// *********************************************************************** // // INI FILE // bool GetOTAppDataFolderLocation(const OTString & strIniFileDefault, OTString & strOTServerDataLocation) { CSimpleIniA ini; SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(strIniFileDefault.Get()); if (rc >=0) { { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "prefix_path", OT_PREFIX_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) { OTLog::SetPrefixPath(pVal); OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main: Reading ini file (%s). \n Found prefix_path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), OTLog::PrefixPath()); } else OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main:Ini file: %s: Failed to find prefix_path. \n", strIniFileDefault.Get()); } { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "init_path", OT_FOLDER_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) { OTLog::SetConfigPath(pVal); OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main: Reading ini file (%s). \n Found Server init_path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), OTLog::ConfigPath()); } else OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main:Ini file: %s: Failed to find init_path. \n", strIniFileDefault.Get()); } { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "server_path", SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) { strOTServerDataLocation.Set(pVal); OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main: Reading ini file (%s). \n Found Server data_folder path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strOTServerDataLocation.Get()); return true; } OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main: Reading ini file (%s) \n", strIniFileDefault.Get()); return false; } } else { OTLog::vOutput(0, "server main: Unable to load ini file (%s) to find data_folder path \n", strIniFileDefault.Get()); return false; } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Load & apply some settings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MainClient::_loadGameSettings(void) { CSimpleIniA ini; if( ini.LoadFile("settings.ini") < 0 ){ throw "Could not open the settings file!"; } //Input .ini file settings info.debug = ini.GetBoolValue("Settings", "debug"); info.mapfile = ini.GetValue("Settings", "map"); info.demoFile = ini.GetValue("Settings", "demo"); info.demoPlay = ini.GetBoolValue("Settings", "play"); info.demoRecord = ini.GetBoolValue("Settings", "record"); info.texturefile = ini.GetValue("Settings", "textures"); info.fullscreen = ini.GetBoolValue("Window", "fullscreen"); info.window_width = ini.GetLongValue("Window", "width"); info.window_height = ini.GetLongValue("Window", "height"); info.cursorfile = ini.GetValue("Window", "cursor"); info.fpslimit = ini.GetLongValue("Graphics", "fpslimit"); info.frameskip = ini.GetLongValue("Graphics", "frameskip"); /* Load the weapon list */ CSimpleIniA weaponlist; weaponlist.LoadFile("assets/weaponlist.ini"); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; weaponlist.GetAllKeys("Weapons", keys); //Build Weapon definitions CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for(i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i){ //corresponds to the weapon select menu WeaponList.push_back(weaponlist.GetValue("Weapons", i->pItem)); { //Push back a weapon info object::Weapon::Info winfo; std::string path = WeaponList.back() + "/weapon.ini"; object::Weapon::Info::Load(path.c_str(), &winfo); WeaponInfo.push_back(winfo); } } } //void MainClient::_loadGameSettings(void)
int AvgChoiceModule::init() { std::string config_path = "config.ini"; CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetMultiKey(true); if (ini.LoadFile(config_path.c_str()) < 0) { colorPrintf(ConsoleColor(ConsoleColor::red), "Can't load '%s' file!", config_path.c_str()); return 1; } const char *db_path = ini.GetValue("statisctic", "db_path", NULL); if (!db_path) { colorPrintf(ConsoleColor(ConsoleColor::red), "Can't read db_path value"); return 1; } int rc = sqlite3_open(db_path, &db); if (rc) { colorPrintf(ConsoleColor(ConsoleColor::red), "Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); return (1); } return 0; }
// *********************************************************************** // // INI FILE // bool GetOTAppDataFolderLocation(OTString strIniFileDefault, OTString & strOTServerDataLocation) { CSimpleIniA ini; SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(strIniFileDefault.Get()); if (rc >=0) { { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "server_path", SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) { strOTServerDataLocation.Set(pVal); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s). \n Found Server data_folder path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strOTServerDataLocation.Get()); return true; } OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s) \n", strIniFileDefault.Get()); return false; } } else { OTLog::vOutput(0, "Unable to load ini file (%s) to find data_folder path \n", strIniFileDefault.Get()); return false; } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { lua_State *L = lua_open(); /* create state */ if (L != NULL) { luaL_openlibs(L); /* open libraries */ luamodule_cjson(L); luamodule_cjson_safe(L); luamodule_md5(L); luamodule_des56(L); CSimpleIniA ini; ini.LoadFile("app.ini"); const char* tmp; tmp = ini.GetValue("Application","libs.dir",NULL); if(tmp!=NULL) { std::string s(tmp); size_t last = 0; size_t index=s.find_first_of(";",last); while (index!=std::string::npos) { addSearchPath(L, s.substr(last,index-last).c_str()); last=index+1; index=s.find_first_of(";",last); } if (index-last>0) { addSearchPath(L, s.substr(last,index-last).c_str()); } } } return luamain(L, argc,argv); }
inline std::string get(const std::string key, const std::string obj="root") { using namespace std; _guard g(m); #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "Filecache: " << key << "..." << std::endl; #endif const char* out = ini.GetValue(obj.c_str(), key.c_str(), ""); return string(out); }
bool loadConfig(void) { CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.LoadFile("config.ini"); const char* url = ini.GetValue("config", "url", ""); if (NULL == url) { return false; } const char* timer = ini.GetValue("config", "timer", "10"); if (NULL == timer) { return false; } g_jieshuiURL = new string(url); g_timer = atoi(timer); g_timer *= 1000; //cout << *g_jieshuiURL << endl << g_timer << endl; return true; }
void MainClient::_loadObjectSprites(void) { gs.MercTexture.resize(mercGFX::COUNT, 0); glGenTextures(mercGFX::COUNT, &gs.MercTexture[0]); CSimpleIniA texini; texini.LoadFile(info.texturefile.c_str()); std::string texpath; //Manualy load merc sprites into one default mercGFX object LoadTex(gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::IDLE], texini.GetValue("Merc", "still")); LoadTex(gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::RUN], texini.GetValue("Merc", "run")); LoadTex(gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::JET], texini.GetValue("Merc", "jets")); LoadTex(gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::JETFLAME], texini.GetValue("Merc", "jetflame")); LoadTex(gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::SHOOT], texini.GetValue("Merc", "shoot")); gs.MercSprite.Idle = Sprite("assets/sprite/merc/still.sprh", gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::IDLE]); gs.MercSprite.Run = Sprite("assets/sprite/merc/run.sprh", gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::RUN]); gs.MercSprite.Jet = Sprite("assets/sprite/merc/jet.sprh", gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::JET]); gs.MercSprite.JetFlame = Sprite("assets/sprite/merc/jetflame.sprh", gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::JETFLAME]); gs.MercSprite.Shoot = Sprite("assets/sprite/merc/shoot.sprh", gs.MercTexture[mercGFX::SHOOT]); }
inline std::map<std::string,std::string> getMap(const std::string& obj) { using namespace std; _guard g(m); map<std::string,std::string> res; CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; ini.GetAllKeys(obj.c_str(), keys); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for(i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) { const CSimpleIniA::SI_CHAR_T* _key = i->pItem; const CSimpleIniA::SI_CHAR_T* _val = ini.GetValue(obj.c_str(), _key, NULL); res[std::string(_key)] = std::string(_val); } return res; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.LoadFile("myfile.ini"); const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("section", "key", "default"); ini.SetValue("section", "key", "newvalue"); std::string strData; ini.Save(strData); printf("strData.c_str(): %s\n", strData.c_str()); return 0; }
int main(void) { CSimpleIniA ini; const char* filename="test.ini"; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.LoadFile(filename); ini.SetValue("node1","foo","foonew"); const char* inivalue=ini.GetValue("node1","foo",NULL); printf("%s\n",inivalue); printf("end!\n"); bool b=false; ini.SaveFile(filename,b); ini.Reset(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { map<EVENT_TYPE, string> stringByEventType; stringByEventType[LICENSE_OK ] = "OK "; stringByEventType[LICENSE_FILE_NOT_FOUND ] = "license file not found "; stringByEventType[LICENSE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND ] = "license server can't be contacted "; stringByEventType[ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NOT_DEFINED] = "environment variable not defined "; stringByEventType[FILE_FORMAT_NOT_RECOGNIZED ] = "license file has invalid format (not .ini file) "; stringByEventType[LICENSE_MALFORMED ] = "some mandatory field are missing, or data can't be fully read. "; stringByEventType[PRODUCT_NOT_LICENSED ] = "this product was not licensed "; stringByEventType[PRODUCT_EXPIRED ] = "license expired "; stringByEventType[LICENSE_CORRUPTED ] = "license signature didn't match with current license "; stringByEventType[IDENTIFIERS_MISMATCH ] = "Calculated identifier and the one provided in license didn't match"; stringByEventType[LICENSE_FILE_FOUND ] = "license file not found "; stringByEventType[LICENSE_VERIFIED ] = "license verified "; const string licLocation("example.lic"); LicenseInfo licenseInfo; LicenseLocation licenseLocation; licenseLocation.openFileNearModule = false; licenseLocation.licenseFileLocation = licLocation.c_str(); licenseLocation.environmentVariableName = ""; EVENT_TYPE result = acquire_license("example", licenseLocation, &licenseInfo); PcSignature signature; FUNCTION_RETURN generate_ok = generate_user_pc_signature(signature, DEFAULT); if (result == LICENSE_OK && licenseInfo.linked_to_pc) { CSimpleIniA ini; SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(licLocation.c_str()); string IDinLicense = ini.GetValue("example", "client_signature", ""); if (IDinLicense == "") { cout << "No client signature in license file, generate license with -s <id>"; result = IDENTIFIERS_MISMATCH; } else if (IDinLicense != signature) { result = IDENTIFIERS_MISMATCH; } } if (result != LICENSE_OK) { cout << "license ERROR :" << endl; cout << " " << stringByEventType[result].c_str() << endl; cout << "the pc signature is :" << endl; cout << " " << signature << endl; } else cout << "license OK" << endl; }
