    // Removes blocks that are not marked from the graph.  For blocks
    // that *are* marked, clears the mark and adjusts the id to its
    // new value.  Also adds blocks that are immediately reachable
    // from an unmarked block to the frontier.

    size_t id = marked_;
    for (PostorderIterator iter(graph_.poBegin()); iter != graph_.poEnd();) {
        if (mir_->shouldCancel("Eliminate Unreachable Code"))
            return false;

        MBasicBlock *block = *iter;

        // Unconditionally clear the dominators.  It's somewhat complex to
        // adjust the values and relatively fast to just recompute.

        if (block->isMarked()) {
            for (MPhiIterator iter(block->phisBegin()); iter != block->phisEnd(); iter++)
            for (MInstructionIterator iter(block->begin()); iter != block->end(); iter++)
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0, c = block->numSuccessors(); i < c; i++) {
                MBasicBlock *succ = block->getSuccessor(i);
                if (succ->isMarked()) {
                    // succ is on the frontier of blocks to be removed:

                    if (!redundantPhis_) {
                        for (MPhiIterator iter(succ->phisBegin()); iter != succ->phisEnd(); iter++) {
                            if (iter->operandIfRedundant()) {
                                redundantPhis_ = true;


    JS_ASSERT(id == 0);

    return true;
Example #2
ion::AssertExtendedGraphCoherency(MIRGraph &graph)
    // Checks the basic GraphCoherency but also other conditions that
    // do not hold immediately (such as the fact that critical edges
    // are split)

#ifdef DEBUG

    uint32_t idx = 0;
    for (MBasicBlockIterator block(graph.begin()); block != graph.end(); block++) {
        JS_ASSERT(block->id() == idx++);

        // No critical edges:
        if (block->numSuccessors() > 1)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numSuccessors(); i++)
                JS_ASSERT(block->getSuccessor(i)->numPredecessors() == 1);

        if (block->isLoopHeader()) {
            JS_ASSERT(block->numPredecessors() == 2);
            MBasicBlock *backedge = block->getPredecessor(1);
            JS_ASSERT(backedge->id() >= block->id());
            JS_ASSERT(backedge->numSuccessors() == 1);
            JS_ASSERT(backedge->getSuccessor(0) == *block);

        if (!block->phisEmpty()) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numPredecessors(); i++) {
                MBasicBlock *pred = block->getPredecessor(i);
                JS_ASSERT(pred->successorWithPhis() == *block);
                JS_ASSERT(pred->positionInPhiSuccessor() == i);

        uint32_t successorWithPhis = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numSuccessors(); i++)
            if (!block->getSuccessor(i)->phisEmpty())

        JS_ASSERT(successorWithPhis <= 1);
        JS_ASSERT_IF(successorWithPhis, block->successorWithPhis() != NULL);

        // I'd like to assert this, but it's not necc. true.  Sometimes we set this
        // flag to non-NULL just because a successor has multiple preds, even if it
        // does not actually have any phis.
        // JS_ASSERT_IF(!successorWithPhis, block->successorWithPhis() == NULL);
ion::BuildPhiReverseMapping(MIRGraph &graph)
    // Build a mapping such that given a basic block, whose successor has one or
    // more phis, we can find our specific input to that phi. To make this fast
    // mapping work we rely on a specific property of our structured control
    // flow graph: For a block with phis, its predecessors each have only one
    // successor with phis. Consider each case:
    //   * Blocks with less than two predecessors cannot have phis.
    //   * Breaks. A break always has exactly one successor, and the break
    //             catch block has exactly one predecessor for each break, as
    //             well as a final predecessor for the actual loop exit.
    //   * Continues. A continue always has exactly one successor, and the
    //             continue catch block has exactly one predecessor for each
    //             continue, as well as a final predecessor for the actual
    //             loop continuation. The continue itself has exactly one
    //             successor.
    //   * An if. Each branch as exactly one predecessor.
    //   * A switch. Each branch has exactly one predecessor.
    //   * Loop tail. A new block is always created for the exit, and if a
    //             break statement is present, the exit block will forward
    //             directly to the break block.
    for (MBasicBlockIterator block(graph.begin()); block != graph.end(); block++) {
        if (block->numPredecessors() < 2) {

        // Assert on the above.
        for (size_t j = 0; j < block->numPredecessors(); j++) {
            MBasicBlock *pred = block->getPredecessor(j);

