exe" ), true, &files );
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.dll" ), true, &files );
	pg.AddFiles( files );

	Array< VSProjectFileType > fileTypes;
		VSProjectFileType ft;
		ft.m_FileType = "CppForm";
		ft.m_Pattern = "Code\\Forms\\*.h";
		fileTypes.Append( ft );
		ft.m_FileType = "CppControl";
		ft.m_Pattern = "Controls\\*.h";
		fileTypes.Append( ft );

	AStackString<> projectFileName( "C:\\Windows\\System\\dummy.vcxproj" );

		Timer t;
		pg.GenerateVCXProj( projectFileName, configs, fileTypes );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		OUTPUT( "Gen vcxproj        : %2.3fs\n", time );
		Timer t;
		pg.GenerateVCXProjFilters( projectFileName );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		OUTPUT( "Gen vcxproj.filters: %2.3fs\n", time );
Example #6
// WriteSolutionConfigs
void SLNGenerator::WriteSolutionFolderListings( const Array< SLNSolutionFolder > & folders,
        Array< AString > & solutionFolderPaths )
    // Create every intermediate path
    const SLNSolutionFolder * const foldersEnd = folders.End();
    for( const SLNSolutionFolder * it = folders.Begin() ; it != foldersEnd ; ++it )
        if ( solutionFolderPaths.Find( it->m_Path ) == nullptr )
            solutionFolderPaths.Append( it->m_Path );

        const char * pathEnd = it->m_Path.Find( NATIVE_SLASH );
        while ( pathEnd )
            AStackString<> solutionFolderPath( it->m_Path.Get(), pathEnd );
            if ( solutionFolderPaths.Find( solutionFolderPath ) == nullptr )
                solutionFolderPaths.Append( solutionFolderPath );

            pathEnd = it->m_Path.Find( NATIVE_SLASH, pathEnd + 1 );


    // Solution Folders Listings

    const AString * const solutionFolderPathsEnd = solutionFolderPaths.End();
    for( const AString * it = solutionFolderPaths.Begin() ; it != solutionFolderPathsEnd ; ++it )
        // parse solution folder name
        const char * solutionFolderName = it->FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
        solutionFolderName = solutionFolderName ? solutionFolderName + 1 : it->Get();

        // generate a guid for the solution folder
        AStackString<> solutionFolderGuid;
        VSProjectGenerator::FormatDeterministicProjectGUID( solutionFolderGuid, *it );

        // Guid must be uppercase (like visual)

        Write( "Project(\"{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}\") = \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"\r\n",
               solutionFolderName, solutionFolderName, solutionFolderGuid.Get() );

        Write( "EndProject\r\n" );
Example #7
 unsigned operator <<= (const char* name)
  Name new_name;
  strcpy(new_name.name, name);
  return !names - 1;
Example #8
void RegisterUserFormats (Array<const char*> & names)
  const char *types[] =
      "Neutral Format",
      "VTU Format",
      "VTU Format, only volume",
      "Surface Mesh Format" ,
      "DIFFPACK Format",
      "TecPlot Format",
      "Tochnog Format",
      "Abaqus Format",
      "Fluent Format",
      "Permas Format",
      "FEAP Format",
      "Elmer Format",
      "STL Format",
      "VRML Format",
      "Gmsh Format",
      "Gmsh2 Format",
      "DOLFIN Format",
      "JCMwave Format",
      "TET Format",
      "Chemnitz Format", // Why not? - Mikael

  for (int i = 0; types[i]; i++)
    names.Append (types[i]);
Example #9
  void L2EnrichedQuadFESpace::GetDofNrs (int elnr, Array<int> & dnums) const {

    int first = first_cell_dof[elnr];
    int next  = first_cell_dof[elnr+1];
    for (int j = first; j < next; j++)  dnums.Append (j);      
Example #10
  int Ng_SetPrimitiveData (ClientData clientData,
			   Tcl_Interp * interp,
			   int argc, tcl_const char *argv[])
    CSGeometry * geometry = dynamic_cast<CSGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get());
    if (!geometry)
	Tcl_SetResult (interp, err_needscsgeometry, TCL_STATIC);
	return TCL_ERROR;

    tcl_const char * name = argv[1];
    tcl_const char * value = argv[2];