void parseIniFile(const string& filepath) throw(TCLAP::ArgException) { CSimpleIniA inireader; inireader.SetUnicode(); inireader.LoadFile(filepath.c_str()); if(inireader.IsEmpty()) throw(TCLAP::ArgException("Ini-File not found!", "-i")); _RESULT_DIRECTORY_NAME_ = inireader.GetValue("detection", "result_directory_name", DEFAULT_RESULT_DIRECTORY_NAME); _WRITE_PROBABILITY_MAPS_ = inireader.GetBoolValue("detection", "write_probability_maps", DEFAULT_WRITE_PROBABILITY_MAPS); _FILENAME_RESULT_SUFFIX_ = inireader.GetValue("detection", "filename_result_suffix", DEFAULT_FILENAME_RESULT_SUFFIX); _PROB_MAP_RESULT_SUFFIX_ = inireader.GetValue("detection", "prob_map_result_suffix", DEFAULT_PROB_MAP_RESULT_SUFFIX); _MAX_BOUNDINGBOX_OVERLAP_ = inireader.GetDoubleValue("detection", "max_boundingbox_overlap", DEFAULT_MAX_BOUNDINGBOX_OVERLAP); #ifndef PERFORM_EVALUATION _DETECTION_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_ = inireader.GetValue("detection", "detection_default_threshold", DEFAULT_DETECTION_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD); _DETECTION_LABEL_THRESHOLDS_ = inireader.GetValue("detection", "detection_label_thresholds", DEFAULT_DETECTION_LABEL_THRESHOLDS); _DETECTION_LABELS_ = inireader.GetValue("detection", "detection_labels", DEFAULT_DETECTION_LABELS); #else _DETECTION_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_ = "0.15"; _DETECTION_LABEL_THRESHOLDS_ = ""; _DETECTION_LABELS_ = ""; #endif _LABEL_DELIMITER_ = inireader.GetValue("training", "label_delimiter", DEFAULT_LABEL_DELIMITER); _MAX_BOOTSTRAP_STAGES_ = inireader.GetLongValue("training", "max_bootstrap_stages", DEFAULT_MAX_BOOTSTRAP_STAGES); _PATCH_WINDOW_SIZE_ = inireader.GetLongValue("common", "patch_window_size", DEFAULT_PATCH_SIZE); _IMG_FILE_EXTENTIONS_ = inireader.GetValue("common", "file_extentions", DEFAULT_IMG_FILE_EXTENTIONS); _BACKGROUND_LABEL_ = inireader.GetLongValue("common", "background_label", DEAFULT_BACKGROUND_LABEL); // cout << "Ini-file: " << endl; // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_RESULT_DIRECTORY_NAME_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_WRITE_PROBABILITY_MAPS_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_FILENAME_RESULT_SUFFIX_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_PROB_MAP_RESULT_SUFFIX_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_MAX_BOUNDINGBOX_OVERLAP_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_DETECTION_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_DETECTION_LABEL_THRESHOLDS_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_DETECTION_LABELS_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_LABEL_DELIMITER_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_MAX_BOOTSTRAP_STAGES_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_PATCH_WINDOW_SIZE_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_IMG_FILE_EXTENTIONS_); // DEBUG_COUT_VAR(_BACKGROUND_LABEL_); // exit(-1); }
void load(const char* filename) { CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.LoadFile(filename); _mouseSensitivity = static_cast<float>(ini.GetDoubleValue("Controls", "Mouse Sensitivity", 0.5f)); _displayWidth = ini.GetLongValue("Graphics", "Width", 640); _displayHeight = ini.GetLongValue("Graphics", "Height", 480); _fullscreen = ini.GetBoolValue("Graphics", "Fullscreen"); _borderless = ini.GetBoolValue("Graphics", "Borderless"); _fieldOfView = static_cast<float>(ini.GetDoubleValue("Graphics", "Field of View", 45.f)); _showConsole = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Show Console"); _logging = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Logging"); _showMouseCursor = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Show Mouse Cursor"); _centerMouseCursor = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Center Mouse Cursor", true); _showFPS = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Show FPS", true); _showCursorCoordinates = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Show Cursor Coords", true); _debugContext = ini.GetBoolValue("Debug", "Debug Context", false); *_startingScene = ini.GetValue("Debug", "Starting Scene", "default"); }
int main(int ArgumentCount, char* Arguments[]) { M2Lib::CM2 M2; char iniFileName[1024]; strcpy(iniFileName, Arguments[0]); char* lastSlash = strrchr(iniFileName, '\\'); if (NULL == lastSlash) { lastSlash = strrchr(iniFileName, '/'); } if (NULL != lastSlash) { lastSlash[1] = 0; } strcat(iniFileName, "M2Mod.ini"); const char* szInputM2 = 0; const char* szOutputM2I = 0; const char* szInputM2I = 0; const char* szOutputM2 = 0; const char* szSubmeshPositionalTolerance = 0; const char* szSubmeshAngularTolerance = 0; const char* szBodyPositionalTolerance = 0; const char* szBodyAngularTolerance = 0; const char* szClothingPositionalTolerance = 0; const char* szClothingAngularTolerance = 0; const char* szIgnoreMaterials = 0; const char* szIgnoreBones = 0; const char* szIgnoreAttachments = 0; const char* szIgnoreCameras = 0; const char* szMirrorCamera = 0; const char* szScale = 0; const char* szShowVersion = 0; g_Verbose = 0; Float32 SubmeshPositionalTolerance = 0.0005f; Float32 SubmeshAngularTolerance = 60.0f; Float32 BodyPositionalTolerance = 0.0005f; Float32 BodyAngularTolerance = 90.0f; Float32 ClothingPositionalTolerance = 0.0005f; Float32 ClothingAngularTolerance = 45.0f; bool IgnoreMaterials = false; bool IgnoreBones = false; bool IgnoreAttachments = false; bool IgnoreCameras = false; bool MirrorCamera = false; Float32 Scale = 1.0f; bool ShowVersion = false; CSimpleIniA Ini; bool Pause = true; if ( ArgumentCount <= 1 ) { // take inputs from INI //std::cout << "loading INI" << std::endl; if ( Ini.LoadFile( iniFileName ) != SI_OK ) { std::cout << "Error: Could not load M2Mod.ini. Make sure M2Mod.ini is in same directory as M2Mod.exe." << std::endl; system("pause"); return 0; } szInputM2 = Ini.GetValue( "input", "InputM2" ); szOutputM2I = Ini.GetValue( "input", "OutputM2I" ); szInputM2I = Ini.GetValue( "input", "InputM2I" ); szOutputM2 = Ini.GetValue( "input", "OutputM2" ); szSubmeshPositionalTolerance = Ini.GetValue( "options", "SubmeshPositionalTolerance" ); szSubmeshAngularTolerance = Ini.GetValue( "options", "SubmeshAngularTolerance" ); szBodyPositionalTolerance = Ini.GetValue( "options", "BodyPositionalTolerance" ); szBodyAngularTolerance = Ini.GetValue( "options", "BodyAngularTolerance" ); szClothingPositionalTolerance = Ini.GetValue( "options", "ClothingPositionalTolerance" ); szClothingAngularTolerance = Ini.GetValue( "options", "ClothingAngularTolerance" ); szIgnoreMaterials = Ini.GetValue( "options", "IgnoreMaterials" ); szIgnoreBones = Ini.GetValue( "options", "IgnoreBones" ); szIgnoreAttachments = Ini.GetValue( "options", "IgnoreAttachments" ); szMirrorCamera = Ini.GetValue( "options", "MirrorCamera" ); szScale = Ini.GetValue( "options", "Scale" ); szShowVersion = Ini.GetValue( "debug", "ShowVersion" ); g_Verbose = Ini.GetLongValue( "debug", "Verbose" ); } else { // take inputs from command line //std::cout << "loading CMD" << std::endl; Pause = false; for ( SInt32 i = 1; i < ArgumentCount; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/InputM2" ) == 0 ) { i++; szInputM2 = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/OutputM2I" ) == 0 ) { i++; szOutputM2I = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/InputM2I" ) == 0 ) { i++; szInputM2I = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/OutputM2" ) == 0 ) { i++; szOutputM2 = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/SubmeshPositionalTolerance" ) == 0 ) { i++; szSubmeshPositionalTolerance = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/SubmeshAngularTolerance" ) == 0 ) { i++; szSubmeshAngularTolerance = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/BodyPositionalTolerance" ) == 0 ) { i++; szBodyPositionalTolerance = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/BodyAngularTolerance" ) == 0 ) { i++; szBodyAngularTolerance = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/ClothingPositionalTolerance" ) == 0 ) { i++; szClothingPositionalTolerance = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/ClothingAngularTolerance" ) == 0 ) { i++; szClothingAngularTolerance = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/IgnoreMaterials" ) == 0 ) { szIgnoreMaterials = "1"; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/IgnoreBones" ) == 0 ) { szIgnoreBones = "1"; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/IgnoreAttachments" ) == 0 ) { szIgnoreBones = "1"; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/IgnoreCameras" ) == 0 ) { szIgnoreBones = "1"; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/MirrorCamera" ) == 0 ) { szMirrorCamera = "1"; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/Scale" ) == 0 ) { i++; szScale = Arguments[i]; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/ShowVersion" ) == 0 ) { szShowVersion = "1"; } else if ( strcmp( Arguments[i], "/Verbose" ) == 0 ) { i++; g_Verbose = atoi( Arguments[i] ); } } } if ( szShowVersion ) { if ( szShowVersion[0] == '0' ) { ShowVersion = false; } else { ShowVersion = true; } } if ( ShowVersion ) { std::cout << "M2Mod version: " << M2MOD_VERSION << std::endl; } if ( szIgnoreMaterials ) { if ( szIgnoreMaterials[0] == '0' ) { IgnoreMaterials = false; } else { IgnoreMaterials = true; } } if ( szIgnoreBones ) { if ( szIgnoreBones[0] == '0' ) { IgnoreBones = false; } else { IgnoreBones = true; } } if ( szIgnoreAttachments ) { if ( szIgnoreAttachments[0] == '0' ) { IgnoreAttachments = false; } else { IgnoreAttachments = true; } } if ( szIgnoreCameras ) { if ( szIgnoreCameras[0] == '0' ) { IgnoreCameras = false; } else { IgnoreCameras = true; } } if ( szMirrorCamera ) { if ( szMirrorCamera[0] == '0' ) { MirrorCamera = false; } else { MirrorCamera = true; } } if ( szSubmeshPositionalTolerance ) { SubmeshPositionalTolerance = (Float32)atof( szSubmeshPositionalTolerance ); } if ( szSubmeshAngularTolerance ) { SubmeshAngularTolerance = (Float32)atof( szSubmeshAngularTolerance ); } if ( szBodyPositionalTolerance ) { BodyPositionalTolerance = (Float32)atof( szBodyPositionalTolerance ); } if ( szBodyAngularTolerance ) { BodyAngularTolerance = (Float32)atof( szBodyAngularTolerance ); } if ( szClothingPositionalTolerance ) { ClothingPositionalTolerance = (Float32)atof( szClothingPositionalTolerance ); } if ( szClothingAngularTolerance ) { ClothingAngularTolerance = (Float32)atof( szClothingAngularTolerance ); } if ( SubmeshPositionalTolerance < 0.0f ) { SubmeshPositionalTolerance = 0.0f; } else if ( SubmeshPositionalTolerance > MaxPositionalTolerance ) { SubmeshPositionalTolerance = MaxPositionalTolerance; } if ( SubmeshAngularTolerance < 0.0f ) { SubmeshAngularTolerance = 0.0f; } else if ( SubmeshAngularTolerance > MaxAngularTolerance ) { SubmeshAngularTolerance = MaxAngularTolerance; } if ( BodyPositionalTolerance < 0.0f ) { BodyPositionalTolerance = 0.0f; } else if ( BodyPositionalTolerance > MaxPositionalTolerance ) { BodyPositionalTolerance = MaxPositionalTolerance; } if ( BodyAngularTolerance < 0.0f ) { BodyAngularTolerance = 0.0f; } else if ( BodyAngularTolerance > MaxAngularTolerance ) { BodyAngularTolerance = MaxAngularTolerance; } if ( ClothingPositionalTolerance < 0.0f ) { ClothingPositionalTolerance = 0.0f; } else if ( ClothingPositionalTolerance > MaxPositionalTolerance ) { ClothingPositionalTolerance = MaxPositionalTolerance; } if ( ClothingAngularTolerance < 0.0f ) { ClothingAngularTolerance = 0.0f; } else if ( ClothingAngularTolerance > MaxAngularTolerance ) { ClothingAngularTolerance = MaxAngularTolerance; } SubmeshAngularTolerance *= DegreesToRadians; BodyAngularTolerance *= DegreesToRadians; ClothingAngularTolerance *= DegreesToRadians; if ( szInputM2 ) { std::cout << "Loading M2: " << szInputM2 << std::endl; if ( M2Lib::EError Error = M2.Load( const_cast<Char8*>(szInputM2) ) ) { std::cout << M2Lib::GetErrorText( Error ) << std::endl; system("pause"); return -1; } } else { std::cout << "Error: No input M2 specified" << std::endl; system("pause"); return -1; } if ( szOutputM2I ) { std::cout << "Exporting M2I: " << szOutputM2I << std::endl; if ( M2Lib::EError Error = M2.ExportM2Intermediate( const_cast<Char8*>(szOutputM2I) ) ) { std::cout << M2Lib::GetErrorText( Error ) << std::endl; system("pause"); return -1; } } if ( szInputM2I ) { std::cout << "Importing M2I: " << szInputM2I << std::endl; if ( M2Lib::EError Error = M2.ImportM2Intermediate( const_cast<Char8*>(szInputM2I), IgnoreMaterials, IgnoreBones, IgnoreAttachments, IgnoreCameras, SubmeshPositionalTolerance, SubmeshAngularTolerance, BodyPositionalTolerance, BodyAngularTolerance, ClothingPositionalTolerance, ClothingAngularTolerance ) ) { std::cout << M2Lib::GetErrorText( Error ) << std::endl; system("pause"); return -1; } } if ( szMirrorCamera ) { M2.MirrorCamera(); } if ( szScale ) { Float32 Scale = (Float32)atof( szScale ); if ( Scale != 1.0f ) { if ( Scale < 0.8f ) { Scale = 0.8f; } else if ( Scale > 1.2f ) { Scale = 1.2f; } M2.Scale( Scale ); } } if ( szOutputM2 ) { std::cout << "Saving M2: " << szOutputM2 << std::endl; if ( M2Lib::EError Error = M2.Save( const_cast<Char8*>(szOutputM2) ) ) { std::cout << M2Lib::GetErrorText( Error ) << std::endl; system("pause"); return -1; } } std::cout << "Operations Complete" << std::endl; if ( Pause ) { system("pause"); } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nWelcome to Open Transactions... Test Client -- version %s\n" "(transport build: OTMessage -> TCP -> SSL)\n" "IF YOU PREFER TO USE ZMQ (message based), then rebuild from main folder like this:\n" "cd ..; make clean; make\n\n", OTLog::Version()); OT_API::InitOTAPI(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The beginnings of an INI file!! OTString strPath; { CSimpleIniA ini; // We're assuming this file is on the path. SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile("./.ot_ini"); // todo: stop hardcoding. if (rc >=0) { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "client_path", SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) strPath.Set(pVal); else strPath.Set(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); } else { strPath.Set(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTString strCAFile, strKeyFile, strSSLPassword; if (argc < 2) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n==> USAGE: %s <SSL-password> <absolute_path_to_data_folder>\n\n" #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) "(Password defaults to '%s' if left blank.)\n" "(Folder defaults to '%s' if left blank.)\n" #else "(The test password is always 'test'.\n'cd data_folder' then 'pwd' to see the absolute path.)\n" #endif "\n\n", argv[0] #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) , KEY_PASSWORD, strPath.Get() #endif ); #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) strSSLPassword.Set(KEY_PASSWORD); OTString strClientPath(strPath.Get()); g_OT_API.Init(strClientPath); // SSL gets initialized in here, before any keys are loaded. #else exit(1); #endif } else if (argc < 3) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n==> USAGE: %s <SSL-password> <absolute_path_to_data_folder>\n\n" #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) "(Folder defaults to '%s' if left blank.)\n" #endif "\n\n", argv[0] #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) , strPath.Get() #endif ); #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) strSSLPassword.Set(argv[1]); OTString strClientPath(strPath.Get()); g_OT_API.Init(strClientPath); // SSL gets initialized in here, before any keys are loaded. #else exit(1); #endif } else { strSSLPassword.Set(argv[1]); OTString strClientPath(argv[2]); g_OT_API.Init(strClientPath); // SSL gets initialized in here, before any keys are loaded. } OTLog::vOutput::(0, "Using as path to data folder: %s\n", OTLog::Path()); strCAFile. Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), CA_FILE); strKeyFile.Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), KEY_FILE); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Basically, loop: // // 1) Present a prompt, and get a user string of input. Wait for that. // // 2) Process it out as an OTMessage to the server. It goes down the pipe. // // 3) Sleep for 1 second. // // 4) Awake and check for messages to be read in response from the server. // Loop. As long as there are any responses there, then process and handle // them all. // Then continue back up to the prompt at step (1). char buf[200] = ""; int retVal = 0; int nExpectResponse = 0; OTLog::Output(0, "You may wish to 'load' then 'connect' then 'stat'.\n"); OTLog::vOutput(4, "Starting client loop. u_header size in C code is %d.\n", OT_CMD_HEADER_SIZE); for(;;) { buf[0] = 0; // Making it fresh again. nExpectResponse = 0; // 1) Present a prompt, and get a user string of input. Wait for that. OTLog::Output(0, "\nWallet> "); if (NULL == fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-10, stdin)) // Leaving myself 10 extra bytes at the end for safety's sake. break; OTLog::Output(0, ".\n..\n...\n....\n.....\n......\n.......\n........\n.........\n..........\n" "...........\n............\n.............\n"); // so we can process the user input std::string strLine = buf; // 1.5 The one command that doesn't involve a message to the server (so far) // is the command to load the wallet from disk (which we do before we can // do anything else.) That and maybe the message to CONNECT to the server. // Load wallet.xml if (strLine.compare(0,4,"load") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "User has instructed to load wallet.xml...\n"); g_OT_API.GetWallet()->LoadWallet("wallet.xml"); // g_OT_API.GetWallet()->SaveWallet("NEWwallet.xml"); // todo remove this test code. continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,5,"clear") == 0) { if (NULL == g_pTemporaryNym) { OTLog::Output(0, "No Nym yet available. Try 'load'.\n"); continue; } g_pTemporaryNym->RemoveAllNumbers(); g_pTemporaryNym->SaveSignedNymfile(*g_pTemporaryNym); OTLog::Output(0, "Successfully removed all issued and transaction numbers. Saving nym...\n"); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,7,"payment") == 0) { if (NULL == g_pTemporaryNym) { OTLog::Output(0, "No Nym yet available to sign the payment plan with. Try 'load'.\n"); continue; } OTLog::Output(0, "Enter your Asset Account ID that the payments will come from: "); OTString strTemp; strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); const OTIdentifier ACCOUNT_ID(strTemp), USER_ID(*g_pTemporaryNym); OTAccount * pAccount = g_OT_API.GetWallet()->GetAccount(ACCOUNT_ID); if (NULL == pAccount) { OTLog::Output(0, "That account isn't loaded right now. Try 'load'.\n"); continue; } // To write a payment plan, like a cheque, we need to burn one of our transaction numbers. (Presumably // the wallet is also storing a couple of these, since they are needed to perform any transaction.) // // I don't have to contact the server to write a payment plan -- as long as I already have a transaction // number I can use to write it. Otherwise I'd have to ask the server to send me one first. OTString strServerID(pAccount->GetRealServerID()); long lTransactionNumber=0; if (false == g_pTemporaryNym->GetNextTransactionNum(*g_pTemporaryNym, strServerID, lTransactionNumber)) { OTLog::Output(0, "Payment Plans are written offline, but you still need a transaction number\n" "(and you have none, currently.) Try using 'n' to request another transaction number.\n"); continue; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTString str_RECIPIENT_USER_ID, str_RECIPIENT_ACCT_ID, strConsideration; // Get the Recipient Nym ID OTLog::Output(0, "Enter the Recipient's User ID (NymID): "); str_RECIPIENT_USER_ID.OTfgets(std::cin); // THEN GET AN ACCOUNT ID in that same asset type OTLog::Output(0, "Enter the Recipient's ACCOUNT ID (of the same asset type as your account): "); str_RECIPIENT_ACCT_ID.OTfgets(std::cin); OTLog::Output(0, "Enter a memo describing consideration for the payment plan: "); strConsideration.OTfgets(std::cin); const OTIdentifier RECIPIENT_USER_ID(str_RECIPIENT_USER_ID), RECIPIENT_ACCT_ID(str_RECIPIENT_ACCT_ID); OTPaymentPlan thePlan(pAccount->GetRealServerID(), pAccount->GetAssetTypeID(), pAccount->GetRealAccountID(), pAccount->GetUserID(), RECIPIENT_ACCT_ID, RECIPIENT_USER_ID); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Valid date range (in seconds) OTLog::Output(0, " 6 minutes == 360 Seconds\n" "10 minutes == 600 Seconds\n" "1 hour == 3600 Seconds\n" "1 day == 86400 Seconds\n" "30 days == 2592000 Seconds\n" "3 months == 7776000 Seconds\n" "6 months == 15552000 Seconds\n\n" ); long lExpirationInSeconds = 86400; OTLog::vOutput(0, "How many seconds before payment plan expires? (defaults to 1 day: %ld): ", lExpirationInSeconds); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if (strTemp.GetLength() > 1) lExpirationInSeconds = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t VALID_FROM = time(NULL); // This time is set to TODAY NOW OTLog::vOutput(0, "Payment plan becomes valid for processing STARTING date\n" "(defaults to now, in seconds) [%ld]: ", VALID_FROM); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if (strTemp.GetLength() > 2) VALID_FROM = atol(strTemp.Get()); const time_t VALID_TO = VALID_FROM + lExpirationInSeconds; // now + 86400 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool bSuccessSetAgreement = thePlan.SetAgreement(lTransactionNumber, strConsideration, VALID_FROM, VALID_TO); if (!bSuccessSetAgreement) { OTLog::Output(0, "Failed trying to set the agreement!\n"); // IF FAILED, ADD TRANSACTION NUMBER BACK TO LIST OF AVAILABLE NUMBERS. g_pTemporaryNym->AddTransactionNum(*g_pTemporaryNym, strServerID, lTransactionNumber, true); // bSave=true continue; } bool bSuccessSetInitialPayment = true; // the default, in case user chooses not to even have this payment. bool bSuccessSetPaymentPlan = true; // the default, in case user chooses not to have a payment plan // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTLog::Output(0, "What is the Initial Payment Amount, if any? [0]: "); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); long lInitialPayment = atol(strTemp.Get()); if (lInitialPayment > 0) { time_t PAYMENT_DELAY = 60; // 60 seconds. OTLog::vOutput(0, "From the Start Date forward, how long until the Initial Payment should charge?\n" "(defaults to one minute, in seconds) [%d]: ", PAYMENT_DELAY); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if ((strTemp.GetLength() > 1) && atol(strTemp.Get())>0) PAYMENT_DELAY = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bSuccessSetInitialPayment = thePlan.SetInitialPayment(lInitialPayment, PAYMENT_DELAY); } if (!bSuccessSetInitialPayment) { OTLog::Output(0, "Failed trying to set the initial payment!\n"); // IF FAILED, ADD TRANSACTION NUMBER BACK TO LIST OF AVAILABLE NUMBERS. g_pTemporaryNym->AddTransactionNum(*g_pTemporaryNym, strServerID, lTransactionNumber, true); // bSave=true continue; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTLog::Output(0, "What is the regular payment amount, if any? [0]: "); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); long lRegularPayment = atol(strTemp.Get()); if (lRegularPayment > 0) // If there are regular payments. { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t PAYMENT_DELAY = 120; // 120 seconds. OTLog::vOutput(0, "From the Start Date forward, how long until the Regular Payments start?\n" "(defaults to two minutes, in seconds) [%d]: ", PAYMENT_DELAY); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if ((strTemp.GetLength() > 1) && atol(strTemp.Get())>0) PAYMENT_DELAY = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t PAYMENT_PERIOD = 30; // 30 seconds. OTLog::vOutput(0, "Once payments begin, how much time should elapse between each payment?