#ifdef DEBUG
            size_t numSuccessorsWithPhis = 0;
            for (size_t k = 0; k < pred->numSuccessors(); k++) {
                MBasicBlock *successor = pred->getSuccessor(k);
                if (!successor->phisEmpty())
            JS_ASSERT(numSuccessorsWithPhis <= 1);

            pred->setSuccessorWithPhis(*block, j);

    return true;
Example #4
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "Instructions:\n");

    for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < graph.numBlocks(); blockIndex++) {
        LBlock* block = graph.getBlock(blockIndex);
        MBasicBlock* mir = block->mir();

        fprintf(stderr, "\nBlock %lu", static_cast<unsigned long>(blockIndex));
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mir->numSuccessors(); i++)
            fprintf(stderr, " [successor %u]", mir->getSuccessor(i)->id());
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numPhis(); i++) {
            LPhi* phi = block->getPhi(i);

            fprintf(stderr, "[%u,%u Phi] [def %s]",
            for (size_t j = 0; j < phi->numOperands(); j++)
                fprintf(stderr, " [use %s]", phi->getOperand(j)->toString());
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        for (LInstructionIterator iter = block->begin(); iter != block->end(); iter++) {
            LInstruction* ins = *iter;

            fprintf(stderr, "[");
            if (ins->id() != 0)
                fprintf(stderr, "%u,%u ", inputOf(ins).bits(), outputOf(ins).bits());
            fprintf(stderr, "%s]", ins->opName());

            if (ins->isMoveGroup()) {
                LMoveGroup* group = ins->toMoveGroup();
                for (int i = group->numMoves() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    // Use two printfs, as LAllocation::toString is not reentant.
                    fprintf(stderr, " [%s", group->getMove(i).from()->toString());
                    fprintf(stderr, " -> %s]", group->getMove(i).to()->toString());
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numDefs(); i++)
                fprintf(stderr, " [def %s]", ins->getDef(i)->toString());

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numTemps(); i++) {
                LDefinition* temp = ins->getTemp(i);
                if (!temp->isBogusTemp())
                    fprintf(stderr, " [temp %s]", temp->toString());

            for (LInstruction::InputIterator alloc(*ins); alloc.more(); {
                if (!alloc->isBogus())
                    fprintf(stderr, " [use %s]", alloc->toString());

            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif // DEBUG
Example #5
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "Register Allocation Integrity State:\n");

    for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < graph.numBlocks(); blockIndex++) {
        LBlock* block = graph.getBlock(blockIndex);
        MBasicBlock* mir = block->mir();

        fprintf(stderr, "\nBlock %lu", static_cast<unsigned long>(blockIndex));
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mir->numSuccessors(); i++)
            fprintf(stderr, " [successor %u]", mir->getSuccessor(i)->id());
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numPhis(); i++) {
            const InstructionInfo& info = blocks[blockIndex].phis[i];
            LPhi* phi = block->getPhi(i);
            CodePosition input(block->getPhi(0)->id(), CodePosition::INPUT);
            CodePosition output(block->getPhi(block->numPhis() - 1)->id(), CodePosition::OUTPUT);

            fprintf(stderr, "[%u,%u Phi] [def %s] ",
            for (size_t j = 0; j < phi->numOperands(); j++)
                fprintf(stderr, " [use %s]", info.inputs[j].toString());
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        for (LInstructionIterator iter = block->begin(); iter != block->end(); iter++) {
            LInstruction* ins = *iter;
            const InstructionInfo& info = instructions[ins->id()];

            CodePosition input(ins->id(), CodePosition::INPUT);
            CodePosition output(ins->id(), CodePosition::OUTPUT);

            fprintf(stderr, "[");
            if (input != CodePosition::MIN)
                fprintf(stderr, "%u,%u ", input.bits(), output.bits());
            fprintf(stderr, "%s]", ins->opName());

            if (ins->isMoveGroup()) {
                LMoveGroup* group = ins->toMoveGroup();
                for (int i = group->numMoves() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    // Use two printfs, as LAllocation::toString is not reentrant.
                    fprintf(stderr, " [%s", group->getMove(i).from()->toString());
                    fprintf(stderr, " -> %s]", group->getMove(i).to()->toString());
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numDefs(); i++)
                fprintf(stderr, " [def %s]", ins->getDef(i)->toString());

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numTemps(); i++) {
                LDefinition* temp = ins->getTemp(i);
                if (!temp->isBogusTemp())
                    fprintf(stderr, " [temp v%u %s]", info.temps[i].virtualRegister(),

            size_t index = 0;
            for (LInstruction::InputIterator alloc(*ins); alloc.more(); {
                fprintf(stderr, " [use %s", info.inputs[index++].toString());
                if (!alloc->isConstant())
                    fprintf(stderr, " %s", alloc->toString());
                fprintf(stderr, "]");

            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    // Print discovered allocations at the ends of blocks, in the order they
    // were discovered.