    Array<double> coeffs;

    cout << "Set primitive data, name = " << name
	 << ", value = " << value  << endl;

    istringstream vst (value);
    double val;
    while (!vst.eof())
	vst >> val;
	coeffs.Append (val);

     geometry->GetSolid (name)->GetPrimitive())->SetPrimitiveData (coeffs);

    return TCL_OK;
Example #11
// PopulateStringHelper
bool Function::PopulateStringHelper( const BFFIterator & iter, const Meta_Path * pathMD, const Meta_File * fileMD, const BFFVariable * variable, const AString & string, Array< AString > & outStrings ) const
	// Full paths to files can support aliases
	if ( fileMD && ( !fileMD->IsRelative() ) )
		// Is it an Alias?
		Node * node = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph().FindNode( string );
		if ( node && ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE ) )
			AliasNode * aliasNode = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
			for ( const auto& aliasedNode : aliasNode->GetAliasedNodes() )
				if ( !PopulateStringHelper( iter, pathMD, fileMD, variable, aliasedNode.GetNode()->GetName(), outStrings ) )
					return false; // PopulateStringHelper will have emitted an error
			return true;

		// Not an alias - fall through to normal handling

	AStackString<> stringToFix( string );
	if ( !PopulatePathAndFileHelper( iter, pathMD, fileMD, variable->GetName(), stringToFix ) )
		return false; // PopulatePathAndFileHelper will have emitted an error
	outStrings.Append( stringToFix );
	return true;
Example #12
// GetSourceNodes
bool FunctionCopy::GetSourceNodes( const BFFIterator & iter, Node * node, Array< Node * > & nodes ) const
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
        // resolve aliases to real nodes
        AliasNode * aliasNode = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
        const Dependencies & aliasedNodes = aliasNode->GetAliasedNodes();
        const Dependency * const end = aliasedNodes.End();
        for ( const Dependency * it = aliasedNodes.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
            if ( !GetSourceNodes( iter, it->GetNode(), nodes ) )
                return false;
        return true;
    else if ( node->IsAFile() )
        // anything that results in a file is ok
        nodes.Append( node );
        return true;

    // something we don't know how to handle
    Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, this, ".Source", node->GetName(), node->GetType() );
    return false;
Example #13
// GetStringOrArrayOfStringsFromStruct
bool FunctionSLN::GetStringOrArrayOfStringsFromStruct( const BFFIterator & iter, const BFFVariable * s, const char * name, Array< AString > & result ) const
    for ( const BFFVariable * v : s->GetStructMembers() )
        if ( v->GetName() == name )
			if ( ( v->IsArrayOfStrings() == false ) && ( v->IsString() == false ) )
				Error::Error_1050_PropertyMustBeOfType( iter, this, name, v->GetType(), BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS, BFFVariable::VAR_STRING );
				return false;

			if ( v->IsArrayOfStrings() )
				result = v->GetArrayOfStrings();
				result.Append( v->GetString() );
			return true; // found

    // TODO:B custom error
    Error::Error_1101_MissingProperty( iter, this, AStackString<>( name ) );
    return false;
Example #14
 void AddOption(const char **var, const char *short_name,
                const char *long_name, const char *description,
                bool required = false)
    options.Append(Option(STRING, var, short_name, long_name, description,
STLGeometry *  STLTopology :: LoadNaomi (istream & ist)
  int i;
  STLGeometry * geom = new STLGeometry();
  Array<STLReadTriangle> readtrigs;

  PrintFnStart("read NAOMI file format");
  char buf[100];
  Vec<3> normal;