\n" "(defaults to thirty seconds) [%d]: ", PAYMENT_PERIOD); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if ((strTemp.GetLength() > 1) && atol(strTemp.Get())>0) PAYMENT_PERIOD = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t PLAN_LENGTH = 0; // 0 seconds (for no max length). OTLog::vOutput(0, "From start date, do you want the plan to expire after a certain maximum time?\n" "(defaults to 0 for no) [%d]: ", PLAN_LENGTH); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if (strTemp.GetLength() > 1) PLAN_LENGTH = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTLog::Output(0, "Should there be some maximum number of payments? (Zero for no maximum.) [0]: "); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); int nMaxPayments = atoi(strTemp.Get()); bSuccessSetPaymentPlan = thePlan.SetPaymentPlan(lRegularPayment, PAYMENT_DELAY, PAYMENT_PERIOD, PLAN_LENGTH, nMaxPayments); } if (!bSuccessSetPaymentPlan) { OTLog::Output(0, "Failed trying to set the payment plan!\n"); // IF FAILED, ADD TRANSACTION NUMBER BACK TO LIST OF AVAILABLE NUMBERS. g_pTemporaryNym->AddTransactionNum(*g_pTemporaryNym, strServerID, lTransactionNumber, true); // bSave=true continue; } thePlan.SignContract(*g_pTemporaryNym); thePlan.SaveContract(); OTString strPlan(thePlan); OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\n(Make sure Both Parties sign the payment plan before submitting to server):\n\n\n%s\n", strPlan.Get()); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,6,"cheque") == 0) { if (NULL == g_pTemporaryNym) { OTLog::Output(0, "No Nym yet available to sign the cheque with. Try 'load'.\n"); continue; } OTLog::Output(0, "Enter the ID for your Asset Account that the cheque will be drawn on: "); OTString strTemp; strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); const OTIdentifier ACCOUNT_ID(strTemp), USER_ID(*g_pTemporaryNym); OTAccount * pAccount = g_OT_API.GetWallet()->GetAccount(ACCOUNT_ID); if (NULL == pAccount) { OTLog::Output(0, "That account isn't loaded right now. Try 'load'.\n"); continue; } // To write a cheque, we need to burn one of our transaction numbers. (Presumably the wallet // is also storing a couple of these, since they are needed to perform any transaction.) // // I don't have to contact the server to write a cheque -- as long as I already have a transaction // number I can use to write it. Otherwise I'd have to ask the server to send me one first. OTString strServerID(pAccount->GetRealServerID()); long lTransactionNumber=0; if (false == g_pTemporaryNym->GetNextTransactionNum(*g_pTemporaryNym, strServerID, lTransactionNumber)) { OTLog::Output(0, "Cheques are written offline, but you still need a transaction number\n" "(and you have none, currently.) Try using 'n' to request another transaction number.\n"); continue; } OTCheque theCheque(pAccount->GetRealServerID(), pAccount->GetAssetTypeID()); // Recipient OTLog::Output(0, "Enter a User ID for the recipient of this cheque (defaults to blank): "); OTString strRecipientUserID; strRecipientUserID.OTfgets(std::cin); const OTIdentifier RECIPIENT_USER_ID(strRecipientUserID.Get()); // Amount OTLog::Output(0, "Enter an amount: "); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); const long lAmount = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Memo OTLog::Output(0, "Enter a memo for your check: "); OTString strChequeMemo; strChequeMemo.OTfgets(std::cin); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Valid date range (in seconds) OTLog::Output(0, " 6 minutes == 360 Seconds\n" "10 minutes == 600 Seconds\n" "1 hour == 3600 Seconds\n" "1 day == 86400 Seconds\n" "30 days == 2592000 Seconds\n" "3 months == 7776000 Seconds\n" "6 months == 15552000 Seconds\n\n" ); long lExpirationInSeconds = 3600; OTLog::vOutput(0, "How many seconds before cheque expires? (defaults to 1 hour: %ld): ", lExpirationInSeconds); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if (strTemp.GetLength() > 1) lExpirationInSeconds = atol(strTemp.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t VALID_FROM = time(NULL); // This time is set to TODAY NOW OTLog::vOutput(0, "Cheque may be cashed STARTING date (defaults to now, in seconds) [%ld]: ", VALID_FROM); strTemp.Release(); strTemp.OTfgets(std::cin); if (strTemp.GetLength() > 2) VALID_FROM = atol(strTemp.Get()); const time_t VALID_TO = VALID_FROM + lExpirationInSeconds; // now + 3600 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool bIssueCheque = theCheque.IssueCheque(lAmount, lTransactionNumber, VALID_FROM, VALID_TO, ACCOUNT_ID, USER_ID, strChequeMemo, (strRecipientUserID.GetLength() > 2) ? &(RECIPIENT_USER_ID) : NULL); if (bIssueCheque) { theCheque.SignContract(*g_pTemporaryNym); theCheque.SaveContract(); OTString strCheque(theCheque); OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nOUTPUT:\n\n\n%s\n", strCheque.Get()); } else { OTLog::Output(0, "Failed trying to issue the cheque!\n"); // IF FAILED, ADD TRANSACTION NUMBER BACK TO LIST OF AVAILABLE NUMBERS. g_pTemporaryNym->AddTransactionNum(*g_pTemporaryNym, strServerID, lTransactionNumber, true); // bSave=true } continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,7,"decrypt") == 0) { if (NULL == g_pTemporaryNym) { OTLog::Output(0, "No Nym yet available to decrypt with.\n"); continue; } OTLog::Output(0, "Enter text to be decrypted:\n> "); OTASCIIArmor theArmoredText; char decode_buffer[200]; // Safe since we only read sizeof - 1 do { decode_buffer[0] = 0; if (NULL != fgets(decode_buffer, sizeof(decode_buffer)-1, stdin)) { theArmoredText.Concatenate("%s\n", decode_buffer); OTLog::Output(0, "> "); } else { break; } } while (strlen(decode_buffer)>1); OTEnvelope theEnvelope(theArmoredText); OTString strDecodedText; theEnvelope.Open(*g_pTemporaryNym, strDecodedText); OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nDECRYPTED TEXT:\n\n%s\n\n", strDecodedText.Get()); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,6,"decode") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "Enter text to be decoded:\n> "); OTASCIIArmor theArmoredText; char decode_buffer[200]; // Safe since we only read sizeof - 1. do { decode_buffer[0] = 0; if (NULL != fgets(decode_buffer, sizeof(decode_buffer)-1, stdin)) { theArmoredText.Concatenate("%s\n", decode_buffer); OTLog::Output(0, "> "); } else { break; } } while (strlen(decode_buffer)>1); OTString strDecodedText(theArmoredText); OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nDECODED TEXT:\n\n%s\n\n", strDecodedText.Get()); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,6,"encode") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "Enter text to be ascii-encoded (terminate with ~ on a new line):\n> "); OTString strDecodedText; char decode_buffer[200]; // Safe since we only read sizeof - 1. do { decode_buffer[0] = 0; if ((NULL != fgets(decode_buffer, sizeof(decode_buffer)-1, stdin)) && (decode_buffer[0] != '~')) { strDecodedText.Concatenate("%s", decode_buffer); OTLog::Output(0, "> "); } else { break; } } while (decode_buffer[0] != '~'); OTASCIIArmor theArmoredText(strDecodedText); OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nENCODED TEXT:\n\n%s\n\n", theArmoredText.Get()); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,4,"hash") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "Enter text to be hashed (terminate with ~ on a new line):\n> "); OTString strDecodedText; char decode_buffer[200]; // Safe since we only read sizeof - 1. do { decode_buffer[0] = 0; if ((NULL != fgets(decode_buffer, sizeof(decode_buffer)-1, stdin)) && (decode_buffer[0] != '~')) { strDecodedText.Concatenate("%s\n", decode_buffer); OTLog::Output(0, "> "); } else { break; } } while (decode_buffer[0] != '~'); OTIdentifier theIdentifier; theIdentifier.CalculateDigest(strDecodedText); OTString strHash(theIdentifier); OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nMESSAGE DIGEST:\n\n%s\n\n", strHash.Get()); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,4,"stat") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "User has instructed to display wallet contents...\n"); OTString strStat; g_OT_API.GetWallet()->DisplayStatistics(strStat); OTLog::vOutput(0, "%s\n", strStat.Get()); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,4,"help") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "User has instructed to display the help file...\n"); system("more ../docs/CLIENT-COMMANDS.txt"); continue; } else if (strLine.compare(0,4,"quit") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "User has instructed to exit the wallet...\n"); break; } // 1.6 Connect to the first server in the wallet. (assuming it loaded a server contract.) else if (strLine.compare(0,7,"connect") == 0) { OTLog::Output(0, "User has instructed to connect to the first server available in the wallet.\n"); if (NULL == g_pTemporaryNym) { OTLog::Output(0, "No Nym yet available to connect with. Try 'load'.\n"); continue; } // Wallet, after loading, should contain a list of server // contracts. Let's pull the hostname and port out of // the first contract, and connect to that server. bool bConnected = g_OT_API.GetClient()->ConnectToTheFirstServerOnList(*g_pTemporaryNym, strCAFile, strKeyFile, strSSLPassword); if (bConnected) OTLog::Output(0, "Success. (Connected to the first notary server on your wallet's list.)\n"); else { OTLog::Output(0, "Either the wallet is not loaded, or there was an error connecting to server.\n"); } continue; } if (!g_OT_API.GetClient()->IsConnected()) { OTLog::Output(0, "(You are not connected to a notary server--you cannot send commands.)\n"); continue; } // 2) Process it out as an OTMessage to the server. It goes down the pipe. g_OT_API.GetClient()->ProcessMessageOut(buf, &nExpectResponse); // 3) Sleep for 1 second. #ifdef _WIN32 OT_Sleep(1000); #else sleep (1); #endif bool bFoundMessage = false; // 4) While there are messages to be read in response from the server, // then process and handle them all. do { OTMessage * pMsg = new OTMessage; OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMsg); // If this returns true, that means a Message was // received and processed into an OTMessage object (theMsg) bFoundMessage = g_OT_API.GetClient()->ProcessInBuffer(*pMsg); if (true == bFoundMessage) { // OTString strReply; // theMsg.SaveContract(strReply); // OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\n**********************************************\n" // "Successfully in-processed server response.\n\n%s\n", strReply.Get()); g_OT_API.GetClient()->ProcessServerReply(*pMsg); // the Client takes ownership and will handle cleanup. } else { delete pMsg; pMsg = NULL; } } while (true == bFoundMessage); } // for OTLog::Output(0, "Finished running client.\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return retVal; }