    Vector<IntegrityItem, 20, SystemAllocPolicy> seenOrdered;
    seenOrdered.appendN(IntegrityItem(), seen.count());

    for (IntegrityItemSet::Enum iter(seen); !iter.empty(); iter.popFront()) {
        IntegrityItem item = iter.front();
        seenOrdered[item.index] = item;

    if (!seenOrdered.empty()) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Intermediate Allocations:\n");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < seenOrdered.length(); i++) {
            IntegrityItem item = seenOrdered[i];
            fprintf(stderr, "  block %u reg v%u alloc %s\n",
                   item.block->mir()->id(), item.vreg, item.alloc.toString());

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// OSR fixups serve the purpose of representing the non-OSR entry into a loop
// when the only real entry is an OSR entry into the middle. However, if the
// entry into the middle is subsequently folded away, the loop may actually
// have become unreachable. Mark-and-sweep all blocks to remove all such code.
bool ValueNumberer::cleanupOSRFixups()
    // Mark.
    Vector<MBasicBlock*, 0, JitAllocPolicy> worklist(graph_.alloc());
    unsigned numMarked = 2;
    if (!worklist.append(graph_.entryBlock()) || !worklist.append(graph_.osrBlock()))
        return false;
    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        MBasicBlock* block = worklist.popCopy();
        for (size_t i = 0, e = block->numSuccessors(); i != e; ++i) {
            MBasicBlock* succ = block->getSuccessor(i);
            if (!succ->isMarked()) {
                if (!worklist.append(succ))
                    return false;
            } else if (succ->isLoopHeader() &&
                       succ->loopPredecessor() == block &&
                       succ->numPredecessors() == 3)
                // Unmark fixup blocks if the loop predecessor is marked after
                // the loop header.

        // OSR fixup blocks are needed if and only if the loop header is
        // reachable from its backedge (via the OSR block) and not from its
        // original loop predecessor.
        // Thus OSR fixup blocks are removed if the loop header is not
        // reachable, or if the loop header is reachable from both its backedge
        // and its original loop predecessor.
        if (block->isLoopHeader()) {
            MBasicBlock* maybeFixupBlock = nullptr;
            if (block->numPredecessors() == 2) {
                maybeFixupBlock = block->getPredecessor(0);
            } else {
                MOZ_ASSERT(block->numPredecessors() == 3);
                if (!block->loopPredecessor()->isMarked())
                    maybeFixupBlock = block->getPredecessor(1);

            if (maybeFixupBlock &&
                !maybeFixupBlock->isMarked() &&
                maybeFixupBlock->numPredecessors() == 0)
                MOZ_ASSERT(maybeFixupBlock->numSuccessors() == 1,
                           "OSR fixup block should have exactly one successor");
                MOZ_ASSERT(maybeFixupBlock != graph_.entryBlock(),
                           "OSR fixup block shouldn't be the entry block");
                MOZ_ASSERT(maybeFixupBlock != graph_.osrBlock(),
                           "OSR fixup block shouldn't be the OSR entry block");

    // And sweep.
    return RemoveUnmarkedBlocks(mir_, graph_, numMarked);
Example #7
MIRGraph::removeSuccessorBlocks(MBasicBlock* start)
    if (!start->hasLastIns())
        return true;


    // Mark all successors.
    Vector<MBasicBlock*, 4, SystemAllocPolicy> blocks;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < start->numSuccessors(); i++) {
        if (start->getSuccessor(i)->isMarked())
        if (!blocks.append(start->getSuccessor(i)))
            return false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.length(); i++) {
        MBasicBlock* block = blocks[i];
        if (!block->hasLastIns())

        for (size_t j = 0; j < block->numSuccessors(); j++) {
            if (block->getSuccessor(j)->isMarked())
            if (!blocks.append(block->getSuccessor(j)))
                return false;

    if (osrBlock()) {
        if (osrBlock()->getSuccessor(0)->isMarked())

    // Remove blocks.
    // If they don't have any predecessor
    for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.length(); i++) {
        MBasicBlock* block = blocks[i];
        bool allMarked = true;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numPredecessors(); i++) {
            if (block->getPredecessor(i)->isMarked())
            allMarked = false;
        if (allMarked) {
        } else {
            MOZ_ASSERT(block != osrBlock());
            for (size_t j = 0; j < block->numPredecessors(); ) {
                if (!block->getPredecessor(j)->isMarked()) {
            // This shouldn't have any instructions yet.
            MOZ_ASSERT(block->begin() == block->end());

    if (osrBlock()) {
        if (osrBlock()->getSuccessor(0)->isDead())

    for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.length(); i++)

    return true;
    BlockList worklist, optimizableBlocks;