  //int cntface = 0;
  //int cntvertex = 0;
  double px, py, pz;

  int noface, novertex;
  Array<Point<3> > readpoints;

  ist >> buf;
  if (strcmp (buf, "NODES") == 0)
      ist >> novertex;
      PrintMessage(5,"nuber of vertices = ", novertex);
      for (i = 0; i < novertex; i++)
	  ist >> px;
	  ist >> py;
	  ist >> pz;
	  readpoints.Append(Point<3> (px,py,pz));
Example #16
 void AddOption(Vector * var, const char *short_name,
                const char *long_name, const char *description,
                bool required = false)
    options.Append(Option(VECTOR, var, short_name, long_name, description,
Example #17
 void AddOption(Array<int> * var, const char *short_name,
                const char *long_name, const char *description,
                bool required = false)
    options.Append(Option(ARRAY, var, short_name, long_name, description,
Example #18
  void Add (int ind)
    if (!flags.Test(ind))
	set.Append (ind);
	flags.Set (ind);
Example #19
// ReadRef
bool TextReader::ReadRef()
    // Name
    AStackString<> name;
    if ( !GetToken( name ) )
        Error( "Missing ref name" );
        return false;

    AStackString<> value;
    if ( !GetString( value ) )
        Error( "Missing ref value" );
        return false;

    Ref< RefObject > ref;
    if ( value != "null" )
        ref = (RefObject *)ReflectionInfo::CreateObject( value );
        if ( ref.Get() == nullptr )
            Error( "Unable to create sub-object" );
            ASSERT( false ); // TODO: Handle failure/skipping gracefully
            return false;

    const StackFrame & sf = m_DeserializationStack.Top();

    if ( sf.m_ArrayProperty )
        void * arrayBase = (void *)( (size_t)sf.m_Base + (size_t)sf.m_ArrayProperty->GetOffset() );
        Array< Ref< RefObject > > *array = ( Array< Ref< RefObject > > *)( arrayBase );
        array->Append( ref );
        sf.m_Reflection->SetProperty( sf.m_Base, name.Get(), ref );

    // do sub-object properties if needed
    if ( ref.Get() )
        StackFrame newFrame;
        newFrame.m_Base = (void *)ref.Get();
        newFrame.m_Reflection = ref->GetReflectionInfoV();
        newFrame.m_ArrayProperty = nullptr;
        #ifdef DEBUG
            newFrame.m_RefObject = ref.Get();
            newFrame.m_Struct = nullptr;
        m_DeserializationStack.Append( newFrame );

    return true;
Example #20
void STLEdgeDataList :: BuildLineWithEdge(int ep1, int ep2, Array<twoint>& line)
    int status = Get(GetEdgeNum(ep1,ep2)).GetStatus();

    int found, pstart, p(0), en, pnew(0), ennew(0);
    int closed = 0;
    int j, i;
    for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
        if (j == 1) {
            p = ep1;
        if (j == 2) {
            p = ep2;

        pstart = p;
        en = GetEdgeNum(ep1,ep2);

        found = 1;
        while (found && !closed)
            found = 0;

            if (GetNEPPStat(p,status) == 2)
                for (i = 1; i <= GetNEPP(p); i++)
                    const STLTopEdge & e = Get(GetEdgePP(p,i));
                    if (GetEdgePP(p,i) != en && e.GetStatus() == status)
                        if (e.PNum(1) == p)
                            pnew = e.PNum(2);
                            pnew = e.PNum(1);

                        ennew = GetEdgePP(p,i);
                if (pnew == pstart) {
                    closed = 1;
                    p = pnew;
                    en = ennew;
                    found = 1;

STLGeometry *  STLTopology :: LoadBinary (istream & ist)
  STLGeometry * geom = new STLGeometry();
  Array<STLReadTriangle> readtrigs;

  PrintMessage(1,"Read STL binary file");
  if (sizeof(int) != 4 || sizeof(float) != 4) 
      PrintWarning("for stl-binary compatibility only use 32 bit compilation!!!");

  //specific settings for stl-binary format
  const int namelen = 80; //length of name of header in file
  const int nospaces = 2; //number of spaces after a triangle

  //read header: name
  char buf[namelen+1];
  PrintMessage(5,"header = ",buf);