bool SettingsManager::loadSettings() { CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.LoadFile("CONFIG.ini"); if(ini.IsEmpty()) {return false;} m_settings = new SettingsObject(); m_settings->FRAME_TITLE = ini.GetValue("FRAME", "TITLE", ""); m_settings->FRAME_FULLSCREEN = ini.GetBoolValue("FRAME", "FULLSCREEN", false); m_settings->FRAME_RESOLUTION_FULLSCREEN_X = ini.GetLongValue("FRAME", "RESOLUTION_FULLSCREEN_X", 0); m_settings->FRAME_RESOLUTION_FULLSCREEN_Y = ini.GetLongValue("FRAME", "RESOLUTION_FULLSCREEN_Y", 0); m_settings->FRAME_RESOLUTION_WINDOWED_X = ini.GetLongValue("FRAME", "RESOLUTION_WINDOWED_X", 0); m_settings->FRAME_RESOLUTION_WINDOWED_Y = ini.GetLongValue("FRAME", "RESOLUTION_WINDOWED_Y", 0); m_settings->FRAME_VIEW_X = ini.GetLongValue("FRAME", "VIEW_X", 0); m_settings->FRAME_VIEW_Y = ini.GetLongValue("FRAME", "VIEW_Y", 0); m_settings->WORLD_GRAVITY = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("WORLD", "GRAVITY", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_SPEED_SIDE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "SPEED_SIDE", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_SPEED_SIDE_HALTING = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "SPEED_SIDE_HALTING", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_SPEED_JUMP = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "SPEED_JUMP", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_SPEED_DOWN = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "SPEED_DOWN", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_HEALTH = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "HEALTH", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_SWORD_SWING_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "SWORD_SWING_TIME", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_HIT_TIME_LIMIT_MELEE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "HIT_TIME_LIMIT_MELEE", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_KNOCKBACK_SPEED_X_INIT = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "KNOCKBACK_SPEED_X_INIT", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_KNOCKBACK_SPEED_X_DECREASE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "KNOCKBACK_SPEED_X_DECREASE", 0); m_settings->PLAYER_KNOCKBACK_SPEED_Y = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PLAYER", "KNOCKBACK_SPEED_Y", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_ENEMY_PLACEHOLDER_TO_PLAYER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "ENEMY_PLACEHOLDER_TO_PLAYER", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_ENEMY_TROLL_TO_PLAYER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "ENEMY_TROLL_TO_PLAYER", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_PLACEHOLDER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_PLACEHOLDER", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_TROLL = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_TROLL", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_ENEMY_PROJECTILE_TO_PLAYER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "ENEMY_PROJECTILE_TO_PLAYER", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_SHOOTER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_SHOOTER", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_ENEMY_BASE_TO_PLAYER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "ENEMY_BASE_TO_PLAYER", 0); m_settings->DAMAGE_PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_GOBLIN = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("DAMAGE", "PLAYER_TO_ENEMY_TROLL", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_HEALTH = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "HEALTH", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_HIT_TIME_LIMIT_MELEE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "HIT_TIME_LIMIT_MELEE", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_SPEED_SIDE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "SPEED_SIDE", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_HITBOX_SIZE_X = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "HITBOX_SIZE_X", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_HITBOX_SIZE_Y = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "HITBOX_SIZE_Y", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_HITBOX_LOCAL_POSITION_X = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "HITBOX_LOCAL_POSITION_X", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_HITBOX_LOCAL_POSITION_Y = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "HITBOX_LOCAL_POSITION_Y", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_AI_CHANGE_LIMIT_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "AI_CHANGE_LIMIT_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_AI_WALKING_BACKWARDS_DISTANCE_LIMIT = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "AI_WALKING_BACKWARDS_DISTANCE_LIMIT", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_ATTACK_STAGE_1_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "ATTACK_STAGE_1_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_TROLL_ATTACK_STAGE_2_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_TROLL", "ATTACK_STAGE_2_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_GOBLIN_HEALTH = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_GOBLIN", "HEALTH", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_GOBLIN_SPEED_SIDE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_GOBLIN", "SPEED_SIDE", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_GOBLIN_BOMB_SPAWN_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_GOBLIN", "BOMB_SPAWN_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_GOBLIN_BOMB_AOE_DURATION = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_GOBLIN", "BOMB_AOE_DURATION", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_GOBLIN_BOMB_BLAST_AREA_SIZE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue ("ENEMY_GOBLIN", "BOMB_BLAST_AREA_SIZE", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_SHOOTER_SHOOT_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_SHOOTER", "SHOOT_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_SHOOTER_PROJECTILE_PARTICLE_SPAWN_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_SHOOTER", "PROJECTILE_PARTICLE_SPAWN_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_SHOOTER_PROJETILE_SPEED = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_SHOOTER", "PROJETILE_SPEED", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_SHOOTER_PROJECTILE_LIFE_TIME = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_SHOOTER", "PROJECTILE_LIFE_TIME", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_BASE_HEALTH = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_BASE", "HEALTH", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_BASE_SPEED_BASE = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_BASE", "SPEED_BASE", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_BASE_SPEED_MIN_MULTIPLIER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_BASE", "SPEED_MIN_MULTIPLIER", 0); m_settings->ENEMY_BASE_SPEED_MAX_MULTIPLIER = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("ENEMY_BASE", "SPEED_MAX_MULTIPLIER", 0); m_settings->PARTICLES_MAX_INIT_SPEED = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("PARTICLES", "MAX_INIT_SPEED", 0); m_settings->SCORE_KILL_TROLL = ini.GetLongValue("SCORE", "KILL_TROLL", 0); m_settings->SCORE_KILL_GOBLIN = ini.GetLongValue("SCORE", "KILL_GOBLIN", 0); m_settings->SCORE_KILL_SHOOTER = ini.GetLongValue("SCORE", "KILL_SHOOTER", 0); m_settings->SCORE_KILL_BASE = ini.GetLongValue("SCORE", "KILL_BASE", 0); m_settings->SCORE_TIME_LIMIT = (float)ini.GetDoubleValue("SCORE", "TIME_LIMIT", 0); m_settings->HIGHSCORE_NAME = ini.GetValue("HIGHSCORE", "NAME", ""); m_settings->HIGHSCORE2_NAME = ini.GetValue("HIGHSCORE2", "NAME", ""); m_settings->HIGHSCORE3_NAME = ini.GetValue("HIGHSCORE3", "NAME", ""); m_settings->HIGHSCORE_SCORE = ini.GetLongValue("HIGHSCORE", "SCORE", 0); m_settings->HIGHSCORE2_SCORE = ini.GetLongValue("HIGHSCORE2", "SCORE", 0); m_settings->HIGHSCORE3_SCORE = ini.GetLongValue("HIGHSCORE3", "SCORE", 0); return true; }
int main( int argc, const char** argv ) { daemon_active = true; bool noDaemon = false; bool clockOn = false; std::string logFile; int topn; std::string configFile; std::string country; TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("OpenAlpr Daemon", ' ', Alpr::getVersion()); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> countryCodeArg("c","country","Country code to identify (either us for USA or eu for Europe). Default=us",false, "us" ,"country_code"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> configFileArg("","config","Path to the openalpr.conf file.",false, "" ,"config_file"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> topNArg("n","topn","Max number of possible plate numbers to return. Default=25",false, 25 ,"topN"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> logFileArg("l","log","Log file to write to. Default=" + DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH,false, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH ,"topN"); TCLAP::SwitchArg daemonOffSwitch("f","foreground","Set this flag for debugging. Disables forking the process as a daemon and runs in the foreground. Default=off", cmd, false); TCLAP::SwitchArg clockSwitch("","clock","Display timing information to log. Default=off", cmd, false); try { cmd.add( countryCodeArg ); cmd.add( topNArg ); cmd.add( configFileArg ); cmd.add( logFileArg ); if (cmd.parse( argc, argv ) == false) { // Error occured while parsing. Exit now. return 1; } country = countryCodeArg.getValue(); configFile = configFileArg.getValue(); logFile = logFileArg.getValue(); topn = topNArg.getValue(); noDaemon = daemonOffSwitch.getValue(); clockOn = clockSwitch.getValue(); } catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) // catch any exceptions { std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl; return 1; } log4cplus::BasicConfigurator config; config.configure(); if (noDaemon == false) { // Fork off into a separate daemon daemon(0, 0); log4cplus::SharedAppenderPtr myAppender(new log4cplus::RollingFileAppender(logFile)); myAppender->setName("alprd_appender"); // Redirect std out to log file logger = log4cplus::Logger::getInstance(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("alprd")); logger.addAppender(myAppender); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Running OpenALPR daemon in daemon mode."); } else { //log4cplus::SharedAppenderPtr myAppender(new log4cplus::ConsoleAppender()); //myAppender->setName("alprd_appender"); // Redirect std out to log file logger = log4cplus::Logger::getInstance(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("alprd")); //logger.addAppender(myAppender); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Running OpenALPR daemon in the foreground."); } CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetMultiKey(); ini.LoadFile(DAEMON_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.c_str()); std::vector<std::string> stream_urls; CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values; ini.GetAllValues("daemon", "stream", values); // sort the values into the original load order values.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); // output all of the items CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for (i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); ++i) { stream_urls.push_back(i->pItem); } if (stream_urls.size() == 0) { LOG4CPLUS_FATAL(logger, "No video streams defined in the configuration."); return 1; } bool storePlates = ini.GetBoolValue("daemon", "store_plates", false); std::string imageFolder = ini.GetValue("daemon", "store_plates_location", "/tmp/"); bool uploadData = ini.GetBoolValue("daemon", "upload_data", false); std::string upload_url = ini.GetValue("daemon", "upload_address", ""); std::string site_id = ini.GetValue("daemon", "site_id", ""); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Using: " << imageFolder << " for storing valid plate images"); pid_t pid; for (int i = 0; i < stream_urls.size(); i++) { pid = fork(); if (pid == (pid_t) 0) { // This is the child process, kick off the capture data and upload threads CaptureThreadData* tdata = new CaptureThreadData(); tdata->stream_url = stream_urls[i]; tdata->camera_id = i + 1; tdata->config_file = configFile; tdata->output_images = storePlates; tdata->output_image_folder = imageFolder; tdata->country_code = country; tdata->site_id = site_id; tdata->top_n = topn; tdata->clock_on = clockOn; tthread::thread* thread_recognize = new tthread::thread(streamRecognitionThread, (void*) tdata); if (uploadData) { // Kick off the data upload thread UploadThreadData* udata = new UploadThreadData(); udata->upload_url = upload_url; tthread::thread* thread_upload = new tthread::thread(dataUploadThread, (void*) udata ); } break; } // Parent process will continue and spawn more children } while (daemon_active) { usleep(30000); } }