    // Process everything reachable from the start block, ignoring any
    // OSR block.
    if (!enqueue(graph_.entryBlock(), worklist))
        return false;
    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        if (mir_->shouldCancel("Eliminate Unreachable Code"))
            return false;

        MBasicBlock *block = worklist.popCopy();

        // If this block is a test on a constant operand, only enqueue
        // the relevant successor. Also, remember the block for later.
        if (MBasicBlock *succ = optimizableSuccessor(block)) {
            if (!optimizableBlocks.append(block))
                return false;
            if (!enqueue(succ, worklist))
                return false;
        } else {
            // Otherwise just visit all successors.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numSuccessors(); i++) {
                MBasicBlock *succ = block->getSuccessor(i);
                if (!enqueue(succ, worklist))
                    return false;

    // Now, if there is an OSR block, check that all of its successors
    // were reachable (bug 880377). If not, we are in danger of
    // creating a CFG with two disjoint parts, so simply mark all
    // blocks as reachable. This generally occurs when the TI info for
    // stack types is incorrect or incomplete, due to operations that
    // have not yet executed in baseline.
    if (graph_.osrBlock()) {
        MBasicBlock *osrBlock = graph_.osrBlock();
        if (!enqueue(osrBlock, worklist))
            return false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < osrBlock->numSuccessors(); i++) {
            if (!osrBlock->getSuccessor(i)->isMarked()) {
                // OSR block has an otherwise unreachable successor, abort.
                for (MBasicBlockIterator iter(graph_.begin()); iter != graph_.end(); iter++)
                marked_ = graph_.numBlocks();
                return true;

    // Now that we know we will not abort due to OSR, go back and
    // transform any tests on constant operands into gotos.
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < optimizableBlocks.length(); i++) {
        MBasicBlock *block = optimizableBlocks[i];
        MBasicBlock *succ = optimizableSuccessor(block);

        MGoto *gotoIns = MGoto::New(graph_.alloc(), succ);
        MBasicBlock *successorWithPhis = block->successorWithPhis();
        if (successorWithPhis && successorWithPhis != succ)
            block->setSuccessorWithPhis(nullptr, 0);

    return true;
    // Removes blocks that are not marked from the graph.  For blocks
    // that *are* marked, clears the mark and adjusts the id to its
    // new value.  Also adds blocks that are immediately reachable
    // from an unmarked block to the frontier.

    size_t id = marked_;
    for (PostorderIterator iter(graph_.poBegin()); iter != graph_.poEnd();) {
        if (mir_->shouldCancel("Eliminate Unreachable Code"))
            return false;

        MBasicBlock *block = *iter;

        // Unconditionally clear the dominators.  It's somewhat complex to
        // adjust the values and relatively fast to just recompute.

        if (block->isMarked()) {
            for (MPhiIterator iter(block->phisBegin()); iter != block->phisEnd(); iter++)
            for (MInstructionIterator iter(block->begin()); iter != block->end(); iter++)
        } else {
            if (block->numPredecessors() > 1) {
                // If this block had phis, then any reachable
                // predecessors need to have the successorWithPhis
                // flag cleared.
                for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numPredecessors(); i++)
                    block->getPredecessor(i)->setSuccessorWithPhis(nullptr, 0);

            if (block->isLoopBackedge()) {
                // NB. We have to update the loop header if we
                // eliminate the backedge. At first I thought this
                // check would be insufficient, because it would be
                // possible to have code like this:
                //    while (true) {
                //       ...;
                //       if (1 == 1) break;
                //    }
                // in which the backedge is removed as part of
                // rewriting the condition, but no actual blocks are
                // removed.  However, in all such cases, the backedge
                // would be a critical edge and hence the critical
                // edge block is being removed.

            for (size_t i = 0, c = block->numSuccessors(); i < c; i++) {
                MBasicBlock *succ = block->getSuccessor(i);
                if (succ->isMarked()) {
                    // succ is on the frontier of blocks to be removed:

                    if (!redundantPhis_) {
                        for (MPhiIterator iter(succ->phisBegin()); iter != succ->phisEnd(); iter++) {
                            if (iter->operandIfRedundant()) {
                                redundantPhis_ = true;

            // When we remove a call, we can't leave the corresponding MPassArg
            // in the graph. Since lowering will fail. Replace it with the
            // argument for the exceptional case when it is kept alive in a
            // ResumePoint. DCE will remove the unused MPassArg instruction.
            for (MInstructionIterator iter(block->begin()); iter != block->end(); iter++) {
                if (iter->isCall()) {
                    MCall *call = iter->toCall();
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < call->numStackArgs(); i++) {
                        MPassArg *arg = call->getArg(i)->toPassArg();


    JS_ASSERT(id == 0);

    return true;