Example #1
// VRMenuMgrLocal::CondenseList
// keeps the free list from growing too large when items are removed
void VRMenuMgrLocal::CondenseList()
	// we can only condense the array if we have a significant number of items at the end of the array buffer
	// that are empty (because we cannot move an existing object around without changing its handle, too, which
	// would invalidate any existing references to it).  
	// This is the difference between the current size and the array capacity.
	int const MIN_FREE = 64;	// very arbitray number
	if ( ObjectList.GetCapacityI() - ObjectList.GetSizeI() < MIN_FREE )

	// shrink to current size
	ObjectList.Resize( ObjectList.GetSizeI() );	

	// create a new free list of just indices < the new size
	Array< int > newFreeList;
	for ( int i = 0; i < FreeList.GetSizeI(); ++i ) 
		if ( FreeList[i] <= ObjectList.GetSizeI() )
			newFreeList.PushBack( FreeList[i] );
	FreeList = newFreeList;