void ScriptSettings::Read(ScriptControls* scriptControl) { #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4244) // Make everything doubles later... CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.LoadFile(SETTINGSFILE); ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "Enable", true); // [OPTIONS] EnableManual = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "Enable", true); ShiftMode = ini.GetLongValue("OPTIONS", "ShiftMode", 0); SimpleBike = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "SimpleBike", false); EngDamage = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "EngineDamage", false); EngStall = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "EngineStalling", false); EngBrake = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "EngineBraking", false); ClutchCatching = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "ClutchCatching", false); ClutchShifting = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "ClutchShifting", false); ClutchShiftingS = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "ClutchShiftingS", false); DefaultNeutral = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "DefaultNeutral", true); ClutchCatchpoint = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "ClutchCatchpoint", 15.0) / 100.0f; StallingThreshold = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "StallingThreshold", 75.0) / 100.0f; RPMDamage = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "RPMDamage", 15.0) / 100.0f; MisshiftDamage = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "MisshiftDamage", 10.0); AutoLookBack = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "AutoLookBack", false); AutoGear1 = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "AutoGear1", false); HillBrakeWorkaround = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "HillBrakeWorkaround", false); UITips = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "UITips", true); UITips_OnlyNeutral = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_OnlyNeutral", false); UITips_X = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_X", 95.0) / 100.0f; UITips_Y = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_Y", 95.0) / 100.0f; UITips_Size = ini.GetDoubleValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_Size", 15.0) / 100.0f; UITips_TopGearC_R = ini.GetLongValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_TopGearC_R", 255); UITips_TopGearC_G = ini.GetLongValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_TopGearC_G", 255); UITips_TopGearC_B = ini.GetLongValue("OPTIONS", "UITips_TopGearC_B", 255); CrossScript = ini.GetBoolValue("OPTIONS", "CrossScript", false); // [CONTROLLER] scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::Toggle)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "Toggle", "DpadRight"); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::ToggleH)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "ToggleShift", "B"); scriptControl->CToggleTime = ini.GetLongValue("CONTROLLER", "ToggleTime", 500); int tval = ini.GetLongValue("CONTROLLER", "TriggerValue", 75); if (tval > 100 || tval < 0) { tval = 75; } scriptControl->SetXboxTrigger(tval); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::ShiftUp)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "ShiftUp", "A"); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::ShiftDown)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "ShiftDown", "X"); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::Clutch)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "Clutch", "LeftThumbDown"); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::Engine)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "Engine", "DpadDown"); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::Throttle)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "Throttle", "RightTrigger"); scriptControl->ControlXbox[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::ControllerControlType::Brake)] = ini.GetValue("CONTROLLER", "Brake", "LeftTrigger"); // [KEYBOARD] scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::Toggle)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "Toggle", "VK_OEM_5")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::ToggleH)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "ToggleH", "VK_OEM_6")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::ShiftUp)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "ShiftUp", "SHIFT")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::ShiftDown)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "ShiftDown", "CTRL")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::Clutch)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "Clutch", "X")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::Engine)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "Engine", "C")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::Throttle)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "Throttle", "W")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::Brake)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "Brake", "S")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::HR)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "HR", "NUM0")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H1)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H1", "NUM1")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H2)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H2", "NUM2")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H3)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H3", "NUM3")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H4)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H4", "NUM4")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H5)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H5", "NUM5")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H6)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H6", "NUM6")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H7)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H7", "NUM7")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::H8)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "H8", "NUM8")); scriptControl->KBControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::KeyboardControlType::HN)] = str2key(ini.GetValue("KEYBOARD", "HN", "NUM9")); // [WHEELOPTIONS] WheelEnabled = ini.GetBoolValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "Enable", false); WheelWithoutManual = ini.GetBoolValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "WheelWithoutManual", true); FFEnable = ini.GetBoolValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "FFEnable", true); FFGlobalMult = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "FFGlobalMult", 100.0) / 100.0f; DamperMax = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "DamperMax", 50); DamperMin = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "DamperMin", 20); TargetSpeed = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "DamperTargetSpeed", 10); FFPhysics = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "PhysicsStrength", 100.0) / 100.0f; CenterStrength = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "CenterStrength", 100.0) / 100.0f; DetailStrength = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELOPTIONS", "DetailStrength", 100.0) / 1.0f; // [WHEELCONTROLS] scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::Toggle)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "Toggle", 17); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::ToggleH)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "ToggleH", 6); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::ShiftUp)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "ShiftUp", 4); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::ShiftDown)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "ShiftDown", 5); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::HR)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "HR", 14); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::H1)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "H1", 8 ); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::H2)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "H2", 9 ); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::H3)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "H3", 10); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::H4)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "H4", 11); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::H5)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "H5", 12); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::H6)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "H6", 13); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::Handbrake)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "Handbrake", 19); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::Engine)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "Engine", 21 ); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::Horn)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "Horn", 20 ); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::Lights)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "Lights", 7); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::LookBack)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "LookBack", 22); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::Camera)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "Camera", 0); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::RadioPrev)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "RadioPrev", 1); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::RadioNext)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "RadioNext", 2); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::IndicatorLeft)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "IndicatorLeft", 19 ); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::IndicatorRight)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "IndicatorRight", 21 ); scriptControl->WheelControl[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelControlType::IndicatorHazard)] = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELCONTROLS", "IndicatorHazard", 15); // [WHEELAXIS] scriptControl->WheelAxes[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelAxisType::Throttle)] = ini.GetValue("WHEELAXIS", "Throttle", "lY"); scriptControl->ThrottleMin = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "ThrottleMin", 0); scriptControl->ThrottleMax = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "ThrottleMax", 65535); scriptControl->WheelAxes[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelAxisType::Brake)] = ini.GetValue("WHEELAXIS", "Brake", "lRz"); scriptControl->BrakeMin = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "BrakeMin", 0); scriptControl->BrakeMax = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "BrakeMax", 65535); scriptControl->WheelAxes[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelAxisType::Clutch)] = ini.GetValue("WHEELAXIS", "Clutch", "rglSlider1"); scriptControl->ClutchMin = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "ClutchMin", 0); scriptControl->ClutchMax = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "ClutchMax", 65535); scriptControl->WheelAxes[static_cast<int>(ScriptControls::WheelAxisType::Steer)] = ini.GetValue("WHEELAXIS", "Steer", "lX"); scriptControl->SteerLeft = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "SteerLeft", 0); scriptControl->SteerRight = ini.GetLongValue("WHEELAXIS", "SteerRight", 65535); scriptControl->FFAxis = ini.GetValue("WHEELAXIS", "FFAxis", "X"); scriptControl->ClutchDisable = ini.GetBoolValue("WHEELAXIS", "ClutchDisable", false); SteerAngleMax = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELAXIS", "SteerAngleMax", 900.0); SteerAngleCar = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELAXIS", "SteerAngleCar", 720.0); SteerAngleBike = ini.GetDoubleValue("WHEELAXIS", "SteerAngleBike", 180.0); // [WHEELKEYBOARD] for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RGBBUTTONS; i++) { // Ouch std::string entryString = ini.GetValue("WHEELKEYBOARD", std::to_string(i).c_str(), "NOPE"); if (std::string(entryString).compare("NOPE") == 0) { scriptControl->WheelToKey[i] = -1; } else { scriptControl->WheelToKey[i] = str2key(entryString); } } // [DEBUG] Debug = ini.GetBoolValue("DEBUG", "Info", false); AltControls = ini.GetBoolValue("DEBUG", "AltControls", false); SteerAngleAlt = ini.GetDoubleValue("DEBUG", "AltAngle", 180.0); // .ini version check INIver = ini.GetValue("DEBUG", "INIver", "0.0"); #pragma warning(pop) }