  //Read Number of facets
  int nofacets;
  PrintMessage(5,"NO facets = ",nofacets);

  Point<3> pts[3];
  Vec<3> normal;

  char spaces[nospaces+1];

  for (int cntface = 0; cntface < nofacets; cntface++)
      if (cntface % 10000 == 0)
	// { PrintDot(); } 
	PrintMessageCR (3, cntface, " triangles loaded\r");

      float f;
      FIOReadFloat(ist,f); normal(0) = f;
      FIOReadFloat(ist,f); normal(1) = f;
      FIOReadFloat(ist,f); normal(2) = f;
      for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
	  FIOReadFloat(ist,f); pts[j](0) = f;
	  FIOReadFloat(ist,f); pts[j](1) = f;
	  FIOReadFloat(ist,f); pts[j](2) = f;	  

      readtrigs.Append (STLReadTriangle (pts, normal));
  PrintMessage (3, nofacets, " triangles loaded\r");  


  return geom;
Example #22
  void MyHighOrderFESpace :: GetSDofNrs (int elnr, Array<int> & dnums) const
    // the same for the surface elements


    Ngs_Element ngel = ma->GetSElement (elnr);

    // vertex dofs
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      dnums.Append (ngel.vertices[i]);

    // edge dofs
    int first = first_edge_dof[ngel.edges[0]];
    int next  = first_edge_dof[ngel.edges[0]+1];
    for (int j = first; j < next; j++)
      dnums.Append (j);
Example #23
  void ADTree :: GetMatch (Array <int> & matches)
    int nodenr;


    while ( (nodenr = Next()) != -1)
      matches.Append (nodenr);
Example #24
void STLEdgeDataList :: BuildClusterWithEdge(int ep1, int ep2, Array<twoint>& line)
    int status = Get(GetEdgeNum(ep1,ep2)).GetStatus();

    int p(0), en;
    int j, i, k;
    int oldend;
    int newend = 1;
    int pnew, ennew(0);

    int changed = 1;
    while (changed)
        changed = 0;
        for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
            oldend = newend;
            newend = line.Size();
            for (k = oldend; k <= line.Size(); k++)
                if (j == 1) p = line.Get(k).i1;
                if (j == 2) p = line.Get(k).i2;
                en = GetEdgeNum(line.Get(k).i1, line.Get(k).i2);

                for (i = 1; i <= GetNEPP(p); i++)
                    pnew = 0;
                    const STLTopEdge & e = Get(GetEdgePP(p,i));
                    if (GetEdgePP(p,i) != en && e.GetStatus() == status)
                        if (e.PNum(1) == p)
                            pnew = e.PNum(2);
                            pnew = e.PNum(1);

                        ennew = GetEdgePP(p,i);
                    if (pnew && !Exists(p,pnew,line))
                        changed = 1;
                        p = pnew;
                        en = ennew;



Example #25
  double Validate(const Mesh & mesh, Array<ElementIndex> & bad_elements,
		  const Array<double> & pure_badness,
		  double max_worsening, const bool uselocalworsening,
		  Array<double> * quality_loss)
    PrintMessage(3,"!!!! Validating !!!!");
    //if(max_worsening > 0)
    //  (*testout) << "badness " << counter++ << endl;


    double loc_pure_badness = -1;

      loc_pure_badness = pure_badness.Last(); // maximum is saved at last position

    double worsening = -1;
    ElementIndex ind;

    if(quality_loss != NULL)

    for (ElementIndex i = 0; i < mesh.GetNE(); i++)
	    loc_pure_badness = -1;
	    for(int j=0; j<mesh[i].GetNP(); j++)
	      if(pure_badness[mesh[i][j]] > loc_pure_badness)
		loc_pure_badness = pure_badness[mesh[i][j]];

	double bad = mesh[i].CalcJacobianBadness (mesh.Points());
	if (bad > 1e10 || 
	    (max_worsening > 0 && bad > loc_pure_badness*max_worsening))

	if(max_worsening > 0)
	    double actw = bad/loc_pure_badness;
	    if(quality_loss != NULL)
	      (*quality_loss)[i] = actw;