void ConfigOptions::init() { //Opening ini file CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); ini.SetMultiKey(); if (ini.LoadFile("Config.ini") == SI_OK) { /////////////////////GAMEPLAY/////////////////////////////// //Difficulty m_aiThinkingTime = atoi(ini.GetValue("Gameplay", "Difficulty", "1")); m_p1AI = ini.GetBoolValue("Gameplay", "Player1AI", 0); m_p2AI = ini.GetBoolValue("Gameplay", "Player2AI", 0); m_dialogOn = ini.GetBoolValue("Gameplay", "ShowDialog", 0); m_autoReset = ini.GetBoolValue("Gameplay", "AutoReset", 0); /////////////////////GRAPHICS/////////////////////////////// //Resoltion m_resolution = sf::Vector2i(atoi(ini.GetValue("Graphics", "ScreenWidth", "1920")), atoi(ini.GetValue("Graphics", "ScreenHeight", "1080"))); m_inFullscreen = ini.GetBoolValue("Graphics", "FullScreen", 0); m_view.SetFromRect(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, (float) nativeWidth(), (float) nativeHeight())); //////////////////////CONTROLS///////////////////////////// std::string item; std::string val; //Keys std::map<std::string, sf::Key::Code> allKeys = getNamedKeys(); // if there are keys and values... const CSimpleIniA::TKeyVal* keys = ini.GetSection("KeyboardControls"); if (keys) { // iterate over all keys and dump the key name and value for (CSimpleIniA::TKeyVal::const_iterator it = keys->begin() ; it != keys->end() ; ++it) { item = it->first.pItem; val = it->second; m_iHandler.map(item, allKeys[val]); } } //Mouse buttons std::map<std::string, sf::Mouse::Button> allButtons = getNamedButtons(); // if there are keys and values... const CSimpleIniA::TKeyVal* buttons = ini.GetSection("MouseControls"); if (keys) { // iterate over all keys and dump the key name and value for (CSimpleIniA::TKeyVal::const_iterator it = buttons->begin() ; it != buttons->end() ; ++it) { item = it->first.pItem; val = it->second; m_iHandler.map(item, allButtons[val]); } } //////////////////////OTHER///////////////////////////// m_theme = ini.GetValue("Graphics", "Theme", ""); if (m_theme == "Default") //default theme m_theme = ""; } else { std::cerr << "Unable to load file : Config.ini" << std::endl; } }
// The MAIN function for the server software, which starts up the XmlRpc (http server), // as well as Open Transactions. // int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nWelcome to Open Transactions... Test Server -- version %s\n" "(transport build: OTMessage -> OTEnvelope -> ZMQ )\n\n", OTLog::Version()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); int nWSA = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); OT_ASSERT_MSG(0 != nWSA, "Error calling WSAStartup.\n"); #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // I instantiate this here (instead of globally) so that I am assured all the globals // are ready to go before the server is created. I still have it as a global pointer, though, // so I can get to it wherever I need to. g_pServer = new OTServer; // (This file you are reading is a wrapper for OTServer, which adds the transport layer.) OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL != g_pServer, "Unable to instantiate OT server...\n"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The beginnings of an INI file!! OTString strIniFileDefault; OTLog::TransformFilePath(OT_INI_FILE_DEFAULT, strIniFileDefault); OTString strPath, strRawPath(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); { CSimpleIniA ini; SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(strIniFileDefault.Get()); if (rc >=0) { { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "server_path", SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) { strRawPath.Set(pVal); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s). \n Found Server data_folder path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strRawPath.Get()); } else { strRawPath.Set(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s): \n Failed reading Server data_folder path. Using: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strRawPath.Get()); } } } else { strRawPath.Set(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Unable to load ini file (%s) to find data_folder path\n Will assume that server data_folder is at path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strRawPath.Get()); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTString strCAFile, strDHFile, strKeyFile; //, strSSLPassword; OTLog::TransformFilePath(strRawPath.Get(), strPath); OTLog::SetMainPath(strPath.Get()); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Using data_folder path: %s\n", OTLog::Path()); strCAFile. Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), CA_FILE); strDHFile. Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), DH_FILE); strKeyFile.Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), KEY_FILE); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize SSL -- This MUST occur before any Private Keys are loaded! SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); // Init loads up server's nym so it can decrypt messages sent in envelopes. // It also does various other initialization work. // // (Envelopes prove that ONLY someone who actually had the server contract, // and had loaded it into his wallet, could ever connect to the server or // communicate with it. And if that person is following the contract, there // is only one server he can connect to, and one key he can use to talk to it.) OTLog::vOutput(0, "\nNow loading the server nym, which will also ask you for a password, to unlock\n" "its private key. (Default password is \"%s\".)\n", KEY_PASSWORD); g_pServer->Init(); // Keys, etc are loaded here. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // We're going to listen on the same port that is listed in our server contract. // // OTString strHostname; // The hostname of this server, according to its own contract. int nPort=0; // The port of this server, according to its own contract. OT_ASSERT_MSG(g_pServer->GetConnectInfo(strHostname, nPort), "Unable to find my own connect info (which is in my server contract BTW.)\n"); const int nServerPort = nPort; // int nSFSocketInit = SFSocketInit(socket, // strCAFile.Get(), // strDHFile.Get(), // strKeyFile.Get(), // strSSLPassword.Get(), // NULL); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // For re-occuring actions (like markets and payment plans.) // g_pServer->ActivateCron(); // ----------------------------------- // Prepare our context and socket zmq::context_t context(1); zmq::socket_t socket(context, ZMQ_REP); OTString strBindPath; strBindPath.Format("%s%d", "tcp://*:", nServerPort); socket.bind(strBindPath.Get()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Let's get the HTTP server up and running... // Switching out XmlRpc for 0MQ (ZeroMQ) // // XmlRpc::setVerbosity(1); // // // Create the server socket on the specified port // theXmlRpcServer.bindAndListen(nServerPort); // // // Enable introspection, so clients can see what services this server supports. (Open Transactions...) // theXmlRpcServer.enableIntrospection(true); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize poll set zmq::pollitem_t items [] = { { socket, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }, }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- do // THE HEARTBEAT LOOP FOR THE OPEN-TRANSACTIONS SERVER! { // The Server now processes certain things on a regular basis. // ProcessCron is what gives it the opportunity to do that. // All of the Cron Items (including market trades, and payment plans...) have their hooks here... // g_pServer->ProcessCron(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wait for client http requests (and process replies out to them.) // // theXmlRpcServer.work(10.0); // supposedly milliseconds -- but it's actually seconds. // Loop: process up to 10 client requests, then sleep for 1/10th second. // // Then: check for shutdown. // // Then: go back to the top and repeat.... process cron, loop 10 client requests, sleep, check for shutdown, etc. // // for (int i = 0; i < /*10*/OTServer::GetHeartbeatNoRequests(); i++) { // Switching to ZeroMQ library. zmq::message_t message; zmq::poll(&items[0], 1, 0); // non-blocking // zmq::poll(&items[0], 1, -1); if ((items[0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) && socket.recv(&message, ZMQ_NOBLOCK)) { // socket.recv(&message); // Convert the ZMQ message to a std::string std::string str_Message; str_Message.reserve(message.size()); str_Message.append(static_cast<const char *>(message.data()), message.size()); // Process task std::string str_Reply; // Output. ProcessMessage_ZMQ(str_Message, str_Reply); // ----------------------------------------------- // Convert the std::string (reply) into a ZMQ message zmq::message_t reply (str_Reply.length()); if (str_Reply.length() > 0) memcpy((void *) reply.data(), str_Reply.c_str(), str_Reply.length()); // -------------------------------- // Send reply back to client int nSendTries = 0; bool bSuccessSending = false; // HALF-SECOND DELAY IF FAILURE SENDING REPLY... // (While it tries to re-send 5 times.) // while ((nSendTries++ < OTLog::GetLatencySendNoTries()/*5*/) && (false == (bSuccessSending = socket.send(reply, ZMQ_NOBLOCK)))) OTLog::SleepMilliseconds(/*100*/OTLog::GetLatencySendMs()); if (false == bSuccessSending) OTLog::vError("Socket error: failed while trying to send reply back to client! \n\n MESSAGE:\n%s\n\nREPLY:\n%s\n\n", str_Message.c_str(), str_Reply.c_str()); } } // for // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Now go to sleep for a tenth of a second. // (The main loop processes ten times per second, currently.) OTLog::SleepMilliseconds(/*100*/OTServer::GetHeartbeatMsBetweenBeats()); // 100 ms == (1 second / 10) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ARTIFICIAL LIMIT: // 10 requests per heartbeat, 10 rounds per second == 100 requests per second. // // *** ONE HUNDRED CLIENT MESSAGES PER SECOND is the same as: // // 6000 PER MINUTE == 360,000 PER HOUR == 8,640,000 PER DAY*** // // Speeding it up is just a matter of adjusting the above numbers, and TESTING to see if OT can handle it. // (Not counting optimization of course.) // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (g_pServer->IsFlaggedForShutdown()) { OTLog::Output(0, "Server is shutting down gracefully....