	    if(actw > worsening)
		worsening = actw;
		ind = i;
    return worsening;
Example #26
  void ADTree3M :: GetIntersecting (const float * bmin, 
				    const float * bmax,
				    Array<int> & pis) const
    static Array<ADTreeNode3M*> stack(1000);
    static Array<int> stackdir(1000);
    ADTreeNode3M * node;
    int dir, i, stacks;

    stack.SetSize (1000);

    stack.Elem(1) = root;
    stackdir.Elem(1) = 0;
    stacks = 1;

    while (stacks)
	node = stack.Get(stacks);
	dir = stackdir.Get(stacks); 

	int * hpi = node->pi;
	for (i = 0; i < ADTN_SIZE; i++)
	  if (hpi[i])
	      float * datai = &node->data[i][0];
	      if (datai[0] >= bmin[0] && datai[0] <= bmax[0] &&
		  datai[1] >= bmin[1] && datai[1] <= bmax[1] &&
		  datai[2] >= bmin[2] && datai[2] <= bmax[2])
		pis.Append (node->pi[i]);

	int ndir = dir+1;
	if (ndir == 3)
	  ndir = 0;

	if (node->left && bmin[dir] <= node->sep)
	    stack.Elem(stacks) = node->left;
	    stackdir.Elem(stacks) = ndir;
	if (node->right && bmax[dir] >= node->sep)
	    stack.Elem(stacks) = node->right;
	    stackdir.Elem(stacks) = ndir;
Example #27
	bool InitBrowser(const std::array<BrowserConnectionDescription, OVERLAY_COUNT> &browsers, LONG width, LONG height)
		Array servers;
		for (const auto &browser : browsers)
				.Set("server", browser.server)
				.Set("name", browser.name));

		return SendEvent(EventCreate("init_browser")
			.Set("servers", servers)
			.Set("width", Number(width))
			.Set("height", Number(height)));
Example #28
// Flatten
void Report::IncludeStatsMap::Flatten( Array< const IncludeStats * > & stats ) const
	for ( size_t i=0; i<65536; ++i )
		IncludeStats * item = m_Table[ i ];
		while ( item )
			IncludeStats * next = item->m_Next;
			stats.Append( item );
			item = next;
Example #29
  void ADTree3 :: GetIntersecting (const float * bmin, 
				   const float * bmax,
				   Array<int> & pis) const
    static Array<ADTreeNode3*> stack(1000);
    static Array<int> stackdir(1000);
    ADTreeNode3 * node;
    int dir, stacks;

    stack.SetSize (1000);

    stack.Elem(1) = root;
    stackdir.Elem(1) = 0;
    stacks = 1;

    while (stacks)
	node = stack.Get(stacks);
	dir = stackdir.Get(stacks); 

	if (node->pi != -1)
	    if (node->data[0] >= bmin[0] && node->data[0] <= bmax[0] &&
		node->data[1] >= bmin[1] && node->data[1] <= bmax[1] &&
		node->data[2] >= bmin[2] && node->data[2] <= bmax[2])

	      pis.Append (node->pi);

	int ndir = dir+1;
	if (ndir == 3)
	  ndir = 0;

	if (node->left && bmin[dir] <= node->sep)
	    stack.Elem(stacks) = node->left;
	    stackdir.Elem(stacks) = ndir;
	if (node->right && bmax[dir] >= node->sep)
	    stack.Elem(stacks) = node->right;
	    stackdir.Elem(stacks) = ndir;
Example #30
// GetInputFiles
void ObjectListNode::GetInputFiles( Array< AString > & files ) const
    // only valid to call on ObjectListNode (not LibraryNode)
    ASSERT( GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE );

    files.SetCapacity( files.GetCapacity() + m_DynamicDependencies.GetSize() );
    for ( Dependencies::Iter i = m_DynamicDependencies.Begin();
            i != m_DynamicDependencies.End();
            i++ )
        const Node * n = i->GetNode();
        files.Append( n->GetName() );