\n"); break; } } while (1); // TODO: cleanup OpenSSL here. #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nWelcome to Open Transactions... Test Server -- version %s\n" "(transport build: OTMessage -> TCP -> SSL)\n" "IF YOU PREFER TO USE XmlRpc with HTTP, then rebuild from main folder like this:\n\n" "cd ..; make clean; make rpc\n\n", OTLog::Version()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This object handles all the actual transaction notarization details. // (This file you are reading is a wrapper for OTServer, which adds the transport layer.) OTServer theServer; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); int err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */ /* Winsock DLL. */ OT_ASSERT_MSG((err == 0), "WSAStartup failed!\n"); /* Confirm that the WinSock DLL supports 2.2. */ /* Note that if the DLL supports versions greater */ /* than 2.2 in addition to 2.2, it will still return */ /* 2.2 in wVersion since that is the version we */ /* requested. */ bool bWinsock = (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2); /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */ /* WinSock DLL. */ if (!bWinsock) WSACleanup(); // do cleanup. OT_ASSERT_MSG((!bWinsock), "Could not find a usable version of Winsock.dll\n"); /* The Winsock DLL is acceptable. Proceed to use it. */ /* Add network programming using Winsock here */ /* then call WSACleanup when done using the Winsock dll */ OTLog::vOutput(0,"The Winsock 2.2 dll was found okay\n"); #endif OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n\nWelcome to Open Transactions, version %s.\n\n", OTLog::Version()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The beginnings of an INI file!! #ifndef _WIN32 // if UNIX (NOT windows) wordexp_t exp_result; wordexp(OT_INI_FILE_DEFAULT, &exp_result, 0); const OTString strIniFileDefault(exp_result.we_wordv[0]); wordfree(&exp_result); #else const OTString strIniFileDefault(OT_INI_FILE_DEFAULT); #endif OTString strPath(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); { CSimpleIniA ini; SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(strIniFileDefault.Get()); if (rc >=0) { const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "server_path", SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding. if (NULL != pVal) { strPath.Set(pVal); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s). \n Found Server data_folder path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strPath.Get()); } else { strPath.Set(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s): \n Failed reading Server data_folder path. Using: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strPath.Get()); } } else { strPath.Set(SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); OTLog::vOutput(0, "Unable to load ini file (%s) to find data_folder path\n Will assume that server data_folder is at path: %s \n", strIniFileDefault.Get(), strPath.Get()); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTString strCAFile, strDHFile, strKeyFile; //, strSSLPassword; if (argc < 1) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n==> USAGE: %s [absolute_path_to_data_folder]\n\n" // OTLog::vOutput(0, "\n==> USAGE: %s <SSL-password> [absolute_path_to_data_folder]\n\n" #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) // "(Password defaults to '%s' if left blank.)\n" "(Folder defaults to '%s' if left blank.)\n" #else "The test password is always 'test'.\n" "OT will try to read the data_folder path from your ini file. If you prefer\n" "to specify it at the command line, and you want to see the exact path, type:\n" " cd data_folder && pwd && cd ..\n" #endif "\n\n", argv[0] #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) // , KEY_PASSWORD, , strPath.Get() #endif ); #if defined (FELLOW_TRAVELER) // strSSLPassword.Set(KEY_PASSWORD); OTLog::SetMainPath(strPath.Get()); #else exit(1); #endif } else if (argc < 2) { // strSSLPassword.Set(argv[1]); OTLog::SetMainPath(strPath.Get()); } else { // strSSLPassword.Set(argv[1]); OTLog::SetMainPath(argv[1]); // formerly [2] } OTLog::vOutput(0, "Using as path to data folder: %s\n", OTLog::Path()); strCAFile. Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), CA_FILE); strDHFile. Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), DH_FILE); strKeyFile.Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), KEY_FILE); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init loads up server's nym so it can decrypt messages sent in envelopes. // It also does various other initialization work. // // (Envelopes prove that ONLY someone who actually had the server contract, // and had loaded it into his wallet, could ever connect to the server or // communicate with it. And if that person is following the contract, there // is only one server he can connect to, and one key he can use to talk to it.) OTLog::Output(0, "\n\nNow loading the server nym, which will also ask you for a password, to unlock\n" "its private key. (Default password is \"test\".)\n"); // Initialize SSL -- This MUST occur before any Private Keys are loaded! SFSocketGlobalInit(); // Any app that uses OT has to initialize SSL first. theServer.Init(); // Keys, etc are loaded here. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // We're going to listen on the same port that is listed in our server contract. // // OTString strHostname; // The hostname of this server, according to its own contract. int nPort=0; // The port of this server, according to its own contract. OT_ASSERT_MSG(theServer.GetConnectInfo(strHostname, nPort), "Unable to find my own connect info (which is in my server contract BTW.)\n"); const int nServerPort = nPort; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SFSocket *socket = NULL; listOfConnections theConnections; // Alloc Socket socket = SFSocketAlloc(); OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL != socket, "SFSocketAlloc Failed\n"); // Initialize SSL Socket int nSFSocketInit = SFSocketInit(socket, strCAFile.Get(), strDHFile.Get(), strKeyFile.Get(), strSSLPassword.Get(), NULL); OT_ASSERT_MSG(nSFSocketInit >= 0, "SFSocketInit Context Failed\n"); // Listen on Address/Port int nSFSocketListen = SFSocketListen(socket, INADDR_ANY, nServerPort); OT_ASSERT_MSG(nSFSocketListen >= 0, "nSFSocketListen Failed\n"); theServer.ActivateCron(); do { SFSocket * clientSocket = NULL; // Accept Client Connection if (NULL != (clientSocket = SFSocketAccept(socket))) { OTClientConnection * pClient = new OTClientConnection(*clientSocket, theServer); theConnections.push_back(pClient); OTLog::Output(0, "Accepting new connection.\n"); } // READ THROUGH ALL CLIENTS HERE, LOOP A LIST // AND process in-buffer onto our list of messages. OTClientConnection * pConnection = NULL; for (listOfConnections::iterator ii = theConnections.begin(); ii != theConnections.end(); ++ii) { if (pConnection = *ii) { // Here we read the bytes from the pipe into the client's buffer // As necessary this function also processes those bytes into OTMessages // and adds them to the Input List for that client. pConnection->ProcessBuffer(); } } // Now loop through them all again, and process their messages onto the reply list. pConnection = NULL; for (listOfConnections::iterator ii = theConnections.begin(); ii != theConnections.end(); ++ii) { if (pConnection = *ii) { OTMessage * pMsg = NULL; while (pMsg = pConnection->GetNextInputMessage()) { OTMessage * pReply = new OTMessage; OT_ASSERT(NULL != pReply); if (theServer.ProcessUserCommand(*pMsg, *pReply, pConnection)) { OTLog::vOutput(0, "Successfully processed user command: %s.\n", pMsg->m_strCommand.Get()); pConnection->AddToOutputList(*pReply); } else { OTLog::Output(0, "Unable to process user command in XML, or missing payload, in main.\n"); delete pReply; pReply = NULL; } // I am responsible to delete this here. delete pMsg; pMsg = NULL; } } } // Now loop through them all again, and process their replies down the pipe pConnection = NULL; for (listOfConnections::iterator ii = theConnections.begin(); ii != theConnections.end(); ++ii) { if (pConnection = *ii) { OTMessage * pMsg = NULL; while (pMsg = pConnection->GetNextOutputMessage()) { pConnection->ProcessReply(*pMsg); // I am responsible to delete this here. delete pMsg; pMsg = NULL; } } } // The Server now processes certain things on a regular basis. // This method call is what gives it the opportunity to do that. theServer.ProcessCron(); // Now go to sleep for a tenth of a second. // (Main loop processes ten times per second, currently.) OTLog::SleepMilliseconds(100); // 100 ms == (1 second / 10) } while (1); // Close and Release Socket Resources SFSocketRelease(socket); #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return(0); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetUnicode(); if (ini.LoadFile("config.ini") == SI_FILE) { std::cout<< KWARN "Warning:" <<KREST << " Cannot load config.ini. Default setting is used.\n\n"; } bool gui = true; uint16_t port = atoi(ini.GetValue("server", "port", stringize(SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT))); uint32_t numThreads = atoi(ini.GetValue("server", "threads", stringize(SERVER_DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS))); int width = atoi(ini.GetValue("camera", "width", stringize(CAM_DEFAULT_WIDTH))); int height = atoi(ini.GetValue("camera", "height", stringize(CAM_DEFAULT_HEIGHT))); uint32_t wait = atoi(ini.GetValue("camera", "wait", stringize(CAM_WAIT))); int dev = atoi(ini.GetValue("camera", "device", stringize(CAM_DEV))); const char* unlockPin = ini.GetValue("gpio", "unlock", GPIO_DEFAULT_UNLOCK); const char* errorPin = ini.GetValue("gpio", "error", GPIO_DEFAULT_ERROR); const char* rsapath = ini.GetValue("safety", "pem", SAFETY_DEFAULT_RSA_FILE); const char* passwd = ini.GetValue("safety", "password", SAFETY_DEFAULT_PASSWD); uint32_t qrexp = atoi(ini.GetValue("misc", "qrexpire", stringize(MISC_DEFAULT_QR_EXP))); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char* arg = argv[i]; if (strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0) { printf("%s", HELP_STRING); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--nogui") == 0) { gui = false; } else { std::cerr<<KERR <<"Error:" << KREST << "unknown argument \""<<arg<<'"'<<std::endl; exit(2); } } ServerThreads::qrexp = qrexp; ServerThreads::port = port; ServerThreads::numThreads = numThreads; ServerThreads::gpioUnlock = unlockPin; ServerThreads::gpioError = errorPin; ServerThreads::rsaFile = rsapath; if (signal(SIGINT, sigHandler) == SIG_ERR) std::cerr<<"Can't catch SIGINT\n"; pthread_t serverThreadId; pthread_create(&serverThreadId, nullptr, ServerThreads::startServer, nullptr); const char* apnRsaFile = ini.GetValue("apn", "pem", APN_DEFAULT_RSA_FILE); APNClient::DefaultClient.host = ini.GetValue("apn", "host", APN_DEFAULT_HOST); APNClient::DefaultClient.port = atoi(ini.GetValue("apn", "port", stringize(APN_DEFAULT_PORT))); APNClient::DefaultClient.rsa = rsaFromFile(apnRsaFile, true); REPL::cleanupFn = cleanup; REPL::password = passwd; pthread_t replThreadId; pthread_create(&replThreadId, nullptr, REPL::startLoop, nullptr); pthread_t btThreadId; pthread_create(&btThreadId, nullptr, BluetoothThread::startLoop, nullptr); CameraLoop::loop(dev, width, height, gui, wait); return 1; }